Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 09, 1910, Image 8

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    Page 5 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE PA. Thursday, June 9th, 1910,
| ] i
Repapered and Reopened. UNIONVILLE, | MARTHA
During the past two weeks the M Mr. and Mrs. Abednego Williams
. We have had a great deal of wet weath
Oriespon en ay 12. church has been thoroughly clean attended the Berger-Hopkins wedding | er for the past week or so, also very cool
ed up, repapered and partly recarpeted at Howard last we k; Hkewise ' b f Lit
at a cost of one hundred and fifty dol~ | Rev. James A. Pratt the 2a it does ho get warmer soon it will be |
Department lars. Seventy dollars of this was con Mrs, Andrew Hall, who lives up Dix hard on the corn crop : |
tributed by the ladies ald society, leav- | Run, says the cut worms are so nu. Owing to the steady rain on last Sup herr OSSO Im a e
Continued ing eighty dollars to be ralsed when merous and voracious that they are day, the Methodist Sunday sohool did
the congregation assembled last Sal not satisfied with cutting off corn and
bath morning to formally reopen the cabbage, but they . actually cut off | ing, but have announced it for this, Sat
HOWARD house for service District uperin young peach trees urday, evening June the 11th providing Continued
not hold their exercises on Sunday ever
| tendent B. I, Conner preached a tell Billy, the miller,—1 mean Billy Solt | no other arrangements are made
Try to have kindly thoughts of ing sermon, and then stated the finan In raising a large flat stone on its The Baptist Sunday school will bol}
people and the kind words will clnl casi Ked for subscriptions. | edge " «
peed } discovered five large snakes cud- their children services Sunday ev ning
take care of themselves In less than ten minutes one hundred dled up In a mass—but Bill made te the 12th { ne ee O er.
and six Hn had been ibheertbed, them squirm Hilly Ala : A \ fas Yuta ollie od
In Our Churches Next Sabbath fifty of which was paid dow: a anh}: TE " Th J | y W : ant b He Ie V ctor i. WNW igner, of uionville, now |
Methodist Episcopal—Pustor R. 8S. | and the @ congregation wore b hed of BUA fi dh lin Williamsport, ¢ ng Dick
Taylor will preach at Beech Creek peaceful smile over & ROUND , ‘A wits R vy ro gnay | DCMIDATY, prepaii f | minis
10:30 A, M ter's i 2:3 thelr finances The 11 \ He was Ne 3 Anam] mand spent Sunday wi Wilber Wag:
F. M. and In Ww «ad i { Creek is undergoing ' 2 srt of ‘at the ind quai } O " ne hel He gave an X( , ik 1o tl Meth
United Evang | » renovation. though on a larice cide in this place on last Sat ; v the | 0dist church on Su y
Rhoades will Le | ALY { outing omething over five District 8 " : ' . 5 Emanusl Noll. eff .q or en
costing nething \ \ strict 8 ntendent } one manual No h 7) page 1 g
0:30 A. M. an N sonville dollars e<half of which is Irendy We wish iod-speed in u ON ter of Bellefonte, w nin o n $3.98
«30 2 M . in han wand the reopening her vill | ¢ yrofessio Victor on Monday ning At WwW. }
Reformed-—Pastor BE. | vill | take before very long ‘his will ' ry to
note the 0 Williams are |
Ms make four, of tl five churcl nn is of our good friend Robe bee business
ing reek al 0 | prising the charge, Kennedy nter ge, who has been oh his ba o oF of thet 4 iperior gual il All cu a full wi " 5
nO ne In Sowa Run, Howard and Beech Creek, w severn no i. We believe hig a ; The ly wedded couple i’ dig BER YOUR oe BY 3.98
the evening have been renovated at considerabl ’ ating} 01 In ( i i |
stinn CC) ped ils \ | cost withir thie Hitt more than Vi MIArg 14 i a LIN 9 De VIDE Any : ol y rom " » ww
terson will preac! ] ' © evy vears of the incumbenoy ns t . matis i y la y » days at bh ny tal homie here " $19.50
ing. 8. Taylor; Curtin's being \ y Brood | get imd the hon and thei y { Our cemed LL A NY
A Campaign Relic. condition that renewals v \ ! n on is nly a sad o This 1am ; N n with James
An Interesting re inde of the . needed A very good showing for i ; ave Hs ast ) 1 rn
test between the Poll las ar he tor and people
Frelinghuysen for 1544, Children’s Day.
found Ir ] " « d f Howard Service at the Christin: el Ma loubl aad. : . many tnendas | $15.00
towns) recentl and suggests that Sabbath evening
the campaig
algn day Aare {orosting than usu Il the little ; od notion. ta cla PLEASANT GAP :
not greatly dissimil; some respects | one were well up ir ris : & oth dail, i ting pleasant family reunion was held Women's Lingerie Waists
from } se of ct { VOArs AO It performed them “ : . nut home
is in med I rm, very slightly | 2.4 aa The credit wr thel y and) . ! iB, + | Pleasant Gap
arger in circumference hough much na management is du " he, Wd ‘ ‘ members
thicker than i ! -live cen I ‘ook Mrs. Marius Miner nd : : ' a resent
of the ; \ { Misses M. H. Luca nd I Ee MS Mine ll w a ive chil
ered : stil r ivel bright ong
tached t ar wo small rings
whic was Ire tbl suspended
I too, are
likeness of
the re | 3O4 ! SL ‘were well kno Mutlly, | 1 tra 2 for P adel via not Seve: . yt ore ” present and Yard Wide Black Taffeta Silk
Free Transportation for War Veterans
iy OF Yas tH Our 98c Special Parasol.
CLINTONDALE Specials in Ladies’ Muslin Underwear
A Great 98c. Sale of Muslin Underwear
Ratz & Co.
y rs “ms ot ntertainmer nd Mn there { she would » and ana)
n Dietz " Mim , Msn? a i look There are some peaches to 1
ne of Hel rh ert . « | Bho nade a hon all : found there In full bloom
copper cent Hard sy Hogart!
through the !
Make a proper
comparison on
our goods side
by side with ot-
hers; Quality,
Valueand price
in the balance.
Not pricealone
or quality a-
lone, but both
Isn't it worth
your while to
a) [¥POrL. Ing (or & short (ime with hia family, | Brace Houts went from here Thu give thought
by. 0 arya no Newt sary Monaghan wife chink ha and time to
eports th the Hing of ani vi Tuesday morning \ : , y }
1h le ‘ i i i n the limits £. MeEntire was a 14 % one tha Bobide : y S C a C J Ne
sf the bor and the 1 Saturday Duy oh "RY |
secretary was structed notify ©O - wh th “i er
- Arrri he : . Prackics RUNVILLE. " eral weoka : writing I» ison before
The dog ¢ Hive 0 regulations : much ovetter
which received considerable attention Wr Gray Ardry and children, of Peter Shuey returned home on Bat you bu our
at the last regular meeting ware twice {loverdale wh Vieng —_ armars urday mort ing
y b i ’ N Lf. 5 1. 1"
called up by thd chair, but no action parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Walka here has lots of rain fallen during
was taken Special committee to se Sra Arg Lucas and children, of | the week and we have had a few summer needs
turned to thelr home on A
ure the services of a borough counsel returned to their home o warm dys, which has helped the crops
“ : = Saturday morning 10 BETOW
for, reported that N. B. Bpangler, Esq. Willlam Watson, of Tyrone, spent ou n SO
nad been employed the report was
Sunday with his wife and little sor
ddopted and the committe discharged ra time at Y do ell. Of or alr A COBURK.
The ordinance prohibiting the use of bv pat . goodly number of our Sunday E d t
fireworks In the borough was sus. ®"tival by the Ofibuay Tribe No. 498 | yohool workers attended the district ver y nee a
pended for twenty-three hours | LO RM, of Mileshurg. The Red | convention at Anronsburg Tuesday
Men will hold a festival at Yarnell . . ould © y Bow Oo i
between twelve o'cloc) midnight, of July: B Refreshments of all kinds but there should have been and could any pr Ce, cCOon-
Sunday, July 3. and eleven o'clock In have been more our people there
Anybody desiring to enjoy a good time
v ) of Mon y if It were not for lack of interest In
Ne oananing of Mohdny, July db Pili should not fall to be there The old the best school established for chil S S en Ww €-
secretary's for perv en and supplies Indian chief and his warriors will be dren and adults
hl : on the ground, an he fir ! \ y - rr bl
for $7.80, were read, approved and or- in Rented op . Ay W Don't ny n Baturday being Levi Bpigelmyer's pen a e wear.
Aere al . birthday anniversary, he received a
fered pald Children's Day services will
be ob« | large shower of post cards from his
Little Harold Mayes was playing | served in the UU! B church on Sunday, | friends here and a i
near his father and some men whe | June 26
On Monday evening nearly all our |
were cleaning marble work with nitric Don't forget the two festivals at | young folks gathered at the home of Cl
aeld, a bottle of which tightly corked, | the school house, July 1 and 2 Mr and Mra. Roller in honor of thelr | SIM The othier
was lying nearby. In his play he roll- |  Opyis Lucas one of our bright youn® | gauehter. Ellen's. 10th birthday
od over the hottie, the cork was slightly | men expects to take up the agency for The scholars of the U, EB. Sunday The Home of America's Best Clothes
loosened and some of the biting stuff the cream separators in the near fu- school are busily engaged In rehoars
touched his trousers, burned holes | ture ¢ in at present taking lessons "
through them and scorched his leg | from yp A Ada am a the BE Ing soit ahd racitations for thelr ili |
rather severely Under Dr. Kurt's valley, i te H Sunday evening at 7:30 ov. ]
eare he Is running about again, i He bareful, Mills, It Is the cook that erybody is Invited to attend these sor. ;
Miss Minnie Robb, who has been en- | he Is after, vices
joying a visit with her sisters In Pitta! We have a “road” In our village i
burg, returned last Tuesday, bringing | whoge mame should he changed to | Replanting Corn, i
her bright little nephew, Harold “Lover's Lane” owing to 80 many peo- Many farmers in on Creek vals |
Whippo. with her, {ple ealling themselves ladies and gen. ley find It necessary to replant much |
Chester A. Moore represented Lick | tlemen coming here to spoon on Bun of thelr corn, due largely to the falls
Run Lodge of 1. O. O, F. In the re- day afternoons. If you have no re- ure of the seed to grow, while In some |
cent meeting of the Grand Lodge In #poct for yourselves have for other canes the cut worms have made it neo |
Williamsport. | people. | ennary.