Page 5 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE PA. Thursday, June 9th, 1910, | ] i Repapered and Reopened. UNIONVILLE, | MARTHA During the past two weeks the M Mr. and Mrs. Abednego Williams . We have had a great deal of wet weath Oriespon en ay 12. church has been thoroughly clean attended the Berger-Hopkins wedding | er for the past week or so, also very cool ed up, repapered and partly recarpeted at Howard last we k; Hkewise ' b f Lit at a cost of one hundred and fifty dol~ | Rev. James A. Pratt the 2a it does ho get warmer soon it will be | Department lars. Seventy dollars of this was con Mrs, Andrew Hall, who lives up Dix hard on the corn crop : | tributed by the ladies ald society, leav- | Run, says the cut worms are so nu. Owing to the steady rain on last Sup herr OSSO Im a e Continued ing eighty dollars to be ralsed when merous and voracious that they are day, the Methodist Sunday sohool did the congregation assembled last Sal not satisfied with cutting off corn and bath morning to formally reopen the cabbage, but they . actually cut off | ing, but have announced it for this, Sat HOWARD house for service District uperin young peach trees urday, evening June the 11th providing Continued not hold their exercises on Sunday ever | tendent B. I, Conner preached a tell Billy, the miller,—1 mean Billy Solt | no other arrangements are made Try to have kindly thoughts of ing sermon, and then stated the finan In raising a large flat stone on its The Baptist Sunday school will bol} people and the kind words will clnl casi Ked for subscriptions. | edge " « peed } discovered five large snakes cud- their children services Sunday ev ning take care of themselves In less than ten minutes one hundred dled up In a mass—but Bill made te the 12th { ne ee O er. and six Hn had been ibheertbed, them squirm Hilly Ala : A \ fas Yuta ollie od In Our Churches Next Sabbath fifty of which was paid dow: a anh}: TE " Th J | y W : ant b He Ie V ctor i. WNW igner, of uionville, now | Methodist Episcopal—Pustor R. 8S. | and the @ congregation wore b hed of BUA fi dh lin Williamsport, ¢ ng Dick Taylor will preach at Beech Creek peaceful smile over & ROUND , ‘A wits R vy ro gnay | DCMIDATY, prepaii f | minis 10:30 A, M ter's i 2:3 thelr finances The 11 \ He was Ne 3 Anam] mand spent Sunday wi Wilber Wag: F. M. and In Ww «ad i { Creek is undergoing ' 2 srt of ‘at the ind quai } O " ne hel He gave an X( , ik 1o tl Meth United Evang | » renovation. though on a larice cide in this place on last Sat ; v the | 0dist church on Su y Rhoades will Le | ALY { outing omething over five District 8 " : ' . 5 Emanusl Noll. eff .q or en costing nething \ \ strict 8 ntendent } one manual No h 7) page 1 g 0:30 A. M. an N sonville dollars e