Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 31, 1900, Image 7

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ipsburg, who is traveling fOr Platt, Bar.
ber & Co. of Philipsburg, was in town |
one night, so you see oar town is quite a
* What Our Army of Alert Correspondents
See and Observe Worthy of Note
Ihe Local Happenings of Every
Report suys we are to have three wed-
| dings in the near future, we will tell you
The News Gathered From Various
wore about them later on,
Mrs. David Way, of Altoona, who lost
her husband and little boy with diph-
theria a short time ago, accompanied
by her little daughter are spending some
time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Mary C. Thompson has gone to
Liverpool, Perry Co., to attend the
Thompson reunion, which is held at Dr.
J. F. Thompson's this year
1. Silvas is again working near home
and drives back and forward to and
from his work
Mrs, C. M. and M |
Spring Mills.
The eclipse last Monday was watched
by many,
Everything is suffering for the want of
A man with a swelled head does not
usually sufter as much as those who are
compelled to associate with him,
Peter Neese, the old-time Democrat,
spent the past several months with his
daughter, in Huntingdon Co., but came
back to give us a lift at the caucus,
Lowell Smith home
Thursday from the Jefferson Hospital,
where he had been for
treatment for a blood t
or no relief,
two months, for
are opposed
8, until they
A Familiar Emblem That Usually
Hangs Over the Door of the
Shoemaker's Shop,
The sign of the boot seen hanging out
in front of the shoemaker's shop may
be made of wood or zine or of copper.
Of these three the wooden boot is the
cheapest, the copper the dearest, Buch
ays the New York Sun, have
also of chalk and of iron.
are made in two or three
124 and of other glzes to or-
It is Always
‘he Memorial services, held in the ! spent Friday with their fniex Di erent
hu he past \ 1 re ell | 1psburg
church the past Sunday, were Ww psburg sees
Wharton, pastor
which was a y
Albert Bechdel, who v
a mattress factory at Pittsh
ear, came home a few
his writing and is shaki
i many friends
P. Hox kn
dinner with
low, as there are §
Ne have abo
’ - »
po cette -
But the Self-Possessed Hostess Was
Fqual to the Ocoene
We Bunch the Entire Lot--
Price Them to You at $7.50.
to investi-
rs in town the past ! : e at ia tet i : "or '
. : § RP BAP
k si Rika aick made a tH to Tor rum, have returned from a two wi tind it always differ-
ke ’ Shore to see her | B i .
" w bo is serious
was about 45
eft a husband
being treated in
ent here. Prices lower, goods better,
Herman Viehd ba { And has gone into the grocer : wed
visited friends } . a assortment larg
rs Crownover has been suffers L »
ne was bur | from a black eve which he idents Walker.
tone evening ast week
than others
tal atthe time o
DOES THIS STRIK} There was preaching in ub met at
h on Sunday after: je 1 "
M. L. Smyser 24 ” } WAS organi
Wanted : «A painter to ollowing are the mewiher
Near 11
» : ATK 4]
Kar i in 18¢ Hear Liked Sugar
‘ / filson, of Farrandsville ; Erma Ertley
painting Api ’ Main | or Winber: Gertrude Ertley Mollie
Yearick, Rosa and Gertrude Kling. They
were perved with a sumptions dinner,
cream and cake, and favored with
elegant musi They adjourned to meet
at the home of Gertrude Ertley the fo
wing year
“ Frank Viebdorfer made a tri;
Stormstown. fonte, on Saturday
riffin, wife and family, who have n I prevental
L. An sot)
been spending a few days with Joe's Mak ia w hy ’h
parents, returned to their home in Ty. | Shlloh's Cough and {
roue, Sunday on positive guarantee for oy
rumrine Bros, Hellet )
Maud Griffin, who has been on the sick On account of the Repub
4 mvention at I
§ <n dora OA 4 ies Oak Hall. Gea
' te glad to see that she is nusylrania
able to be oul again. Hope she will soon rll excursion
be in her usual health Margaret Moore, of Sta y ron a
~ fing t) . . Aun y / J ”,
Mrs. Emory McAfee, who has heen BOING Lis week with Mis fare for [he roun
Excursion Te Philadelphia
uring the winter, is much better
stations on its line af
frip (minimum rate so |
quite poorly for some time, is feeling cents
some better, although still confined to } FE ety htt
d. Sunday with his parents, in plac p Rite rand nchente + ‘
Our supervisor has been having two Mary Peters, who has been staying at G. A. R. Encampment | on ali 4 ¥ thas y
stone quarries in operation and six teams | Shingletown for the past two weeks, re | ; \ . 4
5 OF 3 ' ey . . i A ’ : roy :
hauling crushed stone. Halfmoon town. | turned home on Friday For the G. A. R Encampment, De ‘ ]
vat +t ’ t Get ’ ane 29. t \ ni nn iY ie any ner '
ship knows how to make good roads, and Charles Sellers, of Downs, Kans. is pu ‘ment, at R iy ig June ) he 4 - - il Dh J
ennsyivan LRLTOAC JNPAnY wi
we have them too. visiting friends in town, A ars a ps 4
We have not | P. W. Burket a sell excursion tickets at rate of one fare
i { | y 4 11 »
b gl urkei driving | Mr. and Mrs, Adam Wagner, of Belle- | jor the round trip. Tickets good going |
around in a bran new buggy, and it is a | fonte, took supper with their son Harry,
very nice one, on Sund vou ln STATR OF Oo, Cry or TOLEDO, |
A t H ’ ] ‘ 1" wii '% Lvoant LEB \ " any, : avg con
Jacob iCKS is 2 50 sporting a new William Fry transacted business in FRANK J. Cunxey makes oath that he is the | ond vear
buggy, one of Il. M. Krebs’ make, from | Bellefonte on Saturday. "
senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cuexey &
Pine Grove, Co. doling business in the City of Toledo
Tickets will be sold and KO wl
Clifford Close, of Pin spent Koing June 15 to 3, faciusive. at :
her Ix farming to eX neiusive
An O14 Peerage
of Ex
de Ros, has jus lebrated |
The Largest Clothing & Gents’ Furnishing Goods Ertablishment in
Central Pennsylvania.
Brockerhoff House Block, Bellefonte, Pa.
he premier
pleted his sen
here are older peer ges util
in existence, but the barony of De Ros
Quite a number of our people attended (on al State aforesaid. and
The Junior Epworth League will hold i will pay the sum of ON K HU NDRE
an ice cream social in the town hall,
Wednesday afternoon and evening.
drummers: first Clyde Lever, J. H
Lever's son, who is traveling for a hard.
ware firm in Pittsburg, spent an hour or
two with his parents; A. C. Thom y
of Snow Shoe, who is traveling for Potter
& Hoy of Bellefonte, Spent two nights at
his old home ; J. K. Thompson, of Phil.
the Ministeriai Convention beld in the
Evangelical church at Lemont, last
| week,
Last week our town was alive with |
L. G. Peters and C, G. Dale, were to
Houserville, ov Saturday evening.
fan she lost her beauty? If so, Constipation
Indigestion, Sick Headache are the principal
causes, Karl's Clover Root Tea has cured these
Lis for hall a century, Price 25 ota. and 20 ots
Moaey refunded if results are not satisfactory
For sale by Krumrine Bros. Bellefonte, Pa, 2
| 880d hy Druggists, The
willpaythesumof ONEHUNDRED DOLLARS
for each and every ease of eatarth that eannot
be cured Dy the use of HALL sCaTannu Coan
Sworn to before me and sulseribed In my
presence, this 6th day of December, A. DD, 18%
i —- ]
wn Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure 1s taken internally and
acts directly on the blood and mucous surfnces
of the system, Send for testimonials, free
J. CHENEY & CUO. Toledo, 0,
Hall's Family Pills are the best
Wat sald Arm | is the oldest peerage of that grade, it
having been created in 1264 by Henry
{ 111.. and the present peer is the twenty
{ fourth holder of the title. That gives
an average life to each holder of over
20 years, but many of them did not sue.
'eeed to the title very early In life. The
I present peer was 47 when he snececded
| his father. The present Lord de Ros
served as equerry and Jord In waiting
to the queen and prince consort,