THE CENTRE DEMOURA 4, BD ELLEFONTE, PA., MAY 31, 1f CORRESPONDENTS | ipsburg, who is traveling fOr Platt, Bar. ber & Co. of Philipsburg, was in town | one night, so you see oar town is quite a DEPARTMENT [bois yc ~ Sections. HAPPENINGS IN CENTRE CO * What Our Army of Alert Correspondents See and Observe Worthy of Note Ihe Local Happenings of Every Community, Howard. Report suys we are to have three wed- | dings in the near future, we will tell you The News Gathered From Various wore about them later on, Mrs. David Way, of Altoona, who lost her husband and little boy with diph- theria a short time ago, accompanied by her little daughter are spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loner, Mrs. Mary C. Thompson has gone to Liverpool, Perry Co., to attend the Thompson reunion, which is held at Dr. J. F. Thompson's this year 1. Silvas is again working near home and drives back and forward to and from his work Mrs, C. M. and M | Thom | Spring Mills. The eclipse last Monday was watched by many, Everything is suffering for the want of rain, A man with a swelled head does not usually sufter as much as those who are compelled to associate with him, Peter Neese, the old-time Democrat, spent the past several months with his daughter, in Huntingdon Co., but came back to give us a lift at the caucus, Lowell Smith home Thursday from the Jefferson Hospital, where he had been for treatment for a blood t or no relief, returned two months, for Monopolie are opposed 8, until they THE SIGN OF THE BOOT. A Familiar Emblem That Usually Hangs Over the Door of the Shoemaker's Shop, The sign of the boot seen hanging out in front of the shoemaker's shop may be made of wood or zine or of copper. Of these three the wooden boot is the cheapest, the copper the dearest, Buch ays the New York Sun, have also of chalk and of iron. are made in two or three 124 and of other glzes to or- It is Always a ‘he Memorial services, held in the ! spent Friday with their fniex Di erent hu he past \ 1 re ell | 1psburg church the past Sunday, were Ww psburg sees Wharton, pastor which was a y Albert Bechdel, who v a mattress factory at Pittsh ear, came home a few his writing and is shaki i many friends P. Hox kn 3 dinner with Thursday. Dietz A HCW WIAIK low, as there are § OW! FOR INSTANCE: A TRYING MOMENT. We | r Ne have abo ’ - » po cette - . 1d--Remnants But the Self-Possessed Hostess Was Fqual to the Ocoene slon, We Bunch the Entire Lot-- Price Them to You at $7.50. Moshannon. to investi- rs in town the past ! : e at ia tet i : "or ' . : § RP BAP k si Rika aick made a tH to Tor rum, have returned from a two wi tind it always differ- ke ’ Shore to see her | B i . " w bo is serious was about 45 eft a husband being treated in ent here. Prices lower, goods better, Herman Viehd ba { And has gone into the grocer : wed visited friends } . a assortment larg rs Crownover has been suffers L » ne was bur | from a black eve which he idents Walker. tone evening ast week than others tal atthe time o DOES THIS STRIK} There was preaching in ub met at h on Sunday after: je 1 " M. L. Smyser 24 ” } WAS organi Wanted : «A painter to ollowing are the mewiher door ™ au Near 11 » : ATK 4] FL Kar i in 18¢ Hear Liked Sugar elder ’ ‘ / filson, of Farrandsville ; Erma Ertley painting Api ’ Main | or Winber: Gertrude Ertley Mollie Yearick, Rosa and Gertrude Kling. They were perved with a sumptions dinner, cream and cake, and favored with elegant musi They adjourned to meet at the home of Gertrude Ertley the fo wing year at1eet “ Frank Viebdorfer made a tri; Stormstown. fonte, on Saturday DO YOU KNOW riffin, wife and family, who have n I prevental L. An sot) been spending a few days with Joe's Mak ia w hy ’h parents, returned to their home in Ty. | Shlloh's Cough and { roue, Sunday on positive guarantee for oy rumrine Bros, Hellet ) Maud Griffin, who has been on the sick On account of the Repub 4 mvention at I §