i< hr D' nitre (tlfmortiit. ThtiraUj Horning, April 17, 1884- iiftri' ■ i on(4lnttiKfit *s•,#-Mill .<f fr am I|f j#rt f th sittiify No mfinttilfMl' t* i* t iit I **• ifrsii||>i4ol#ft lijf lh- r *1 nAHi# of tr.. - .*3 Publlnhern Notlo* All letter* of huslne**or communication* concerning thl* paper ihould be a'ldre**Hl to lh Publisher* of Til a Ctataa Dawo- CHAT and not to any Individual member of the firm. If addressed the latter way they will not l> insured a* receiving promp at tantion. Lotittl Ilepftptment. "You Bet fh# tMirly hftl rtlchtlh th* worm, Th llh#rl AtlTrtli#r th# tr#l# . Wtii'-h th u]4 fnrnltl# And •qnlrvi, T > h# IAI'I wit like th* tu th# *hd# —Crocuses are in bloom. —"Clucking" hen* aro rlfto. Nightly bloomer*—ice cream sign*. —The hod carrier ha* a hod time of It. The road* are in excellent order Jut now. —Our cburche* wero well attended on Sunday. —Garden "sa*" and "*ich ' will oon l<e in order. —The whitewash brush is a needful arti cle about thi* lime. Mr. Henry Barnhart is building a very handsome residence on hi* farm near Roland. —Sunday was a beautiful "opening day " and afforded an excellent opportuni ty to air that r ew spring suit. —B. A. Stover, the tomb -tone muti, has juH( re,, ived a splendid new asaort iu>nt f tomb and grave stones. —The attendance at tbe M K. Sunday school last Sabbath was quite large, num bering two hundred and twenty-six per son*. A n„at stone w.i .I ha* been built along the pike in front ol the M Coy propert\ which adds greatly to the appearance ol that place. —The time for the semi-annual meeting , f the ti A. U of thl* pla „ ha* been fixed for Saturday August l'>'.h, and ending Tour 1y August 21*1. Mr. Win. H. Ruble i- few located at Centre Hall, I'a , at, 1 now we suppose the horse dealing buines will be likely p> loom in that little village. —The flouring mill of T. 11 Reynolds, K.q , at thi* place, is over run with orders necessitating the running of the mill day and night to meet the demand. —There is a good opportunity for seme bmevol-nt person to exhibit ni* or her gnero*ity by preventing the M. K. | church of tbis place with a new library. —lf the Brockerhoff House' Bus is call ed tho "White Swan" and the baggage wagon tho "Green Swan," would it be im proper to call the driver the Black Swan ' —There 1* a movement on foot to ar range for a grand ball to be held in Belle fonle, in the near future, to which only married people, old maids ar,d old batch or* are to be admitted. —The g-and opening of Millinery and Fancy Good < atWiiiTKUAN * FASHION Hsiusa, No 41 II gh street, Itellefonte, will take place on Stturday. April 19tb. All are invited. —Mr. J. D. Wb teman lux* moved ber M.Binary <•'. blisbment in the room juat vifs'ol hy l> hner * gun store yesterday. The room ha hero repainted and pup. n„l and look* quite p.easMitt and cheerlul. Tn "lemon ver.dei" who turned up on our stres-t* lest Saturday did n"l fiitd B-llef.,nte a "Boi.an'.a S urbeik ha te..n selling 80 lem-n* f„r 2o ccnU f r soma time pa*', whuh rather sickens the Hawker*" whan they visit this place. —lt u*ei to tak-'a i-.nall fortune to purcoaae a tomb or grave atone, hut ilrr.ba been a gr-iit rtvoluti- ii in pticea, and they are now selling at aatoiiisningly low price i it 8. A. >toer'a marble jatd. —About 66 or 76 persona attended tbe Freahytenan mit* aociely, nt the reatdenoo of Mr*. Kdmund Biuncbard, on II gb a'reet, bw.t Friday evening. The proceeds of thr: meetings are to be used in purchasing an organ for the church. —Tba L-'wishnrg A Tyrone Railroad Co. awarded SBOO damage* to John .Sweet wood a* a recompense for the injuries *u talned to himself and the killing of hi* her** while passing fiver a crowing on that road b*twen Spring Mill* and Cobiirn, a week or two ince. —-You need have no conscientious *eru. plea about borrowing now. If he tell* you it* lent jut call him —, but perhaps wo re too fast. We don't want you to follow our advice and get into trouble. Measure your man flr*t. If he's bigger than you are don't call bfm that, but mildly iiiggrat to him that Raster I* past. He'll tumble. Meam. Jared Harper and Charlie Weakley, both well and favorably known all over tbe county, ere bsving the vacant store room In Hume*' block, next door to Wilion, McFerlen* A Co.'* bard were*tor ( put in order preparatory to opening a first , las* grocery store, and when completed will have one of th ru-wt conveniently ar , w,,,,rd More in the miuntry. They will be * red f<>r Huslnmr about May l*t. A a revtdr to l,ent. rim mimn It on the wan, Huntingdon li to have a skating rink Shad (old at 7ft cent* en, li la*t work Picnic* and excursion* will aonn take I lie place of halls anil parties. Scarf"** A Ma.ver's now delivery wagon Hltmc i quite a krout dnal of alien lloO. Tim follow Hon that flalta "ournelgh hor yard' will now takn hor usual aprl l>K dodging Itwson*. —Tho Cambria Iron Co. of Johnatown aro negotiating for a (Ito oli wk'h to erect a now Opera House. A communication from J. 8. li., of Madiaonburg, w*a received too lato for |itililii'ation thi* week. Now lot tho man atop out who " put Up that Gove pijai" and did not got''a hJack mark " We have applied for a patriot on this pun —Tho pollen forco at Huntingdon teem to have a "fat" thing of It. Thny have nothing to do, which apoaki volume* in favor of tkn poop I o of that place. —A pi ropriatn and impreaeiv* Kuster aervice* worn hold in ail tho i hurchoa at thia place laat Sabhatb, many of them lining profu-ely dee -rated with flowera. —CapitallaU from abroad are "spotting" Centre county'* oro bed a, and tho day ia not tar diatant when it will boom all over with Furnace# and Iron mill* of all kinda A novel feature in tho dining room of a hotel at Niagara Kali* i* a colossal mir ror, in which tbe Kail* are reflected intuch a manner that the gue*U may admire them while they eat. lieitler'* Dining K'iom ia fad gaining popularity. Kince opening up they have bad a very nice trade. It M convenient to tbe depot, and th-><) wishing a nice cup of Coffee, a aandwicb or a me** of ojrter*, will And thia an excellent place t<> g i to, llolidayrbnrg fl-hermen catch larg • uing* of tucker* with r-*I, ho >k and line. Denuteratw Standard. Pooh ! that notlnog. Our B>hertn< it catch tow line* full of truut an l don't think anything of not. Sucker* arc considered quit--. oiium i hero. A cow la-longing t- Mr Ch a • Kidnr, of Hunting Jon, gave birth to a calf with two hd. It ha* been |ur lni*j by \|-*-r* II ifmiti and <iri-riburg, I. • ar. ■ liiihiting it in Dm aurrouriding t iu stcaang a march n Die gr it *• man, I*. T. II Bear in mind, when \ i - ip; 'rt \ or home paper p.u n-t unit c nt trib ite to th>- intelligence of j,ur i unuiuntty at. 1 g> t the worth of your money, but \--u aresu; - porting the enterprie that both make, bu-in-'s* an<l bring* other enterprise* to your vicinity. The CENTHX D.M-> KCI co*t* you only $1 60 |e>r year. —An exchange ay a superstitious ah •criber who found a apider in a copy of hit paper write* to know if we contider it a had omen. Oh, no; [. t a bit of It. The •pider was merely 10,/kingover the column, ol the paper to aee what no r, hant was not advertising, *o that he could (pin hi* Well across the (tore door and be free fr on dts turbance. —Through accident we r.eglectcd to ac knowledge in our last issue the rereipt of The I'kdipthurg letdgtr. It i* a new candidate for public lavor and made it* first appearance on our table ia*t Thursday a week. We observe our friends.Mr •• II Martin and II C. William* are the editors' and publishers Tbe Ledger is spicy, newsy well gotten up, and display * an the rrqut sit,* to a successful enterprise We • tend our right aw. The shortest signature >n record is tha' .•f John Hole, who insists on signing bi namo "J." foil - wed by a hole punched in the paper — The Ty ne Herald —(>b, re- Mr. // i ld m, the /. -V y-i are <if II- • a ho'y t> n)rr r, we admit, but we H n b-at that by a large majority Our man's name i* t'rao Onpap'-r. He 'imply writ- tie "I" up'-n a piece of pap-r arilb,!,'- y, , on the hnlr. A strange gentleman, whose name ••• did not learn, alighted on the wrorg <l - the train on Friday evening and waked plum into the race—getting ,a complete ducking hea l over ears. It did not take him long, however, to reach terra firma and to disappear from the view of a few spectators, w* accomplished with light ning rapidity. Hi* first word* efter land ing upon dry land were, "Holy M e- ' but tbe water'* cold down here ." —The Third Annual Military Ball given in Artnory Hall on Monday evening by Co. B, w* quite creditable to that organi sation. Notwithstanding tbe seemingly high price of admission, the attendance w*s good, and also had tho effect of pre cluding tho rougher element who usually attend *uch place*. The hall wa* tastefully and appropriately decorated with flag* of evory Nation, while between each window and all around tbe wall* were artistically arranged musket*, canteen*, etc. The music stand wa* profusely decorated with American flags, and suspended from the arch in fronlof It were a number of beauti ful Japanese lantern*. The hall wa* brilliantly illuminated with four 32 candle power electric light*, in addition to proba bly forty or fifty gas jet*. The electric light bad a charming effect upon tbe ladiea wblcb led one of Itellefonte'* incorrigible old batcblor* to exclaim, "By Jove I there'* a great many handsome ladiee here to night " A (übetantlal lunch waa served at twelve, and after a short intermission the d*t)clng wa* again returned, and kept Up until about two o'clock Tuesday morning- Tbe mualn wa* excellent, and wa* lurni*b ed by th- A In phu* or hestra of this p,#*e Boooh Orcpk and ftallafontff IX B I.#t November, I'lltll| Collin*, E*q,, Htrpef Ifilfiiili'iit fur Km iik Mr I ,<iuig It 11 n, ttm l>> h written pr.ip<,nl lo thn llellefonte Hoard of Trade, Hint lit rata the fight "f way win furrilthnd by thecitiaent, liii w-ul'i litiilil a rallrmd from Bih (Jtrrll In Bidle fonte, connecting tha Hunch Crack, Clear fluid and Houlb Wentern with tha Bella lonl* and Buffalo Hun railroad, and com plete II hjr July, 18*1. Mr. Collin* after, ward' *tipplernented hi* offer by agreeing lo ((Ire una tk<>u*and dollar* toward* the right of war. In pur*uanca of thin pmp*al, citizen*of thn county übtrril<eU Inn tbou*and dollar* more. Thi* ** thought to bo ampin to pay all damage* thn right of way Would cost, l'ariio* have been working indutlri ouily to got reloa** of the right of way ftntn Beliefonte to Bench Crunk,and while many havn tbown a commendable tpirit of liberality, *o many a*k *uch rnurmou' amount* for thn right of way that thn >ie' ton rid* now, after getting thn lowont po*i bla flgure*, aggregate over thirty IKmuand dollar*, Thi* alaolutnly prevent# thn building of thn road, and thn project will bar* to bo abandoned. Thn wor*t of It i*, thn I*. K K. will not build thn l,mont branch, a* tbny worn only intending to build in na*o thn K-kding Yandcrbllt combination ramn to Hnllufontn. Wn arn tbu* going to b left without any competition in railroad mat ter*, and the dream of Bellefontn becom ing a great manufacturing place will only be rrmembered a* tbo creation of a vivid imagination. And all thi* i* dun W> a half dozen or le* of tbn wcellbi*t people of Bellefontn, who will not give or promUe a dollar. One thing i* quite certain, in the great disappointment of our people, no ihndow of blame ran attach to Mr Philip Collin* Personal. Mi** Hanbo! Mime* i* viitlng In the inker ■ it > Mr. Kdn it l*ne i* li >m# on a vi*it, e. peeling to rn n*iu ■ *• ra! week*. Mr •> i** M * k r. 'tirrual to hi* dutie* *t Warbingt ti < n Fri lay evening Mr ,1 mi # l,vtie ft „• |■ r ambu'afe-J the tr>-c<. of .ur little bur- r. Saturday. Mr. Charlie Ward triiitcd friend* and j relative* in it-1 •, >nte 'it Friday and j art ■ f Saturday Mr. laa L •, .Ir , i 1} • vi f . with rie-umatii f n-r at '.he I in* : b parent* 'in !"pnng tr"*'t Mi*i \nnie iirvt*. diigliier of . Judge * r% , ret irned li u> i-et• r •It >!, <'l,fton Spring <• New York. 5 iturd* v lat. liv. I uurie 1 1# ii liril two < rmone .n the I'renby'eri.vli church, nt thi- place, lt s,|,brill, ii.e tirat lie In* pr> >"bed ill Ih lie'.into t'u* yar. Mr J. if Bibb, of itoland, depart* d f.r Walnut. Juniata county, <n T . dy > ilnih a contrail f r painting at that place. Mr Bubb i a firt cla** jaint.r and i* !- way* bu*y. Mr. Lou'.* K Reher I* jut chuck full of chtmp* gn at pr *ent, having b *tcl right A li'le ef'TV || dy i* full • ! it. It might !>• . it a- wdl to add, he ha* heated at Champaign, Illinot*. Mr. H'fii*min srhfovrr *j ent Sun day in Beliefonte. Hi* wife who vitited among frii-n In and r* la' ,v* for tli p,*t • k departed for I r hi > in Altoona y tei< lay. Then. I-hni i* Itn* h \! I in hi* IT w quartern nn W'tt-r :->■*■'. Hi* huilding i* a in del of neitne* and perfection. Mi \1 Hauj-t. who i* -** choking ut the I' ol r II .live .it i'i ,! p*i •.irv■ arr.v. lin It. II- f. rite <rt S.viut.l > v. leaving giti "u Monday \I. i* everybody over I'm rc i fm Blaine, an I tnat the KI >n r.'.-etrict Light "break " Hie Ifruh all up. Mr W If.' ~tt, r.-( r ■ o.t •gJ ■! " ' t 6 Co,'* New-j a| r Supply II iM < ! liar rihutg, Pa., arrived in Bellefontn cn If.e j •") a. \t train < n sal irday, l< avir.g I r Ty. J rene the ame evening S ott i* quit- a favorite among the fair *• x, and rumor i #*yeth there are other attra. ti..n* ouUhl* j of h'line* that make* ihat t-.wn *urb i a delightful flopping pla. e to him. Mr Nathaniel iJougal, formerly of Md ton, but now a "rover," and reprecnting the well known grocery hou*e of Lippin cott k Trotter Co., limited, of i'hilade). pbia, made hi* regular monthly calf on our j merchant* on Friday. "Thaniei" i a rat tling good fallow, with loU of experience in butine**, having been in thn mercantile bu*ine* ever *incn he u knee high to a gra*-hopper. Of courre he *ell t piln of good* in thi* place. - The follow itig resolution uu aniniuu*ly ad opted by the Hoard of ■ School Director* of thin Horough, ut a regular meeting held Monday pvoing, april 14th: RftMvfl, Thai, in hearty appmcin tion of the nervicen rendered during the pant three year* p, die Schiarl* of Ontre county, not lev?, tn the causa of, education gcnerly, and with thedenire that jreculiar Htnein, by reneni of j character and ncholamhip, l>e reiauie*! in ao renpooaible a position a-* *ti|> rm ; lendent of tchooln, the Hoard of Directora of Hellefontn District do hereby eariuKtly endurao the work ofj I'rof, D. M. Wolfe aacounty Superin tendent in i ur a* it relate* to tjic •eliied* of ihetric*. l!rnr*iiiru lie.m Wather (>l<a ant for the ln*t few day*. Welcome In you, Spring The flitting *ea*on I* nlmut orer H uu. thing numerou* mu*i te*. ber* Mr. John Wolf I* hHving number of carpenter to renew hi* burn nod repaint it, llu will undoubtedly bare one of the nlcmt barn* in Hriirh valley, Mr*. K,mma Wolf, Mia* Ida A W..!f and Mi*a Maggie I K'earner—the Indie* who accompanied Mr*. Kinma Ilillibiib lo ber botne in Kreeburg —*ay they hail a very pl"n*anl tun, and peak tn thn high o*t term* of the uniynrial kiudnet* limy re. cnivnd at tbe band* of everybody. I pre#<im,. Clark'* hor*e I* getting famll lar with the road P> Madl*.>nburg, and no doubt wihe* the Miller" lived a little clo#er. Wo fear I,.'# borne will eventually get away with Commi**lonnr Wolf* wagon • hed, A little hay might appea** hi* apjin ttt. for board*. Oar c m * Di'raa/ usu Bfaiimr'a Mia*Taiu, lirynol'li' (tprrrt Ilmiif, SuluTtlay t. . reiny, April'2ft. —Tbo Worceatcr iMnuj ftai/y Gaulle of Sept. S, aay* ; I'upre/. an'l Bcnedinl'a New fiigantic Minnin U beaded by tbe veteran manager* Duprez and Wilkinaoo, made a parade I In* morning (topping to acre nade tbe Gaulle a* they pv**e<i. They have a fine band, aotl made an exctdlent appearance. Their en terlsi ri mrul al the theatre ll evening w%* highly rn joyed tiy a large audience and there la I ronriae of another good hou*e and an other good *bow thi* evrning. Mr. D. C. Hook a late reident of Port Matilda, bill now of Curw.-noville, wan in town Tuesday. Mr. Rock h* been in poor health for a long time and ha* not improved much *irio' living there. —The xe work*, al Boiling -j ring* are iig.i:ii in fuil operation. < j (.'*i t. r< h W C. T I" ('■ \ xriox N-vcr were the pr.-■> t • f r the Temper* H> ... i *i" brigbt.-r than th . are to- Uy The i J* are ; w white ;• r th. bar v. .t. •f, aw-'Otir.g tbe ri. k;e . f the r. a|er The , *!i h. r.n forth n'l • v< r the land f r the lal- r.-r t" i-.tth- r P.tf at w. -k, a.* I g'*f. ! j are tr • ; -j r ; v. ; a ;* •• -i. 1 v *.! •r. f • f the !at Nat: r.a M ( Thi* • .< tation ba now aoxiliari.-* li . v<-v State at 1 T> rrib-rv in t' <• I" i on, in ev.-ry cot" ' i country in tl>e •> rW, nnd . v*ti in heathen 1 - .nlft - at,' ng th. mlHionarlea and their < •r. v.-rt Th- W* <" T I I the I ni*. i Slat-• number* ncre than one h .: In 1 Cl.roUan •••> m*' . ai . a : an ..rgar /..li r ba* r.-oiv . J tin- mn< U'D and endoraem.-nt of <v<r\ rnligiou* lenominalion in the ('nite.l State* In order, therefore, un.se the Chritiian women of ntr- county in ryrkemabc tem|.erance w rk, w-call up n rch al organir.aU n and churrh c>r.gr.gat nin thi* i unty to app-int two la.lo * from their nutnl- r to attend a convention to !• he I in the town of B1 Infonle, dliurmlay, May a, 1*•*• ♦. at '.i o'clock, x m , for the purpo** f organizing a county W (' T ?' auxil iary to tbe Penny IraniaState W C T. P Me* J P iIARKta, Pr#'t . Ma* K. M Hlabcrabp, Sec Mt* C" urts'J ci i*T K >bi*on * Opera H"U-e Wa* parked (rem pit t d' ioe la*t night by an audience whrwe quality wa* ■ qualt It* quantity. Th" ehtr of tbecily fompc'lely lil.e<| parq ielte, parquette c:r cle, r.al. •r v and [' "mum Icxe* The or. a t-n **• the appearance of Mir* Jane Ow'inba. Am-.rii '* gre*t.t aitt*t,a* the heroine of Shak*pare * immortal love p.om, ' Borneo an.) J.i> t The t.lay had t.ocn pr. ii , d dori'g It" earlier jcrt-.f the week at a rival th-atre with a "Juliet" who had achieved wide fame in tbe role, an i the lnl"rit inaniie-t. ! to c> Mi*< C -oirih. in th am ba t"r # - > in ten-e '.bat hundr> l wereturne.l away from th-* d r ev>. of that va*l th. aire. T i. tc' . t;, -. i 1 f. f. !>-d I V the balcony arer,It, (be |,ure wn*, and, in (act in all the earlier - *n*i of the plav, th. rich mudral r< a ding of \li (" mli re,, b<d i t only every ear. but ■ very heart ill tbe iti.n . n-e audience. It .t it wa* wb'h tbe 'rnc<-*t pa"age* of the tracdy w re .-n that Mt*ftoomb*r •<" je, rut thcaitr.- wI, ire name* have be come iradiii • ,! am'iig plav-g.-er. Sid don*, h.-rn'.ie, Cmhman. In tbe *cene where the new* of H "me.,'* Mippxed death i* received, th" depiction of th grief and pa**t<>n "f "Juliet" i* wonderful It i* a Atting tntrivluction to that parting nccne, hie patho* none who have ever wilne**- ed Mi* fr.imb' rendition will ever for get ; the moment when the banlrhed Ro meo lake* hi* lat leave of hia new-made bride. The agony whKh ha* been infu*ed into the word "benDhad" until It *end a thrill of avmpathy with tbe *tricken girl through the rapt bouae, "in the prece<)ing acene*, i* forgotten in the tendernea* of thn broken-hearted adieu. Hut tbe climax of dramatic power I* yet to be rent hod alone in Inn chamber to take the potion which the "Friar ' ba* given her; lefl alone lo the contemplation of the po*ible awakening in the tomb and all the cen**>- quent horror*, the tuperb phytkjue, the mualcal far-ranging voice, the expre*ive face of Ml#* (oomb* *r all railed Into play, until, following thn reaction of the tbriiiing "Romeo, 1 come,'' the curtain fail* upin a *tormed houo. Mi** Coomb* wa* railed three lime# before tha foot ligtit# at the conclution of the act lo receive the cheer* and aduUUoa of thn excited a* w.iiblage who "almiwt ro*o at ber." In the lant act the auditor# were wrought up to the highrmt pitch of enthts*iem. In dee.l, the American Ugn al Inaat hat wit ne#d few uch ccanea a* that between th* dying lover and the awakening "Juliet." Such i* a brief outline of a performance with which jur citizen* bava been before electrified, but which they cannot enjoy too often. It wa* worthy alike of the beautiful Ur, of the gren* love poem and tha grented "Lady Teeale" of tha age. Tim lupporl a* a whole waa excellent.— (ykmnati JEafui *rr. , lliia Coomb* will appear In RoynoUt' ofcrg H >u*n, Monday evening, April 2fftb r.. 11.a ('**• prwioii Kthiff ' t'fibr lbt,r , |n ymr lant wc-k '• hiun we find nil wrtic!* r*crimiri< nd lug !*.,.,) (oimty tirk. t Wn think It a go.el ogc (.on f Vi,tr<- county hn*plaMy lof g,„„| rri'■ n qundlt'd t > flll *nt mid wlj the i it).. ,f, * y, i| my, curt, i* tnk.-n lo i riomiimte uchp Hut ** th en*n often I* thwrn it Uu, much trnding, rolling, ringing nnd ell.piing for hotiett, gieut upright m< n to rm,ko thn nomination. Wn will havn , tbl* full from ;>nn to tnrnn good men ** . . nndidate* fo.* •< h office, *„ that if ea * i laknii wo could have an oienllont ticket W don't w*nt t* h* Uwi p..rcn*l in point ing out all th'*n men, but wemightventure on a few Mr If M N- idigh, of Hute College, or near Hlntc Cr*lleg, i* a candi date for Sheriff Mr Neidigh i*an bonart, upright, indu*triou* farmer ; a true blue Democrat, an ard.*rit worker, and would b an honor to the pary and county if nom inated, Nell, wn would *ay that Kobert < Brett, of Pine drove M ill*, i a candi date for Protbonotary. Bob i> a farmer, a hard working man, an active and influen tial Democrat and a god fellow; alway* ready to do hi* part. Such men *bould be nominated Men wbo work for the lure*** of the parly. Honntt, upright, induttriou*. Not donea in thn party, to themveivo* and ail around them, and you would find no trouble in iwelling the majority to twelve or fifteen hundred. Ptmtviitit. April if, IW*4 Buy where you can gel your money worth Try A C Mingle for •hoc#, Ift-itt —AMcaicaa .Nt*iuri* in lHet Fr .m the edition of Me*r le<, p. How. ell A C'. American Srtrupeprr Dirett'iry now in pre**, it appear* that the newrpa jmr* and c' <■( all kini* at pr.-tent i*ued In the I'nited Stte and Canada r a< h*-d a grand total of 1?, F'2 Thi* ! a net gain of prec irelv 1/>*• during the )a*t twelve month*, and ejhihit* an in* r<*a*e ' IH over the total cumber puhi -bed ;u*t t.-n yaar* tin.<• Th."iicrc*e in lfi'lover the total for 1 *"7 lvi t Ifur; i the |a* tear the dailie* have incf-ao-d fro n 1.1 *• t>> 1 2'.l the weeklie* Ir m'* fa'..' to I", II'."- . and the m .rill.!!'-* f- m 1 f'l I I - i ' The rfn'"! ' '• . in the Wo*'- i .nj S;at*>* lUirn.l*, f r in*iance, r„ , : b w* 1 fVK* j e j.. r in piao* of la-; yar - - tal of " l ale Ml" < 1 • - *! -ad i t the e(ort< d it. 1— ' O her , lea ting \Vc!.-rn a • exhibit a great '; rrnntage o( I* r.-* e Tret 'al numb-- ; l of j*j..r in N * V 'k S'ate * I j • "11 • in !-■'. • >r. ,!v I • in the neral in< re* . Reyti.| 3 hll't n*. 1 e • *d e- fin. ' (r iMcoayaa* e t IMII i-mu It i ■tn j-* rtant tn kn<.w , i-t fwr* ,n< at, ge ; m tlbing in the fl ing :*„• Th- (ir. .t ( \Ve;.rn fiun \V. rk, I'm.' :r*.'h. P* *cnd fr.-e a ln'ge illu-tra'.. I lata'ogueof | *u. h good*, a* *ein*, net* r 1, linen, ree! t wit, k W.k-, fi •*, *n<e*l, g'g* h*k'et* twine* and hundred* of other art < le* Ad lre*, J II John*', n, Ifl'-t Smtthfield*trm t PitUburgh, Pa. —The bot men fine drn* *hoe* Iff-21. A. C MI.VULB A young lady write* t*. know if * "intend making jierwinai mention of rum mer vbitor* *" Why ccrlingly, certingly We prop*e mak r,g a 'j •laity • f n al*. and have * large a* rtment etyle* j n hand, ready t-. invert name*. Thi*, for inMance "The beautiful, etc., Mi So S i vhltlng the lovely,, tc Mi. What her name.' Thi* i* the r"g r'ar twenty- Ave rent tyle W have a heavier and I thi. ker tyle, ame cla**, for fifty cent* We ah I'f"p -o tntr dm ing a wo. t thir c in pereouai* thi- * imm.-r, whi'h i* bound t . take \S". . ail it the horrnii tural *tr|e ll.>w do you hkr thi* ' The Ttrone Tea . e Mr** - - ha* boeen lran*plar,t< I f. r j a few lay* o the home of lh> Lanrei *treet i.iiv M.* The bo iquet form'd, etc i 1 thi* TI It.'lhfonle Bl 1 •' 11 Mi* i* blooming for a time in tbn boudoir ' of the Front lr-.-t F.i>, hia Mi-- -, the c mbinalion > f beauty, etc. Or thi*—The M irri*dale Magnolia Mia* , I* beauti fying the home of the I'rqiiei*lo *treet ' l'an*yM:*f Our young men *h<>uld gather thi* lovely eiotic, etc. We *hall vary the monotony by oot ationallT ihr,w ing in an ornithological rperimen like thi* Thn Clearfield Canary Mi*# f* perch ing in the houre of the Ninth atreat Night ingale, Mia* , and tte air i filled with awoet mu*ic, etc. Or, Tbe Oacaoia Oriole Mi** , ha* folded ber beautiful wing* by the aide of tbe Maple urcel Mocking bird, Mi** ——, Tbe rapture of her train*, etc Of cuurae, Uica* ty lew are expeotive, j (1.T5, aingln in*rrtionj, but you will rend* j ily e*> bow delicate and caprewtiva *ucb a j perronarnolice will be. Come early, and get flr#t choice.—Philip*burg l.+,lptr That fettle* it, and take* not only th* "caka' but tha bakery, delivery wagon and all. Tbe tuccaa* of that paper i* at* #ure<] | —Wn haye the be*t men * calf tboe— aither in button, lace, kid or cloth top— for 9S 00, aver brought to Beliefonte. tff-2t A. C. Mmoi.it. —ln Bhirley town*hip, Huntingdon county, there It a perpetual boiling tpring and the ground inrmunding tha tpring for rararal feet, la decidedly warm. During tbn winter weather huatera and otbeii Irhn frequent the locality dariva mucV#ti<>r from Ite genial XHmdn nt. Mat I iif,< Iirr">f Mtr remaining in the „ nl ||*lieiitite, ('entreeounty, P# , A| rll 14th, l uh4 J W K It *v.r Mim LG.r.ie |J*|l, Hani.! I llr*or> I' Alt'.< htnn, Hii' Br-rardir. . | I f,amnio, Mn Ann>* Crownnver, W K. DatlMO, H,((. Marwrnhinn 1/irecU, H| l Lulgo Paloia, Miu Mary Oorrnaly, Mu. Annie Genteel, Andro Hnkelr, W II flick*, Ml.. IHU Holt, J. M.J oho too, Mi Jennie Krß.ri.of, Jim., M Luc##, Maggie MrClur., Mr P.dkln, Antonio Peralo—'J, liavid If. Puorman, Antonio PrABtU., Borne nr |r, PrierMlo, Mim Carrie "* Pfnffe, Adam J ■ K.n, Vln'•■r,go Roman* Hig. Prarno Romantnnlo, Jobn Run, Mri- Llo' Bfi Ki.-e, Hlg, I lonian Vifttn Sirob, Mr Lillle I> Shower., Andrew Wagner, Mr John Wagner, Big Orieeppe Wamto, Pr'tT W.lh rnn f Goofg* W.llisrng, Per.oru inrjuiring for letter. ntn*d in the above li.t will pie%e my tbey or. ad vertlwd. Jxo T Jouarrov, P. M. A M mat mom K. .pi —A .Labia Potter and Reuben .Page were b,*.ttng rocka in cittern on William Potter • farm near Centre Ji.il on Friday laat, an accident occurred whi.h might have been fatal to both gentlemen. A blthad been charged the fur lighter), and Mr Pot ter aeomled to the top followed by Mr Page, but aa the latter geritlemanbad near ly reached the tap broke, prwcipl. lating him br the bottom On hearing hit • all for help Mr Potter ran back to the cittern and tried to a*it bim in g< t'-ing 4 out, but before thi. could ba done the bier I went off, terribly lacerating Mr Paget face and bandt, a large piece of rock .trick ing birn on the left hand, breaking the bo net and brui.ing it terribly. Mr Page being r.ght in the bottom of the cittern a the bi.et •< nt i tf it it * moat remarkable and fortunate occurrence that be war not I tiled i utright, but rlrange to ray, bit in ,urier are comparatively .light. —The Republican• of York county tru< ted f r • ur t wntronn, < "n J.inet A. li .v.-r (or cand date or C -ngr< atman-at letrge. Bit *• to- ha. •.< • n-1 ; the t, unmet; m that county v ! a.voca'.e the nominam-n <f ore ' it a wr< citir-r, Ifi the p*r<rn of Jr Bret Jef. who wt 1 i make an o . pubie n uini •. — .Vn. S A. St v. ■'r - re ver run with or<l r-, g f w.rk end t>'ac* fury j • •• tell i ■ rn< . An. one ■ ler r |,g a'[ .mi... (mi r M !. rr< : ' wi 1 (lii-I it to their nterett to. V, it r mi: M .rl Y.r3. It i/li -frr•' | font#, Pa. Five-cent gtfigbam—tr .rts M .. Emma !' • Lnti f thit place, ar. J ' M:r I. rr.ie llar<• - ( I, k li.Ten. rave ;en#d * dr' making ••♦tab - htm nt in i'r ii r t. r rimm < n ili.bop rtr'e-l. Mu Merer Ho tore well tit mm r dd, and th- roughly ;• lr.tari l. dr.- makit.g in all it brant-be. A trial will convir you. Handrome fVl'ar. and Hucbing and 1.l iicw, be Ncvk (r—imrmtnr —ii i fiingbatn. and ict Handkerchief i Crarmani. —(tenuino Lupin t'aahmerer. in B-ark <*)lor.-—Guaranteed atrictly all wool , Garmana. li- ady made window Mmde.—Gat j man*. —Th" ire cream ► -aeon ir bcre, and TOU wh And the bert at Searfoe. A Mayer . , toik'TV and confectionery | ' 'ur *:ti- and Pole—Garman.. Bur Tour Soring g'ni of (arman', * Winter .tew k tnurt go. Sjrecial j Pare una at LewinV. Notice The und. rrigneif. h.rirg purchased ' at Landlord', .a'e the following | < rwanal j property belonging to Thou. Shearer. j Tir. "tie cook .love, one table, one i aightmy, twelie rhair.. one clock, ilir' C IMMU and bedding, one cuplioanl and undry other art '!*, whioh are lef^ n the ix>".ion a.aloan to the .aid The* * shearer f< r the prevent. All jierwon. are therefore cautioned again**, y ttreha.lng ' or interfering with uid j r perty. Jofßrn R .a, Jt p. "reraeer of Pi>or of Spring twp, { Tb" iea.cn after the Uolidart i gee eraliy dull with tbe T.'iorr. We are of fering e*tt* tnduoemer.u in few eric Wt ha*e given large order., and tbe new got-tit are now coming in. I/eave your order new. MofTooiitmT A Co , Tailor#. —Laird, bbe*ber, A Mitchell # children lho#, in all i#" ar.d t)Ui|.ly. lft-2l A. C. UIKOLB. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of a writ of levari Fa r#a> ton-' nl tt. Cmrt ef iVxaa, BI fln of <V- Ir, eoaatr. Mill to TO. dlrwloii, will H|eel te Cl.|w ii at th* (Vmim U own, it, Ue lU{t ef ll*i*. ■ MTraoar. APEIL at. a. P., IM, I*, lallnwtag prop.ft).| wit Alt IIM. two < -rl.tii inf. of irmnil iltmW te th. tmega nI 8.11-loa<, la Ik. (xvi.t fef iVattw aa# Put. of em th. worth t<t of lArm •Ire. MwM aw# WottM M folteww Oa thr eowth t.Y Men MrorC n ib> M.I IIJ Alle#heer fwe,ea tb. aetih hp a* iter, aw# na lb. wtt bp let ef JUM A. Ha<rr, being let. ruimtwrwt In tb. geawal piunf nM bermgb a* lot. IT- nf ft • awnM, takrn la iur.UW.ui to baml# a* tbe prrp*tly nt Jtaw AMrll T M"g.#bw.e, * ktnuirr*. Orrtcn, A| til I*. If#A r ix> th e~Bch6ol Dl UPrf ORS I or I rvTkKOot A'TT —ilrnitewea . la we mu<* "f tb. fm tbtr# eertlea i* tbe Art ef Hep Mb. ItoA yen em brrt.y mIIM I" ■"> la Onwnea ttoe. at the (bow* #. la IMWOnato oa tb. Sret I*M#ny in A. D. tfcai. totag ibe etbtoy ef tbn ■worth at I nkitork la tb* aftorweroi. na# tetort, vtw* wnce, by . at)H,t ef lb# wbrt. awiOt ef htrWOro* prnwat, owe aetatw ef mnrnry *4 MfeettAr wrjetrw. | rerrrt*. 4 of aBA M|>m, f.tn the nrt ef leerb- I tng.aefyrwai, p*p*ri*tr*e**t kotbe thtw# 1 to. nam na# tooyfy tbn re.nl! 1., the atato Pepetia tonnl at ItatrMong, a. n*M It* tb. thirty ninth ah# Aoiletk wrtl.w. ef art# a.-*. D M Wnuf, April 14. M tV upt of Centre <V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers