flte Centre Democrat. Thursday Morning, January 31,1884- tsu*anro?ioiwc. containingImportant d frt> any pari of lb® county. No com w aulc* tb-w • trial nalMi aocooi panted by tho rot I umu* of lb® Wife*. Local Department. \ —What next? —Court this week. —Oh I yes, Valentines. —Our attorneys are buav. Miletburg haa a new bakery. —lnstitute at Komola Keb. lat and 2d —The comet la visible to tbe naked eye. 25 styles seersucker for dretaee—Oar man'a. Macrama cord, 10 centa pef ball, at *}arm*n's. —Won't the spring freahet be a whop per, though ? —Our streets preaented a busy aspect on Monday and Tueaday. —The balance of our gent's neck wear far below cost—Oarman'a. Make your selection for a seersucker dress whilo the lino la comploto at Gar. man's. * Mr. Augustus Hoover, we very much regret to say. is confined lo his home on ripting street with intlamstory rheutna tiam. Mr. J. 0. Condo, of Penn Hall, gave j US a pleasant short call on Saturday ; last. The Lutheran church at Miilheim will be dedicated Sunday, February K'lh, 1854 Several eminent ministers from abroad will assist. —Jno. Kisbel, Eq ,of Potter township,, will offer at public sale on February 2Uth, 1884, all his household goods, farming utcnsels and live stock. —Tho Centre county Ponoma Orance will meet at Centre Hall, February 12th, 1881. and will bold three sessions, 10, AM, 1:80 and 7. r M. I)r. Keber. of Madi>nl>urg. who has been on the sick list for some time past, we are gl*d to say, is again able to he about. —The electric ligbt.eihibition given on Thursday evening caused no little amuse ment to most of those who attended Hut it was rather too "abooking" to some to be appreciated. We thought so, any way. —The Electric Light company will give an other exhibition on Monday evening, February 4th. A light will be displayed in front of tho Court 11 ouae, and tho Hrockerhoff and Hush House will be light ed by eiectricit y tbe same evening. —Wo call your attention to the real es tate advertisement of Bond A alenline to be found on this page. This is a new de. parture, and any one wishing to dispose of their real estate will do well to consult Mr. Valentioe. There will be exposed at public out cry at tbe leaidence of tbe late John Lutr. at near Zion, on February 28ih, 1854. *♦! the household propertv, farming utensils and live stock of tbe deceased. Hot I for get to attend. —We regret to record the accident to "Billy" Hall, of Milesburg, on tbe 22d, inat. He was engaged in coupling cars and was caught by the shoulders, breaking his collar bone. His suffering baa been in tense. We wish hlai a speedy recovery. —Tbe soldier comrades of Half Moon and Patton townships and adjoining com munity will meet in tbe Stormstown school house Tuesday evening, February sth, 1884, to consider the feasibility of organizing a Post of theG. A. R. Comrade Austin Curtin is eipecled. Comrades of other Poau invited. Ex SOLDI in. —A very unusual occurrence took place in tbe court room on Monday afternoon. The liet of Grand .Juror* was called and hetnly/our answered tu their respective name*. Only twenty three being required, Michael Plelcber was released. —The room formerly occupied by Mess. Yucum A Hastings, corner of Allegheny and High streets, It being retnoddled and is to be used by our enterprising towns man, W. I. Fleming, Esq., as a merchant tailoring eatebllsbment. Mr. Fleming Is a straightforward and wide-awake business man, and we ootnmend him to any one In want of anything in the tailoring line. —Just now everybody is talking "rail road," and the cltisens of Pioe Grove end vicinity are making strong efforts to have the] Buffalo Run rood exteoded to Pine Grove. A petition with n large number of signers la now being circulated for that purpoee. —A telephone line la about to he erect ed from Bellefonte to Milroy, byway of Centre Hall and Putters Mills, down through the " Kitbacoqulllas" valley to lierrlsburg, Pa. Welt, we're glad of that. We are thinking of going to Her risburg soon, and we will just go byway of telephone. —Two large sled loads, besides several -ingle sleighs, of ladies end gentlemen were drives to the residence of Lewis Zimmerman, Sr., near Hublertburg on Fridy evening, 26tb, last, and were sump tuously entertain*! by that boepiuble family. Tbe "merry making" was kept up till the "wee sma' hours," and the only regret felt when the hour of leaving bad uome was, that a night was not twenty four hours long instead of only twelve. Personal- Mr. 8. A. Stover, the tombstone msn, he* been un tbe sick list for tbe past week. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Glenn, of nenr Krock Springs, celebrated their llltieth an niversary of married life at their home on tbe 23d, ult. S. M. lluck and family departed for their borne in Chicago Monday evening. Mr Jacob and Emanuel Eisenhuth, of Millboim, favored our sanctum with their prcseneo on Monday. Come again. We bad a pleasant call from 'Squire Carlin, Cook Coodo, F. P. Barker and Mr. Zi-iglor, of I'.ebertburg, on Monday. Mr. Jno. J. Marten, of Niltany Hall, favored us with a call on Friday last. Mr. Philip Carris, a pica-ant gentleman of Miles township, was in town Monday. Ira E. Shaffer, of Msdisonburg, "took in" our little city on Saturday last. Joe Miller, of Beech Creek, is again clerking for Geo. Blaikford. Mr. Mark MoOney, of Millbeiro, is now located at Snow Shoe, Pa. Mr. Henry Myers and wife, of Buffalo Run, paid a short visit to our little city Monday. Mr. W. H. Fry, a prominent citizen of Pine Grove, "peeped" in to see us Tues day. Come again. —Mr. John C. Miller, of tho firm of j J C. Miller it Co., of thia place, received , j the appointment of book keeper at the j nail works. Mr. Miller la a very clever j and obliging gentleman, and we scarcely know whether to congratulate Johnny ' or the company upon this acquisition. Mr. I S Frain, the gentlemanly land lord of the National Hotel, Miilheim, Pa., wo are glad to say, will remain at hit old : stand for at least another year. Mr. Praia hat built up a very nice trade, and hit bo- , lei is quite popular. Mr. H 8. Emerick, a former citizen of Walker township, but who has for the past ; nineteen years Iwen located tn tbe west, is < engaged in the mercantile buines at Free. | port, lit. Mr. Emerick clerked for tbe old firm of Messrs. Brown A Cooke, in Belle fonte, in 1852-8. An other brother, wo beiieve, is located at Twinn Grove, Wis. A PI.KA.SA.ST BE HEATS S—On Thursday evening, January 24, tbo Presbyterian congregation of Pine Grove Mills made a "raid" in force on the parsonage, taking the Rev. W, V. Kubn and family com pletely by surprise. The hour of meeting j was to have been II o'clock, p. M , but ow- I ing to the Inclemency of tbe weather it ' was about an hour later before the people ' assembled, started for tbe A'uAn bunt. The ladle* look baskets h>ad<d full and running over with good things, and the necessary articles of life ; and tbe gentlemen fol. lowed with flour, seeks of corn, oats, pole | toes and apples, dried and canned fruits even somo of the rral rath was found ■ among tbe packages, and a handsome eight day clock was placed upon the mantle Tbe extremely bad w.-atber pravontsd many from attending, but have since sent in their donations. A few very appropri ate remarks were made by the worthy pas. tor.thanking the donalnrs very kindly for 1 their generoeity, and the spirit in which it : was made. —An immense gathering assembled at the Brockerhoff House on Tuesday evening to attend the Grand Bali given by tbe i Window Glass Workers' Association of this place. Every effort was put forth lo make it a grand success,(and their expecta tions were more than realised. The com mittee in charge were untiring in tbeir ef. 1 forts to make it pleasant fcr every one and the "First Annual" will be remem bered by many as one of tbe most enjoy, able events (bat has ever taken place in our vicinity. The music furnished by tbe Adnlpbic orchestra was excellent. Tbe "calling" by our good-natured friend, Hamuel Kyan, was distinct and pleasing to the ear. Kansas HVßO BRBVITIBM— Mrs. Ellen Dubs, of Freeport, 111., is psiying a visit to her aged parents, Mr. aod Mrs. James Mallory.—The protracted meeting is still in progress under tbe management of Kev. Widenoyer.—Rev. Welti, a traveling mis sionary for tbe Evangelical Aseociateon, delivered an nbla sermon on Wednesday avaniag.—Jona Autnan is about to erect a steam portable saw mill In the east end of the valley —Our town was enlivened this week by a number of salesman —And now our band has it* uniforms and It looks floe Tha boy* were out serenading last waak. 1 am sura we have ona of tha fluent ' band* in tha county. Parties wishing to ' engage a band should not overlook ours Cook Coodo, our landlord, Is doing a Ana business. JACK FROST. A $2O BIBLICAL PBIZK— The publish i nrs of RuiUdp't Month! y offer twelve val uable reward* In thnir Monthly for Febru ' ary. among which U tbe following: We will give $20.00 to the person telling f us which is the longest versa to tha Ola . Testament Scriptures by Febroary 10th, 1884. Should two or more correct answers r he received, tbe rewerd will be divided. The money will be forwarded to Ut* win- I ner February 16th, 1884 Persons trying for tha reward must sand 20 cants in stiver > (no postage stamp* taken) with their an i swer, for which thay will racaiva the March Monthly, In which the name and eddree* of tha wioner of the reward and • tha correct answer will be published, and t in which several mora valuable rewards t will be offered. Addraas Rutladge Publish f Ing Company, Ksston, Pa. 1 —This week's arrivals—common and • blue prints, drees aod flne apron ginghams, muslins, otc., at Oerman'e. /.lON AND Buuuhiik.—22 degrees below zoro last Halurdey morning. Mr*. Rothrock, wife ol the popular (len tUl, wan quite ill lest week. Mr. Kdwin Twitmyer, after enjoying the holiday*, ba* returned to Lancaster to flniih hi* college courte, which will end Juno next. Tim subject of local (lOiltic* in being ag itated and candidate* for the various town ship office* are hard at work. It would be advantageous to both citl en of Bellefonte and Zion to have tele phone line extended to this place. I'rof. L>. M. Wolf, in company with our efficient director, Dr. I'. H. Fisher, visited the schools in the upper end of the town ship one day last week. Mr. Jacob liottorf, of Lemont, accom panied by hi* lady, spent a day with friend* at this place last week. Joseph Htoudt is now -the happy father of a son. The DxuocaAT, wo are gratified to no lice, ha* a larger circulation ip tbia section than any other periodical. Our diilin* guished postmaiter will substantiate these fact*. Mr. Jerry V. Twitmyer, of Dakota, 111., has been spending ome weeks with hi* mother and friend* at this place. Ho has fully recovered bis health and is look ing well. The funeral of our lamented citizen, ' Mr. John Lutx, who died on the 3rd init. aged 6® years, wa* one of the largest ever J held in the valley. Mr. L. ilood high in j the estimation of hi* friends. Mrs. Lizzie, wife of John Kiber, after weeks of patient suffering from that fell destroyer, consumption, paired Ironi earth pi glory on the 21 inst. There is a rumor that John. L (Shaffer will aove on the farm lately belonging t> , Sentuel Vonada in Marion township. The sermons delivered in the Reformed j church at ibis placu are excellent, but un fortunately the music i* miserable. Michael Shaffer, £>q , one of our not'-d Justice* and exemplary ciu. ens, perchance may be a d*rk bono In lb" next prosiden | iJal contest. The citizen* of Walker* township have i not abandoned all hope* as yet in getting | a railroad through tho valley. We trust j choir food expectation* ensy bo realized. Prof. W. W Rupert, una of the most j diligf-nt, faithful and competent l*-ech<-r in ' the county, report* that the percentage of attendance in bit school has thus far av*r i aged 'MI. Can any other teacher in the county excel tb ia ? Harvey Shaffer rented the Henry Dun kla farm at Ilecla aoJ will occupy it in a few week*. Pewr's V ai.tr. V Not**.— Tho excellent sleighing of the past three weak* ba* made 1 ur valley musical with the jingle of the sleighbells, and bat also afforded our farm ! er* the b*t opportunity ior marketing their grain —During the past two weba thousand# upon thousands have been bought and thitqud off by the grain deal ers of Spring Mill* and Coburn. Rome day* a single grain bona* at Hpring V ! has taken in over two thousand bushel*.— The extreme Cold weather ba* stepped all building opa-allcns in our little railroad city.—The wail of the prospective Grange ball stand* ur finished, a memorial of the dilalorine** of the mason who didn't push bit work.—Jatne* Kennelly'* pro>pcet!va furniture em|rium stand* on p- at*—no wall under it and no roof over it—Mc- Clinllc A Rarick's large double nous* wa* i ready for lbs plasterer* when the cold ' weather set in and it al*o stand* *'in statute quo." —Hanry Richard disagreed with hi* employer Bought a lot early one morn- i ing and before dinner bought a house at ' Farmer* Mills, whtcb he Intend* moving to Hpnng Mill*—John Long, living on ! one of tbe Allison farm*, was upset a few , day* ago by a sheep and striking hi* tide , against a door post, ivceived injuria* which have confined bim to bed ever *ince. —J no. Caldrco ha* received tbe contract to build two trbool house*, oae at Parmer* Milt*, the other along tha Bruabveiley road, 'about a mile from tbe J*enn'* Crank cave* Blia* Patteroff baa sold hi* farm near Brush Mountain to I>a*iel Bartgn* lors9o par acre. A pretty big price for farm land, but then it giaaa Mr. Bartgea three farm* of excellent land In one block. Samuel Krape wilt ba tbe tenant. Mr. Pat teroff more* to Hprlng Mille, whore he will live ae a retired farmer.—Joo. Stover i* learning the mysteries of tho click of the telegraph in the office of D. Wallace Duncan.—Mr. R. H. Duncan ia making hi* home at Milton.—More eaon. Mii.lhiim Item*.—All the go—aleigb- Ing parties K P. K. ha* mm notion of learning milling. Tbe protracted meeting In tbe Evangel ical church ia *UII In progress with goad result*. J. P. 11. aaya ba tt no candidate for "Squire. E. Bartholomew'* bouaa it Hearing com pletion on Penn street. Tbe scarlet rash ie making it* appear ance among the children in and about town. Ed Prank, the counter jumper In tbe hardware alore, think* of going weal in the spring. Kd must have (truck n bon anza out there. How to It, Ed ? The card* are out tor a fashionable wed ding on Main street. Cam R. think* of taking the Star diL strel troupe to Europe. £ *9 Rumor baa It that Qrit'* agent it about kicking the bucket. Perhaps new* l get- V* ,V v',-. * • • * 'A a ting tc*rc<*. ' Kmtna K., how about that party the other night? "Mother say* 1 rnuttn't." Ham Clark bus gone Into the aloplador business. 1 There i* some rumor of tho Millheiin band holding a tinging convention. Hope , they may prosper in their undertaking. i Tho laditH) of lb U. B. church organ- j iced a society called tho "V. B. B. La- 1 dies' All Worker* Hoclety" with tho fol- j lowing named officer*: President, Mio* , Mary Straw ; Vice President, Mis* Mahals Stephen* ; Secretary, Mia Mary Lose ; 1 Treasurer, Mit* Carrie Lyter. John Sbcrk, from Laurelton, Union county, i* visiting friend* at Aaronsburg. John i* still single. "Pic* Wick " A ">'xw Vtxx," Mixta- ' A Institute at jACKMONVii.tx. Insti tute wa* called to order by County Super intendent Wolf. Mr E. II Zeigler was elected Secretary. Music. Prof. Wolf favored tne audience with an Interesting address on "School Poverty." Mr. Aaron Buck followed, speaking of "Teacher's Rights." Mr. Henry Yeerlck, John Hoy. Jr., and other* spoke in favor of teacher* being held responsible for school properly. Rev, J. (i. Shoemaker spoke of the old log school house, of the iaw* arid regulations of the common school system. Music was I again furnished by the choir. Institute i then adjourned lor the evening. Saturday morning, Jan. 2'ith, the ses j sion wa* tailed to order at 10 o'clock Music by the choir. Mr. G. I. Uarthsl I introduced the subject of teaching the dec ; imal system to beginner*, after which a class wa* formed and the method of teach ing the system was illustrated. It was then thon uglily discussed by tbe teachers Several other topi> . were discussed during : the session. Aflornoon Session—County Supcrinlcn i dent opened the is-tsson, and after muslr Mii Maggie Shaffer read an essay on '"Object Lsesons." General discussion wa. engage,! in by the teachers. Mis. Shaffer again favored the audience with an essay on "Charily " It J. G. Shoemaker delivered an excellent address, "Rewponsi bililies and Duties of Parents and Teach" er#. 1 Music by tbe choir. Prof Wolf closed the Institute by thanking the rili. Zens of Jacksonville for their hospitality to the visiting teacher* The member- of the Institute were glad to welcome Prof Kller of Bellefonte during a portion of the session. _e —Clearfield county ha> a phenomena in the shape of a turtle. About eight week* ago the head of it wa* severed frofikb body and up to Tuesday last it still showed signs of life. If touched upon any pa/t of the body it withdraw* it* feet, moves its tail and withdraw* It* neck. Proceedings at Court. Tbe regular Jatiuarv term of Court begun at 10 o'clc k on Monday morning. Hi* Honor Judge Hoy presiding, with neoviate.Judge on the la-neb with Isiex. Mr. I. Walter*, of Mi'lbeitu. I was api-ointcl foreman of tho Grand ! Jury, ami up to Wwdne lay noon, the I follow ing husinnt had liecti dispatched ; After the nmee of the Traverse Ju ry were called, the following Con it a l ie* made return : Isaac l.oe, Iteliefonte 1 -orough :W. N. Xt-ff, Howard borough; 0. W. Stover, Jr.. Millheini borough: J. It. ; Sheng, I'nionviile; W. F. ftlewirte, ! Philip*hurgh : Alexander I>rsuckcr, 1 Milesburg; W. 11. Claae, Renner ; ' .lames Soil, Itogg* : W. P. toy. Burn side; James Ray, College; William i Packer. Curtin ; Peter Wolf, Ferguson ; i Reulwn Kline.Gregg; William Meyer*. Ham*, 11. A. t'ronse, Heine*; T. B. ' Sander*. Howard; D. J. Gate*. Half ' Moon : Samuel Sexton. Huston : J. P. | Lnn. Lilxrty ; W. 11. Miller, Marion ; I Frank P. Baker. Milea; G. U.Hart sock, I Patt on ; W. C. HuWer, Penn: M M. i Condo, Potter: Alexander Ad*m, Rush; Joseph Bilger. Spi -.2; W. H. tlaynns, Snow Shoe: Vinton Beekwith, Taylor; Geo. W. Bowmaster, Union; Win. Cronoble, Walker; Jame* Monk*. Worth. Pelitione for license to sell liquor wa* then takrn up and disponed of a* fol low# : Charles M. lleisler, saloon, Bellefonte. granted. Robert Taylor, Pbilipeburg, tavern, granted. Cook Conclo, tav ern, Reiwrshurg, granted. Jamea Red ding. saloon, Snow Shoe, granted. A. R. Graham, saloon, Liberty, granted. Cbaa B'Jlique, anloon, Liberty, granted. Jna. I. Delong, tavern. Liberty, grant ed. 8. H. Kunee, tavern, Liberty, granted. Remonsiranoea were presented against tbe following applicants : 0. H. Brady, saloon. Philips burg, granted; K. P. MeCloeky, bottlers license, oontinned to April court: Peter Aabcroft, tavern, continued to April court; Mrs Sarah Pearson, saloon, refused. Abe Ileum. Wholesale, Bellefonte, refused ; George Levy, wholesale, Bellefonte, retoeed ; John Waller, wbolaaala, Bellefonte, refused; George Haicl, saloon. Snow Shoe, continued to April court. In the Court of Common Pleas.— Commission in lunacy. Common wealth ve. Joaaph Keteo. Commission enlarg ed and continued on application of D. 8. Keller, Esq. Gn motion of C. Dole, Esq.. judge ment on Foreign attachment in cases of Stephen L. Heeton and wife vs. liar ry C. Blair, and nam' of Oscar F. Furey vs. Henry Blair. Petitions presented bv C. Dale, Ren., to declare Mary Hoyaer. Feme sole Trader. Decree granted ny the Court, January 28, 1881. On motion of Hon. J. H. Oryto, leave ia granted to PlaintfT to amenu the form of action in the caac of Geo. N<di vs. The Mutual Inaur . n<%po., by changing it from aaaumpt- Wm t, presented by I>. 8. Keller, Ajittfyaina in Dirorcc, A. V. M. in oa*e of Mary S#>ilringer v*. Franklin Heilsinger, granted by the Court. Petition presented by Hasting* A Reader, for nubpu-na in divorce A. V. M. in •( no of 8 rah F. Wilson, by licr n- xt friend, Thomas Taylor v*. A. (I. Wilson, granted by the Court. On ionium ol It. F. Fortney, Eq., rule granted to show cause why writ ol execution should not be stayed and judgment opened and defendant let into a defense in the oase of Gordon A. Uuiln vs. Andrew J Tressler. Kule gran'ed by the court, Returnable Hatur day, Feb. 21. IBH4. In the Court ol Quarter Sessions— Commonwealth vs. I). K. Sellersj Pros ecutrix, Anna C. Roller. Case con tinned to next term, defendant giving bail in the sum ol $3OO for bis appear unco at April session. In the case of Common wealth vs. George Stewart, defendant was discbarg ed finally under Insolvent Law. after having served 3 months in the county jail. In the ibiae of Commonwealth vs. Samuel B. Meyers, Jr., defendant made application lor final discharge under insolvent law. but upon examination it 1 was shown that he had before last Au ] gut a note of SSXI which the evidence showed he had given to hi* mother for ' no consideration whatever. The Court J said it looked very much a* il he had ' disposed of the note for the purpose of ! keeping the piosemtrix from getting I any money and could not therefore be 1 discharged under insolvent lavr. The Grand Jury has returned the j following true bills. Commonwealth vs. George If. Davis. I Felonious assault. Same vs. I'hornss McC*ff*rty and Alexander McCsfbrtv. Furnishing ! liquor to men of intemperate habits Defendants plead guilty. Sentence sue jrended. Sons vs. James potter. Dirorderlv house. Same vs. same. litwdv bouse. Ssme V I'eriie Shelly and Annie K'dley. Bawds house. Ssrrie vs. Horace Clark, (colored). I Kelloniou" assault. f><ra* vs. same. Carrying concealed i weapons. | Same vs. Edward Sloner. Assault and , i battery. Same vs. Franklin K*sing*r. Aggra iv*ted assault *nd battery. Same vs. Zscb Snel, Assault and , battery. Ihe trial of the c*se of common j wealth vs. George 11. Davis for shooting \lex*nder Miller at Sandy Ridge or. j the H'h of last Dcemher, Was begun j sesterday morning, but no verdict w*a ; r< ached at the time of going to press. In lha Orphans C irt : A |-*liii'-n was pr<ei,te<l by R-avar A Gephari IN r es laic of Jt>bn hho| e, late ol Ib.ggs town ship. Petition lor an inquisition in parti tion IV hereupon tb Court • wauled an j inq ist as P'sj.vj f .r /a re estate ol John T Clark, lain of Litertv t- wrsblp, d of C> uri l*d f lb. spoilt, j<t for mar., eol paroles nlrset wllb It 1! ''mrk Auditor's rvportof J..bn (} LOT*. Esq., in tb olsle ul John Kupp, late of Haines t'.wntbip, deceased. Filed and confirmed n *•. In rr of Hhney Myers. Answer ciiatior. Gr*rt-d * o f-tltlon prayng I. r the fe. tnossi of Guardian. Kilfd on argument list. In rt ol estate of Sarah Wiiliamf (cob . ofed) Isle of B> lief- nt<- b rough, deceased, lb-turn ol sale filed end conflrme<l ni si by ' the c<>urt. In rt u> estate i f Samuel SbstTt-r, Isle of j Mit'-s l"wr,.hp. de. eaied lb turn pre -ented by I) F Foftney, K-q , of Ssn.ue! j i tsrsmley, T'Uslee of the sale .f the real --state of said deeenderl to John II Shal- : ler and Luther II Suiver. Read and con firmed sii as. By the Court. MARRIAGES. It At -MrOtMI-KT.— St Use ressdsw* <d Ik* Milk ' Ntrnill, t> li* -f f f lb J'M lb LLRV (M. FV.O PUCKER. VF I II RAJ •*<] MM ■ fejttf IMi!!*?, I*41 >t B'li+i it I'm. DIED. noutrm- m rw i*k, I**l, ph**-*** I T. Un af W f mi.4 Mmry F ( *.ilf, !• ?~ r * —Slamping in tbe vry latest style and warranted to not rob out. at J D White- i man's, Bush House Block, High street. I Belief, nte. Fa. 4-4 L —Wilson, MrFarlane A Co., call atten tion to tbe only rehabl* Ready Mix**. Faint in tbe market. Tb Pioneer Pre- , pared Fair., is not mly stipericr to any ! Kasdy Mixed l'aint told but rivals nurt mb'te lead in its snmoibneaa in working and du'ability. This (saint is guaranteed by tbe manufacturers not to crack or pee. , witbin three years. Tbe guarantee is not only good for replacing the paint but It I will he put on If it should crack or peel within tbe lime specified. Il will he tc your Interest to call and ee Wilton. Me- Farlane A Co., before purchasing eitbei white lead or aay other Ready MiseJ Pit- -—Winter stock must go. Special bargains at Lewie'*. —All of our Winter goods must be sold to make room for Hprtng stock. Call early and get a bargain Ore-ooats at coat and .peris! reduction* in all of our goods for the next JO day*. Keapactftilly, Law IK A Co., Allegheny street, Bellefonte, Pa. 2t. —Lew in'a Phi la. Branch ia the place to buy clothing cheap. —Colored bordered handkerchiefs 5 cent* at German's. —Very latest style hat* and cap* at Lewin's. —New embroideries at German'a —Mens' under shirts 22 cents nt Ger man's. • —The season after the Holidays is gen* erally dall wllb the Tailors. Wa are of. (bring extra Inducements in dose trrww*. Wa have given Inrge orders, and the we goods are now coming in. leave your order now. MOXTOOMKIT A Co., Tailor*. —All winter goods nt n reduction - Gormen's. —Lowest prices. Everything new and flrmb, at Oar-man's. I —Good ginghams, flvo cents per yard, at Garinan's. —lf you are In want of a good, comfort able h'-mc.made hoot or shoe, call at A -triL O. Noll's, near the pasaengr-r depot. A r o au -lutn troth at Carman's. f Bunnell A Aikcna have * very fine selection of solid gold walchce, jewelry und a full line of silverware, which they offer cheaper than any other ■lore in Bellefonte. —Celluloid cull* and eollara, all si zero at Lewin'a. N--w line of embroideries to arrive > < next .-i-k, at Garman'*, A' ' Tloxxxa —lh- ur.Jersigr.ed the fastest and te-st salesman in Central I'nnn ytvsoia, having more than twenty yearn experience in selling Farm#, Farm htoix, Merchandise, et, , offers his services to the clur-fii ol Centre and ad.olnlng crunties a a Yirrto laaa haiaamari, (,'harges rearon ! able. Address Joskl-u I. Strr, i , , Roland, v-'m. Centre cunty, Pa HOMES FOR SALE! Come and Buy. 21 ACUKS ON FIFTH AVENUK, In whole or lot*. ■ A TWO STOKV BRICK on Alleglinoy A TWOdiTOItV BRICK Oo High street. A TWO-STORY BRICK ' in Thomas street. A TWO-TORY KRAMK | On Willow listiik street, fl*oo w j A TWO .STORY FRAME On Willow Rank irc-t, fl 'iJO A TWO STORY FRAME Oil jsielirip st ff-r-l ( All in the Borough of Bellefonte. ttri' Ttrmt Made fjo' l. HOM) VALENTINE, i 6 5 dm. Real F-tnte Agent. S'ITDIO. 2nd floor Bush Arcade, * -n Dr. t-Ciwt', txusl.!*'. lam now ready to do all kind of PAINTING, -SWA as POUT UMTS in mk LAND Sk'A PhS, SIGN and OIISAMHS TAP. FA.scy HE<'IRA TISO an,i f;nM\iS'i m J SPF.CtAI.ITY. x Sati-faction guarautcerl in all r-a'-cw.^^' I would be pleased to have you call, and examine pe< imen* of work. In •iructioDe given in I'aiuting. VERY Rw-firTtri.ty, r. r. iauur. 1 HAY I to or T :.**n T j NEW CO tril RKPAIIt SHOP. ON OOOAN gTKKET, We would rerjrectfully iuvite the j public to give u* a call wbeo in want of any work in our line. We are pre pared to do ALL kind* of ' TMMMISQ, 1 HKI'AIRISO r RE MODEL I SO. I We also make a specialty of rrnoLSTEitixa IS ALL IT- BRANCHES. All work will recieve prompt alter, tion. Our T:RMP are reasonable, and all work guaranteed. Il<*peetfully, HI It WF.I.L Jt MrHILY, I 44u lit He /ni/e I'll HIE ANNUAL FARMERS* INSTITUTE WILL NV iisi.n AT rns ! State C*d!ege, hegining JANCAIIY and ending FKBKt.'AKY Hth IN. There will be at Wt Thirty Lectures by mcmbart of the College facultv and by several distinguished gentlemen from abroad. Circular*, giving full detail*, sent on applcation to Prul. W. il. Jordan, or to tbe President, rßata C Vertrega county, Pa. n2-fct. J DISSOLUTION notice.-^n^l HOT a tsmtij st***> thai Iks *uissnkt* bar*- latnre valetlns Msa J T ISKSSS saS K WLaavna. iiSSI Uw Aras star rt Isoi S Hssaos, baa 1 hi. It) )m StaanlnS by wataal " *■■* Tb- h™As rt l 1.1. ana sit teO M Ik. ISMSs rt J T. Lome, Ob* will sent, sod rallert Ik- simt* rt the eW Ira! t T new. an shaxkos SMMSSRS. PC. JSA Ist, las* Ta. sa<UrAtW*S will real law. lb. Iseriaw a* Us. plae. rt t-Mlaaa* of tb. tate I rat 1 T Lt'CA* T UDITORS NOTICE—Tbv un- A V Sf .!*"* aa AaSttnv. ifaotiM by tb* Or absaa' Csart of Oaatr. eewaty. ta Sssr4baa tb* PaaSa ia lb. banS. of Us* Atatatatntwf rt <b. *aM. <4 **- twrra IsIMML Snwaai t. aa spy TO— -s> bt. Waal ao eaaat, ta aaS MM| tb* yard*. MtlUaS tberaSo. will attnwS * tb. Salt*, rt M acfwtolnnsK at Lt* oWo. la b* batwagb rt Brtirtmntm. aa mSay lb* IMb Aay <4 getwaaty. I***, at It o'rtorb. a. a, wbea aS aber* all ytnta laaialol iss taqat Wai as pn-.anat Iks* rlalia. Mt lb. bnlf*T*. or W bntsr af i* TTUI AUSITARGARIT. MR. ' AwtlbsT. A DMIKIriTKAToRIS NOTICE^ II RoStr. |a bwby gna tbal IslMt at sM|b uallaa aa tb* eats), rt lA> Lois. Ist. rt R|*mg . bmkk li iaa'l bava ka* mated ta lb* Mb A Hb*nf aba raaasatalt ynvas b*ir saatas* ™ aaSd aabst* M yt"" tbeM.dhsly aaHnmsealai <k> aettlnat, aa4 alt InS.M.d aa make yt]al attfc nrs iSa. U), Allklkifilrtinn, 4 DMINIBTRATOR'HNOTICI I : m | -e- --- - > - a A- ■ - M (kw -■ - -- f tWh A mb WWtfvt tw MmHlHlVinvtl w ™w mi n Wo* t. WBsoa. diwmssL bavtag t**agraateS aW#>> -1 ahA.retc.od, .1) uaias lafclluT ta Us. asW rims I at. lagaistaS S* asst. ysk.vareat.aad tben* ka Itßn I J etalaM to pt-earrt th maw. wftbaat A.lav. to JOHN S Lt**. Bl Ml AAaHetattsaw. J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers