Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 17, 1883, Image 8

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    ®ht Crntrc jpcmocrat
Thursday Morning, May 17, 1883.
n.iaaMroHMVi.r.inUhtlnglinixitUnt nows, solid I
,J from n* j.irt of the county. No ennununlcittooi
Instrud unlMi *ccomp*nll >y tin r*l of
Local Department.
The lawn-mower has been chinning
quite freely of late.
When it cornea to "skipping over the
turf * nt a lively rate, Arty Brown is hard
to beat.
—An infant daughter arrived at the res
idonce of Mr. Jaino* l'otter "it I- riday
—Mr J. W Miller, general secretary
of the V. M C A of this place, is in
Kea.l the new advertisement of the
Bee Hive and then go there for your dry
goods and gent's furnishing goods.
Harry Hicks ha had another monster
sign painted, this time on Mallory - black
sniith shop. Lonberger anl Irvin, ar
Mr. und Mr- C'yru Itruti.gard, "I
Wolf* store, have been ntiuted with
the traiutng "• olio r .It I WI .Shake.
Mr. Titos Decker, of I. k Haven, a
millwright well known in C.utre county,
called on Tuesday lie is brim full of
Messrs. W T. Leathers, James Gor
don and J. N. Van Urtner were chosen to
appraise the property of Satnl. Stine, late
of Roland, deceased.
—Mr ( too. M. Noll, of Milesburg, ha'
accepted the agency of the Hill Ac Netf
organ, made at Sunbury, I's Read notice
of manufactory on inside page.
—An essav on an intere-ting subject,
read by Mrs. Rev. M. W. Fair, of this
place, at the late Sunday school conven
tion held at Lock Haven will l-e found in
our next issue.
—No better cultivated nor tnnro prolific
garden than that of Mr. Haag' at Pleas
ant (tap, is to he seen anywhere. Why
he had all kinds of vegetable*, of his own
raising, two weeks ago
—On Tuesday- Mr. N. W Cronimiller,
of Aaronsburg, came rushing into tho
DEMOCRAT office and after a short stay as
speedily rushed out. Come often and stay
longer, Mr. Cronimiller.
—The walls of the Centre Hall hotel
business office have been painted, the ceil
ing frescoed and the furniture put in
apple-pie order. Davy thinks there ii no
such room in Centre county and we tully
agree with him.
—Hon. John K. Rankle, one of the as
sociate judges cf the court of this county,
died at his homo in Tusseyville, at an
early hour on Tuesday morning, aged 70
years. His decease was quite sudden, the
result, it is thought, of paralysis of the
—The arrangements thu far made for I
a grand celebration here, July -lib, war
rant the assertion that it will be an enjoy
able affair. Our Lock Haven friends owe
it to themselves a* well as to u that they
come up and join the procession. Come
along friends.
Messrs. M. Levi A Co., proprietors of
the Keystone Clothing House are rushing
things. They pay in tah the car fare of |
persons who come from Port Matilda,
.Snow Shoe, Eagleville and intermediate
points provided the purchaser invests $ lie
in goods. Try them.
—The largest cylinder ever blown at the
glass works was blown by Mr Wm. Culp,
formerly of Baltimore, on Tuesday. It
measures !?C'| inches in width, 75 inches in
length and weighs 40pounds. It will not
be flattened out now and any one de
sirous of seeing the monster ran do so.
—A district Sunday school convention
of the A. M. B. church will be held at
Huntingdon from June 8 to June 12, in
clusive. The program promises an inter- ;
eating time. Chas. Garner, of this place,
district superintendent, is conducting the
Reference was made, in these columns
two weeks ago, to what seemed to be an
oversight in the mailing department of
the American Apnevlturaliet. Since then,
we are pleased to state, the error has been
corrected and that best of agricultural
papers comes to us more highly prized
than ever.
—James Schofleld, the Spring street
saddler, asks us to say that he has been
working on railroad cart harness "in spite
of them" and is better prepared than ever
for the manufacture of the heaviest as well
as finest and fanciest kinds of harness.
He haa a limited number of low priced
onea ranging from $lO to $l5. (Jive him
a call.
—A moment er two on Tuesday was
most pleasantly spent by the writer with
Mr. Wm. Wolf tho oldest merchant in
Centre Hall. It was our pleasure also to
meet Mr. J. Witmer Wolf, junior mem
ber of the firm, Both gentlemen are cour
teous and kind and are entitled to the
4arge share of public patronage with which
(bey are favored.
Mr. Newton Brumgart, of Hebers
%>rg, on Tuesday started for Illinois.
Helore leaving town he looked in upon ut
to av good bye. Although his intention
now is not to locate there, he says there is
aome poaesbility of it, but our friend will
And Pennsylvania too attractive, we hope
Mr. and Mrs. Hirnnn Spangler, en route
for Kansas, accompanied him. May they
have a pleasant time.
son, of Pittsburgh, was in town on Mon
The residence of Hon. J. P. (Jephart
sports new windows and other improve
We had tho pleasure of meeting Mr.
Wm. Parsons, editor of tho New Haven
/tei/i-iter, on Thursday evening.
K. ('. Humes, Esq., President of tho
First National Bank likes to discuss tho
different manufacturing interests of our
Rev l'cnnepaeker, on Sunday, preach
ed to his own congregation in tho morn
ing, drove to State College and preached
there in tho afternoon, came home ami
preached hero in the evening. Surely he
is a preacher.
Mr. James K. Williams, of Spring
township, is assisting Recorder Bible. Ho
is an excellent penman and does good
work, hut will never be what his friends
most ardently desire he should until bo
votes tho Democratic ticket.
Prof. W. (J. Morrison has been doing
some clerical work for the commissioners
this week. He often looks in tho direc
tion of Millheiin and sighs as though his
heart would break. Come, brace up, bov.
Col. Shortlidge went into the council
just a' March sometimes comes in, like a
lion, and wo hazard the prediction that he
will go out just as It does, like a lamb.
Miss Ida (Jearhart, one of Pbilipsburg
j most successful teachers ami most pleasant
' young ladies, was tho guest of Mrs. Bobt.
B. Larimer on Sunday.
Mr. Ellis B. Ilosterman, of Potter
township, was in BelleforiU- on Tuesday.
He is at present soliciting orders for a
Tyrone copying house and doing well.
Miss Maggie, daughter of ex-Sheriff
Scheaffer, of Nittany, was in town on
Sunday, the guest of Miss Beckie McGin
Mr. (' T. (Jerberirh arid Dr. K. W-
Hale arc in West Virginia attending to
business of an important nature.
Wo ran across J. Harbison Holt on the
street the other day and found that [ rinee
of Snow Shoe good fellows just a- usual
full of fun. affable and friendly
Wo met Rev. T. M Morris, of Miles
j burg, the other day and he sp' ko in glow
! ing terms of the two corner stone# laid on
| ->nnday, at Miiesburg and Lcmont. B tb
were complete ami grand successes and ai*
together due to Mr. Morris untiring en
; " r k'v-
Mr. (ieo. W. Eaton has engaged with
J. It. Mast, of Reading, manufacturer of
I cigars and dealer in tobacco, arid will can
j va.-s central and western Pennsylvania.
To our friends who purchase goods in his
< lino wo commend George as one worthv
i their patronage
The Methodist .>ciahlr was well at
; tended )at Thursday evening. The pro.
i gramme was well arrang'-d and every
thing passed off pleasantly. Uur jolly
friend Aaron Williams edited and r-ad
j the ,\f nthli), and a good one it was too.
There are few things Mr. Williams can
not do if he tries.
Rev. W. R. Whitney, at one timo
preacher in charge of the I'enns Valley
M. K. circuit, has been stationed at Half
Moon. On Saturday he paid us a friendly
visit and we were glad to see him. Our
Half Moon Methodist friends am to be
congratulated upon the excellence of the
choice conference made for them.
A short half our was most pleasantly
spent by "our man ' on Monday with the
Me'sr*. Valentines, at their out-of-town
office. There is a largeness about the
courtesy and hospitality of these gentle
men rarely met with that acrounts for the
high esteem in which they are held by
their neighbors and friends.
Mr. \S E. Hurchfield and family will
make Pbilipsburg their homo hereafter.
J. \V . Gepbart, Esq., will occupy their
elegant residence, while Dr. Seibert, the
gentleman who is to engage in the practice
of medicine with Dr. Hayes, will move
into the house on Spring street vacated by
Mr. Gepbart.
On Sunday Col. Furey, of the If'a/cA
man and we partook of the whole-souled
hospitality of Mr. F. X. Lehman, pro
prietor of the Butts house. The dinner
j was not only first class in quality and well
1 served, hut a feeling of contentmeat and
satisfaction every one that is
rarely met with at a public bouse. Dur
ing the after-dinner chat we found Mr
Lehman to be a very pleasant, well-in
formed gentleman, and can conscientiously
recommend him to the favorable notice of
the traveling public.
We beard CAM it. LA I'a.soon Saturday
evening. Her execution upon the violin
is marvelous and captivating. The selec
tions are productions of the great masters,
and as this remarkable virtuoso, with eyes
closed—oblivious to all surroundings, by
tho magic, sweep of the bow that become*
a veritable sceptre in her hand, the audi
ence instinctively fellows her example and
forgets all save the strains of delectable
sweetness to lavishly wafted upon the air
made charming by her very presence.
The one other attraction is RI RHANK, an
elocutionist of very decided ability. We
trust Manager Sour beck may favor Relle
fonte frequently with entertainment* of
this character.
—Mr. J. C. Sample, of Pine Grove
Mills, Centre county, took in tbe sight*
about town last Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. Sample i* the leading merchant and
busine** men of bi* town, and carries a
stock of good* which would do credit to a
town of'JO,!**),—7\/ros 7Voi<*.
following Fir*t, Wo will not pay fare
hut wo guarantee 'JO per cont. lower
price* than any other store in Hellefonte'
Second, Wo will not nauin ny distance
but will tront oil alike front fur or near.
Third, Wo will guarantee all good", motl
ey returned when goods am not satisfac
tory, a* in former times. Fourth, Wo do
not promise to givo away hats but will
soli thorn at a low tlgurc. No promises
made to givo away gold watches or chains,
! but we do most emphatically promise and
j guarantee low prices for all at the PIIII.A
-DKI.I'IIIA Ho.AM 11, Hellefonte.
There in some mliafaclion in /.nou'tn./
where to yo in run' you huu and thru wmh
you hadn't. LEWIS V Co.
—''ant "crap iron wanted for the cash
or in exchango for Hardware at 11. K.
MII.ESHI RO lIKM-.- I.ast Sabbath was
an unusually busy day among our church
es. Our llaptist friends hail their usual
services in the .norning, Tho ordinance
of baptism was administered in tho mill-
I race, Kev. Kdwards, officiated. KEV. W
! I Wright preached a usual and tendered
1 his resignation TO the members of the
Presbyterian congregation. He proposes
to go to Kylertown, Clearlleld county. In
the aflern.ain the Kvangelical cor.gr -pa.
' lion laid the corner stone of their new
: church. The services were conducted in
tho Presbyterian church, Kev. K.-rn, of
Centre Hall, assisted by Kev T. M. Mor
ris, pastor in charge, officiated. The < ash
collection and subscription fooled up hand*
soniely. The chiel of |>oliee made an
arrest in the evening. The culprit wasr< -
1 leased upon promising to be a better boy
1 in the future— The patrons of husband
ry are titling up a r.eat and comfortable
hall in the Curtin house where they will
"'MRI hold tl.oir sc< RET meetings
—lames Harris A CO are sola agent" In
Hellefonte FOR the Centre Hall Corn Plant
ers and Plows and their repairs
: and lady, of Kebersburg, aged h" and Of
vears, respectively, are without doubt the
, oldest married couple in Centre county.
For sixty-ONE years have they divided the
Ijoys and shared the sorrows of exislon-N
1 here, arid grcat-grrat-grar.d-children rise
1 ur> to call them blessed, Mr. Hover set-
tied upon his present homestead in I*ll
and has lived there ever since They Bth
j enjoy the best of health and If appearances
he not VERY deceptive will live many
years more About two weeks ago Mr.
Itoyer wa.ked t-> the field where the fiand*
WERE plowing, and, as he said, to show
them how to do it, dreve the team around
several times. It does NOT require much
I of an imagination to picture the vivid
I recollection of the SEASONS of the | AST
when ho in the prime of life, his mind
filled with the possibilities of an earnest
snd faithful application to the duties as.
signed him, dreamed, AS he worked, of
that period of rest nd qui'-t t> be his p-.r
-lion after the struggles and trials of many
years SHOULD T EASE HE kind to the OLD,
cherish them as links binding the rushing
shallow present to that staid and solid
past, gone forever. May (sod B|e our
old friends
.lames Harris A <'o a*e tho agents TOR
the Centre Hall Corn Planters Host
planter made. if.
MRl.uoox'* PN Xl' — This amusing er
tertainrnent as given by the NRWN.T. A
S< OTT company has few rivals and no su
perior*. A performance has BEEN secured
by Manager Sourberk and on Saturday
evening NEIT Keyr. ljs 1 I|.era bouse should
be crowded We understand the repre
sentations to have L>een strictly first-clas#
and ask a perusal of the following testi
"Muldoon's Picnic will remove the
tariff Duck.
"Muldoon's Picnic" is the "Missing
Link."—-V. O Picayune
After "Muldoon's Picnic" call the po
lice Cificsnnofi F.n<ju\r*r.
Muldoon's Picnic, a succssss. .Vein Fori
Muldoon's Pic-nic iz gud fur dispepse.
—Jonh Hlllinq*
After seeing Muldoon's Picnic I was
barmy.— /'. T. Ilamum.
Muldoon's Picnic knocked 'em out.—
V ) It,raid.
"First-class, ah."— fxiuinrtlle Cbwr-ier-
"Muldoon's Picnic" converted me.—/f
fl. Jngeraoll.
(site us some more of "Muldoon's Pic
nic."— Philn. Prenn.
"Muldoon's Picnic," takes tho bakery.
-V. P. SMB.
"Muldoon's Picnic," laughed the filling
out of our tooth.— Detroit Frte /Venn.
Imprison mo for life with a manuscript
of "Muldoon's Picnic."— Frank Jnmea.
Hocuro your seats, at Sourbock's store
to-day. No extra charge.
—CJo to Harris' Hardware Store for the
Centre Hall Corn Planters and Plows and
their repairs. tf.
—The excursion of the glass blowers to
the "cave" not long since was facetiously
•nd inappropriately referred to by the
Watchman as a "eanUeo." These gentle
men do not indulge as might be inferred
from our neighbor's remark. They are
Industrious and apply themselves to their
work with such persistent care that they
must have some recreation. To-day they
are at Snow Shoe, ft being their Intention
to devete the "Thursday*" from now un
til July Ist in viailing parts of the coun
ty of most Interest.
Rnd appreciative! audience greeted these
little wonders upon the occasion of their
first public appearance, at Key nobis' Op
era House, on Tuesday evening. The en
tertainment was two-fold, instrumental
music and a charming opera, "The Hidden
Hall," the latter adapted by Mr -I. W.
Moore, the father of the children. Their
playing upon the violin is considered not
only remarkably fine, but entirely beyond
what might he expected of persons so
young. Tho costumes and scenery used in
the opera are elegant, adding much t" the
excellence of the performance.
The extreme youth fulness of the trio,
their perfect mastery of the violin, their
natural adaptation to tin- -tag'-, and their
| calm, ( "Hotted, genteel hearing inetfaC'-a
blv stamp them as prodigies destined to
attract attention wherever they may ap
] pear before the public.
The programme was well placed and the
interesting little performers acquitted
themselves in a most creditable manner
and received d rvod applause from the
large audience in attendance. Indeed,
upon the whole, tho eiitertainiii'-nt was
I novel, unique and grand, and merits the
favorable r< • ignition ■ ! amusement loving
! people ev'-rvwili-re
MHJ .1 It Fisher, the enterprising
1 merchant at I'enn Hall, has been contin
uously 111 business at one place lor -II
years, hi* present store building we be
lieve, stands on the spot where stood the
1 small room he rented in U the latter was
, destroyed by lire before Mr Fisher bad
occupied It a year. His old account Isooks,
: of which there are many, have been
placed in a neat an I substantial case, and
furnish a belter history of Pennsvalley
people, for one generation at h ast, than
any record that could h<- written. This
genial gentleman i one "f the h'-arliest,
jolliest persons to be met with in a long
lay travel a;, ]1 r ,y s. as he deserves t>,,
| the confidence good will and e>i*-m of a 1
i his neighb rs
Ale it the rirlnst lh;r g we have #— ri
?• r a long t!rn i* a < py ■ I the Chicago
Herald, ialed N v. 2 1 "2. handed us
by Mr Ki< hard Harris To us the idea of
travelling l<■ mil--- in 'JO minutes with
electricity as the motive ps-w.-r s.-ems im
possible . the Irish trouble, lav.- ceased
and the Km. ra d I*!e 11 a power t which
1 other nations are glad to do homage Chi*
rag - is t • have inhabitants and
but must st< p . if s -newhere and
may as w.d! d• it right here N r.e of us
will see th*'. day but I'. i c -liing *:. !
then lll!e onte will be the Iferlin of the
LX'th century
And it came p. pass in the days of the
'prir.g freshet that a certain bridge was
washed away, and all the people sorrowed
I r much travel w*< d n* over this same
bridge Kut the chief priest* and the
"sadduce* adrn. r.i*hed them to be of g..d
cheer, saying "We will build you ar. th
-1 er," but the jeople murmured, when one
whose surname was jk<-l fun at the
much distress. 1 tax-payers and unto th j
day no mar. knoweth who it was that
1 p.oke.l the m st fun, he or the p. .or puop le
And the bridge was r. t built
1 A festival f..r the le>ne|'. of the Half
Moon M V. circuit parsonage will beheld
at Fillm re Saturday evening next Ice
cream, cakes, lemonade and other delica
-1 cari'-s will |e> tastefully and plentifully
1 serve*!. Thos* who can not attend in the
' evening can be serTe.l in the afternoon-
I,et there fe. * lull turn, ut and general re.
, spnnse made t„ the call for assistance
Among the numerous new subscribers,
whose name* have been placed upon our
list within the past two weeks, is Cieorge
Miller. Ksq , proprietor of the Sp.rlng
Mills hotel Mr Miller has had about
years of active expeiience in this business
1 and knows what is wanted His table is
j always spread with the best the market
affords and the accommodation* are ampde
■ and first cia*s
j —lt is with real pleasure mingled with
thankfulness that we note the fact that our
1 friend Sechler is still selling firs/ riant gro
ceries at lowest price*. A visit to his
place of business will amply repay anyone
for the time spwnt. Consumer* of groceries,
fresh fruit, fish, meat and
canned goods and anything eatable, who
I do not see hi* stock before buying do them*
j selves an injustice. You will find him in
the Hush House block.
—A pvostal card from Mr. James I/ove.
of Troy, Miami county, Ohio, tell* u* that
wheat in that locality "is awful poor,
thousands of acres have been plowed up for
corn." To Mr Love's inquiry as to the
prospect* in Centre county, we can answer
that they never were better, nor more
—We have frequently been impressed
by the gentlemanly attention paid custom
ers at the hardware store of Messrs. Wil*
son, McFarlaneA Co.. Mitchell, Pontius
Muster, and the obliging Colonel himself,
take great tnterest In person* who call (
whether their mission be to purchase or
—On Friday we called upon the Mlli
hoim Journal and had |u*t become inter
ested when cruel fata interpvoscd and cut
the chat short, but we'll try again the
first opportunity.
Mr. John McCoy, of Olivia, Blair
county, paid us a pop visit yesterday. He
I* always a welcome guest.
—Linen lawns at Oarman's.
IVulle.il I r> uiniiUr lie HSI.B of oi* bO|ho.sl.
Ar.-I flic*# bright |l#*#*lit R|soU thftt n.? infa#'
k ril#,
Ao'l fr##li lit my U th* #l4 f#*Mor<#'l lIDIM#-
With Itiiwffrt llttl# j.,rb 'r#inl b#r# i*y fin##
My iii"tbwr'nd#nr t*> * ■ •!**> |*wwrl ftom lb- #nbw,
Ah I eini|-l n liwr darltog w ill m b*#r foil of Joy ,
N (bought* of tliw fdfi* t*. ' /tf>#• In that futur*
Hli# |l *l bright for h*r owa drllng I my
Ij'tiK 111* hav# u# \,y |nr# llitn,
Tb* f right rlata t,f t hll'lh'M-l h#V# I nil if |'#wa'l .
4' '1 tb# < hilri riow *Hi #ti in m |ilaori r■ 11 I* log
(••| ris'l of all rsmif ft b * (light M|i] I y <U>
I • llttl* yon tbojrlt vildiißi foif but
! Th lean ymi wsull ah'l f.r him #.ru futnr# day ,
That h# would f'ifMka th" wh#n #g- fn#'ie th##
To waiil#r wltli #tr#ogej# sws far, far *w*y
Y#*r# ha*# rslh"l by i.< tl.#r n, # f hat# l#ft th##
Y#r# full "1 •bko#e "f a '-now and |*#iri
Tlm " lri#fil* 0(1* • " kifi'l ha# f r#ak#n til# rrmtb#!,
'h "|s#n your ariu# and r"#i%# ros again
I 1 ng f"i to a#i tliyr dar fa# r* • agalu
And to l#ar thy w##t #-rla f *u t f it an I j<.y,
I ku#w you won't blam# or r- { r .ah ru# Uar n..!i.#r
II't ##**j. <.'#r th# #orr #• of th* *u darling h'.
Wm J. P 41 *a,
ll#||#f of# Jail
From the State Capsitol.
lIARKIHIILK'., May 10, IRR;.
KIIII'RH HS-M'" RAT Oovc-rnor I'alti-
S'.t. s first pitiofi c*m<- off' U-t evening,
it we* MII enjoyable affair. The beads of
departments and members of the Legisla
ture were there in full force besides a
' number of citizens, both ladies ar.d gen
tlemen, who represented our most res port
ed and fashionable p.'.rti n of the commu
nity. Tb" executive mansion was bril
liantly ligbt'd, about half ;a*t ■ gbt the
go. sis commenced to arrive, and w-re re
ceived in tin banqueting j arb.r by Cover
nor ar. 1 Mr- I'attison, Mrs W H .Steng.
-r, wife of the Secretary ! Slate, and
Mi** Woolferd a .-• i-iti ..f Mr- I'attison'*
Beautiful flow rs greeted of." on every side,
the delicate sin.lax hung in fesUK.ns from
the chandeliers arid Iropital plants stood
around in prod.gal profusion—w,tb the
pure (alia lity, hi ! our native rose, M*
minding us of summer tbeir sweet
fume seemed to whisper a welcome t" all
Among the distinguished guest* present
wre the Hon. Jeremiah S K.a< k. Altor
si'-y fieneral I. .i* t Cassidy. 11 n .1 hn
St. wart of ('bamisorshurg. ar.di late on
th" Independent tick'-t f r governor, IF n.
\Vll,;sin A Walla. '• and Li- it <■ v.
f'hauncy F 111* h Ar.d h- re hv th'- way
I would sav the man who hel l th' second
:! e in the gft f th- Mat' *h .1 have
stood hv the 1 ; tf,. g. v.rt, * f no
the honors of the <>• an. and there it no
■ •r.e, irrc; eclive ~f j. r ■ .ns • * p arty who
I ■-u.d have fiil.-d the p-.siti r, witb gre*te r
dignity and gra >• Ar i bis charming
W.fe. wl. ■l* th. r jgh y a - ety Woman,
ho* had an .;p rt .nity ot "-irig m< re of
the world th* th , ll'-i. It wife • f the
ex>- utiv. h. r I r.ght (• unlenance ar.d
sweet cor.tcinp.'.ativ" eyos live in .-nes
m.-m <rv after i-i.j >y it.g the p • asantry and
.nU-lleclual treat ..f f.er society tjuile a
goodly numlser 1 f Methodist sist-rs and
brethren ! kc-l in after p.rtyer no-st rigs.
Although it has been east- mary lo refresh
one with the sin,j lest diet .f era. kcrs,
c ff.-e and lemonade, 1 thought a* I up
p<• J the latter which was dc 1 ledly weak ,
1 ap pEW .at .rig a* I tally d.> r. IM | r r. .r t
ar.d reform, it sbon' ! never have |n
commenced at that end of the line In
the days < f "Aul'l Lang Syne, when
: Oonnor Sbußk live,) in an unp.retentious
manner in a two-story bn<-k, still standing
;on Front *lrert, he brought up a large
family and hep t up the dignity of the
• ffi. eon a sa.ary ( f (M' a year, and I
have heard Mrs Shunk say that they gave
a large party every winter, and had *
handsome entertainment and the Mate
lidn t pay f r it either. The llarrisburg
string hand discoursed excellent music for
the Isenefit of those who desired to dance,
but the heat or ■ mething else seeme.) to
affect those wh. generally take part upon
such occasions, and there w*. less of this
rational amusement than formerly. About
II o'clock the ro ms began to thin out and
the five hundred visitors after biding
adieu to hi* exceiienc; and the la lie* who
assisted in receiving, t<*--k th-ir departure
Next week the Odd Fellows h..|d a con
vention here which hid* fair to be well
attended, a* hit ween eight and nine hun
dred are expected. 11 A. J.
#aF"No family dyes were ever so popu
lar as the Diamond Dyes. They never
fail. The Black is far superior to log
wood. The other colors are brilliant.
| —('•! crap iron wanted for the cash
| or in exchange for Hardware at U.K.
HICKS' Hardware and Stove Store, tf.
Wilson, McFarlane A Co., caii alien- |
tion to the only reliable Keady Mixed :
1 Faint in the market The Pioneer l're- j
pared Pair ', is not mly superior to any i
Keady Mixed Paint sold but rivals pure
i white* lead in it* smoothness in working
and du-ability. This paint is guaranteed I
by the manufacturers not to crack or pee)
within three years. The guarantee is not
only goosi for replacing the paint but it
will be p.ut on if it should crack or f-eel
within the lime specified. It will be to
your internet to call and *ee Wilson. Mc
Far lane A Co., befora purchasing either
white lead or any other Heady Mixed
—lf you are lean and want to get fat, if
you have the blue* and need cheering, if
your wife make# it so hot for you that you
can appreciate a raal pleasant evening, if
your clothe* do not fit you and you want a
little respite from that inconvenience or if
you ara not happy and want to be *O, why
go to Muldoon's Picnic at the opvera house
on Saturday evening. Hoserved seat* at
—A valuable Bellefonte property, ex
lending from Linn to Lamb street, there
on erected two good dwelling bouses, W
offered for tale en easy terms by Adatp
Hoy, Ksq., who will be plooeed to nago*
Mate tot it* sal*
• *©>' .
I). Hurt nan A Hon, fine furnlhing
good* for Jadie* end gentlemen, Hu*h nr
ca'l<-, Hellefonte.
—.lfcfUM Ifnrri Ac Co ere Milr agent* In
Hellefontefor the Centre Ifi) (,'orn Plant
er* and Plow* and their repair* tf.
A llakokkoi * On r-TknreiT—There
are dangerou- counterfeit* circulation
j purporting to he " Walnut Oaf Jiair He*
*torcr The trnnge*t evidence of it*
! great value i the fa* t that panic* know
ing it* grat efficacy lry u , ~n y( „,r ,/
, Bat b bottle •/ th* yenuicu baa a fur ,„,,/*•
]of a walnut leaf -blown m the gla ; arid
a fJrocn Leaf on tlie' utnde wrapper The
j "Restorer" i* a- hartnle*. a* water, while
i it puMwiei all the prop- rtie. nece,,ary to
re*tore life, vigor, growth and color to the
hair. Purehit*e only fr- 111 rrtj, jjitiblf /.nr.
hf. Ark your druggit lor It Kach bot
tle i* warranted .John*ton, Hollow a> A
< <>., Philadelphia, and Hail A Ktickel,
New Vork, Whole-ale Agent* < 1*
Ja* Ham- a l'.. • the ageDU for
the Centre il l I planter*. Rett
j planter made If,
When jou are ready for your white
dre** either in men, fawn, mull, na:n*ook
or cambric, remember Carman'* i* the be*t
place to pure bare there good*
A M I MMTkK > (illA r II I lK -- IK HAKT
MAS iJrnr Sir I am thankful t-' <'-d
that I can a knowledge your treatment
(Ptruna of my daochtor'a aya ha* bam
ucee*ful anri *atif*<i<>ry. I would be
. glad t" have tb pub ,• ha'va ronfldenec in
y "U. N If - Piea-c make Jour fcl •* in
rr-ar hOf {H.or penj e H-mmf*er the ten
| dc-r rnercie* of tie- wn kd arc cruel.
Ria K if oAi.nwiK,
Wattburgb, Pa.
Reader a*k jour druggi-t f.,r one of
Or llartman • lava .a' a book* OH tba
'•111* of J.ife, and bow to < ure them.
You get one grati*
fin t' llarrir Hardware Store for the
Centre Ifali Corn Po.nler* and Plow* and
their rej aire If
pinithir g t- 'hr * t t,bi neck wear,
tarteful etr etera at fia-rnar . fi .rfi arr de.
Hav CM t Mo' p. p j k>-
I think it m\ lot* : •
j mend f r the Inn-Tit ( | .. .
ifig to kro w ..1. r H (I • nr. j.„.d
' r ' '• 'kh * thej are s !f< r general
del. ,t\ 1,1,1 it. Jf - I -trenglber the
fi<-r \ •* mt #-fi< Bfi'l tr * ■ ft* iif<j J f .
j orr.n *r 4 rnv j hll* rt t' um* thrm
! I' •! I'h A Pa ATT.
Wastkh —A i . - at Ji 1 A
II 't - 1 ' f t* ' - r•* * - ( , | *V'
and << ' la nt ■ti ' i inn I I n-: I-, r • 1 t
j man. )-t!
hi •* ant .re tLinir at
Carman *.
- lit* n.a ■ ' w . ui. u. a- .1,1 -
fl6 i*i / 'IT* ■ Ur *> *rrt> 1•■ iiv
M A Cn, Til,l r-
I fili) aN-M.KLO* ~M*i 1 .at th* r.•>}*,'*
I fI ha tel. fatl.rr \y h M |; V* a Mr
!**,}. t |:ri*i {7 v • |' t M~ \. \
) g - f SMBMfrtb, In :i,' l
IJfllr font r Grftin Murkat.
I'.11:11 %Tt Mat ]T. iM.i
• M- la-J aaaklt t 7 K 41 <*•
Vt!,#t aloti J>l I Uli . .... f] 1
!- - ■
J *,
' ' j't I*wall*- .
, #t, ,<•' j-c t i,| i .
•ta ;'!,*! . 4|
j luri* j*r 1 oha-l, rjt tni|jhf. ... " i
ri.APf |i#f f Ut4 .Ha
I ; -ur "W . Jrrl i , h fiat ' aj
Ir t k. WW t Ti
Plbltar.fl ifirt I 'Ttff v U1
Prorl%ioi Market.
C rra-ft#4 t H*r jwr Hu>thra.
Af.jija# r .a* V J*rf |e 'hftij . . .
< J*af | OJi* a* < I; ]0
lan j.T 4 tmr t
r. \• itfo i r j. tiii
, Chu kail* jnaf Jw ; r*4 .... ~
j jar J*.*un4 . .. . li
I I ur 111 '.r. 1. *>
Man-a. aqf*r ' ....... ]b
j ftkßM l.\
UN j' r ;■ i; J .... 1'
Wik-r ] ' •
V " • !• l uaba-l ] )
j ITia4 f-- f i |
„Yr/' Afivrriiffmrntx.
J A* a|| U l)5 || I,* i w*a *,mr f?
ti Iw i 1 ta f. t th dif?rT.t Hr tj|{ha %.(! T- i>
• | •. t1 W • f v *
F'att h'nhfj>. Mfri<U. Jtw> 4
Mail Hmffi t"rihi| M' ii4at. Jtibf i
|ari-u*n biaiibhlt. T**rl*t Jur>+ '
Harrt* t- ij . M a*d(<<-*<ln . Jura#
( **ll*f# lom-tmhlft.
l'f'l |*-f tamr.ahij-. Tlnitwilt. Jtibf 7.
t'TPjj: t unahij. Fn laj. Jtw* *
V' f■ r. •• r.abij. MoMIkJ 4MM "1
M iilh*<Ki y.t.jaj Jr.ir ] j
Ifkinam U wiiiUjt. Jnn* I.
Mi law U'hit*. Tna*l*a Jm.* 12.
Mailt at 1. •nihlj', HrvltiaaUt i
M*rd. t> 1 Watba4J, 1
II wit i In-rctigh. Tharwtai 14
II- wf4 V rahiji. Thr*.a* Jul* 14
l.ihwrtA t* twnal.fjt, J una J
Cur tin n>wft*tiip. Fn4ij, Jnna 1%
H.jca i iiah)j. M t.'lm, Jon# 1
Vilawt.nif l-'T- ufh, M r* l*j. Jh#
Huat ! t m i*h i|> Twa—UaJctia lt<
1 nloti t n*h<j>. TnwwUt. Jon* If
CllHtfll* Ut"OJth. Tuaadit. J *it* 1
M. rth t. wnLlf , Juna>
Tnyh r icouhlf*. Wawlt.a*4*y lor>* .
I' r.ahij M*d % . Jun* 7>
Kal, I'.wrtahlfi, Ihurmlm Jm< il
rht'.ijial urf la rfOgh. Tli'iraaf*T. Jil®a .1
Wi" 1 * nahi|< Fri'lat. Jwna £l.
. iiwfinwt FrldiT. Jonf £2
ftj riLi toVMblt Mf. J|na lh
|lail*r*ntw la 4 tlfh, TuaHMlt, Jullf ...
From V ft tVk i m to t c'rlofk ?• w mu)i diy
T7ia A—aiaW'f oiththwir o*ati1 m-l*Ut t tjfl
rr-jtilfMl aia ta It *ft<ft'l*i
Jon n M oi.r \
M c cA M I'Mtl.l, > Cbfttl.
A J )
, Mun F itk. Hftk
i m 'Arj lwiria o*nrt f * bum lb tba mat
tar of tha of Jt>n Huh it . f iVtm tont*i|x,
Thw rii4#f ar, ntidilnt aj faxaid U
ttj# Mbid court to ••rorUin ait nrtj*M <4 aa.l
t rtjffttt or. •!! "f>a it*, tf *a o4
to mail* 4<*tntitKi of int 1 in th* l**.,u <*| 4
Tilltr*taf of **t<l Id lp4 b | thfW 1-
Vall.t wntltlnii tfowrM |l attrrxl t tk* <lnti>* of h
• f|r4tltmat. It hi* tfl M 'Ttiay. J'inw
14 IMI, it IF , rtoc| A. B*,Hn Mi vWI •! jh.*-
t>M inlaraatiM auna •Hand.
Btut L. Oitii, Av4tor
|? X K< ITOHS NOTK K.— I^ttm
I 4 le<rtm*nrj CB the Male of J..),n Redte),
i*te of fj-rta* *>*iWk hnt, f an* arwal
l la the MBAerl*fted, Unt. of tleilef Bt* *t
eprlnji l" ki|>. e-af—Titel*
A re.win* ih-meeln-" lnlet<lad aall deeel- ai (e eoae
n-rwat-l and make ImmelUle |ymel. and all iVw
tiArlat rial• him |e |-.^-T.t tc-lt arrowal*.
d*l| *lheiilt<led. It* *.tllement
Aetw Hot.
Bellefonle, Mm S, "tt, I'i* Jr, tievtm,
I J t'l. Bfc| . dereaeed Otter* uwlamawtarv un
Iha ah** aalal* harie* he-a frul-1 • th nader-
W*we*l, all patwew* IndeMwd le aald eaut* ar* fw
piaalod In make paimant awd all perw-wa bavta)
Halm* ■•* demand. a*a.a*l Ihe e**l of Ik* aaid ,1
—a—l to mak* known Ike aam* wrllkowl dela*
Mia m*NCB MAOUftro.
pellelowlo. Pw, W. I*. 7K1.1.*M
Ma. H.Sw. dOHN a LINK,
ae-kl. It eon lor*.