®ht Crntrc jpcmocrat Thursday Morning, May 17, 1883. n.iaaMroHMVi.r.inUhtlnglinixitUnt nows, solid I ,J from n* j.irt of the county. No ennununlcittooi Instrud unlMi *ccomp*nll >y tin r*l of writer. Local Department. The lawn-mower has been chinning quite freely of late. When it cornea to "skipping over the turf * nt a lively rate, Arty Brown is hard to beat. —An infant daughter arrived at the res idonce of Mr. Jaino* l'otter "it I- riday morning. —Mr J. W Miller, general secretary of the V. M C A of this place, is in Milwaukee. Kea.l the new advertisement of the Bee Hive and then go there for your dry goods and gent's furnishing goods. Harry Hicks ha had another monster sign painted, this time on Mallory - black sniith shop. Lonberger anl Irvin, ar tists. Mr. und Mr- C'yru Itruti.gard, "I Wolf* store, have been ntiuted with the traiutng "• olio r .It I WI .Shake. Cyru*. Mr. Titos Decker, of I. k Haven, a millwright well known in C.utre county, called on Tuesday lie is brim full of business. Messrs. W T. Leathers, James Gor don and J. N. Van Urtner were chosen to appraise the property of Satnl. Stine, late of Roland, deceased. —Mr ( too. M. Noll, of Milesburg, ha' accepted the agency of the Hill Ac Netf organ, made at Sunbury, I's Read notice of manufactory on inside page. —An essav on an intere-ting subject, read by Mrs. Rev. M. W. Fair, of this place, at the late Sunday school conven tion held at Lock Haven will l-e found in our next issue. —No better cultivated nor tnnro prolific garden than that of Mr. Haag' at Pleas ant (tap, is to he seen anywhere. Why he had all kinds of vegetable*, of his own raising, two weeks ago —On Tuesday- Mr. N. W Cronimiller, of Aaronsburg, came rushing into tho DEMOCRAT office and after a short stay as speedily rushed out. Come often and stay longer, Mr. Cronimiller. —The walls of the Centre Hall hotel business office have been painted, the ceil ing frescoed and the furniture put in apple-pie order. Davy thinks there ii no such room in Centre county and we tully agree with him. —Hon. John K. Rankle, one of the as sociate judges cf the court of this county, died at his homo in Tusseyville, at an early hour on Tuesday morning, aged 70 years. His decease was quite sudden, the result, it is thought, of paralysis of the heart. —The arrangements thu far made for I a grand celebration here, July -lib, war rant the assertion that it will be an enjoy able affair. Our Lock Haven friends owe it to themselves a* well as to u that they come up and join the procession. Come along friends. Messrs. M. Levi A Co., proprietors of the Keystone Clothing House are rushing things. They pay in tah the car fare of | persons who come from Port Matilda, .Snow Shoe, Eagleville and intermediate points provided the purchaser invests $ lie in goods. Try them. —The largest cylinder ever blown at the glass works was blown by Mr Wm. Culp, formerly of Baltimore, on Tuesday. It measures !?C'| inches in width, 75 inches in length and weighs 40pounds. It will not be flattened out now and any one de sirous of seeing the monster ran do so. —A district Sunday school convention of the A. M. B. church will be held at Huntingdon from June 8 to June 12, in clusive. The program promises an inter- ; eating time. Chas. Garner, of this place, district superintendent, is conducting the arrangements. Reference was made, in these columns two weeks ago, to what seemed to be an oversight in the mailing department of the American Apnevlturaliet. Since then, we are pleased to state, the error has been corrected and that best of agricultural papers comes to us more highly prized than ever. —James Schofleld, the Spring street saddler, asks us to say that he has been working on railroad cart harness "in spite of them" and is better prepared than ever for the manufacture of the heaviest as well as finest and fanciest kinds of harness. He haa a limited number of low priced onea ranging from $lO to $l5. (Jive him a call. —A moment er two on Tuesday was most pleasantly spent by the writer with Mr. Wm. Wolf tho oldest merchant in Centre Hall. It was our pleasure also to meet Mr. J. Witmer Wolf, junior mem ber of the firm, Both gentlemen are cour teous and kind and are entitled to the 4arge share of public patronage with which (bey are favored. Mr. Newton Brumgart, of Hebers %>rg, on Tuesday started for Illinois. Helore leaving town he looked in upon ut to av good bye. Although his intention now is not to locate there, he says there is aome poaesbility of it, but our friend will And Pennsylvania too attractive, we hope Mr. and Mrs. Hirnnn Spangler, en route for Kansas, accompanied him. May they have a pleasant time. OUR MAN AHOUT TOWN. —Dr. Dick son, of Pittsburgh, was in town on Mon day. The residence of Hon. J. P. (Jephart sports new windows and other improve ments. We had tho pleasure of meeting Mr. Wm. Parsons, editor of tho New Haven /tei/i-iter, on Thursday evening. K. ('. Humes, Esq., President of tho First National Bank likes to discuss tho different manufacturing interests of our state. Rev l'cnnepaeker, on Sunday, preach ed to his own congregation in tho morn ing, drove to State College and preached there in tho afternoon, came home ami preached hero in the evening. Surely he is a preacher. Mr. James K. Williams, of Spring township, is assisting Recorder Bible. Ho is an excellent penman and does good work, hut will never be what his friends most ardently desire he should until bo votes tho Democratic ticket. Prof. W. (J. Morrison has been doing some clerical work for the commissioners this week. He often looks in tho direc tion of Millheiin and sighs as though his heart would break. Come, brace up, bov. Col. Shortlidge went into the council just a' March sometimes comes in, like a lion, and wo hazard the prediction that he will go out just as It does, like a lamb. Miss Ida (Jearhart, one of Pbilipsburg j most successful teachers ami most pleasant ' young ladies, was tho guest of Mrs. Bobt. B. Larimer on Sunday. Mr. Ellis B. Ilosterman, of Potter township, was in BelleforiU- on Tuesday. He is at present soliciting orders for a Tyrone copying house and doing well. Miss Maggie, daughter of ex-Sheriff Scheaffer, of Nittany, was in town on Sunday, the guest of Miss Beckie McGin ; Mr. (' T. (Jerberirh arid Dr. K. W- Hale arc in West Virginia attending to business of an important nature. Wo ran across J. Harbison Holt on the street the other day and found that [ rinee of Snow Shoe good fellows just a- usual full of fun. affable and friendly Wo met Rev. T. M Morris, of Miles j burg, the other day and he sp' ko in glow ! ing terms of the two corner stone# laid on | ->nnday, at Miiesburg and Lcmont. B tb were complete ami grand successes and ai* together due to Mr. Morris untiring en ; " r k'v- Mr. (ieo. W. Eaton has engaged with J. It. Mast, of Reading, manufacturer of I cigars and dealer in tobacco, arid will can j va.-s central and western Pennsylvania. To our friends who purchase goods in his < lino wo commend George as one worthv i their patronage The Methodist .>ciahlr was well at ; tended )at Thursday evening. The pro. i gramme was well arrang'-d and every thing passed off pleasantly. Uur jolly friend Aaron Williams edited and r-ad j the ,\f nthli), and a good one it was too. There are few things Mr. Williams can not do if he tries. Rev. W. R. Whitney, at one timo preacher in charge of the I'enns Valley M. K. circuit, has been stationed at Half Moon. On Saturday he paid us a friendly visit and we were glad to see him. Our Half Moon Methodist friends am to be congratulated upon the excellence of the choice conference made for them. A short half our was most pleasantly spent by "our man ' on Monday with the Me'sr*. Valentines, at their out-of-town office. There is a largeness about the courtesy and hospitality of these gentle men rarely met with that acrounts for the high esteem in which they are held by their neighbors and friends. Mr. \S E. Hurchfield and family will make Pbilipsburg their homo hereafter. J. \V . Gepbart, Esq., will occupy their elegant residence, while Dr. Seibert, the gentleman who is to engage in the practice of medicine with Dr. Hayes, will move into the house on Spring street vacated by Mr. Gepbart. On Sunday Col. Furey, of the If'a/cA man and we partook of the whole-souled hospitality of Mr. F. X. Lehman, pro prietor of the Butts house. The dinner j was not only first class in quality and well 1 served, hut a feeling of contentmeat and satisfaction every one that is rarely met with at a public bouse. Dur ing the after-dinner chat we found Mr Lehman to be a very pleasant, well-in formed gentleman, and can conscientiously recommend him to the favorable notice of the traveling public. We beard CAM it. LA I'a.soon Saturday evening. Her execution upon the violin is marvelous and captivating. The selec tions are productions of the great masters, and as this remarkable virtuoso, with eyes closed—oblivious to all surroundings, by tho magic, sweep of the bow that become* a veritable sceptre in her hand, the audi ence instinctively fellows her example and forgets all save the strains of delectable sweetness to lavishly wafted upon the air made charming by her very presence. The one other attraction is RI RHANK, an elocutionist of very decided ability. We trust Manager Sour beck may favor Relle fonte frequently with entertainment* of this character. —Mr. J. C. Sample, of Pine Grove Mills, Centre county, took in tbe sight* about town last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Sample i* the leading merchant and busine** men of bi* town, and carries a stock of good* which would do credit to a town of'JO,!**),—7\/ros 7Voi<*. WHO FLUYHTIIK TICK KTH—OUR M-ECIAI. IKDUCKMKNTR TO <>ULL I'ATROXR RTO tllO following Fir*t, Wo will not pay fare hut wo guarantee 'JO per cont. lower price* than any other store in Hellefonte' Second, Wo will not nauin ny distance but will tront oil alike front fur or near. Third, Wo will guarantee all good", motl ey returned when goods am not satisfac tory, a* in former times. Fourth, Wo do not promise to givo away hats but will soli thorn at a low tlgurc. No promises made to givo away gold watches or chains, ! but we do most emphatically promise and j guarantee low prices for all at the PIIII.A -DKI.I'IIIA Ho.AM 11, Hellefonte. There in some mliafaclion in /.nou'tn./ where to yo in run' you huu and thru wmh you hadn't. LEWIS V Co. —''ant "crap iron wanted for the cash or in exchango for Hardware at 11. K. HICKS' II M OA TAR. AMISTOVK STOKE, tf MII.ESHI RO lIKM-.- I.ast Sabbath was an unusually busy day among our church es. Our llaptist friends hail their usual services in the .norning, Tho ordinance of baptism was administered in tho mill- I race, Kev. Kdwards, officiated. KEV. W ! I Wright preached a usual and tendered 1 his resignation TO the members of the Presbyterian congregation. He proposes to go to Kylertown, Clearlleld county. In the aflern.ain the Kvangelical cor.gr -pa. ' lion laid the corner stone of their new : church. The services were conducted in tho Presbyterian church, Kev. K.-rn, of Centre Hall, assisted by Kev T. M. Mor ris, pastor in charge, officiated. The < ash collection and subscription fooled up hand* soniely. The chiel of |>oliee made an arrest in the evening. The culprit wasr< - 1 leased upon promising to be a better boy 1 in the future— The patrons of husband ry are titling up a r.eat and comfortable hall in the Curtin house where they will "'MRI hold tl.oir sc< RET meetings ItooMERANO. —lames Harris A CO are sola agent" In Hellefonte FOR the Centre Hall Corn Plant ers and Plows and their repairs AX AOEH COVPLK.—COL IJenrv Hover : and lady, of Kebersburg, aged h" and Of vears, respectively, are without doubt the , oldest married couple in Centre county. For sixty-ONE years have they divided the Ijoys and shared the sorrows of exislon-N 1 here, arid grcat-grrat-grar.d-children rise 1 ur> to call them blessed, Mr. Hover set- I tied upon his present homestead in I*ll and has lived there ever since They Bth j enjoy the best of health and If appearances he not VERY deceptive will live many years more About two weeks ago Mr. Itoyer wa.ked t-> the field where the fiand* WERE plowing, and, as he said, to show them how to do it, dreve the team around several times. It does NOT require much I of an imagination to picture the vivid I recollection of the SEASONS of the | AST when ho in the prime of life, his mind filled with the possibilities of an earnest snd faithful application to the duties as. signed him, dreamed, AS he worked, of that period of rest nd qui'-t t> be his p-.r -lion after the struggles and trials of many years SHOULD T EASE HE kind to the OLD, cherish them as links binding the rushing shallow present to that staid and solid past, gone forever. May (sod B|e our old friends .lames Harris A <'o a*e tho agents TOR the Centre Hall Corn Planters Host planter made. if. MRl.uoox'* PN Xl' — This amusing er tertainrnent as given by the NRWN.T. A S< OTT company has few rivals and no su perior*. A performance has BEEN secured by Manager Sourberk and on Saturday evening NEIT Keyr. ljs 1 I|.era bouse should be crowded We understand the repre sentations to have L>een strictly first-clas# and ask a perusal of the following testi monials "Muldoon's Picnic will remove the tariff Duck. "Muldoon's Picnic" is the "Missing Link."—-V. O Picayune After "Muldoon's Picnic" call the po lice Cificsnnofi F.n