JEht Crutrf gtmmat. Thursday Morning, March 30,1882. Co&MMPOMDKNCB, rinlnll>llK •*. • ~u •*" •d from any part of the county. N oonimutile I aii*rtwl uuleo nccompDl*4l by Ibf real iiauie of oe writer. Local Deiartmet. i —Dig garden. —Parasols are becoming numerous. —"What kind of monkeys grow on grapevines? Gray apes." (Grapes.) PBRUNA is not an experiment, but a fixed fact; a single bottlo will convinco you. Whenever you are sick and tho doctor tries this and then that, stop fooling and take PKHtrSA. —The Methodist pulpit was filled Sun day evening by Rev. Charles Figles, in an agreeable manner. —Loeb's is the place to buy dry goods. Largo assortment, low prices and good goods at all times. —Mr. A!. Haupt was home for a few days last week. Ho is clerking in Lan caster, we believe. —Prof. Frank Muer, A II , principal of the Aaronsburg public schools was in town on Monday. —The delay in issuing tho DEMOCRAT this week was occasioned by an unusual pies* in the job department. —Mr. S. S. Blair, of nollidaysburg, is mentioned as a candidate for the nomina tion of Congressman at large. A new post office has been established at Longvillo, Centre county, Pa., with Samuel B. Lucas as postmaster. —Mr. Washington Reese went to Potts ville, his home, on Monday. Wo trust our friend may enjoy himself. Mr. S. D. Tobias, of Millheim, one of the best pharmacists in the State, paid B"l!efonte friends a visit on Saturday. What was one of the mot important act* recorded in the life of \\ a.hington His little hatchet, of cherry tree fame. Rev. Pennepacker was taken seriously ill in the pulpit on Sunday morning, but we are glad to know be is now better. —Mr. Lewis Fabian, a German gentle man staving with Mr Samuel I.ewin, does some real artistic work with ascroH saw. Lyon <!k Co., are closing out their entire stock of dry goods, clothing, hoots and shoes at cost, in order to quit the busi ness. —Miss Emma Ray, of Tyrone, and Mis* Piper, of llollidaysburg, are enjoving the hospitality for which our friends Mr. an.l Mr*. R. M. McfJee are noted. —lf you have a dime to spare, and who among you ha* not, step into the p*t office and contribute that much to the fund for the support of "Betty and the baby." Mrs. Bond Valentine, who at present Is in very poor health, i* being visited by her sisters, Mrs. Hate* of N'ew York, and Mis* Lizzie Kenney, of Philadelphia. —The assistant •principal of our public schools, thinking he may add to ht* patri cian appearance, ha*, after due delibera tion, concluded to cultivate a chin beard. —Dr. HK. Hoy has been secured te at tend the poor of Spring township during the ensuing year, by the newly elected overseers. A most excellent selection. Mr. E. M. Stnrdevant moved on Tues day from hi* late residence on Linn street to the Wolf property. One of the Messrs. Loeb will occupy the house thus vacated. —An Osceola literary society last week discussed RrnolrtA, That foreign emigra tion should be encouraged by the U. 8 Well, the matter now is settled no doubt, and the Chinese must not come. —A celebrated lecturer, upon heingcom plimented for the clearness of his voice, remarked: "Why, nothing is easier ! Ail you've got to do is to use Sines' Syrup of Tar, wild Cherry and Iloarhound. —Rev. J. F. De Long was called away down to flublersburg to marry a couple on Sunday. The reverend gentleman is said to be a very pleasant, as well as capable, person to have about on occasions of this kinJ. —The other day a* Mr. A. Lyon, Sr., was walking out Allegheny street, several boys noticed volume* of smoke issuing from one of bis pockets and upon examination fouqd nearly all of the pocket with It* content* burned to cinder. —A young man named James Work man, of Eagieville, this county, fell into the forebay of the saw mill of Hopkins A Irwin* at Reynoldsville on Wednesday of laat week, and was either drowned or kill ed by the fall. He waa about twenty years of age. Mr. O. A. Drory, of Elmira, N. Y.' who represents a large Binghamton boot and shoe house made one of hi* regular call* on the busineas men of our town on Friday last. He Is en accomplished suc cessful salesman and makes new friend* wherever he goes. —The Conrad bouse billiard parlors are now open, and our friend Mr. Geo. Down ing 5s the proprietor. This gentleman Is quite a piayar and any one desiring a little sport can cross cues with him. Mr. J, F. Graff, Mr. Downing's predecessor, leave* town with th* good wishes of all for dur ing his stay among u* he was uniformly kind and gaoUamanly. ON* KXPBRIBNCB FROM MART.—I had been nick and miserable so long and hud caused my husband so much troublo and expend), no one eeined lo know what ailed rue, thai I was completely disheartened and discouraged. In this frame of mind I got a bottle of Hop Hitlers and used them unknown to my family. I soon began to improve and gained so fast that my hus band and fumily thought it strange and unnatural, but when I told them what had helped me, they said, "Hurrah for Hop Hitters I long may they prosper, fur they havo made mother well and Us Imppy."— The Mother. NITTIAI. KNOT TIBO.— For soma time we noticed that Mr. A. C. Mingle acted sort of qucerey,bad a far away absent look, you know, but yet the reason w< not appa rent until tho intellegcnco reached us that on the I Oth inst. Miss Maggie K Under of State College had ceased to he Mis* Und er and would henco'ortb be known us Mrs. A. C. Mingle. It required Just one week's time nfter tho interesting ceremony had been performed to get "Cap" bai k from the land of blissful imagination, totbe more realistic one of every day life, and even vet he can occasionally be detected sweetly smiling a* though be were enjoying the society of visitant* from a better world. Ot course we extend our band for congratu lations. RATIFICATION MBBTINO—THANK* TO WHOM TIIANKS AKK DCB.— A meeting to endorse and thank tho members of the present congress who voted in favor of re stricting Chinese importation will be held in the Court House in Hellcfonte on Satur day evening, April Bth 18*2, l" which every workingman and all other citi*"n who believe in indorsing our public ser vant* when they are right and condemn ing them when they are wrong, are cordi ally invited. We meet not a* politicians or for politi cal effect, but simply to show by our ac tions and word* that we approve ur.J rn dorse the work of the representaiives who voted to p- the Anti-Chinese bill and to publicly thank them f>r their eIT >rt* in the interest of the workingmen "f Ameri ca. I*.<ron at H di-lance feeling a we do an 1 MII; it hi/., i g •* ith tin* ni.o < nient are r>-quo.tod to call similiir meetings in tln-ir dill' rent localities. MAMT CITIZKX*. DCATII or ltav. TIIOIIA* M. UKES*.— The startling intelligence ha* reached i s of thod alb of Rv. T. M. K-w of Al toon a, on the nvrnirg th • I'7 th inst. This now* will cniio- nmnv of • ur render# real sorrow f>r h w# inlimatoly known to n>>t a fow* of tlo-m. A complication of ma'ariai and neuralgiac tr.njblea had par tially incapacitated him for active service, but up to the convening of the Methodist conference at Look Haven, two week# ago, he continued to All his pulpit, that of the Chestnut Avenu" M. K. Church Altoona. Mr. Ki-.-#o was for three years Presiding E lor of the district to which iiellefonte belonged and during that tinie lived in this pla . For forty years this man of fsod did faithfully all of the work falling to his lot as nn inlinerant minister, and no one was more identically connected with the rise and progress of Methodism In Pennsylvania. The remains of the de ceased were taken to llaltimore, Md., and interred there yesterday (Wednesday) at 10 o'clock. Thus one by one the stewards who did the pioneer work are called away and vacii urn* are caused that never perhaps are to be completely filled. ITEMS moil (Si-atso Minus.— In my last communication I told your readers that Mr. Philip Dale had put up three new houses at spring Mill*. This w<~-k he be gan work on the fourth building. Thi* last is for his own residence, so you see we gain a good citizen and your sido of the country lose a good resident. The directors hsd a second letting of the building ol the new school bonse, and Mr. Coldren was agaiti the successful bidder, Mr. Coldren is more successful In getting contracts for building school houses in Gregg township than he was in his etTorts, last summer, to secure the nomination for sheriff. ' There will be more flitlings next April in and about this place than there ha*been for several year* past. Tho big hotel Is nearly ready for visitors. Mr Kerlin moves to lowa, to engage in farming. In his departure wo lose a good tniller.a kind neighbor and an unterrified democrat. As he was for a number of years a resident of liellefonte, it will, no doubt, be a source of pleasure to many of your rea ders to bear that he leaves regretted by all. lie has not an enemy In the entire neighborhood, while Itis friends can be counted by scores. On last sabbath Ilev. J. It. Akers preach ed his farewell sermon. Ills new field of labor is in Clearfield coenly, near Glenn Hope, P. O. During his stay of two years in our midst be endeared himself to us all by hi* earnest efforts to promote the inter ests o: the Great Master's Kingdom, and his self sacrificing and untiring zeal to promote peace and harmony among the brethren. On Saturday night 25, inst., Mr*. Smith, wife of Ezra .Smith died. For several months she had been suffering from that dread disease consumption, hut her suffer ings are o'er "and she sleeps the steep that knows no awakening." %• —Spring fever is bothering a grant many. —Thn Waichman corrospondont, who last wk dealt out *onm merited pruitn to tho IJcnnor Towmhlp School Board, erred in speaking of tho prnident when ho railed him Noah Stover ; tho peron referred t<> in Mr. Uriiih Stover, and a moro deeply interested school officer never lived. —On Wednesday and Thursday of next ' week a public written arithmetical exam ination of pupil* belonging to the four higher grade* of our public school* will ho conducted by the principal, Prof. Leib. A prize will be awarded the perori who pro pare* the neatest and best paper. —Our ncomplbhed medical friend, l)r. Koland O. Curtln, of Pbiladelpbia, we perceive, ha* aurrendored at lust. After resitting the charm* of beauty for a acore of year*, ho ha* been captured by an ac complished New Knglnrid lady. Our e< n gratulation* will no doubt be sincerely •uptdemented by hi* ho*t of iriondi here. You can save from I<X) to VOO per cent, on a good dro*, from MM) to I'tiO per cent, on a *uit, from 8•> to IHO per cent, on a pair of ihoe*, and in everything that you need you will tind it to your interet to buy your good* where you get them at tiret coat. LvoX die Co. —lf potaibiu attend tha sociable at tlie Metbodi*l church on naxt TueJay even ing. The preparationa being made l*> in sure a pieHsant time are ample. The ex ercise* will consist of an elocutionary char acter, with at least Is is i f an hour devoted to social chitchat. Stranger* are cordially invited. —Through the genteel courtesy of Rev. A.J llrigiil, we had the pleasure of form ing Ibe a> quainlance of Mr J. \V. Urier, of Lycoming i ■ untv, a brother of \\ II Grier, edit' r of the Columbia Herald, Lan caster. Mr. Grier is a rising young Dem ocrat, posse. ,-<! of sound political judg lie nt, arid maintain* a deep interest in the welfare of Isi * parly. —The Joking wisy in which the Rrpuhh can speaks of the marriage of Mr. Daniel Snyder is hardly in keeping willi the g' s.d taste usually d.-playesl by < .r i-tMnrd contemporary. That Mr. Snyder cos Id not afford an expenive wedding is a mat ter of bis own. lie did the be-1 be cud, and t ' carp at the mi*f >rt ine* of others always evidences it breeding lts.erns that they who fall to attend to small butins-s affairs with that prompt ness n< ■ essary to insure th o lughness are n't all dead yet These letters will be held at the post office until they are sup ptied with traveling money : Gordon fruit ing C"., W'-stport, Conn., D. \N . Joni*. Milesburg, l'a , and J. W. Marsk, 613 North 'Uh street, St. 1-oui*. Mr. I. fuggnnhim-r, our witrpri log 'I "n town tn<Ti bent, intends t o;*n • brunch store at Cmlr* 11*11 on or abou* th first of n**s month. It will tw in charge of Mr. John Mullen alio in known pretty much *ll over Centre county. We wish our friends •buntlnnt success, and if they practice the same hon rble minner of dealing that cbarac teri/.- their busi ness transaction* here, they will succeed. On Tuesday, ( Washington, a colored man known to many in and around H.-llo font*, ** itting on the railroad in the neighborhood of the nail work* and the freight train coming in striking him, knocked him into the creek, whence he was taken up insensible and brought to the station. Dr. Harris was summoned and upon examination discovered one broken fib with numerous contusions upon several parts of bis b-iy. Hi* wuunJs are not considered necessarily latal. —ln the death of Henry Wads worth Longfellow the entire world of literature and art suffers. As an American he was the pride and boast of bis fellow country, men, who will mourn bis loss as they might that of a brother or father ; as an Eng lish writer be was known in every family circle where English is spoken, and In his own country Tennyson was compelled to guard carefully the laurels he still wears, and he is the only living man who can for a moment he compared to the dead master. If the flight of Trnnyson was higher, that of Longfellow was steadier and he contin ued longer on the wing. He belonged to that class of writers who gave expression to their views without fear and now since he has passed away the good seed he was always pleased to sow will hear fruit. If Longfellow was didactic, occasionally, he was lovely, pure and true, and he leave* vacant a place no other can All. The com plete list of hi* work* ii as follow* : "Hy perion," 1839; "Voice* of the Night," 1839 ; "Ballads and other I'oems," 1841 ; "Poems on Slavery," 1842 ; "The Spanish Student," 1813; "Poet* and Poetry of Europe," 1845; "The Bellry of Hrugpt and other Poems," 1846 ; "Evangeline," 18(7 ; "Kavanagh," a novel, 1849; "Sea side and fireside," I860; "The Golden Legend," 1851 ; "Song of Hiawatha," 1865 ; "The Courtship of Mile* Sundisb," 1858 ; "T*le* of a Wayside Inn," 1888; •'Flower de Luce," 1880 ; •'New England Tragedies," 1888 ; "Translation of Dante," in three volumes, 1807-1870 ; "The Divine Tragedy," 1871; "Aftermath," 1873; "Hanging the Crane." 1874; "Morituri Selutamus," 1875, lor the fiftieth celebra tion of the class of 1825 at Ilowdoln; "Bird* of Pa*#age," 1878; "'Keramos," 1877, and many shorl translation* and sonnets, hi* last poem having appeared in the Century for February. 11. W. Longfellow, was born In Portland Me., on Feb., 27th 1807, behce was a trifle more than seventy Ave year* old. Jmoits voit tiik Arttit, COUKT.— The next term of court for till* county will begin on the fourth Monday, f'Jlth day) of April for which the following Grand and Travert juror* have been drawn : UIIAXD JI'KOKM. I Thonioa It. H'w, (<'Jir, Muring. '& .frtwm !*•, tfurUfr, H|vll|C. .1 II II lltfUitk'lt, laruiff, CerxiMoti 4 riili-ii, fr|||-r, It 11| *. fi W. ||. ('riali*fi. rlrrlt, Know Mlitz#. fi Cgliln labnrvr, lUrrli. 7 llllcoli, Ulaifei, lUrioti, k U. <1 Mallei n. dark, I'atuni. It'lwrl i fainter, lf*-|)tt*r. !' Mtwr-I 11011, I"iinlrrlimn, Know gbo* II Hamm l lUtley uriii*r. ll.nig. IZ Hale, lirnir.Culltir*. It Kmaiiti-I lUrUr, Urtner Mil • 14 huiMMi gentleman, Potter. !'• Joint tlag-ij, ea* |*entrr, (Jregg. Hi Jon* H Vtartin, laborer, Marlon. 17 Jeremiah lUi'l. ciiM*is|4*r, Mtiea. I• J*r'M'raft, farmer. Uuriifthle William ID' .I, |iiiii!***riiin, Putter. •') I'luiln Mirualvr, klutl'iil, 11*1 lefoiita. ".I hstfuwl PlHt lur, farmer, Howard luttinhlp, - Jo*|h M < nlrli, fanner. Walker. 'l\ liar lev W lllleriu, Ulmirf, Nflua Slua. >1 A M. o|MiOKlrr. tarwai, Milm. THAVKItH JtKoHH— MUST WIKk. I Tbi'Utaw Twlkk. farmer, lluh. • J II ll'tl't*. latfitrr, Butiiiitlr, Frank M <>* r. I.*!iur, |'*-titt. 4 1 liarla* \% ughi, latsurcr. t'rrguf •• William Macbtol, fartiicsr l.tliaily. J a*. I. M so-iiti.*'. far m* f. Worth 7 J t |Vi. r., faD.rr, I niun H M. VI f It. .ntra t- r. H' llwluM* '• J -iiii M i Uxktf,Jsalkm, (inlt !'• Mil birl l.fiile, Igrtlcf I'isf |*sf . ) i 1 D siii ia rm*ron, J wf aitif. Iftill* ill aD. l'litli|skl'UfX I i J* s* *-111| || | |tsj. | affiMf, pM|b>n, II It .i• ri 11 l.irimrr. |>rVrt*r. |J#llfotil*>. M •' Kr| f .n„sr. IUIIM •* At.iliwa J -s.k lark. Ih-llffriota 17 li mar t llrtr lit .. M Way. favrnrr. Half M -u l Wlillm Way . farmrr, Half M utt. Jait.r* llraotf. lala*rar. Ijhrrt* -I J-asjih It ||'-'t r. |al<*rt, t uu>u. 'ml JiiD— H M;an farm**, |**tt-r :: li I lh s farmrr Walk'f 'li T I ffotlrtnaii Mliaal nrfr ... w II Mf,inlilrr till,-, a"' >1 xrtui Fr* k. farmer t'nloti .7 W || S HfHitiK JC* J A Mall. mrr< hat*!, Hush • V, fc* I f. f. fa ■ fti r. W . a. r >' llrnn . f .fllr. lals.r.r IUK V| "ft .11 ha'tt'n l Markla, fattiir-r,FjsriOf. J !ih H aO, ( zf|'' Mrf, "j.fiHj; A W. tlDlthatil. Hi rth. *>4 Jamra iMt. laUrrr I'-.ttrr Hroaltorat la>-*rar, l*liili| A<lrr I4rkrr, ffiml.l,l M.lra .f7 .''tbn Ilre" r. firmer, ltrnr • Cm.) in. far ID. r • (*s.,rg*> h llan> farmrr, !!•!*• pi J 'hti Htttg. |'*| tste f I til's' villr 41 Jul M l*b %• faf fir* r ll .g;* 4.' J S llall favutav. Ilcma' t l<mn*llp 4 . I,ew.f r N r||, f.-t„er |W. t '|r. 4 t kftDk •. C clerk. |4 !■ I til# J >r|4) Kum, fannf k|*flf>|f. 4 Mar l iUrl n ial* r.r. I , , t*tl|. 47 llrifiM Frarlrf fart... It.. u *t i- J arjhTli ;,.I Uf )"i . Hi a THAVKKn Jlk<-R (>£("OJ|> MKLk \ rhrlttlan IVr|jf<wk. I • kaiiith. H* llafont# J J H •. |s, laof*f. tir.gj, V h M.) I'f,msf|,.qi, I * ftfiiw r 4 J n I'r lk-k'c* J. hii lla*ffth. run r I'hrhj*! uff ' A Ml' tft !*rftt*r. k..* a,■•+ 7 ItkHlr, rf|sH(|rf, Palioft • .•••! klliK • fad ry,, I'.sttrf. • li ( a.j :.r!n#|,rr t <•' rt, || war | tar, I ' J iiu lint' ?amr, lu-t,r .f II II hfj Citillh fj ritit If Mi I • MN rat. Kii 1 i J'-bti lttj|<f>, |s<it l-, llxrrir 14 Jma Ihfbef ||u *H tntttfliiy. I JM V Krnt*fy j#s|lri, K Marry (\rt*D. ir tjit.aat. r H if. 1- J W \ la. lair rr. M 111 m. |n t•r ri i|atr*sr k 'llk I'ldiijabari l> BraUatf c *mlcy farm**. I'm o. i: "1 H"b,s it J- U ■ " f lluat r, '.'l llrfiry fifjriiUf. I'atts<fi *•: W„ I, lal-r li-Dt.sf. r-sil^r. W VV It ~.* f,mer. C 4**'. ,*4 J I Wrawr. t is Jr. |, |>i|r ohft kB*trl lift r t• r i is*- r #• +fg, JA Hu> u tmnll. hi**kamilto. MiJ^a. U || PiMitl*. farmer, |V n . * kiiUutt l*riiif uu f'f, I'tiua .' IkDiJ M■■ I, flrrfc '#r£g li K MingU. lis rm4sr llainaa , .1 J V| raw farftrr f. |U-..*^ .I.' Ja* ' /dDn*fmvi *-.* Marlon SI J ll aa'd, aw.rbial*! tUl.'t f.t* Frank V f* . i t teatkn I* .It/* M M J JHtt'.lr* hef. I'sflh Y> J A Qntftry. ms( hant. !.,♦* y TRIAL — I I RT WIKK J T. GrrhkM *• 11. A Tallrf AJam WAfigaw ... 4 M'la. Mnh.rl K'inkia • J r f *h H lf. T K llaim ~w . . -|> r **l |.)2 (,•* W J a k* n ..... * |>tM, M K f*v Vlktlf Rdllh 1 Mi n I • r,f< r j ii r* r ww r i. w tin—. Mtl'hrlm Haiskitig f V_ . J *hn While. R*Jit Itrann- I. • c t.fay M'-ek Jamm f i f-M* Hf-a Ul k I* Mar t " O. of IW of l*|'rlnf twp TRIAL LlftT—KCOfr| WEEK, W W William* *• Matk J W I l*aifl II afire May H V alr<'ir*r <t al Wrat a M -intMal 4 Mary A * Ml* *t al L. I* 4ft RR. Co. *4 ** I' iray M<-ek heflter 4 Fs*fl " )am|cj la|i *e|. Taihrfinr H'.ffman ... 41 IIiy Rryan. J hti <• hMtrg* |lil* Wolf. I 4 ftrr A Ifl - llolt A M( U a#ll. IMI- W A H VI r. " J/shn (• H„|| J arjh Mi*r - Crt<r*a R R On. E J Walfcrf nt> f M J I. \mitT.sftills, K J Pnn *1 al. 4 ( bh(iM Rharrar. V. J K*ariTh*na ... •• J >nthan Kr-n>"r y*" O. Ilryan oar of. ........ •' JgrnraU Rryfn Js'hr, M.irly - *' J *hr T F.mJrr. J/*hn Rhi**4y ** J*hn T |u|*f Tl.a llayl* n o*mpany, • W m |. Hunt an A Jtxt Ini* talfnii •* JcntM (Nil* i ktlmrV WJI iam Wttlf M"M 'ttptsf *| m Thapitiffov Mf|f.r*. Th a M g.nllrh #1 u. W J. Muwarr " Jolt, ||,y | ut Gam of C nt. <f 44 Hm Allmm.Jr .H t), I .an'ash rr |r. ( •• J || M'friaffi, r| al Aaron Kxaml - •• Jamw Rnr*klr C II IMn hokrf bar ol * 4 AwJrra (mate) Jar 4 A t*iidrr ...... Runlry VV ata* r Thasior* f|n J*n at •* Ha•*>'-! Ly**n Th 'iaaa v|rriyman.... M .. nM •* J**hn T, Mkf. Mim 8. Ohnmacht'* coricrl hn* unnotincfvi to b on Si4turcJ*r April Bth, in hull Tho ropuU lion tnjnywd by this Udr in a pufficimt EutrnntPf* that it will b R mtff Uinmrnt. Tho Ainjcnra, Mr#. Ilr. lUrf, Mr*. K. M. Midor, Mi** Miry Lyon, K M Klanchtrd, K*q , Mr. John Lyon and olb*r, nr too well known to n*od tny particular mention here. The BclMfontr orche*triv will pßrtlcipßtn with An entirely new progrim, And hAre mlei 4 ted Among inAny other* 11 Dancing in the Barn," which of iUcir will bo worth the price of Admit* •lon. Mr. L. Bierly, of Milesburg, will pUy A violin folo, And Miwo Li U Mr(iin ley will recite one or more ele<?tinn. All hAtert of duplicity ibould hear ScMmeithrle kntTfhm —ah eipoaitlon of the motives CAu*lng Any <ne to •'soft soap" or M fred U(fr. M Tickets on snle, At regular prices, At Miller's book store, where chart of hell cn be seen. Proceeds for b*n (It ol Pret byterien Ladies' Mil* Society. OrriCEEi iNATALLEIr —At A meeting of Bellefonte Encampment, No. 72, 1 0 CI. F. held on Monday evening, March 27th, lft£2, the following officers were Installed for the ensuing year by P. C. P. Ilarrey If Benner, Deputy D. D. 0. P., vii i Wm. B. Miller, C. P., Lewtllon Fulton, H. P., A If. 8 Smith. 8. W , James H*v. erlv, J VV., Isaac Miller, Treasurer, and 8. II Griffith, Scribe —Spring and Summer season, 1882 Woolen stock now compute. Early or ders solicited. 44-tf MOETOOMEHY A Co., Tnltors, TAX I'AYKHM MKKTINO— 'The call for • tax payers riieeting brought about fifty 01 sixty persons to thn court house on Tuea day afternoon of last week. The meeting wis* organized by railing Col. D O. limb, .of Uellefonte, to the chair, and electing I Christian Dale arid S. D. Kay, secretaries' The object of the meeting was Stated by Mr. Hush, after which Mr. William Dale, of Spring town-hip, suggested that a com mittee be appointed to examine and con sider the different brancbet of the late report of the County Auditor*. The Pro*, ident thought it would he impossible to go over the report at this me.-ting, and that it would be better p, appoint Committees to make the necessary investigations and report at a future meeting. Mr. Steven., of Half M mm, a the rep re-entative of the lax payer* of that tow n ship, asked for a committee of Invctiigt lion to lie k into the charge* against the county officer* Alter considerable discussion it was agreed to fix a time for a general county meeting at which delegates could be pres. enl from each borough and township of the county. Mr. Dale moved that the county uioet ing be held on Friday, the 21 si day of April, and the motion was unanimously adopted. It was then further moved by- Mr Dale that a committee of threes per sons lie s| point.-,i to correspond with cili zens of each borough and township of the ounty with a view of procuring a full representation at the meeting to be held at the time fixed Thi* motion was a!*o adopted, and William Dabs, of Spring township, Henry Slovene*, of Half Moon township, and William Iddings, of Union township, were named a* the committee. On motion the meeting then adjourned to meet on Friday, April 'Jlst. ErxECTa or TIIK GHKAT NEWS —We should not wonder that the new* of the opening of the great Boston Clothing, Boot and Sh'ie House, at Bellefonte, l'a, will create an en it' tnefit all through this and adjoining counties. The cry of almost everybody will be, we will wait to make ■ur purchase* and convince ourselves as soon * that concern i* ojiened, h ,w much we will save on clothing, boots and shoes \\ " should not blame any body and every ■ b ly for it. Time* are hard and money not very plenty. N"t only the poor, but th" rich, would like to save ail they can in purchasing clothing. boot*, shoes, Ac , and as the day of th" n[>"ning is close t,y why should ri"t everybody have a little patience and not Ise in a hurry with their Sprrng pur, ha.,-s The sl k promise* to I* th, large-i and most elegant ever brought tnlo this market. Remember Saturday, ic rniiig, April th" *th, i the opening day, in Major Reynolds' block opposite the C. ockerlioff House, Bellefonte. —John D F'eile, an Influential citizen of Millheirn died on Tuesday of ibis week, Mr Ftsnle will t>e *orely min-ed in social, business and church circle*. He located at Mtllhetm about ISVJ and ha* ever since been a factor of much importance in that community. None knew btm but to love him. arid the poor of the neighborhood in which he lived will ever remember him as one to whom they could at all time* look for assistance. He leave* a large family and a prosperous business. Biesstd be bis memory. —Social circles here were shocked to hear of the death of Mrs. Kenma Thomas, wife of our townsman Mr Richard Thom a*, at the home of ber childbocd near Mill Hall, early on Wednesday morning. This la ty was a daughter ol Win. C. Sanderson, K-q , and was universally esteemed wher ever known. Consumption was the cause of her death and owing to the lingering nature of the disease she was aware of the approach of her final dissolution. Calmly •he awaited the call and when it came the was prepared. —The company which will present "Hazel Kirke" in thi* place before long rnme* authorized directly from Madison Square Theatrer, where it was thoroughly drilled for week* previou* to it* departure from Now York. A finished performance is assured by the reputation of the Madi son Square Theater, which stand* fir*t among American theatrical enterprises It D designed by the management to send to this city all their successful play*. The Company and play have received mo*t la*. Ish enonium* from pre** and public every where. —Tin* dwelling o( Mr. Bond Valentine we* entered by burglar* on Tuesday night and two overcoat* taken. They broke the glass in the rmall window* surrounding the door reached in and unlocked the door. After suiting themselves in selecting cloth* ing they left taking with them the front d'>or key. —Larimer, the lieery man, is now set tled. He occupies the stable* in the rear of the Conrad llouae. Good turnout* si* way* resdy for all who may faror him with their patronage. We recommend him to the public —Judge SI well has decided the long pending Mitlheim contest for the offlce of Justice of the Peace In faror of John 11. Roiftnrder. The decision of the Judge elect* Reifsnyder by one majority. —B. il. Yocum, Kj , be* admitted that capital fellow, 11. 11. llarshherger, Seq , Into his offlce a* partner. If Mr. H. I* a* successful in practicing law a* he was in teaching school he will be a valuable as sistant. —Ladie* coal*, jacket*, dolman#, circu lara and ultlerelte#, in todltm variety, •tyle* and color*, and prion lower than aUcwbere at H. & A. l,oi-l>'*. —|3fl,o(W Worth of dry good*, clothing, I boot* Mid ibon, dn-M good*,AAt, t f„t ~,,,1 * L LYOK A Co. I lire. good#,ilk*, velvet*, and 1 liriK-l plaid* and .trip*-.. in h ll .bade* and effect* at tin- lieo Hive. I —lf you want to rave money |n jour purchate*, no to Lyon A Co.. a* tb*y are telling everytbing at ro#t. I,yo* A Co. Lscet, fringe*, gimp •, button*, Ac., in all the lalekt deign* and at unrivaled price*, at the Bee llive. —Ladiet', ml wet' and children'* dd --j man* and coat* in endlct variety andp cry I cheap at the Bee Hive. i —Call and examine the *to*k of range* arid cook itove* at \\ . 1 ic.n, MoFarlane A Co*; alto tin ir line of tingle and double healer#. The* have for tale the We komi Homo doubk- which LAI tb<ir* oughly and rati.laclorily let tod in tbi* cornmunitt. 1 hat perfect baking and cooking ttovc, the "I'ioni at," it (or rale* only by Wilton, McFarlane A Co. A.l tupe-rfljou* orna mentation bat been di;>*n.d with to te. < urea firtt-cla.. kiub'-n Move For weight, tttength and durability it car.not be .un paired. In piurchating tht ttove you ant not paying for nickle trimming, and bea u lilul finith, but von ar- getting what i far better and w hat you need in a ro d ' tlove—a good, reliable baker and cook. MARRIAGES. < t'RTf.N-fcOIUS!MS —la Hurtf r<l. Con . Mat')* ".1 1*. * tb* J Roland o ut tin. M l #t l'htU<l< Ij.l .a. at d Ni. J fill* T K a ',OH IJ <Ui., M fd 7*l l,t . R® . t,f Hfcfi. tor 4. I I W ~4H Match 14 at Oatr* Hull. I r It' W K It* !f, Win I'. a ltd Oltv* I; h*•>jr. Udti of I'otffa Mill* I't Mis .i B— HOT!I IK KM • feat* • H 110 ' Mf I •• < II :■ fi ■ • j I'iiU, Wi'l Ml** Mml#. dU|hiff of ifftfgf li'.f'f. 1 Km Philadelphia Markets. f*NILI I'd.* At Mlfh?! Jfc fc 2 >l*l t it ttt *.*'• • 'Uti.liJi . Klnl fj'in t #f : '|l ( t*%r !•§*, U urtu f? Ml* t at p >K •' f "f • ar. and lit |- 1 t •traiftit j mrt fanitlt at V i'• ■ w*th <J i- .at , * J (attiiU fc. t • -■> ii •r f uf | frui at •4 " I f f.i.t Mm*T ~ Tli r r. t w*n U • -i.tftd for Iml n.'t ti' • *->•-tit la I 111 •• 11, > j.. k *ll |. n* • i fl > l4 a •! f) A* *i-d f.* V- : toai'lt; II Cto I a. f ; ;T ' J t. id t t *., A j-nJ . „ ti)4 j ti.'l || u|iJ l ■ o Mat . ( .d |J .> 4 td i M<d 'fl <4 aa) f* i Juu*. 1 *ii It Aim a> fat |l f #ta Clofwr la <4**' t ami rat-fa from 7< uf- to K. aa iu 'juai'tt- 7itu !uj • t.r*< hartft-d Beilnfoutc Market*. tt, Hmli O, It's. qrOTATK'M. OH w)iat. |tar Ltjahel 91 L" I Bed vflwsi • • * i R)t, p*r loafed .. *• , Oena, 7& Ul I4t fleer,fetal • ■ ' r*. . 7 . FK'ur,bti|atiJ .. 7 Vw Protitlun idarknt. f ii* II at {ft Brother*. ... a ( li'Tfl**. lri-l |*kf a-**vi-i la |i*-H>-t ' 4 at .„ fr—h Untie* |- f |'itd .f, < Ihi kn j*t |h-aiii), t..i-... .„,r., S (.. f |k and ............. ... 'J fVMtttr htm* ptr pvti&d.. llaait.tttKW <utJ ), Lard j.r p"o4 H ILf • f**f tlnv P Hnbal Ortr-d t*f j* " - _ VOTK'E. —Aii'tin M. MfH'lain ha* afj iinl t< til* fM-tejart of Iit#rvutl Aflairn *f tha CVm •• < r<(alt!* of |Vr>iittltaoU tr aratj art** of land li'UHti'l to ncit t nthp, CVi.tra nan* It. *•!; .nine la it 4a in *■•••*< aift*** <f Jara Oil* lllan l "# thn ** rth. Ilaufy rUk oti tla ttatt. Tl* n.*t L. MilhiiK ait lUa a>uUi, iud Jot Riirt *u tL* watt 1 Register's Notice. i r pilE following account* have been 1 asomlnad art*) ywioi by n4 rwnaiit Atd of recoH In Dm ffflt-a. l- Ik iit|a<t<n <4 hHn and I !#■**. rrn4it.c and *ll dtfeotn in ant in wret*-fi, bi d bill |o |*maniitod Ih' <r< -urf rtf I OiiVMIV, tB H wlhawlit. tba Mh da* of April. A !., |Mi. lof '"B#limlioti and allonan< 1 hl and DiisJ scmssl of KatHsn J M't'ball, of. 4f,f K J. Ilojtan. Ul of Hcftrti U*r>nffi. domonoJ 2 rlrat m-l Anal fBl of John T Lnrn*. ad tnlhUiralnr of, Ar . of Ktof* F. U<a, late of Cortto t. an.h'i d .1 ftfrtit'd and pani*J want of Qonyga Revfr and Samuel Iwrt. I'toalwrii of Jscofi Itt. into of Pena tnVHhlp do mw d. 4 Tba fol o#T'*aaf of |i f MrM nigal. a*orator of Ac . cd A If. MrNt>bi|l, lit* • Tsjkr testdiiyi, do-iaod Th* final bttovbl of John Wantral. gnacdian of Mary fit" M mlwl, lata of Taylor in* ntliif deoawd , Klft aoniafit of J*ht Mall, adtointatrator of Ac., fd ll aatota of Manual Xnll, lata of Bmitrr kitihi|i, doaoad. 7. The finaantb aonnal r*|wtl of frontal Rh'oda •nd Jtdin It* In. Jr , •atrirlog irwl*** undat it* affl of Mn A Tbomaa, lata ol It*Jl*f<>nta Wofoogb. do fc Tbo orr-oant of Muhael A rentier and Polly R. ter. administrator* "f Gorge W. R* yer. lata of Mil** t. ai ahij . daroo*ad. I. Tha Anal aoo>*anl of AW*. G Arrbry. adminla irator *4 Ac. of J no. G. Arcbey, lota of Far**** loan abtp, deoaaoed 10. The Aral and Anal arroant of John If Oralhtf, ona of tba ndmintatratora of Ac . of KDmMII tlro- Awt lata af Mhs fc*ohfp, darmif, aa A lad by N. II %'anlyka. bta committee II Tba Anal iroasl of A. VL Prfagla. ttamlnr of Ac of lleajamln Taagtfon, lot* of Taj lor t<anabtp, 11 Tba Aral and final orenaat af W. L inm, guardian of A II A'tw, arm decoa. d. Anna M Mrya nan b at, J<4tn A *"7 docnan-d D O. A iys.Wilr Wrya and llarry Wrya. minor children of Lydtn A ya. lata of llalfmo t nnabtf*. Aoonomd 11 Tba aoooant of liarM Rfearav and (VM |W*bar, administrate** of Ac . of J4ia L Enrbey, |ta of 4"nn*blp dwasml 14. Tba account of IbrM Aba tar. troaton to oall ronl rata to of John L Eecha). lata of P| tg Wonohip, Aaraaood. lA. Tba firat and partial arc not of tlanrr Marl, id Ac . of tba loot will and Wotainoat of Mo>*rga Mark. lata of tba ton nab lp Of egg 4rroaad. IA. Tba nnwm of Mary U Mnld4r. rimitrfi af Ac ~ of laalalta Pot tat, lata of tba Woonab of Moila* funta. 4' man d. If. Tba orronat of 0. 11. IMf, admlnMmtor of Ac of C II llald. lata 4 WlltbWm 1 uf*umb. 4.c0m4. It Arroant of Javmd llnrpa* and H M. b*t*. ad- Mtnlotrolota Of Ac, of tba aatata of lb. anna inn mil iar lata of llotnaa WvnAiy. <in <**nl | fnrib partial aoruant f I'm.r tfdM% admin* latratorof Ar,. ol Uon ft. A. Molt, lata of Potior bn aMp. Ini an d. Tt.. Aral M Ami vntmof i U MM *** -Ji *!.. j' * U,r - * W*l* ••- •J n.- >o4 baxw (mm of ww. Apoor M. OIOTOM of Ar of IK. M oHI 004 Ixt.Qi.ol of Jorab (%*n jlo., lot* of IN.IIW i,hip. <>roxi. U Tkoommi of Th is.. m 4 J.+o U IMK nwho X Af , of f.1, n>K tat* of Onllm* ko --tbto. Awpoo*. A 0. Val omul owl tool imotl of tewl Mlllltiro, Jr., mtWrlof rtrro* ! ~f At of lb. •*too of TA pm MilUko* tat* of (taltahwW bona... 4* IWll. JAJin A. McCLAtS. Bwtatar,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers