®Jie ©wtM jiprmomit. Thursday Morning, January 27,1881. CoftRMPONDINCi, cotitAlnltVK Important !•* •, ml kit rd from tiny pari of tin* cum* N" "iiiiiiuiii* ah. tin Innrt tmi UIIICM HCConijMiuled ly thtf ival unm th< writer. Local Department. —Cigarette*—only tlvn cent.* per pack at Green's. —Genuine Key West cigar* at Green's drug store only live cent*. —Winter and spring underclothing at the Philadelphia Branch. —Tho most effective, harmless and hon est remedy wo know of i Day's Kidney Pad. —The Spring election occurs on Februa ry 15 and not on the lStb,a announced in last week's DEMOCRAT. —A special meeting of Gregg Post will be held on Saturday evening next at 7} o'clock. A full attendance is desired. —An infant son of Mr. ami Mr*. J. C. Weaver, of this place, died ln*t Monday night. Wc sympathize with the parent* in their bereavement. —Coasting iN prohibited upon tin l street of Altoona. The ordinary singlesle'ls are not objected to, but what are known a* "fire-flies" are held in abhorrence and caused the interdiction. —A large party of young f.dks from this placo went sleighing in the larg. double-seated "shoe fly" to Centre Hall,on Saturday alternoon. They took supper at the hotel in that place, returning early in the evening. —The exceedingly heavy fi.g which till ed the air around this place la-l Tlnir- h,\ morning seemed to be universal. In Chi cago it wa* so thick that a lighted -tr.'- t lamp could not be seen acros* the street Several railroa.l and steamship accident were caused by it. —Just think of it' Bee* often have t-> travel three mib 1 * to collect honey an 1 make ten trip* each day. a t'ltal f *i\l> miles. The people of Centre county can buy the best of groceries by coming t-> Sechler A Co.'* store and can ;r ore enough in one day to la.-t an entir.' v. • ■ —Christ's Reformed church at Mad. >n burg wa* dedicated on Sunday, the '• lh in stant. It cost $1501), and i- entirely fr' from debt. Wo are glad that th.- i- *<•, because many modern church ilp.ii. .t:• .ri. are mere burlesques, the congr<>gati.>n* pretending to give to th" Lord wha* 'h v haven't paid for. —The Watchman say* it believe* thaj the execution of George Smith sad M-- Miller, of Willianuport, "will tk" on the fith of February." The nth <■( February will occur on Sunday, and it is not customary to hang people on that day. The real date appointed by the Governor is next Thursday, the 3d prox. —Tho English and American people are tho tallest and heaviest in the world. Their average height i* Ave feet and nine inches. This is largely due to the superior quality of meat they eat, and if they all had access to as line A meat market as that of Sechler A Co. their average height would doubtless be increased to ix feet. Mrs. Philip Fitzgerald, of Was-ai. , Duchess county, New York, is over 107 years old and in gpxal health. She probu , bly has been purchasing at n *tore where first-class groceries are sold, such as can be procured of S. A Brew A Son, in thi* place. When you buy always go t" tie -o stores that advertise pure articles. —A "literary" item in the Bidgway Democrat of January 20 contains the grat ifying intelligence that "George Eliot's health ha* improved. We are inexpre*. sibly relieved to bear that news, a* we have always had a tender feeling for George : but as that distinguished authoress d'-pnrt ed this mundane sphere for realms un known, about a month ago, we would like to know how the Democrat acquired it* ex clusive information. —The people of Millheim arc vieing with one another in their subscriptions to tho new Lutheran church building*. The lot upon which the church edifice will be erected wa* the gift of Messrs. J. 11. Keif snyder, J. W. Snook, John 11. Musser and B. O.' Dcininger. At tho last meeting of the congregation an appropriate resolution of thank* was tendered these gentlemen. The building committee are Jonathan Harter, J. W. Snook and 11. E. Duck. —We were exceedingly sorry to hear of the evil tidings received last week by Mr F. C. Richards, tho popular jeweler of thi place. Two of his brother* left their homes in Switzerland, some time ago, arid proceeded to Lima, Peru, in the hope of bettering their fortunes. N.it being satis fied with the business prospects at that place tbey went to Costa Rica. There one of them died of yellow fever, and ail knowledge of the whereabouts of the other ha* been lost. We hope that he will soon receive new* of the safety of hi* missing brother. —The city of Altoona is terribly agitat ed upon the subject of coal. One individ ual is said to control tho sale of this nec essary commodity, and the coal it of such inferior quality that the poor victims who use it have to stay up all night to pick the clinkers from their grates. Much proceed ings are "perfectly horrid" this cold weather, and wo advise tho city authorities to move their entire corporation down to Centre county and attach it a a suburb to Bellefonte. Brown or Alexander cirn ssdl them all the coal they want, and it is of superior quality, too. DEATH or MK. RICHARD MILES.— I Tho aged gentleman to whoso memory this brief but end Hiinouncement i* dedicated expired lit the boarding home kept by Mr. I'rondfoot lit Milesburg, between the hour* of 3 and 4 o'clock on Saturday morning. Richard Mile:* WHI a ton of Mr. Even Mile*, a former citizen of thin county, whoso memory ti!l linger* in tho recollec tion* ot Miiue of our older citizen*. Ho wa* one of *overal brother*, Mr. Jonoph Mile*, who re*ide* on Ri.-hop *treet, thi* borough, being tho *ole survivor, lie had reached the advanced ago of H."> year*, 3 month* and II day*, lie wna born nt Miles' Ironwork-, near thin borough, on the 10th of October, lT'.'o, and liero.ull of 111* day* wore passed. Several children survive him and are now occupying posi tion* of prominenco and distinction. Among them are Mr*. W. M. Holme*, who removed from tin* plaee to liirming hum, i'u., about it year ago, Auotlier married daugbtcr re-ide* in Colorado. Captain Even Miles, of tlio regular army, who has gained some distinction a* an Indian lighter, i- a son; and also Mr. Richard Al 11.--, of lliirrisburg. Still anoth er son tell while lighting bravely in the Rebellion. M -r*. E luiund and Even lllani hard, of tins place, are nephew* of the deceased. lie was al*o connected with the Valentines and severnl other promi nent familie- of thi place He had been in feeble health for n long lime and bit leath was momentarily expected. Th" funeral, which took place on Mon day at - o'clock r M , was largely attend* ed. Rev. \V (). Wright, of Milesburg, prcai hed the funeral sermon. Rev. Laurie, •pf tbi- plae< . and the Methedist clergy man, ' t" Mib -burg, were also present and is*i*t"d in tic oh-mn ceremony Tnr. JAM VKV MKETINO or THE Aunt ■ t i M KAI. So< IETY. —The usual quarterly meeting "f tli>• agricultural society, on Monday evening, wn* tailed to order by the President, |)r. E W. Hale. The Com mits the debt due fr .in the Society t-• the Thomas estate reported that it will not he pushed if the |nt-r--t | aid annually. \ i :nmitt- ••. ■ p n-i-tmg .-f M -r-. ward, Itlair and G irle-nck. was a; ; piriled *.p) nominatp' < fit T* for the ensuing year, and rp■} rli d the I'.ill it-t <t > I*;.. r of the t 'ar Irr. p ' • n \\ F. R. <!-r, K | , the r.: ,ry aioi Trcn-urer, re. •| ei:' illy li- iim i tiie honor ot re-elei ti-.n a- he had already .-■ rvtd tv. . x-ars and VooltSulope.) opposed to u third term, HI d, at In* suggestion, the nam" of A A Dale, li- , , was substituted. Thus anip i.di l, the re; rt was adopted The present "fllcer* of the Society are I'mident —Dr. li. W. Hale, . f Ibdle fisnte. I'l.-e I'rr\ J >hn Ri-lirl, of Ben n. : i i. PPFGE M. It- H'. ot I'oth r . John A Daly, <pf Curtin; William li. Fry, of Ferguson. /' reut r < .mitt" Clement Dale. < hairman, B* .!ef...,t* Austin Curtin, t R..gg. ~\ \ Millcr, of Spring Win I l.ppiiip.oii, Jr., ot College 11 r-ppy (r< •n, p.f I'atU.n ; !-**■ Frain, of Marion Srrrrtary amt T'n • i rrr— A A. Dale, of Bellefonte. Librarian —-lame* F. Weaver, of At ilot burg. The retiring Sep retarv and Treasurer, W K Rp ppp|er, K-, . then <-flered his re. pp.rt with the req i-l that it I* l audited. • 'n motion, this ru<t' inary formula wa* omitted and the r< j rt ww adopted. It showed th.- usual rec< ipt* and expenditure*, leaving a balance of 1 1 rent* in the haml* of th" Trea'jrer S medio i*sion follow i, participated in by M r John A. W- xL ward and President K W. Hale, in regard to the unu-ually excellent crop of clover raised by the former the past season, after which the Society adjourned. —The Bush IF .use was temporarily eon verted into n temple of justice last week. Judge Morrow, <fT.wanda, Pa , wa* sit ting in Chambers to hear argument.* on an equity ease, ami a* the weather was severe and his honor in feeble health, be held C'Mirt in hi* own room in the Rush House. "Tiite a distinguished array of counsel from both at home ami abroad took part in the argument. Mr. Furst'* speech is spoken ol by those who heard it as an ex ceedingly able effort, being in fart tho •great'-t <•(! rt id his life. Mr. Peal also made an exhaustive argument of great fori •> and effect. The Senator succeeded in i -tablishing a m inuinent that fixed the location of the disputed boundary beyond ravel. Senator Allen and Judge I.inn, '.he counsel for the re|Hinder.t*, also made powerful argument*. Tho case is Jno. P. Harris, J. If Holt and E. C. Humes v*. K. R. Payne & Co , and its decision involve* at least $22,000. It is a land case, and the belief i general that the appellants will win it. — A correspondent of tho AVtc* relate* a frightful accident resulting from the ex plosion of a kerosene lamp nt Fowler Sta tion on Tuesday night of last week. Mrs. MeCrcady, of that place, had been ab sent from home during the day, and when she returned In the evening, her daughter, Maud, who had retired to bed, arose to light the lamp. It suddenly exploded, throwing it* burning contents over tho person of the girl and over tho bed from which she had just arisen. Panic strieken, she rushed from the house. Her flesh was terribly burned. She lingered until Friday, and then expired after much •gony. The lamp was without a chimney and it I* thought that tho escaping gas caused the explosion. —The clothing sold at tho Philadelphia Branch give* general satisfaction. POLITIC I'KRMORALM. —Miss Bulla Ran kln, of Hnnlsburg, has been spending a few days of this week with her cousin, Mis* Bulla Bnnkin, ol this place. —The Daily AVic* says that Mr. .Incob Prom and Miss llurpntor, both of Centre Hull, were united in tbe holy bonds of matrimony in tho ltuformcd church of that place on Sunday evening, Rev. ltoder per forming the coremon)*. Mr. Simon Lyon and family,of this place, removed to I'hillpabiirg the early part of this week. - Wo notice that several members of the Young Men's Christian Association from this county will bo present to partici pate ill the exercises of the district con Voli tion, which will be held in Tyrone to-day and to-morrow. Prof. J. W. Huston, of State College, will tell of "The Ditllcul ties we meet in the Work, and how to Overcome them; Mr ('has. F. Cook will give his experience in "Work among the Boys ' and Mr. W P. Balr, of Phil ip-burg, will (11-COSS the theme of "(iosp,| I emperuiioo." Mr. James Hughes, of this place, will also be in attendance. —Judge Samuel Linn, Senator It. P. Allen and Mr. Payne, ail of Williainsport, Lycoming county, paid a visit to this place one day last week. They area very distinguished and imposing trio of gentle men. —State Senator C. T. Alexander has been placed on the following standing committee- federal Relations, Judiciary general , Finance and Legislative, Con gr< --ional and Judicial Apportionment. —\\ e are pleased to learn that Mr. Jamet Mitchell, or this place, who has ' I rostrated with illness during the I i-t Vear, is now enjoying a period of i onvalescence, which we hope w ill be per manent. —Miss Lizzie Forster, of this place, dej artcd on Saturday to visit her friend, Mi-s Maggie Sbaeffer, daughter of rx -heni! .s| lM ,.|)'.. r . ~f Niltanv Hall. Mr Samuel K Faust, of Millhcim, has done an immense business in selling sleighs this season. The last lime we taw him he had already disused of several dor n and only had four more on hand. Mr AISSOt Harper, of Warriors Mark, Huntingdon county, paid Hellefont* a visit last week. He owns a farm in • •■me | art ■ f tins county and it was busi n-s in nne, f,. n with that which drew lum hither. v were much pleased with -).■• high opinion he entertains of the HS.m •VT ■ PENALLY THE agricultural -ISJ-ari ment- w:.., h he considers as valuable to its readers as any of the regular agricul tural journals. Mr George Hoppcs, a former propria tor of the Ifush ||"ue, is now officiating in the capacity of clerk at the Brocker h :1 House. Mr. Hoppes is well and fa vorably known t<. tbe trax.ding public and will prove m valuable assistant —Messrs. Fred. Kurt/, and Wm. Wolf, of < - fitrs- Had, have recently la-en spend ing a short time at Washington, I). ('. - Judge Morrow and lady, of Towanda, I , Horw Robt I". Allen, of Williamsport, Hon. S. H I'eale arid family, of Lock Ha v. n, and ILm. Sam I Linn, of Williams port, spent several days in our midst last week. These legal luminaries were here endeavoring to unravel a difficult equitv case. 1 t,e decision has not been rendered as yet. A. <> Furst, Ksq., of Beilcfonte, was also concerned in the case. —Mr. Joseph I-ehman, of the firm of Strouso, I-chman A. Co., at J'hllipsburg, was in town on Tuesday last We believe he returned to his home vesterday. —Mr Timothy Akers, formerly of this place but now of Huntingdon, is spending a few days in town. Lawrence I- Brown reports business at his Pennsylvania furnace branch as ex ceedingly brisk lie ays he has bought an average l,fg)o bushels of wheat a day since ho opened. —The sonorous voice of Mr. Steele Parsons is no longer heard calling for dil atory jurors and witnesses during the ses sions of court. Mr. Christian Derr has boon appointed to that position. The other two tip-staves arc Mr. Martin Morri son and Mr. Samuel Foster. Boimr.Hv AT HOWARD.— On Thursday evening last the store of Mr. John Delhi, of Howard, was robbed of about $125 in money, the occurrence taking place be tween the hours of C and 7 o'clock while the proprietor was at supper The villain evidently secreted himself in a small room in the rear of the store, and as soon as Mr. Deibl departed ho crept from hi* hiding ptare and went to tho money drawer. From a pocket book lying in this drawer he took about $125 in money, leaving sev eral notes and other valuables behind. The robber then departed by a side door. \S believe that Mr. Deihl has no idea who perpetrated the crime. —The truth of the following from the Lock Haven Journal is always demonstrat ed on such occasions as last Sunday. It ia all a mistake, remarks that journal, to think that the female sex is less robust and less courageous than the male. Just look over almost any of our church congrega tions on a cold, ugly Sunday, when it re quires nerve to brave the weather, and notice what a large preponderance of the congregation is compoaed of what it wrong fully called the "weaker sex." A man's tender constitution and careful regard for hit health forbid hit Hiking hit life for the enjoyment of a church service! —The fur capt told at the Philadelphia Branch look very warm and comfortable. I'LEAHANT GAP JOTTlNOH.— Thecaveon tho Hpoer farm is again creating a great sensation. Mr. Hpeer, Mr., rectfitly under took to ferret out the mysteries of tho regions that lie beneath this yawning abyss. Bidding a tearful farewell to his wife and children, ho hurried away, not knowing what untold danger* be might encounter before ho should return—if in deed, ho over camo hack. Arriving at the mouth of the rave, ho at once proceeded on his underground mission. After de s< ending eleven feet he rem bed room No. 1. From there he shouted hack to Billy Johnson, "If I never get hack, Billy, lake good caroof tbe farm." He then proceed ed to room No. •>, where In- spent some time in collecting relics. From here ho . passed to room No. .'!, where ho became fairly entranced with tin- surrounding \ beauties, prominent among which were I some old rails, stumps and stone*—rem ] Hants of an ante-diluvian age—perhaps J thrown there by previous tenants of the farm. Not being accustomed l under ground atmosphere, In- thought it best to 1 g<> to tin- top again. His lance explored, 27 feet. Jo. Roes and John Griffith are tho happiest men in this "neck-o-wood*." Mrs. Boss presented Jo. with a fine son, ! and Jo. has an idea it is the lost Charley I Boss, and thinks In- i* entitled to the re. I ward. Mrs. Griffith presented John with j a fine -laughter of which he Is very proud. —Tho singing class conducted by Mr. Philip M-.yer, of Linden Hall, at tho M j K. church, in this place, is one of the best j ever organize*] here. Arrangements are j now being made to hold a musical convon | lion at the dose of the term. No doubt i it will be a grand success, f--r we have the ! material hero to make it one of the best \ ever held in this county. —Two now case* of scarlet fever hkve appeared in the family of Mr. John Bluf fier, of Pleasant Gap. But they are now under the skillful care of Hr. Jacobs, of Centre Hall, and there is every prospect of their rapid recovery. Sin* BORE. ITKXIS TROM BI RINO MILLS AND Vl ■ LN I T R —The arrival of two daily trains ' l- gether with the g-sd sleighing make | Spring Mills the scene of great activity. 1 The farmers are taking advantage of the good sleighing to market th-ir grain, and the grain dealers find their whole time oc ■ upled in receiving and shipping it. The - ompletion of the I. A T B. B. to penn ! -vlvania Furnace has cut c-ff the trade of 1 the west end of this valley, which hereto fore has leen divided between Beilcfonte and this place, but the effect on the bustle ami stir of the village is scarcely j-errept ible, as the shipments of ore and lumber are daily on the increase —On Saturday, the 22-1 instant, an arbi tration was held at the cffico of Ksquire Rishel at Farmer's Mills, to settle a diffi culty between the Farmer s Mills Cornet Band and Samuel J. Horn an. Mr. Ho man's claim was ten dollars. After hear ng a statement of the case, the arbitrators Me-sri W A. Krise, George Corman and Daniel Human—decided that Mr. H, should receive half of his claim, and that ea- b party should jy half of the costs —The Y. M. C. A . of Centre Hall, held a Gospel meeting in the church at Farm er's Mills on Sunday evening. Mr. I). V. I.use conducted the services. Revs. J K. Miller and I'. Fiisher and Messrs. Her stine, Fiisher, Shannon and others bwk prominent parts in the exercises. A Yot'Xu CENTRE COURTV MAR IN JIBED AT ALTOORA.— The Altnona Sun reports that Wesley Nevel, a young man, aged 22 years, from the vicinity of Potter's Bank, this county, was quite seriously in jured while employed at the works of the Alloona gas company, crushing coke, kbout 3 o'clock last Saturday afternoon. Tbe accident occurred in tbe following somewhat peculiar manner : "He was working at the crushing machine and reached up to change the position of the hopper, at the same time placing his left foot for support upon the frame heneath the hopper and in close proximity to a couple of revolving cog wheels. Before he could realize his danger his bootleg was seized by the grinding wheels and drawn between them, tearing the boot leg and crushing, tearing and cutting Mr. Nevel's Iqg from a couple of inches below the knee almost to the hip in a positively horrible manner, though tbe bones are un injured. Mr. Nevel with great presence of mind and nerve at once understood hit danger and took a firm bold of the large cog wheel, succeeding in slopping it before assistance arrived, when he called for help and showed those who came where to shut off steam, when he succeeded in extricating himself. While the wounds are decidedly ugly and painful they are not necessarily dangerous, and he waa able to walk to his hoarding place with the family of Mr. Kuntman, some distance below the works, without the assistance which was freely offered by his fellow-employee. He is being well taken care of at hi* boarding house, and Dr. Fay it in atlendtftice." —The express train west on Tuesday morning was delayed for an hour or more at this place by the breaking of a flange on one of tbe driving wheels of the loco motive. —lt is reported that two bold individ ual* from this county are about engaging in the newspaper business at Petersburg, Huntingdon county. Men and boy* should go to the Phila | delphia Branch to buy their clothing of all I description*. THE UNUERTAIRTIEH OP TERRESTRIAL NAVIOATION SENATOR H. R. I'EALE DUMPED IN A FENCE CORNER.— Hon. H. R. I'eale, of Lock Haven, was in town all last Week in connection with the argument of an Important equity ease before Judge Morrow, of Towanda, Pa. The Senator drove his fine sorrel trotter over from borne, and on Monday morning, after hav ing religiously rested over Sunday, left the Brockerboff House with the avowed in tention of driving to Lock Haven in two hours. Tho Senator's "gel-up" was unex ceplionable. He had fine robot, a gold mounted whip, two comfortable overcoats arid an elegant pair of seal skin driving gloves. Just before he ensconced himself in his sleigh "Majah" fepiller, the redoubt able porter OR the Brockerboff House, was seen emerging from the hotel hearing a large stone jug with A capacity of about five gallons. WE mean the jug, not Spil ler.) This was carefully deposited beneath the robes while Senator i'eale waived an affectionate farewell to his friends and swiftly glided from sight. In about half an hour the Senator's horse and sleigh— minus robes, whip, jug, and the Senator himself returned. The horse wa- caught near Ir. K. W. Hale's residence and taken to A. Ratlin's stables, where several severe cuts upon his limbs were dressed. Shortly after, MR. I'eale put in an appearance, and it was learned that his horse had over turned the sleigh about three miles from town, and, leaving his owner in a conve nient fence corner, had retraced his slept to Bellefontc Mr. I'eale happily EX-APED unhurt, but he lost the K-very effort to recover that interesting relic has thus far failed. \N hen MR Teller, of the Brock erboff House, was questioned us to its con tents he declined to say anything. I'pon being pressed he finally acknowledged that the jug was full, hut would give no further information. E ate informed that an effort will be made to mislead the public by intimating that the jug was filled w ith hot water to prevent the cold from rea< B ing tho ex-Senatorial feet. This story will, of course, not wa-LI. THE A'SOURT or CENTRE COURTT WITH THE STATE TREASURER -The fol lowing from the last annual report of Hon. Samuel Butler, State Treasurer, shows the financial relation Centre county TE-ARS to the treasury of the ('. mmon wealth It will he readily seen that the latter IS not profited much by the relatioil. The atowu&u paid into U-c treasury war#. fujif Om < uifnf i T** on IM'vli v.\ • i IUJ4 K|l* A F'.rusli Twrfttpk*. TAT WW K 11 2S> I'hilijtot-urg Honking < * mp*y, T*t <ti In mm „ . ini "W f KMS<■)<)• A r<||lT, Tot on IfeoDis v! OnHtr* r-rnnig Iwi.kmi Tai an INNUM* W4 43 Firot >ali -tsal lUi.k Tai on Mori FTTO F4) |WUl<m* A P H K K . Tat Atork s Is A f <* fUir*sn<l T*t on fttork ....... 14 M II K. IN* UB HN 1 TBT •s f'mr, tr* 11*11 Wt*r (Vmpißf, T*i on hi** k ' f, MIL* Coll|T Turnj-IK* Company, TAI .N Atark 3 43 A WW'.U Tiimpik* Omptr ♦, Tb* on H • k IWllaf u! A Übo*- Ri;f nd, <>t|* r - 2 c*.w itl-tjrg A 7>r"t ?Uilr"*4. Tat on MF*l 72 PtiilipM otr lVff"|li, Tt <n I-soan* 1 a HMII A'lbib Ywwfc. Timnw, t,v.4 'W It IHL.IRMR.RV 7M 43 VI )'WRRBF>*L4. K*Flur.Ta ON Writ* ♦< FT| J T liar J-E-R. J T IH I.at. rTak ON 34 MA 2* .VL . A Tot in*, lU*t<J*r. Tat on Writ* .3 >2 37 Tul— i The county received from the treasury for general expenses : J II ONLI, U JO4F ON KKLBRVI 2 '>| CK FURNTITL FRANK. A*** *U Jndg* #.13 (M 3tkl MvtM, AflHMi it4fi . H 4 Mrtffkj. lU|sf**mUl 1 • -j>> J KT*ZR>STII# MMRRMNTIU LJ |MI**R 4.' N|*on LORN* M*R. nr.ttl* AJJ FAT*RR J, 22 VanVnlin (KRI m Onft .,j (i, • !.*>!•• MIILH. *I lUnry Cm. Rn|>*tlnit*4'((on nalnra ) 1 lit*. f> 7TI TN T. H-n)*iin Fik* Nml Ann BR)BB, RI)4<SB 7s r*i JNRRSH <llll, 14 (|| FTT.IATth FRXSR I'ST.ai T, , 4' MitUr, lVn* TI , For school funds : P. G|rMlr, I.LT-ertT , , a<,T 79 W K-tli*rl, (V>ll t - VJ Z2 <5 W llan-r. Penn....™ A<7 V W. II N'LL. H,RINX 441 Raniusl Huor. Taylor— J37 41 T A ARA'll. Ilnsc n Xl 4 14 R I. Strotwsks* Mile* 401 4J O—,r(-riaik- l'sll n 1 . i LL-nry Armaa***. R-no-R ... 24 40 X W McKtoo-R. W .RIH 17s 71 P W ROTKSIL Half ¥•> 1-4 J' John P. Harris. R-llefi-a 70* 14 MilsaOarf 17a 7 J a, lealh-rs II wars .' si as W S Lw. IVtli t.'l .71* J R a..MMrill, ANEW ATE* a>.| xt W. D Siniih, t'nksni illa . ao y.i II A *•>, LL iaafi IC 7* P. r-oiW. Mart.*! IS7 * Vtllif. Ramaida .. as 14 PD. I!.-t.mian llalnaa , 40a R J I OU, Puller N4O 10 W |. -is t'atna MO T> K, A. ISasia. Philips) nrg 411 SS J sines Kimpnrt. liania ."■* T, R <l. Walker, Walker ;.-i. 44 Jeff is, llsi—l Rush 17 H al Plllinx-r llsl lyr X7il its W II Pits, Psrfisana t•• '.s J C. Walker .71-1 M P. D H'sisettsn. Orsfg 4*C 4-1 II O R-yer, ML lea .VOT (SI a D Mttaser, Millhrim ............................ 105 00 O. W llarler. Penn. 211 tti R II A RNER. Potter... M 00 XV apnlls, IN ION 2(0 flu J abnsy. College ;t.'l t*. R. Meek, Pert-ia-n t-a 10 J. A apajed. Marhtß. H7 OS J. R—lters. Mlleal.tirg 17s IS K A ISails, Phlli(>a|.tiro 40 <jti W. D Smith, Ualonrlllr wo 04 Total frl.l'U fifl — Tho proprietor of one of our big up town hotels had his faith in human nature considerably shaken last week. Tha par ticular phase of human nature that is now quoted below par by the victimised Buni- T face was condensed into a woman with a baby. With a plausible tale and under exceptional circumstances thia consign ment of human nature succeeded in living in elegant ityle at the hotel for a week without interviewing the book-keeper and squaring up tbe little score. The crushed hotel man la now looking with a sad visage at an account which consista of "Meals to room," "Blx days, $2 80 per day," Ac. IN the meantime, tbe woman and future Preaidant of the Y nitod States heve disap peared. A Tot'Cllljro AXJ> BEAUTIFUL Lf.TTKK MOI MM. Vvntr. —Dr. J. M Buck, Altoona, recently received n letter from Mr. William p. Furey, of Han Antonio, Tex**, from which the Sun, of that city, tnakea tbe following beautiful extract*. We tr*nfiT them to the column* of the Dr.MOtRAT, khowing that the lady* many friend* in thi* community will be deeply affected by th<-ir plaintive radnea* and tendr patbn* I Humid or rather would have written to you and other friend* everai day* ngi, bad I not received *uch intelligence a* to |i.d me to believe that I nbould be on my Jour ney buck ere tbi*. I bave bw-ti very mi*, crable in body, a* w< l| a* mind, tince the tragical end of my journey here, but now lam aomawbat ratio red—a* far, a* I think, a# Mexico southern cookery will HIJOW arid from which m V tartund nerve* and itomach constantly rebel—and i think I can endure the greater part of the trip. i# kind and generout, arid I am more grateful to him than J can expre*, a 1 did not a#k and had no right to ex ! I""' 1 to be rent for. I only delred aid | until 1 could find aometbing to do for my. | *e|f. | tried to make it plain to him that the ex|H-n*ea of the journey home, our j prolonged *lay at un • xp<-r.'#iv- hotel and j lunerai expen*.-* that I am certain were a. . limited a* hi# friend* would have ap | proved of, absorbed our entire mean#. FladlM I wa- ituuflciestly rapplM I • oncluded l#i try rriyretf and get a pit## to Houiton, a# I had the pl**|Ul6 of n •■< t r g the u|rintender,t, Mr. Convert*, on our i way down. I did and thi* morning j nince I have been writing tlii# letter <ir Hl o | came iri with a kind little note in.being J the d'-#ired pa#. I have met with much kindne** here and a number of perton* are anxiou* to have me remain and have u*i-d I their influeru •• to get e uiuble ernplov. j merit : but there j# actually nothing hero that I can do without u email capital, at b**t I have left nothing untried #•• a# to ►avemy friend, at the north the trouble and ex|<en*e of rending for me, UII iJ for : #omc reaeon# I would like t#itav. •'Kteii foim lie turn), lh# x ~ ..f ~(•,•# OIM A. It I. out of the (juelion, I will Hart ; bark with mingled *adn<-*. *,, d p!ea*ure. I The (jumtion* cornuntiy ari.e, "What ; have J to go ba< k to ' ' Where am I to go ?' 1 . annot and will not <-at the bread j dependence mu< h longer (;„d only know# what a trial the pa#t two month# j have been to me ' The , r.-, the anxiety, the mortification, the wounded pride, the , #<>rrow and desolation. I mu.tend it *<on ■ and bwomc M#lf.*ijp|eirtirig r my health \ will give War. If I on!v could go right Ito work When 1 get ba. k' And what ] w..uld I have been through all thi* with out you and tbe Ward family 1 May (<#d hie#, you "esoeediagly, abundantly, ba# j yond ail 1 ran a#k or think f r vo'ur di*- interested kindno#, to me anJ the beloved d<ad who level y> . more tl an vou did I him if poible. 1 know r. t bow to ex- I pre.# mv.elf i rj t#. d and proper term*; I | only know that thi. la#t and unetpe. kindne** of your* and Mr W ,1. not break* my heart, and a lifelong de votton will noi be mfflcierit to repay. Try and b-| all I woui i #av through tbe ► übtb- and my.tenou# agency that draw* together and unit#* tru< and congenial •piriU, *nd beliec,. that I am grateful, meet deejily grateful. I have u.-pa#*ed mi long Upton your valuable lime that I will not .av anything about the cloing Mere, of our dear Will * troubled and •offering life. I tTerer to tell it to you when we meet The bright un I* tbining on hi* grave and the "balmy atr ' i* blow, ing over hi* tomb, but b<—lie i not tin-re, and I feel ure it i* well with him. Hop ing to *ee you very *oon 1 am mint *;n cerely, et<. WEtntxo AT PutLiraßt'iui.— A very p!ea*anl affair, ray* the l'hilip*borg J, vr. nal, occurr<>d on Wednesday aftern<- n of )a#l week at the rn*idence of I)r. ( F. Hoop, the occa'ion being the marriage of hi* daughter Klla, to A K Lingenfelter, expre** me**er.ger on the B. K. V. railroad, formerly of thai place. The ceremony wa* performed by Rev. A M Creigbton, of the M. K church, in the prexenoe of the relative* and a few intima'.a friend* <if the contracting p.artie*. A mmptuou# repa*t wa* rerved after the ceremony wa* per formed, to which all did full jutire. The wedding preeent* were ntimerou* and cot. ly, Ireing token* of the high e*teem in which the newly wedded pair arc held by thair many friend#. Tbe happ.y couple left on the 4 -'-0 train for a xhort tour, ex pecting to vi*it in Harrifburg, Philadelphia and other place* They will make Tyrone their future home. May pirorperity and happinea* 1* their conrtant gue*t* through life. _ FATHER WELL.—My daugh. t er *ay, "How much better father i* ince he u*ed Hop Bitter*." He j* getting well after hi* long ruffering from a di*ea*e de clared incurable, and wo are *o glad that be u*ed your Bitter*.—A lady of Rorhrwler, X. Y.— t'txca Urmld. —When you come to llollefonle call at Lyon A Co.'* and *eo the larget and finest Mock of overcoat* that can be found out ride of Philadelphia. We have them at sl2 15 and f3.15. We have brown beaver overcoat* at s."> 2f> and ffi SO. You can't boat them anywhere ele at $7.60 and $3. We have the fine*t blue and black beaver overcoat*. We have a reversible overcoat, two tide* to wear out, or two coal* in one. W have the bcl chinchilla overcoat* at ff. 00 you ever raw ; they are worth $9 to $lO. We can *how you over $1,300 worth of overcoat*. I JTO R A Co. —We have the finest flock of *uit* in black diagonal, blue check and other dark good, heavy winter tu.U. We can *how you the large.t and het *tock In tbe county and guarantee them 20 p>et cent, cheaper than any other beu*e. LTOX 4K Co. —ln drv good*, dre good*, hoe* and ladiet' millinery, we can bow you tha largest and best Hock In the county. Lyo 4k 00. —Spring woolen* now ready. Karly order* (olk-ited. Money raved. l-tf MOSTUOMKRY* A Co., Tailor*. —A collection of gentlemen * necktie* at the Philadelphia Branch.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers