HA t'I.ASI) ,r vrlliri X. AlUghmn Street, ZBA-TTL-A-lsnD <SC rtnEWavCA-HSrS |HEADQUARTERS FOB BARGAINS " —AT THE— ■ BEE HIVE ONIAPRICE STORES. WINTER GOODN. We have an IMMENSE VARIETY OF GOODS SUITABLE FOR Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. Please call and examine our stock, And oblige BAULAND & NEWMAN. ORR MOTTO IS —''OAK PRICK—THE VERV 1.0 WEST-A \D KO MISREPRESESTA TIOS Xew Advertisement*. New York Weekly Herald. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. r PHE circulation of this popular A nw|iMr U roDtUntly all the leading news of the Usui llbeaLD, and is arranged >n handy departnv uu. Th* FOREIGN NEWS embrace* special dupat. h * frotu all quarter* of the globe. I'uder th* head of AMERICAN NEWS ar* given the Telegraphic Bsj*t he* (the *f-k from all piU • f th* Union. ThlifMl .rr alone lutkn TilK WEEKLY HERALD th* n"*t valuable Chronicle in th* world. as ll Is the cheapest livery week is given a faithful report of POLITICAL NEWS embracing complete and comprehensive dispatches ftM WAffUMVW, including full r*i>rt* of |)M •pftcbia f eminent politician* on th* questions of the hour. THE FARM DEPARTMENT of th* Wksklt Ilr.avLD give* the latest m well a* th* most practical suggestion* an<l discoveries relating t* Ike dutim of the farmer, hint* for raiding CartlE, PovivmT, Grains, Tata. Vuitailu, Ac A\, with •nggMtion* for keeping building* an I utenail* in re pair. Tht* i supplemented by a well-edited depart ment, widely copied, tinder the head of THE HOME, giving recipes for practical dishes, hint* for making clothing and for keeping up with the lateaf fashions at the lowest price Every item uf cooking or economy •ugg**t*d in tbi* department i* practicaliy tested i,y expert* before publication. Letters from our I'ari* aud Lon In correspondent* on !l >* * rr 7 latest fash lon*. The Home Department of the HSKKLV llksald will save the housewife more than one hundred times the price of the paper. The interest* of SKILLED LABOR are looked after, and everything pertaining b> me chanics and !alr saving i carefully recorded. There I* a page tevwted to all the latent phase* the hn*i nss* markets, Merrbandi**. 4c.. Ac. A value bl* featu r " i* found in the specially reported price* and condition* of THE FRO DUCK MARKET. BmT!* Ntw, at hone and ahnaul, t.>stlir with * Stnki ci>r.r w—k. a Rua..* bj aunt* eminent <ti. Tine, Lirr.Baar, Mratcai. Daantrir, t'tae aai and Sat NVrt*. There i. no [ir In the morld that <->n tain, an tnurh o.at matter earr; seek aa the W na IT Ilia tt.n. ht> hia aent, . *' 1 k (atid. f>.r tin*. I>>l lar. Von can aubm rfl l * at an? time. THE ) ( OSK NKWViiRK In a Weeklj Form, DOLLAR HERALD j ( A TEAR Addraai, NEW YORK HERALD, M Broadway and Ann Btr**t. New York For Hale. VFARM containing Fifty Acre*, and having therein erected a TWOJTORY FRAME HMLDING and nt building* Title g>l Inquire of A J A T K. GRIKST. Unloorille. C*ntra county. Pa. FYR. JAS. H. DOBBINS, M. D., I J PHYSICIAN AND Bt ROEoN, Olfics Allegheny 81., over Zeiglur • Drug Store, tMJ lILLKfMTI PA DP. FORTNEY, • ATTORN KT AT L AW, BELLVFORTE, PA. Laat door to the left In the Conrt Home. a-ljt S. f A. LOEB, General Merchant *, Allegheny Street, BeUcfnnte, Pa. S. &C LOEB, THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN THE CELEBRATED BOCHISTEB CLOTBIHS! Better Fits, better Workmanship, better Styles, better Linings, SUPERIOR in every respect to any other ready-made Clothing in the United States, and equal in every respect to the work' of any merchant tailor in any of our large cities. Prices fully as low as ordinary slop-shop work generally sold in Bellefonte. Mothers, bring your Children, from 4 years up, and examine our assortment of CHILDREN'S WEAR. S.&A. LOEB,! IS. & A. LOEB, FINE CLOTHIERS AND DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. BUSH IIOU.SK, HELI.KFONTK. PA , Ijargest and Rest Hotel in the t'ounty. IIEADvIt'ARTERS roR COM MERIT AI TRAVELER*. SPKTIAL RATES FOR OKSTRF. COl NT Y PEOPLE. I.iU>rl reduction to Jurymen and other* attending Court. I P I'BTEKA, Pmp'r Farm for Sale. If AYINtJ determined to "Farm 1 |r** land, end farm It better." th* itiWriler j offer* for sale one of th* two farm* he now occupies IN linWAKD T<V% NSIIIP Tlii* farm i* locmte<l on the north •id* of thr Bald Kagle rre-k, nearly <>p|>*ite the 1L p.ugh of Howard. It ha* a frontage of n*!* on the creek, with a high b*nk which never overflow* ll contain* #*"> m re* ..f land, more or lew*. ah<>tit IVi of which I* cleared Tlie remainder U woodland It i* well watere.l, having beshles the creek front age. a well at the h"U*e, a pring run traversing the j whole length f the place, and aeveral springs in the AeUl*. at lea*t two of who h are very fine ones, and *> > •ituated a* to be easily piped |<t the building*. The building* are beautifully located upon a roll of land, a few r-l* from the -reek, upon the public r ad leading up and down the cre*-k.and within ten mm j ute* walk of the |*t office, depot, *h>res and churches uf liowartl It j rough. * The h<>u*e I* frame, and nearly new. It i T/itZf- ft In *ir.e. two full stories high, containing eight large room*, with hall both up *tairs and d >wn. reside a ; ftrst-clas* cellar and attic, |oth of which are the full J •|*e of the house. Conveniently near thi* i* a go**d tsnk Ism. also ( i nearly new It It IA by m feet, containing two ei- j cellently finished thrashing Boifs. a good grarary. ! first rate stabling, snd h* attached p> it a large corn j crib, and a *gon shed, 1■*•' feel, with a mw over- j head. A i*irton of the land i* we|| Adapted to timothy, and ha* jlel.|ed, for It* present owner, a# high a* three tons first c|a* hay per ai re A good P K lW*rick hay baling machine, and Fairbanks w ale* for weigh ing the bales are now tn the barn, and will be r>td with the farm, if deaired. Other part* of the land are well *uited to bdrro culture, and yielded a number one crop last season Farm* with *o many advantage* as thi* are rarely • offered for sale It i|| be aold at a fair price, and on 1 reasonable term*. If not sold soon it will he For Rent to a Good Tenant for the coming year J. A. WOODWARD, 8-* n .r.l. Pa. CANCER REMOVED, \VITHOUT KNIFE, sod in moßl * v f sees withunt pain Applv to C. Hp FI.-IIFK Boalshurg. 12—tm* Omiti • Maty, m I I A. McKEK, * ATTORIVBT AT LAW 42-tf Office oppoaite Court Ylonae, Rellefiinle, Pa | Unseated Land Appeal. i PPEALB will be held in the a \ i MM NMV * -•••.!■ ' i I) I'a f'r tb*- |>iirjM>ae f ad)uliiij( tbw |<|>rtl %mlu* of land*, a* folk*we TUBDAI i i•. l |r | 1 • • j•tk : 1 f Ralsm, Mil*w. |Vno. (IrrfK. I*ott*r, llarrie, Fr-rgu* n Half M'**n and Pall"ii WIDHB9DAT art - I • 11 •• I vMklpa f lU-DMer, h|*vinc. Wilkrr Murtoti Idbcrtv, Howard, ii . • ' 1 - Haatoi II rtl Muft faylot TIH HMiAI M.roan :: t r lb- tr>w obip of Raah mtDAY, K'-i r I f r t. 1 . ! w 1 r IMI Sb'j*. Burftaid# and Can in. All |>*r%na tnk- i tor ASMIIIW GHWili, <il>R4*K CW AH, lltNtt Htft.rik J A<'Hl |i| SKI.K IM Coanty t ommlaioßrri VICK'S ILLUSTSATZD FLORAL GUILE KNir lsSj j. an l'>o<ik of 120 I Nf V ■ 1 |•'• Hi . tratione. with Ht* fijillrtijt of th* l#t flovrn iti l kwffrUldwa, and Inreati r.e f.r rruaint trl |t Mill In bfllal r OffWM If JTM iHarvafif f,r<!r erla itMlnrt tb*> lo refit* VICK'S SEEDS tre Of Iftftl will tr|| I. a to (ft and gr n tb *m Vick • Floeear and Veyetablp Cardan. I7S Paget f (VL rH PUtw Kncraving* F r '• nt* i |* rovert. 9) •• it) elrgant rl (b In (krinati "t ICnclUb. Vick t lllutfrafed Monthly Magat<n# . I'ajrne a Co I. .rod Flat* In nvry number and many flo F.n graving* Priea |t a tear. Fife ' r f.'. Pporimen Xumber* *ent fr 10 rente trial i i*e f r 2a rente Aldreee. JAM F.* \|< K. H<" beater X \ / ULMOItE A CO., " " I.am AM" OM i BCTtOM 801 tl F STKSIT. W aaiiimit""*. D C Make f*olle<tion*. N'rgniiale I# *• end attend t ■ a.I tFi*in*e omlkM U> tbetn I. AX ft JM HIP - liter # Additional II u<eoiea4 RigbU an I I.AM' M All HA XTB l-ojght and • ! I 4• tf 1885-1. 1885-1. The Patriot, Daily & Weekly, For the Ensuing Year. The vntwr rip tint) price i.f the WcttlT rr*l-T l.u been rnlocH |/ fl ropy jwr at.nnnr). To clal* of Frrtf and upward* the Wtvti t F4TioT will be fgrnUbeol at the extra- nlinorby rh*p rate of 7S rente per ropy per annum Th Haik? I'ATtl T will e-r.t \e> any addroM. daring the *eamofia of Coegrwee and the Idegieiatnrw at the r|# of I" rent# per month Under tha art of C*>ngreaa the puHUher prepay# the and tui*rnl#r* are relieved from that expen** Kvary lubar riptlon mn*t U ar mpanied by the rook. Now i* the time to anlwrribe The approarhioc aaaaiooa of Congreoa and the will le of more than ordinary interval and their proreedlnga •ill le fatly r|otie.| frr th V>aily a complete •ynopaia ef them •!! be given It) the Weekly Addrem I'ATRMT Fl.'RLlfttlfNO 00 n 4"-tf .1?i Market Htreet. IUml irg 00/JW.tf/7'//, STEfX !' /'F.XTt:/{, AUrffhrtij/ Strrrt, Ih'Hefontc, /'a. CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! AT Till: I PHILADELPHIA BRANCH. WE ARE SELLING OUR FALL AND WINTER GOODS FOR LESS THAN COST OF MANUFACTURING. LOOK .A. UST ID COMPARE PRICES. Full Suits, - - $4.50 " - - 5.00 " - - 5.50 " - - 7.50 " " - - 9.00 A\ l AI, I, UOOIIS I \ rKO rOKIIOA. OUR GR AND FALL AND WINTER STOCK IS COMPLETE;, ' COME AND CONVINCE YOURSELF! £Y/~Don't forget the place. Opposite Reynold's Opera House. SAMUEL LEWIN, Manager, A STKKNBKKG WILL HI. I".M> A"1 Till T ..|;L All 9 ghcny Street, BelkSnte. Pa. Xni' Ail vert iHemeu Is. IIAI.HF.ItT K PAtNK. 141'* ('•>liliniMl"Rßt '•( I' *#!'• OEXJ r. OH A FT'N HToKV ll LA III* PATENTS. PAINK, (SKA 1-TON A LAPP. I Attorney! at- lone and \olmtori of American and Fore, rn Patent.', IlL' FIFTH Nthfi-.T. WAAIII M.-ton. I'. < I'rootlee |lrbt aw In ill it* 1 ran* l. • In tl. flUlt 'iftfp, and Cuj.riin* mi<l tif I * • • i I'hibd Plat**. I'amphlet •*(>'! Ir+*- I* II ST. X A VI Elt'S ACADK.M V. NEAR LATROUK, l'A , NEARLY Laif a Century hM. from wbkh lh mow! pr* ant ulUtalr I • i*n ir> I** nn*J Ivaai* ha** graduated. V '• "•! |,L r •.; r-duratienal iMi and lifh**t tUti'UM f refining i, Iqenroa I**:| 11* admit!**) at an* l):te ' * ** \* l.r at- ijt f - • Ail'lrtt, MPTERP "f MF.HO <1 |L JkttA • I* 41.. Wrttßc lfU: >1 " untj. I'* Bottling Est ahi I slim mil. BOTTLF.D !'• KTKR, AI.F. and BEER. TIIK unelcniignccl r< *jxrtfullv in- A form* the rlfi#rt f < *ntr* -At that I-* ha* |miin| a Botlllni Fetal 'ii*bm*r t r p tt*-t. in 1 the fktfongtl < f tvilef nt* *n<l will I" Ml ► ' flu r nrtpßfwl to fviMi i IKTI • vi i. *• Iml R• . 1 *n "f <o** |o ewppiving be*#rag**, whether L li-U. tMUaraiiU <>r pr iU •<*. h*% wi I 1* f tin I of the pore*t r. l beet ,walit; l •• r-d ir , • u'h A miM r lHat their life an I *j *ri* ** J f.*#-rv-D %* fr**h *• tbngh dra* nfr i lh<Aik • r twir l Ib* CKLKBHATKI) KOCHKSTKK STOCK i a arfiaitf ftdrr* lft at kb pl*#e • f bu* r *# n 1 I j j .#ial - ard, will re*#*v# pMirifit alteatu n *"*•. I H SI'ITZER. TIIOROKGH KPrCATJON —roa— YOl'Nd LADIES. Hollidaysburg Seminary. lIOLLIDATAHt ftO, HI. MR CUCKTV, IEXX \ A tart Healthful Iw-atinft, !>eatitifal • irrvunding* < ff#ra T<>ur g lad#* )| fh lur.lA<4 of a i hn*!in home, iih Ukifwi|h (mtrw of laitrtrtk in tie higher KNACKM uf <lf|tk>A Torma, 4250.00 per Annum, Ift'liwllnj hoafd and •l*>n'liw.ijw of library.p*ti—l i kali. ai4 talU'ii In all F.ncliab brao'b** Ndhc and iart aatra ANNUAL TERM. FORTY WEEKS. For ratalogT)*, with fall informat/ti, iddnw W. I*. HL'HSKY, A. M , Principal. SEC If I. Ell (f CO., 1 irorrrn, flunh I lunar 111 or k. ltrllr/ontr, En. ITEW O-OOIDS —F O R TII K WINTER TRADE. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■l We have endeavored to got the very beat of every thin* in our line, and now have some really choice goods. Fine Cream Cheese, Extra Large French Prunes, Select Oysters, Sweet Potatoes, . Large Ripe Cranberries, Prunelles, Imperial Figs, Bright New Lemons, "Florida Oranges, Princess Paper-Shell Almonds, Evaporated Dried Peaches, A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS Preserved PEARS, PEACHES, CITRON,PLUMS, PRUNELLES. PLAIN CANDIES, FINE CONFECTIONERY, __ —AND— GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds. ,u>op, ° of Cfcatre County to call and inspect our ril( I, (JOt)DH, wlilrli cannot fall to pIcaNC. SECHLEB & CO. • i />/•// (winhlh ami (w I'iniriin, J J A RI'KR RROTIIKRS, k l R|N>. rTIIKKT, III:I I.EKONTE, L'A.. H* ' tli< ir . • ti<] ►hdvc# with M-:\V GOODS, ( RANK KEPT RATES Pur< huM-d at - HANK REIT RATES I HANK KEPT RATES M ill' II Till V OF! F.R AT IJOITOM PRICKS, BOTTOM PRICKS, uorro.M i'licks. li)SHl"TIMI "F Dry <; M illincry Oothinft, Pa:.i y Nf'ti' ti. Ac. HOOTS am! SHOES HOOTs m.'l siiof - at very 1"w j rif cf BOOTS and .SHOES HATS and CAPS LaWt tv> <T HAT-' and CAPs lIATS and CAPS Hrsir, C inhrcllaK, ParaKiU, Ladi Clcaki, Carpctinp, tins < r. ware, Ac. iv.ni: r.(;,rr> thlfc that U 1 nr.-i In a f.rn. r law ii>r* IIA ItPKlt liItOTIIKHS, MHEKT. • • BKI.I.rroXTK, FA f*<IX7HV I'Uopl r|; taLn in ul aci* at tl • hlfliwi markH jo f J ) T WHOHWAIUI SKMINAIiV. iri lay Z:±::. r 7cz=; Laiic: tr.i Little CiUdrcs. SECOND AND LOCUST STREETS HARRISMUK(>. PA 1 an* "I au<i>-"iw r. j MwUlf, ,ia Mu.m -- an*l Arl ll r<l and !li n I. '■ :<■ I.' a :ar and to | atfraa F r < T'olato and alt datirabl* ibl. tit i.* n addraaa 3\-*m I HIM 11-sI Ml LLIIKIM HOTEL, MII.I.IIRIV CFS'TIIF Oill VTV, FKNS A AN . H Ml SSKit, Proprietor. TW Nil f V • • a* |S *a\ | | , • at*"it two nitlM from rv i t.ra Malmn, r.n Ikr Ui twtf. Ontre and *|ror# i r oiidir g* that mak it a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. ' n.v.l trnul e.tilnf 11, 111. irr.mnl.i, tkMrfl] A fat. I raajto nal Waia At Mm HIIRmm Hm*l I n.-.lsic *.. ailt I* | ...nd ftr.wla* and t.rtn. T.,'..|af j Jnnr 2?., l*Tk-|y* M inrrthi nfftuH. r J"Hi; CENTRE DEMOCRAT BOOK ami JOB OFFICE JiLVH HOUSE BLOCK, BELLKPONTE, I'A ~ ! BOW OH'KHIN<i <i H ]•: A T IN I) UCEM EN T S 1 • Illicit WINBIKO PIRaT-CLAWI Plain or Fancy Printing. AN " have unusual fa< 11 iti*e for printing LAW BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CATAL< >OUEB, PROGRAMMES. STATEMENTS, CI ECU LA its, BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, INVITATION < ARIS, < AKTKS DK VISITE, CARDS ON ENVELOPES ANI> ALE KINDS OF BLANKS. >rJer- t_v rnnil nil] receive riroxnpt attention. ftaf"Printing don" in the beet tvle, on ► h<>rt noti, o end at the ]ovr.>t ratea A CENTS WANTED 7 ■ Ul' fttilrTl|'Uo|)* fit lb# INT I BNITIONIL REVIEW, ""t 1 •' j.-.it i -atkm. „f ih 1 '•! a,it, ,vigil, ml .utnlntxi,. from tbe •' rtd *.trri,i et.rj rouatr?. fcd.ted tnp •' T < —. Jf ...I 11..,., l.yt(. cvntl^BM tu..,n . 1,1. rid ' ultui#.. and ahuw '<_• •• 1 „-.i ? uvr.'J of the raJu. of Hi' I. |VTtI N ' t r*-adat Ir arid intrKtit*. poll - I'"' 1,1 *' i " 'Ct '"•> * - in *, tin** tarkat ir- c and in tn yoioo* I'M" • nt*a i umber. £'•<;* A t.t • Outfit *• 1,1 r# a-tpi i | n a •!*- itoeu "j i a* ? t t art artdr*** r if, <.,t. Ah HSV.W* ft <Y f*tih)lftb*nL HI A II U , ..ana At N Tofk. IIHOCKKKHOFF HOUSE, 1 * HKLLErOKTI. FA V. It. TELLER, Proprietor. Good Sample Room on Second Floor. ae-r... 1t.,.. to fnm a]) Train, Special rale, i" tiifiMMM and | a row 1-1? I \K. J. \\ . RHONE, Dentist, can I " l f unit at tu and r-.id.oce on N.nh •>. <d ll,jh itr.. t thm d,„r I.ul of Ailecb.at B-11-foat., Pa |,f' ( 'ARMAN'B HOTEL, A ■ (.|.|.,tOi.iirt 110,,.. BBI.LKroXTK, PA TERMS fI.2APKR DAT. A food Li,ery attached. j.j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers