HAUL AN It H> NEW MA N, Allegheny Street, Itellefontr, I'tt. ttEADOUAHTEftS FOB BARGAINS A.T — BAULAND & NEWMAN'S BEE HIVE STORES. We are now displaying at our DOUBLE STORE ROOMS the largest and most complete stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CARPETS, BOOTS 4SHOES, GENTB' FURNISHING GOOES, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, &c„ &c„ That has ever been seen in BELLEFONTE, or in CENTRE COUNTY. ALL OUR noons AUK MARK KJ> /.V I'LAI V KIOUUKS. MERCHANT TAILORING A SPECIALTY, —AT POPULAR PRICKH On MOTTO it-"ONE PRICE—THE VERY LOW EST-AND NO MISREPRESENTATION." CHAMBERS'S ENCYCLOPAEDIA. 15 Vols. Over 13,000 Payes. Price During July, $6.25. VMONQ the wonderful things which have been accomplished for lovers of good lawki by th "Ulr*ry Revolution,** {iprbuiu the most wonderful U the of thi icrral Lut vrlupanlU nt n merely nofniiml rout. It ta a varkliia reprint of th# la*t English rditloi, In l'> beautiful volume*, clear tion|*tn-il t> pe. hau l soniety bound iu cloth, for $7.f10 . the aui# printed ou flio r, hnwr i*per, wide margin*, and t*aud in half Kn*ia, jrilt top. price Sift 00. The Ural ten volume* are ready for delivery. Vol. 11 will I* ready July 1". The remaining volume* will be completed uy October neit. $6.25. An Amazing Offer. $6.25. The more widely and rapidly these volume* are scattered, the greater le their influence in iudm log other purchaser* of this and many standard publication* Accordingly we give special terms to early ■ul-*crfl*rs. To all. who** order* and moiiey are received during the month of July, we will anpply the 15 volume*, in cloth, for $6.28, and in half Huscia, gilt top, for $12.80. To any one sending from any ptm a, where w* have no *p*ctal agent (usually the leading tiookseller of the town), a tluh d five order*. we will allow a com* miesion of 10 percent. The volume* issued will be sent at once by express, and the remaining volumes when completed. A volume in cloth will be sent, postpaid for ftO cents, or in half Rusaia, gilt top, for $1 00, ami may •* returned at om e, if not satisfactory. The "i HivMtii's KncTCLor vnit" comprises the flmt !volumes of our "Library of I'niversa] Kuowlrdge," sml ths remaining volumes, complete in themselves, will be add separately when published. Standard Books. Library of Universal Knowledge, 4 2l vols., fin..lo. Wsltnait'a Gibbon's Rome. 6 vols , |lb. auU> s History of England. I vols., |l.."d. >1 anlay s Life and Letters, 50 cents. Macau lay's Raaays and poems. 3 vols., |l.*o. i hambers'a Cyclopaedia of Rng. Literature, 4 vol* . Knight's History of Kngland. 4 vols., $3. Plutarch's Life* of Illustrious Men, .1 volt, f I.u. Oelkie'* Lite and Words of Christ, 50 cents. V- uug's Bible Concordance, 311,000 references (pre paring.) Acme library of Biography. 50 rents. !b->k of Tables, .Ksop, etc., illns., *) rents. Milton's Complets poetical Works. &l> rents. flhake*pe*r*'* Complete Works, 75 *ents. Work* of Ihsnte, translated by Cary. 40 cents M.,rks of Virgil, translated by Dry dm, 4# cents. The Koran of Mohammed, by Sale. V rents Adventure* of Don Qui vote, illus., 50 cent*. Arabian Nights, illus., V) cents Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, illus , .'* cent*. Robinson Crusoe, Illus., 5n cents. Munchausen and Gulliver's Travel*., Ss cents. Hamlt by laak gr.lt, laon.y onlrr, ..KtaUrnl l.ltar, or l*y gracttua. of oa dollar aiay U ant la pwU|t alAfui*. Aildr.M AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE, JOHN B. AI.DKN, Manager. Tribun* Building, Naw York. A P rXTPTTO • H.-I. n, II L. liaatiug. ; Pliilai|el|>bla. laart A Co.; Ciarinnatl, llrt L'lark* ACo ixu Jjlt vxXJIJ i lndlanatMilla, boaeo, btewart gCo ; OeTcl.ii't, Irigbam.Ctarlir it 0..; Tulel". k.a<er A Co.; Chl.ago, AlJea A OiMtirk; In .mailer town., the lewhng Snkwller, only one In a place. SOI.B AOBNCT IN BBLLKrONTR. J_J -y" STITZER / 1 ENTRE COUNTY, ss: V J [SB4L ] I, W*m K. Hi srnrin.il, Clerk of the Or phan*' Ooart of said cfxinty of Centre, do heret.y certi fy. that at an Orphans' O urt. held at Bellefonte th. "aJ'.ih day of April, A. D IP", before the Honorable the Judges of said Court, on motion a rule *u granted upon Reftecc* Curtin, Julia C. Harvay, Irwin Harvey. 1.. H. Curtiu. (una. Gurtin. Coaa Curha "guardian," | M.hsa Candor, Joa. Candor. R. W. t'urtin, the heir* , and legal representative* of A*tin Curtin, deceased, to come into Court on th* 4th Monday of August next, , to accept or refuse ta accept at the veluatloti, or to I show (-*u*s why the real esute of said deesnanl hould led Ih> sold flame notice to be given as in iaqtiitt)oii In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hat d and affixed the seal of said Court, at Bellehmte, the ith day of April, A. D. 1M W. t: BURCIIYI LI.D, C. O. C. Attest: Jons Hfa.vulkS, Mheriff. GEORGE W. THOMAS JUST RECEIVED soother lot of FRESH MACKEREL. And to tw Mid .1 .mil low pricmi: QUARTERS II tm | KITS at .9fie PRODUCE lak*a In .xrbang. for a-lf S. if A. LI}EH, <lenrvul Merchant*, Allegheny Street, HcilefutUm, /'. S. &c JLLOEB. Ilaviug purchased largely previous to the late advance In prices, we are prepared to Hliare these advantages with our trade. Our stock of Men's, Boys' aad Children's Clothing Is far ahead of anything to he found in the County for QUALITY and PRICE? Fine Goods—Elegant Fits—a specialty. OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF CARPETS we are offering at 25 per cent, lens than present prices in first hands. MIIDY annnq we 3XB eq uall y we d supplied at low prices IIHI UUUIIO CANNOT be undereold. IN WftFS or ar £ e or Small, Old or Young—all kinds, 111 OnUuD, grades and qualities—at prices that in this "Boom" are wonderhil. With increased room, provided for oar ever increasing business, aad extra facilities for light, prompt attention and honorable square dealing, WE DEFT ALL HONORABLE COMPETITION. S.&A LOEB, 18.ft A. LOEB, TTIE OLDEST GENERAL MERCHANTS IN CENTRE COUNTY. fltoiies and Ballad's, by K. T. Ald**n, illus , .'si cent*. A< rue |,lbr*rv of Modern daisies, 60 rent*. American Fit riot ism. :* centa Taitie's Histoty of Kuglish Lute rat ur a, 7 rente. Cecil's Book of Natural History. 11. Pirtofwl llandy Lemiron, '£s cent*. Sayings, by author of Sparrowgrass Papers, 50 rents. Mrs. H*tilth ' Poetical Horks, On cants. Kitto's Cyclopa-di* of Bib. Literature. £ vols., !•'. Rollin s Ancient History, %LV>. Smith's Dictionary of Uie RIMe, illus , Mi rents. Works of I'lavtu* Joseph us, %i Comic History of tb* I*. 8., Ifopkliis. illus., So rants. Health by Exercise. I>r. Geo If Taylor. 4" cents lleslth for Women, I>r Geo. II Tavtor. 35 cents Library Magaxine, 1" cents a No., (l a year. Idbrary Maga/ine, IM>UII>I volume*, * cents. Isfnve* from the Diary of an Old Lawyer. $! Ke hof the almve bound In cloth. If by mail, post age eitra. Moat of the books are also published in fin* edition* and hue binding* t higher rate* DESCRIPTIVE CATALUGUBR AND TERMB TO CLUHrt BKNT IREK ON BKQt'KMr FOR THE CAMPAIGN. TUB " PATRIOT " in: 111 SO TIIK PRKHIDKIf. Tl AL CANT AHA. ¥N order that everybody, no matter "*■ Imjw |*Hir in puree, nisy reel the news during the great politka) struggle of Itfln, the Dolt Pvtanrr i (Puuday edition inrlmlad) will lie sent by mail to aat address, |Mtege free, from the present time until the . fifteenth of November next, for |I.OU; to'lobe of Ave or more, (and one copy free to the sender of therlwb.) |i>i per copy. Without HumUy e.llti n. the Dim pAftlor will l*e sent by mil b* any addreas, p<etage ftee. for same period for $2 50; to elutwwf Ave or more (with una copy free ta sender of rlub) f2.G per copy. TIIK WXRKLY PATRIOT from the present time until the week efb-r the Prwsi dentin! alncftnn will tie seiit any nddfMn, |ntage | free. |r fliltf C**Ta; to rlul>* ni flve or upwards for TNinrv-Fivß Cixn per copy, with one copy fr-* to sender of club. In every cues the money mn-t scc.'O the <rlar. Now is the time ia g. tap < luU ITeiiMe ratlc hieal organiMtions cannot < in uUte ( heap er and mora affective rampaign literature than news papers furnished at (he## extraordinarily low rate*, fleud In your orders addressed lo I'afElot Pt aUsiitNU r Co., Uui ran i no, Pa. iC NEW ENTERPRISE. ALEXANDER & CO., AGRICULTURAL IMPLENENT —AWI>— SEED STORE. HKLLKPONTK, PA. They m*nn by thi* nil the name irnjx.rU, that is, to <|e*| in ami to farai*h to farmer* at the lowest puasible price everything in the shape of an agricultural implement that farmers use, including fIKKDfI of all kind*. At present we have oti hand and are th* authorised agents for the *ale of tb* fIYRACL'AP. CHILLED PU)W, made at Ayrarnee, N. Y. It I* the beat chiliad plow do* made; al* the Keystone and iron Usui plows mads *t Centre llall. No better plow* than the*** can be bad tor the *ame amount of money. Also the t entre Hall Corutilanter Wa need say nofb ing aUut ths merit* f this plant* r, as lb# As* now in n*e m Centre county deiunetrwtw* them to be the beet. HA BROW* and CULTIVATOR* of the Uteat itu proved pattern*. M'.WI.K> RK IPLIIfI end GRAIN BIN DKRfI.-Of llieae we *ell the (Mwrne either as sepsrat* Mower*, Combined lb per ami Mow. rs. aiugie Harvester*, of a* Coaihined Ib-a jwn and Binders. TIU WIIKKLP.It. No.a* a . ombin*d machine, i* the beit machine of th* kind in the market TilK ORKATKAT IMPROY KMENT OP THE AGK is the N'otrislown Gleaner and Binder. Call and ee* it. It i* wonderfully perfect. Any t*y twelve year* old. with one horse, will fob low and bind all the gmiu that any Reaper with side delivery will cut It not awly binds but glnaua, and will save th* price of the machine in one year, by taking up from tbeitubbU that which ie now lu*t. THE M 'IIKHKV GRAIN DRILL, eitker alth or Without brua.least In**, with or without fertilizer and seed sowing attachments. It is the best grain drill for all purpi.ee* in the market. rilK GKIPKK TiIRKi*IIKK AND BRPARATMR. The reputation of this machine is so Well that we ran *ay nothing ale.at it that the people do not know Any per*on wanting one, or in head of r*|*Ure for these now In the county, please call. IILKIt.N KK 8 PATENT LK\ EL TKKAD lIGRAK POWER, lor one ami two hires, with Patent flpsed Regulator. Utile Giant Thresher and Cleaner. VICTOR CIJiVKH IIULLKR. N4ernto lor Caw tre routlty. W' AGONfI, CARIIIAGRB. Rl GGIKB and Pll I.TONR. —Wr are agent* f.c the sal* of the celebrated CO.NK LIN WAGON, the repntatHUt of wbkh is so Wr 11 rsteb li-hed; also of the f ORTLAND PLATttRM SPRING WAG<iNB, Cairisge*. I'luetooe and Buggiee All ar* warranted. Call and s- spe> immi and eiamlne cata logues a* to styles and pc|< ee before trwylng elsewhere. Catalogues furnished on *ppliraGai PLABTKH AND LKTILIZBRS-€hy uga plaster finely ground, a* good a- the l#at Nova Bcutia. al the low price of #7 <■ |*er ton. Peruvian Guano *oid on order# et.lv Pho*phsfew alwsy* am hand Special manures for diSerent < lop* sold up n orders nt manu farturer# price*. PtfW'DKR —We are Dupoot * agents Rlasfing, S|a>rting and Rifle powder n Hand and sold at wbole- S|e l.fkM , also f*ee. GliAiN After the growing crop is harvested we will le prepare| to |*iy the highest merket price M ail kinds >f grain. CflAI. —Oar yard N slways • locked with the beat Anthracite Cowl which we eel) at lowest price. I.IMK— We make the bet white )im> ia the (Mate It* properties for merhanical snd agricultural pur puaca e*re| all Other*. PAIUBANKB' HCALRS-We are their ag. nt* In I Centre county and will supply all parties wishing good and trtie seal** at thefr lowest prices We extend an InvltaGoti to every had y in want of aaything In oar line to call at oar stove now, op posite the llush llonr. and •** what w. have, snd learn from those in attridiar* mc partknlarly the sro| of oar iHisinees. ALKXANDKR A 00 Bellehmt*. Pa . May 4. )**• lU-tf i 11 HARD HOUSE, i ' * U'HNKH CBbTNUT ANI XISTH MTSKKTS, raiuunrait. TV.' (|. pnMlnnt la m rilj t.m~4 f>,r It. rum fnrtal,!. I. t.... la n.rj i..|>" I '-•.<>* l tu a my ■ Urat rIM. k"t*l( la tk. rauatr;. owing I* th. atria gvar) of tw. tiM. lb. |i>ln ui tiuanl bw l*.a rMliawl I lu tniti hluu p*r .Uj. J MKIUbIM. I <H' Maaagar. GOLDSMITH, STKIN C HKXTKIt, Allegheny Street, IMlefonte, I'a. CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! —A T T H E PHILADELPHIA BRANCH. WE ARE SELLING OUR SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS FOR LESS THAN COST OF MANUFACTURING. LOOK -A-IfcTID COMPARE PRICES. Full Suits, formerly - - $4.50 at 3.50 • " - - 5.50 " 4.00 " - 0.25 " S.OO " " - 7.50 " 0.00 " - 9.00 " 7.50 AND ALL VOODK IN PROPORTION. We are bound to sell our Goods to make room for our GRAND FALL and WINTER STOCK. Don't miss the chance as we are not fooling. COME AND CONVINCE YOURSELF! t3TDon't forget the place. Opposite Reynold's Opera House. SAMUEL LEWIN, Manager, A. STERNBERG WILL BE FOUND AT THIS HTQKE. Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, Pa. Harry K. Hick*, Hardware. IEC. HICKS, [gocemor t„ T. A. HICKS A 8R0.,] DKALXK IX HARDWARE, SADDLERY, OILS, 1 PAINTS AND STOVES. | EVERYTHING AT BOTTOM PRICES! TO SUIT THE TIMES. Allegheny Street, BELLEFONTE, PA. South of Diemond. J'ru/'rMniaital (Vi nin. 17RANK FIELDING. 1 LAW ami COI.LKtTIOK tITTICR, H lr URARHRLK. TA. \\T A. MORRISON, * • ATTOKRBTATLAW. HLI.I.KTONTK. TA Odf to W.„.|rln, Hurl, alkali, tWiVmn Huoo Cuaaaltattoa In Kntlioh . r tinman li ALIUUIW, r. ■ id.u i LEXANPER A BOWER, iV ATTtiRMRTR AT LAW. Ulrfnt-, Tn . may I* couaaltml In KaRMA or (i*f ■nan OBlra In fianaaa'a Buil.tiny l-ly hum A, nun. i. >nui .trim. REAVER A UEPHABT, MJ ATTtIHNKVf AT LAW, iWk* All.* k* ay atrort. nortk ot lligk. Hln Lair. Tn J.Jj Df. fortnby, • ArTuRMtT AT LAW DKLI.KYuRTK, TA. Lit Am to ik. Ml In tk. OmU lluann. Mf Da KELLER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offcw • \llr g hw|,j ctrowt Hoot* of Lyufe'a l-ly Fa. IOIIN BLAIR LINN, *1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, ■ KLLKTOTCTE. TA Uki All.gk-iii fUit, ow T.tnl o®r. <l-1| f L.SPANGLKR. O • ATTORNEY AT LAW, ■ KI.I.kfOKTR CkNTRK COLNTV. TA. A|iot lal ntUutiwi* to I'ollrctltini, ,nnllt-M In nil tkn tV.mU; Cunniluilttn. In tinman <>r t (link l-lf t a. wuii. cram <mw>i VfUKRAY A GORDON, A" AITt'KXI.TAAT LAW, l I.KAaMI.LtI TA WIU nn.Ml Ik. IflkMr Owrta nk.n mm- tally ,m|Aoyl I | j TO. HIPPLK. • VITOKNEY-AT LAW. LOCR IIAVK*. TA. All knlin |tnin|illi nttnad.d k. l-ly WM. P. MITCHELL, TRACTICAL nIEVKYOR, LOCK ■ATM, TA, Will Mini lu nil wort In (InrtWl, CVntr. and Clint.tn emu.Urn. (Mm nrrnaM. Loch Harnn Kalnmnl Bank N-ly WC. HEINLE, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. ■KLLRTIIMTR, TA. OWt . la Conrad Moan.. Allaakany Mtn-L attnnfiun *ln In Ik. noll.-rtion ,4 rLI inn. All Imnlnanr nlLndnl In |a>in,|Aly il-ly w. a. wtu-n. a a. l. (nana. WALLACE A KRKBB, * " ATTORN KYEATLAW. Ct.KARfIKLD. TA. WIN altna.| and try in Ball, ton tn akn ty, rtally ratal and. l-ly WILLIAM McCULLOUGH, * " ATTORN NY-At-LAW, CLRARTIRM, TA. All knalnnn yrwyily altnndwt to. My IYR. 4. W. RHONE, DwwUbL, can at Ma nam and fulltnr* an Nattk tddn of lli(h attant, tkraa door* Bant at AlLkan/, BaMnkrnu, fa. |£fy TVL JA 8. H. DOBBINS, M. D., JJ THYMCIAN ARB AURURUN, M i Hcella m eou*. .JUST OUT. HOOD'S GREAT BOOK or THE WAR. ADVANCE & RETREAT, PrrnemeU E.r itrriener* in the ( it it fit State* ami t an/rU erate Stale* Armie*: Br Oknkrai. J. B. IKXHJ, Lair Id. ut.nant il.nrr.l GonfuJrrnt. >| a l„ Amir |*ib!l.l,n.| fur Tb* Hiwml Orphan Memorial Fund j —II— Okkkkal ti. T. liKAUKKUAKIt, N'iw Ori.bakc, IHBO. Tb. mill. pirMdi ariaing trum tin- 1. of Ibli work u. Iri.ird 10 tb. Tli. 11..4 Or|.bii M.immal Pvnd. obi b ta In.-atnl In Init.-d Aioina R.riai.r.4 Hon la f.ir lb. iiuimir. naro, *n|*i*iti and <<du. ataon 4 lb. bl infant. il.pl I.ul til-1 r parrnta In.l >tunßi.r al b'.o Urloaua, (tb. na.lan>bul, In. -M.nl. of obi. b Md li.rm.iia.-Bl arc .till frrab In lb. pnbli. a.ir.d.) Taa aoui u bli<i*t a-r.tro, mania in.. ano nn tiki rn.Tucttia ut. .a.- ma riaa mart anna. nan. dim iirma.ii run ti vutt, til uiki aim or aartLt iiiim, aot-aa ia aian> aaailiair bnun ('imi, u TilHI k imI.LAIIB oa u Fiat Haatr Unman, ana Mul.li bi-.a. TIIBEK HOLLAR* ANU KirrV CKNTB u II.L> But Mm ■ncao, nam an*. rol'B Itil.U Ra. ..a i im 1-t.tar Ti Bait Moaaoxti, mi Our Ciitaa tan Eiab riVK IXILLAB* nil tba m-dpt from oar I r. ti moiling I.) nail nr .apnoo. of lb. aiaounl In a ■ .tftar.r.d Irtl.r ..r br a |.t.l urdor, bank draft, or rknk. a r>. t ,r aill bo ia a..dial.ly oral ft— ..I l—lag., rmlMo.nl u —road r|aw nnltn Tb. ml ma- ia boMi.bnl la 111. tool >1)1. of lypc grapba. oa .Irgant |*|*r, wiib llluatratlona, .two tod a. 1.1*1...1 qo lani. -if art. Tb. author, lb. .objn t. lb. pury**., all allk. nd.r II oorlbj • plat. In .Tory lllirarr.—on .Tory <l-k—or uf.n lb> book ab'Tf of nj boom In tb. mnnlry. A|.Ma aahird In orory loan and nmnlr In tba I'allnl lUlo. anil a prob-rim mil b. gi.an U, boa •raid. dtarhaigrd rM.rana of lb- arm.. To lb. Indira, abo fool a ilialr. fii.tjim* 11,. ir aym lalhy a lib Taa H<> oarn.n Mia. .mi pt*n. ih. aal> ll.|. look aatoli* lb. ir .In I. ..I lii.nda. aill afford an .tr.ll.nl any of roiitrtl.ulu.it -ulotnntial aid to • doaomna a or a. for 1.-na.. lair. i„ agrnta, A<, aildr.M ailb full partirolam, Gbm'i. (}. T. Kkai rcuahii, l'ublirber, Og ..n.ll or in. Il.at Mix- mil li an. *-*> S i OtLk.Ha, Ia Bottling Est-nbllMhineiit. W.TTLKD I'dRTKU. ALK ..mi HKE&. r pHE unflerxijtnwl ronpcc' fully in * l.ma lb. rlllr.aa of (Vnlro oaai. ibat b. baa op.u-l a Ibdilia* bokaldladMta.nl. on .triad. la tb. Moronib .if IHI. r nt. and aill 1.. al all llataa |ir.|arnl to fnrnfah PfIKTKR A 1.1. m l BKI Rby lb. lonn .o raaa. I. ••|fl)inf ik~1....n. f 0 i h.lb.r In bnfrl*. malanraul- or ivnair raMnrn. Ib.y afil lo lonnd id lb. Irui.-I and loot (naltK. I..i||nd la awl. a aiaun.r thai tb.it 111. an.l afd.lla ; r -mrtod a> lro.b a> ibon.-h draon fr>on tb. . k ..| Itarral. Tb. CF.I.ERKATKD ROCHESTKIS STOCK t* * iTirnuf. Or4r I* ft t liia Ilar# f Kfith*-. - fit \.y poatei H. ill rwitf |kr.ifii| t %n. ut.n, AMim., II SIMTZKR. b. Ilrloat.. Cra*r. Cn . Ma.* CANCER REMOVED, WITHOUT KNIFE, ami in moxt * * .an nitbont |nin. *| pl% t.. • W p I IMI |II IbuM n,. l-Ti> . Vnira I .......Ir, pa. I KHE S itir JBTHB? THE ONLY CURE far Ihiihiltf, Gravel, ]>rofity, Jiiujkl t lh r**f, /'run in the /kirk, /.i'.|7ifr to fit t<un or kxpe! tkr J Vine, Offorr Aof the r*l—! '", Hurn ""J " r Painful tll nuh ry, Uriel Ihtel Jteftomt, AJf ectiom of the S/itne, A ertmuM /A hilily, Fe male U'nuAnrod, un./ alt /lm. w . ~j the KiI iii>) m, HliulUcr and Urin ury OrxmiH. * llaroMa IHTKkMAL Miata-taoo. La ..oil labia to tbr iail.nl tVftaln la Ita ,r,-i. and ITIIEn ab.a noibin, Mao ran Ai.nd all alhn Kiaarr Plan, aa manr anrlbb a laallali.*. aro brhtf ftirrod apoa lb. ■kftrt. * aill aond mrflbnatoa of rarro, and aar bA, "Ho* a Idfo traa t'arod," Ibr n|<a lb. rorolpl al nor aMoo DAT*! rifi !• add b) Dracciata. or arat by ami oa mr..||d .Tfnlra, tJ.OO. F. POTTB GREEK. MM,MWIKTR. PA.. WHOLWAI.II AiIKHT HiK I'HTBIC (XH'JfTT, GAHMAN'S hotel, UHwHtOMP Hoar., BKLLBVOHTM, PA TI.RMP fI.JA PUB BAT. ■ Ajpnm Iram aMarbod. |.|p For B*le. 4 FARM c<.nWkiniii|f Filly Acre*, i V and barfa, tborana .ml. d a TWIMTORT PHAMK IH'ILIIING >nd oat baftdiaaa Uifo rood, laqaim of A. t. A T. R 4IBIMT. Vff rabwrlllo, Cralra rrmat'i. Pa. ih"U (joorts ami (Jnn t rlrn. JJARPER BROTHERS, SPRING STREET. iIKLLR><iRTK. PA.. Hav* their counter* and -lie! vw filled with NEW GOODS, (BANKRUPT RATES Pure-hated t - BANKRUPT RATEH (BANKRUPT KATES WHICH THEV GkTKR AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, ooxauriso or Dry Uoodr, Millinery G<df, Clothing, Pancv Uoodr, Notion*, Jtc B<M>TH and SHOES BOOTS and SHOES at very low nrices. BOOTS and SHOES HATS and CAPS Lateat rtylet. of HATS and CAPS HATS and CAPS Carpet Bag-, Umbrella*, ParaaoD, Ladie*' Cloak*, Carja-ting, Orixri-, Ac. Oomptian.* ,rr> thing that.an |* band la , (Im •!.** HARDER ItHOTIIKHS, INUWO STREET. . . BELLCWXTE. PA OOt'lfTNY FKOM'CK twkrti ID i ib mirkrt prire- |_j M i Mrcila n po un. CEITTKiLL STATE NORMAL SCHOOL (Eighth Sormnt School Ointrict,) LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON CO., PA. A. N. HA 18, A. M.. Prinrijn,/. THIS SCHOOL, a* at pretient con •tltnted. offer. the tery U>l mdlitir-. fur Pro tea. ton.) kitd Ck-Mt ~llearning. ItailAM-i- tpariv.it turning and . ommo4l<wa; com *l*l*l, healed by •Inn, |l , rat llated furi.wt, ml With a l~.tiuUl.il eappt} t.f pore ai.i,...n >Hln< water. IxxatMO h.altl.fal riH ■*>) of Kta*. •ur roaedi ug ar< u*r t uneurpataod Tearheit tiprrieu.ed. eat.-wnt, aad alii* to than Work. lHer||.lio*. firm and kind, aattorm and thorough Xl peaeee wd-nl,. rtltj tent* a week deda. lot to tlrue* preparing It. tearh Stud Mile admitted at *nr tlma. Cotirae. at etudi |4earnl'wd I.) the Male: I Mod. I Rehred. 11. Preparatory 111. Bnwewtary. IT. Rrt. ratter. twiner ontatk*: I. Academic. 11. Commercial 111. Mimic. IV. An. The Brai-nlty and Rriealthr cni-ea are hi teaamnal. and etudenta gradual Inc therein mren • lata IMplMwaa. rvnfertiag the Mlualag and n.ro-t --pnwdlnjr de ( reee ktaet.i of the Ktementa, and Ma.i. r •f the Meat ea. i.tadatlet In the other Ctirae, racelte Xermal <er iterate. of theer attainment. aigned ht the Focwltjr. The Profeeeinnal rtmraea are liberal. and are in thorough*, at nth infertor to th-ae .d out I-at •adletren The Mat* reunite* * hi a Iter order of rm*.aahi|.. The timet demand it It I* .me of the prime ate l. of thi* arhool to help to ae. ore It l.y liirnt.li.ug Intel lient and elhrtmt t.mher* for her erh.ade. To I hi* •nd II belli die ynnng |em.m of poet aMtltl.o and Ifnod pnt|or. tli.ai. aHo detire t Imp'ore theti lime and llndf taleuta, ae etndent-. To *ll *a<b it pmmlae. aid In derl..ping thnt |e.aere and aha ad* ■ t opworturiinee Co* well-paid lata., after leaning erhted. rot ratal.goa and teroaa addr-aa the Principe I ao aup Of ToUatnaa: PtotkboM. rt' Traeteee-J ||. Hart.m, M !., A. II Beat, da. id. Xn.aa. a M. bt. ki.wd, "weoort fhtiaA. A X Ban!.. X. 0, Cook, T 0. Iltj.pl., Vaai. U. Ktnlun. XP. MrC.*ml<k, ke<| ,W. W. lUi.k la, J.dm A. Rotd. Plate Tratdeto— M.* A. U Cartia. Ron. H L bat. fenlm. h. Urn. Jt -ea Merrill. M m. WllltaM blglra. J t: I a Whaler, ft Millet Mrt'urmlck. te,j. otrtcaaa. Bon. WILLIAM BIULKR, Preaidenl fhatrfWd. Pa Oen. JEME M ICR RILE. T Pt.-id.nt, U.k lla*e,P. a MILLAR MrOtIRMITh. .Wrwtarr. - THOMAS VARHLRY. Treaearet, e WOODWARD SEMINARY Boartiai ud Day School for Toxaj Udi tad utUa OtlldMa. ' SECOND AND LOCUST RTREKTH, HARRIBRURU, PA. ' Xfttlar lent will hegta BKPTRMBXB 10, Htb Oewrbe of nwdy-flaadr and VleaUßr, with Maekr 1 aad Art, •rnStm* ***'*"*"* frn " **** *" * aM • a. for fdraolar* and all 4-rtrabte tnhwmatbm add re B "W PRIXCIPAI. \f ILLHKIM HOTEL, il MILLHRIM. CKRTRR WHJXTT, PUR A. W. 8. MI'SSKR, Propriwior. sa - . PLEASANT SUMIEN RESORT. SS?' '" A^* ecrwm-' ■ad at km* will he Ptwwd am <l aad tnww modir. Aaa*n,lK*-lr*
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