It A ULAXD ,f SEW MAN, Allegheny Strert, llrlhfoutc, Pa. GBAND SPBINO OPENING —AT— BAULANI) & NEWMAN'S BEE HIVE STORES. We are now displaying at our DOUBLE STORE ROOMS the largest and most complete stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CARPETS,B()OTS A"SIR >ES, GENTS' KUI*N ISI I ITsRJ GOODS, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, &e., &c., That has ever been seen in BELLEFONTE, or in CENTRE COUNTY. all on: coons Am: ma mum i\ plais norms. MERCHANT TAILORING A SPECIALTY, —AT POPULAR PRICES.— OIR MOTTO is—"O.V/: PRICE—THE VHUV I.QWEST-A SI) SO MISREPRKSESTA TIOS. ' Subpoena in Divorce. JENNIE K HRAS3MIRK \ In thefVnrt . fr.nniiion lv li#r next friend, / IMen* of CVnlrr coun- A >i. WHITS, t> No. \prllTerm. xn. i f>uhl*i*an in Ri- JO6KPII (IRAMMIRE. ' vorcn. A \ M. The underpinned ComniiMloinT, appointed by add Court t lake testimony in the Uf •••**•■. will attend to the duties of hi appointment lit Imp "fflro, ill ttelle fonle, on Kill DAY. June 1. at JoYlnk I* M '2<>-3w W. C. IIEINLK. Commissioner. NEW ENTERPRISE. A CO., AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT —AND— SEED STORK. BKLLKFONTE, PA. Thov mean by this nil the namp imfMirts, that I*. to deal in and to furtii*h to farmer* at the • low eat |PwiM price every thing in the lii|w of an agricultural imp ciuttil that farmer* Ule, including i BIIW of *u km la* At | r—ent we have on hand and are the uithori/'al agent* for the s*le of the oL!\ KH ('HILLED PLOIV. made at South Rend. Indiana It J* the lw*st chilled plow now made; also the Ke>fune ami iron L'-ani plows made at Centre Hall. No belts? plow* than these ran he had fr the same amount f mon*y. Al*o the Centre Hall Complanter We need my noth ing a'xuit the merit* of tin* pi 'liter, a* tlie.iuinotf in u*e in Centre comity <b nnu>*trate* them l IH the liest. IIA It ROWS and CCI.TIVATORR of the latent tm prorr l pattern*. MOWER* REAPERS and GRAIN HINDERS-Of thwe we fell the OelHrne either a* separate Mower*. Combined HeA|Hro and Mowers, tingle Harvester*, or s* Co in MUM] lle*|ier and Hinder*. THIS WIIKKI.KIt, No. a a combined machine, >• the machine of the kind In the market THE GREATEST IMPROVEMENT of TIIE AGR i* the Norri*to*n Hleaner and Hinder. Call and * e It. It l Wonderfully perfect. Any l*y twelve year* old, with ens liorsa, will fol low and Idnd all the grain that any Rap* r with *ide delivery will rut It.not only hind* hut gleans, and will sue the price of the machine in one year, by talking up from the *tnhtd* that which i* now |iat. TIIK M' lILRKY GRAIN DRILL, either with IT without broadcast hoes, with or without fertiliser and seed * whig attachments. It i the best grain drill for all pur|*me* n the market. THE GMPEII THRESHER AND SEPARATOR The reputation of thi* machine i* ••• well established that w? ran *ay nothing about it that the do Hot know. Any per*n wanting one, or in need of re|>air* f r the*e now in the county. plea*e ( til WAGONS, CARKI AUKS. Bl OGlKEnnd PI! ETONS. —We .ire agent* for the *ale of the celebrated CU.M h LIN* W'AOOJI, the ref>litat|oii of which i* •" Well e*t*b ll.hwl; hIMIOI III* PORTLAND PLATFORM FU'RINII WAGONS, Carriage*, plue'on* and Huggte* A'l are 1 warranted. Call and *pe imeu* and examine cata logue* a* to *tyl and p*b ea liefora loiylng el*wheie. Catalogue* furrd'hed on spplicafion PL AMUR AND FERTILIZERS —Cayuga plaster finely ground, a* red a* the l>et Nova Sclia, at the low price <f AT Viper foil. Peruvian Guano sold on orders orly. Plio*pha!e* at way* on lisnd. Hpecial manure* for different crop* o|d upon orders at iiianu facturer*' prl~e*. POWDER.— We are Dupont'* agent* Wasting Bportmg and Rifle powder oti hand and sold at whole. • tie pro eg ; a!<> fn*e DRAlN.—After the growing crop h harvested we will he prepared to pay the lughe-t market prha for all kind* of gram. COAL—Our yard I* alway* *t'cked with the le*t Anthracite Coal which we e|| at lowest price. LIMP' —We make the l**f white lime in the State It* properties for mechanical and agricultural pur poses excel all other* FAIRBANKS* HC A LEU-We are their agent* In Centre county and will supply all par tie* w idling good and trne *eale* at their lowest price* We extend an invitatb n to every body in want of anything in our line to rail at oar store room*, op posite the Ru*h llon*c. and *ee what we hate, and feum from those In attendance more particularly the •yopf of our lu*lnr*s. ALEXANDER k CO Rellefunts, Pa., M*y 1, l**n. PMf S. f A. I.ons. firiH-rol Merrhmits, Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, I'n. S. -A.. LOEB. Having purchased largely previous to the late advance In prices, we are prepared to Hhare these advantages witli our trade. Our stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing IN far ahead of anything to he found in the County for QUALITY and PKK'ER, Fine Goods--Flegant Fits—a specialty. OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF CARPETS we are offering at '45 per cent, less than present prices in first hands. mOTIV (innHC we are equally well supplied at low prices lull lIUUJJo and CANNOT be undersold. IN Large or Small, Old or Young—all kinds, 111 OnUDO, grades and qualities—at prices that in this "Boom" are wonderful. , With increased room, provided for our ever increasing business, and extra facilities for light, prompt attention and honorable square dealing, WE DEFY ALL HONORABLE COMPETITION. S. & A. LOEB, 1 *"."25™" IS. & A. LOEB, THE OLDEST GENERAL MERCHANTS IN CENTRE COUNTY. Pdney Ml PAD THE ONLY CURE /'or Ih'iln lft, (irav, l, Drn/wti/, Uni/ht's IH.\ fn.h, f'mii in thr Hurk, fnnbitifr/ to IMain m h..'/or/ tlx I rinr.' 'aturrh of thr Hhnitlrr. Uurn ' 107 or Painful I rinatiiiii. /in'k I tort I te/xotit. Ajfrrtinns of thr .S; Tir, .Vrrrot/A ItrbiHti/, /V ! ttnifr WrjknrM, anil all I' of thr Kidneys, Bladder and Criii an Organs. It av id* INTERNAL tio-dicine*. I* comfortable to the patient. Certain in it* effect, and CI RES when nothing el*e ran. Avoid all other Kn-ui Pvt*. a* many worthies* ituitatioii* are forced upon the market \V will -end •** of mtis, and our i-- k.' il vA , Ufk v. 1- fmrsit, 1 ffngpoa im ma^N of your MI4SII. DAY'S PAD ""'d ly Druggid*.or sent hy mail on r*-eipt of price. $2.00. F. POTTS GREEN. BKM.EFOSTK, PA., WIIOI.KBAI.R AOKNT Fitß CKSTRR rofNTV. Auditor's Notice. I N the Orphnn*' Court of ('entre cottn- I t*. Wi J m\ it tin' Mimrav Th<* uiidc'rign"<l Auditor, appoinied by •aid ( nrt to male d| trlhutfon ef the l alanre of the fund* in the hsml* of John lloffer, administrator of •aid decadent, to and among those legally entitled flier* to, will attend to tin lutie* of hi* .pp> iiitnient at hi* > ffi e, in Ik llefnite. PA., •, Till lUII'AY, thr IUI day of June, A P 1 *W), at 10 o'clock. A.M. when and where all parties inteiet>d will pk*se attend o. Ie delsirred from > >nung in n said fund. 20 >i %0l DI R r IIEEI'EII. Indlt r Auditor's Notice. I N the Orphan.*'!'mi rt of Centre coun -1 ty # es'ate of JOHN ItANEV. deceased The uncL'f-iictiml Auditor, gpnointod by ' aid Court to made distribution of the i-stance of funds j In the hand* of J II Rclf*nyder, trustee to sell the real estate of *aid deeed*nt under nrut*eeHng# In pa - - 1 tltDn, to and among those !• gaily entitled thereto, will attend to the duties of h. appointment at the 011 l | of .1 D Love. Ke| .In fhesVrxugh •'( Relief..tile. Pa .on Tl' EBP AY, the -th d*r of June, A IE I**n. at |0 o'clock. A M . when and where all |sirtis interest • ed will p|ea*e attend or l- ddsrrcl from coming in ; on raid fund. w H D RAY. Auditor PATENTS. IJATENTS procured u|K>n Inven . Ilona S<l ATTOHHT". Fin I* A V**rr (hir ||ou- ..ll'll.h-.l In l fc 0". \\- Hlp CAVFATB, n-l oMln TRAtIK MARK.", lir>KlN PATRSTR, Ac. I ]ST V E N TORS -nil ii. )li>M of y .iir|on. with your HI : .lew'.n of It. for our opliii n u to |tcnt*liillly. ! No Arro*irt' fin pirrxr i Mxt ntn. Our ; Book of Instruction. Ac., ••How TO P<U P PitiiTi," ■ rnt frc on rr<|ii*.t, ,!—> aomplo roploo of th- 1' ill i tine III' ,m. tlo* Inrcnloro'Journal. R S. A. P. I.ACKY, I'atmf Atti>rnry* l • ! mil P St.. nmr Patent flfllco, Waahlngluh, I>. JUST OUT. HOOD'S GREAT BOOR OF THE WAR. . ADVANCE & RETREAT, Personal Experiences in ihr t'nitrd States ami Confed erate States A rutin*: BY (IENKKAI. J. B. 1IOOI), ! Lata Lh-nteuanMlenerat UniifMtmlr Mat*-* Army, fur The llood Orplnm Memorial Fund T~ General O. T. lIKAURKG ARD, Nk\V OttI.KANM, 1880. The entire |-r * ' l athiug from I!••• **!• of (hi* rk ir doolwl to the The Hr^Orphan Memorial Hind. wlihh | ln\it<l In I ulti'l ClatM rr<l u>n<lt f<>r the nurture,are, n|>p* rt and education of the tni infant* deprived of their |arrnta la*t iiimiiirr I at New Or lean*, (the melancholy Imnl. r.t* of whih mi<l Itfrvi't-mrut are atili irwii In the pit die mind) Tiir aoos i* *> tLtoiir octtto, roittßUKi .i&t friiM.VITII 4 M*t PMoTOtiaAfH Utlfft** OD A ri*l •TEIL B*i*AV|*f, MAI'S SXfRUMLY fog TMI* OH, mta labor MACS or rattir rutin*. norwn t* hok KOMRttRAT Rauuait t'LOTH, AT Til KKg {N||.|.AK.a OR IX ARm BnHr Btatnao, nu tfok*l r Km.r TIIKKK Im M.I. AUS AMI Kim CENT* ix Halt ai Mo ■orc>% i.irrart attl.l. FOI'K DOI.LAIt*. or ix gt ART Tt-aai r •, ri LL tiilt Mns* A*n K.*. r mm DOI UKfl On the receipt from any {er**n remitting ty mall or e\prea, of the amount In a registered letter or by • l>**Ul order. tank draft, or clieek, a copy ri|| l*e i'm rneiliately a-nt free of |egt*tet *d a* second • Is** matter. The rolnme I* piLH*hcd in the beat style of typo graphy, on elegant |"*|vr. with 111 <rWt •*, <lr-ut-d ' a* M*br*t fe* iraeti* .f art The author, the ••it)*t,the all alike render it worthy a place in e*ery library.-eon every dank—or npti the b>**k the If of e*ery hooae in the country. A Rent • wanted in every town an<l county in the I"nltoj Htatea. and a a ill ta given to ho*, orahly dl barged veteran* of ihe army To the ta'lie, who feel % deaire to exprva* their *ym fwthy ith Thi lloor BirNAT Mrwoaot. Kern, the w*|e of thi* l-e.k* among their irele ~f friend*, will afford an e*rellent way of contributing sutafantia) aid to *o de*cfv ing a or.iwf. For term*, rate* t agent*, Ac., adlr*-** with full (•articular*. C*KK't. O. T. Bratrruarp, ]'iiblithc>r, it* r.i, .fa mr llnnn Mit'tiu Fran, Mf N'l* Drm,*,. La. Bottling EMtnbliHluiiont. BnTTI.ED PoitTKR. ALE and BEER. r PIIK uiul<;reigne<l respectfully in- X form* the citireu* of Centre eminty that he ha* op-m'd a Itortiing K*Uli|iibnnit,on Bi*np the fV>rough of Belief, nte and will ta at all time* ; prepared to furnich P<KTKIt. ALE and BK.EK h? the „dolen or ra*e. In upplying t)ee leverage*, whether I t. hdteU, retaurant* or private rctden<*. they will 1 be found of the puret and leat ((ualfty, tattled in •u ha m vtiro r that their life and apirit* are prr*rve<| a* freah aa though drawn from thera*k or tarrel The CELEBRATED ROCHESTER STOCK ta A arrctaLTT. tlrdera left at hi* place of hu*ineaa, of *ent ly j*t*l card, will rereive prompt attention. Addm., V H. BPITZER, tT-.Tm Re||efonte, Centre Co.. Fa. CANCER REMOVED, I \\7ITHOUT KNIFE, and in most i f i rm without pain. Apply tn I". W P. riAIIK.K. RnaUburx. I ISt-Sm* Oalr* ('oll**. e*- <1 OIJDHM ITlf, STEIX !'• JIEXTKII, Al/tff/ienj/ St reef, Jtellefonfe, l'a, CALL AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF! Tll E PH I LAI) E LI >H IA HI?A NC H ()i k 2G TS ortli Third Stront, ONE PRICE CIiOTIIIG HOUSE, ALLEGHENY STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA., HAS OPEJSTET) A STOCK OF GLOTHI3sTG Such as has never been seen in Bellefonte, which they will RETAIL -A.T WHOLESALE PRICES. TilK ITBLIC IS RESPECTFULLY INVITED TO CALL AND EXAMINE THE STOCK. Tlit) motto is, "ONE IVTtKIK TO EVERYBODY." SAMUEL LEWIN, Manager* A. STERNIIEIUi WILL IIE FOUND AT THIS STORK. TZL HIXCICS, k 7 t [Sucmor to T. A. HICKS A 8R0..] MCALKK IK ( HARDWARE, SADDLERY, OILS, 5 | PAINTS AND STOVES. | C EVERYTHING AT BOTTOM PRICES! | TO SUIT THE TIMES. Allegheny Strret, BELLEFONTE, PA. South of Diamond. . ( •' Professional ('arils. PRANK FIELDING, 1 LAW AND CLT.L.K.TLNS FIPRICB, IJ-ly t.LKARPIP.I.t> PA. j \V A. MORRISON, ' ' a ATTOtUtBV-AT-liAW, RF.LLRPOXTR. PA Otfi. e in Wr>dHnf'* Mlork,opposite the Court llonae j Con*ultati<tn in KngH*h or tlermsft. 3-lj I C. T 4Ltl *xi>ia. c. u. now it 4 LEXANDER A BOWER, ATTORNRYS AT LAV, Bellefonte, Fa., may It consulted in Kagliah or tier man OflWe in Gsnnan's liqildlitg 1-]y J*Hn A.iitvii, i. wtAtr otriAir. HEAVER A GBPHART. ATTVIRNKVP AT LAW. Office on Allegheny street, nh of High, Belle. ( fonte. Fa 1-lj OF. FORTNEV, • ATTORN RT AT-LAW, |IKI.I.KPt)NTR. PA. IrOat door to the left In the Court How. lly DS. KELLER, a ATTORNRY AT Ut, Office on Allegheny final S-vlh aide of Lyon'e *iore. My Bellefonte. Fa. TOHN BLAIR LINN, *i ATTTtRNRY AT I.AW. RKI.I.Kr<INTK. PA ORIm All,sh,itv Alrmt. nr., ORk, Sl-ly T L. BPANGLKR. *9 a ATTORXRT AT LAW, IIKM RPoNTR. CKNTRR IXHISTY. PA Rpwlal tn Collar!tuna; practlna la all tb* 1 . iirt., Cnnanltatlnna In n, R (lUh. I-Iy t. a. Bcaaat. crari aoaana. MURRAY A cioßrxiN, ATTORXKYB-AT-LAW, CLRARPIRLD PA Will att.od tb. Rnllnfnnt* CViarta aim aerially wghpt 11p T amppLE, *- a ATTORXRY AT-LAW. UHIK HAVKN. PA. All hmrfnen* pnYm|>tly attended U 1 ly WM. P. MITCHELL, PRACTICAL M RVRTOR, LOCK HAVRX, PA. Will attnnd to all wnrb la (TmrArld, On IT, and Cllatrm tnnllM, OMm nppmit. U*k Harm National Rank. fd-ly WC. HEINLE, a ATTORXRY AT LAW NKI.I.RPOXTR. PA. Odlr la Cnaind Unaar. Alloghaay itrNt RpM-lal atl.atina Riraa tn lit* ruilrcthia of rlaiaaa. All bnalanw attrnilml lo praaptly. tl-Iy . a. waiAarm. a. i. tana. WALLACE A KUEBS, ▼ ATTORXKTII AT LAW. * CLRARPIRLD PA. Will attaaid aad try raaara at Rrllrfoata b.n apa rially rrtalna*!. My WILLIAM McCULLOUGH, ' ATTORN RY-AT LAW, CLRARPIRU). PA All boalnaaa promptly all,niW to. 1-1 p J. W. RHONE, Dentist, can Cha at hta oik. aad i.atd.afi aa Rarth atda ol lllgh at mat, U>ra* door. Ess" -f 4lh|baf, ta. Pa. Id-fy nR J AS. H. DOIUIINB, M. D., A/ PHYSICIAN AND BOROSON, OOra Allrgbray SL, arar Idtlat't Drag Star*, 1 Mf RRLLRPDNTR. PA. (irorrrifH and f'rariniottn. NEW GOODS —FOR TOE— SI'RIXC TRADE IfV hjtrr i/ivm very c/o*r and | firrful attention to the ne/ertiou of ijooile for the Spring Trade, and fn! justified in raying that our j present Stock cannot he excelled either in regard to i ariety, (Quali ty or Price, and ice doubt if it M eijualed in either oj there reepectx by any houre in Centre county. There are too many leading ar tirler in our Hock to make ejieeiai mention of them all, hut call atten tion directly to a few item* that are now being nought after every day. 1 FIS H . Mackerel are of good quality thin feaeon and are celling rather fader than wmal at thin * canon of the year. We have been tilling noth ing but full weights— /tOitw. of finh in each quarter barrel and 100 lbs. in each half barrel. They hare better value for the money than nhort weights. J yoke Herring and White Finh are very fine thin neaton and sell ing freely. MEATS. Our Sugar-Cured llams, Dried Bf ef. Breakfast Bacon and Checnr are alt worthy of nprcinl mention. F RU IT. Oranges and lemons are very fine and the firicr low enough to to bring them into every day use. But the price on these goods will be much higher in a short time. MEAT MARKET. Our Meat Market, next door to our Grocery room, is always well supplied with the choicest meats. If c kill the best Beef, ,1/titfoti and I enl that can be found; dressed in first-class style and nerved to customers in the neatest, cleanest manner possible. Groceries and Provisions. No house in the Grocery and I*rovision business in Bel/efonte is prepared to supply all the iranls of the family so we/I as we rati do at present. SECIILER & CO. OnOCEHS, Bush Hawse Block, BH/efonte, I\j. MILLHKIM HOTEL, MII.I.HKIM. CKNTRR CWWTT, PEKK'A. W. 8. MfSSEK, Proprietor. The town of Mlllheim la located In Penn'a Valley, about two mi lea fr.m Cvhurn Station, on the l<wie hurg. Centre and Uprwce Creek Railroad, with aur rounding* tlal make It a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. Omul tmni ft-hlng in tb \MnIU A mil rww to fTi-r. Ir.m At th MiUbrHm lintel nrmta noditinM will lie bmnit Inl.tu ami firm, nnbt <* Jnn, Zl, IV'i 1 > • I) BOCK EH 11 OFF HOUBE, -* ' BRI.I.RMXTR. PA W. R. TELLER, Proprietor. Good Sample Room on Second Floor. #9* Free Bua* to and fhun all Tralwa. M|erlal rataa ta witne—* and |uix<ea Idy rtIMTRAL HOTEL, M (Onn.ll, th* tUllßind HUtinn,) MII.KSBI Rti. CRMTRR (YH XTV, PA. A. A. KOHLRRCKRR, Proprietor. THRTMOII TRAYKt.KRA nn tb mllr*<l *lll find tbl. Hi.ti l u nnllwl pl. tn lumh. or pww. • ■MMI. v Ai.t. THAINK .tup nbnt K miixiti*. " HOUSE, VL OORNRR CHKBTKIT AXD KtXTIt CTRKKTIt, MUMMIt. Tbl, him*, (vnalawl la a rltj baX far IU com fartabl* br ill., la krpt 1a ar, r.|.~ t tn ta, •rat tlana la thr iaty Owtag tn tba atria ga*c, of tb Haas tba ploa ml board bn ban* mda>nd tn Taata aatuu per da,. J. M KIRBIN, 4M' Maaaaar For Salel A FARM containing Fißy Acre*, i a. aad barlaa tbaaana atartnd a fvtMTMT PR AMR Bt'tLDINQ aad aM balldlaaa. TIO. aaad. I4lr* T A. J. A T7* ORIKA HI VatnarflW, Oatra rcaaty. Pa. I 7>r/ (Ichhlh and Groceries. ] JAIU'ER BROTHERS, SPRISO HTBKET, RKI.LEFOXTE, PA., Have their counters an<l shelve* filled with NEW GOODS, fBANKRUPT RATES I Purchased at BANKRUPT KATES ( BANKRUPT KATES WHICH THEY OFFER AT BOTTOM PRICKS, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. COXMPTINQ or Dry Goods, Millinery Goods, Clothing, Fancy Goods, Notions, Ac. BOOTS and SHOES I BOOTS and SHOES at very low prictv. BOOTS and SHOES HATS and CAPS Latest styles of HATS and CAPS HATS and CAPS Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, Parasols, Ladies' Cloaks, Carpeting,. Groceries, Qw. ensware, Ac. Comprising crery thing thai <n be (han't ia a Bret, class star*. HARPER RROTHERB, | KPRIXG STREET. . . REI.UKFONTK, PA. J OOtTXTRY PRODt'CK taken in exchange at Iha highest market pries. |.|- M i mr rlt ft neoun. CENTRAL STATE NORMAL SCHOOL (Eighth Xormal Sf/uml District,) LtK'K HAVEN, CLINTON CO., PA. A. N. RAI B, A.M., Principal. r |' , HIS SCHOOL, as at present con- A stunted, offer* the rsrjr ls mctlltirs for Prn fsa-ionai and Ctnaatral learning. RaiMlags eparhras, lariting and camnmdioat; com pletely heated by steam. wall ventilated. and famish ed with a l-.nattful supply f purs wstor. soft spring we lee, lesttna hsatthfal aad was, of acaaa. Korrnuadlng see not} uo-urpsosed Teachers ipma.ed. efficient, and attrs to their work. Dtscipllna, firm and kind, aolfora and thorough. Etp-ne-w m<dermt• Fifty rents a week deduction to th e* preparing to fondant* admitted at an* time. Course- of study prescribed by tbs Stole; I. Modal School. 11. Preparatory. 111. Elementary. IV. Scb entlftr. tsirti* coram*: I Arailemlr. n. Commercial 111. Moair. IV. Art The Kl"m*atar? and Rcteatiflr roaism are Pre tensions!. and students graduating therein receire Btalu Diplomas, conferring the following aad mr ponding Master of the Memento. ami Master of the ffrtenrea. Graduates la the other coatees tenet*e th"F of their attainments, atgeed by The Professional mamas are liberal, and are la thoroughness not Inferior to those of oar heat collagse. The Htate re.,alreo n higher order of itttoiashlg. The time, demand IV It to .me of the prime averts of this school to help to Sec are It by fn ratahlag latel ligant sad efficient tear hers for her school- To this end It solicits young persons of good abilities aad R eel purposes—Uiaae who dartre to Imp-ore their lime aad their talents, as rtadsuta TO all sach it promises aid in derefoplag their powers aad abaadaat opportunities for welhpaM labor after I earing arhoeV For catalogue and terms address the Principal aotaa or rarercaa: Bbwkholders' Trseises J. H. barton. M. D.. A. It. bast. Jamb btorra. C. M. bnkford, Barnaul Christ, A. N. bant>, H . Onok, T. C Hippie, ba.. Q. Klntstag, E. P MrtWmleh, be,, W. W. Jtanklmjohn A. both foatr Trustees— lb* A 0 Cartia. boa H L. Dief fenlech. Gas Jesse Merrill, Hoa. Wnbam bigler. JO. C Whsley, H. Millet M-y-rmtck. Bag. Hon. WILLIAM BlOLEß;'PrtUlent,OVurffeid, p, ties. JERKE MERRILL, V, Loth Hurra. Pa- R'MII.LAR McOORMICK, Berrstary, - - TIIIIMAh VAHDLRT, Treasurer, - WOODWARD SEMINARY. Boarding tad Day School fbr Tnu Xal<m • tad utUo Chi'. Ires. SECOND AND LOCUBT STREETS, HA KRIS BURG, PA. Hugulm terto adb bagia AEPTEMBER la, Ira. Coarse of .tady-OaeM* aad hcieatthc, atth Hants aad Art. Board aad tuition from ItM to F3SB a yaar aad as extras Par circular, aad ail dsahahls tofonaatfoa add re, PRINCIPAL. PENSIONS. A LL disabled Soldier* aad beir* ol 1V deceased BoMctn urho died (tea taas.tMlitu jf-sTilsJ'-lS* "• ••MtW to PBMUOMB. HO AKKRA HP allowed sfiee JOLT I, UN bd stomp, for Ml Instruct!ua. ia aU kind. of tuidtors' thlm J. H. SYPHKRD A CO., ftarnm Atfy't. m V Ftreet, W ABniXOTOH. *w .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers