SOUR interfiling figure* nlmut the con dition of the iron And steel trade have been brought out at the meeting of thn association in Pittsburg this week. No industry has felt tho effect of the hard times more severely, and only 205 of the 692 blast furnaces reported last year were iu operation. Those which were in operation, however, did a grand busi nss, and the production of pig iron has advanced from 2,093,236 tons in lH7t'> to 2,577,361 in 1878. Another striking fact is the increase in tho production of Ik'ssemer steel. The amount of pig iron converted by tho Bessemer process in 1874 was 204,352 tons, while last year it reached 739,765, and the amount of Bessemer steel rails produced grew be tween the same years frotu 144,914 to 550,398 tons. Tit IRK never was such a really good, substantial, satisfactory, and rapid'-selling >lr*i-rlns Lock Stitch Hewing Machine ottered so low as the "Niw FAMILY SIIITT TLK," reduced to only $26; more complete with equipments, anil lower in price than any other machine. It is elegant in work manship and flnlsh, surpasses all others in its work ami fulfills all the requirements of every family a helper. Thoroughly warranted by written guarantee for five years, and kept in order free of charge. It will do every description of work—tine or coarse—that any mm hino, at any pri ever did, or can do ; equally as rapid, cor rect, smooth, neat, and strong. Has all the lute improvements, is e.-y to learn and manage, is serviceable, don t wear out, always ready, and never out of order. Sent O. O. I), anywhere with privilege examination before payment of hill. Agents make money rapidly, supplying the gre-.t demand for this the Cheupc.-t Machine .n the World. Territory fr-e. Addrtu, f>r descriptive books, Arc., ''family" Shut io Machine Co., 756 Broadway, New York. 80-ly WHY WILL You—Allow a cold to advance in your system and thus eut uurs.o mora serious maladies, su< li as Fneunoui Hemorrhages and Lung troubles w hen n Immediate relief can bo so readily attained. Botehte't German Syrup has gained t lo largest sale in the world for the cur -f Roughs, Colds nnd the severest Lung Ihs oases. It is Dr. Boschoe's famous Herman prescription, and is prepared wih the greatest care, nnd no tear need be enli r tained in administering it to the young' -t child, as per directions. The sale of this medicine is unprecedented. Since first in troduced there has been a constant in rei>s ing demand and without a single report f a failure Pi do its work in any case. A-k your Druggist as to the truth of th-c remarks. Large sir.o 76 cents. Try it and be convinced. Sold by F. Potts Green, wholesale and retail. 20-eow-ly PERAOSH who are troubled with weak ness arising from a disordered slate of the L'rinary and Pro-creative Organs, sin h as Indisposition to exertion, Loss of powoe, or memory, difficulty in Breathing, Ner vousness, Trembling, Weakness of Vision, Wakefulness, Pain in tho small of the back, Muscular Lassitude, Hot and Dry Skin, Eruptions on Face, Palo complex ion, &c., should at nneo procure a bottle of Compound Fluid Extract of Buchu. A judicious and prompt use of this preparation may be relies! upon to give tone to the Or gans, restore their power and remove the symptoms. Price one dollar—six for five dollars. For sale at F. POTTS GIIKKM A Drug Store, Bush House Block. ly-2tfcx>w Xeiv A<l vert item rnt.n. Inquest Notice. To RMUST IV'C.S, ae.r. Elm Jmirmsi tiers■ tn<l Jas B—C..,*r !>,n of th u.| V.I l.u and Kl'ta Joaephiaa ISise, S>uia Casta. J. MM Casio. Ruasarrs Wiui ,*•. K. R liune tm • Ass Torsili. Ixs'i Vorntsa PRISI Hans, Use Ma. ws IIIRII MILM. O W. Mitrs. Ann p, >■, ■ ■lira and B. Ti asta. It- Mr. and t. r.prsnnlatisM of Rarsra Tornasj. !~*s-d r PAKE NOTICE, that by virtue of i ft Writ of Partition l*uel ont of the Orphan*' Court of Centra ciity. and to too directed. an Inaueat will \t+ held It Ih# Isle mUmk 1 # of Rather T,tb*-r. In the Liwoehlp f llut -n *n l nmnlj of Centra. -M TVK9DAT, tb- 10h U JINK. A. D 1*79, at ten o'clock. A. M, of the ftsfti'l it#j. fi>t th pfrp to of mak ing partition of Ikr real nuts' of met 4<*sftsH to *a4 MH'i.* hi* heirs ftnl !al re-pr*a*ntali*a If tho can be 'lstne without U or fpoiUng at the whole, other wtee tt rale* r apprnhst tf s**< arra.rd ir|t to law. at which tun* an<l pta< a y.* may I- praaeut if yoi think proper. JOll* SPANCH.ER Sheriff Ballaffsntf, May 12, l*7t. il-4w WOODWARD SEMINARY. Bearding and Day School for Ysung Ladiei asd Little Children. SECOND AND LOCUST STREETS, IIAKRISBURG, PA. R-rular t-rm will t(ln BKITKMRKR 10, I*7#. r*ur** of Bind/—flaaatr ami £riutifk, nith Mu*ic an 1 Art. Boarding $2 50 to 1360 per week. Bo extras tMfpt for pMMing aiesl kiair. ►'or circular* and all desirable informal h>a sdlreea 21-Mi rmtiN IFAL /. It. IIAV LASH'S "Iter-Hive" Store, Allegheny Street, IhUefonte, I'a. IIFAI )Qr ARTEL'S FOR THE LOWEST PRICES AT TTTTTT IIIIH IIHH KRKEK 88888 F.F.KKK F.F.KKE nilH lIIIH 11111 VVV VVF. KF.BF.F. TTTHIIKKH||KK K K H II II V V K K T H II E II II K K II . II II V V F. T IIHIIIIII KK HUBII KK KK IIIIIIH II II V V KK T II H F. It II K K II II II V V F. T H H K K II B K K K F. II II II V V F. F. ' TTT HUH KKKKK 11118811 KKKKK KKKKK Hlill IIIIH 11111 V F.KEKK ONE PRICE, EXCLUSIVE IDIRfX" G-OOIDS STORE. ' NO ONE CAN DISPUTE THE FACT THAT IT IS THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS! I wish to call the public attention to my Dress Goods and Silk Depart ment, which I can safely say is the largest, cheapest and most complete stock in the county. Look at the prices and judge for yourself. Summer Suitings for ----- 5 cents per yard. > Matalasse, 10 cents per yard. Alpaca, black and colored , - - - - 12 1-2 cents ]>er yard. Cashmere, 20 cents ]>er yard. Cashmere, one yard wide, - - -35 cents per yard. AND A FULL LINE OF NOVELTIES IN DRESS OOODS. Black Dress Silks in all qualities. Colored Silks in all shades. An elegant assortment of Loams. tttTlt needa no argument to convince the public that an aacluaive Dry Gooda Htoro haa a great many advantage* over a general merchandlae (tore. _ _ AN EARLY CALL IS 80LICITID AND I WILL BF. ABLE TO PROVE THE ABOVE. Your*, respectfully, My motto la, ONE PRICE AND THE VERY LOWEST, TllE REST OF OOODS, AND NO MISREPRESENTATION. \VTM. P. MITCHELL, V M rtiAtrrioAi. SURVEYOR, LOCK IIAVKN, PA , Will attend to all Work In Clearfield, Centre and Clinton counth*. orn. fl op|wftltH Lock Haven National Hank. Mercantile A ppraisciiioiit. r priE venders of foreign nnd demos i. tic merchandise, ditlllr* and breweri, brokers, Ac., In Ontm rotinty, willlakc notice that they are appraised and claused by tho mid" reigned appraiser of tiKHrantile and other liwitta tux for tha year U79, a* follows, to wit: AAtoaaauao. NtUM. lit SlNtftft. CL A-f. AU*T. TidlrrA RnokU Mcrrhai.ta 13 10 7f Harper, Th"tuan. Merchant tailor 14 7 76 Mtiwier, M M Merchant 13 10 7ft I'lillltp* .Mrnhanta. 13 10 7b Yarick, Thuunui (Irocrrlift, Ac 14 776 BSILSfOXTB. Alexander, J H..% C. T.Coal, Ac 13 in 7.^ Itauland, J. II Merchant...* 10 20 76 lllair, K I* Jeweler., 14 776 A. A Hon Ororcm 1 _ 13 '£ IS Is Goal, A. 13 if 7ft llraehLill, J no. Kurnltnrr atorc ...... Ji 7 7ft Huunell A Aiken*.. Mimic atore 14 7 7ft Heexar. V WMakry diatlllar.... 13 2f. 7ft (Vaeler, Jtwcpb ..,.....(VMtfetionerv 14 776 Cruae, A.J .Ttsaecovila|. 14 776 Km. \ a Dawaoa i nfi lluu#rf,Ac... 14 7 7ft (hddntan. U. 0 Clothier I*3 in7ft flraham A fton Iloota and alpasi 14 7 76 C'lKip-iih' Inter, I. ,k Co Mori haul. in 2' l 7ft tiiiKgatilieiltter, 1.... Mrrrhant in *ju 76 tlreett. K I' I'niKiiiit 13 in 7ft Bin, ti Brawai 11l 9& ' A 11 offer, 11.0 ItillUrda 7 fcn 76 H dfar, H.O. Toba oowlat 14 v7O Ih k-. II K liatdwara 2ft 76 lls'ffer, John Merchant 11 15 76 llarria, J antra A C 0...... Hardware* II Ift 7ft llaupt. Isaac >(<•••, tinware, Ac. 14 7 7ft liirper lire* Merchants II 16 75 .!.. ph llr.w Men haute 11 lft 76 Kauth. \ cllf< 'ti 'fiery 14 7 Tfl Kirk. K I hniK(i*t 14 7 7ft Lvou A Ci V r. tiaiit* 10 2" 75 l.indas'V, C. A Ti'hi*' i "iiiat 14 776 l..wb, I s . A A Merrhatils 11 16 7 6 Mw, J ACo Of-erg 14 7 7ft Ml utg • rj ACo M< '• haul Bltoi ... 14 770 Miller J. C. A c. li. <>ka A stationery. 13 in 7ft New man, J clothier 11 in ;. , powers. John AS n IVart and shoe store, 14 776 Kola, J. I. Urorer 14 7 7.'. R MM Lr C lawalf 14 ft! Htltrar, II Y 11-k* A atationory 14 7 7ft Hocbler At o .r .e a II Ift 7ft Mrteklud, CjffM Qrocai ... u ffl II •• W r . . •!.,!,! tlfiv ,ur .14 t7l V elentiiiea A Co, Dm I mtrrliaiiillM.. S ftn 7ft lYajcner, U. M Men bant 11 1 7ft I ll c 1 I ■ owls! u 771 it ilen, II Far lane A (ft.JUrdw .r* In . 7ft Wilklnaon. W. H an>ple l.ttainesa ... 9 26 7 6 Year iter, 11. c Taldts. Diet 14 776 /.el|er, J. A Son I'rtitficl't 13 In 7*. /• i K h r. J. W Dregglal 14 7 7ft aLt^cnxan. Itunea. .1 I >!• r! 13 1< 7*. Hiiixrr, Wui 4 Oo M Mer-h uU.............. 13 10 76 aoAiaacan. tHa***, J N Hardware. 14 7 7ft Ji ft OM, it ftl-i bant H 7 7ft Mteaart. J. W !4 7 7ft Htovar, J* II- M.r'hant. 14 7 7ft Cixttl BAUs. liinfw, 0 CoitJeriitnrry, Ac... 14 7 7ft l*elainc*r. J. U Ilai-lware 14 7 76 tiligtferth. HUT ACo Mer.hanU 14 776 Murray, J. I> llniiuiil 14 775 Wolf. N illialu M. '.li.m 13 |0 T.I rXTTtS HILL. ilrohm, Michael M. r i ant 14 776 Htrontc, Kaxnuel Merc hant 14 7 7ft mat* an. OrefitOKer A ftcux..... M ....Meri hanta 14 7 7ft Sruitb A Co (irain dealer A r.-al 1 J 11 Momr, Uto. W W hiky dtUll*r.... 11 Aft 7ft rxaura'* uttis. lUrhaa A C 0.... Ilrrchanla 1-3 10 7& rtLUfOBI. Nclatirt, L R Merchant ........ 14 7 7ft ruwtrm r n. Fnwlae, J.T— , bfssl'a"! gutni...! 13 10 76 aat r bou*. Cray, W R A Sua.. M . M ..Merchants 13 10 7ft B'WAir* C-asb. Robert Ibflient 14 7 7ft Klino, A. V Merchant 14 7 7ft Luaa A Una Merc hanta ............. II 7 75 Lauth, Bs'fXrnL- Merchant.... 11 15 75 M'->rr, 11. A. 14 7 7ft Ksdsb. Mllllam Merchant 14 7 7ft H•Ur 4 Cu. Mer-hant It In 7. nor* rat tut. Iluoaer. LM.A Co Merchants 14 7 7ft iratowilM. nr>wn. Henry Merchant 13 10 75 Houdbait, ft, II Mcrrhaot 13 10 74 Jt UAS. Ilnem, H Merr hant . 14 77i tflß| MM Mefhant 1 4 77 J ÜBslt. Christ A Tb 'tnpaon. .... Mer- hants 11 10 75 TIJI'4, D Merrlmnt. 14 7 7ft UXttS RiLL Ilea*. Daniel Af< n Merchant*— l3 10 75 MTIVIUI. l/itr, JAIDSS 4MI NerriMntx.... MH . M 14 775 ■iMatsirio. Orker. Andrew..—...... Merchant 13 10 7ft Injun*. BOM. A J... lirwer— 14 775 Klae.C. II A Bro DmaitlsU . 14 775 Illl'Ur, Joku., M .Nnrliaiil4 7 7ft tddi*c. A. C..~ tlmeer 14 775 McCIMB A Ouuß Merchant* U 1 7ft McCoy A I.i it a. Merchant* 13 In 7ft aiuativ. Campbell. K C — M .M*rrh**t 14 7 7ft Kiaenhuth, Jansh... I'rugftaC 14 7 7ft r.4. John ! . sskfarx bant 14 775 Is. t hart A Maa>er. f >al. salt A 14 7 •* lamy, Mle4>aet— Whiskey anerrhaat. 13 25 7ft Muaser A Pmith Hardware 1.3 10 7ft llwinfc.J. W Merchant A liquor I t 2ft 7ft Htamin, J. W Merchant 14 7 7ft Tuolini>o. U. 11. A Co..firmer* II 775 BITTtaT NALL. llalriHW, M. B. Merchant 14 7 7ft OUT!A, aiAlb CO. • •►peahafer, JieX. Whiskey die teller.. 13 2ft 7ft oarrniA aum. fseet A Mb.ka* .Mef haut* 14 7 7ft ft** BALL. FUher.J. B— Mer bant 13 10 75 fll*A9T 4f. Barnes, Rolarl r (iaMkHrrf, Ac... 14 775 4>ker>fth. Ifenry--.....Merrhant 14 7 7ft llaaß, C 1,..—.. .... Whiskey distiller... 13 2ft 7ft Ritumtmo. Aynm, Pr 14 7 "ft A-Unm. 0 Mar*lntnl.. 14 7 76 Flack,H K Merchant 13 10 76 Fluklo, oft Hardware 14 776 Cray. M<l Merchant* 14 776 Clrny, M. a. A J V... ...Merchant* 11 If. 76 (Uii'it, J, A Confertioiiery II 776 lllrilftger, (t 0 Clothier 13 10 76 llo|, (J. V. (TtuateeDruggie! 14 776 llale, J. M k (ii Hardware 11 16 76 II v. I, lUrrifl A I\> Mfrolttata 1" to lA llayra, Rl< luird Illlliard*. 2 UMn.... 40 76 KwniKrl llnfTlUfctoii MorrhtnU.. 11 16 76 J tinea, Mull ACo Furniture Mora 14 776 Mr Kinney It I>, hnirk'l"! 14 776 MjfA T. J Cotife* tlunar/*.. 14 776 Nufalf, John koa .Merchant*. 12 13 Pierce, J. 11... Merchant 12 13 26 Ry RUM, k k (IfQcoa 14 T76 Hwltier, LA R Rook* A atatlotiery.. 14 776 Htrauae, I.<llllllll A C 0... Merchant*. to 20 76 Mrliootiovcr, J. N BoOil lid >ho 14 776 lis* on* if. IVuik, (J*o. R Merchant 14 776 fins OftQVB MILL*. I Putilip, Jm. l (Vi Ilurdwnre 14 776 I Sample, J. C. kCo M f Innt 14 776 I POUT MATILDA. I ltrlT. Thoiuaa P AwtloiiMr (Tat) 76 I Ofijr, J. v NmbMl 11 wls lltnirrr, J. G Merchant* 14 776 ' llrvnr, A. W <lrw*i'f 14 776 POTTI*'* MII.L*. Thompson, W. J.„ Mm linntf 14 776 Brmouimo. Knurl., Huiini' l 61 r hunt 14 776 Miller, Mr* J If Millinery A notions. 14 776 Hpclgu|m)r,JaivMc Merchant.. 14 776 Boer. Minna. Kwlnjg, A. 0, ACo Merchant* 'I 776 BOM MB. Curtln A Co, MmhtbU 11 16 76 MUM BUM)*. J.vkpon. W J Merchant 13 10 75 Mllkr, wi i It iwlm ti i; 75 ■Jf'.W BIIOR. Ibwk.O R 50a Merrhanta. 13 10 76 Harm, John foiiMloiitry 14 7!*. wmu aw, MoriM vi 0v tv ,14 778 Wolf, Putter ACo •rutwi MII 18. <)r<n<>M", I J Mm hint 13 10 75 Krurnrlfie A Bon Cl and L-ng J. D Coal and grain 14 776 rr*Tf i> LilOR. Ilatnlll A Thump* n. . Mm-hint* 13 10 75 Ft* wart, J W I*r.K • r 14 776 TfMMTILUt. Bwart/. ft M ...Men haul... 1 4 776 t TtOXTIU . Ilrvdat. A. J. A T K MmbanU 12 13 26 Laatbatv, AT A < ....MsrdMUiti IS 10 75 *1 ** Y*ri< k A An.. Man hit.ii.. 14 776 woo on A an. HfMtlanlinTrr, 0 R M-i 1un1... 13 10 76 Snook A Fee*. MmhaM. A Ihjuor. 13 26 7a WOLf * IMBL I Kn.rh k, J< hit. Her hint ... 14 776 Holt, lithl Merchant 14 776 Tike U '.h e. all who ire r>,r. HI <•! r, •,• || * r > itifiit, tlil in Milt !■* hel<| in (lie (' miiiiwinii i en. Mfllr. . In Hell-font*. 1.0 FRIDAY the *-ih < f Mar. AD. 1375, < • •n lb I m Xl 5 I• k \ M MM 4t. • l >rk | . heti at. I h*ft you n.*i alUai if ><u think |<mjor. J\Cill KHEMHTII, | Milll.Hro, April 16. irTti l*-4* ANTS FOR TAVERN KAMta. rc**t nrrir-B. clai. am'T. Bran. >UlaiM .RrlMont*, 5 5 4> 76 I • r I • 1 .t.AiDH . • . .. |74 f| *-it ha tan, uiitu liiair Co. r ... 6 M 74 KanUner, I'. A...... 13illi|l<ar|,.. 6 M 75 otmtan ftanhl... luthf..,,. .5 .'-t 76 llayn, R. liard I'htltpi' HaMR, Ootlaih I'JetaaM flap 5 u0 75 ll**e JfUffj I'hi'.ijatufk. .6 Ut 75 If., lU!lc( ifilf,, & 60 75 . Il -uwai 4 TrlUr ItriM.nto.a 6 .'/) 75 Kunea. Satno.l II HUndaM 5 76 , I J nlUo. %|.ilt.*-im 6 60 76 I Kiln*. Jm|, Jf Malk.r |$ fft Kr-.m, Afu.ius .BllpfanU*... 6il 75 1 KohllMMh#f. Alia A Mll*O offc 5 75 fayl, R.Srrt I'h h".|. MtlUam H ... Air.-nal'Uf g, 5 141 76 Mnaar. W. It Mt thatm 6 Ml 76 . Metrr, Ihtfl llall f. 60 75 k tMei.kirk.J II Crnfra Italic 5 •*. 76 I'aMirvxrv, Jamea . l'hlK|ltjr f. f Ml 76 Rul.l Ha* hi II Potior* M . 16'1'h, ll.nrt NtiUn; Ha 11,6 Ml 71 > RatiulaU, Julin . 6 6o 75 i ! thafVer. IP-iil.. n Y II *ml, & 50 75 . Au>*#f, l'try II fbtmnt, 6 .*o 75 < Shaßy. Hlia-lratk....M Pin* (If▼,. 6 AO 76 Tay'of. s'Utt .... .. Phili|al>t)r(,. MM S 60 75 t *J. J.'lrn < sno Woa f 5 *0 75 AI'PtJf'ANT* MR BAM SIN LICK* PR. * t ■* T rn i . i. M i* * An4er.i. J ■hrt..„, w ~, & |2* 75 ' tlta<( kford. oao I IP lie tool* 6 tn 75 K rman J%><Jh I MtH r 6 JO 75 Kanlh, Alt-art 'i Biatth, Frukrtrk . .iPllefoot*. 5 '* 76 ► Hrlof, |V(r PhiHf laff,. 5 20 76 Yargef, Ifenry C IP;!'' fe l '875 I At r#rilfy th aM,f i a ft*T*d Hot of all apfwlh uftli f-r ta*rn an-l *al->n IP* naa, and ap|-rata*| |.y the uft'UmiiP'l. in Centra r. nnfy np 5 late i i J AfNIR K.I-KNIU 111. Appraiw* Millheim. April 18. ]?• ls-4 , = i ■ LBTTIHG. I)HOPOSALS for buildin* Stone I Abutment* f-r • brbli* an<a the Itad K^l • C'teek. at Mi|e|.*if|r, will \+ rxelvnl l<) the Count/ C mui MMMieea nntil t#la o'rlnrk M . Jan< 2, 17%. A|>* ilWali'. ran nn at tbatf i-ffi e In H-llef nt', l' Tha -> U|H V • the ioweat re|.n*.t ie lAMef The tha rtght to re- Jed an/ or all M l* A * DRKW f#Rf iRHI*. *U 4R. >C -ntnlan nen. , w4l J6( R HI NRI.Ik ) 4 DMINISTHATOK S NOTICE. 1 t/llen <2 A-lminfcatraC non tha Ratal* of Aletambr fhellealarfer, 4**eoed, lata of W- rth toanebip. having la*i graataef to the n4*rai;r*t. r**ilnt f iWllefmt*. he r*<)iaat alt pr>n* knn in* IhemaelVHi ii4l>tal V m l Har*3ent to ar4 anl make Immadiat* pawnant. a#t all having rlaivaa againai him l< praaant th*4r anmanli, 4nl/ •vthmlkal4 6r aettlenont DIMKL WOIDRINC. Adm'r. Rallefont*. Mat *. WI v a arißiv rtati aotaoi. MURRAY A GORDON, ATTOKXRIMT I.AW. < i.i; uih m u. p.*. Will attend tha MWoftU C- nrta whan *pei*]ly j ampln/ad. I 1/ s. 4 A. LOK/t, (irtu-ral Merchant*, Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, J'a. HOUND REASONS Why we can undersell any exclusive Clothing Store in Centre county. Reasons which if carefully weighed will convince any one with average common sense: First We deal in all classes of general merchandise, including DRY GOODS, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Queensware, Notions, Carpets, Hats and Caps, and everything general!g kept in a, well regulated Country Store. Second We keep the largest and hest assorted stock, in styles and qualities, oj Men's, Youth's and Childrens' Clothing in Centre county. Third From the two foregoing reasons any one can easily see our maintenance dots not depend upon the large profits that must he made on a suit of clothing by any exclusive clothing store, and consequently we can afford to sell at. a smalbr profit than any of them. And since we can afford it we are willing to give our customers the benefit of the same. S Kr \ I OFR 1 ALLEGHENY STREET, JO L> \ i / vl.M> ' • IA/L 1 )? | BELLEFONTE, PA.. (l\ „Y. IJ /Kl), TIIP: " BOSS" clotj 111 :HS, —ANI>— THE OLDEST GENERAL MERCHANTS IN CENTRE COUNTY. A> U' Atl irrt i arm fit tu, NEW GOODS FOlt TIIK— SPRING TRADE He h't re given tery dote awl rari lul attention to the *< lection of goods for the <Spring Trade, and feel justified in enging that our present ,Stock cannot he, ejcerlltd riihrr in regard to JVi rietg, (/utili ty or /Vice, and tee doultt if it is etjualeil in etther of Uuse respects by any house in Centre county. There are tern many leading ar ttries i ft our stork to make special mention of them all. hut call atten tion directly to a fete items that are i rtotr bring sought after every day. Mackerel are of good quality this season and are. selling rather faster than usual at (his season of the year. HV hate been selling noth ing but full tccights —so lit*, of fish in each quarter barrel and 100 H*. tfl each half barrel. They hare better ralue for the money than short weight*. 1/ike llerrinq and While Fish are very fine this setieon and sell ing freely. Our Sugar-(\tred Hams. Fried lleefllreakfast Ilaeon and Cheese are all worthy of special mention. Oranges and /demons are very fine ana the price low enough to to bring them into every day use. Hut the price on these, goods will be much higher in a short time. Our Meat Market, nert door to our Grocery room, is always well supplied with the choicest meats. He kill the best lleef. Mutton and Veal that can be found; dressed in first-class style and served to customers in the neatest, cleanest manner possible. So house in the Grocery anil Provision business in Iletlefontr is prepared to sujqdy all the wants of the family so well as we can do at present. SKCIILKR & CO. onocrns, Jlush llnusc Hlock, Reliefontc, Pa. PINE CLOTHING. SUITS to order $12.50. Hats. (Tips tt Shirts. MONTGOMERY A CO., Tailor*, BEM.E'dSTE. PA. 1-ly LX)Il RENT— three tleirblc front 1 rvw*m. •mrssnd Wj\ It* !'••# on !* X K f lhm *tihJtU fi>f (Rot. • amall Lm.ilj nr •Pepin* rot rnr Turn* R> I>r K W lUit, h W D. BAII.LY. 11-tf on lh prtMlßp*. ni i invn i. tut futm. HEAVER A OKPHAKT, ATTtIRK EVA AT LAW ; Oflbta on Allaghaay Mtoat. nottb f High. IWllo p'nla. Pa l-ly A LBKRT KAUTH, 1 V HAKEHV ARIi OIRPWTIONEHr, RREAD. CAKES. PIES, Ar . Hi*hop mnt Ihktofy, My iMMihis, h I DS. KELLER, • ATTOBRET AT LAW. Ofßta oa Alio, bony Sinai Snath fid. of I.yna't •tor a, l-ly IMlafbnto, Pa. T OLHIPPLE, A • attorrkv-atlaw. MH-K IIAVER. PA. All liitotaita paioMptly altabdatl to. I 1y ratal niLMtra. at a. muta. ram a. attara. I?I ELDINO, BIOLER A WIL9ON, I? ATTORRETS-AT LAW, l-ly ulrarticlp, pa. WILLIAM McCULLOUOH, ▼ T ATTORRET AT LAW. CI.EAEPI ELD. PA. All hatoatw pantnfily atbaM to. l-ly HARNESS MANUFACTORY la Uartaaa t Raw Rlork, RKLLXPORTE, PA. l-ly Xew Atlvi-rthftii tut*, LVXKCUTOICS NOTICE. lw t-1 A !•• )rUIIC I.UfJ llio (N>i la' u 1 ' . 1 * ■ [ i | \ iiK I r>itv lt • t!*#• ui J'Tii* t*>i tj tl. f Cnlrc ' ntitjr. h< rqu<-*! 1.1 |*r* o* k)"* Ibritt*(!iM |f>4#44*"J U •!*• I'Ut |'> . • or I l*iU'! f)4 IttAk* ila lie * 4IU |)ral Wtfai Un btafe to picwo! tla* NRJoc .Jul-. AMAM VOMCAHA. Kl*ui.<. / !. < T •;< I ■ If !'• 13 H g:r:-; T—p y, -r. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL ( bay fit A S'-rmnl SeheeJ J),strict, i LOCK IIAVEX, CLINTON CO., PA. A. N, nAI IA. M., PrinrijHtl. ' I 'II IS SCHOOL, an :it prew-nt con- I ttita'ad, ofl.-r. tba tary l*al tmOliti.a I t Pro and 'TamP a] |. .rung. I Bail-ling, it.< .t-ng an! .mi •,|i n. platola |M!rl by Ball T*atlialr-1 , , .uri.ial, o-t i!b • au|.,.|y -if jura n.ur, i .ft ~,rtng alaf, lofati" ti b'allbful oa.l -oar .if o/-aui. Sotr -utrlltg a" nary -ißatir'j . aaad , Tna'ban . n-tt.ii .-l, .(80-nt, u.l all.• b> UMr If- jJIm, Inn iitl llnl, ujf m and lb ■gb Kl|-iim U'^anU lift. foatoanaak dadnrUon ta lb • ; factoring t I Iwl M VU o.lniltta.l at any lltnr. t ouraa. I .tody litaurn-ul I | th- flat. 1 M-d'l I fbb.j. ||. Pmjiaiau>ry 111. Elmmitan IV. 8H- Mtlk. it t firun j I A'aiLanl- II < 111 Mtwlc IV. An | Til- K!- ;..!.tr. ttal IrimUfi. rymirono or. Pr<•- lotto iioaj, Mil otudf nt graduating ihiirn iwnt. ift|>)aaa*, i 'tififttai tba tal r tri* (•■alliig l-, ' Maat*f tit thi- Kt.-M.-iii. an 111 it. I—l a t lb- Man- or i.ta luat.a lit tba mho* mataaa h..(T . Knttnnl I '-tlfluba "f It., tf attu tiß.> t.La, a, g n-~t lit I lb- Koasltj ' a / TI.- I'nifialntial i.-ar-—. or. llta-ral. an 1 art in ttr.i '.abti.-aa aut it. I. tV* to lb .aa of ,ur I oat foil ago. Tba I*lata rajulfnt a bight* .-rdat f 'ttil.B>t.i|. TT- titan. daatand 11. It it t'l. of th. ftitt.. abjnt tt Of tbw onhtofl to bW|itu on Ufa tt lit fit 1 11i.1.11.g ibtol llgont and alb'if-al bat haft lot bnf a. h 1 o thit j ond tl atom! to anang j-rmn. ~f g,..| aMllUao t. l *"* l porj-an# tbfNn. at. i -Uara to iiß than lima an.! ib-lr talatu. w aiod-nt. To all tub II |-r>.mia.<a Bill In dam l-,tng Ib. -r and oloiti tant <'jOftunitia* t * Ball pud la', r oflar looting o-h.-J " r*Ub.fa and ITtna add foot lb* Ptit..||aal K. It RA LI.. Praaldnfit Board <4 Tnntoa T. C ItirrLK, Baf ratarp, acitai- or tar'tcst Ointi* maalT-B It Ball. T, ' lllpfda Ir J. 11. Barton. A II Bnat. Jo/-t- lltoan. H tltaai Kiatb-t, A. b'. Bati. * W Kankit.. K <l. C- k, haliiiiall bn.Lll H M Ri kl tii. II L lhnH.r,l. b. A C. Bt-rra I K u-tba-kilii* AOf artiti (tn,A.ld _|t. t, •. Wlllian Wclnt. Elk t'bulaa K ILatinf. ap IT 1)f e.t tut rt*. e. b. Km A LKXANDKII A HOWKK, - * ATT<'BbKYB AT LAW. iMiiafoßia. Pa . map I- .a.natliad in Kagliab ..r (lar- Bah 1H. alu liarnaas • Bnillißf l-|y I L. BPANOLER, *'• ATTtIRVKT *T LAW BKM.KFttbTK. CIST RK OiI'KTV. PA. Rpr-lal a'traUm. h Ibllßthat; prartliaa la all tba touito. IVmoululi oa in t..rmanr R (ikob lip I VEL .1. W. RHONB, Datfaft,. .n 1 / f. iii'l at >i* m * r>4 i"• .< n N iif 1 h <f* of Itlifli ffH i, imn KmA ml A IJ >♦• \, I'**!!*!! | % J , . | OKALKKS IN PUIiK DRCOBONLY. p! I ZELLEH A SON, a ; */• IIRIOOIats. S f. lb,, ff Boat £ B *" RlnnJntiJ Pat.tit M'-tiifma Prm! •- anipO - a ami R. j a. nratnlt to I ra|<atnd. Ti .ioaaa, tab uldnf Kroi ro, Ac . At . i *ll „. Is p P.BLAIR, I • JKWKI.KR. BtMitta. rtfaat. jtmiat. Ar. Ail nntk imalla .uarnttxl. On Aii.-gh. ;y a!root, andar llf -T.ili-.11 lion or. pu . |\ P. PORTNEY, ■ "• ATTORSBT AT LAW, nr.I.I.HPOMTR. PA. | 1-aat di aif b> tba Ml in tba Cutt Iti-nar. tlf | \lt. DOBBINS, M. Do, j 1/ PMTRICIAX ARB RI'RtiBOX. j Mmd MmH, Pi. ■ oris POLL, 1 J rAAIIKIXABLR BOOT A KIIORWAKRtI. I Bt.ak.ib..fl Rntt. Al!<hani atraat. 1-ljr Ballafanta. Pa. | . >. vitttn. at. taut WALLACE* KRERS, vv ATTORRKTB-AT LAW, CLRARFIRLI>. PA. Will attond aad try ttaaaaa at Br llatnata tt bar. Bp. ctollt ralainaat. |.|y j iIUAUP IIOVSR, \I CORKER CIIKPTRI'T ARB RtRTII STREKTR, nntwnu. Tbit hmtoa. prnflaant la a rtty taaaoA for Ha man fnrtabla, la In array taajw. t a.)lial In any fnt fhn bnfala in tba mantra. Oaflng to tba attin fraff of tba Untaa. tba artoa of board baa bran raahi.nd bttuiNUiUfat 4t|. J M KtRRIK. • -•-tf Htaif*. JMJSH HOUSE, I > B* LLtrORTR, PA. THI ORLT mtarCLAH HOTEL IS TUB PITT. Tarttto tIOR par diy litan oltatM. BbotJai rntoa Rtaan to atllaotoaa rnd jamra. 0n. Il'trraa, Pmp'L MaJ Ban a at. Hart /lARMAN 8 HOTEL, VI OppaaftoOoart Homo. BRLLKFORTK, PA. TERMS IJ6 PER DAT. A food Liaary attorbrd. l-ly Harry /i. I/irk*, llarihrarr. :KHICKS, [Sumwtir to T. A. HICKS A HKO.,] DEIIKB IX HARDWARE, SADDLERY, OILS, ""["PALITRS AND STOVES. |" EVERYTHING AT BOTTOM PRICES! TO SUIT THE TIMES. AlU'jhrny Stree f, />'h.l. I.EKOXTE, PA. South of Diamond. \ew Artrcrti/wmml*. CHEAP GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE. s. A. BREW ii SOS, Humr* lilocl. nrji door 1o ] W (Jffict, At* *"* ertllnc r w 1a thrlr ). *1 awti rate,nd U* < H r In ',(. fee all ki.<li <• OOIKTBV PRODI"f'B. Tby an rwvotrm g -W imj .lay. an that cartonier <**> fH certain of |Htih| PURE AMJ FRESH OOOHS! Thwir itck l oaaaftl't* **! w*ll iMwtfl, a*d c lb |il ( Light and Heavy Groceries, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Oramrrs. lemons Nuts Raisins, CANNED AND DRIED FRUITS f erepy kin.! a*l rsrteOy TIIK ntLKHUTCD WAfdllMCM* BITCH r.R Hams, Sides, Shoulders —ARB breakfast BACON. Tflfsth' r with thf dH^iM Dlt 1 KD BEEF. I'ptwm* r" I ** • ttnXr lib* will And it to IbHr *J**aLaf t> gltr thm • (11. CASH PAID FOR POTATOES. 1879. THE PATRIOT. 1879 Get Dp <a Clob aa| Racalra Tear Paper Free. The Dutr Patriot will be acnt by mail lo cluba at the following ratea: •BO" per copy par year te> a rial, of lira. •'• Ml per ropy per year t* a dab f In. la OA pet copy per year B a rtab el Iveety. It M pee ropy pee year In a clah al tklrty. 14 00 per eepy per year to a dab of any. knA ewe ropy m tnt am* year la erary we te Ike pereea pettn* ap tka Hab. PmpwWnaal ratea lew parte el a year. THP W*Kt.T PATRIOT will BP pent by mail at thr following ratea: •teM per enr.uia lt Maple ropy. It JO per eaaew per ropy p, a rtek el tar. •1 per Senear | np, In a rial ft elpfct. II SB pee tana par oepy In a rial el afleee. ►II pee asnaai per eepy In a elab ft Ikirty. •oast per aanea pernp| k a rteb ft any. *■ Tt par aaaaai pee rtpey an avtak ft ma kaailled. Aa4 am* napr free a* ewe yrar la eTery eaee U> jeteer ap el rlek. Tbe> caah mtwl atvompeny all nrdent to inrure* attention All money should b aenl by peart oira order or ragirtewd letter, otherwlpe It will bo at the sender's risk. Adelines PATRIOT PvtLitnim Co., llarritb'jrg, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers