Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 15, 1860, Image 1

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    j. s. & J. J. BRISBIN,
®.|t Centre gemotrat.
Office in the Arcade Building, Second Floor.
TERUS.—SI,SO if paid in advance or within six
months after subscribing,otherwise $2 will invari
ably be charged. No subscriptions received for
a shorter period than six months and none dis
continued, unless at the option of the editor, until
all arrearaees are paid.
Office on Allegheny Street. Feb. 10 59
formrly occupied by the Hon. Jaines Burnside.
Jan. 19, '60.-tf.
Yv • LAW BELLEFONTE, FENNA. Will attend to
all legal business entrusted to him, with prompt
ness. May, 5 '59.
FJ LAW, BELLEFONTE, PA. will attend prompt
ly to all legal business entrusted to him. Office
next door to toe Post Office. [Sspt. 20, '6O, tf <
YY -LAW BKLLFOMTE, PA , will promptly at
tend to all legal business entrusted to him. Office
three doors North of the diamond. jan.l2'6o
attend to and correctly execute all businesi en
trusted to him. [June 14,-'6O, —tf.
OFFICE on High street, (oldoffice.) Bellefonte
Pa. Will attend to professional calls as
heretofore, and respectfully offers his professional
services his friends and the public. Oct.26'sS
DR. FAIKBAM'J has associated with him DR
J. H. DOBBIN'N in the practice of medicine
office as heretofore on liishop street, opposite the
Temperance Hotel. March 19,57.
VT PHYbiOiAN, having permanently located
offers his, Trofe ssional services to the citizens of
Pine Grove Mills and vicinity, and respectfully
oslicits a liberal portion of the public patronage.
[Feb. 16, '6o.—ly.
/yfegggtgL and Mechanical Dentist; will prac
~HX_ ITT f tice all -the various branches of his
4 profession in the most approved manner. Office
and residence on Spring St.Bellcfonte' Pa.
[Mar. £. '6O. tf.
fj LAW, BELLEFONTE PA. Will atttend to all
business entrusted to him with care and prompt
ness, Refer to Gov. Pollock, Milton Pa. and
Hon. A: G. Curtin, Bellefonte Pa. Office with
John H. Stover - jan. 5, '6O.
sons wishing to secure themselves from losses by
fire, will do well to call upon him at the store of J.
R. Muffly & Co., N. E. corner of the Diamond,
three doors above Allegheny street, Bellefonte,
Centre co., Pa. Mar. 15, '6O. ly.
W. WHITE, DENTIST, has per
, mauently located in Boalsburg, Centre
County Pa. Office on main st., next door to the
store of Johnston <fc Keller, where he purposes
practising his profession in the most scientific
manner and at moderate oharges. mar. 15'60
Having associated themselves in the practice
ui law, will atten 1 promptly to all business en
trusted to their care
Office in the Arcade. [Novf 1, '6o.—tf.
TICLES OF AGREEMENT neatly and cor
rectly executed. Also, attention will be given to
the adjustment of Book Accounts, and accounts
I Adminstratior s and Executors prepared for filing,
office next door to the Post Office.
Qct., 19th, 'SB, WM. J. KEALSH.
3". D. vv ing;ato
Office and residence on the North
•astern corner of the Public Square, near the
Court House.
Will be found at his office, except two weeks in
ach month, commencing on the first Monday of
each month, when he will bo filling professional
engagements elsowhere. Oct. 22,'57 4s tf.
BELLEFONTE, PA., will practice his pro
fession in the several courts of Centre county. —
All business entrusted to him will be carefully at
tended to. Collections made and all monies
promptly remitted. Office, on High st. formerly
opcuped by Judge Burnside, and D. C. Boal, Esq.
wherehe can he consulted both in the English and
in the german language. May 6,'58 —22 ly.
Office in the rooms formerly occupied by
Linn & Wilson, Allegheny street. Jas. Macman
us has associated with W. P. Mac manus, Esq., in
the practice of law. Professional business intrus
ted! o their care will receive prompt attention.
They will attehd the several Courts in the Coun
ties of Centre, Clinton and Clearfield.
June 21, '6O, tf.
II LAW, wiu attend pro nptly to all business
entru stedto their care. Office in the building
formerly occupied by Hon, Jas. T. Hale.
Messrs. Hale & Hoy will attend to my business
during my absence in Congress, and will be as
sisted by me in the trial of all causes entrustedto
them. J. T. HALE. jan 5'1860
The undersigned having associated them
selves in the practise of Law, will faithfully at-
L - tend to all professional business entrusted to them
in Centre, Clintion and Clearfield counties. All
collections placed in their hands, will receive
their promt attention. Office in Blanchard's new
building on Allegheny street.
Bills cf Exchange and Notes discounted ; Collec
tions made and Funds promptly remitted. Inter*
est paid on Special Deposits, Exchange on the
Eastwn cities constantly on hand and for sale.
Deposits received. April 7 'SB
opened a Barber Shop one door Frank
lin House, where he can be found at all times. —
Good Razors, keen and sharp, kept constantly on
band. Ilair Dressing, Shampooning, Ac., atten
ded to in the most workman like manner. He
hopes by strict attention to business to receive a
liberal share of publio patronage.
Dellefoiito, June 28, IB6o;—tf. '
% Jfanttlg fttfospper—to politics, ®mjrate, literature Science, ®jre %x\%> litet|anics, Agriculture, Cjre Markets, ®kcation, Amusement, General Intelligence, tfc.,
From actual Measurement by Instrumen
tal Surveys throughout the County.
By H. I'. WALLING, Civil Enjineer.
TnE undersigned proposes to publish by orde r
a large and accurate Popographical Maj of
Centre county, from thorough and careful sur
veys, by 11. F. Walling, Civil Engineer.
Every road has been carefully surveyed by
course and distance, and the location noted of all
the public roads, Dwellings, Churches, Post Offi
ces, Ho'.els, Stores, School Houses, Factories,
Mills. Shops, Mountains, Ponds Streams, Ac.—
The names of Property Holders generally—care
fully including those who order the work—will
ho engraved upon the Map, showing the exact lo
cation of each.
Extra Maps of the Principal will he
engraved upon the margin o" the Map ; also a
Table of Distances, showing the number of miles
from each Post office to every othei throughout
the county, together with the latest statistical in
formation. An ornamental border will surround
the Map
The Map will he engraved by the m st skillful
Artists in the country, handsomely colored and
monnted, and will be delivered to those who or
der for Five dollars per copy.
We are now actively engaged in forwarding the
work, and shall endeavor to give every property
holder an opportunity of ordering a copy, and al
so of examining the work before its final com
pletion; in order to make it entirely satisfactory
as to accuracy, Ac.
The map will contain all the information usual
ly fouud in Town maps, for each of the towns in
the county, and it.is obvious that the most liberal
patronage is needed to sustain us in producing a
work of so great magnitude and expense. As it
is evidently of such practical utility and inteiest
to business men and citizens generally, present
ing so minute and distinct a representation of the
county, that even the child may readily acquire a
correct idea of each town, village, Ac., and their
trne directions, distances from each other, we con
fidently solicit and expect the hearty co-operation
of the intelligent and enterprising citizens of Cen
tre county.
S. D. TILDEN, Publisher.
These maps are said exclusively by the
Publisher, and no variation in price. No more
maps are printed than what are actually ordered.
We the undersigned, having examined there
cent surveys and drafts of Centre county, also
Topographical Maps of other counties, pulished
by Mr. S. I>. Tilden, take pleasure in recommend
ing a Toporraphscal Map of this county, which is
very much needed, being of great practical value
to business men and citizens generally, and from
he united testimonials and recommendations the.'
ave from .distinguished gentlemen wh.-re they
ave made survej's and published county maps.—
We feel confident they will furnish an accurate,
reliable and useful Map and Directory well wir
ty of liberal patronage.
We hope the citizeus of this county will interest
themselves sufficiently in this enterprise, so that
the Publisher may ongTave upon the margin of
the map, extra plans of the villages in the county
upon an enlarged scale.
Considoring the expense of such a survey of the
whole county, and being entirely a local work wo
think it is offered to the citizens on very reason
able terms.
Win. F. Reynolds, James T. Hale, John Hoffer,
Adam Hoy, Wm. A. Thomas, E. C. Ilumes Ira C."
Mitchell, H. N. McAllister, J- S. Barnhart, as.
A. Beaver, Cyrus T. Alexander, Ed. Blanchard,
H. Brookerhoff, Win. P. Wilson, Geo. L. Potter,
Geo. Livingston, Jacob V. Thomas, Geo. A. Fair
lamb, Jas. H. Rankin, James F. Riddle, John
Tonner, Jesse L- Test, George W. Tate, John T.
Hoover, P. B. Wilson, James Linn, J. B. Mitch
ell, E. Greene, J. H. Stover, R. G. Durham, Sain'l
Linn, H. P. Harris, A, S. Valentine.'
Aug. 23, 1860. tf.
Ami the variona affections consequent upon a disordered
guch as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pains,
Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Costivenoss,
Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and
Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous instances proved
highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure.
This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly
scientific principles, after the manner of the celebrated
Holland Professor, Boerhave. Its reputation at home pro
duced its introduction here, the demand commencing with
those of the Fatherland scattered over the face of this
mighty country, many of whom brought with them and
handed down the tradition of ite value. It is now offered
to the American public, knowing that its truly wonderful
medicinal virtues must be acknowledged.
It is particularly recommended to those persons whose
constitutions may have been impaired by the continuous use
of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Generally
instantaneous in effect, it finds its way directly to the' seat
of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the
drooping spirit, and, in fact, infusing new health and vigor
in the system.
NOTlCE.—"Whoever expects to find this a beverage will
be disappointed; but to the sick, weak and low spirited, it
will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of singular
remedial properties.
The Genuine highly concentrated Boerhave's Holland
Bitters is put up in half-pint bottles only, and retailed at
ONE DOLLAR per bottle, or six bottles for FIVE DOLLARS. The
great demand for this trrily celebrated Medicine has induced
many imitations, which the public should guard against
Beware of Imposition. See that our name is on the
label of every bottle you buy.
Sold by Druggists generally. It oan be forwarded
by Express to most points.
pharmaceutists and (Statists..
FOR SALE A T the following named places in
Centre county:
J. Harris & Co., Bellefonte; D. Houser & Son;
Plumville Mills ; Geo. Jack A Co., Boalsburg ,
Adam F. Shaffer, Madisonburg; Samuel Pontius,
Zion; Balser Weber, Howard; H. Brown. Hu
blersburg; C. G. Ryman &T. M. Hall, Miles
burg; A. T. Schnell & Co., Pert Matilda; Rhule
A Reesman, Millheim; Sam-Frank, Rebersburg ;
T. Wolf A Son, Wolf's Store; W. Wolf, Centre
Hall; R. H.Duncan, Spring Mills; J. T. Jack,
Potters' Mills ; Peter Kerlin, Churchville; J. H.
Hahn, Springfield; Rankin A Bolinger, Bai
leysviZle ; J. Q. Williams, Eagleville; Nixon <fc
Co., Mill Hall; Joseph Bing, Unionville; Gross
<fc Yearick, Aaronsburg; J. 0. Bryan, Pine Grove
Mills; Jacob Daniels, Stormstown, and by deal
ers generally,
Sept. 6, '6o.t
Why Felicita Fell.
"Paul, don't, please don't go away to
night;" urged Felicita Mitford, as her hus
band rose from the tea-table and took his hat
to go.
"Why not, Felicita?"
"Th;re are many reasons, Paul, you know
them all f but if you will persist in leaving
me alone so much, I cannot, in my weakness,
piomise you the result."
Nevertheless, Paul took his bat and cane
and left, without even an apology, a kiss, or
a promise to be back early. Where ho spent
all of his evenings his wife knew not, for lie
never told her anything ; and she was left in
painful uncertainty as to his course.
"I hope Maxime will not come to-night;
or, in fact, again at all, for I am afraid I am
getting to think too much of his society, and
he is fond of mine. I can see it in every
word and act. Oh, if Paul would stay at
home in the evening, and try to make himself
agreeable, how happy I should be ; he knows
I am nearly a stranger in this place where
be has brought me, and he ought not to
leave me alone, feeliDg so lonely all the
Thus soliloquized Felicita after Paul had
left her ; and, leaning her bead upon the ta
ble, she wept bitterly.
At length a footstep arrested her attention
on the step, then a knock, and she wiped the
tear from her cheek and went to the door.
It was he, Maxime Bancroft, just the one she
most feared to see, and yet the one with
whom she could pass the evening in such de
lightful converse. Must she summon all her
woman's courage, anij. tell him at once that
his visits were out ofphce, and uncalled for
in her husband's absence ? She had half-re
solyed to do it, but once again in his pres
ence, beneath the influence of his smiles, and
his kinJ courteous words, she found it was
not in her heart to do so.
"Have you been weeping, Mrs. Mitford 1"
asked Maxime, after he had divested himself
of his hat and overcoat, and availed himself
of a seat on the sofa.
Felicita averted her face and said "no," at
the sama time pleading a headache.
"Where is Paul ? Gone again, as usual?
I want to see him on a matter of business ;
will he be home soon ?"
Felicita assured him she did not know
when he would return, or where he had gone;
and she looked ready to cry when she said
Now an opportunity presented itself that
Maxime had long wished for; he would just
eay a word, and say it very carefully.
"It is too bad that Paul should leave you
so much alone; if I had a wife I know I nev
er could find pleasure in others company so
long as I knew she was at home so lonely
and sad."
How long Maxime had wanted to offer
these words of sympathy, and now it was
done ; he said it in away that no one else
could, and it did not offend Felicita, but it
confirmed ber in the belief that Paul was
very indifferent and regardless of her happi
ness. Felicita would not for the world have
betrayed her weakness at that moment by al
lowing that naughty tear to come in her eye l
but her hoart was too full, how could she
avoil it? Maxime saw his power, and post
poned lurther words of condolence until an
other lime. So, turning gaily to Felioita, he
proposed a game of chess, and with a slight
attempt at a whistle, he expressed a wish
that Paul would come, as he wished to see
him very much.
After Felicita laid aside her 6ewing and
became absorbed in her game, she almost for
got that Paul was absent, and, in the socie
ty of one whom she liked as weli as Maxime,
although she dare not acknowledge it. hard
ly to herself, the evening passed away pleas
antly. •
When Paul returned it was nearly ten o'-
clock, and Maxime was still there. After
his little matter was transacted with Paul,
and he bad gone, Felicita expressed a regret
that Maxime should come there so often in
her husband's absence, and asked Paul if he
thought it was right; and, just like any
other woman, who always relates everything
to her husband that she hears, she repeated
what Maxime said in regard to Paul's neg
lecting her so much, and then, in tears, beg
ged him to spend his evenings at home since
he bad no business to call him away. Eat
PaHl was tired and sleepy, and gave his wife
to understand that the subject was not a
pleasant one to him ; and, without betraying
the least part of jealousy towards Maxime.
he allowed the subject to end.
Paul'snd Felicita had been married but a
year, and, that he was a rather inattentive
husband is plainly eeen. The next evening
and the one succeeding, and in fact every
eyening, Paul continued to absent himself
from home, and finally Felioita did not even
ask him to remain, since 6he knew it was
wholly useless. He came to eat and sleep,
just as if he had been bearding there, and
then went]away again, either to his office, er
to some place of amusement, or elsewhere ;
and he appeared willing .to allow her the
same privilege, to go or stay, to sit all alone
or have the coqipany of Maxime, who contin
ued his visits generally under the plea that
he wished to eee Paul, and would wait until
his return. In this way matters went on un
til Felioita, finding so maoh mere aeppineee
in the society of the ever sympathizing, fas
cinating Maxime than in the company of her
indifferent stoical husband, that she did not
object to Maxime's visits, but would have
been lost without th6m.
The story is soon told. One night, when
Paul returned to his home, his wife was not
to be found. Poor, erring Felicita, had
eloped with Maxime. A note addressed to
Paul explained the cause of her departure.
Now, for the first time, Paul saw his great
folly and mistake, and only wished he could
recall Felicita to his home, and he would
amend. It was too late. Maxime and Feli
cita had sailed for Europe, and there they
made their home. However unjustifiable
such a proceeding on the part of Felicita,
can we acquit Paul of blame ? Had he been
less neglectful she would not have fallen.
Singular Stratagem.
When the celebrated Grotius was impris
oned in the castle of Louvestein. his wife
followed him thither to endeavor, by her
presence and affectionate attentions, to alle
viate the miseries of a long captivity. While
theie, her tenderness suggested a singular
stratagem for his escape.
Grotius was at that time occupied in wri
ting the works which acquired for him so
grsat a celebrity, and having occasion fur a
great number of books, he requested and ob
tained permission to borrow all that he
should require. He sent a large trunk for
these books, into which he likewise put Lis
own linen with that of his wife. When he
had consumajd these books and was done
with them, they were returned and fresh
ones brought in like manner.
After about a year and ahalf had elapsed
during which Grotious had undegene a rigor
ous captivity, his wife, observing that the
guards, weary of finding nothing in the
trunk but books and linen, no longer took
the pains to search it, persuaded Grotius to
place himself in it instead of the books,
having previously made soma holes in ths
part where his head would lie, to admit the
air. During two days before the execution
of this project, she made him stay near the
fire in an arm-chair, and she pretended to be
rnueh afflicted at her husband,s indisposi
tion. On the day that he books were to be
taken away, having put Grotius in the trunk,
she drew the curtains of his bed very close,
and requested the man who fetched away the
box to do it as quietly as he could. With
much difficulty he planed it on his Bhouldere
and carried it out, complaining bitterly of
the heaviness of the burden. In this man
ner was Grotius conveyed to Gorcum, to the
house of one of his friends, and from thence
he went to Antwerp, disguised as a miller.
Immediately after their departure, Marie
had dressed herself in her husband's clothes,
and taken a seat by the fire, lest the jailer
should come in ; but when she thought her
husband in safety, she went herself to inform
the guards of his escape, upraiding them
with the little care they took of their prison
ers. Ashamed to construe this contrivance
into a crime, they permitted ber to rejoin her
TRs Power of the Heart
Let any one, while sitting down, place the
left leg over the knee of the right one, and
permit it to hang freely, abandoning all mus
cular control over it. Speedily it may be
observed to sway forward and back through
a limited space at regular intervals. Count,
ing the number of these motions for any giv
en time, they will be found to agree exactly
with the beatings of the pulse. Every one
knows that, at a fire, when the water from
the engine is forced through a beet hose, the
tendency is to straighten the hose ; and if the
bend be a sharp one, considerable force is ne
cessary to overcome the tendency: Just so
it is in the case of the human body. The ar
teries are but a system of hose through which
the blood is forced by the heart. When the
leg is bent, all the arteries within it are bent
*oo, acd every time tha heart contracts, the
blood running through the arteries tends to
straighten them ; and it is the effort which
produces the motion of the leg alluded to. —
Without suoh oscular demonstration, it is dif
ficult to ooccei/o the power exorted by that
mechauism, the normal pulsations of which
aro never perceived by him whose very life
they are.
Tnx FLOYD GUN. —The experiments of Old
Point ■vvith this monster piece of ordnance
have been most satisfactory. It is by far the
largest ever cast in this or any country. It
will cripple, hopelesly, at a single shot, any
hostile ship, no matter how large or strongly
built, thet may venture within a mile of its
enormous muzzle, It weighs, independent
ly of the carriage, 49,090 pounds ; and its
cost was something over sio,ooo, The bore
is sixteen inches in diameter, and fifteen feet
in depth, tho solid shot weighing four hun
dred and fifty pounds.
The sun rises and sets ; the moon
waxes and wanes ; stars and planets keep
their constant motions ; the air is tossed by
the winds ; the waters ebb and flow, to their
conservation and purification no doubt, to
teach us that we would ever be in action.
S&" A boy entered a stationery store and
asked the proprietor what kind of pens h&
sold. "All kinds," was the rsply. "Well
then," said the boy, "I'll take three cents
worth of pig-pens."
Something about Burning Mountains.
Geological theorists assert that the iner
qualities on'the earth's surface arise from
the uplifting of volcanoes, earthquakes, etc.
But the minute seams in sandstone forma
tion indicate that the whole is }he' effect of
depositions and precipitations, while in the
submersion by the sea, and the advance and
retreat during perihelion periods, we have
aqueous agency requited for the precipita
About two hundred active volcanoes are
reported, of which eighty-nine are in the isl
ands. Submarine valcanoes often throw up
islands. The Azores, the Lipari, the Cana
ries, etc., are examples.
The ashes irom volcanoes often produce to
tal darkness from thirty to fifty miUs around,
and are thrown three hundred miies distant.
Pieces of rock are ejected with the force of a
cannon ball. Co'opaxi once threw a piece, of
one hundred cubic yards, eight miles. Fish
ejected from volcanoes aro those of neighbor
ing waters.
Lava is a stony substance like basalt, and
may sometimes be seen at the bottom of a
crater, red hot, like melted iron, bubbling as
a fountain. When it overflows the crater it
is very fluid. At Vesuvius, a red hot cur
rent ot it was irom eight to ten yards deep,
two hundred or three hundred yards broad,
and nearly a mile long.
In Mexico, a plain was filled up with it
into a mountain one thousand six hundred
feet high, by an eruption in 1759. Its heat
was so great that it continued to smoke for
lwenty.years afterwards, and a place of wood
took fire three years and a half after it had
been ejected, at five miles from the crater.—
Stones of immense size rise to to the height
of seven hundred feet, and others, darken *
ing the air, full one hundred miles distant.
Thirty-one great eruptions of /Etna have
occurred within the records of history. In
an eruption in 1G93, the city of Catania was
overturned in a moment, and 18,000 people
perished in the ruins. The crater ol /Etna
is a quarter of a mile high, on a plain three
miles across. The mouth is a mile in diam
eter, and shelves cone, lined with salts and
vulphnr. The central fiery gulf varies in
size, and noises arise from it with volumes
of smoke. D'Orville decended by ropes near
the gulf, but was annoyed by flames and sur
phurous effluvia, Pompeii was destroyed by
showers of ashes, and Hsrculaneum by hot
mud, over which six streams of lava have
since accumulated. They had recently been
destroyed by an earthquake, and were re
building. Iu the barracks of Pompeii were
found tbeskeletons of two soldiers fastened by
chains ; and in the vault of a country house
was a perfect cast of a woman with a child
in ber aims.
Alleged Facts
Even the experienced trainers of the prize
ring cannot decide what is the best food for
training men up to their greatest powers of
endurance. They have a prejudice in favor
of mutton chops, and under-done beefsteaks;
but it is by no means sure that this is best.
The Roman soldiers—who conquered the
world, and built roads from Lisbon to Con
stantinople, and who were all trained ath
letes, marching under a weight of armor acd
luggage that few men in ofir day could car
ry—lived on coarse, brown wheat or barley
bread, which they dipped in sour wine.
In our own day, the Spanish peasants are
among the strongest and most agile men in
the world, lie will work all day in a copper
mine, or at the olive press, or the wine press,
under a hot sun, and then dance half the
night to the music of a guitar. What does
he live on ? A piece of black bread, an onion,
perhaps half a watermelon. You may see
bim dipping his piece of bread into a horn of
olive oil, and then into some vinegar, made
hot whh pepper and garlic, and ho is happy.
Sometimes he gets a draught of harsh, sour
wine, but not strong. All the strong wine
is sent te England.
The Smyrna port6r walks off with a load
of sight hundredweight. His only food, day
after day, is a little fruit—a handful of dates,
a few figs, a bunch of grapes, some cliyes.—
lis eats do beef, pork, or mutton. His whole
food does not cost him a penny a day.
The Coolie, living on his rice, can out
work tha Eegro fed on b..eon. The Arab,
living on rice anu dates, conquered half the
The most tremendous muscular force, and
the greatest powers of endurance, may be
nourished upon a very moderate diet. We
eat too much. Many people eat breakfast,
lunch, dinner, tea, supper—five meals a day,
and three of them hearty ones. Our sanitary
reformers have not looked much to the diet
question ; will they aiiow us to call their at
tention in that direction ? The stomach is
the centre and citAdel of organic life. It ic
worth a little consideration, as well as the
lungs and skin, when depend upon it.
The newspaper is a sermon for tne
thoughtful, a library for the poor, aid a
blessing to everybody.
Many writers profess ta teach people
" how to live." Culprits on the Bcaffold wo'd
be glad of the secret.
jgf Let a youth who etande at the bar
with a glass of liquor in hie hand, consider
whioh he had better throw away—the liquor
er himself.
Walking A Raft.
There was a fellow once stepped out of the
door of a tavern on the Mississippi, meaning
to walk a mile up the shore to the next tav
ern. Just at the landing there lay a big
raft, one of the regular old-fashionei-whalers
a raft a mile long.
Well, the fellow heard the landlord say the
raft was a mile long, and be said to himself,
•' I will go forth and see this great wonder,
and let my eyes behold the timbers which
the hand of man has hewn " So he got on
at the lower end, and began tc amulate over
the wood in pretty fair time. But just as he
got started, the raft started too, and as he
walked up the river, it walked down, both
travelling as the sains rate. \\ hen he got
to the end of the sticks, he found they were
pretty near shore, and in sight of a tavern ;
so he landed, and walked straight into the
bar-room he'd came out of. The general
sameness of things took him a little aback,
but he looked the landlord steady in the face,
and settled it in his own way:
" Publican,'' said he, "are jou gifted with
a twin brother who keeps a similar sized tav
ern, with a duplicato wife, a compcrting
wood-pile, and corresponding cireus bills, a
mile from here ?"
The tavern keeper was fond of fun, and
accordingly said that it was just so.
" And, publican have you among you:
dry goods for the entertainmemt of a man
and horse, any whiskey of the same size of
that ot your brother's?"
And the tavern man said, that from the
rising of the sun even unto the going down
of the same he had.
Tboy took the drinks, when the stranger
said, "Publican, that twin brother of yours is
a fine youig man—a very fine man indeed.
But do you knew, I'm afraid that he suffors
a good deal with the Chicago diptheria!"
" And what's that?" asked the todd-stick-
"It'g wheD the truth settles so firm in a
man that none of it ever comes out. Com
mon doctors of the catnip sort, call it lyin'.
When I left your brother's coufcctionary,
there was a raft at his door, which he swore
bis life to was a mile long. Well, publioan,
I waiked that raft from bill to tail, from his
door to yours. Now, I know my time, an
I ( m just as good for myself as for a boss, and
better for that than any of you ever did see.
I always walk a mile exactly twenty min
utes, on a good road, and I'll be busted with
an overloaded Injun gun if I've mor'n
ten minutes coming here, steppin' over
them blamed logs at that."
Lockhart (Texas) Watchman, recently pub
lished a letter of invitation to Queen Victo
ria's eldest son, which is full of comicality.
For this reason we subjoin it:—"Having
given yu assuriDce that yu wil be we'kum
hear i wil give yu a bit of advise. There
a int nothin, deer Rentfrew, like bein posted,
and the profit sumwhar stz, he who is four
armed is fore warmed, Yur best way of
kuming out wil be by the projekted pasifio
raleroad, fur a Gulf voyage is not pleasant
to children. Alter yu git into Texas avoid
all appearans of an insendiary, and pass
around oar city of Austing so that yu ma
not be be detained as cheer man of any pub
lik meetin. If yu prefer yu can kum by ox
waggin. Be sure and bring yur sute with yu
for our feemails wood blush to sea yu with
out it. When yu git hear yu will no yu air
in the town by the big gilt bawl a tep of the
coarthouse, and hearin a dredful silence pre
valin. The first thing yu must do after
bein sure that yu are iu town, is not to bicb
yur creetur to the side vralk and keep eharp
lookout fur the korporashuD. If yu dunt
happen tu see the rssepshun kummittee then
inquire fur me and hunt m 6 up, fur i do tell
yu, deer Rentfrew, that i wil almuet suffer
kate to sea yu. We're a bomade popul out
hear andyu mast make up yur mind tc en
dure any things that yu'd never sea in eiv
alized society. In short when yu get hear
behave like a good boy. Remember ths
golden rule, "Do untu yourself as youd have
others du uutu them."
will our good housewives learn the aclases
of prepniriDg r.nd setting forth healthy
food. Hoi broad and aaleratus cakes aught
to be indicted for murder iu the second de
gree. Hot bread c&7er digests. Bear is
mind, reader, if you are aocustcmed to est
the light and tempting niseuit at tea, er the
warm loaf thai looks so appetizing upon tb e
breakfast table. Aftsr a long season of
tumbling and working about in the stomach
it will begin to ferment, and will eventually
be passed oat of the stomach aj an unwel
come tenant of that dolicate organ, but never
digests—never becoms assimilated to, or ab
sorbed by, tha organs that appropriate nutri
tion to the body. It is a first-rate dyspepsia
producer, and should be ignorted by all who
are afilicted witb, or wish to avoid, that ter
rible disease.
I©" To persuade yourselves that you are
destroying one unpleasant odor by introdu
cing a etronger one, that is, attempting to
sweeten your unwashed garments and per
son by enveloping yourselves in the fumes o
musk, Eau de Cologne, or rose water, the
best perfume being clean skin and well
washed clothing.
tap The best way to humble a proud
man ie sot to take toy notioe of him.
A Picture of Life.
" Charles, come here I"
Slowly the boy approaches his mother,
when the latter gives him a smart box on the
ear, Bdding,
" There, take that; now go to work 1"
" Why, mother, what hare I done?"
" Done, you have not done anything, only
set poring over that paper for an hour."
" Bat, mother the choree are dose, and it
ie storming."
" Go under the shed, then, and saw wood."
And he went, the boy of fourteen, dwarf
ed alike in body and mind, the former by
hard labor on the farm, the latter by bard
words and hard knocks. Poor boy ! and
this was the Dephew I had so longed to see,
for I remember him as a sprightly boy of
three years, all life anl animation; and this
was the sister I had come so far to visit—and
this was the first observation day in the fam
ily circle, for sickness had hitherto confined
me to my room, where all had been emilea
and kind attention. My sister was some old
er than myself, but being only sisters we
were much together, and had few if any ae
crets that we concealed from each other, and
for a while after we were married, the one
going towards the rising, the other towards
the setting sun, we bad kept up a regular
correspondence, but the cares of a growing
family and poor health soon checked the let
ters, and at last they ceased entirely. Onoe
she had visited her old home and friends,
and brought Charlie, her first born, with her,
a bright iad of three summers. Eleven years
had passed whon I decided to make her a
visit, and see how she prospered in the far
west. Success bad crowned their labors, and
to the casual observer nothing was wanting
to make life agreeable.
Three lovely girls wandered from roam to
room. Let us follow thorn to the sitting
room. The eldest threw down her book,
which, instead of reaching the table, as she
had designed, fell to the floor. Instead of
saying, " Pick it up, daughter," the mother
gave ber a quick slap on the head, which
sent her reeling, and picked it up herself.—
Queit was scarcely restored, ere another erf
fender, for some slight cause, received a box
and an angry word, and thus the afternooQ
was spent. I was in hopes that eueh scenes
were not common, and waited impatiently
for the evening—but, alas .' it came all t(0
soon, for, as much ai my feelings had beea
tried through the day, they were worse tried
in the evening. The candle was placed on
the stand in the centre of the room ; the fath
er, tired with hie day's work in the woods,
baddeaned his chair back against the wall
and was already snoring ; the mother, with
her youngest in hor lap, rocking by the fire ;
I with, my feet on the fender, and nobody by
the light. Charlie hunted up his paper,
which had been tucked away, and timidly
drew his chair up to the stand, in hopes of
finishing his story ; but hark ! " Come, boy,
just move your chair back, and not make
yourself quite so oonspicaous." lie moved
back, and soon slipped out of the room, and
was soon forgotten by all but myself; but
often in the course of the evening did I won
der where the boy was. About nine he came
in, and I expected a scene, but no question
was asked, and he passed on to his room. I
could not refrain from asking my sister where
Charles spent his evenings. " Oh!" she
said, " he generally goes over to the other
house; they take the Ledger, and always
read aloud evenings." This, then, was the
mystery ; the boy could not have the privi
lege of reading at home, and so went to the
1 felt sick—heart-sick and home-sick—and
longed for the quiet of my own room. But
a whole winter was before me, and something
must be done. At last all bad sought their
pillows save my sister and myself; an un
pleasant silence pervaded the room; I was
thinking how to begin; I knew my sistsr's
heart was in the right place if I could reaoh
it; she asked me what I was thinking about;
I tola her I was thinking of our mothar— I
asked her if she remembered how tenderly
and lovingly she reared her little family—
how she sympathized with all our little im
aginary wrenge and troubles—how she
taught us to pray and eing, as well as read
and work—how pleasantly we spent our
evenings, when mother would tell ue some
storj, cr brother Charlie would read the
It was enough ; already she was weeping
on my bosom ; no promise was asked or giv
en—but I heard her go softly to her boy'e
room, and as she returned I heard her mur
muT, " God bless liim," and I knew the good
work was begun. It was sometime before
all the little outbreaks were dispensed with,
but a look was sufficient to still the tempest,
and ere spring, the time for my departure
bad arrived, a lovlier and pleasanter familv
could not bd found. Charles accompanied
me home to finish his education, and be
promises still to fulfil the hopes of early
uight of the memorable confliot, Washing
ton lay down in hie cloak under a tree, in
the midst of his bravo soldiers. About mid, -
night an officer approached cautiously, fear
ful of awakening him, when the chief called
out, " Advance, sir, and deliver your erraDd.
I lie here to think, and not to sUep !"