j. s. & J. J. BRISBIN, VOLUME 26, ®.|t Centre gemotrat. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY J.S. &J. J. BRISBIN. Office in the Arcade Building, Second Floor. TERUS.—SI,SO if paid in advance or within six months after subscribing,otherwise $2 will invari ably be charged. No subscriptions received for a shorter period than six months and none dis continued, unless at the option of the editor, until all arrearaees are paid. BUSINESS CARDS. M'ALLIS TER & BEAVER J\JL ATTORN LYG-AT-LAW, BJSLLBFONTE, FA Office on Allegheny Street. Feb. 10 59 M. BEANCHARD- ATTORNEY . -AX-LAW, BELLKONTE, FENN A. Office formrly occupied by the Hon. Jaines Burnside. Jan. 19, '60.-tf. YXT W BROWN-ATTORNEY-AT- Yv • LAW BELLEFONTE, FENNA. Will attend to all legal business entrusted to him, with prompt ness. May, 5 '59. TAS. H. RANK IN, ATTORNEY-AT FJ LAW, BELLEFONTE, PA. will attend prompt ly to all legal business entrusted to him. Office next door to toe Post Office. [Sspt. 20, '6O, tf < WM. P.~WIESON-ATTORNEY-AT YY -LAW BKLLFOMTE, PA , will promptly at tend to all legal business entrusted to him. Office three doors North of the diamond. jan.l2'6o "U J. HOCK MAN , SURVEYOR AND J-i, OOA VEVABLOER, BELLEFONTE, PA., will attend to and correctly execute all businesi en trusted to him. [June 14,-'6O, —tf. GiEO. L. POTTER. M. D. OFFICE on High street, (oldoffice.) Bellefonte Pa. Will attend to professional calls as heretofore, and respectfully offers his professional services his friends and the public. Oct.26'sS G A. FAIRLAMB. M. P. JAS. A. DOBBINS, M. D FAIRL \MB & DOBBINS. DR. FAIKBAM'J has associated with him DR J. H. DOBBIN'N in the practice of medicine office as heretofore on liishop street, opposite the Temperance Hotel. March 19,57. *WM. T REIBER, SURGEON AND VT PHYbiOiAN, having permanently located offers his, Trofe ssional services to the citizens of Pine Grove Mills and vicinity, and respectfully oslicits a liberal portion of the public patronage. [Feb. 16, '6o.—ly. DAFSSSGU J. J. L/INGEE, Operative /yfegggtgL and Mechanical Dentist; will prac ~HX_ ITT f tice all -the various branches of his 4 profession in the most approved manner. Office and residence on Spring St.Bellcfonte' Pa. [Mar. £. '6O. tf. TAMES lUDOLE. ATTORNEY-AT fj LAW, BELLEFONTE PA. Will atttend to all business entrusted to him with care and prompt ness, Refer to Gov. Pollock, Milton Pa. and Hon. A: G. Curtin, Bellefonte Pa. Office with John H. Stover - jan. 5, '6O. R. MUFFLY, AGENT FOB TH , WEST LKANCH INSURANCE COMPANY. Per sons wishing to secure themselves from losses by fire, will do well to call upon him at the store of J. R. Muffly & Co., N. E. corner of the Diamond, three doors above Allegheny street, Bellefonte, Centre co., Pa. Mar. 15, '6O. ly. W. WHITE, DENTIST, has per , mauently located in Boalsburg, Centre County Pa. Office on main st., next door to the store of Johnston litet|anics, Agriculture, Cjre Markets, ®kcation, Amusement, General Intelligence, tfc., NEW TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP DIRECTORY OF CENTRE CO. PENNSYLVANIA, B Y S. I). TILDES, From actual Measurement by Instrumen tal Surveys throughout the County. By H. I'. WALLING, Civil Enjineer. TnE undersigned proposes to publish by orde r a large and accurate Popographical Maj of Centre county, from thorough and careful sur veys, by 11. F. Walling, Civil Engineer. Every road has been carefully surveyed by course and distance, and the location noted of all the public roads, Dwellings, Churches, Post Offi ces, Ho'.els, Stores, School Houses, Factories, Mills. Shops, Mountains, Ponds Streams, Ac.— The names of Property Holders generally—care fully including those who order the work—will ho engraved upon the Map, showing the exact lo cation of each. Extra Maps of the Principal will he engraved upon the margin o" the Map ; also a Table of Distances, showing the number of miles from each Post office to every othei throughout the county, together with the latest statistical in formation. An ornamental border will surround the Map The Map will he engraved by the m st skillful Artists in the country, handsomely colored and monnted, and will be delivered to those who or der for Five dollars per copy. We are now actively engaged in forwarding the work, and shall endeavor to give every property holder an opportunity of ordering a copy, and al so of examining the work before its final com pletion; in order to make it entirely satisfactory as to accuracy, Ac. The map will contain all the information usual ly fouud in Town maps, for each of the towns in the county, and it.is obvious that the most liberal patronage is needed to sustain us in producing a work of so great magnitude and expense. As it is evidently of such practical utility and inteiest to business men and citizens generally, present ing so minute and distinct a representation of the county, that even the child may readily acquire a correct idea of each town, village, Ac., and their trne directions, distances from each other, we con fidently solicit and expect the hearty co-operation of the intelligent and enterprising citizens of Cen tre county. S. D. TILDEN, Publisher. These maps are said exclusively by the Publisher, and no variation in price. No more maps are printed than what are actually ordered. We the undersigned, having examined there cent surveys and drafts of Centre county, also Topographical Maps of other counties, pulished by Mr. S. I>. Tilden, take pleasure in recommend ing a Toporraphscal Map of this county, which is very much needed, being of great practical value to business men and citizens generally, and from he united testimonials and recommendations the.' ave from .distinguished gentlemen wh.-re they ave made survej's and published county maps.— We feel confident they will furnish an accurate, reliable and useful Map and Directory well wir ty of liberal patronage. We hope the citizeus of this county will interest themselves sufficiently in this enterprise, so that the Publisher may ongTave upon the margin of the map, extra plans of the villages in the county upon an enlarged scale. Considoring the expense of such a survey of the whole county, and being entirely a local work wo think it is offered to the citizens on very reason able terms. Win. F. Reynolds, James T. Hale, John Hoffer, Adam Hoy, Wm. A. Thomas, E. C. Ilumes Ira C." Mitchell, H. N. McAllister, J- S. Barnhart, as. A. Beaver, Cyrus T. Alexander, Ed. Blanchard, H. Brookerhoff, Win. P. Wilson, Geo. L. Potter, Geo. Livingston, Jacob V. Thomas, Geo. A. Fair lamb, Jas. H. Rankin, James F. Riddle, John Tonner, Jesse L- Test, George W. Tate, John T. Hoover, P. B. Wilson, James Linn, J. B. Mitch ell, E. Greene, J. H. Stover, R. G. Durham, Sain'l Linn, H. P. Harris, A, S. Valentine.' Aug. 23, 1860. tf. BCERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR ©YSFEFSSA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, .LITER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OP ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, Ami the variona affections consequent upon a disordered STOMACH OR LITER, guch as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pains, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Costivenoss, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the celebrated Holland Professor, Boerhave. Its reputation at home pro duced its introduction here, the demand commencing with those of the Fatherland scattered over the face of this mighty country, many of whom brought with them and handed down the tradition of ite value. It is now offered to the American public, knowing that its truly wonderful medicinal virtues must be acknowledged. It is particularly recommended to those persons whose constitutions may have been impaired by the continuous use of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Generally instantaneous in effect, it finds its way directly to the' seat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, in fact, infusing new health and vigor in the system. NOTlCE.—"Whoever expects to find this a beverage will be disappointed; but to the sick, weak and low spirited, it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of singular remedial properties. READ CAREFULLY! The Genuine highly concentrated Boerhave's Holland Bitters is put up in half-pint bottles only, and retailed at ONE DOLLAR per bottle, or six bottles for FIVE DOLLARS. The great demand for this trrily celebrated Medicine has induced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. Beware of Imposition. See that our name is on the label of every bottle you buy. Sold by Druggists generally. It oan be forwarded by Express to most points. SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO. KANUEACICRIRa , pharmaceutists and (Statists.. PITTSBURGH, PA. FOR SALE A T the following named places in Centre county: J. Harris & Co., Bellefonte; D. Houser & Son; Plumville Mills ; Geo. Jack A Co., Boalsburg , Adam F. Shaffer, Madisonburg; Samuel Pontius, Zion; Balser Weber, Howard; H. Brown. Hu blersburg; C. G. Ryman &T. M. Hall, Miles burg; A. T. Schnell & Co., Pert Matilda; Rhule A Reesman, Millheim; Sam-Frank, Rebersburg ; T. Wolf A Son, Wolf's Store; W. Wolf, Centre Hall; R. H.Duncan, Spring Mills; J. T. Jack, Potters' Mills ; Peter Kerlin, Churchville; J. H. Hahn, Springfield; Rankin A Bolinger, Bai leysviZle ; J. Q. Williams, Eagleville; Nixon