MenrilnM. enlht, rob. II TW"!, T'Wm. V ."M 1 'f' Tf W 'W",M T 11 JTH TTtI T i V X VJ. X r ?. hStefft by rlnnniWl Utile JVJNlINli JTUIiLIU JjJJiUlJJili iO 'BM . "AC lS i Vv m qlTiX.-NO. 69 Entered an Pecend-niiM Mutter at th ranlefflce at Philadelphia, Pa. under the Act of March B, 1870 PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1922 Pulillahcil Dally Kxet.l Ktindny. Huliwrlptlen Price $0 a Year by Mall. Copyright, Wi'i, by Public tder Company. PRICE TWO CENTS feNVICTS FOODLESS FOR 24 HOURS AS PUNISHMENT FOR EVEN A WHISPER IN PRISON "HELL" AT HOLMESBURG CHESTER MILITARY ntv Prison Termed Worst in Country f " by ex-Inmates asticregulatiens pCALLED "INHUMAN" ferity Meals of Badly Prepared Materials Kept Frem Men '. .- T!lal Prrnra ier 1 1 ! NHSONERS MOPE IN CELLS; iCANT WORK OR EXERCISE )r, Reeves, of Beard of Inspec tors, Says, "Rules Are Made J and Will Stand" mlt i the fimt of a tcric efarticlei mriUtm cemiithin in the PMlaieU I County I'rinen at HelmeBhurg. ntcend article tcill appcat Men ti ilWntv.fmir hnur.q without fend li punishment for talking. Twenty-four lieurs without feed jlr smoking. fTwcnty-feur hours without feed I the penalty for chewing to te to le. Jj'jji&ss of twenty-minute daily ox ex ittiie during term of imprison imprisen ifBt if the prisoner ln'ughs while fag given this exercise. r Solitary confinement for at least N of the 574 convicts. These rules are in force at' the btdelphia County Prison at Inesburg. The Beard of Inspectors in charge the prison is responsible for the ijpweircnt of these rules, and the Mident of the beard, Dr. J. M. jjrrei, says that they will net be Bilged, except that the beard will wpt the use of chewing tobacco faming January 1. Bat a group of recently released jsVjcts has opened n fight te wipe these conditions, which are with it parallel in any ether county iken in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Prison Society, iregh1 its secretary, Albert H. &fw, is bent en wiping out soli seli irjr confinement at Holmesburg and inew engaged in a movement that fll blot out ether conditions com cem Uned of at both Holmesburg and 'eyamensing, the ether count!y rtem at Tenth and Reed streets. Jehn Wescott, an ex-convict, says re is urgent need of an investi investi len of the Holmesburg prison. rekett, an intelligent man of forty, ne out in August, after serving Ine months of a year sentence. f Called "WnrM .Tall in V. S." "Something must he nw te change roles of that prison." l0 mi,. ..j t peak for myself, hut for the men Mire penned in tlielr rolls like nnl Jl. This iuIm.m henrs the niitni of ta the worst jail i tl.e Tnited . iae keepers nte well sclioeled in njlng out tl-pse riles, imil the Henrd Inanecters Iwis nimle its wnr.len. , i ;:..Cen,:p' "",1 Mh "''ixtnnt. rnp. in William II. ii,i. ,Htnn,i t they will H. hel. Mrlitly nec.,ut. fnr the iig,l onreroonient f ,. ftiiallnii.s," Wescott the,, omnneutMl ron.lltlens te nn ! fuun.1 thorn w hik. W.,VB nine months. ,t uas ,,, Wty. and. tlioivfero. was nhl,( te jta c!e Much with conilltieiw gen- Jm iMp, that i.l.. ,,,e. , ei,. r. quail he HlIl, ..,, IlIreI(Ie(ll I wi,.,M enInpi,. t-iMMiKl, data te t a bght :.,,H ,,is ,lIa(Vj Tuej. ,er.t jenst ,,.,, I h ekles. hut ,he ,,. wVBIleni tt form e. is,,!,,,!,,,, ,, Mnu.. are a thewK.ud times ,. ,i,lldIyi promote MnKnati,,,,, vhi.lval mld JJJin a man Is sent In H.,mMbur. Jther It he for nix , op t X ir ? lh,,,K "",t is ,,"" jlm off his hair. bU,. hi,,, ,mth -Pack him away 1 M,lnry vt)UZ!! m. When he K wnt ln Ue cp, w e.ira lis hoeper peintH te the Jetrale, whiel, , , 0, ,, ? g"ulta,.f 1,cJ1,3 fsReadihumnmlohey them.' '"VJr1 P"' " Maress' l Nuturnl y n,e .:,., leek nnrnmi bh l... '.""". ."""" '1 ll , r - .. t.nvr. 1110 liw.uu l.l W"t.t!,,'.!r:.'W...i.i im.M -- r UT. rne IIIOHH hit .... inn iimi .... an e. ki....i i, . .r.;" "" "ieii. .Vethefn., iV.: r"rintt "wall & iLi. 'K ' "uriiiturr J.WII S I nit ii... . !!ajp5.n:a IlllllHulf In JMIreter. , i . ".'IS, i" M''""l him ffiKfc'i'M?: Ik nlhiue "',"". .mm- Uiutes' oxen u 1 1. ' i l"tl,l' B per.nit?lnilh0 ?.',?" wk. -.. T Ilia ' " '"" jrj hi5n!5f'aiiaK "" I'M l"n. -! -- " - i"',Mm tw CALLED WORST PRISON IN UNITED STATES "i "If II I MW M'V'lillimwiiiiiinna i i i -..W.WWXsWAvS ' sss FiV M g r '' e t - ( tfn i I,, ''i MiU i j BBBbeBSntWSMHHMMil' 1 I " I J ' (1"P?t'bHVHVBBBH sKwi s4 BBJBiBBJiUC'v fe3rSBBBslBE &.'7vsNvniV 'j 9fMlBBl Entrance of the Holmesburg county prison. Inset Is a portion of a cunnl's report carrying a day or mere without feed for prisoners sullly of such lienieus crimes us "barking," which Is keeper's argot for shouting SUICIDE HOAX FAILS TO WIN GIR L Camden Youth's Death Threat Did Net Impress Riverside Fair One a Bit HIS LANDLADY STARTLED MELANCHOLIA VICTIM FOUND DEAD IN LAKE Oertnule Leceney. uf Hlvrr-hle, the eirl mentioned in a "Miieiile note" lelt lv Walter Woelmiin, of ('iinuleii, his she ii!vor wantb te see him ngnin. 'ifte tniim wemiin medi' it clear that it Wnnlmnn'tt hint of suielde was uieaiii. te v.-in svinnatliy from her, the attempt fulled utterly. WeMinnn IteaHinl nt the Imme of Mis. A. i:. Senford. II.TJ Heward street, rumdeu, iiml this iiinniiiv.' Mrs, Senfiml found in his room the fullewlui: nete: "I am mi vine poed by te nil tonight. I have taken of what was in the box. Tersive me for all. Call the girl and tell her what 1ms happened te me for I love her dearly. If they brim; ine benip get an undertaker. Don't lie afraid of anything. Will turn out for the best, but don't forget my girl. I am Walter Woolman." MKs heronry is pretty, with dink, wavy bobbed hair, dimpled checks and luMreiiR dark ejes. She lives ut 'Jill Fillmore street, Riverside, with her parents. "I met him. last hummer," Iu ex plained, referring tii Woolman. "I never iii...i i.i... .... .. f.,i i.. i... i t... .,.,( until ii.iii .ill utilUI i.ri. ..i.i. an- n. I'1 n i I after me. He had only Known me lwe,c,m ,ls weeks wlien he gae me a diamond ring. "After that lie unueed me constantly with offers of marriage. I didn't want te marry him or nmbedy else, I haven't et heeu the man I wmt tft niiirry. My father unci mother ohjeited te him aii'l they didn't want him coming te thu house." Made Himself at Heme .lelin hoeonov. the girl's father, was very cu.pliatic. I won't have that tiling in Mrs. Florence Robinson, of Bridge Bridge ten, Had Grieved for Dead Relatives Mrs. Florence Kobln'-en, forty-four curs old, of Krldseten, X. J., was found a suicide in Kust hake, at Hrldgeteii, this morning by Lawrence Howe, u night w.itchumu. Ter several hours Mrs. Itobliisen'u body lay In the morgue uuideiitilied un til i datives arrived. They had misled her from her home, ami sought infor mation from the police. The victim is believed te have taken her life In a lit of melancholia, te which she had been subiect since the death of iier father, Newton Woodruff, u painting contractor, who fell from a reef a j ear age and was impaled en it spiked fence, he Hey Robinson, her hii'sliaiiil, diwitred her two years age. lie died a year later. Tim death of her father and her dlMirted husband se prnjed en her mind, her ielaties mij , that at time- the was irreMioii'-ihle. Her fur-trim COURT BARS YOUTH FROM HA IGHT HOME Bemmetra's Boasted Political Pull Fails te Save Him in "Vamp Case" HELD IN $1000 PEACE BOND Beasts of political "pull" and de scriptions of culls en the woman he sajH "ainped" him were mlreil In a curious medley today at the further hearing of Deminic Hommetrn. nine teen j ears old, Chei en avenue near ( hew street, fiermantewn. Hemmetra was held in SI (100 hail te keep the peace v Magistrate Llndell alter a tofliulcahcharse of burglary had of the lake today, but she left no worn for her family. FIND TWOGIRLS ON STREET: ONE DEADOTHER INJURED Leck Haven Men Arrested for Au tomobile Accident hetk Haven. Pa.. Dec. L'. (By A. P.) The bodies of Hli.ibeth Hurley and Perrl. sistcr--iu-Iaw, both aged fiftien jears, were full ml en a strict in the eastern section of this city last night at 11 o'clock. . Miss Harley was dead and MIs :rrl is in n loud hospital heeie!y injured. Teny t'apelle and hen Kitchen, both of this city, were, in rested today en insti notions of heck Haven authorities nheaid a train en tering I.lmiia. A. . iued vcWelcea't was "found nn the ban 1 1 -itbdrav, i, hv ir. and Mr-. WlTJ iiirtiu, iiihuiimru sireei nenr ( liolteii avenue. Hemmetra was arrested Thanksgiving night after Halght asserted he caught the young man climbing into the din ing room or nia Heme. Hnlglit beenme infuriated at a hear ing jesterdny. when Boinmetia ex- pressed astenjshment ever the nnest imil s.ild he had bis-n falling at the Hnlgkt home for a year at the invita tion of Mrs. Halght. Before the bearing begun this morn ing iu the magistrate's eflite. Cor Cer Cor mantewn and Cheltcn aenues, Bom Bem mefra said the matter would be fixed up easily because his father Is head of several associations and Knows all the politicians in (Jermantown. Mr. and Mrs. Halgbi brought their seen-ear old daughter te the hearing and the youthful defendant was in in lempanied by his mother. Mrs. Ilnight COLLEGE STUDENTS QUIT ASJ1TEST Thirteen Cadets Sere Because Football Star Was "Kept ' In" Thanksgiving GROUP FIRST ASKED FOR LENIENCY TO MeCAFFERU Serry, Beys, Said Cel. Hyatt, but Discipline rnust and Shall Be Maintained Thirteen cadets of the Pennsylvania Military College. Chester, have left the institution, n pretest against the expulsion of Hugh McCaffery, n back en the college football team. McCaffery, who lives iu Chester and was a lieutenant Iu the endet corps, was ousted yesterday for dlsebediance. He bad been Instructed te renin In within the college grounds Thanksgiving morn ing, but "broke limits," taking three ether cadets with ldtn. As a result of bis expulsion, n group of cadets, called scterciay at the office of Colonel C. K. Hyatt, president of the college, and asked for McCaffery's reinstatement. They left the Institu tion when the request wnH refused. Eight of the eleven seniors at the college were among these who left. The five ethers were members of the junior class. The frchmnn and sophomore classes discussed a proposed walk-out, hut decided te stand by the college. The men who left are Raymond V. Wberley. Pittsburgh; Jehn II. Eimer mink, this city; Paul R. Cellier, this city: Walter (I. Kioto. Steuhenvllle. O. ; SI. P. Falen, Rosemont ; Frederick K. Buckeu. New Hineii; Kdwurd Barry, Jr., Illoemliigton, III., and Paul Heine, Jr., Lancaster, senieis, nnd the following juniers: Cern Id I), Iliifleigh. this lt. : Ccerge II. McChesney. Pittsburgh; Harry O. Brabni, Pittsburgh; Stephen (iohe, Jr., Luwishurg, Pa., and James (.'. Murray, Jr.. Pittsburgh. While a majority of the cadets went te n church service Thanksgiving morn ing, Mc-Cnffcry, acierdlug te officials of the college, remained at the institu tion with several ether cadets. Instead of reniniulng in the grounds ns ordered, he drove te the Chester High Scheel game, taking three ether cadets with him. Fer this be was charged wltn conduct prejudicial te geed eruer en u discipline. The specifications alleged in the charge weje direct disobedience of orders, unfaithful performance of duty as a cadet officer and leaving cadet lines without authority. "I filed the charges against Mr. Mc Caffery myself," said Colonel Hyatt. "He is u likable Imy and was point peint lar wilb the cadets and the faculty. I have known him since be was ten or eleven years old and it was bard for me te take action against him, but thu college cannot tolerate direct disobedi ence of orders. "If the Pennsylvania Military Col Cel Col loge cannot exist en dean, straightfor ward discipline we don't want te exist. "As for the boys who walked out I feel that they will return; I hope they will. If they give a satisfactory ex planation for their action anil give a guarantee of future geed conduct they may be reinstated." Colonel Hyatt said he realized that bejs must be bejs and that it was the policy of the college te rectify the. mistakes made bv students. But disci pline is absolutely essential, be added, and must be upheld tit all costs. TRY PRINCE ANDREW ON ARMY CHARGES Lecal etlicials allege that the four !""s nitner stunningly attired and were jeung people had met with an aoeiduit " '"r p'u ,nn" " Jl,!y turlmn. when the automobile In which they1 A.""'0 " witness, Mr-. Halght were riding last nhdit sidewlped a i f"",1 ''"" " ""'oral occasions she for telephone pole at hlbeity. east of this Uacle Hemmetra te call at her home, citj. Following the incident ellici.ils On several ecniiigs he came te my ..... !.,. i. ..11 ....I tin. rli.l.i l..,,ll..s llOUSO OI1U Mild he Imil Imini i, nr .nit ,.f ' s. III fit. I, ,,m. . .. .... f....n ........ ' I . . , ,, , ' V .... ir. ",v along the street wheie they were found, i'"s uoiue, sue tetltlecl. "Kadi time, place," he said. "I weiKed haul t stciiccl tin tr auto in a local gauge. get tills ration, ami i am uei going ie hae that man iu it." .Mrs. heceney said oelmun iiuiile himself tliiit'imi'lile ut home when he called en (Jertriule. He would help himself te teod lu the reiiigcruter ami cm'ii make coffee for bin. sell. Although he told them his u.ime is Woolman, Mrs. hts'eney went en, the young man told elheis his name was Wnl'er Fraullck and that his patents livid in (ieinuiii.v. Laughs at Landlady "(lute he brought my daughter le hae dinner with his paunts In 'inn 'inn den, Later we found the man ami woman were bis uncle and aunt, lie alwa.s was telling lies and alwajs get ting tripped up iu them. "Why he told us be had (we or three automobiles of his own and that he was a giuduitte mechanical engineer. Thu truth was that be diee u tiucK for a living and his uutouiebllfi weie ull iu bis imagination," Mis, Leceue scoffed ut the thought Woolman killed himself semen here dur ing the night. "Why, he was m-eii in Camden this morning, ile Kill himself? Il.tlllu!" Windmill! eaily this uieinliig wulKed Inte his bearding house at !.''-' I low aid street, Camden, and said lu uas going te weiK. lie bundled when oiicstleucd ny .in, neuieru nueui ine biiieuie nun), singer, out mane no expiuiiatieii. hired n tnxicab and went te Willi mis' pert, where they bearded a tiain fui Klmira. MAN DIES FROM INJURIES RECEIVED IN CELL FIGHT Twe Alleged Assailants Will Be Re arrested en Murder Charge Jehn Celuninn, fifty years old, X)l I'ailiarine street, died this miuiiuig at ;!::',(! o'clock 111 PeiliisylMinia Hospital ft em injuries teceited when lellmutes iu a, cell iu the Second mid Christian streets police station attacked him Thanksgiving night. Carrell Mi Cube, twenty-live yurs old, tU7 Seuth Second stieei. ami Wil liam Conners, thlitj -three years old, 7)1 Bainliridge street, who were in the cell with Celeman, were he'd by Magis tral!) (irellis yesterday peiidln,; the out come et Celt man's Injuries. They will he rent rested today en charges of murder. GALLI-CURCI IN CRASH MAN STRUCK BY TROLLEY Saikls Altablan, fifty ycais old, .'7-0 (ilrard aenue, was stiueu by a liellcy i ar while crossing Fifteenth street .it Walnut this afJcruoeu ami inched serious injuries, ITIip ar hit him with consideiable force, His skull was fiuc tured. He was taken te Jclleisen Hospital. IV IT'M A I'SKI AITOM01III.E .YOU ,wpntt you'll tlnd It en nam, St. Adv. Opera Singer It Badly Shaken Up and Very Nerveu'a IMssalt'- X. .1.. Dec. 'J. Illy A. P.) Madame Halll-Cuici, the giand opera eseaiied with eiih slignt in- loiies liofeio midnight, win a her uute- mobile stunk a pile of nuilding locks in the roadway, lurnmly misled an open draw lu Idge ciier the Pufsuie UUer, anil rolled en its side against the bridge appieach. .... She was rclurnlm; m New terk from a iiiucei't at Mange. The automobile, a wreck, was abandoned, and the singer returned with her atteudanis In another ' Tier manager repeiled she was "only badly shaken up, nnd my ncrTem" at a result of the experience. n uii 111:1 iu Kiniiuess, i uut mm n loom for the night. But when he began l t'eiitlnm-tl en 1'iike Four. Culiimn Tlirre l WATER-BACK BLAST WRECKS KITCHEN 8tene Blown Through Window and Fire Started by Explosion Explosion of a watei back in the kitchen of the home of Samuel Smith. 704 North Fifth vreet. sheitlv after neon today, irtuully demolished the room. A large gis stee wus blown through a window into the back yard. I'lns teriug was knocked from thu wall mid the kitchen furniture badly damaged. A fun stni ted lu the loom, but was quickly extinguished by Mis. Smith while ehr husband ran te the corner of I'lfth and riilriueiint au'iiuc tiud pulled it fili-alarm bu. Patients at the Roosevelt Hospital, only a few doeis tuun thu house, were alarmed by (he explosion, which could he distinctly hi mil. T' ij weie assuied by iiuises thai no pint of the hospital uulhliiig had net beeii wiis'lusl. NETHERLANDS AT HAGUE Accepts U. S. Invitation te Confer en Warfare Radie Vashlugtuii, Dec. '.'.(By . P.) -The Netherlands Tie eminent has in cepted the Invitation extended by the Pulled States te paitlclpate in die in ternational lenfcrence at Tlie lliiuue September 10 for thu purpose of draft ing rules of waifaie as tehitetl te mdle and aviation, Hearing of Complaint Agalnct Cen stantine's Brether Starts Today Athens. Dec. 2. (By A. P.) An announcement published yisterdny by order of the rcolutleuun bailers states that the healing of the thanes against Prince Andiew will he be,'un tedny '. Mead of Monday, the date originally fixed. Prince Andrew, brother of former King Constantine, who commanded a division In Asia Miner, has heen held prisoner Inn since snertiy uuer tlie P1AH PART PARDOH FOR MOVER TO GET Harding's Sunny Jim NORTH PfNN LOOT Directors of Phoenix Trust Ce. , Would Have Cashier Freed of Perjury Charge HE THEN COUbD TESTIFY IN CIVIL LITIGATION Petition Being Circulated, but Prisoner Would Have te Finish Term ' WA'J'AUN 1 WATSON SEEKS aiEPTFR NO W HELD The Beard of Directors of Ihe I'lioe I'liee nix Trust Company, sucresst,rs te the North-Penn Bank. Twenty-nintli and Dauphin streets, which failed July IS. llll. will bend a petition for a partial pardon for Ralph T. Mever. North Penn cashier, who was eenvntid for embezzlement and perjury, mid son tended te the penitentiary fur twelve te fifteen years. The Phoenix Trust Company officials believe that if they can have Meyer's record purged of the periurv charge they will be able, through his testimony, te collect mere than $1(X).(KM) from North Penn debtors for distribution nmemr the old depositors, who se far have received only twenty-five cents en the dollar. Just when the petition wilt be pre sented has net been decided. William A. Gray, who was Mever's counsel during the trlul following the sensational bank failure, will bundle the petition when the time comes, hut he said teday: "The time is net yet ripe." William Merris, vice president of SENATOR -MIAI' Jtaduuian. who Iiua whispered Inte the presidential ear words of advice en the message te Congress. "Jim" Is believed te lie rusting covetous eyes en Senater Ledge's scepter BY SENATOR LODGE j Harding Gives Ear te Gentle man Frem Indiana Who Talks Big PRESIDENT, NOT NATURAL LEADER, DESIRES ADVICE Allured by Prospect of Alaska Vacation, Far Frem Trou blesome Congress JOHN WANAMAKER BETTER, DOCTOR SAYS Continued en Pace Four. Column Seven My CLINTON . GILBERT Muff rnrrfkennilctit Krenlite IMilitlp LnUc Cnwiuht. 1932. In 'uhlfe l.'de'r Company Washington, Dec. 'J. President .. - j... . j n JInr'ling, facing the difficulties which "Merchant'! Condition Improved," ,.()Mfrem ,In, 0), ,., .., ,, m It Werd Frem Or. Shoemaker eaptivated by Senater "Jim" Watsen. Seme improvement was noted today of Indiana. The Capitel buzzes with in the condition of Jehn Wanumaker. t. report that he would like te see who is ill at his home, 20.V2 Walnut Wntsen succeed Senater Ledge ns street. leader of the Republicans in the Senate. "Mr. WanamaKer's condition Is bet- At any rate, the prospect is that the ter," said Dr. Harvey Shoemaker, one nnuj message at the regular session of the attending physicians. His brief whWl ,,;.. Men,Iny ul be frnmetl statement followed a bulletin issued at ,n neceriJnni.,. with , mlvce of the 7:8f le clock which read: ,, Swinter , , , ,. "There was no percept blc change nncc ,,,, hp Mr. nnnmaker condition during the n,,r,iu rt r- e r t- w nlj)ti B i Curtis, of Kmitns, and Snioet, of Ltah, The official bulletin issued at 0 1 wll believe the prompt announcement o'clock last night tnted : of a considerable Administration nre- Annamakers condition shows, c,nm i.ffers l,.. hest- l... f t,.,i.iinW i " - --- -," . .-.. the Uepubllcan farmers of the West tiue te their party. 'Mr. improvement in every way." The bulletins were signed by Dr. Shoemaker. Dr. Alfred Stengel and Dr. W. B. Quicksall. LAST-MINUTE NEWS GIRLS' FIELD HOCKEY SCORES Bosten 2 2 4 Richmond 3 0 3 Phlla. Reserves .... 6 Chicago 1 T 13 0- 1 IDENTIFY MAN SLAIN AT WILMINGTON WILMINGTON. DEL., JDec. 2. A mutilattS Tiedy feuud va the marsh here Tuesday Is believed te be that of Rocce Petroz Petrez zelli, u shoemaker, who has been misj1a since Sunday. He had gene te Washington te try te Tise f 500 and has net been seen siaee. POLITICAL "RED CROSS" TO AID COMMUNISTS MOSCOW, Dec. 2. Plaus for aa international political "Red Cress' te lend moral eud material support te Ceniinuuist piis piis euus iu the United State, Japan and ethej- ceuntriefi, wtiz au uuuuccd by the Thhd Internatienale today. LEGISLATION AIM KILLS SELF ASHE CALLS DAUGHTER OE LIBERAL BLOC David Raff Stands en Perch, Washington Conference Reit Rings Doorbell, Then Fires ' grates That Its Object Shet Frem Revolver ,s Net Pe,tJca, DEATH INSTANTANEOUS , LA FOLLETTE 'ENCOURAGED' D.i v id A. Hart, liftylive Jems old. 20s North ri.inl.lln treet, ended his life dramatically cirlv today by shoot sheet ing himself thieiiuh the head cm tin tin peicli of ids duiighiir's Inline nt 410 tiieek disaster, en the elnige of having j Neith Hebnrt stie, t (liseheyed erdeis et the duel; general Mali'. DO. VOD WANT A JOHT rfW Wanted column! tedty en naaa a.iT. ulcniy-ec tlirm udverlUed In Itefore press,nB t. ., .,. ,,f j,(, ,, aguinst his right tunple Iiaff meuineu Heme, Dee. 'J. (llv A. 1M-.VI"" "i". ' u me ueur mm serious (iieek ceiuilt r-ieMUimeuary ' prissen me lieu. ciiitbreuk has occurred in l'atras iinu ! Then he walked ,,n peseil for n Missiilnnghi. "ii the Cull of l'atras, moment in fmut of a window and raised in Western linece, and en the Island ' 'be pistol. As the shot i.uig out his of Corfu, where the ltutisli ling is , daughter. Mr IMw ml Shinkle, lepeited te have been iiiUed, as the. leached the peicli .in, I s,n I, or father result of indignation ever the tireekltall te tlie gieiiml. e.ecutleiis, 'iivs u message received j Alls. ShiuKle uilled pnl.10 of the here fiiuu Allans today. ' Sixty -iiist nnd Theinpsnu iieets stn- lien, who riislnd her lull the West 11 i JiClllllACCC TIAilM" I'bl'adelpbiii 1 .min.i.iil,.. II.. -vital. N. Y. SIAIVItOt I WIN I'h.vsi, lat.s smd I.Mu-s .1. nli had 1 11 ,n, nrntntTrn iustmitnuioue and his Ixnh v..s taken GIRLS SEPARATED ,1,iii,k ' 'be i"ne ..i ins ,i,.u.-i.ici . ' Mi's ShiuKle lelllil giv. 1.0 e.iun .. ,u A A I for her futhu's smciile ent that he Babies Bern Menth Age Are 3ev-,hud appealed ili'spenueiit l.nlv and ered Successfully j-ieineil te he siiueimg tiem sunn, m 1 v -v.... Dec 'J.-Huthanil Svlvi.i t.iir allim-iu ",Vi. " .. I... ....1..0 Inte the wr.rl.rv.,.. U""l Ills 1.1. 1 .sll te liei I .1. .,'. two .nryi-uj. , "'... ":,,- -;-. .:: '...k ag... si,,. ,.d n.tu i euiner - jene- ..,- Bi-,, Uj Menol .I jp, .. W.isliineten. j,,.,., . -n, of the new "proi:iesvt. ' sturtcil viVtenlny bv il.e ,, "I the "pnurisn,. ,i, , vvti.. feinii.Uy te 1 .1 Jin nor D111tl1.1l in ,..v.,in, ,...,. ......ti. today at .1 geiienil imbli ...nflienee I Sew,ler I.,i r.dlelte, i.. u ,, !,.,. e-jenullve I Ill.I.I..! ,. , All I..11...1 '!"', "''' nee under the .M,.s I he IVople. leUsImn. N,,'Ul pr.-ldnl t.v.r the "etieial ,nil, !,. ''iig tedav. w hi. i, w, I,,,,.,,,!,.;. ! mole than en,, hundred m,.,,,!,..,-. f i,,. gre. i,.r,,e,: ,,d ,),. ,.. , ,,'s ,?,"!!!'VU, W I,,,fl- "f MiOuai-.. was ii, .,., .oiietai-v .1 il IlK'h Will tll.w. 11 l.l, .......'.""." 1. r 11.- The messuge will probably suggest i.ething mere in the way of u program than the rural credits bill, the approval of which was announced from the Whit Heuse en Thursday night. This is Watsen's itlen of nil that is nceessury in the wny of legislation for the farmera at this session. Progressives Lure Farmers The Progressive conference yesterday Indicated, however, thnt much mere tempting biit will be bold before the farmers than the rural credits of the Administration. AN), nt that confer ence an organization was formed which may make difficult the carrying out of Watsen's idea, that with a minimum of farm legislation the Republicans can get by and avoid thu calling if a spe cial session. The coining forward of Watsen t the place of chief adviser of the Presi dent en legislation I" one of the odd developments since the election. Still, psychologically, it Is easy te explain. Watsen is aggressive ami belf-cenfident. He bluffs. He talks big. He actually Is stronger and mera plausible than any ether aspirant te leadership en "the Hill." He. given an impression of strength greater than he possesses. yt ,- .H-'rdlng is net n nnturnl leader. He lacks force himself and in his pres. ent difficulties he naturally turns te nnv one who suggests force. Ills prob lem would be greatly simnllh'ed by llml lng a leader en '-the Hill" who had power. And ",11m" Wutsen is the "bite Hepe" of party organization. Mm is Industrious. He is everlastingly interested In tilt icieinn et party management. lie. is ambitious. Harding's Weak Side Moreover. Mr. Watsen has caught Mr. Ha nil"" en his weak side, tin- side of his strong inclinations. The I'rosi I'resi 1 dent )s tiretl of having Congress alvvava tin his hands nnd Is espeelnlly loath te have the Cougre-s which the people .have ni.t sent bail; up.. 1 hi hands any M.e,,(,r than neetss.uj Moreover, the Pic-itient needs a vacation and 'Is tint be is entirle.l te en. He wishes te get it vj ay from Washington. I lie wishes it with nil I1I1. heait. Along ( 011 os .lip, Watsen, big. bins, termg . .self-cenluleiit. mid pre. ceils te show the President hew he i.-in exenna ',",'"' '" ' 'I'iiiik ...ill ;et iivvilV te Alaska or wiienver it Is h,. vvlshe, te go Ne one eNe shows , ,mv te !'''P'-esL7;''V.:L,,,,'N '"I"', ,""..'' '."dg... the ii..v.niei,t -ii ; . """" '" '"" I" i.umi. mis; net m.i.t. Mr, ,,.,,.. ut,e is ., ru t nf Mr Wnt. ig i'1iitii.n K,"i - ler power and Inline nte. Net it ..unless. -Mr. Sin. et. who a!-e usmres te -..I, I. liL-isl.Hive cue v it(. H,,v(. .Mr. Harding is ,,et list,.,.,,,,. , Mr. . II m,.'"H, '" Ml' S'!,""r "'""' "'"y ceil llllll the vvesi,.,,, ,,.., ,,, .. satlstied ,,, ,. .,,,, '',"' 1,11,1 'audi for giuiiteti IMai they tn!.,. and want mere. .10r1c ci.ines ',, -ive in,. .,,.m "l". held tl, an. I I ensiii, . , . in. :111s im pei uliarly and cnli-i.iiuh 1 . Ilmt bis life ,1 is..,..-. ",li hL. it Wind I be better It hi vm 1 i'i ad tegitner, were arated ycsterdiv uy an operation per formed bv in- nm .mumpers, a specialist in obstetrics, at the Hoieugli P.nk Materaiiy Hospital, Hroeklyn. The opeiatien w is considered highly successful, niie et the twins weighed live pounds an 1 tl"' "t1"'1' three. When Itutli nun svivic ....... 1110 iieau of .me was under the chin of the ether' Nurse, Recently Acquitted, Ser "ifttt'ttS'.iinH.w,,,, ti. :uv" F:r ?kir:9 Poison n...ti...p. wi liigl gave nor consent t.. I ...".'"" "- " n 1 the operation and was. overjoyed at the result. ii.ifi- til"' lis.ilti. '' 'el 11" the ilisteml i,f BROODING OVER SLAYING. MISS STONE TRIES SUICIDE SIX HORSES RESCUED Fire Near Stable en Callewhlll Street Imperils Animals Sl horses were iescuci I by Iwi.hicr- in licMger, 01 "" -", ,-, cms .AI1SS IlllVill M 1' Stene. U.IUl.. slayer of Cllis liny Kml.iiid. f..i m.-r corpeiiitlon leuiisel of! who tiled te Olid liei- life last nn In l,v swallowing piiseii, Vas Mi in- proved today, but her condition Mill 1 was 1 c', ml cd as I She told hospital phjMeiaiis that hep act was prciiiptetl by her failure te n. cover her license as ., tl.tilicd uilie 'i.llil l.i.i.f. I.U.t ,1 ..... ..... .... ; .......-. .-... ..,.',..,, 1, ,,i-- me 1.1. . "eh Wll tl. uivht The nist i...iii j,,!,,,,, i,,i.,..(M Unit t'i. m,, Mm. nt ., .. .','"' nn. 1 ,. .1 ... ..,"":. " I'mtl:in ..- ;",' ' " "'" llel t.) """ of devs, K I, eth...U mi ll'-"IM 1MIIM 1 I l nil,,,....!" i .1 l.Ts,m,ve V.i'mn ,,:,:;' : Ilel 1:.. ,...... .." , '"s'V'e.i e, .,. ' ';..' 1-. itsiini el III ,,- 1 .a',,, .10. s 11. ., ....... 1 , " 11 in, . I .,,i imoveinei.t "iien.piutis.,1, lillnlled I neii-i ulltit ill " iv and ' . "'."t "iiliig th ,,,, i.:i 1 i ii , 1 .. :;!;potu:e,.,:,IVe;,'-;:n:!;'::;:;';; :'in-i.u':;us:,ri;,,,:,e:;i::,,-v'7:: vu:;;:-1":..-',:11;,:::'!.,,:;'-;;; thhiB" .,.""" .'""y " 1 --I". WT"K "' ,; fr;z 'r Ji""""'' .,..,.,.. .' , V" '-"HI.... 01 .... """" '. I I oil, 1 1, leiiuer Imm1cr.11 nt. New Yerk. c ......'' V"""' m I'll lts.,11 tiiul ,i, a 'is I lira I 1 le.i.u Ti. ,",',:. 'i, "",1 i """ '""!" 11 leal v. 11, t he Deineerats In win, I, ,, Vv I,, "...?.' ,,i""1 .' 'i.n then utit tir. lMfii lir M f. ... ,,,..., 1.. . ' ""Mil S, Watsen S-ehs l.e.,(,.s,,ip " the soul te which pels,,,, ( ,,.,,.., S s. I ' I,,,, .1 .,, .,, . . ..., .,, I . these slates. VV .Its,, St ll.ife: Il eei II W,s 1,1,. r il. u C'Olllllllss.,,1,,,, II" bided Mr :,..... . """.Vs '""U-MJ.t.1 I'.irl.....l. lles,,;,:'', ,,,,;,',''! m... President of iV. ' ' '' ' .."'.'kir. (Min.ll: AIU, i'i,. ..'.'. '.": ".leiinl letn.v ..f ...";:'"" '" llUUsif, ' '' lilt' . ,1 , 1,.,... I inert .1. stai.s I'Ollll.b'lll'i 111 the UKi s in 1 , iinniiiig s in nn, ,,f Hell, e tile rise of .In..1 Dick of II i.M is W.itsn's ..,,,1., ...... te tlispl.,,,. I....I1,... s ,..,.,T .Morien .in-ulate .,) l.iii, Mn-iteiiil panies In wlii.h son,, ns.., .,,,., ,,,,. s , tells v hut a m.i,.m ii.,) ', ,d. i- .,, Wat son we ild be i,. ,.,, ,,, IMH,.f i.tilli.iie.1 ..n I'il-.. fm.r ( l, ullr PONZI FOUND NOT GUILTY OF STATE COURT CHARGES Get-Rich-Quick Promoter Conducted His Own Defense ISl.stllll. Dec , j.v A P ). ( bin bs I 'en,, loinier gci-rnh ,,,,1 linanciei. was found ..f cult, of 1, ,.. .ellj mid e..s.irii,y (,, ,,, nr,.,,,y bv ,1 nnv in the Supi.nie C, ,it , last nighl. I'eni at pi, ..nt a I'i.IeihI pilseiier ill Hie Plvineulh lull, w,lH tiled en . baiges I.i. night l.v ih ,S.(0 ill 1 eniH ctien will, the "".li jiep ,.en( ,,, ulnetv 'lavs" scheme thmugl, which I'i.ii'.I gained faiiie, Peni, vihn plead. .1 guilty in JViIt-ral Court when tiud 111 .ouiiecijeii with 111 per ii-iii ill iiiiieiy il.m.-' i. r r -'I' Ilk "-. lug as sp.ul.s and eiuberK, fell en tie ,'."' ."' ""' "nl 1"'rs"" ' Imu tu I"" T1'" '"ern; Am,.s Pinch ,1 ,,rv.. ' ,',,!,'!n''"u1 l,V '"l"). "'"I'"" schenm, ! stable of Aitliur Jolinsei-'Coi Ca llevv. lt,r- "rl : S'enater Shepi.,,,', ' ..V t ,w ,"i h new setvlug a liv.-year 1'i-dernl t?i bill sneet. callow-. llsMp, ,, ,. , VJ(n s,, ,. Hepriu,.,,,,,,,.,. ,',! ,', K ;'' r1'! ' I""' ' ''IV"""!1'- '""', " ''''" f U The the stinted en the reef of thel1""' killed Klnl.ea.l and s,,j,j b, would bamn: llopiesentutive .felm v ,1 "" '" ,"'" J'" " ,litM "i b" Slate, nnd A bookbinding v1"',11 of Andrew Wilhud. ll" " "R"1" lf slp ''ad te. "f Wiscensin: (Joe-,.,. i ,,' ' ' "". 'cenducied Ills own deiens. iliieiigh.nit. ,& :h North riflh 'teet, hut was a. "1 klllwl him lie.ause I loved him." dent of the IW,,,,. ,V l',,ie-.' lV,' , - !-! b" lie had previously tlnguished bef.ue leaching the Interior. Mie said. Miss Stene wus virtuully t'.illahan. I.oubvtlle- U il I , it '. ," V- l"!".,' l t; iI n.I jritilt flireiiKli th M Spuiks from the ioef dropped m, the witheui fund-. ten. of the Internal en Vr,,i .,,,,',in; I' l',,s "' ,,I,H .VH".1"'1 ",,,,1 '"""'rancH of a ,i..n'... ,.,,, ..,,. stnlil,. ,,.,.. i ..',",. . . I-...J... .0 ..'.. '."""'"Ull vlnchiliMk' ills counsel that In, uni.1,1 .mi !.,.. -1 AR twvrVul pJecc-. Tim flrer eitln- telKMS te hfix kvmiv itbsk men'" Yn.i J V.ti ilZln'n nJu. V"' ta ,,,,uij ,,r,,ul" ' '"' Htule. " fl ft".? viilklia.1 il.ere before. Hi, 1 JIi. eV' even- renu rmnt mv h fmmS ...i r... V.f.".'".1,len J'rotlierheotl. M w M of hey and straw. 'JL i'"" , ","l,l,"K Apartment luinnlJj;"'V",1Tn,;'1nV "ml,n' of " Women's. AW! YOU I.OOKINO reH IIKM7 pm, -' Jl i i.u, 1.SP0SV . J. -idf. irnue rnlen League. . hl th vtry i.nrr.m ymi vcant l dv!! -.. t v ; f , " ft ' - ' W .;. ;)t'flC ...j),Cf-s.&tt
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