pyS r-few - a . . mmrj: . y?m ;'! m.- ;:ir -.-il -c.!r " rr ' "i n nini nsn -Partly rtMMty 'an warmer tonight) rliiy unsettled M warneri tmMkmie trHwIe wlwh becoming southerly, NIGHT TKMPr.MATtIRK AT MCH HOUR H U I II Mil lt'"'ll'.l I ."""l It I Y ' I V "1 ' I iu lit uri Un ir.- ir.'j itvi ir.-i i i i , 1 ""' - '"' '"' '" '" J S$ VOL. IX. NO. 67 bt-ttrul an Bcvend-nnM .tntlir at the t'eslnfflen nt' Philadelphia,' fi, ' Upiler the Act of March 8, 1870 .. m..M miuM ' i . PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY,' NOVEMBER 30, v1922 Publlihed Dally Ecpt Sunday. Subucrlptlen Pries 10 a Tar by Uall. Copyright, 11)23, by Publle Ut&ttt Company. raixjci iwu uiinw '.'3 CORNELL KICKS GOAL AGAINST PENN IN FIRST PERIOD Hansen, Ithacan Tackle, Beets Placement Early in Game; 55,000 Spectators See Battle ifTK V. - ft PKERS STOP FIRST THRUST ON HARD LINE .Debie's Star Kicker Gets Chance When Hamer Punts . Out of Bounds j BIG RED TEAM SHOWS CRUSHING ATTACK EARLY Kaw and Pfann Rip Heisman Line for Cains in Open ing Period BREAKS FAVOR INVADERS Athletes Frem Lake Cayuga Fail After Fumble Presents Scoring Chance Penn romell Fn Irrhlld left end UllcUlcy Rntlierland left tackle Hiinsen Oraf ,... left guard Klynn iiern wiucr ihi;ihj Kelly right nuard Hella Thurman.... right tacltle ..Sundstrom WeRteate.... right end . . . .Goulnlecls Lntiffden quarterback I'fann Miller (capt.). left halftapl. Kaw (cnit.) MeOraw. . . . right halfback . . . .Ramsey Hamer fullback CaHsHly Officials Referee Tem Therpe. Cci lumbla. Umpire C. A. Rold. Spring field. Head linesmen A. W. Palmer, relby. Field Judge C. O. Kckels. W. & J. Tlme of periods 15 minutes. n- STONEY McLINN Cernoll ilrcw llrnt bleed In tb? -ili It-1 traditional battle with lcnn en rrmiU lin rield this nftcrnoen. The etf-tncldc niachine-llkc thrusts of tlusnnt Itbncnn h-ickliflil curried the ball into Itcd and Blue territory, ulmefct immrdlately, nnd llnni-eii. the snrc-tep.d jd.ioe klcher. Iioetod it ever the cren.s bur of the goal (iest8 for .1 points. The 55,000 spectators were amazed at the effectiveness of the lllg Ued tenrn'. htrniuht football. Hut the Pennylvniil defense wiir tlRhtenlng rlsht nlen mid the Cernellians had net found it pos. ihle te score u touchdown. A break Men nfterwnrd pnve the (iiakerH the" pignkin in Cernell terri tory, but they could de nothing worth Mhlle, and a fumble, n little later en, put the Ithnennn en Quaker neil, where Hansen attempted another plaeu klc.t and failed. Cernell Gloomy Leeking At 1 :00 the Cernell tenm. dresed l''i the fray, Rtrelled leltiurely tlimtiRli the northeast gate and te their bench. They might have been marching te h funeral m deliberate wok their Ptep and m woc-begene their expret'sieTi. Ne doubt (ill Doble, who followed In their wake, had jtibt finished his pre-gume verbal attack. The red-jersejed nthleten miietlewj punting for the most part. Knw and Hansen received the meHt attention from the conches. They nveraged ubeut 4." yards with beets that looked bard te handle nnd high In the nir. Fer ten minute Knw and Pfann were put out there te catch kick, Walter WhotMene, the former Radner lllsh Scheel lad, doing the booting. It watt :'i when the (.'ernelllntiH were marching blewly off the field, n of them having done nothing much Mromieus. "It is going te be n bit rough en my students te play a hitrd game this afternoon," said the Ilhacnn coach. "We came from n land of sea anil i. le a city that pretty much reM'inblei tropical Flerida.'' which, perhaps. Is the reason why the, Hig Ued team did us little persplrnt Ien -producing work ns tieccssnry in the pielimiuary drill. Dinner Delay Spectator Turkey dinners, which always scent most appropriate when held nrettud the neon hour, must have delayed the mnjer portion of the crowd., (iraduate Man ager Ernie Ce.ensj said thnt every seat lind been sold and that policemen, press men, Hide-line spectators and players would ntak.5 n total of 55.000 wntclilu'.' the battle. Yet, at 1:110, when the Cernell band appealed at the northeast unto, the stadium wns net nearly one half filled. Tite musicians from the college en I.nke Cayuga were red sweaters and while trousers nnd hats, anil made, a striking appearance, The Cernell cheer leaders were en the job, and the noise ilnrted at once. (Jratluntc Miningcr Herry. of Cernell, arrived In the press box nbeut this time, and his comment Continued en Paia Klght, t'etntr 'li BELPHRIZONIA WINS MeTaggart Again Displays Geed Horsemanship at Bewie .Hewie, Mil., Nev. .'10, Johnnie Mo Me l'aggart again dlsplujed his old-time term in winning the opening nice at Hewie today with Helpiirlzeiiin in the two-year-old dash. Mabel K. was second and Geld Mount third. The winner paid 7.U0 for a tWi-deur ticket. Anether record crowd like that of hmt Saturday wns at the truck twhi- witness me nose or ine stiecessriti meeting here. FIHHT HACK. nurc IH0'., vlalinlng, tu. crKtdi a (urleiiKDi 1. Ilrlplii Izcmtii, t la. Me n ,"W",."'i T..0 S.SI Jt'Jrt B. labe K, ion. Pen- fantliUHNl en Tn Klktrn, Column HU W Mil lAOKlNO FOH HKI.Pt VRn. VtlM Mtr HtwtlMu en Hfj !, 4d, SCJNE AT THE RADNOR HUNT RACES ' . . '. SiABHini -;v ,", ' S. - '--w - :n. .liteWmmMmMmm SBBBBBBSf j iMfcSJgSBSrSlSBESBBBST?.aSBBBBsSiggSBa v.. gSBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBSMgSt?aSBBBBBBBBSfc'SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl aVCIBBBBBHau'' KaHHMsaiBaK? 'aaamL lS Vsi jrtBBBBamalBBVjBBBBBl sMHf&!BaCaillflBKiaSBVBaiBaiHBaBHtt BBBBBVaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBBBBBBsVBBBBBBBBBBBl BsbbbBk bBsbbbhsSE jBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBSHSr jFw'L wf rBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBtet MfaaaBBaHL ' bbbbbbI HBBBBBBBmBBKKBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT-r .'JT I k V ' BEEVl"SHBaBTEBTaTaTaTByaWZBBTaTatf ''bTbTBTbI BTBTBTBTBwT'aliMBnaBBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTFf'-!k' '-'T , I ' iF SBAaHKJBBBTBrJIBWHBBHff'STBr b?bbV" af'wllAtB"a"SB"flHili F ' V 5" BBTaB"a"aB"a"a"aB"a"a"a"a"a"a"SK"a"jH' U bbCLK1SIbA.bbbbbHbESU -13 ' ? :'' A I bbHSBbbbbV' '.bbbHpbbE$I3bHbVbH BBTBBaBe' TtfHBrBBBBBBBVaVBKBlBBV' v''l aBSBBBBBnejBBBBBBBHaWnWBBH BBHwLaHHaKsK4 3p wiHIHHIn.i LHiBBHI"'llBBBBBvflBHHai' l''lMfiH1'aVl BBXfKffaTaTaTaW BBuiaHBBBBHlllBBBBBBKBBTMejK. ' aPMHbMbu bbbbbbbbbbbbVws, aTaBTaTaV ' g BWaBii!WWBBW.iJ'1gBWalBiB BBHtBBBBMafM. ' BBBPrjBalBBBBBHLBahaUBHb'lJBBWiBBBBK QbT alj BbL- ifflc BBI bK BaKafSKM LbBBBBH DOiHIv .BS'sBfaHHBMMMSyBf BvaK'-B'' iSlbrM BaatMKBMMWMMHpWBlMMlPJ' ! BBjlHaVHiMKii V KlfBHaHBaBaH I'FjElMiilSBHBBHBBtBSmlSBVlBl'BiBBBBH Ivt'tISbHHK, BHHRHK"alBJHBIDHaB:BBBB aJlaafiZBBBT 9'lBBBBlBBBBBBBHBBBBBBmNAraHBB HHBHEB TaflaBrBBBBRNHIIKBBSlBBBBflBBBHBpB&BUD ISRMHHHfllBtHHIHHaSu gggjjtayygjgg wmi iwwwbwwbbIbbbw MAI C. I. BIDDLE E Noted War Ace Will Marry Mrs. Katharine Keep, Widow of Argonne Victim DATE NOT ANNOUNCED .Majer Ciinrlet .T. Hlddlc. Philadel phia htwicr and' one of tits most noted of Aineriutn Hying aces, wilt marry Mrs. Knthailne Keep, of Chicago and New Orleans. Mrs. ICeep, nit at tractive eung widow, w.ts the wife of llenrv 1. Keep, i who Uut Ins llli in the win. ue, was (i feiiiMil.-.'-iiiiii'il eiViuer and was killed 'liiiiir-C the Argonne 'fight lug. The engaen.eiit of Majer Hlddlc and Mis. Keen has net been announced of ficially, tp her family Is in mottling for the death of lier.ftiljier, .luitjcs l.e (lett- lire, el .New iirleaiis. out most et me intliDate friends of the Middle f:iniil. which Is widely known socially, huw he.'itd the news. Mrs. Keep cities et" n family of so cial ilMiticti(U. A brother. Arinanil l.e (iendr". a Princeton graduate, t-ev- I oral jcars age was a star 'football end, I heltig given all-An.erlcan rating for two' hl'tlsulis, r Mnjer Hiddlc. who is associated wlh his fntlicf. Chailcs Hhlille. in the tlce of law, makes his home at Anda lusia, P.i. King Albert of Hclginm I made him n chevalier of the Order of i heep'tld for hli exploits during the1 war. ! Majer Hlddle bad been grndunted from Princelen and the llaivnrd law school hefeie the wilt', lie joined the' Aincrii mi ambtiltiiiM' In Maich, 101 1. nnd later en end the aviation school of the French army. He first wns n mein- l,er of Esetnlrille "" of the I tenon avia tion force and then of thj l.'tfnjette Escadrllle. In the American seivhe be was com cem immiler of tint Thirteenth American Pursuit Kiiundrnu. and Hiinlly com cem com inti!ideiof the Fourth American Pur suit Greup, leiisis'ltig of four stiiind stiiind tens, lie became an ace August 10, 11MS, when he bietight down his ftfth enemy plane near Nancy. Paring his service lie wit" credited nflicinllv with seven planes ami uneHielnlly with many mere whli h Ml within (he German lines. Mnjer Piddle uiiiies of n lighting fcini'y. In lh war of the Ueuilutlen his grralgtentunele. Captain Nicholas Hlddle. lest his lire in Ihe blowing up of the Randelph. Anether great-great uncle. Commedore .lames Hlddle. was irmmeiided for bravery during the war of 1S1-. A grandfather of Majer Hhl ille w.ts cited ler gallantry in the Civil Maier Hlddle Is a grandson of the Inli. Charles Hlddle. He Is a grettl nephew uf the Inte .ledge Craig Hlddle. He is a nephew et Dillen Hidille. Mrs. Samuel Hinds Themas and A. Mercer Riddle, all of Tetresdale. Ma ler Rid dle's mother Miss I.etitia Glenn. ATTACKED BY CELLMATES Prisoner at Second and Christian Streets Station Will Probably Die Jehn Celeman, fifty yours old, ISM Catharine street, was taken from a eel In the Secetii' and Christian stren station this morning, whete he was found Ivlng In a peel of bleed after having been attacked by two cellmates. At the Petiiis.ihania Hospital it wits found Celeman had reeehed u fracture of the skull nid internal injiiiles, lie is expected te die. Celeiuait'H assailants, whp wcie a.1 rested last night en miner charges and were awaiting n hearing along with tiie injured man. ine Carrell .McCabe, Iwenlv-llve jeurs old. Secind street near Christian, nnd William Conners, twetitv-three, Mecetnl mill ualiilirlilgi i streets. They were Irate tirells charged with battery. t.rraigtied before MagiS' and held without hall aggravated assault and TEACHER 6UED FOR $10,000 I,"batien.'Pii., Nev. HO.--Karl llelTii. teacher or Helhel Township, was Hied . ' 11 ('(III .iiilit"""u i.Mtet'ilai ill helm1 of Kincsl 13, Wolfe, tweho-iear-eld seu of llnrr.i Wolfe, nf llitinllii, wlif S.lfges that I lefTii. In piiuishlng him fur nn Infraction of rules of the school- room, struck him with clinched (1st, HOMED Flying Ace te Wed bIbbbbbbbbHbvIbbbW mm?'-': y $ 4 - i V". : '." v''':' , 'TVbVibbBBS tfaMalW .. -; - MPafaTafJf BBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBw mMtIiMHHI&BHibBLbH 1 &&BQmMmmmmmmm2&7,?zmmam i , MAJOR C. .T. niDDLE One of America.' s noted avia tors during the war, who Is en gaged te Mrs. Katharine Keep, of New Orleans, widow of an Ameri ca n euleer killed In the Argonne ST. Cofall's Eleven Uncorks Daz zling Forward-Passing Game at Phillies' Park 20,000 WITNESS GAME St. Jewph TIsIik I.numnhls ... Dunehoe .... liutler MKllimN ... ('nnnnUKntrin Knur , T11 llv McllVli . .. .Mnlr Uittinrni Cntlidllc IIIkIi ! Mii'cwrll Itetiinil , ktl (lAltAl ..lft fin) ...lft iiieklc. . ..iPftKUHHl .. emir ... ..rlvlit s-uinl. . , . .rlulil me kin ..rlahi ceil. .. . .nuiirii'i I it l .. . ,kft liiirinck. rlslit Imlfhnck . HrhmMi ' Schmlilt n. , iiuntinir , . Itnttir (HfrHl(lv StrKlnn'v 1 ItofiTne IteeJ, lrun ticlKen, I III 1 1' . K McCnull'v I inplie t:fl(l. Line- Catholic High Scheel football tepre- entative.s ended its season in a blaze of glory before nil enthusiastic mob of j L'0,1100 people tliii- mottling at the Phil- lies' Hall Park. The Purple and Celd I accomplished a feat that Its eleven hits I failed le de for live jeats. It humbled St. Jeseph Prep 'JO te ll. The victory ' gave Catholic llih a clean slate for , the season. I'ie victories and four 1 tics was the roeuid of the school. Charley McKinnej was the here oil the game. This licet quarterback elec- 1 trilled the big crowd with his brilliant I dashes through broken Holds. McKiii- in. si.nri-il tun nt tlit-ee touchdowns anil booted two of the placement kicks after the score . '. , Ills sensntimml run back of a punt in the fourth period for his e.'eiid touchdown leialndul onttef (ilen Kill n ger. Taking the kick en his own -te- Jtlld line he sprinted lewiirn me siii.- 1 ilties, straight -artmd two St. Jee tiieklera and 'fall wiu the only man between him nnd the goal line. Hy a ( CemlniieU ni ' KlKlit, C11I1111111 Mi j JEWELRY STORE ROBBERS I ARE CHOICE IN TJEIR LOOT) Leave Cheap Stuff en Fleer of Cam den Shep, but Keep Real Gems leweltv wetth S10IIO was stolen trout the Jewt'In Mere of h. I. YiiIhik, SI I itr.iiuluiii I'nmilcn. hist tilgllt bv 1 (Moves who gained enhance by smash- list- 1. ul ii rent' window. Cellei'llng all urlit'les In showcases nnd drawers, lhe.bughirs went .te a loom nt the tear and sorted out the cheap jewclr.i. which was ef en Hint fleer. A large safe containing mauy vuliuible diamonds was net tnmpereii with. rarilnul Ileuiirrt tint nil Oathellri la at thMnual vt lrr. Uurphr Ce.. lull. Uv.' CATHOLIC WHALES JOSEPHS m PENN STATE HOLBS Pin IN 1ST PERIOD Rivals .35,000 See Old Grid Rivals Battle en Ferbes Field LIONS ARE 0UTRUSHED Pitt Ptnn Ktnte Saucr Nft end McCoy Simpsen. . .. left tackta l.egue uinrK lftt guard kieck Bowser. center Bentsc Sack... i Uht guard... . f leurlfiy .... right tackle . . . Williams right end ... Wlnterliurn .... quarter . . . . Flanagan... left halfback . Andersen... ricfit Itulfbuck . . . Bedcnk M (.'Millien . ...Artlt ....1'alm ...Wilsen . .Ilufferd Hewitt fullback Went Referee Pr. 13. J. O'Brien. Tufts. Umpire W. (!. Crewcll. Swartlimer. Head llncpiimn C J. McCarthy, Ocr Ocr mnntenn Academy. Field Judge K. .T. Ityan, Michigan. Time of periods 15 minutes. PlttsLurgh, Nev. .".(. 'I hit ly-live I thetisaiid'snw Pitt and Peiin State tle without scoring In the hrst period of the annual gnme between thi'-c two historic rivals nt ierbet Field thls utternoeu. Palm. Slate's ittarterua'k attenint ed 11 lle.ld goal from the .".i-yard line seen after the st.ut of the game but th ball re'led under the cress bar. Htv.dek's wnrriei-s resorted te Ihe lierlnl game early .mil completed one I pass for a irt'inrd K.tin. Near the close of the period. Hewitt pulled eir it 'J. 1 -yc rd rut), pl.tuliug, the, 1 leather 011 State's li'i-jatd Hue, ', First Period -Pitt wen the tiis and elected te tnh the kid; Heiit" kicked off for State. Wlnteiburii taking the kick and after running 111 jards passed te Andersen for the first trick play of the game. Andersen's ciiine hauls ' te Pitt's 27 jard line before he was downed. Ot the next j.'ny Hewitt fumbled nnd Hcntr. fell en the letll for Stute en, Pitt's .'11-jnrd line. Three line smashes 1 gained ." jurds and Palm tried for (nutlniiril en I'lixe i:iali, Cetrin thrre 1 Results of Games Played This Morning rOOTDAI.t. s l'nt I'uII Clttten ItctlclitH Alunutnn lllsli . . . riPlttnhnin HIkIi ... Krntikturil Illeh . . Alt, mill Meuif Hinwn I flv.1t , , .Mount I tellv tllili llrlil'.c A. r JIatt i'lill V. il. A.. lViat i'lipit.r llluli.. llerwyn HJih llreMii I'leii lluinniuntuii Illijh HMIcy l'url. ... Alumni Wllinliistuii lllnh Aluiiinl "Oil IIS '.' if 7 (I e n 0 n 0 fi 013 7-11 O 0 0 11 II III la 0 n n fi 11 -.'! O tl 0 7 (I II 0 II 0lJI 11 ia nil- 0 0 11 13 .V.I e 0 O-r a l -Jl 1.11:1 12 IL' e n 11 as n je ti 11 e e 1 15 "Is 713 e I! 0 e n 0 0 0 0 ti 0 n 11 . e .1.1 . i) . 11 0 .M . e . 0 . 0 . n . n . 1) 9 1 0 0 ti 11 11 0 i it n 2:1 0 e .('elatiln It.i.ini.r.I II f'elumblii Alumni l.l.iceln ... llOWItlll r'TmilPii 1 1 11, Ii , Aluiiinl .... I'lllllllll, IIIkIi S't. .Invepli's I'rip 0 II II e II 1:1 11 11 0 11 e e 11 it Wnl Citftiille llls-li . O : l'liiUnlPinhiu 11ir.l1. n (trmp 'i. It tiliifi AS... e siniiliinui 1 1 Ivli 0 l.iiiiHilin.-ni1 Ilt.l . tl Ne 1 rlntnw 11 . H WIMuneil ... .0 JmKrte 11 lllill 7 tllfn-N'er lllsli ' 11 11 11 11 2- tl 1 ia 1:1 is an ia n e 11 11 n n 0 14 la 111 0 0- 0 .MmIIii I'lll'BKl . . . uutr.s' rii:i.i) 11 i II e n-.e e e e IIOCKUV . . .' :t 1 All-lhmlaml AILI'lilluiMplila SIMI'IIII .Mcrl'in Wliftf , MimIeii -MiiroeiiH , . Meilnn Hliws ,',, . '.' .Mcrlim tlriiiH -. (Ilmril CnllrU'i Aluil'iil Alt-Nnrllment ,..,.... All-Nnrtlivnst !. I'tilliiiK'lnlil.i Wliltei . . I'hlliiilPlphlt H"l iicriiiniilunn l'i (' l'ti!iulvlptl"n '.'J .... (liMiimntuMii ,, ,, I'. mi IVfrlens . . l-'Ulllli'liI . a 5 a a ti 1 0 11 1 .1 e a 0 t n :i a' l 0 0 1- 1 11 11 e 0 0 0 0 1 11 1 lluvorterrt X fct llurvunt '.' E ARMERS GUESTS ATHDNTBREAKFAST BEFORERACE MEET Society Felk and Land Owners Mingle in Colorful Feast at Radner Outing OPEN HOUSE MARKS YEARLY ' THANKSGIVING DAY FETE Children Are Present in Num bers as Thoroughbreds Strive for Cups ,iarmeiN nnd gentlemen ridei'.'. society folk in drags nnd rendsters, "flivver" nnd shining sedan, red coots and "top pers," work horses with braided manes, and sleek thoroughbreds lust hack from the Royal Canadian Herse Khew, com-, Dined in a colorful picture today at the annual Thanksgiving hunt, breakfast and races at the Htidner Hunt Cluh. Each Thanksgiving Day the Rudner Htint Club keeps open house, enter tnlning the farmers of Delaware, Ches ter and Montgomery Counties ever I whose lands the hunters urge horse and ' neunits niter the fox en brisk wlnlei mornings. Theie were nt least ."00 present when the nierrv hunt i-lnli lirenltftxt began nt o'clock In the clubhouse. After the bteukfast the races were held I j en the udelnlng estate of Lieutenant i Co'enel .1. Franklin McFadden. ' There are some famous races run en I Thanksgiving Day nt the Htidner Hunt, i races which are classics in the cur's horse events. Principal of these are the j 1 Hailner Valley Partus' Challenge Cuw! race for .t cup presented by Lieutenant toleiiel McFadden. and the race for tltr Mnstcr'n Cup, presented by S. Law- renee Hedilie. The judges, wearing regulation hunt ing garb of silk hat. red coat, white breeches nnd black riding beets gave n , touch of bright color te the scene. They , Included J. Stanley Hcte. .J. E. Lei iter, Jr.. William J. Clothier, Jehn Straw-bridge, Itebcrt E. Straw-bridge, Charles K, .Mather, Itebert L. Ment- , gemery. Lieutenant Colonel McFaddeu, ! W. Hlnkle .Smith nnd W. PJunkett , Stewart. The ruiii'M! for the Challenge Cup wns laid e-it ever Colonel McFadden'.. ' estate. The conditions of the race nie i that it be ridden ever i, fair Intntln3 i country, with the ordinary hunting haz ards. Hrush. streains and fences udded te the difficulties of the course for te day's taee. ,, Entered in this nnd the Matter's Cup ' nice were some et tne nncH thorough , unfit in the vlcinitv. ninrfi tl.i... iie.t . Wing, owned bv .Icsepli N. Kwlng: ; llusKin. owned by C. Mahlen Kline: Lnkoueod. ewt.ed by It. H. It. Telatid : Hill WlMtey, owned bv Jacob E. Hide- way; Whist II. owned by Mr. Clothier. ! and Cocktail and WoUerten, both j owned by Mr. Tel.tnd. I Children at Hunt Hreahfasl ' Ihe most co'ispiciieus ligurcs nt the (hunt ureaKlnst wei e children: evet.v mie who had them 'neught miiiiII sous and diuighteis along. Mr. and Mis. David Sharp had their daughters Fran ces and Sidney with them, both dressed in heavy coats and caps red wool. Centlnunl 1111 rnsr The. Cetrmn Thrt STOREKEEPERS 'HOSTS' TO HOLIDAY THIEVES Supply $1000 Werth of Feed te, Nocturnal Vlaiten Thlei es rallied 'Pien hteres in lariei paits of the city during the night ami stnle ninety-nine turkeys, soenty-fenr chickens and seieti geese. The poultry wns vaineil at ximm. At the Kansas City Heef Company, i 1 ""71 tiermnntewn avenue, thieves took ten tttrkejs, tltree geese, two chickens j and two hums. . rrem the stete of Stnnn.trt ! Hums, trt'jn Hiiltimeie aventte. font teen tin Keys ami twelie chickens were taken. ThirlJ -six chleketis were stdlen fiem I I ihe American Stores Cemian. Chester. tiit'iiiie and Ilten street. The A 111 a r Ten Company, Fifteenth mid Slnink slieets. lest seven turkeys twelve eliti'kens and a geese. Forty -id x gobblers are gene fiem the stme of Max Wei, IS,"" Snyder aventte. I lurry Friedman. l!-0 West Vetk street, plaje'd "host" te thieves, who took si itnkeys and twelve chickens and a whole ininb. Philip Kiaft. 1R'."' West Yetk street, is mourning sixteen titrkejs and three geese. QUEEN MARY IS EARLY CHRISTMASJ.RESENT BUYER Visits Londen Department Stores Before Rush Begins ..union. Nev. ISO. Uiieen Mary, who , lnllees in doing her ChrUtmiiH shopping 1 aril, took part in several counter riisl'i'., jesterilny iiflorueoti when she ' ... I .... .P I .....l.ltl'u III.- ilni.n.l.iiniil llhllt'U IIIU ' l."ii'i"" " ' Mvpiniiriii , Metes te get presents. In many In- stance she was net recognized by cither the customers or clerks. j What the 10 al presents are te this enr imt at all in the lavish 1 seiije imagined is indicated by her liiirehni'es, some of, which were nn t nl.iim cluck, an fitsmcleil clock, small 1 article' of jewelry, Mtatlenerj and lops j Letter Returns After 26 Years- ' sett Yerk. Net. !).( H.v A. P.) I letter mailed Ne ember -1. I WW. b the Anietlcati Credit lndeiiinltj ' Cem- 1 iitiiiv 'f New Yerk te Ceuiuliirx Pitcl.- I dig t'niiipaii.v in San Kranclsce has been leiiiincd te the sender b the Postelliee )eiiarlntcnt. The letter wtts found in a mail chute. Ctrelln llettl. rineliurit. N. C. Ooed com cem ssui'l iuiuhtnt, iiert and comfer. A4v, FOOTBALL SCORES 12 3 PENN 0 0 CORNELL 3 0 PITT 0 0 STATE 0 0 12 8 4 Pn1 GEO. MASH.. 0 - OEORGETW.. 7 W. VA 0 W.fiJ 0 VERMONT... 10 DETROIT. ..2 . AMERICAN WINS FRENCH LEGION OF HONOR PARIS, Nev. 30. Today's official Journal eeiuuiiu tlij nomination ai, Knight et' the Tcglcn et' Honei of. Paul VertUer, oi ei Snn Tiauciace. The award is made for "marked 8"i vices leu dcrccl te France." EXPLOSION ON TANKERS KILLS TWO INJURES THRF.C SOFIA. Nev. 30. The French taakei City of S.'i a, fiem Batum for Marseilles, with a cargo of benzine, caught file and exploded in Beurgas Harber today, killing two mtu and seiieusly injuiing- thiee. The surface of the entire haiber v;as aflame na the benzine escaped from the vessel's tanks. VIRGINIAN FATALLY HURT IN LONDON BY TAXICAB LONDON, Nev. CO. ?ank Lecompte, of Richmond. Va.. fa tally Injured b c taxicab in t?ie flaymarket, was a victim c.i unfamiliavity with, the Enjjlhh tralfic niles by which vehielts pabs te the left, the Corener was told today by the cab driver. Leceinpte, he said, -was loekiiifi' In the vruug direction when &ti uck. ' The driver was exonerated. POLICE SEARCHING FOR PATROLMAN'S SLAYER COLUMBX'S, 0. Nev. 80. Police me nkltig a tinnl srmc: t?d.iy"fer the fewrth member of a land rf automobile li.-umiU. who shot and kllltd Patroiniae Xeehlcr and wounded Coipe'nl Fiitldlc In a pistol tattle hen Tuesday. Squads 0 police wu heaicliinp the thickets atar Lilly Chapel, twenty miles wet of hcie. where fwe mesabeis of the gang- were captured and cne'' killed. It is the. belief of Police Chief French t'lat the fourth man dif-cl fiem exhaustion, and that his, body will be fcuu.l ONLY ONE MINE WORKING IN HAZLETON DISTRICT HAZI-LIO:?, Pa., 3Jev. 30. Only one eiithiau'.e ci..-.l uiluc 01 the thirty-seven saived by tne Hazleten and Sahauey of te Lehigh VnTlcy' Railroad was weiktd today, acejuLuy te rtl . uceTvcd at local headquarter. FAMILY FLEES FIRE Father Awakens Children as Flames Sweep Twe Hemes in North Reese Street S150 IN MATTRESS SAVED NIGHTCLOTHES Scleral persons nev lempeiled te tlee te the trret In the r night clothes shortly after 4 e'clci' this morning, when lire damaged the lientes of Jame Mcfiurr. .'HlUO North He:' street, and Jaieb Yoes. J102U North lteie street. The refctte bv several tlremeu of Sl.'O In notes which fell from n mattrets tessnl from the Mctittrr home was one of the Incidents of the lire. When occupants of the houses fled te the street they were wrapped In blankets and coats supplied by nelfh-het-, who also aided In sniing furni ture. The lire started in the home of Mo Me (Suit, and spread quickly te the dwell lug of Yoes. MrOiirr was awakened hi clouds of smoke pouring into hlx bedroom from the hallway. He groped hN way te rear rooms of the house nnd awakened his son, .lames, Jr., and daughter, Teresa, nnd (ltd te the street. MclStirr. after throwing a mattress and several ether articles out the window, quickly followed them. Meanwhile one of the occupants of the adjoining house, who rushed te the street in his nllhtclethe?, had tuwted in an alarm. 'V 4 Fin ul 1 B T'RAXKTORT) C X.Y. GIANTS. NOTKEDAME NEI5RASKA.. J. HOPKINS.. 0 V. & L 7 3 4 rvi MERCERSBURG STAR Billy Cox Leads Large Field in American Interscholastic Championship Run STEPPACHER SURPRISES W. .1. Cox. of Mercerlmrs Autilenn. wen the annual Aineiiinn Ititci-'clielns. tic errs.-count rj 1 hittiipieiiship tun this mnrn'ng 01 er the titular course in Pair mount Park. In addition te winning the tmlltldun! honors the Merrcrnbiug Scheel alii succeeded in lulling the Menu) Illinois., nosing out the Hutchinson , 1 1 1 ah Scheel, of Hutchinson, N. "i I Cox dashed into the lead nl the iery ! start of the race, closely fellow oil h.t 1 Lewis, of Hilffa'n High Scheel; Shaw, of Hutchinson High; Steppaeher, of Net theast-High, and OITciiiiiiiiscr, of I West Phillv. At the (iirnrd avenue bride1 l.ewi'i spin ted .mil drew up en uen terms with the Merccrshuig slat. The two raced nhi-cicit for llficcn uu.' uu.' enly te lime Cox feicc slowly Inte the Head. lie never ( 'leaded thereafter anil cressp.1 the f mlly let) yards in tne lean or i.ewt... , Cox Is one of the best harriers oier del eloped by Jliiini Cnrrnn. Last )ear. in this annual Thanksgiving Day classic lie illusion secetnl. Mine tlml iiay he' bus net lest a race. It. Swede, of the. lameuH Swede famil.i of Norrlslewn, whh the second MrrrersburK limn te nnish, eraasing the line In fifth place. I ta.TSM 0trsttfs, CsIiemi rsr WINS TITULAR RACE WED CAPTIVE; WANTED TO QUIT NATION Kept Prisoner in Palace Plea I te Leave Country te' Refused & GEORGE TRIED TO SAVE FORMER CABINET CHIEFS Britain Acted Alene in With drawing Minister Frem Ath ens, Benar Law Says THREE GENERALS ARRESTED I Condemned Hellenic Ex-Premiers Calm as They Faced Firing Squad Hj Asiec'atrd Pfcas ParU. Nev. ,",0. King (Seerge of I 'Srrece Is virtiinIK n prisoner in tin j pa'ace. says n Helgrade dispatch te the Mntln. The correspondent nserts that ths, , King made strenuous efforts te atop ths " 'eciitien of ihe former Cabinet minis ters and nsketl the .Tnge-Slav nnd Ru manian Ministers te act in favor of the, condemned men. Ar n result he found himself in centllet with the Oonntes ( Invent nient. After the execution the King ex pressed a desire te leave flreece, but his wishes i ere opposed by the Oovern Oevern ment. Mhleh took steps e prevent him fiem leaving Hie palace,. He, Is pnly allowed te ce persons n. whom,, the t Cabinet has cenndene'etlie dispatch 1 Venizelos, former Greek Premlcrt is quoted hy a special latisaitnc ceri-e- sieident nf t. 'Information ns follews: "I deplore the tragic events thnthavi ' taken place in Athens: however, they ate essentially a matter of interior peU ' icy. .Should Lord-Ciireii publicly stig stig uiatize In my pre-ienre the acts of Athens I should be under obligation te leave Lausanne." l-ondeit. Nev. .'.(). (I Jc A. P.) flreat Hritain noted without consulting her allies i:t withdrawing Iter Minister I 'rem Athens after the cteettlens of the 1 former 'Jreek hljli effiiia's. Prime Mln-' Ister Hntiar law liifeTtied the Heuse of ef of iVmmeus teduj In answer te a ques ques lien. ! Aked what step Creat Tlrltnin liaH 1 taken te iiioient the executions nnd 'wh.i the (leierniucat had iDtervned. he ( replleil; "I tntd .Vestenlay that his Maje ty's' tieveriinicnt had urged the tlreek 1 (iovernii'enl net te permit execution of the fet mcr Ministers, and warned them thai If this slop were token w lieiihl withdraw en,- representative. "In raking this action I1I.1 Mnjei-i.v'-i (Severntnent ns actuated by tht general i"itisderiitien that It is' con cen trftty te the prncllte of civllb.eil rev eminent te put te death outgoing Mln- lstcrs rm tit count of the failutetif their iiellcy." This tntement eioked loud laughter and cl rs. in which Mr. I.lejd (Seerge and the ether Ministcrn in the hits tliiieiliinept joined. A Keiller's tllsp.-iti-i ftem Athens says that tietier.-ilti Pnpeula, Deiismnnls ami Vnlettiis ).,ve been arresttd. (! Ihiiismniil is one of the 1110.-1 prominent intlllar.i tl-.m-e ip (Srcece. tfeneral Pa. Iiiinl.-is. nl -ii a former lemmander of th (Sreik Ai 111,1. wits reported last Septeni- her te iiaie joineii uin i-aitse or the reiiliitieiiarIe. lie has served as chief of the general stalT and wi Ii the Greek , iiillitnr.i mlsslmi at Cotistnntlneplc, and lnt Scplemher uii niipeluied emnninn- 'dcr-iii-chlef of the ai-iii.i in a Inst ttq miccestfttl attempt te stem the tide of the Tuiklsh alliance. tlirns. Nev. .'tl. tHj A. P.) Ths t. ..I.T....f l.t..t.jt.l.K ....... Ill u.l I.I.M.. I.., si iiiniii.i iiiu..-.... ...i.,.i ii.-,,- ia-i Tuesday Mint coiuagcetisl.i , ecn jtiun till, 'e t lit ii death. The tek's. P.altiils and General I In 'Jaiie-llc were theli innnecles ns lltey uk t licit p'. ivi's ill the little line be '"me the tiring fqijnils. All icmeMil their huts, except Gotir Getir 11.11 is, who stueil with his luuids In his t ui-1.1 t. Str.ttes smlllngl.i lit a cigarette n he tool, his place, then he handed ths lh or case te the eillcer In chnrge of the ceoiitieu ns a sign of his appreci ation of Ihe hitler'. courtesy and tact In the exercise of a painful duty. ThcoleM and Kaltiuwis chatted gaj lv wilh Geuiinris as the brief final ar rangements Mefe iitiide. I'loiepapailakls a silent and lleneral Hndjatiestis were bis usual nir of nerieiisnens and iestlcssiies The death seulenee was tlolivered by the 1 niirt -martial en Tuesday, and was cemiiuuilc'tteil te tlie cendeiuned men. 1 who hml previously been removed from, . rr II..I. ... .vl.... ,l.j... !..! ...J XI IIO Mill! M - ..u.,. ... . 1. iri(i.iiii IIUIU Aierefr Prism, where they had said farewell te their relntjies. rremuiii m " " . nnir 1117, an-, rninistintliiti of the last religious ritei,' the prlspneis wtire removed , In. eutpmOt biles le Ihe place of exei-qilen ,near (i.niill. outside the IJinft of Athens. ' The cendeiuned were luiinactilatrty drcfscd and Ihev sliewed 1111 emotion as tl..... tlnliti.fl fiiiln the niftlnrM ' nwA walked le the square formed by ths. Malting 'troops, They took places at equal Ihtcrwils-. each man facing )hj, 11..!.. .. L.......1 tt luitl. an.. mJ OM II III II' rinii. w, t.,.-,n .urn, BM refused te be blindfolded. Wlisn tit -.1 ... 11.. ......'.. .Ml llll f.ll ' .I1T eriir ! "i' ii .", ., ,w.. .inniw taneeusly, nnd pliylclns mUi that, death In each cse hsd come tfstsntljf, . rv tJ'i iMjm&.'c.' , rA4M .v.e lAl. d .IDs.'.1f.'aSi. .s...-' s .wNtirr.? WZmA 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers