Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 19, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, AUTOMOBILE SECTION, Page 11, Image 35

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    TOIW tt IK' TT'STijB
'Estimated That Sixty Per Cent of Those Sold in America
Go to Rural Districts Great Transport Year
Predicted for 1921
lYMldMit National Automobile Chnmbrr of Comrnrrct
.vprPtlRX TWENTY-ONE "Will
'"' . .,. . m .
be trnnBporMiioc ,,.
tuoint." i .. fc rccongtrllc
i.. nni AVPrv ill
K Wasto.nmst bcc,it. . Kxlrava-
climlnatcd.' Efficient
?5Sj? mi.t prewll.
The salesman who gocs afoot or do-
tS. nti trrcKular trn In service when
foul double 1 is productivity by using
i'Sr muit go into the discard. The
,,1 estate man who depends on trol-
iVm alone will "mi nis-Dusini "'
frtilled. The farmer who depends on
HJ" V .mmpct him with the town
il I find lib fmHy discontented, his
tom"hun2l by the hired man and his
wonts renrhintr tnc ru iumi.
The farmer, moreover, Is the henv
t.t buyer of cars, owning more than n
M d ofnll automobiles registered. The
tiiMl A strict of the United States pur
s'" I (W I per cent of the-11)20 motor
hcle output. Of the cars In this
eountry .'13 P" "' nrP )vncd ,n Sb,m'
Sties of 1000 population or Ulldcr,
d I 6S per cent are owied In districts
of fiOOO population or under. .
This Is to bc,n year of conservatism
hcn the weak wilt bo to the wall and
the strong will add to his strength.
People will want cars.
But they will not ask as In years gone
It" How much speed? How much
eumfort? How much prestige?
The test will be: How" much econ
omy lu transportation? How much gain
to my business.
These are questions which the auto
mobile can answer with satisfaction to
the sternest interrogator. In a year
licn efficiency in transportation will be
essential, the passenger car and truck
will have an opportunity to provo their
worth to " degree not realized in tlio
times of superprosperlty.
We mav or may not sec the volume
of orders 'which piled into the factories
In the first half of 1020. That period
represented me ucmanu oi b mnraci
ulilch had been starved for two years,
plus the immediate requirement of the
dav. On the other hand, each, succeed
ing year brings greater needs for hauling
of Roods and passengers from point to
point, greater economies in time. Con
rrqucntlr. production schedules nro
likely to show u steady growth us time
foe on.
Hero Aro tho Facts
Thi is not vacant optimism. A fore
kt without facts would, lndtcd, he
like a ship without a rudder, directed
by the passing breeze. Prophecy must
be guided by the hard logic of the known
We know that fundamental business
conditions are sound.
We know that the automobile is ono
ef the primary transportation units.
We know thnt the owner realizes to
in Increasing degree thnt tho possession
ef a car is nil-extension of his power In
business, hh well us a wldcner of his
Miclal contacts.
I.it us examine the fundamental bus
Inoi conditions. The country Is rich.
Products nbnund. Eventual prosperity
Is Inevitable. The 1020 harvests have
teen better than average. Labor is
more plentiful nnd more efficient thnu
,durlng the war and post-war years. -The
foretell exchange sttuntion is improving.
ItnllriKwIs are better able to handle long
haul business. Cars and trucks arc
ivullulile In greater numbers thnu ever
Business contraction has been due to
a thortage of credits, not to a lack of
goods. After the war, after the high
Trice-) and speculation, n period of
pruning was inevitable. When one looks
lack to ISTil and to 100.'!, one realizes
thnt the readjustment hns come with
surprisingly small discomfort, I'ricc
declines have taken place rapidly, nnd
s soon ns the public realizes that the
lowest price levels have been reuched
there will be a resurgc of trade.
With these factors in mh;d, it is clenr
that the industries which are guided by
keen minds and serve a useful purpose
will go forward. .
The degree of business ability to be
found among the manufacturers of cars
inl trucks is shown by the growth of
the industry. For twenty yenrs the
Kiiking of motor vehicles hns been gain
ing steadily. One exception is to be
found in tho year 1018, when the pro
ducers of passenger cars voluntarily
curtailed their output in order to make
airplanes, parts and other instrumcuts
cf war. Here is the record:
."" Number
111 04
111 113
34, ono
iLVJ 1.0S.H.17
J5JJ i.sns,iM7
in 5 i.ifta.iiiiT
JSJX 1.074,010
In 1003 general business conditions
rc bni but motor vehlclo productlou
Jlianee, over the only preceding year
wr uhieh statistics haw I F,iii,r,,i
ml, iJiam1"1 !'r"bttl,ly showed some gain
Vr m- nlthough tliere were no rec-
;;";i't for moo, inoi, 1002. The
.,1 "BMrc ' frn the government
"nius, whereas not until 1003 did the
fnnnufaeturers collect statistics for the
ministry as a whole.
,, " ,.n,l7,,1l"! 01"l't of many industries
f, ,, iniiifu, um mi records
hrVi, "hm '"' ?f notumohlles were
v nil i J I '"! glv4'8 Ho:m i,lt,ft of tho
,."" ltof, "', automobile industry,
r,r; ' . '" "ovuuco in times of. tle-
fhis stnininn lu ,ni .!.. .l..t.. .1
trenllv i,..i " : ".,' '."u ""'YS lu. v,,u
t v i "'""" '" l"o nutomouile indus-
t 'i, ,""" on " even firmer basis:
insistent demand of modem clvili-
lc. rJZ,hlRne" nuallty nnd aerv-
iiaUe-uri h... ." in enure
1 to tiFV been nBlected.
J,06 ton capacity.
Dlri Wanted '
Fidelity Motors, Inc.
4830-32-34 Market St.
' " .fifS? ' r'
zntlon for better trnnsiinrfntfnn ,.'.Mi!n,1
1 with the breakdown of street' railway
"" mnuy nuuiiroon communities.
Tliere arc 7,000,000 cars In tlio coun
try nnd about 800,000 trucks. Tho
passenger mllcnge of automobiles In
llUO was 08.000,000,000, whereas the
passenger tnilengo of railroads was 40,
000.000,000. Of the motor cars 00 per
tent are used more or less f6r business,
00 per cent of the mileage Is utilitarian,
and the full service of trucks, of course,
H i,MVOtctJ lo commercial efficiency,
nhen one looks forward, thcrforc,
nto 1021 with its readjusted, finances,
Its storehouses filled with goods, one
must read there Is a steady demnnd for
automotive products. Especially Is this
so when It is realized thnt automobile
salesmanship Is In the early Btngcs of
R. & V. Knlflht Exhibit Models of
Four and 8lx Cylinder!
The It. & V. Knight Is the name
rulqptcd a year ago for the Mollne
Knight, another sleeve-vnlve motorcar
mado by n concern thnt hns built motor
cars and gasoline engines for over a
score of yerirs.
. Ji1 ls i""11' "51 both a fo'T-cyllndcr
1Q7 ift B1,x-Cyi,lnler car. The six, with
"J-Inch wheclbasc, is an exclusive
Knight, nnd comes in five models,
seven-pasHcnger touring, four-iinssenger
sport, two-passenger roadster, seven
passenger sedan and four-pnssengcr
1 yiHjjiPI ttii'imw""1 wiilRPf
Automobllo bosigns Shown This
Year Show Many Variations,
Duo to Femininity
There are those who declare that
motorcar fashions nre n fallacy that
the evcr-chnnglng taste of women could
not be reflected In their automobiles
but these wiseacres reckon without the
present-day woman, for very slight
observation nnd a visit to even ono dr
two of the booths nt the Philadelphia
auto show present convincing proof thnt
up-to-thc-moment fashions do prevail.
Prom Benson to season the styles in
town cars change quite as much as the
gowns thp smart woman selects so care
fully, not, perhaps, in gcnernl outline,
every year,' buf particularly in the little
details of interior decoration so impor
tnnt to n smart turnout. This year
finds these changes quite ns marked ns
in former seasons, nnd the mode In cars
this year Is greatly superior to that of
last year.
The woman's town car Is gradunlly
working down to n definite combination
of practicability, comfort nnd good
taste. This mny bo nttributed to any
number of things. It hns been said that
the success of the town cars of tho past
few seasons is due to the fuct thnt the
modern woman is far too busy with her
many interests to supervise the plans
of her machine In detail, and ns a result
n professional designer hns free rein.
Tills, mnny dealers- sny, tends toward
more consistent desieninir. for the flicht
of fancy Is not allowed full swuy, and
A Suggestion to the
Sportsmen of Philadelphia
have stated on several
occasions that our new
seven passenger "Lakewood
6-66" is a car without a legiti
mate competitor.
By that we mean that it very
distinctly outclasses every car
in its own price field.
By that we mean that it can
be compared with only the fin
est and most expensive motor
vehicles on the market.
This is a broad and sweeping
statement very important if
true, and very improper if
founded on anything less sub
stantial than facts.
But we are sure of our facts
and the time is at hand when
you can confirm them.
Practically every reputable
American motor car is now on
exhibition at the automobile
We suggest that you visit
that show and compare the
"Lakewood" with any car
at any price and form your
own conclusions.
formerly jBigefow-Wiey
tfiaiffc Distributors ,
the present-day designer of Interiors Is
a finished artist In this line.
However thnt may be, there Is fHrong
belief that the fashlorinble. matron now
adays realizes the Importance of all
round good tnstc. No longer is n good
touch here and there allowed to pass
f mid an Inharmonious surrounding. The
general effect Is never lost sight of. and
if n Indv's car Is to have the whole
hearted approval of the others of her
set siio must consider all points care
The long, straight body outline now
in vogue lends Itself admirably to ar
tistic decoration. Tho standnrd cars
shown nro not so low ns last year's
models, for the unnnlmous opinion seems
to be thnt low-hung cars aro not so
comfortable, nnd, with comfort of para
mount Importance, these curs,, so popu
lar last year, at once lose eastc, and
the long, straight lines which give much
the snmo effect now have first place.
True, some of the custom-made enrs are
still hung quite low, but they nre
greatly modified, nnd particular pains
arc token to have the Inside of the car
high enough to get into with cn&c.
No Place for Fnds
, There seems to be no place for fads
this season, and any unnecessary equip
ment Is looked upon with disfavor. Sim
plicity is the keynote. Hut, While the
tendency seems to be toward simplicity
of design, the materials used arc quite
the opposite, for never before have bucIi
handsome fabrics been employed. In
these practical days the durability of a
fabric is also taken into consideration,
nnd the result is n handsome interior,
decorated In perfect taste, but able to
withstand hnrd usage.
Just as large patterns in wall paper
and furniture upholstery arc no longer
In vogue, so the highly decorative up
holstery for the motorcar has given place
lolstery 1
o plain
given p
lis. Tl
or subdued materia!
Is a reversion this year to stripes, both
narrow and wldo, and striped materials'
of vclour. mercerized velour, plush, mo
'halr plush and broadcloth are used with
great success. Some of the custom
made cars have materials of cut velour
with raised diamonds on n light back
ground, nnd a few nre shown with a
vary small, subdued floral pattern, but.
after nil, the plain fabrics are looked
upon with greater favor. '
So much for the facts that can
be established indoors.
We next suggest that you for
get entirely about standards of
beauty and move to the real
testing ground of mechanical
Take just one demonstration in
the "Lakewood" and judge it
fromthe standpoints of power,
speed, acceleration, spring sus
pension and general motor
Get the facts actual lapsed
time of the test and make a
record on the demonstration
card which we will furnish.
Then take a second demonstra
tion, in any other car, at any
price, and compare the results.
That is all we askand we
make no prophecies whatever
in regard to your ultimate con
clusions. In any fair, legitimate, stock
car competition the "Lake
wood" will tell its own story
and you must be the judge.
Come, sportsmen. Let us
show you the mettle of a
real thoroughbred.
flOftfllV wiwe
Motor Co.
Auto Makers Will Urgo Motion
Before Hoaso Ways and
Means Committee
The foreign trado committee of the
National Automobile Chamber of Com
merce, meeting nt New York January
11, reaffirmed lis position relative to n
lowering of United States duty from 4i
per cent to 30 per cent to cover nil
automobiles nnd for n scientific tnrlff
arrangement which will both prevent
discrimination ngnlnst American prod
ticts shipped abroad and provide for
mutual advantages in n greater ex
change of commodities between foreign
countries nnd the United States. Tills
plan twill be urged In presentation to
be made to the House ways and means
Complaints from members wero re
ceived that marine underwriters had
increased In some cases 200 to 300 per
cent rates on so-cnlleil floater policies
covering shipments from factory to for
eign destination. Tlio only explana
tion is that losses have been Incurred
pointing particularly to damnge by ex
ceptionally long exposure to tho weather
during the freight congestion on tho
railroads In the last year or two. Man
ufacturers feel that this risk Is quite
eliminated now that normal movement
of freight may be expected. It was
pointed out also that the underwriters
distinguish only between tho typo of
ship nnd the destination in fixing their
rates, giving no consideration, howover,
to the highly Important feature of box
ing. Manufacturers who have developed
and use a good strong package feel that
they arc being penalized on this Insur
ance matter for damnges occurring on
Inferior packages.
Many suggestions wero made looking
for relief from the Increased Insurance
rates, among them tho possibility of co
operative or mutual Instirnnco nmong
automobllo manufacturers, whoso for
eign shipments of cars nnd trucks last
year totaled $200,000,000. It was felt
thnt the higher rntcn nro particularly
unfortunate at this time, when foreign
exchange nnd otber conditions nre tend
ing to restrict rather than assist ex
ports. This wholo question, tbgclhcr with
prevailing practices of booking nnd forj,
warding shipments, wns referred to a
subcommittee for further Investigation.
It Is realized that In many nurts of
tho world very little accurate data nro
nvatlnblc on the cost of motor 'chlclo
transportation and on the most modern
WVisit first theH
H miniatures H
M. Automobile Show yH
. Space No. 52 M
This view of the Sedan model in the family of
Dort cars being exhibited at the Motor Show
enables you to grasp fully the low hung grace of
the wonderful Dort design.
Literally and truthfully, no expense was spared in
creating this body.
In time alone over two years was spent in study
ing the newest conceptions of the great body
stylists of Europe and America.
Admittedly no photograph or sketch however
sldlfully conceived can do full credit to this design
because the finely executed moulding and deftly
turned details cannot properly be portrayed in
less than life-like proportions.
Your own inspection of the Four-Door Fourseason
Sedan will convince you, we are sure, that it is
without a near rival in the whole of the moderate
price class.
W. S. Kip Motor Co,
1408-10 N. Broad Street (at Master)
Phone, Poplar 7506
Diatributora for Eastern Pennsylvania, Southern New
Jersey, Delaware, Eastern Shore Maryland
DortJMqtof Car Comp
nnd economical jncthods of road con
struction. Kfforts will be mnde by
greater publicity to familiarize the for
Automobile Territory
Prominent motor car manu
facturer has ambitious plana
for this territory. Merchants
of recognized distributor abil
ity will do well to ask for de
tail a The valuo of tha ma
chine will bo apparent the
moment our representative In
troduce himself.
Ilox O 328, Inciter Offloe,
mi ! !! I ! ' 111 UN II IIIIIIWII -W
Quality Goes ClearThrough
At the Motor Show
Touring Car - - --y-. $1215
Roadster - - - - - 1215
Fourscason Sedan - - j - 1995
Fourseason Coupe - - 1865
Open Cars F. O. B. Flint
Ctotmd Cart F. O. B. Kalamanoo
Wire Wheels and spare tires extra
eigner with tho sources of Information
on these subjects available to blm
through tho N. A. O. C.
I.r1MjV.iV;?l,,JV,,J,tylTfrf-44i,3i,t Mul!,,
) ,sc.j-. a y(, ,yW m i l,fert?u,'v.i