Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 30, 1920, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 17, Image 17

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'if r
talian pkeb
Lonlno Charges Socialist Depu
ties Botrayed Proletariat
VVhon Victory Seemed Sure
IJy tho AMoclated Pre
London. Sept. 30. Hank employes of
Italy have started a movement to se
cure control of financial Institutions In
that country, says n Central News
dispatch from Rome, quoting the Epocn,
Leghorn, Italy, Sept. .10. Alarm Is
felt here over the prospects that Amerl
can shipments of coal to Italy, will be
stopped. Newspapers of this city pub
INh n telcgrnm received by nn ngent
of an American firm, which sajs:
"Owing to the revolutionary move
ment In Italy we hnvo ceased sending
coal nnd are canceling former orders,
the stability of Italian morlcy being uncertain."
Commenting on the subject, the
Tempo, 01 uome. says; This Is "n
mere episode in the campaign of syste
matic defamation of Italy which is oc
curring abroad." It recalls Premier Olo
littl'H advice to Italian diplomats in
foreign countries, urging them to en
lighten public opinion on the true po
litical situation in Italy and the real
meaning of recent economic conflicts.
Newspaper dispatches state the cap
ture 4f several steamers hr the FpcJpm.
tlon of Seamen has had n disastrous
consequence, as Italian exporters hH.vc
decided not to trust their cargoes to
Jtanan snips. Switzerland, which for
merly used Genoa in its commerce with
America, has canceled contrnrU
amounting to 1,000,000 francs, and Is
sending its goods to the United Etatos
by the way of Marseilles.
Berlin, Sept. 30. (Ity A. F.)
Charges by Nikolai Lcnlne, Russian
Bolshevik premier, that the "Italinn
Erolctarlat was betrayed by Deputies
taragonn, Turatl nnd Modlgliania,"
which was printed in the Frclheit of
this city. Jiavo produced a great stir
among Socialists here. The newspaper
also prints nn article written by Lcninc
which was published In the newspaper
Pravda, of Moscow, which sajs:
"Events in Italy must open tht eyes
of even the most obstinate. Turnti,
Modlgliania and Dnragona arc guilty
of sabotage against the revolution in
Italy nt the moment when it begins to
An ukase ras been issued in Moscow
accusing the Italian Socialist leaders
of treason. It bears the signatures of
members of the executive committee of
the Third Intcrnatlonnle.
Home, Sept. 30. (By A. P.) Com
menting on the publication .in Berlin
of charges by Nikolai Lcnlne, premier of
Holshnvik Russia, that leaders of Ital
inn Socialists ''betrayed the Italian
proletariat," the Olornalc d'ltalla says:
"Lcnlne nnd bolshcvism are serving
German reactionaries who wish to re
store the monarchy in Germany nnd
obtain revenge over their recent enemies
bp disintegrating countries of western
Europe through revolution. The high
est positions in tho Bolshevik army
and the Soviet administration arc in
the hands of Gcrmnns, who, camouflaged
n .
'.e !
ts communists, try to sow tho poison
of hatred and internal dissolution - In
il-Sll-ill (.Utliuiil-b. i.i,s M l.iu tuim
,xll5T l'0?"' '" Particularly ferocious
gainst these Italian Socialist leaders
who were willing to drag their country
to ruin an was plnnncd by Lcnlno's
Inspircrs in Berlin."
Ditto Americano Sospondono
Plnvio del Carbono PorchV
Gredono ad un Movimento
Publlthcrt nrt DIlrl!)Md Under
. ... . PEtlMIT NO. 3.
.."horlifd liy the net of 0!lobr 8.
.7i. on -Ple " th0 Poatofflcs of mlla
aclpnla. Pa ,
X AS. nuriLESON.
Pqatmaiter QentraU
Was Headquarters for Trotzky's
Soviet Army for Uso in
' Fall Campaign
lilvnrnn. .7(1 Mmnk.. n.,l .1 -
nllnrmnti dalla voce chc corrc secondo
In quale gll Statl Unltl ccssarnnno dnl
' '"J ?re enrbone in Italia. I glornall
pubbllrano tin telegrnmma rlccvuto da
tin agente dl una dltla Americana chc
dice quanto npprcsso :
, '7n ,v'".ta lcl nwlmcnto rivoluziona
rio in Italia nol abblamo ccssnto 1'invlo
del enrbone c cnncelllamo i prcccdcntl
ord nl. I,n stablllta' delln monctn
Itnllona e' incertn."
Commcntando il telegrnmma It Tempo
di Roma dice chc c!or rnppresenta un
cplsodlo delln slstematlca campagna dl
diffntnnzlonc al dnnnl dell'Itnlla fattn
all Lstcro. II glomalo chlede pcrtanto
chn l'On. Giolltti dla Intrusion! precise
nl rnppresontantl diplomntici alt'Estcro
pcrcho vogliano illumlnare la pubbllca
oplnione sulln vera sltuazlonc polltlca
in Italia c il vcro scopo del rccentl
conflitti economic!.
I glornnll pubblicnno chc la cat
tura dl parccchi vaporl da parte della
Fcdernzionc degll uominl di marc ha
prodotto dlsastrosc conseguenze c chc gli
esportatorl itnllnnl hanno deciso dl non
afildarc lc loro mercl a vapor! Itnllnnl.
Ln Svizzcrn chc usava il porto dl Gen
ovn per il suo commcrclo con l'Aincricn,
ha canccllato i contratti ammontanti nd
un mtllonc di frnnchl. NLo sue mercl
per gll Stat! Unltl snranno inviato da
Roma, 30 scttcmbrc. In vnr! stn
blllmentl Industrial! si sono formatl gia'
10 commlsslonc technlchc operate per
coopernrc con i proprletnri ncU'anda
inento del lavorl. Una d dettc com
mission! 0' gla' in funziono n Cnstcl
lammarc, vlcluo Napoll, ed un 'nltra c
statn organizzatn vlclno qucsta cltta'.
La formnzlonc d! dctte commlsslonl c
resa facile dal sopporto iinanzinrlo chc
11 Governo lia dato ad un talc movi
mento. Personc privc dl nbltnzlone, reenndo
bandicre rosso c enntnndo innl socialist!,
ha tentato di occtipare un monastcro,
ma sono state rcsplnte dnlla forza
I portleri dl qucsta cltta hanno
chlesto allogglo gratis per loro 0 per le
loro fnmlglic, c varii altrl prlvllegl,
comprcso un numento dl paga.
La cittadinanza dl Vcilctri, un
comune della provlncia rorimna c ccntro
Importanto per la produztonc del vino,
fece fuoco sul carablnlcrl duranto una
dlmostrazlonc per protcstare contro la
tnssa clevata sul vino. Un popolano
rlmase ucciso cd un carablnlcre mortal
mente fcrito. Altro otto personc rime-
sero fente. .,
By (lie Associated Tress
Warsnw, HcptJ 30. Polish forces
captured Llda, an important town for-tj-flve
miles south of Vllnn, and Pinsk,
n fortified city eighty miles cast of
Brest-Lltovsk. on Tuesday, according
to nn official statement Issued here.
The Polish advance toward the north -enst
is continuing, nnd tho inll of
Vllnn, the Lithuanian capital, is ex
pected within a few days. Knmcnte-
Podolsk, a city on tho northern bank
of thjj. Dniester river !n Ukraine, has
been recovered by Ukrainian troops
from the Bolshevik!, it is reported.
It was at Llda, now again iu Polish
hands, that Leon Trotzky, tho Soviet
minister of war, was recently reported
to hnve established the hendqunrters of
n new Bolshevik army of 00,000 men,
designed for uso in a fall offensive
against thc'Poles.
TW- report from the front show Hint
the Polish -Ukrainian forces are ad
vancing along the entlrt line. In the
center the Poles hnve reached Slonltn
nnd crossed the river Shchara, destroy
ing the Twenty-first Bolshevik division
and capturing nine guns.
In Polesln the Poles smashed the
Fourth Bolshevik army, the reports
tate, taking 3000 prisoners, Including
nil staff officers, with the exception of
the commander-in-chief, nnd wresting
Plnsk from the Soviet forces.
Between Plnsk nnd Grodno, in Vol
hynin, Polish troops hnvo occupied the
railway Junction of Snrny.
In connection with the report of the
capture of Kamcncntz-Podolsk bv the
Ukrainians In their eastward push. It
Is said unofficially that the Ukrainians
arc contemplating nn effort to join
(tcncrnl Wrnngct's forces and sever the
Bolshevjk line of communication be
tween Kiev nnd Odessa.
Definite Program Being Evolved at
World Conference
Brussels, Sept. 30. (By A. P.)
Problems of reconstruction, particular
ly those rclativo to currency and ex
change, were considered by the Inter
national financial conference today.
Progress toward reaching nn under
standing of the situation throughout the
world has been gratifying, nnd hope is
expressed that n definite line of action
to be submitted to the nations repre
sented here may be decided upon before
the conference adjourns.
America is vitally interested in the
situation in Europe, the conference was
told by Dr. G. Vlsscring. of the Neth
erlands Bank. lie declared that al
though the United States came out of
the war "the most powerful nation of
the world financially," the situation as
If Vina ffavplnnArt nfirpfna will. If n.A
dangers, and that the world inevitably
must pass through an era of trouble,
which might encournge the spirit of
Sees Daily Rise of Franc
, Due to French Optimism
Madrid, Sept. 30. (By A. P.)
Optimism on the pnrt of the French
pcoplo has brought about n gratify
ing result in the appreciation of
French currency, nys tho newspa
per EIDcbatc. It adds that, while
tho value of Italian, German, Aus
trian nnd Russian money Is visibly
decreasing, France, which made
similar Issues' of paper, sees her
money dally Increasing in value.
The newspaper argues that the
French possess such a high moral
conception of themselves thai others
arc infected with similar confidence
"The stupendous phenomenon,"
sajs tho newspaper, "of Franco en
riching herself simply by issuing
bank notes is visible to all."
Audubon, N. J., Sept. 80. Fntnc
from bis playing "Home, Sweet Home"
on the steam locomotive whistle of the
Philadelphia nnd Reading train he
drives through this borough on its route
to the shore led to AViliinm Wordhoff
being nominated for council here. He
is known throughout the community as
the "musical engineer," Wordhoff re
ceived 440 votes.
Toledo. 0., Sept. 36, (By A. P.)
Toledo plnnts of the Willys-Overland
Co. wcro closed down cstcrdnv nnd
today following tho layoff of 4500 men
and women workers.
Less than 2000 remain to operate the
plants the rest of the week when they
reopen tomorrow. Normally thero ore
between 12,000 nnd 11,000 employed.
Those released yesterday were In
structed to report Monday morning, by
which tlmo officials say it will bo known
definitely whether the plants will op-'
erato on n thrcc-day-a-week basis or
remain closed until conditions in the
automobile industry get back to nor
mal. Falling off ln the demnnd for auto
mobiles, which has affected motorcar
companies ln general throughout the
United States, is assigned as the cause
of the drastic curtailment of production.
Averaged -149lAt Miles a Day
" Our Mack averaged 14914 miles
day for 119 weeks including
Sundays and holidays. Capacity
londs were carried on every trip."
From ono Zffr out ofhunirtda
urn thould tlkm you to riod,
THE exclusive Mack motor, its efficient cool
ing system and the dependable chain drive
were important factors in making this per
formance possible. Records of this kind arc
convincing evidence of Mack auality, rugged
details of design and a fine balance of parts.
Distinctive Mack engineering features com
Lined with 18 basic Mack patents have devel
oped the motor truck the world is talkingabout.
Capacities 1& to 7J4 tons, tractors to 15 tons
Catalogues upon request
Mack International Motor Truck Corp.
2300 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
'Slight Dally Deterioration' of Cork
Lord Mayor Is Reported
London, Sept. J10. (By A. T.)
Lord Mayor MacSwiney. of Cork, who
today begnn the forty-ninth day of his
hunger strike, slept from 0:30 o'clock
last night until 12:30 o'clock this morn
ing, said a bulletin Issued by th IrlMi
Hclf-Determination League, lie had no
sleep afterward nnd seemed somewhat
refreshed this morning, but w
but wM,
treraely weak, the bulletin stated.1
J. tie report to the home once mi
lorr! n 4tnr unltl M rilnffltlnn waa!
:. . ii .. 7. ; ..... .t."" :: 7:
many uncnongeu. "Homing more
a slight dally deterioration la .1
MU.b, lb UUUtU,
, . J tfi' 1
JL i r Him r iJll Mi'nlr ii If iMf-JM-i-L M-fLit tM L l f ,i
The Pullman Company
Does Not Benefit
tThe purpose of this announcement is to correct
a general misunderstanding that The Pullman
Company benefits by the surcharge of 50
recently imposed on Pullman passengers.
. The Pullman Company receives no part of
, this surcharge.
,The surcharge was imposed solely to increase
the passenger revenue of the railroads.
It simply requires an additional service of The
Pullman Company for which it receives no.
compensation whatsoever.
i a
rwfFBWgnpTw 1
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Ec: : -. L W AJ.KBS-R3r:Hi HH 1
pSHRppflHPV No matter where you are
' 3I' ,n. -kx you can uy a 6ACHMAN bai-
Wj i i---iiiWlBBWWJWMPW'""M,ll"PM'WMWi"B
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