Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 26, 1920, Night Extra Financial, Page 12, Image 12

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Giues Menu Thai Is Nutri
tious, Wholesome and
Appetizing for Building
Up Health
Ten or Eleven Glasses of
Water a Day Arc Neces
sary to Purify the Blood
ny ams. m. a. wilson
KewritjM, V: '' ifr .If. A. TTIIjoii. At!
MIORAINH, or sirk licmlnclio. Is fre
qurntlv onnspil. n the ihy!rinni
tell n, hv iwli'criminnto or irtfwisp
eatlnif Improper food, failure to rat
rcgularlv anil perliuin overeatinc arc
the real cnntribtitiug rnu-rs tf tills
condition, which can casilv be overcome
by cnrefullv fol'owlns tho physician'
nJvicp ami b careful tlietini;.
T.pnrn to ilrink a cull of hot water
In the morning iu place of tea. coffee
r rornn.
trater with oninsc. lemoti or crapefniit
juice A diet of overrieh foods to the
'stout sedentarv worker will result in
chronic headaches, as will the diet "f
6Bndwiche, pickles, candy nud cake
that the young school cirls and vome of
the business women affect.
Quite recently a youns woman was
ulaced with me for a constructive diet
fey the physicians, and when served the
following menu she exclaimed: "Oh.
my, I'd much rather have a torta and
some cake ; your luncheon takes so
Inntr." and vet it was sorted iu twe've
icinutes This girl gained in weight '
and at the end of three months admits I
she is cow feeling better than she cer
hat felt in her life. She had for
Juice of Two Orange
Wheat Cereal and Cream
Broiled Chop
Toast Hot Milk
Cream Soup
Baked Potato Clery Salad
tWhole-Wheat Bread Butter
Stewed Truit Cocnj
Oyster or Clear Soup
Ask Mrs. Wilson
If you hate any cookery prob
lems, bring them to Mrs. Wilson.
She will be glad to answer ou
through these columns. No per
sonal lcplies, however, can be given.
Address questions to Mrs. M. A.
Wilson, Kvenino runt to Ledger,
Please Tell Me
What to Do
Celery or Radishes
Roast. Broiled or Stewed Meat
Whole Boiled or Mashed t'otatoes
One Green Vegetnblo
Baked Apples or Stewed Truit
Small Cup of Coffee
For variety there were stewed prunes,
sliced bananas, baked apples and cream,
and sliced pineapple; all thee for the
arictj of the breakfast menu.
Wheat cereal, cream of baric, rolled
oats, corn Hakes will provide change
tuongh and frequeutl in place of the
cream Caledonian cream or fruit whip
can be used.
Caledonian Cream or Fruit Whip
"White of one egg.
One-half glass of jellii
Beat with a Dover egg beater until
stiff like whipped cream and then use
if von are stout. Flavor the 1 ln V'" f """ r cream
iMroriiuCj uin Lj
Soft-boiled fees, nanncr" scrannle.
rreueh toast, cream beef, codhsh and
Finnan haddie can also be used. These
will afford abundant variety.
For luncheon soups there arc tomato,
ecler . onion, asparagus, spinach, cab
bage und all the other vegetables. Let
tuce, onion aud other vegetable salads
may replace the lettuce. 'Boston brown
bread, bran and graham breads can be
Clams, oysters, salt oysters and vari-
us canapes may be used in place of the
ilear houps.
If you consider this diet carefully,
jou will realize that all fatty and tried
'oods have been eliminated from the
menu. It is advisable to use u good
salad dressing with a salad course to
uupply the needed fat.
A good grade of creamery butter is
Mtally necessary to supply the needed
vitamines. The necessary bulk re
quired for active elimination of the
waste products from the body is taken
care of in the cereal, fresh vegetables.
alads, whole grain or cereal biead aud
the fruit dessertss.
Few people realize that unless thev
are willing to drink plenty of freh
unnking water, ut least ten or eleven
glasses a day. the blood stream rantint
be thoroughly purified. Drink all liquid , ,"!, CaB ,u "'" "ad -W "Jrtf
lowlj . sipping rather than culniac 'r'0"?,.1 J"; ,I,aU lor, home wl.th .the. b.5"
rton-n nt throo n f,,, e.oii- l -"' eu ''" anu lie came oacu
i requeutly one will hear som
Answers "The Ll.ttlo Doc"
Dear Cynthia May I address a few
wqrds to "The Little Doc"? Thank
I hope j ou will not become cynical
jourselt rreardinc the onnosito sex.,
just because our cousin and your i
frieud s wife "cheaWH, as you sav.i
Mot girls want to put their best foot I
forward, aud if nature hasn't endowed'
them with plentiful huir they resort to
artificial means; but I don t think I
would condemn a giri for that. As for
cheating nt cards, that is abor.unuule
in cither man or woman.
Sometimes 11 girl resorts to a little
cheating by trjiug to make a man be
lieve she has certain qualities which she
knows he admires. Far my part, I be
lieve the best plan is to always be per
fectly natural and just your own nwect
self, and then you will never get into
hot water or hao vain regrets.
Why Girls Are Cheats
Dear Cjnthia I have written you i
before in answer to a letter written by
a "Doc." I read the letter in the,
paper written by a "Doc." Cjnthia, k
it possible that I could write a letter
to him personally without disclosiug my
identit. I will write the 'letter to vou
to forwnrd, so that you may read and
ceusor it. The letter will tell him whj I
most of the girls arc cheats.
Cynthia does not give personal names '
and addresses to the people who write
to her. If you have an explanation to
end to the "Little Doc" write it in
the form of a letter to Cynthia and it ,
will be published in the column. If jou
have some good explanations up your
sleeve, as you hint in your letter, write
them straight out for everjbody to
lSm t.i&
m one
sa.v that he doesn t reallj care for
water and he would much rather drink
lea or couee with his meals. This per
fon -doesn't realize the harm that he is
doing tu hraelf. l'a full attention to
jour physician and he will tell jou
that you should drink plenty of water.
The Woman's
A Day in 1899
To the Editor of ll'omnii's Pair
Dear Madam Will jou plase toll
me what day of tho week Dpcemter
iJ'J. ISO!), canio on'' MRS. XV. G.
j December 120, 18!tf. cajnu on Fridav.
Getting More Modern
To t'c Editor of IVoman s Page
Dear Madam Will you please tell
in jour column on what dai did Sep
tember 15, 101'.', fall"'
MRS. C. S. D.
September 13. 1012, came on Sunday.
I'crplcned Newlywed
Dear Cjnthia I wonder if you can
help me out ou a problem. I am just
newiy married. i
Last night I was at a club that I
belong to which is composed of mcnv
and women. I met some boy friends
there who didn't know that I was
married until somo 'jne there told
tlitra. One of them 1 used to like
very much and still do like, whose
name is "Rich." U Dart of the prob
lem. While passing the hat I took
sonic French coins from him and prom
ised to return them before I loft fur
home. Afttr the club I forcol all about
the coins until Rich had iust started
e boys,
brine -
iug the bois with him and making me
acquainted vutu two ot them whom 1
Uiun t know. Of course, they all
started kidding me about being mar
ried, aud as vie were talking lny hus
band passed through the hall, but didn't
even stup aud speak to W. So when
Rich's mother and dad .started to go
home Rich said he would take me home
if my husband wasn't coming for hip.
I thought it all ruht, for T have known
Rich a long tunc and he is an old
friend. We were nearlv homo when
I I saw niv husband behind, 1 ut he
crossed over the stieet. Rich said that
, he would like to meet mv husband, so
I called him over Now he didn't even
i speak civilly to my friend and, natu
I rail. I was angry, and Rich said good
nicht. Mv husband then started to
i talk about me having young men men
coming homo with me. If he objected,
whv ilidn t ho come home with me in
stead of leavme it to mv frieuds? 1
told him T didn't see whv I should
shun mv friends because I am married,
and that if he ntver met my friends,
how could he learn what kind of people
they w-ert? Now. Cjnthia, ho said
somo things I didn't like and so I
left him on the corner. Will juu please
tell me if I am wrong? Was it im
proper' to have Rich conic home with
me when I introduced him to m bus
band? I am very unhappj over it and
would appreciate anythine you may
say. '"MARRIED."
Why did jou allow your husband
to pass when jou were standing with
tl ese friends of jours' IWIiv did you
not call him? And why did jou act
as if he were a stranger and start to
o homo with another man witnout
"IP '
!?' I I
Decides TlwtJShc Is Much More Sensible to Get Into Training
' for Hcr'Position by Making Herself Get There on Time
rpHB usual Monday morning deprcs-
- slon showed in the little group of
girls waiting for tho trolley to take
tbem to business college. Tho talk cen
tered, as it always docs on Monday
morning, around the difficulty of get
ting up.
"Oh, wasn't it hard to get up this
morning?" sighed one of them.
"I almost cut school," another
"Well." a third put in. "I was so
sleepy that I almost decided to stay
where I was and forget school. But
then I just said to myself: 'Now, look
here, you want a position some daj-,
and If you ever get a position you 11
have to go, whether you want to or
With a Purse
not. so you might just as well get into
training now.' And somehow or other
I pulled myself out." The trolley came
along then, and there was a break in
the conversation, so I couldn't hear
what the other girls thought of this
Idea. But I knew whaH I thought of
it. I thought it was ncll worth telling
to n great many other girls who arc at
business college, training for somo kind
of u position.
WASN'T sho, sensible? Her natural
inclination was to Ho back conir
fortably and think, "Oh, well. I have
another month or two before I'll have
to get up and be there on tknc, whether
I want to or not. I think I'll cut
school today." But instead of that she
had "sense enough to realize that it is
just as necessary to train her everyday
habits for business ns it is to educate
her brain and .her fingers. So many
girls go into, business because other
girls are doing it, or because thev
want the experience, and they do not
understand tho necessity for taking it
Feriously. They have never taken nny-
found a position ins? fl 00,tetl fop ..J
could. And thev i.t0 prve that d,nd
Other girls whoVal lne0 " iotf
they make aro bound to tM FP ct
can get away with it li,thinki "H S.
It doesn't do to takehT,caa,t U"
ncss too solemnly, or to fell f m !
ISWWty'o! yoVrt4
Y" in uio office Ti.uuueoci
know it you will i,v.. Before J
sel the & in thTcompanv0"
righteous, smug, just afch Land,
li ,a accessary, in .,,., -r " "PUUr.'
position of any important nt
giro at least as much consid,8"'
tho requirements of your S100 t
you expect tho milkman and I'00, 8
man to give to theirs, so that '
have your breakfast when .. you
.The sensible younc ???,. It.
that sho must begin riiif KU0,t
get accustomed to yankinl wno,7 b
of a 'deep, dedp sleepf iLiS J!"
gustcdly at the clock and BroiniL s..d,'
all right, clock, IMuTtlp7'.
does, that terrifia gulf Ltw. f1'
dulgence and discipline will get" la
ually narrower until she will lfi ni'.
any bridge of will-power a S?iwd
pull herself across " U urdw to
I'hoto by Central News bervlcp.
Or h it Uio quaint froclt that cmsrs the pleased smile? It might well
make licr Millie, for (lie dress itself is of fdieer white net over a founda
tion of white satin, Tho narrow ribbons that mako it so distinctive arc
ot blue and. silver stripes, and jou can be almost certain (hat Uio fasli
ionahlo feather fan is of tho .same bluo as tho ribbons
Paste for the Hands
To the Editor of Woman's Page.
Dear Madam Once or twice I have
seen mentiuned on the Woman's Page a
good paste for softening the hands,
composed of mjrjh, honej, jellow wav
end rose water, but the proportions of
each havo never been given. Will you
please write me what the proportions
aro, so I can have the preparation put ''";"'. " f"ut"
nn nt thp dniP t.-r" -vrns r z v consulting mm nrst
In making up this pa9te use equal
parts of the ingredients, and if neces
sary more of the wax than the liquids
in order to make a thick enough paste.
The druggist will be able to judge
this himself. I hope you will find this
pasts helpful to your bands. Honev
and almond oil or cream is al'o vorv
helpful Have you ever tried that?
You can get it already prepaml at the
drug store and it is verj softening.
( The material is bluo tricotino and
( Uio stjle is decidedly l-rencli. The
t little plaits on the hips make the
desirable flare that Is drawn in dls
i rreetly again at the ankles. Tho
hat is navy blue straw
'A Dally Fashion Talk by Florence Rose
IF YOU hare a Trnoh or a near
French phvsique, then tho type of
frock that I am snowing you today will
Btiit you But I know ever so many
charming young iiomen of our own
Anglo-Saxon build who would look 1
Bwkward and ungracious in that sort I
pf frock
In every crop ot frocks from France
there will alwavs b come that do not
reem to suit the American figure on I
this side of the Atlantic so well as they
have the Trench figure on the other
side. And this is beoaue our Amer
ican women and it seems as if this
Hpplies increasinglv to the younger gen
eration are broader of shoulders and
Wps and less round than the French
woman. lu bp epecific. the French
sromen of the same weight and height1
k an American woman would possess
h slighter franit . but she would prob- i
Isbly be more round
Now the tvpo of trook that is shown
today was designed in France. The
liodicc is fairly close-fitting, the fhoul- I
ders aro without vtnnkle and there is
llttlo by way nf collar or trimming to j
conceal any possible angularity of the '
Vearer. And then are women who can
Jvear this sort of thing and if they can I
Ibo effect is verv charming j
In this niodnl of navy blue trnotine
there is a vest of cream-colored geor
gette crepe that is cvtended below the
waistline in u decidedly clever manner
tThe elliptical line of the waistcoat is,
outlined bj u row of small silver but ,
tons applied to the blue tricotiop The
waistline is marked fairly snugly bj a
narrow belt of the bluo tricotine For-
Jiups a majority of tho new frocks show j
the short French skeve Of course, j
there are woiupu who will not want the
phort sleeve on street frocks, und for
tbem there is u ppeoial appoal in tin
JUevv loug sleeve that flaios gontlj out
from tho (fhoulder, showing its wide r
part at the wrist hue ,
The new laupshado lino is given to
the skirt by means of the plaits that ,
tiro laid below the waist to the hipline
And the hat for a smart frock is of
little avail if it is not worn with
suitable millinery is typical of the hats
tbat will be worn by smart women
xffeea spring comes a simple, un
riwmed affair in navy blue straw in an
uJf-the-facu chapo that still retains its
The Question Corner
Today' Inquiries
1. How can a wicdowpane be glazed
or stained by the amateur?
2 What will keep unframed,
mounted photographs from curv
ing up on the side?
D. Describe an unusual skirt that
would be pretty on a bridesmaid's
4. What will keep iron from rust
ing? 5. In writing a formal regret is it
necessary to repeat the time for
which the invitation was given'.'
0. irhat is the. newest neckline?
Saturdaj's Answers
1. When a cork that has been ued
for a long time will no longer
fit the bottle, it can be reno
vated by being placed in boiling
water and allowed to cool.
2 A box of writing paper that
would delight the child who likes
to color pictures has drawings
in black and white at the top
of the paper and crayons with
which to color them.
3. Pretty cords for looping back
window curtains are made of silk
flowers on ribbons. ,
4. The meat chopper can be pre
vented from slipping or working
looro from the table if a piece
of rough sandpaper is placed un
der the clamps.
5. A jewel box that is both safe
and fascinating, is a trick affair
that has a bidden key and a
hidden keyholp.
0 The upron overskirt edged with
ruffles is popular for late win
ter afternoon gowns.
Of course, he was not richt to up
braid jou before this young man, but
you were far fiom right to treat him
iu this wav. Did vou not go together?
Left your husband on the corner'
Now, inj dear, don t be silly He is
jour husband and is not to be treated
as a passing acquaintance There
would cirtaiulj be no harm in another
man walking home with you and your
husband, but there would also be no
ifusou why lie should take jou home
while your huLbacd is ignored by you
It i not so easy to ronember that
there is some one else to oonsidcT be
sides oneself after matrimony but
there is, and no wise or loving woman
would want to forget it
Suggests It's Leap Year
Dear Cynthia Just a ffw word- to
H C. XV. : Your letter struck my sen-e
of humor. I am only seventeen, but
know lots about bovs and girK hav.ug
gone out with tbem for three years.
You know there are times when we girls
leally like a frllow or aro tired of going
out and would rather sit nt home and
talk to him, which is more of a nov
elty than going out with him. Did
you forget this is leap year?
Maybe the girl has been trying to
get up couvage to propese to jou Thir
might evplaiu whj she does not go out.
Think it over. A. M. Tt.
Don't let the fear of leap jear keep
jou from going to see her.
She's Too Young
Dear Cjnthia Does it make a girl
common when she is fourteen jcars old
to run around with the boys to the
picture show or anjA other place?
No, it will not make a girl common
if she behaves as a little' lady should,
but fouiteen years old is too joung
to be roaming around with boys, dear.
Ask mother's advice.
Y.ir.C. .Work
A little Choieso girl with bound foet,
n waitress in a fashionable San Fran
cisco restaurant, was one of the en
thusiastic suppoiters of the Y. W, C.
A. who met at a recent luncheon to
discuss plans for that city association's
building campaign for 1020. Although
this little girl has clung to her Chinese
religion, she has found in the Y. W.
C. A. "safetj, home and frieuds" tver
since she came to this country.
Such testimonies as this are common
iu the meetings which accompany the
present Y. W. C. A. campaign for
funds, which are being carried on iu
various eitic3 all over the country. Thp
gratitude ot foreign-born women for
the association's protection and com
fort iu n btrango land insures their
willingness to work for its continued
Tho building campaigns which are
now going on have -already secured
more than 53,000.000, and the drive
continues until March 20. Boise,
Idaho; Spokane, Wash.; Greensboro,
S C , Lima, O. ; Newport News, Va.,
and Little Rock, Ark , are among the
cities which have exceeded the amounts
they set for their campaigns.
SHE has just returned from New
York, from scurrying around in thlR
corner and that, picking up n lovely
brass candlestick at one queer old
shop, a rare print at another and
enmo skillfull? nnintpd and lacquered
Japanese boxes at still nnothcr. And
now she brings back all her lovely
rondures for us. Nor must you think
that the prices she asks arc high. Quite
tho contrary. Sho has, for instance,
some striking Holbein prints, done in ,
rich shades of brown exquisite por
tfniff frnrnnd In tnn-brown frames. I
And rho charges only 55 for them. Aud
a btriking lacquer box is only ?5.
There nre times when I have wanted
to buy a powder I saw, just because of
the dainty, attractive box. Then there
havo been other times when I have
known the powder to bo very good, but
have been quite unenthusiastlc because
the box itself was so uninteresting
looking. But now that I have discov
n,i ,, fn nrnviW that leaves abso
lutely nothing to be desired and in a
box that is the happiest, laughingest
box that ever adorned a toilet table or
- , JS1 JU- I Tkn nnndnP
dresser, woros mu mci i., ,...w.
itself is a soft, heavy powder .that has
just a touch of cold cream in it. And,
of course, the cold cream base is what
makes the powder stay on so well. Tor
a number of years I have been using
the same kind of face powder, and felt
sure that nothing could ever change me.
But now I us'e this that I am telling
vou about. It's wonderful. The puce
"is $1 a box, and .a box lasts a long,
i'long time.
'.Ll- rt
Dill jou know that it is poss.u.u
get really nice veils, figured or plain,
for as little as twcnty-ninc rents,
m : 4..Qt nno shon 1 know of that
runs a special veil sale every once in a
while. The veils come in a number of
co ors. brown, black and gray, and
some have fancy borders, while others
are just fine net. And you will find
that they wear very well.
Cleaning Kettles
Use a small brush broom to clean
v-our kettles, saucepans, spiders, etc.
This saves the hands and cleans the
utensil aB wett Boilipg water can then
bo used.
offers to you a
dietetic science
the wholewheat prepared
in a digestible form.We
have ien million dollars
of mat
Wheat Ufa
table a crisp, tasty, w
wheat food
Using Malinc
Maline fills in many places that
would look unfinished without it, and
vet it has eo little bulk that it is hardly
noticeable. Au unusual use for it is
the making of tho necessary drapery on
the hips. But this is more novel if the
cascade is used on only one hip.
Another use for it is tho light,-airy
carf that covers, and yet does not
seem to cover, the very low neck. Some
women prefer tying it to their wrists
with a band of ribbon or a bracelet of
ribbon flowers and the effect is charming.
building material in the
wholewheat giainiWliy not
use our ten-million dollar
cook? Two Biscuits with
hot milkrnake awarm,nour
ishinjl mealfor afew cents,
liiiiiiraiiiHaiiiiiaTJI cfflEcWiiHiKi
The Original
Malted Milk
For Infanta and Invalid
Aroid Imitation and Snbslitniaa
School of Cookiny
241 South 23d St.
1423 Walnut Street
vn i .siwiSr'iri'rgiireMg
I A Time-Saver for Dark, Cold Mornings WJEM&
1 t M n fin Tn x "c dou&h for breakfast t(i.se VjHlHK. R
' m Miss S&9H9 1
-1 rrmeme PUk I
f I , PurePhosphate BaMrnjRnvder WmAM
si H Toil fan mix 'Ttakfatt doueh th nleht bttort (ff0liKiVM B
S HI i irg It lr th rrfrlcerstor unt I baking time &aS? "wJllfk v
a H ' "i " 'ht the buriu'a are eoin to be E57 s. ''ISSfjl l
g ' ' uj and tji iehi ac a feather. I f SNiBai I
f lib, net m'niirfirnfPrV;1 lb-, net I .. JjSfe, I
g weight, 35c All OUl UrOCer wright, 20c 1 ) .sbSb)
? n law jH tmitwM.-fAi m
ni jgjs ' """"m. w
ai mmmmmmmammmmm 1 1 mi ,11111 w sgg
I aa ill . a aa
1 Jor Dessert
With all tho dainty, distinc
:.. iniifthio it'VtifVi nilr1 Tin- t
L1K LUUI-1H-3 illW ww uu
m trons expect to find in OUR m
January Savings
Full Line of
Fancy Bags ami l alsis
II .. H.f..,M -.. l...,.
I Fish direct from nr.e:m In vniilB
PA a
grains from
the heart oi sel
ected wheat.
Delicious when
served hot for
breakfast or as
dainty desserts
Farina. Pudding
and Farina Jelly.
A nutritious del
icacy when fried
and served with
Economical recipes
on each package
rw -jr-st .z r JS-at&V So
im . NTu-at rntnmlkiaPV K!mnl
Lai It J ItnmfttH CfUnra fctim hihiuil
Imtructor J L'nlirr.ltr ot Mnlnla '
UUtratlon now ouroi rlasa itarl Jan.
Bill. llttO.
rbcnr iprute 753
Guticura Soap
For the Hands
Sp,OJptmrnt.Talcam,25c wtrrmht . f oriunplM
Crnlcr Cnl
chuck y
Breast of
I AMR Zii.il!).
Lean Bcci
Our Own
i " - - .i.
(4i j Open Saturdau Until 9 P. JJ.J,
HM M M M -W M -ICIW III iiHaWifijjt
INfj ri4 lff ?It fiU Hliw! l
ream m
ii iiriBifWlMiii . yA
t A nutritious del- JHHHHk 5111
MBtm38$BK& Ail
0 ' HlafiiE-wiV
iff J in) 'I n1 vi XVerCereauCo.
i y
I . 1 ,." -. ' '
v. t
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