15 ,i ' yj, i ' "J JfiT7 v ic . tMeil ..JSHfl- .' '-t ? wstraj,- iW"iJ'5jT fo- - . I V. ii ,4 P- U" ., G-J3- A EVENING PUBLIQ LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1910 5 WOMAN SWILL GIVES I' Miss Harriet Blanchard Be queaths Only $200,000 of Vast Estate to Relatives MANY CHURCHES BENEFIT Religious nnd charltublc institution", benefit to tlio extent of .$2,000,000 by the. will of Miss Ilnrrlct Illnnelinnl, who died June 2 nt her home, 1511 Walnut street. Relatives nro bequeathed ap proximately S200.000. Kenneth M. Illnkiston, one of the executors, has announced that the value of, the estate may be greatly in execs of the amount disposed of and may run $1,000,000 nbove the bequests. The will Is dated December fi. 1013. and carries out, after the death nf the testator, the charities in which she was Interested in life. The representatives of. tho estate nro Mr. Illnklstnn and the t Pennsylvania Company for Insurances on Jjivcs and Granting Annuities, ex ecutors, nnd George Wlinrton Pepper, counsel. The public nnd charitable bequests of Miss Hlanchard, as proved nnd pub lished by tho executors csterdaj, me as follows: Domitlei nnel foreign Mlaslnnnrv So rtety of tho TrotPHlant nnlsrnnjl church ;;o onn i i- u tho three sisters lived at Chestnut Hill in a house on tho brow of a hill over looking tho Chester valley. A brother died there. The house afterward came into the pos"SSj0n 0f George C. Thomas. . E EOINDSIO ASSIST Congressman Offers Help to Those Negotiating for Govorn- ment-Ownecl Vessels Members of Unit No. 78 Will Be Discharged and Sent Home in Few Days MARITIME LEADER PLEASED 3 TRANSPORTS DUE HERE Offer of assistance to Philadelphia shippers who desire to negotiate with I the United States shipping board for the purchase of Kovotiimcnt-owiieil ves- the typo constructed by tho Submarine llont Cpointlon nt Its Ncvvnik nhii janls tho price Is S2IO per ton. The shipping board will accept cither a tush basis or tiiuo basis. K on me latter basis, tho minimum iharge ninimiit of the flrst pnjmuit must be "" per edit and the minimum time allowed foi the payment of the remainder if ilc jenr the defeircd pn incuts car ilug an Interest charge of B per cent. If a -purchaser pas all cash he will wive his interest charge. Commenting on Congressman Ial moiid's letter, Mr. Ilolton said he hoped that the proposals of the shipping board would receie tho earnest atten tion of Philadelphia maritime interests, with a lev to determine the elesir nbllitv of negotntlng for the purchase of tnnnnge sulhiient for the establish ment of ucliliticuinl steamship lines out of this poit. I General Clercy rtelie'f Jloaret of Missions Dloiesn of Penna l!" Olio Ph ladelnhla I I: city Mission. . -. oim ltoly Trinity Church 5U (100 1". H Hospital. Vtont street anil IhlRh avenue. 200 000 Pnnsylvma Hosultal. niuhth nrel . Spruca streets 200 000 unlyrralty of Pennsylvania 100 000 Christian Association of University ..of Pennsylvania 2S 000 University of Pennsylvania. Hosoltal 100 000 Orthopedlo Hospital. Seventeenth, and Summer street 100 000 woman's Hospital Twents -second "treat, and Noith Colleco avenue 100 000 Polyclinic! llnsoltal 00 000 Children a HosnltRt. Terentv-Hprnnfl street 100 000 i-Burra i raining scnooi tor t'eeble- Minded Children at Klwvn . . 25 000 Church Home for Children Mftv- elKhth street and rialtlmure avenue 20 000 Children's Seashore Homo 20 000 BMhesda Children a .Church Home. .?."." n.ut .!"" 10000 Children s Aid Society ... ... 23 000 oiiim. oocieiy to l-rotect ejnudren , from Crueitv 10 000 American Christian Institute for Ne- a.""' ii . 100000 St Paul's Normal an! Industrial School at I-awrcnceiille a . 50 000 st. Auyustlnn'h School at Italelgh. ,, N. P . ... 60 000 Hampton Psormnl nnd Agriculture In stitute. Hampton. 100 000 Tuskei;f. Institute) Ala ... loo 000 Youns .Mens Christian Association (Central) ...... . .30 000 Youns Women's Christian Associa tion ., , "ft noo Philadelphia Cieneral Society for Or- Kanlzlnir Charity . . 2", ono Penna. Aoadenny of tho rino Arts -.'-i lion Penna, Academy of Natural Sciences no Olio rranklln Instltuto '-.nun Bryn Mawp College. . . j-, noo Jefferson Hospital lu.uuti In the above list the 5100,000 for the American Christian Institute for Ne groes is directed to. be used half for the endowment of tho St. Paul's Nor mal and Industrial School at Iawrence vilio, Va., and half for St. Augustine's School at Raleigh, N. C, with this dditibnal command: "These, funds are to be held bj the Board of Mis sions in case the board shall resume direct responsibility for work among negroes." Her family .and private bequests in cluded the following: ?,"i0,000 each to "my cousins,'" Mary Illnkiston, Ken neth M. Hlakiston, Hmma UluMston nnd Mrs. Anna B. Day, wife of Frank Miles Day; $30,000 in trust for Sarah T, Withers and her descendants; $1)0, 000 in trust for Elizabeth C. Osboinc Eolith, Helen Osborne Coxc nnd Alger non A. Osborne, "children of my cou sin, Maria II. Osborne," and their de scendants; $30,000 in trust for Alger non E. .Abhburncr, son of my cousin, Benjamin Ashburncr; $20,000 in trust for IUiberta Ashburner. Kenneth M. Blakiston, testator's cousin and executor, to whom she be queathed $50,000, is head of P. Blakis ton Son & Co., medical book publish ers, 1012 Walnut street, and resides at theiBellevuc-Stratford Hotel. Miss Blanchard was the last of three aged sisters. They were Annn, Maria and Harriet. Their father was a mem ber o tho firm of Blanchnrd & Lea, who succeeded to Jlie publishing busi ness o Mattthpvv Carey. They were members of Holy Trinity Church nnd were advisers of Bishop Brooks and Bishop MeVickar in tho charitable work of tho church. A brother, Wil liam Blanchard, was n gallant federal officer in tho Civil War. In their youth sels was lmde jesterday by Congress man George W lMniotiils. Mr I'lmonds made the offer In n letter to f S W ilolton, president of the Maritime Kit hinge. Congressman Kihnonds nnnnunced that the slilping board is offering wooden vessels under tho following thiee mrnngements: t Pirft. dsli to ho paid for the vessel upon tlclivnj nt SHO per dend-wcight ton. Second Piftv per cent of the amount of the pun hasp puie to bo paid on de livery of the str.unslilp, the remainder to 1)0 piiil In cpinrterlj instnllmuits ocr u pci tod of PicMrcn months; rate. $100 per dead -weight Ion. Tlilnl. Twinlj I'im per cent of the I1I1C llllUli ,11 li it til lin fmiit mi jtnll.n. . '.in. I l, , !"' -- 'i i- i" in. ii. in, iiriiiri , lOth LnKinpPis r t, , nn ti.n ., .:...).. t ..i. (limpIIospit.il No. iiiMiillini nts nur ll nprio.l of tlir... 1 cllls, i nte, 'Ml'i per ton cieacl weight Tin- "hipping lio.ii il is nlso npgoti'it , ing the siIp of some of its newlj con '.United stiel tolling!-, nlthougli tliese lipgotintions are limited to a pertain number of eels. On the tjpe of steamship built on the fSrent Lakes, which is from U."()D to -i'-'OO tons dead I weight, the price is $200 per ton. On .Many Philadclphlans, members of the units of Base Hospital No. 78, have ar med back in this country and will be discharged and sent to their homes i within a few dnjs. They arrived at New Yotk obemtel the Italian steamship! Dilute Allighleri. I 'llnee tinnspoits. the Ohlom, lownn nnd 1'eipiot, mo ilue heie with 3'J."'J troops. The Ohionii is ilue on Priehij nnd the other two ships on Mondiu., All thiee ships will dock at Snjeler nvc- nue wharf. , The units aboard tjic Ohioan are Twentieth Engineers. I'm t -clchth Com- I panv ; imnpiiny Serii'e lliittnlion : .!'!, Itne Ilnsiiitiil No. ),". Base IIos ntal No. !)S, 1'ie.lel Ki mount Battalions Nos. 317 and .'It!); Ciimi.i1 Companies 1513, 1511 nnd 1.VMI. The low an is due .tune -3 from Brest, with 151IS troops. The units are JILMith Tielil Ileinnunt Siuadion, 331st Sen Ire Battnlion, Aim Seniee Corps Ilend iiuailcrs and Medical Detachment, Com pany C: 10'lth Ammunition Ttnin, Motor Battalion; Headquarters l)e- iiu-iiment, rniiunry J iptnciiment, rum-1 panics A to I) iiicluslic; 102d Cnmi) Hospital, 101th, 10(1 ami 111th Base Hospitals; 0th Army Service Corps, Depot Service Compnnj ; 100th Arm Service Ammunition Train Motor Bat tnlion Oidnanee Detachment, 151Lth i and 15'2M Cnsu.il Companies nnd 15111th nppcmi i usual l inupnnv. Only thirty-three icturiilng troops of the Ordnance Convov Detnchmcnt Divi sion will be brought here bv the Pequot fiom I'lnnee, Tins vessel aKo will bung 5500 tons of ordniince mntiiial. I'hiludelphians nt living on the Dintc Meghieii ineludeil : Louis Tobnxkv 1010 North second stretl JamoH A Klliotirie 311 nrlne tlnnl n street Allen h. Hurke 2105 Hist Si rEeiinl street Maurice A cookerj, 2iV) Hint Cum hcrlmul street, Josepli 1) elulhcrmon. 2 1l'l J.ast -Vnth. street. M IllUm I, Hall 20in L-1".', 'if,1 TlV street llnrrv tl HaUht, 1 1 I south Ihlrtj third streit eleoige Ponel en Ninth Inrt-(irth street. l.irn II lliuir -..,. l'.l,t .Al1 ,m" "'reel. Thomns Htnnafv "..'.. .'""'Pi'ls ctreit Thoimi W Cnnnellv Jill Wolf striet John Duilllih 2iril It. I Krailo -treet Johnliuch 2.'3 I Carroll stre. t VValler i: Ilnncra, 2004 Haziril sin t 1 retlerlfk K llorroushs " s mnders nvenu Alfred It-ill 2001 Hai-t Letterlj ttieet ller ?,l'li.1?on,'!.,Au; -ii!X K,sl I,rln street. Itilph Hewitt, IJ1 1 nst Cumberland street Jam , A Hair. 12MI Soulh Tuenlv scond strut IJ3V. A Ilendmin, 42; West Olnev nenu William J Hirto lnjn Itldne nvenm. In jeph Dukes 71. Harmony street. John IV Iiiiltmin, 1K1I Hast I.ehlRh avenue. HovmiuI lllrle. -021 Hist UKiiuehanna avenin nnvmond A Ilartu 1401 K est MontKomer nveiiUH. Otto llauer. Jr .".Oil Hmeralil street- Ilnrrj P Denter 1120 Crease xtn et John Iturklns 121.' Huiknell street, Joseph I I eriiocln ISoei Parrish street Ituwll A '".VK ln.i '"lurlstiin slrl-it. Wlss ihle Icon Robert T Conn-rs 22.0 West Lehlkh nv nue Isr eel OoMmin, 2441, Soulh I'lillllp '"!' 1,,'-l).7,ne I1"08 14-'" v,ou"1 Clark, i b net yillhim J llrlseoll 227 North Ilubv street I rank It Snuder '14J- North flftv seventh strict Stanford While, 40IH1 Sprue street, simurl Mclmfiiril 211ft soulh Slxin street William C Henry 4117 I'enn stre. I trinkford. Uennrtnn Catchlore, 1114 South Molo street, W'llllnm Jaffo r,227 flirild avenue Chnrlea K Wllcv, 2111 Hirold streit, rranklln I. Illiinlck 111. Mrntnr street I'rederick W'ithup 11124 North hev enteenth street and -William H. McLaughlin 1-47 Marlboreienjh street John J O Connor. 2111 Montroso stre-1 . A, 'iuer 21 IS .South Tnelfth Hr 1 lohn CI Pea, .1120 ejaul street. Philip Itavlns 2021 North Thlrt-secoml sir.. John Konlder eenel Theodore il. Heuer bouth Tvventj-tlrst striet. Rings, Valued at $1000, Stolen Two diamond rings inlurcl at 51000 were stolen jesterday from the home of W. H. Alvpiv, 7S03 St. Mnrtin's lune. i The police believe the lings were stoli-u by n thief who gnineel entrance to thc house bj foicltirf a rear window. Charming Gifts of Diamond Jewelry for June Brides and Graduates MTII.r. 1 IM-I It UlMiS 1IK PISS uueieic lll.s i a - i i ii m.s In cold and tdatlnuin lnountiiiRS eif dlstlnitlvo deslnis and unliiue veorkinan hMp Moni.itVTr.i.Y l'Kirrn KENNEDY & BRO. 102 S. Uth St. or. Drury lane r?3 ft (joaasp jtr sTour. closes j i? I 923 MARKET STREET A Splendid Saving on eaded Georgette Dresses, at 'I hero Is nn unusual elemmel for theo elolielittul Bimimcr fioclcs ami tlnlr wholesale iirlcej nro Bolng hlglier every day IVn luivo ISt brand-new arrivals -md lo --pll il Hi popular price Also Dresses of Satins and TalTclas In ceuially charming summer ttj lei. Women's Jersey Sports Suits, $25 Second l'loor New Voile Blouses $1.98 Hand cmbrolil 11 eel, lire trltn ui tl and frilled fronts in stvles out of the oull-nnr. Summer Hats ol 1'iiiU or White GcorKette s ","'-v fc-ldons A III Wis! N-' V .It .1 MM ' ' till prnr B'rlth Shalom Indorses League Atlantic City, June 18. The lensin of nations was imlorseel by the conve"ii tion of the Independent Older of lt'ulh Sholcm here today, which declared i(r convie tion that the United States should become nn active member of the pact. The gathering also declared in favor of the Zion movement, of creating Pales i tine in to a Jewish Rtntc and nppto priateel S."000 toward its restoration. lfPBV?rWIWWF'WB!WWB :vti :ttf'iiiM:f!Kiairi isirui fS5 3ME1S4 Women's Voile and Silk DRESSES$! S $11.98 -HUDSON- Sedan, 1918, 7 passenger; almost new; very atti active price. LEXINGTON MOTOR CO. OF PENNA. 851 N. Broad Street Mot Exceptional Values Special on will ho piuprlseil at tile ultra style oxpresMvl in tlieso moelereto pi Iced frockH '-heer voiles and oiifiinellcs silk t.irfita", tatlns ami noveltj f ul.irels Summer Wash Suits or In .ivy llncncs In white nnd light col- vriiigs lieueu or taiioreti uiyies. $Q.98 O HOME OF STYLE AND ECONOMY Mr ILU3YI11 Crossiiad a Bridge Building is a very simple matter on paper; but the real operation is differ ent. Prom the architect's plan, to the finished house is like crossing a long bridge. It's awkward to get half-way across and find that one span is miss ingthat you can't get the flooring, . sajrj, until after the roof ought to be finished. Wha't will you do about it? "The best way to prevent what's past," said Mrs. Partington, "is to put a stiop to it before it happens." Fix ' on your lumber merchant at the start. Choose an old house, and a' large one. A house fifty years old has taken many customers across that bridge; and a big house can't afford to let a valuable reputation go to smash, Some day you'll build. If you want the work finished on time, see that the lumber comes from LLOYD. William M. Lloyd Company ESTABLISHED 1808 , . A29tb Street and. Ridg Avenijc, PhilRdoJphin Ahu-V f, J yi , ; '" ,'' . I ,ei J jfMiJf ( '" 3- 1 I I B I , I li I '''' i !' I B ii: I !"ifl . The Oldsmobile is a total stran- ger to the minor repairs and adjustments necessary to most cars. Oldsmobile engineers, through 21 years of experience and de velopment, have learned how to eliminate the little troubles that develop and incidentally add many dollars to the repair bills. Oldsmobile economy in a tangible, actual feature of Oldsmobile per formance. You have only to talk with any Olds owner to convince yourself of the difference between most cars and the Oldsmobile. Larsqn Oldsmobile Company Broad & Brown Sts., Phila. I'llW1' fllil 1 ' Lli !' U!i IPC UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED DAILY AT FIVE O'CLOCK Jtrawkidge & Clothi er Anniversary S ,. i i r rr- Last Three Days Exhibition of Oil Portraits of Famous Men Eighteen portraits of men of the allied nntions, prominent in the World War nnd the Peace Conference. Almost life size, handsomely framed. (Sec ond Floor, West). Small reproductions at 10c each. Buy Stationery Now Only shrewd, foresightcd plan ning for the Anniveisaiv Sale could biing you such Wilting Paper as is hero now at these pnees: Special at GoC Cabinets of white lawn - finished Paper, 7U Sheets and 72 Envelopes. Special at GOc Cabinets of linen-finished tinted Paper, 21 Sheets, 21 Coircspondencc Caul'-, 18 Envelopes. Special at 50c White or tinteel lawn-finished Papci, 78 Sheets, 50 Envelopes. Special at 25c White or tinted linen - finished paneled Paper, 24 Sheets, 24 Envelopes. Special at 22c One quire of white linen- or kid-finish Paper with Envelopes to match. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS on ci(ticd Callmtf OirtN dunny tin. .Xnnhcr&ary Sale. Mriewlirlilcn A e lothlm lii 10 i nn r -j 1 lr MILLINERY New Hats Just In Entirely new, different, n n d with such a dash to them, are thebC SAT IN HATS in w hitc- and- na y blue and white-nnd-black, in the new grace ful roll a n d slight droop styles, m a n y with that rather soft effect mound the face, that is so be coming, $8.00 and 59.00 The lint sketched C?8.00), is of navy blue satin, with edge and great bow of glistening white satin. Summer Hats SO and S8 Pink, tmquoisp, while, in com binations of stiaw-aiid-talTcta, and all freshly trimmed in light, nny effects, with flower, glyiei ineel feathers, ribbons, breasts anil wings. The newest ideas Fine Fabric Hats, Special, $1.95 Taffeta, some crepe-anl-taffeta, in navy blue and black, some with sttaw facings. Htrawbrldse t rinthlcr Second Floor, Market stroct, IVfit r - Extra Values in 1 SUMER DRESSES Organdie Frocks, now $10.75 Lovely floweictl organdie in small and medium patterns, in pink, blue, gieen, tan and giav tones; some combined with plain colors. Tucked, tunic and straight-line skirts. Dresses, now $12.50 to $15.00 (iingham, voile, tissue anil oiganelio, in light and elaik colois; striped, clieckeel, fig ui eel and plain effects. Man with white collai.s, some with soft fulls. Tucked and tunic skirts. Voile Dresses, at $7.50 ode Dresses in white and in medium and daik shailes; made in stiiplicn stvle, with the jouthful straight - line .skuts, anil finished with white 'collai; eiy daintj and pirttj. Old Hickory Furniture In the Great Sale . In the quaint old Anthcw Jack hon style, pictured above. They aie made of genuine seasoned hickoiy and, therefore, unaffected I by yea is of haul wear and out i door exposure. In the Anniver saiy Sale at attractively low puces Old Hicliory Chairs $1.75 Old Hickoiy Hockers S5.25 Old Hickory Tables $5.00 StiJvvLirlelS' .5 ' lottile-r l Ihlrl l'loor The Wedding Gift A Nutting Picture rl hr. nniisiiiil beautv of Wallace Suiting Pictuie-, commends them foi commencement., or weciuing gins. lovely subjects, Honeymoon I Stioll and 1 nft.HYieil I $20 00. Framed 7rc to $.10.00. hti.iwliriiH." i ininii-r-1-neirth I leor I inl Garments, Special For the Little Folks Oaimcnts for summer needs, all at unusually low puces. GINGHAM DRESSES, in at tiactnc coloungs and patterns. Shoit-waisted effects; m sizes 2 to 5 years special at SI. 2") BLOOMERS, of white haired muslin, rubbei at the knees; in sizes G to 111 yeats ,"0c. SWEATERS, in summer weight; slip-over stjle with sail or collar; in coi.il, light blue, white or pink; slightly moie than half price $1.7o. HOYS' SUITS, of white rep, plain or stuped gingham, in two piece style. A bmken lot, includ ing all si?es fiom 2 to 5 jenis SI. 15 and Sl.G.". I Dresses, now $16.75 lo $25.00 Voile. Scotch gingham, linen and lincn-and-oile com i bmations, in white and in light anil dark shades. Many I with collarlcss necklines. A t line anct of loveb models. Taffeta Frocks, now $20.00 Made in smplico style with I shoit-lunic skirt, and Uim- , med with plaited fulls; em- bioulcied ciepe Georgette collai edged with lace. Hlack, navy nlue, i icncn uiuu and taupe. Silk Dresses, 'now $22.50 Taffeta, crepe de chine and combinations of foulard - and - ciepc Gcoigctte, ' including black, n a v y blue, French blue, taupe and bcavei. Tunic, tier and coat effects from which to choose. slrreul rlelKf A e lotlit r VVost eenil I'lilTl stif - Ihlrd 1 I ior t l io Vllc IrT I strauhriilRr K MV A i tin' i - L. wsJUk s u"' ' k"r Don't Miss the Savings in Corsets the Sale Brings One of the wisest investments a woman can make is to smme .some of tlu'sc good Coiset values the Anniveisaiy Sale is bunging. & C. Special and other Wo'th one-half anil one-third X- C s;,,0,.;.,i ci ci r.fl SI ).-, tei. S. nrilc-s e'eiiiaiiy vt-ii tviiuvu in.eii stvles. Some vvoith one - half anniveisaiy Hundreds of among them Diive, Honeymoon Honeymoon Cottage. Pictuies, $1.25 to moie. A aiiot v ot mijtlels in the lot. Some for mises. American Lady $1.95 Of a light-weight, summer ma tenal, low bust, long over hips Woith one-third moie. Well-known Corsets $2.00 Amencan Ladv. Roval Worces- - sirawbrllitp f. I lotln. r 1 1ml Her VI rk l s r moie. Nemo Corsets Special. $3.00 Woith ono -thud moie. lake fineling money to get a Nemo Coi set at this puce. Drassieres 38c to 85c I All woith more. Manv styles Unusual Values in Summer Petticoats Special at $1.50 Petticoats of silk-dnished cotton, with scal loped flounce in pietty stripes. Special at $1.00 White Sa- tine Petticoats, with shiired llounce str-ewlirl Iffrt & e-lothlT Third rioor West Voile Flouncings Special at 75c Just leceived, another lot of those beautiful EMBROIDERED VOILE FLOUNCINGS. that went so quickly lafct week. About five hundred yards in this lot, in patterns as attractive as those that pieteded them, and in the same width 25 inches. You save about one-fouith. strnwbrlelK" ' lothle-r AIM I J I eiltro Women's Capes Under Price The icmainder of a special puichaso of a manutaituiei's stock on hand chiefly moelels that we had in stock eailic- in the season, I and which pioveel to be highly favoied. Capes in Four Different Styles $14.50 Two models, one a Cape, the other a Dolman; of serge, tiiinnieil in coiitiasting coloi; unliiicd. Shoit Seige Capes with fane v lining. j and Novelty-stnpi'el Capes, in Copenhagen blue ami coin color, lined thtoughoiit Some woith neaily double this pi ice 14.ri0. Serge Capes in Four Styles $25.00 I Four distinttlv eliffeient moelels thiee m belted effects and one on loose lines, with taffeta collar in hood effect, anil with ti miming of biaid acioss the shouldeis. Neaily all elegantly lineel throughout. -y SmivvbriJ?' A clotlni seonl rioir e Tim- Fountain Pens, $1 Worth one-half more. Self (ilhng pen with 1 1-karat gold point tipped with iridium to in sifie smooth wilting. si iieu bruise. &. Clothier Aisle in. Centre WMPECIALgV Two Anniversary Opportunities in Men's Blue Serge Suits With Two Pairs of Trousers $26.50, $29.50 Two remarkable-groups num bering in all, several hundred Suits, and including some of the season's most recent and smartest styles for young men as well as a plentiful sprinkling of the cor rectly - fashionable conservative styles which men of more re served taste prefer. The serge is ALL-WOOL every thread, and absolutely fast color. These two lots include all legular sizes and neaily all proportions stout, slcndei and short. Wc cannot hope to clupli clte these values, once tho piesent supply tonti acted for is exhausted. The necessity of caily inspection is obviou.s-?2u.D0 and $2.G0. Or, If You Desire a Suit of Other Summer Fab rics, Here is an Extraor dinary Lot at $27.50 Many of tho Suits in this fine collec tion have been taken fiom our icgulnr stock and substantially reduced for the Annlveiearv Snlo. Medium- and light- tone fabrics, it WAIST-SEAM nd other up-to-the-minute as well us conservative styles in singlo -anti double-breasted effect. 35v. fitrawbrlejire 4 Clothier Spconel I'lewr, llt Men's Wallets Pine Dressing Cases WallclN .special. .Sl.).". $1.9" Of tine pin stal and moioecu leathers, the popular tluee-fold style with pocket in back foi pa per money. Name engiaved in gilt letteiing 1iee of ehaigc An exceptional value Fitted Dreeing Cases, special al S:5.7."., $l.9". $;.5(). S(i.9.") For both men anil women 1 old up compaetlv High-class fittings of all needed articles. Just what many aie wanting foi vacation use. Less than Usual now Sl rhvvbrl Is- A Inltn r VI U " I I Irn Player-Piano Rolls 35c each, 3 for $1 AN UNUSbAI, VALUE, the latest Popular Songs and Dances, a few Holls of classical muie, also Wold Holls, for Plajcr-I'iano all under price. sirHwbrMitp & i Inthli. Ullicrt strn t i runs Vinlo Household Muslins at Substantial Savings Bleached Muslins of the excel lent quality mosthousekeepeis pi efer below- regular price- Sheeting Muslin, 81-inch 68c Pillow Case Muslin, 15-inch 38c Mruwbrielfift L l lot liter Aisle 13 Centra Two Thousand Women's Night Gowns of White? Nainsook or Flesh-color Batiste At $1.35 A Hidden Special of excep tional inteicst to all women who like dainty underwear. Night Clowns of soft, white nainsook, in Empire or straight effects exquisitely pretty with their tiimmings of lace and cmbroidciy, fancy stitching or medallions, in wide variety of stjles Some models are of flesh - color batiste trimmed with fancy stitching. At the special piice of $1.35 each, all vvoith much moie, some worth more' than double the price. r strnwbrlelsrt e luthle-r , Ihirel rioor, Weat 1 Excellent Values in Bed Spreads, $3.25 Double-bed sizes, in crochet weave, or white dimity, the kinds and qualities most in dtynand exceptional at $3.20. HtrawbrlJge A Clothier ' All II, Filbert Btrwt trawbridge & Clothier arr ss'Ikkkt ivr1 MARKET STREET .' 1i-A v i::. . .iW. "mA -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers