fr' r'l.f t.'i'W)V " ' NLV- '1 19 ' Vr evening- Public ledger Philadelphia, Wednesday, june is, 1919 TF C0 IN TOWN TODAY TO GIVE MACK YOUNGSTERS A FEW POINTS ON NATIONAL PASTIME r 'i Y, fVlV 'fti&J ,li'.7fiL'Ui'tl ' r E DUALS HQB1NS When Miller Blanks Quakers It Marks Ten Straight Defeats PLAY CINCINNATI TODAY Cincinnati, Jtyie 18. The badly crip pled Phillies, bended by their courage ous leader, Jock Coombs, arrived in tbo palnco o the Reds this morning to open a four-jamo scries with Put Moran's fast Koinj; band of athletes. It was a sad and crestfallen group of Quakers that made their way to headquarters. Usually it is an honor to equal records nnd to break one is n rare feat. Hut in this instance there la Ho occasion for joy. For the tenth consecutive time the Phillies went down in defeat when Mil ler, of the PirntPH, blanked them in Pittsburgh yestcrdny by 0 to 0. It has been n long time since the Phillies won a ball game not since they con quered the Giants nt the Polo Grounds on Juno 4. The western trip has been disastrous 1'irst they invaded St. IiohN and dropped four games to the Cardinals. The next found them taking three lac Ings from the Cubs. The boys looked for better treatment in Pittsburgh, but Itezdck was not the least considerate nnd annexed three more. Now the boys find themselves in Cln rlnnattl. This is the last town in the circuit where they could expect any mercy. The Reds will offer no quarter. Moran now wants to have the Phil lies shatter the Dodgers's record and make it fourteen straight that will be possible if the Phils drop the four-game eerics here. Bingles and Bungles "Well," chirped the guy In the. brown derby, "thero'fl pome coniolitlon In these here ntrealm them A's and I'hlli In hTiln" The chamneen of the wolld hive drooped four straight and are eoln' etrons jet," Pat Srnrrny, late of the tlocliester Club. joined .lack Coombs anil the mlsheliniliiff l'htls In IMttnlinrKli jesterdny. Now the Mills hae n Tat to meet Pat In Cincinnati today. ATI Old Jlfnn Pashcrt could do vsterdau aoatnst tlie Okinls urn to patlier a trlrle, a home run, score a run. steal base and snnrr a Hner. Dodc is through, like Oavtv Cravalh. Mr. c Maek needs some spectators as well as ball players on his pay roll riase- nau ranatlca are snaKing ine j s n.a mat as soldiers are forsaklne the cooties "Mighty" Casey, net of Mnrtvllle fume. whnnred a homer with two on off Klmer Jacobs, htentel is the Tint? off to (leeroa ?iim. Jfoiirlce Biirnii is only four days aicnv, and (iawoe hit a Jmmer and a alnple for a day's average of .. J. McCJraw Is through Slcklns the Fhlls He wants EJdle back rlsht away and Is about to srab him. It teas a arcat day for Bostoiitans in neon' town yesterday, fciit not for the l!ed Hoi. Jnr irood snurrf the tnorniito oame of the noli day till when he made his 1911 vitchtna debut, and Tris Speaker's hit uon tlir n(ri noon enoapement, Cleveland' landing its fourth straight over the slipping Barrow aggregation. The Browns were wrecked off Shore yester day nnd went down to their third straight drowning In wet New York. Here's a. line for wears- Willie Tonn rooters: Orover Alexander and Dodo Paskert beat the masts and Kid Oleason trimmed theA's. Oolta find some winners to root for." Boon Ituth's bat snung t'lclousli for naught. He connected for a triple in the morning and a liomcr and two singles in the afternoon. v TecV picked on XXVIlmnn for n home rnn nnd two olnltles. nnd I'lpn perked .llmmy llnrke's southpaw for u pnlr of one-ply blow a. With Bert Teabslev. Mike Prendergast Rherwood Misee, Eddlo Plank nnd Jon Oencheer all at Bhlbe Park, Connie Mack o-Jiht to be able to pick a ball club from amonff the spectators. Pittsburgh correspondent has nrio excuse for the Phils, lie writes that it was so dark in the sixth that both Whltted and Sicklna fanned because they couldn't see the ball. Xt'cnder If some of the A's couldn't dig vp that aWM After Hannah slammed XTellmnn for two hltA and scored u rnn, Carl wanted ts know tthr the blc New York catcher was called "Truck." Connie Mack should send scouts to New Haven and discover how Yale and Harvard Induce 20,000 paid customers td witness their rastimlng. It'i "clncli Tat Moran will do his best to aid the rhlls on their Jonmer to lat place. Pat Is too big hearted to stop the rtcord-brrakint bncksprlnt ot the Coombs men. Connie Mack will rake n lonr squint at Jhe XVashlnrton box score of restertiny. Roy irorcr had two singles and stolen bae. Hughle Jennings, who is with us today. lias no love for Walter Johnson Prince Walter trimmed Slim I.ove yesterday and the Henators Tlsers. evened tho series with the There were seTen home runs In the tun .learnes yesterday, hut none of the Phils hail anything to do with them except Jacobs, who served one In the groove for Casey fitenrel. ' Phoenlxvllle Wins In Golf rhoenlxTltle, Pa., June 18 The irolf team ef the Phoenlxvllle Country Club opened their tournament season by a victory over the XX'est Chester Country Club-lth a score of 8 to B. Hallman High Bowler In the Interalley handicap bowllnr toutney last night, rolled on Casino Alleys, Eureka won all three games from the Drummers Hallman waa high man with a score of 21b. IHileCullouk&Son AUTOMOTIVE AND GARAGE SUPPLIES for punctures and blowouts Wobd's Everlock i Permanently repnlrs with out vulcanizing the small est puncture or the largest blowout Guaranteed to do tho work. Four sizes 50c, $1.00 and $1.50. Also special garago size. 219-21 N. Broad . -. ...lAL ...... What May Happen in Baseball Today AXtKRICAN I.nAfUJH (lull XX. in loxt I'M. XX In t.nv .(17 1 .ll.Xi .(107 .lll.t MIS .(HO .mi .( .JB1I ,I'I7 ,4V! .1211 .nan .nni .sjs .-it XX In I.n .(iHIP .(1117 ...CI .1S7 .V 1 . , .( ,r..j .m .437 .138 .l'l" .mi .:ii7 ..III) .3!(l Nru Xurk ( Inrtiin.l , t. I.miU . Detroit llotii. , . H.l lit ilW n 1 . J' 1(1 ,u 1 2'J .A00 Jl '.il .117 JK 2't .I'll! Id '!7 .:! i) 31 ,ita iMinriir . . NATIONAL I.KAOUR rinti Xon tjt l'ct. New Xnrk :0 14 .(IXi anflr.nntl 'J7 l .film I lllnlKo Vt 21 .nn I'llf.lnirch SS 31 .M "I. InulH ..:... . -11 2 .J" llrnnklyn SI SO .111 rmiiiffl it. ..";' Huston It 2S .H.I3 YKSTKHDAY'S KKSUIjTS AMERICAN l.KAUUI'. thlrnRO. 7i Alhlrllrs. fl. Irtrlnnil, 4 Ho. Ion, .1 (mnmlnR unrnr). I Irvrlnn.l, 3: llo.lmi, 2 (nfltrnoon eamo). XXnuiiliminn, 3i Ilrlrnll. 1. New nrk, 5i Ht. Lciiil. 2. NATio.NAr. i,i:.xaur: l'M(hnrr. 0: rhllllrK. 0. hlri.ffn. 7t Nn Xork. 2. Other siimea Uuln. TODAY'S RCIIKDUI.H axikrican i.iiAnir. Ctr.rlniul nt New.lork Cloud.. Drtrnlt nt I'lilliii'rlnlilii tlenr. M. l.miN nt ItOHtnn Cloudy. ( lilmKu nt WiihlnBton Irnr. NATIONAL I.IIXOCH Xnv York nt t. l.nnl. I'ln.iilv. lloMoil nt rltiihiirgli I lfr. rhlllirs nt I Inrlnniiti t lonr. lSraikl.Tll nt ( hlcaEO Irar. BILLTWBIG 'Fine," Says Rickard, WJjen Ohio Legislature Refuses to Interfere With Match CHIP IN WILLARD'S CAMP, Toledo. 0.. June IS. Tex Ilicknril promoter of the heayvweight champion- - ship contest between Jess 'Willaid and Jaclc Dempsey, here July -1, todav o- 1 l.! nltn(nnllnl. ,.ft. ( I. rt tlnfnnl preseu ins Munia. n..u .,,,. .... ,.... of the bill in the Ohio Legislature last night, which, if passed, would BOUT KNOCKED OUT empowered )oernor Oox to prevent thcli'eii'iniMiiBli. N Ricltnrd Faid!"C "cannof possibly b'cc, how nny oposition to the contest can be taken se.iously. T haxe every confi- dencc that there will be no fuither at - !n(n,rn itl, lm ctnii.r. nf .,., ... ...,..... ...... ...w ..... Hie exliihition. ii i . i... :. ni n.n.l -..,! ili'nns l.innml world s ihinipion lll head Willnrd today received word from lhl KeM ulln exnirniion of President "StenmboTt Kill" Scott, n liglit henxj- . " ""' w-on.i imii .,, , , ... , e Thee mi mbers Mere in altelldnnce Ilonnj weight who lias just letlirned From uonard. .1.. i'lrestinie Krn-st jKinbor. for lVnnce einressinc liis willincness to'mf,r PwsiJint llurr I) Hilwnrds fnnmi I r.inic, expn ssiii), ins nuiiiihutst w x't-ry.t Arthur llieh llr X ii t'ffen Join the champions btaft of sparring lielmer, I.e. n IUln. Jumn J Connor. Louis inrtnees immnrlln tel v nnnn liis iliselinren Knnil'. Louis llHnlun l.e Critlliotl J K parineis immeniuiei upon ins oiscnnrge NnnPr VI ji,rr, i,,rK(. jiHter. Di from the seivice nt Camp Sherman. Loin iirinkmin ir iimrco w wittin-iier Siott formerly was a pairing mate , nU 'x' xi'iJSiiin'S n.Moir'K, of AVillard's. lie returned from I'lamc i " "' lanme c.irm-in j . s. I'aroUn, holding the championship honors of the Sixth Division. Ailniirers nf Demnsev nrn ., . i . - ,, , .. l , I Pm k Homnie. of New Voik. uri puttliiK over the xveigllt of the challenger, who th, Ir finishing touehes on their trnlnlmr fn tinned the scales lesterilnv nt .iiii their cnmln sit rmind iKitth. at the National tipped tin huues jesieniny nc -Ul'A A i,,,. (irifr .ininniiKi-r nf tin Nation it pounds, wearing only his trunks nttil . nri i:nnii. iiub, has leased tin Smith boxing slices. ii':n-i i. .- .. . iliard hns a new- sparring partner' in camp who promises to be of valuable assistance. Tlie new addition is .loc Chip, a middleweight, of Newcastle, Pa. He is fast, lets his punches flj from all angles, and half it doen times .xesterday caught the champion with stinging blows to the head and body. Nonfight Bill Defeated, 57 to 29 Columbus, June IS. The Ohio Legislature last night refused to in terfere xvith the Willard-Dcmpsey fight at Toledo July 4. The House of Hep reseutatives, by a vote of 57 to 1!0 defeated the Dunn bill that would have rirnn (Inremnr Pnr nntlinrlti- In re x'oho the permit issued by the city of Toledo, if in his judgment the pro posed bout would ho n pric fight. Sixty-three votes xverc needed for pas sage. Representative Dunn, however, made a motion to reconsiuer tlio vote nn.! this motion probably xvill be taken uji today. West PlttsttJn Downs Wllkes-Barrc XX'est Plttston, Pa.. Juno 18 In slnKles and doubles matches between the XX'est Pill ton and XVtlkes-Harre' High Hchool tennis teams on tho local courts XX est rittstou was u. winner in live uf the six events. MONROE VeP1 TiTVIA Arrow COLLAR - FOR. SPRING QueH,Pcabody &CaInc. Troy MY. St. -I. ! TEN EYCK AT SYRACUSE Famous Roving Coach Signs Five Year Contract With Orange Rraiuse. N. Y., June 18. Coach .Fumes Ten Kjrfc. nf the Ditluth boat club clews, has been signed to conrli the Hyrnriisu l'nlerslty oarsmen for u "peiiod of fixe eais. This was mi nomiccd in the athletic gocrnlng board of the tiniersity, Coacli Ten Hyck was in charge of the Orange oarsmen1 from JUOCi to 11)1(1 when he went to Duluth. HARVARD CRWS REST Practice Starts and Then Visit the Yale Oarsmen lied Top, Conn., June IS No i.ard work was given to any of the Harvard crews jesterdnj. Itaclng starts wcie indulged in hv all Hie boats, hut aside n from slioit puddles the day was a lioli dnj. The llanard rowers made their annual call at (tales Pcrrj. LIGHT WORK FOR YALE Crews Take Short Paddles In Morn ing and Afternoon Gales Kerry, Conn., June IS. Yes tenia was nu eas one for the Yule ciews, only slioit paddles with racing starts practice being indulged in lij the nrsitj and fieshmeii eights 'I he nft iriiooii woik was mij light. Another for Stetson nrrMoM n, Juno I1 Motion nl (hi nUliN uli'loi thn Nunlntitwri 1'reffsj.lotiiiN in ii tulllKht innti'il iitnnli tl tu .1 Ratner and Basham Draw I nntlnn, Juno IS Iho I u e n t roun.l liox luir tontint Tt tlie Natlunal Sinrttiitr I'lul, lond i htht LelM'in Auj;le llitntr ami Johnny It.n-linm enit (1 in .i ilfan Up-to-Minute Marhs of Leading Batters NATIONAL I.KlfH II I Plaver t'r.iintli. rlillllfs (.. A. II. It. ii. 411 (II ."I :i- 3H II t inline. p Anrk 2.1 .ai.t 5,",'fe0VJB""I!'lWJb.lril J?, Minium. Phillies 3'i u.i 111 -il uii I. do ;a Mi;itU'AN IXXfil K I'llirr .. It. It. - - 4 1 nil 'II flplri.l 1 l (-.-. '-. .'l-.K I e,h . 1 1 ),,,. pilir St. mils Ii I c.i. .H nu,. jnt.n,i.n . in.ninl..i t-. i, ., , ,il! .!J "riiiiiimi . I,.,.., , . , , ,, , x, ,u in :i; , -3 LslJjL O JJljDU , Xm .WV sTriSVW.SS i fmtii h. i.t ,u th. iim.1 iiinslLiin last niltht J'n Idelit Sam lln.s a n -elerteil iinuiiinousll this Is tleiarst time n l.risl- I knt fo tlil sncli a tt t ik . eedul himself ..ii h .ti.,p.'ai ii ii in in.'., j... n l'iiibi'iii. J.imes tliinl ami Hilly Purcell. .llilinn Xleilll. the local lichtw elcht. Ttlil I I JT- X fll t il PUt'l'L vXIt II I tl' I XI II UllXIII '11 tiMs durlni. the summer mnntl s lllilj Han non. of Houthwark, and l'l. ineniaii or Lit n,. itaiv. are in the Johnnv Kit. hell is f.i hedulcil to entirii.n In lh unin prellniin ir Xiuins: Casentt ami liiimuv Doll nml Patsv Kowan anil Willie Herman will complete th" progra n .loev Pov. f-a'herwelcht rhamnlnn of P.n? Kn, I 1 mil ivlio ' ime Mem lo hattte with Johlini Kllliane will meet tin champion in a rli- liund bout at the Phllllea Pnrk In two wi.Ks l.eoti Rains Is proniotiiiB tho nhow l'rnnk I ounherl , Iho veteran Mannvunk battler and llltz Walters of Xtlnntlc Cltv. wttl meet in the miin hunt at the Atlantic Cltv fcportliiK Club tomorrow niKht The Lout Is scheduled lo Po iltht rouinH Two other eittu-iuund limits are on thn proftTaiu I mile Xlorpan and Pari Mooio and Joe XHrKs an I loe Phillips ire tin" oilier eljht roi,iiilers Teddv XVIllliinis nnd IMillo llites will bo the tontectnnts In the openlnv bout Prankle Daler. of nttsburBh nnd Tounit i y u-c -rjmm 3 m m m e mm 1 fw! ! Wlll Hffr.fffl Stewart Design Cuts And Increases Endumnce So Thai in 5 Years None Has Worn Out STEWART design goes far in increasing truck endurance. By eliminating 600 to 700 parts Stewart has removed much of the unsprung xveight that adds to truck wear and truck maintenance cost. It has increased its carrying capacity, and saved $200 to $300 on first cost. Stcxvart economy in operation and maintenance has made it the choice of 200 lines of business. Some operate fleets of Stewarts only. Others have from 5 to 50 in daily service. The first fifty Stewarts, built over five years ago, . arc giving economical uninterruped service today. In over five years no Stewart has worn out. Fuel economy is one of Stewart's greatest, advantages. In every Stcxvart more than 90 of the power is de livered to the rear tires. Stewart simplicity and design prevents tampering or tinkering. Lubrication is almost automatic. There are fewer parts to wear out or to replace. Stewart reliability and simplicity is saving transporta tion worry and earning dollars on the farm and mining camp far from service stations as well as inthe city. Let us phow you a Stewart that will save money for you. Gomery-Schwartz Motor Car Co. 128-40 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. II I IIMII SSsfewart livfokMrOclta-.UmH!. nftfBUlrsijiffii Ttiflim ir i ML .n.Th.jMPMMI tip- - Tjfl GOLF MATCHES Gardner Meets Newton and lloffner Clashes With Shanvood in Semifinals for Lynnewood Hall Cup at Huntingdon Valley Country Club Hy .SPICK IIAI.Ii TJK! doings in golf ale on todaj. Tlie -- ni. in.. ..(..i.i mW rrnl In freOien I. III! I..-". Illll, .III.,. . -- - the tricens nntl fiiiiwuvs nt the Hunt Iii,r''i Valley Country Club nnd to nwaken enilj the intense Interest in the semifinals and final round for the hand- tnmn rAtinpunnil Hull Clin. The galleries oMcrdny were confined 1'irgeh to n cool spot beneath the trees rlmnging Die -iNlecntli green and the biee7- confines nf the other well-known hole the only one on the course that does not boast nf n green. This morning it was different. When W. II. (Inidner. lluffnlo, nnd II. C. Vpwlnti. 1 trfiiiKli no ilimp nff from the Hist tee tliej weie trai!-il liv a repre- sen'ntiNc bunih nf men mi1 women wlioithe same. At none of the big tourmi weie Keen to follow everj stroke in the meats tint hne been stiiged this ar senit-linnl round The sane thing was ),.ls n,r mr(;,il winner come through the tine to nn ein greater degiee, when n I Imnl loimd. and only once in the histnrj few minutes hiler (iemge V lloffner, nf the I..nneond 1 lull Cup matches has l'ala. nnd Sm1ih Sliaiwnnd, Meiion, tliis eei oicuiicd. Tliat was snnie jears begnn plnj in tin- lnwn- hraiket of the!.,..,,, when Jerome K. Trners dmpped peiiiiKiiimtn Kiiind m,, (ik the qiialifinK round, tlie finals lu spite of th(se tunevcelleut matches j,,,,,! nn ulentallj the fluid lig on the tline wlin weie in the kmiihI and tliird sixieenis weiu in iiieir games in eainesi, rnr tlieie wns u lot ot tncmllr argil incut on (lie lenlt -f some of these inntches. seheiluled In be pliyed by nunc of Philadelphia's tmis skillful club wlrldcrs. lloffner Faxoille lloffner wns n leigtung fnioiite after the first round jeslenlay. hut when Sjdney Shnrwond disposed of .1. S Dean, the jouth from Atlanta via I'rincefon, the Merinu player's Htocl. took n decided hop. ltnfh Sharuood and lloffner arc great match plajers. N'eitber shows any tendency to get c- cited, legardless nf his own haul luck jji.J'or the good fortune of Ins opponent. In slimt, the mi1 cool, eien cold, pla. ets and never allow an extiaiienus cir ciinistauc's lo interfire with the best I . . .. . .1 .A . Hint tney ave in ineir gnu n.igs. J l'or this reason there was nioie infer 1 oLli I Htl.) J irk Talind of Ihli cit ll! mpt In tin final limit at thr CamhrS i A f njn n ilr iimii m I'rlil.n enlnff Th. otlir bonh will hrniB toKell" r Jlmim l.ifiilnr ind Tulinn lalonc )Iubl OltrUn ami Mnrtln luiTfj Yountr lullli?in .mtI MHU Cinnt.n j ml roinm Murr.ii and nunt; tlrlffu rrri(1prit 'nm drosf, of th Hmpirr " rini8 to tiavp ii jammt'tl hmiso nit 1'rltiav f ulntr wlifti IHtlle N .ir tnci ami li ir it (KM) T Jiomat clash In tlio main hint rhls v Ml imrk tho third mpptlup lwtu pii thn pilr L.ith liout was of the nnittionil kind It iv nMllPT. lirother of Tolitin "Mmh Mi tu, Du h Moore In tlio trmlw Ind up Th. third bout lirinc to(rnthr MIcK Hrltt ftnd Mlk Conn'irH The ntlir hmitH folhtw lohnnv Kpuholl ,11mm v Mson and I'mnklo MrKnnni f'liirll" l.connrd A baltlt roal also Ih on thi (.ird CHANGE "RACE TllGHT Hold Velodrome Cycle Events on Thursdays and Saturdays Km ing nt the Point ISrecc Vein dtome in the fulitie will be on Tliuis- il.'ijs and Satin il.iy. n,i 1...1 ..:!.. ii,i rr .... ' '"' cc iiim iuki" w..- ...n... " ,, . nr ,nin M'lii wns the lirr.1 account ol lain. I ins was ini urM postponement of the siiison. I'or to morrow night tin1 postponed foil mile I. ice, fentuung Clarence Carman. Per.' Lawrence, P.ihby "Walthour and IJrorge Chapman, will he held. A match sprint ince between Tom Hollo and Willie Hanle.v will be one of the features. Two amateur cycle events also are on the program. Cost $200 to $300 mSBM. START TODAY est in the Hnffner-Sharwood mntrh tThin n the Gnrdner-N'cwton setto. Purtlicr more, it was felt tbnt the winner of the local pair was almost certain to win the fitiah. Unless the, victor in the loner hnlf of the braiket is decidedly off his game he should win from either t;ar,llPr or Xewton, judging bv past pcifnrinnnecs. The Ileal Dope It is old dope that the winner ot the qualifjing round never wins the tourna ment. Theie linve been a few execp- t tions lo thi, but it is good dope jut tmph,. . - ,.vti-n1rt t ic done was true n lot in iniii Dean, who won tlie medal with l.'il Mondaj, was eliminated bv Shar w oikI in Hie second round, putting out a ilangiious man, who is neveitlieless likilv to be heard from in nn.v nf the big gulf meets in which be ciitcis tins season. Until Dean was eliminated it ap pealed as though the I.ynnevvnod Hall (.'up might he carried by a college plnycr m spite of the man.v vilu.uis who weie found in tlie entry list, fot he is not the only collegiate uptescn tntive. (inidnei1, nlthotigh olhcially f i om ltiiffnlii, is nt Yule. These tvm plajers gave the tournament ipnte n youthful flavor, to say nothing of giving Philadelphia golferH n good seine by their fine plaj. Kvcn jet theie is a limine for the cup to take a college ionise, for (inrdner is still very ninth in the run ning When (inrdner defeated Cnmeion 15. Iliixlou, lluutiugdoii Valley, in the tirst round jisterdnj morning, tlie Miriittw eie.itid vvas'almost n tdioclt. Aiimding In litirduei, lie was one of the most slllpllsed nf mix . The I'uffnln nle man plnjed excellent golf, hill the vie Inly was partly due to overuuilidence nn the pa it of the Iliiiitingilnu alley Ctaik. Ituvton nn doubt belli oil thai lie i mild win easily, iimscquditlj Ins game vvas not up to the Iluxton staud aid. The usulf was that when (!nnl hit was two up with nnlj ti few more boles lo go, Ituxtnii woke up to the fact tlint lie innrlit lie lieuten. lfis L'.imn itn ptoved, but C.udinei, iciliing that he find a ( liiiuce, nnd n good one, lo win, i also laNcd his game and the two went at it toot Ii and nail, or lather ill her1 and puftci. until Hie eighteenth hole was reached. Here ltuxtou Inst the match one up when (ijultur laid him s eh .nl stvmie. Cai.lner had tii.d fm- a twelve foot put. The ball curled niniiiHl the cup n maple of times, then rolled out, dire, tlj m the palh of Ilux ton's ball. So the mitt, h cndul ATLANTIC G UIM fW DCnCH WIGHTMM U I Longwood Star Vanquishes New Yorker in Third Round of Women's Title Tennis MISS BJURSTEDT SCORES .St. .Martins. I'.a., .lime 1 Mis fieorge Wightmnn. of (he I.ongvvood 1 ('., won her fhinl round ninteh in the thiit j -second annual women's national tennis tollman cut bete this morning, defeating Miss I'hnnor Goss, of New York bj Ii .'!, t Ii. ti I. Miss Kolhnnni I'orter, of tlie I'hiln delphia Cinket Club, the Jilajing thiougli (hatnpinn in ibe gills' national singles, vvas the first ti'lehoblir to go dovvii In ih feat. Miss l'otter was eliminnliil in the third loutid of the girl'b singles Ibis morning nffer a sen thiee-set match with Miss Adelaide Honker, of the (ireenvvnh I'tehi Club. Conn., (i-.'l. ". '" - The semifiniil round of the girls' singh s was leaihed this morning The di fiat nf Miss Purler blasts I'liihulel plim's linpis nf lilaiuilig tin luitiipKUi snp m this event. The fnui plnjeis remaining me lis Adil.uili Honker, of (iteenvv ieh I'teld Club, (iinii ; Miss I'.liabetb Win ten. nl Westmnrelnnd Club, .i., Miss Kathaiine (Snrdner, of the West Side l'i tuns Cluli. New- York, and Mis Martha P.avaid, of Shoit Hills, N. ,T. Mllnlna I XXdXIl.N H ClIAXU'ltlNSHIP sSCIl.n Third Hound Mr Ollhert Iluve. Phil idnli hli oim tr riuh deflated Mis' Anil" Nnvtor I'hlla. .1 Iplii i I'rkkit I'luh. I. 1 il -' Mini Xlnlla HJurstedt. W'eet i- Tennis ( lull dereiiled Mm Clement 11 WpilnurlBht. Phllidtdphli I lull 11 Ii il 1 V1ls Vlarle ler Niu Xnrli 'limits i lull defeit Xlollle Timor, Phllu . Ii lila CXIek. t . (1-3 1 Xls XI irlon Inn. . leln Leinrwnod Crl. kel i lull defeated Mls Kleinor s )r. 1 uni; . ml I rl. Iet i lull (1 '-' 11 1 Xlii in true XVnrhtmin l.oniriood P f , 1 fialid .Miss l.lianor tin 1 '1 ( ( en VMIMONMIIP SIM, IPS Third Ilmiod tlo Xlirthi lliiril s,rt I Ii tin'at.d Xllsi. Katliiirlne i.tuI r T iir'ti n h PI. Id l inn - " ii i "i 1 VIIks K'.ith.irlni Cur.tner XV i t liU I'luh defeatut Vlli XIalv Hi Hon uc Ton (irf n , I. tl ('lull 7-r. II .' , , tl Llialii 111 XVarien XX -tmorellinil I lull Xn Xtin P u. 1 .p Andr .mi Wtstnuiri I md i'lul. i i.J . "i Xlt.s Adelnlde Iloiikii- In.ennleli Cluli. il f Mips Knlhiirln Purtir Phllldfl I hi i ( rltUit (-'tub l. II - i. C -' DOOIN SIGNS BARIESS Former Central High Pitcher to Play With Reading "n.l.lie'' Pnriiss, who has been pit. lung for the Kdvxni.I f!. Itudd teirn, has been signed up b.v Mnnager Dooiti, , nf the Heading Intel national League team ll.uiess is a C'ential High School product . ,,,.., T i IV1 1 1 U fl t L L 1917. ri-passenjrer touiing; newly refinihhed; excellent condition; $000. LEXINGTON MOTOR CO. OF PENNA. 851 N. Broad Street Correct Volatility Atlantic Gasoline is lively. You don't have to coax an Atlantic-fed motor to take the spark. No, not even when the car's been standing. Just fill your tank with Atlantic Gasoline. Hold out your clutch, throw on your ignition and press the starter-button. A few revolutions of the crank-shaft and F-r-r-r! There you are all 'set for a spin; carbureter breath ing freely; motor purring softly. Step on her! . . . Eyes front. Keep your foot near the brake. Man, that's Atlantic whizzing you along the asphalt like there wasn't any road there a-tall. And this goes for trucks, too. Powerful, volatile Atlantic Gasoline will cut your hauling-costs to the bone. That's why most trucks use Atlantic and nothing else. You try it. THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY Philadelphia Pittsburgh GASOLINE PutsPepin George lloffner May Set Golf Record Oeorge lloffner, the Itala golf star, is out to create n new record I'resh from two recent victories, one In the North Hills Invitation tour nament and the other in the Shaw nee compititlou tlint closed on Sat urday, lloffner will strive to ndd two more conquests to his string before the week closes. If Oeorge renches tlie finnls in tlie I.xnnewond Hull tourney nt Hunt ingdon Vuliey today be will make a lljing trip to Haiti, where he will attempt to captuie the initial in tbo (innlifvlng round of the nnntial in vitation tournament, lloffner looms as a possible winner oxer the Noble links, although lie is competing agniir a strong field. PRANN'S HIT DECIDES Singles In Ninth and Yale Downs Harvard, 2 to 1 New Waxen, Conn.. June I" Yule baseball team won a fine 'J 1 viitniv over Il.iiianl vestotdnv afternoon be fore the Intgest cnniineiu i incut irovvil that evir p.tikid itself into 'Sale tield When Pronn dinvc home the winning mil in the ninth with two nut. nn a ileaii hit to light field, the gient irnwd broke Innse. sivtttuiing the field nnd inr I ung the ale plavers on tin i r bin ks Thite vvei'e ILMHIO on hand, inilmlnig 4II0(I graduates in nil kinds nf ins tuiuis Injury Defeats Throckmorton e XorU. .Itine is XViililn on elrek . nn ihh vleiorv, Harold Tlirnrkniortnii II former notdler, iy. . mini. II. d to difm lo II mklev In the third round of tl ltrwiklvn . halnpionnhip tennln touniiiin. nt i th. Iirnifl i lull In Ilittiuti jii.rda In i nine, of un injured arm Western A. A. Wants Games The. XVestern A A . of XXVnt PhlH telphi i t tlmt i aim fully unlfurtned trivellnu nam Is aiirlous to nrranpe Slllidai Bam. ft r ins a mlltaMe BUarantee Jl I (Ii tin ISIil Cedar avenue Smith to Play Stetson The Xrhall R Smith t nm will I il ffuerst., nf th stet-on A V on s,,u, In Mi lti and Ilielil will rim. i ir ' p In II iti rs who will dep. n.l n Siu,in mil Mew nnoll a. 75t Chicago GARTERS ftS'l : JnTp3Ri?Nl R SJ&pr 35? ( r sop Your Motor BILL TILDEN WINS Defeats Johnson and Retains Penn- sylvanla State Title William T. Tllden. 2.1, ot the Ott mnntown Criihet Club, yesterday re tained the Pennsylvania state single championship bj defeating Wnllaco .lohnson, on the Merlon Cricket Club court bv the store ot 0-4, 4-0, 0-3, 7-5, ti L'. The match lasted more than two hours, and it was necessary to post pone tlio finals of the doubles until next Mondaj Those in tlie final arc Tilden and Cnrl 1'islier and Wallace Johnson and Craig Diddle. Pin your faith to the Garage Man or Dealer xvho handles Gadesh Goods. The above sign on his window tells the story. GAUL, DERR & SHEARER CO. XniOLKSAI.lI .XITOMOTTFK KQUirMEIST 217 N. Broad St. 1 I I I 1 v I I "hi in .!! il9 I rvT" ir ore always higher in quality than in price. They are the only men's garters made with tho patented rubber cushion loop xvhich holds your socks securely, but positively prevents tearing or ripping the lighted weight hose. A. STEIN S, COMPANY Makers Children's HICKORY Garters New York i:o P5 MQvm K 1. 3 . ystM I 1 n ctl "M 0 Cvi g i w co'operaio uim jour utoun it Buy through 'f,im. I. $, F , V!" .ijSJ. ' fo1" "AS ' -. ,.' h ,&$ tie. ' . . if'diB'Uf. ' ntWif ' ' t .- ..9 .:J ,x.a. i,!s' a 17 Mrf . " ... ?-S l1 '.i, . C .1,1: ft "j -'filcuk. 'ia. . '' I IJ ? "1U . r;t 4. .j-
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