Wyy' fwu j ' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, .JFNE 1919 11 18, if . (la I fp- IX IH JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE Nancy Wynne Talks of the Sullivan Dance at the Woods Tomorrow Concert Last Night in Germanloicn for French Orphans WIIEN it In as Lot as it vrns yester day, nomchovv you don't care what 1? coins on do you? Hut just the same, thlnRs nrc boIuk on In spite of the lient nnd there nrc parties galore nlmost every dA Tomorrow night the James Frnneis Sullivans will give n dance for Elaine. Elalno you know, is the youngest of the Sulllvnns's throe daughters. She Is not yet of cominc-out njtc, nnd this narty is for members of th" school set. Elaine is very Rood looking. She has fair hair though not quite so fair ns her mother's, nor Lctii's, very much Frankle's coloring, nnd a very pretty romplcxion. There will he several din ners before the dance, the Tom Mc Keani will entertain for Nnney nnd the Emory McMiclincls will give ft din ner for Ellen MrMichacl. THE records nnd games committee of tho Nationnl League for AVomnn'R Scrvlco nnd the Allied Legion of War Workers gave n splendid concert last night in the auditorium of the Y. M. C. A. in Oermnntown. Besides songs by Itolnhold Schmidt, tho barytone: John Lott, of the A, E. P., did n little "soli" on hi own and brought down the house. On the pro gram they cnlled him the favorite come dian of the A. V.. r, and it sounded from the 'applause very much ns if he were n favorite here, ns well. The concert was, held for the benefit of the Trench vvnr orphan". Lrtitin Hnd eliffe Miller was at the plono and played a number of benutiful things. Among tho women interested in the concert were Mrs. .f. Howe Adams, Miss Fanny Abbott, Mrs. Henry Naotcs. Mrs. George Rridgemnn, Mrs. Clnrencc M. Hrown, Mrs. Homce JSiirroll, Mrs. Robert Howland Chas Mr. CJeorge 11. Hnrlo. Misi TV f TCnrm.hnvv..Mrs. V. Tt. Emhir-k. Airs. William II. Field. ' Afr C W V,ilr Mra. .Tnlin Af. Fries. I Miss Mnrgnret 1'lWirr, Miss Sarah i Hacho Hodge, AIis Emily Oilpin Hop-J t.i -..' t ,. .!..., ii.. ,,.. ,-,, ' t- t.-i!..i. v. i "" i ml:, ",t'" r'T nl, v Momnwocil. Mount Airy, is siting M.-s MnhlonN Kline, Mrs. Joseph 1M. M, , Hheppard in Kcnnebunkpnrt, Mrs. AV. Ilownril Alagoflin, Airs. ,T. .1. jiuj11P Moylnn, Airs. Elliston Alorris, Airs.," ' Dubois Miller, Miss Itlnnchc Trice, Mrs. ( Air. nnd .Mr. Ilnrrj I.. Cnssard and Charles Hupp. Airs. Harry F. Robmnn. I Allss Catharine Cnssard. of ?,'W I'clhnm Airs. John Smnltz. Airs. J. Somers Smith, Miss Isabel Snow-don, Airs. AVi koff Smith, Aliss Alinnn Siiiegle, Airs. AVilliam C. Sproul, Mrs. Cornelius Ste venson, Arrs. Jnmes Starr, Aliss AInrion Steel, Airs. Ewnrd T. Stotcsbury. Airs. John Strobol, Airs. Robert L. Parkin son, Mrs. Pnul Thatcher, Airs. A. AV. Tillinghnst. Airs. Pcregrino AViltner, Airs. Charles AVeak, Miss Anne II. AA'hnrton, Miss Catharine Zeller. I SAW Airs. N'nudaln Duor yestcrdny hurrving down Chestnut street, evi dently doing some last-minute shopping before she goes to her camp in AInine. She had on n dress of black georgette crepe made with box pleats and n loose, wide sash. Her hat was a white shade one with n large black bow in front. She looked ns if that cool, niry place in Alaine couldn't come any too soon for her, nnd she certainly must need the rest she gets up there after the busy winter she nlwnys has down hero . ISN'T it funny the way some people arc just crnzy to got their names in the paper? And with some of them it starts early, just like the firebug habit. For instance, do you remember the two that I told you about a long time ago, a little girl nnd her littler brother, who disappeared one day? Alothor couldn't find them anywhere, jou know, nnd finally she discovered that they had quietly wnlked upstairs and Sister had undressed llrother anil given mm a bath. Then because she couldn't do it j properly reaching over the edge she i climbed in herself., entirely, including clothes, nnd gnvo linn a real bath. That wns the story. And this is the nrqurl. They are at the seashore now nnd Daddy goes down every week-end. Last Sunday when he nppeared they rushed upon him ns one man and ex claimed. "Oh, Daddy, are you going to put our names in the paper again?" "I don't believe so; why?" asked Daddy. "Why because we took a bath ngain yesterday!" NANCY AVYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Airs. Herbert Lincoln Clnik, of Rryn Mnwr. will give a picnic today from 11 until f o'clock in honor of her little niece, Aliss A'irginia Cnnn, of Ilaver- Among the guests nre Aliss Elennor Colkct, Aliss Hetty Tryon, -Miss .Marion Filler, Aliss AVirth Fitler, Aliss Frances Fletcher, Aliss Alary Clothier, Aliss A'ir ginia Alorris, Aliss Constance Alorris, Allss Eleanor Clark and Aliss Conway Clark. Airs. Clark will also give a picnic on Saturday in honor of her dnughter, Miss Eleanor Clnrk. Among those who entertained last evening nt the welfare dance nt the nita'Cnrltou were Aliss Hope AIcAtieh acl, Miss Isabel Page, Airs. Douglas Bright, Aliss Alva Sergeant, Aliss Emlcy Cook, Air. Edward Cassard, Mrs. Ed ward Robinson, of New York, and Mrs. Edward Brooks. Mr. nnd Mrs. George W. Chllds Dreiel, of AVootton, Rryn Mawr, will entertain nt dinner tomorrow evening ff honor of Major General Leonard Wood, Mrs. AVood and Miss Louisa "Wood, who will be their guests during their stay in this city. Mr. Thomas TiM.tn. nf 1711) Locust street, will en- .tertain nt 'luncheon tomorrow in honor ot General woou. S ir. .,,1 Afro Perev IT, Clark, ot v ',," i.i n...n..1 ii.tll entertnln nt BlVIUOUgllUJ, .JJU..J", .,...-...-.. " .ltnner next 'Tuesday evening in honor s ot Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Stedgcl Stokes, of Moorcstown', whoso marriage took place recently. There will ho sixteen guests at the dinner which Air. and Mrs. Thomas Ale- Kean will give tomorrow nlgbt in honor ot their daugnicr, ansa i-nuncy mum-un ,.fnro tho dance which Air. and Mrs ' James Francis Sullivan will glvo for their daughter, Miss EUino Sullivan, at the AVoods, Radnor. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ii. Hoffman, ot New Tork, hnvo gone to Lenox, Mass., for the summer. Mrs. rnnl Dcnckla Mills, of AVobd Hrest, Radnor, is spending a few dayaj fuddpnly about a week beforo gradua- ttY' v ro Ynrk " 'lion. Tho purposo is to create a fund inFW.10r. W,;1V ' WL I "Ral f HikTiHSar5?! ELIZABETH MARIE STEWART Daughter of Air. nnd Airs. Walter 0. Stewart, or (1207 Il.iverford ave nue, whose marriage to Air. Harry Korb will tnhe place today in St. Itarnabas'.s Church AA'aync, will occupy their cottngc nt Hnr Haibor beginning July for the Miinmcr. Arrs. A. Atwnter Kent, of Ardmore, will return on Friday from n visit to Alaine. Mr. and Mrs. l'nxson Deeter, of HlTIl AlllWr, Will entertain nt dinner' this evening. , AIiss Alarinn IJuttnn, daughter of Mi nnd Mrs. .Iii'.ciili Priestley liutton, iif loud, (,rrmnnlnvvii. will leave next weik for Cnpe May, where they will spend the sununei. AIr. Kdvvaid V. Kane and herdimgli ter, Alis Miriam Kane, of l.inrofti drive, (icrm.intnnn, will leave soon for Werncrsville, whole thej will 'spend -cv -oral weeks. Air. nnd Mi-.. William Alorice. of Chestnut Hill, hno opened their bench -front cottage at Cnpe Alaj . Air. and Mrs. lienton Huiin. who .spent the winter nt the Lincoln, will spend the .summer nt the Stockton Villa, Cape May. , . .. . . l St. Clement's ltomun Catliolic The marriage of Aliss Phoebe Car- (.,,.,,, Seventy-first street and Wood- lile, daughter of Airs. Henry C. ( nrlile.nll(I 1U(.mle ,lis afternoon, when Aliss of fifilJ Greene street, (.ermnntown. and Mnry A(,m,s iikc .bumhter of Dr. and Air. Almon AI. Kidder, also of Herman- A1N. Charles P. Pike, of 72S0 AVooil- town, will be soloninir.ed nt (!:."() o'clock on Saturday, June 2S, in St. Alichael's Church, East High street, Oermaiitowii. Aliss Curlile will hne her sister, Aliss Elizabeth Curlile, ns maid of honor and only attendant. The best ninu will be Lieutenant Paul Ferguson. No inita- tions have been issued and the wedding will be attended by the immediate fain-brother of the bride, will be best man. ilies and a very few intimate friends. Following the service there will be n large reception nt tln home of the Air. nnd Airs. Harry R. Smallcy nn- (bride's parents for the Initial pnrtv and nounee the mnrringe of their daughter. Air. nnd Airs. Oeorgo I). Stull, whose Aliss Roatrice Logan Smallcy, nnd Air. , marriage took place on Alny 12. Airs. John Alilton Nnzel, ou Monday, June! Stull was Aliss Iioatrice Pike, the 10, in (iernmntown. bride's sister. After an extended trip At i -. T, , ,,. , Aft. Hart nnd his hi hie will live in Air. and Airs. Harry L. AAeaver, nf iainlicld. ."O.TJ (Jreene street, (lormnntowii, have ' announced the engagement of their, Kflltll STEWART (laughter, Aliss Ethel AL AVonver, airdt The wedding of Miss Elizabeth Alny Air. Robert AV. Perry, nnd Airs. Robert A AVest Logan street. Jr., son of Air. Aliss Alice Alarie Cooke, of 1211 AVest Susquehanna avenue, entertained nt a linen shower recently in honor of Aliss femuie K. Harry. Those present wereKtreet and Ilaverfonl uvenne. the rector. Aliss Agnes Conway, Aliss Helen Con- wny, .vuss consiitnce iiuiiuarii. ,nss lletz AIcAInlinn. Aliss Florence Conroy, Aliss Helen Atedrath, Aliss Alurie Barry nnd Airs. John McLaughlin. Aliss Harry's wedding will take place in the early fall. Air. and Airs. John J. Eagan, of AVest Philadelphia, announce the marriage of their daughter, Aliss AInrgaret Lagan, to Air. Joseph G. Aliller this morning in the Church of Saint Gregory. The ceremony was followed by a nuptial mass. After n short wedding trip through Canada Air. and Airs. Aliller will be nt home at 012 South Fifty -fifth street, AVest Philadelphia. A pretty home wedding took place Inst Sunday evening, when Aliss Sadye Helen Rosenberg wis married to Air. Isadir driver at her home, 32.12 West Montgomery avenue. The Rev. Aruim Rosenberg, father of the bride, offi ciated. Only tho immediate relatives were present, owing to the recent death of the father of the bridegroom. After nn extended honeymoon to the Pennsyl vania mountains Air. and Airs. G river will live with the bride's parents. SIMPLE STYLES FOR HOMES Returning Soldiers Want HouseB Modeled After Old English Places AVatch for n reversion to simpler tastes and styles in home architecture ns n result of the war, is the hint offered by one prominent Kansas City architect, lie believes tho men return ing from Europe particularly those who hnvo visited England will bring with tbem ideas which they will wnnt to havo reflected in their homes. And theso ideas will bo largely along simplo and natural lines. "No man ought to spend his whole fortune 'on n house that ho Intends to livo in," said tho architect. "If he spends too much ho is likely not to have a home in the real meaning ot thnt word. A home is n place whero n man enn find rest after his day's work. If it's too big or too grand and gorgocus he cannot. Seek Memorial Funds Students of Havcrford College nre en deavoring to raise at least $.iP0 for a memorial to the Into Dr. Francis Rar ton Gutnmcre, whoso death occurred fffEt;httaPflU.ffi MISS FARIES BRIDE OF NEW YORKER TODAY Interesting Wedding Solomnizod at Noon in Calvary Pres byterian Church A wedding of much social interest was solemnteil nt ttnnti tmlnr. when Allss 1 Emmn (ionette Faries, daughter of Dr. Xr, rift) -eighth street, nnd Mr. Uandolph Fnrlos, of l!00" AValnutiJtnjmond ('. Ilnrrts, of Carillngton. street, became the bride of Air. men- arcl llarley Oiler, son ot Mr. nnu .urs. .Tohn Oiler, nf Hronklyn, N. A., in the Calvary Presbyterian Church. ITftopiith and Locust streets, the Rev. Charles Wood, I). 1).. of AVnshlngton, D. ('., assisted by the Itev. William Aluir Auld, officiating. Doctor Faries gave his daughter in man Inge. She wn at tended hj her sister. AIi-s Alurie L. AV. Faries ns maid of honor; Airs. Clement Ncvvbold Taylor, inntrnn of honor; Miss Constance M. Vaucluiii. Allss Alice Ferry, Allss Alnrtha D. ltaker. Allss Anna Paries. Allss Marie L. C. Dough ten and Allss Susan A. Doughten, bridesmaids; Aliss Helen Frnnce.s Allor, sister of the bridegroom; Aliss Louisa . Strawbridge nnd Miss Heithn Nor ton, cousins of the bride, llowcr girls. Air. Oiler had for best man Air. D. Clark Cnrkrnn, nnd his ushers included Mr. AVUIinm AVeightmnn Faries, brother of the bride; Air. William AV. Meirs, Air. Clement Now bold Taylor, Air. John D. A!rrs, of this city; Mr, Sidney Hrewster. of New A'ork ; II. AVhitteniore, Jr., of Englewtind, N .!.; Air. Ellwood Smith, of Ibnvillo Long Island, and Mr. Frnneis Shectz. ot .orristown. Following the service there was n wedding hrenkfast at the home of the bride's father. HOOPER ANDERSON An interesting wedding will take place this evening in the First Presbterian Church, of Louisville, Ky., when Allss Alildrod W. Anderson, daughter of Air. and Airs. Lawrence L. Anderson, of that city, and Air. James Edward Hooper, son nf Air. nnd Airs. Robert P. Hooper, of Alermnid lane and Cherokee street. Chestnut Hill, will be married by tho Itou Dr. Lawrence. The bride will wear a gown of white satin with a veil of tulle mid point lace. Mis;, Alnrj AIncLcod. of Versailles, ICy.. will be. maid nf honor. The bridosinnids will be Miss Josonhino Homier, sister of the liriclofrnnm Miu,. slut.,., AI..1 w,,,.,it and Aliss Charlotte AVeismnn. ot Louis- ,ile, I t. ?.,.. i, ,t . , . 1 .ui. imucn i. iiooier, .11 ., oi v nesi- .,,. urn ...:n i... i.... i .1.. mi ..in. win in- in-s num. mm llie ...l.An .. :n :..!. ..i m.. ti... i- i "''' ..... ....11... ..... ....111. .,,..(, Ale LnuToiim T. a,,,!,,.,,,, .1,. m,. 'William Duncan.' of Louisville;' Mr' I Chillies Cnriignn. Mr John Itlj. of iPhilndelphin. and Mr. Louis Erskine. (it New York. '1 romoiiy will be,'"""1 "f honor nnd will wear a gown followed by a icceptlon lit the home of the bride's parents. Mr. Hooper and his1 bride, upon their return from their wed- ding Hip. will spend the summer in ltuxton. Aid. HART PIKE nrettv wedding will be soleniiii.od land avenue, will be married to All AVilliam S. Hart, of Pl.iintield. N. J. The Rev. Frnneis Dougherty will per form tho cerenionj. The bride will bo gicn In marriage In her father, .mil her sister. Airs A illlam A. Kuser, will be her onlj ut- matron of honor tondnnt. Lieutenant Clrirlcs E. Pike , Stewart, daughter ot Air. and Airs. Perry, of HOAValter C. Stewart, of (i'JOT llnierford avenue, and Air. Harry AW Koib, son nf Air. nnd Airs. AVilllnm Korb, of ,".107 Catharine street, will be solemnized this afternoon in the Protestant Episcopal Church of St. Rarnnbas, Sixty-fourth i the Rev. Joseph Alauuol, officiating. Air. Movvait win give ms (laughter m mar riage. She will be attended by Aliss Edna Alny Korb, sister of tho bride groom. The best man will be Air. Charles Stevenson, the bride's uncle. The (eremony will be followed by n small reception at the home of Air. and Airs. Korb. The bridegroom nnd bride will live at lil'Oi Havcrford avenue. RICKETTS LAMltOURXE The marriage of Aliss Gertrude El mirn l.nnibournc, daughter of Air. and Airs. Alntthevv AI. Randall, ot 2SI South Fiflj -seventh street, AVest Phil adelphia, and Mr. John Hlniuc Rick etts took place nt noon today in lU'th nny Temple Presbyterian Church, Fifty-third nnd Spruce btrccts, the Rev. Asn .1. Ferry officiating. The Pride wns given in mnrringe by her father mid was attended by Aliss Alue E. A'. Fnrren us maid of honor and Aliss Ellnbotli Rocs and Aliss Bea trice (5. Ricketts, n sister of the bride groom, as bridesmaids. The hiide wore n white georgette crepe gown and her tulle veil was held In place w ith orange blossoms. She carried a shower of white Rweet peas and whlto roses, The maid of honor wore a frock of pink chiffon and. a largo hat of geor gette crepe and hemp straw of the same color, trimmed with pink nnd orchid flowers and pink nnd blue streamers. Sho carried n bouquet ot pink sweet pens and yellow daisies. The bridesmaids wore frocks ot or chid chiffon and large hats ot georgette crepe and hemp strnw of the same color, trimmed with pink and blue (lowers and pink and orchid streamers. They carried bouquets of sunburst roses. Air. Edward D. Terkes acted as best man, nnd tho ushers wero Air. J. A'in cent Rhodes and Air. AVnlter Swartz. A wedding -breakfast followed im mediately nftcr the ceremony nt the home of tho bride's "parents. BUREAU DYSON Mis? Beatrice B. Dyson, daughter of Air. nnd Mrs. Joseph Dyson, of 31,18 North Seventh street, will become the bride of Air. Norman V. Bureuu, ot Tioga, this evening In St. Simeon's Church, Lehigh avenue nnd Ninth street. Tho Rev. George J. AValcnta, the rector, will perform tho ceremony, which will bo followed by ri-ccpllojl at the home ot the bride's parents. Aliss bv 1 ' thc ''IWUon ot twjfosJU bjv n1.!?, Jiouor, aud MlwAmfeWIawliLin; th future, be open to be bridesmaid. The best man will be Air. Alnrvln Y. N'eoly nnd the ushers include Mr. II Wlllnrd Ujson, the bride's brother nnd Air. Arthur Custer. The bride groom and bride will leave on nn ex tended trip nnd will be nt home nt il-'Jll North Sixteenth Mieet nflor September 1. HAHKIS AIELHATlt A wedding of Interest in this citj nnd in Cardlngton. Del., Is that of Miss Margaret S. Alelrnth. daughter of Air nutl M II. .re. I. M.,l...ifli nf lort,; which will take place this evening at ' tnl lnm(, (lf 1)(, .(,),, ,,nm,t, with ,c irv. Oswald McDowell, of the ItlHmrrKcui Aletnnrial Church. Sixtieth !nll( Wnlmit streets, officiating. At tending the hride will be Aliss Ada Hurkinnn. .Mr. Fnrl Harris, of Card ington, will be his brother's best man The cereninnj will be followed by n re oopthm. After n short trip the bride gloom noil hiide will live in Carding ton. KAPLAN-DAHOIT The wedding of Miss Itose Dnroff daughter iif Mr. anil Mrs. Harry Dnroff. of 18i:i Noith Tlnrt) -third street, and Air. Allen K.iplnn. son of Airs, Freda Kaplan, of lll.'t'.l North Thirt -third street, took place hint oening at the Alercantllc Club. The ceremony w un performed b) itabhi 1!. L. Levintlyil. assisted by Itabbi II. D.wiilnwitz, and was followed bj a icceptlon. Mr Dnroff gme his daughter In marriage nnd her attendants included Aliss Stella Knplnn, the bridegroom's sister, maid of honor; Aliss Slia (Jnber, Miss Keba Paine. Misv 1'iutliiie Harrison and Miss Eva Littmau. bridesmiiids Air. John Knplnn was bis brothers best ninu mid the ushers included Mr Joseph Dariift". Mr. Charles Dnroff. brothers of the bride. Mr Hairy Rodek nnd Air. Samuel liahinonltx, of Now A'ork. Air. Kaplan nnd his bride left for a tour of the Maine const, and upon their return thej will spnid the re mainder of the season at the summer linme of the bride's punuts in Atlantic City. TAYLOR HORTON The wedding of Aliss Violet Hniton. niece of .Miss Ann llortou. to Mr. Leonard Tn.vlor. of MoirisilIe. Pa., will tuke place this e cuing nt ":" o'clock ut the home of Mis. ( leorge M Schnlield. 1110 West Allegbein live- line. The eeremonj will be pel formed b the Ke . (leorge V llciison, and Ithe bride will be gnen m marriage b. her cousin, Air. Cecil (iiiltith. of lreu- 1,,., 1 . Miss llnrton will wear liniiniled ... ,.., , ., elmrineiise. triinnteil with net am oenrU : and her M'il will be held with snrais nf orange blossoms. Her bmiquit will l"' '" ""''t peas. .Miss linmcK Inj j n 1"1'- sisl,'r of '' bridegiooni. will be.tor I.oiily "' apricot crepe. Mis., .Marj Mutinies, nf W,'M Chester, the bridesmaid, will "rnl" cmhroidoied white s,lk net. Moth "'" ''""J bouquets of Ward roses nnd luonder sweet pens. Air. .1. Howell Johnson, of Moriis- Mile, I'ii., will net in best man. A rceeplidn will follow the eoiomony PHILA. RADIO MEN OF ARMY BANQUET Eight of Class of 35 Won Com missions Simeon Jester Is Honor Guest With their former instructor. Simoon Van T. Jester, ax the giieM of honor, thirty-five ginduutes of the IVanklin Institute course in radio teligrnphy hold a banumt hist night in the Rittenlioiisc Hotel to commemorate the anniversnr.v nf their entrance into the signal corps I". S. army. 'i'i. i p. ..... .... iiir iiiuu ion. rmiaiiclpiiiii a Jear ! ao jesterdaj for College Station, Tc.. where thej were given an advanced course in telephony, (olograph;, radio and nil branches of signal corps work. The Franklin Institute men established nn enviable record in Texas and were later distributed to signal turps bat talions in various sections of the coun try to net ns instructors. Eight of the class won commissions as second liou tennnts, while the remainder were made noncommissioned officurs. Of special interest wns the stury told by AV. B. Light, a nemlier of the class who was assigned to the radio research division of the A. E. F. Mr. Light wired, remade and helped in the design ing of the most important radio sets that were used by the Ameilcan nrniy overseas. A permanent organization of tho class was formed, AVilliam S. I'rifold being elected president and William ICcech secretnry and trensuier The following men attended J.ouls at, Itafhr, William H llnwl Jr . Knwnt Oarewoll, I.lcut. Nathan i'.mtrr bury. Jonoph W. Cartor, Jamc i unniriK. ham. l.ldut. Hari:1 l)alenier. VV Ilium It A. Dougherty, Earle J. Iljinmil Mphin Klizpatrlck. I.leut. 1 K l'"urft Amnio (i drpthe. Michael Greitor. Itobirt Ilnir W II. Keoch, Lelloy I,. Ktlliy William K Joni-s. I.leut Charles B Lnrsun VV H Light. George Mcllnnlel, Jnseph KJwnril McKeever. Uarl Xlanon, frank Jlnrrm l la urn Nadel. Edwin I'tilltlns, William s I'rlfoM, Lieut. Wll.lom Hlchanlson I.leut Joseph S Kosera, I.leut. Jem r M.enrer William Sprinsfleld. nnia aiern Arthur 11 Swallow. Leon J. Tllton, KuKenc Zlcber. Herbert IC Mcdear. BATHERS TO BE PROTECTED Life-Saving Station Will Be Opened at National Park Thc thousands of men. women and children from Philadelphia, Camden, (iloucester and other places who fre quent National Park every week and during thoastiiiuncr months will bo jiro tected when they nrc In bathing. Arrangements hnvo been made to have a United States life saving station ojiened there nnd u man ou duty everj Saturday and Sunday. Theic have bei.ii several persons drowned and n number of nurrow escapes and jester day nil official of the government visited the borough und consulted with the of ficials nnd arranged for the opening of a btntion. Discontinue Saturday Dances llccuuse a large number of officers have arranged to bo out of the city for the week-end during thc greater part of tho Bummor, the Saturday afternoon dances have been discontinued nt-thc Army and Nnvy Officers' Club, which Is conducted by the Emergency Aid. The Wednesday evening dances will contlnuo to be a feature of the club life. It was announced yesterday by Mrs. 13. 1 Stotcsbury, Mrs, Dubson Allemus and Mrs. Frank T. Grhwnld, who have . , Tswj-ssyiitx.mmm-.r .-m.t 7x twvaKww v .jwrmsitTaim-iX ,. ill ."-" m. " H t IV i wV .' 'V A i PI 'In b I i 1 Airs. hhnn AAomls, of DR. JOSEPH LEIDY SMILES A T NEUROLOGICAL SEANCE TALE ainl Rumor of Spirit Tall: 17 ; S. Weir Mitchell Scouted. Scientist Explains Human earning Toward Shadow IT odd In t innnuscripi. " nun " ""'' nntur mul a ineme m N"""" ,""" 1 i,m nre n.srt of a story just disclosed , . .. ,i whose main characters nre no late Or. . i cir Mlicneil, iiiiiim'i nnd eminent .. phisoian mid Dr. Joseph l.ciih. Jr.. 'the neurologist rumor jc-tenlnv Hint Hoc attended u npiiitunl seance last week. He was sitting in nn outer loom when some one mine to him with wonl Hint Doctor Alitchell wished to sji.uk with him. I tor Leidj . it was iiimored. went into the ine.lium'x ilaikeue.l room and waited Soon a voice like the dead author's ailed Joseph." "Jo-eph:" said the voice, "if M'il wish to find the manuscript, go I" niv home on Walnut street and lk in niv old tov chest. It is in thoie." The manuscript lefened to b Hi", Alltihell was said to have been un e - position on some neive tumble for a book uliiili Dr. Mitchell was writing in collaboration with Dr. Loidj when death overtook him. Dr. Li id) . it was nlso nlleged. has boon hunting for those r7,r mnnt venrs. And the pub- lii ntion of I . .. . ,. ,. 1 .. i.ifT.fr I the DOOK UUS nei II nn. i. ,,.. serious del.ij because of his iiiubilitj to find them. After Dr. Alitdiell finished sjieaking, Dr. Leidv is said In have gone (o (bo home nt 1.VJ1 AVnlnut stieet and found the ni.inusi ript in the toj chest in the attic 'Hie Riiinnrs .Source It', extremely interesting, isn't it ':" cm.l In I.eidv in his otlice on Locust tii-..ei in'.ir P. road street. "And there is (nsi the slightest foundation for the minor Heaven knows how it started ! Some dnjs ngo I did attend u seance in the homo of (leorge (lalliis imon, but nothing hapjiened thoie which gave me convn lion as to the actual truth of siiritunlim. let me snj acre, nun i do not lieliove in ii. nun ni ioi'-icslcu in it onlv ns a seeker after truth. "I did go to a seance, as I snid. nnd nothing happened thnt was convincing. And I am looking for a iiiniiiicrijit, which S. Weir Mitchell oikc possessed, but which he did not write. "The story is this: Some time be fore the Civil War a few joung doc tors mid students of scieme in this city oignni.od n biological club, which met every so often, like the old literarj clubs of Sam Johii'onS time, (o hoar a paper read bj one of the member. This club' met regularlj. And at a meeting shortly nfter the Civil War n paper was rend bj one of the iiienibris, called 'A Dream The Lost Paper ' "Now, this juiier was jiiiiiIj a lit erarv lliglit of funcj . It dosei ibrd cer tain colonial scientists long since dead ns they might have boon sien jiassinj;i in ghostly review hj the old Acadeinj ' of Natural Sciences, winch used stand ou the corner of lliond and San soin streets. It is snid the pajier wnsi extraordinarily good. It wns so ile- j lightful. In fact, that Doctor .Mitchell. I who was a member of the i bib. asked to be permitted to take it home with him for a closer reading. The permission wns granted, and the dnitor took the paper home with him. Not long nfter A Micain' was mislaid, and hasn't turned uji since. "Moitor Mitchell htmlcd for it. And since his death his son, the Into Mr. ,1. K. Mitiliell, had continunl the hunt nt my urging, because 1 hope to find in it soinediing that may nssisi in (he bin grajihidll loscarches I have been inukiug for some lime. Willing (o Itc Convinced "Well, (here's qll that I know of (he foundation of your rumor," nnd (be doctor smiled. "I am not nt nil con vinced about spiritualism in spite of the Sir Arthur Conan Dojles and the Sir Oliver Lodges. Hut I tell you this: If Doctor Mitchell should ever nppear to me nfter the fashion the rumor has it there would be no doubt as to my ultimate conversion to spiritunlism. "However, did you say it was n (oy chest? And where is tho chest sup posed to be? I like information of most any sort, nnd I shnll look for that toy chest. Peihaps it's 'The Dienm' that is there. "I want very much that my mind should be a fertile field for truths, and T nm interested in spiritualism. lint 1 must admit that I'm not lm LAOS Walnut stirct, and her jniing lubj , Mcriwhere of shell shocks Well, peo ple the world nor wlm hare mine in loiitiut with the horror of thi- war me now looking fm some kind of vo lii f. Instead of going to some practicul man with their troubles, instiad of going to their pastors or to their law -jeis or plnsici.ins, thei nie going to the spiritualists Tin sufTcr fuun war muiosis whiih is jusi anolhei kind of shell shock. I'alse II opos an example. "Cniian Dnjle is an eainile. lie has seen the grief of this war from ninny angles, and it has affeiteil him. lie is gi oping for lelief, nnd he is gi.isjiing nt spiritualism, as many others .ire. Wh.v don't thej trj to find tlnir relief in seeking after (!od if it's -i i It ii ii 1 lelief tbev want. I his wave of spiritualism now j washing over the world is leininisi cut I of what happened a century or more ago. Just after the ending of the wars nf the later jiortion of the eighteenth f , enturj the grief srii ken jnojile , sought nnntal relief in the dm tunes of. lesmer. V ml out of liWMoni lungs grew inesmoi ism. But the balloon of liif.sliK.riwl,, li'lk I. ...in iim.lil n Lml 1rn.r i ., '" "" ".. !.. !' . H ANTIQUES UNDER HAMMER Possessions of Old Philadelphia Families Sold at Low Prices A iil i 1 1 1 1 iii.ilio.inv fmnitiiie. Liin ogis, llavilaml and ilvv.ni limn and jinn el.iiu. s,.ilsiiiiia vases, luone, brass and onj v bib a In in- and vases of all suits, possessions w'liicli for i decades and in some iases for nunc tlinn In (ontui'v hud In on the tiiasnreil jiiis- sessions of luiiminenl families ill Phila id(lihia and il viciuitj, fell under (ho 'am tiom er's hamuli r nt the Philadel phia Ail I la lb ties. I 'if i couth nnd Chest -I nut -Meets, visierd.iv aftei noon, at absiiidlv low in ii os I 'The mi I v nitidis whiih brought I more than Sltlll weie rugs, mid (liej. too, weie sold at what weie lou-hlcicd low liguiis. a ItolJiai.i, eleven feet 'nine inches In nine fei t one inch, wus -old for S.V.il. n Saruk carpi t for iJ-l'liO. An elaboialelj carved Plemlsli I oak ci liter table, whiih was to be worth about SMMI. wa iSTOtl. j Two ltojnl Mi iss, ii d.uK.r .celnin, of a -1 t i k 1 1 1 1 old i siiiijii sold -" for in por- weie sold for .-..I i.ich Wheiher juohibitinii I was the cau-e or not. tankard- nnd -toius of huge sie and onvi-ible design I wore sold for about M oi Slii.nh. An niiiiipic .viittl.uh si, IM (ibiuinnl term of onlv so ",-, u J1ICI c .v no e gin ii iini- mantel mirror, of heavj glass, ,, ,,.lt,., ,), Iif f ,, !'n""' "' "' lilting o SKI. So went the slaughter, sninetim trnsling soities, as .. .tl. :. I'.., - Willi lis llltlecon- lor lllstiuice. whin tol11 henvj ntived oak , . iinr.ii.v sniie was nun mi- .-, ami iminiilialelv aftor wuril a, mah.i.Mnv colonial diopl.af sowing (able bioughl .-.ill. The jios-essions which eie sld on order of eiciitoi- weie from the e--tnte of the late Anthonj .1. Mre.vol of Kunnjinodo, Liinsihiwne, from the resi dtnee of Mis. .John ,f. Henrv. at Whitc- i. on so, iruiii a private liome at M(. e vim. aim iriim a .North lirond stiiot deuce. ic-i- IMnUFMA AT QT inccou-e ..w. ..,,,-, ,, , wl. jWvJii M 0 Period of Special Devotion Opens Thursday in Historic Church ' tin Thui'sdav (he feast ()f Corjius' Christ!, a iiovenii in liotioi. nf tl,.. !,.....,..i ll. ...... Ill .....7.. :..;,.. ':,'"- i, mi, tiit infill in riu rl, HIsCpll Chuich AVilling's nil,,,, near Pourth mid Walnut streets. This novdiii is lalleil the "Nov enn .Novcinis. M'l'vice- will be held twice a diij. at ,"i:l." in the iiflernoon and ut S o ciock iii ino evening, tiioso -erviceb will (oiisit of the iiovenu prnjctB. a slimt instruction and bencdliilon of thc blessed sacrament. The nnvenii will end on the feast of the Soeiod Heart, June "7. CITV IJAXO CONCEKTS Municipal Hand, .Starr Garden Playcrouud, Sixth and Lombard btrccts, 8 p, m. rulrmount Park Hand, Helmonl Jlanslon, -l to G p. m,, 8 to JQ p. m, rhiludelphla Hand, City Hall Plain, 8 p. ui, SPROUL WILL GREET ! NEW BUCKNELL HEAD, Dr. E. W. Hunt to Bo Inaugu rated at Commencement Exor cises Beginning Tomorrow lwlsburg, Pa., June 15. Plans have been completed for the sixty -ninth com mencement of P.iicknoll l"nlverlty. whiih will begin tomorrow and end next Tuosda.v. This celebration is expeited to be one of the greatest in the history , ., . ... ,. of the institution. The outstanding feature will bo the inauguration of lluoknoH's president eled. Dr. Etnnn W. Hunt, bile prel 'Irnt of Denlsrm l'nhersit. lit (Iran ille. o Doctor Hunt has bein so Veted bj I tuckiiell's trustees to sue, eod Dr John Howard Harris, who resigned .ifler emng t Ii irt N jears. funeruor Spmul will delicr the ail ilies of greiting to the new pi evident nfior Dm lor Hunt bus been unbilled bj Dr 'leiiige M. Philips, ot West ("lies lor. Howard II. li.ildriilgc. of Onului. Nib . will gnet President Hunt on he half of the iilunmi. The inauguration committee, np t.i.Mitiil In the trustees, is Ernest L. 'I'usiin. of Philailelphia, hnirmnn ; Judge J. Wnrren Din is. of Trenton. Dr Milton (J Evans, of Chester, and Dean I.lew.'lljn Phillips, of Lewishuig More than 10 gindiiatos bine lihiiiiied to hold class, leunions this Mar nnil smies of llmkiicllians who hae been nut of Mitiinate torn h with I heir alum mater for a docail" will bo on hand tn p.nliciptite in the fe-thi-ties and exerfises. Nine reunion Has.., -IK), '7!i. 'M. 'Wl. "'.1 1.(10 01, 'O'l and 'II -have made arrangement for headquarters here during the week. GERMAN ATTITUDE CHANGES Colonel Wilson Potter Tells of Sol diers In Germany Changi s brought about in the ntti I tilde of tho Hermans as a lesult of the war were discussed lnt night bj : Lieutenant Colom 1 WlUon Potter, of. Chestnut Hill who was with tho bonil liinileis of the Eightj ninth Division.1 t'olonil Potter saw innsidei.ible lie i lion mid was wounded sfiphtlj in hat- , ties at St. Alibio! and the Argimno see- . Lion . lie is a nephew of former State, fuel adininisti.itoi William Potter, and luis ligiired in two wars. During tho Sjiiiliish Ameiii.in AVar ho was a -er- I gcant in I'.atterv A. National Guard ot Peiinsjlv.ini. i Colonel Potter said thnt (iennans .lie verj iiiuiteiius towaid Aiuoricnns. Thev jalwavs give the Americans' seals in the ' I strict tars and stand nt attention overj . time the "Star Spangled Itanner" is llilnveil 'I hue weie a few little lights i bet wciu (Ionium soldiers mid Ameii- I I mis. he said, bill (hose were n rsnnal 'affaiis and the oll'n ers alwajs let the, ,iueii settle the n.attoi themselves i ' Cidonol Potter, who has hunted in all Ji.irts of the world, e.iects to go to! Alaska in a few months in search of I brow u boar. i i SUNDAY MUSIC DEFENDED Dr. C. D. Hart Favors Concerts In ' Renlv to Dr. William R Pnm.i r ' ' ' I 1 Mr Charles I) Hurt. liinTrman of the l'liilaileliliin t niiiii'il of Itov Scout-, re ilv nig to the Itev Mr. William Ii. Tor lov. of the Phil.nlelihia Sabbath A-so rintinn. i oitor.it, s hi- opinion that "the masses oi the jieople snoulil huve an op- ini tiiint v to bear hign-ginile sjmplionj music on Sundaj " Moitor Unit refused lo snv an.vthing ' i.. ...:... : ,. looiillllliu .-'., ,-Miisrs in i mi - mount PllK. "I will not enter into n controver-j iwith Doetiir I'liinej," Mm tor II.nl a 'seiKil. "This i- a matter on which 'nun hold diffiiint view- Hut. de-iute i.invthiiig thai Mr. Porni'v maj sav . I i-till bilieve that peoile shonbl have mi olijiiiitunitv to hear svmphonv concerts I of the tvjie given bj the Phihideliihia , (Jrchestin. "The jieoile have not the tune dur ing the wiek to hear sni h concerts I cannot cnnciive how the-e concert- can be consideied a desoci ntion of the Pah luith. -Maiiv nnnislers litiil a musical program a valuable addition to their ( hureh services " Alliance Hae Two Sessions All-day services' Were lonilnct.d liv luoinbeis of the christian Miiniiarj Alliance ve-terdaj mi the llebiou lalur ii'irli, Tu eotletll -licet above S!nrinir I (inrden The Kev I". .1. Potter, of Pnter-on, N. J., and Lvangeli-t M 8 i (iiillnglnr were tin jiriiu-ipal -jieaKors A low o - r n e w.ls I oltdlli leil last ru ' nitiK ,Mi" rreileric II. Senft. w ife i f Pastor Scnfl. iiiinlucteil the nftei inioii ineeting. Ml- (iiace Sl'iulTer led the I singing mahm:t NTiii.-h.r AHliV i. HITII 11 A..M TO 11 15 I' M Mivrr. ' ..oTVl I7M I S 1 'JLL.lN ORDERS" Oal twlu'i- l.m i.nrilon CarPle llla.k- , well, .Mimuooi i,,.- w, .,.,- . ..ui,b. Aiiitt"! Vllrie turn -llrst MionlnR I r lT,t,," A,b Roscoc "Fatty Arbuckle in "A DESERT HERO" , IXOSCUC i unj f-n. M wit. iti-t Hon ii ' A.Uiil CHAltl.il. f I l! I rllllKUII IIAI'I.IN In ' (. mlfiila UllllSllli' ' P AL " A C 1 1"14 M1!KI:T .-Ti'IM-T E 11 A M TO 11 HO 1' M MARY P1CKFORD in "DADDY LONG LEGS" ni:t wrr.icwv .- unr n Mil VHP. DI'M. --Mll.llMiN Addeil fll VIU.IK V II VIMJN In .-,n.nl.ij I A RCA U I A 1'iir.sTMT ni.iow 10 A M 12. 2. a 41 r. 41 - lllTH 4i. n :io v D. V. GRIFFITH'S I.rtWT PIKlTOI'I.AV "TRUE HEART SUSIE" Nt Wk , bo.'otlu IKllton, 'Othr Mrn'sWIvrs' AdilcU CHAHl.lli I'llAI'l.lN In "feunnjW "" ' VICTORIA "ISSrtf?- j Vlvl vtun. riri Sholni of,ROBEKl WAKWlUK. !?; s Kit VICE" 1 Nt Wk Tom Mix In "HKhtliur tor (lelil Adilwl CIIAIlI.Ii: (.'UAPLIN In "PuiinyilJo" REGENT MAltinCT ST tlclow 17TU MAY AM.iI.erW In "ALMOST MAnnmo" MAItKKT STItnrJT ATJl'XII'Cn CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE It A M, to 11 P. M. BLACK AND WHITE REVUE "TUB OWL , Ilelinont' Warblem, Othtn. CROSS KEYSm"S't ndowu Ti, "COLD TURKEY' MUH1CAT. COMEOV BROADWAY "irtf&rk.xt, 11 rut -i nts. its' -nV7 S5TOW a mm vyiirai DUQUESNE COMEDY KOUR3 JlMrrr.a TlilliSiulsc '!ffi!!k..:. " lsTVSJSSi SOLDIER FINDS HOME a -rr i"vi i trwit-r ti ifinr'i 'u ivi IUUUM UVtK IMtKt ffl Work of American Women In, France Appreciated, Says St. Nazaire Camp Paper ' How American women in France are giving "the comforts of home" to the American soldiers ocr there, nnd how the boj nppioclate It. is shown by (ho f(,jK. frmn ,hp (Jangplnnk .News, ... ithe douglibojs' own newspaper In the . M. .Nn7.nl re emtiarkation camp. "With the nppraranoe of the flower boxes on the outside of the Young Men's Christian Association Hut Nq, J comes a renli.ation of the constant effort nnd ingciiuitj of tho A'oung Alen's Chiistinu Association women who tire (orhistingl planning some now ovation for the pleasure of the men The flower boxes lire the woik of Aliss Snrnh R. Kcir. who 1ms nlwins the Idea of brightening the amp for the men. I "Miss Nnnry C Aloore, who hal i harge of the chocolate service, is known to all of the men nf the camp and Is much loved for her witty remarks to tho soldiers who pass the counter where she sits. "With tho spring hoiioolonning, n roilocornlion of (he hnl gives ample op liortunitv for (he talents of Aliss Jones and Miss l.ou Ilnrgey. who have had ihnrge of the jmiimrs and the selection Of I'llloi S "Consiuiitlv waiting to give some service lo the men who nre hunting 'reading mntetial or looking lip friends in the rainii. Adss Mary Cray sits in, (rem lied behind (lie desk of (he rending rioin. answering thousands of questions all day long." Aliss Kerr lives in Pittsburgh, Allss Moore nt Avondale, Pn., Aliss Cray In Pittsburgh and Allss Bnrgoy in Genesee, N. A". SALVATION FUND GROWS ' Colonel Holr Reports Receiving $9000 More In Contributions Colonel Richard E. Hob reports having rei eived upward of $'.1000 In con tributions of S.M) and more to (he Sal vation Armv Home Service Fund dur ing the first eleven days of June. These contributions came through the army licadiiuarters at Broad street nnd Fair mount avenue. All nggreguto of SH.'Ofl R7 wns re ceived in gifts of less tlinn ?o0, making n total of SliMMM sfi. SAM s r.rojl HHov SHUBERT THEATRE! Ix-U!itstrl rim-1 N'skt 50c to $1.50 NO HIGIintt ir.xcept Saturday) Pop. Mat. Today $ $1.00 The Only Big Show in Town "OH, UNCLE" m:ason k i.ivKurjST MrsirAij hit with a l.rllllant Company of F'avorite nJ k Clmmplon Ileauty Chorus. CHESTNUT ST. OPERA HOUSE oiir Shows Dally 1, 3. T and l'ricei- L'5c and &0c J. AST 4 DAYS BATHING IS GIRLS rtnsoN iieadci Alice Maisori "YANKEE DOODLE IN BERLIN1 Bothwell Browne IN rCKSON ALSO GARRICK cliemnut Juniper. UIITS AT SHO. IAII.Y MAT AT 2:40 D. V. GRIFFITH'S SUPREME Monsat?ca )10mce mvstr'ISM HTAUT THROBa roi it uiiciii.sTit'.B acted rnoi.oaun ICE-COOLED THEATRE Fanned by the FanclpH of Orl"ntaUm. Evb nnd hrtt Mat , LTw to J2. Other Mate , "5c to tl. FORREST llroad nnil Hansom LAST 4 DAYS! TW1V13 llAII.T 2 20 ami 8.30 AUCTION OF SOULS 11V SPi:i I A I. DEMAND r.xirn 'I hnr Jll. M.nninR m.iii' l. or Women Onl I rl Sk' to r, IMIth i.raliHtn 111 K Into details 114 to nn rapllvll I'xpi rli in es in tli. Hdi-em while. Iil Vlr II I I In I e-si Editor N Y vmeri and author of Ravished Armes U 111 .lls.l Flu-Mi. lal IniNslen Prlrn VV i mn s Mats , OOCrf PRICES U I.VISli.-. ',Or i f r,o nii.v m vis 2;.i to $1.00, FORREST hi:a r s-Al.n TllMUltHOW Monday, June 23 Engagement Extraordinary! MACK SENNETTS SSOO.OOO FILM TRIUMPH MICKEY The Photoplay of Gladness WILLOW GROVE I'AIUC V K S S E L L A nnd His HAND , (lllK.sTI. IISHKI I. A. ronjuctor. lll.V(irS AHKItVOOX anil BVENIXQ Ml MO I'lcvo, lurttone I.OIHA I'ATTIJRHO.V, Soprano , Till IISII.W .VIllHT JI'.m: 19 THC MEN'- ui:r.boiis ciii'D of I'IULadkuhia yftoiniinn VnierU'an rblnlKjflerM' ProcTama. B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE! will Creasy & Daync unchb in "Till: MAS' WHO llKM.lUfnF.nEI"' BILLY REEVES & CO. MAJOR RIDDLE'S "DEVIL DOGS' Mliw" Cumrbtll Hilitl Yana, Cantwfll 4 Wftllipr. l'mani, anl IUt Faaturc Blllt mm nouanj lh Piatt inTown to Dtnt TONIGHT IS SMOKE NIGHT AXD TOMORROW XldUT IB htiwio siaur M.miUv la KKWl'IK Sllht Twailay la KOVULTT Nlcht Ifrlnay ana naiuraar ara VVONIlKHf WL Ma-hta fKUfmctlon tiy Avpiintmni IA-Sl i S;v- I I NH r ia k r!r r-1 VT7 jpm GAYETY oiug.; j4J rf rwasSfErig . I .'Vj . Jk ryi mm tt.VJ i A Ai VAJ A M tA i , t t ft ia r '& 13 I . i --- - r"u Jiar- laat I MB Ufi --" -"- I .aat aw v-s rw a uiu rwwfw a ijt M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers