EVENING PTJjrktlC LEDGER PHlXAtoELWIIA, JtONDAT,'". OCTOBER Zh 1918 T' r . . !AMIS r$ FOREMOST . r ...... ns or jrroniincncc i a raic Toll J. Hcr- ifcert Scliall Succumbs ii-JOHN PLATT DEAD fyieet ami Hardware Mer ; psriunt Also Listed Among ,t'f. Grip Victims ? "- Amonar the latest epidemic Influenza irrjrtlms In this city nnd nearby ate 'J. Herbert Xcliall. president Stacy Rve' & Son. builders. Kwi Mm, Jolin O. Piatt, wife, of Ml"' ' .urj..t . ti..nf..iw.A I'.imii.inv of imiUCItV Ul iiinuiniiiv ""! w Ejju North America 'Tha Kevr. Jeremlalt J. linnon.nn'i'io"' rector of C'atlwllc Church of ssump tlon. .Frank WIckIiis Huff, pioitunent hard tfr merchant. Mr. 4mnl erkvver. whose husband. TCaalm Zechwer. V. S. N.. died week:. t'onnrllmnn Law retire II. Hemlf last or, Camden. ... , H.nrr C. Ilntrher. .Ir.. well Known. socially. l J. Herbert Scliall. president of Stacy , , TIeeA'CS & Von. one of the oldest build t Isir Arms In the city, died lit his home. , , 4SS2 Ilublcam street. viermantnw-n. a vlrtfm of Influenza, after nn Illness of , . ten days. Mr Schall was flftv -seven vears old and a native of tjernianinwn He la survived by his widow. Mrs Mary Catherine Schall, and n dauRhter. MIs Edith K. Schall He was a member of , th University t-odse of the Masons. " and of the Knlchts Templar. Shrlners and othe." MnMinlc orders, , Mr. .Schall entered the Ueev't-s firm ss a bookkeeper In 1S8 4, and upon the i deaths of different mmebers. of the Reeves famlfy he purchased their In terests In the firm until he became sole proprietor. The only surviving mem ber of the original Iteees firm Is Mark , B. Itetves, of Mildwood, N .1 . who re- i tlreO from the business nearlj tn e.irs a co. ! Mrs. John ). I'lult Victim Mrs. Katherlne Blddle Leonard Plait, wife of John O. Piatt, was another prominent Mctlm of th disease on Saturday. fthe died at her summer home, "Falrflelds, ' at Paoll, after an , Illness of two- ivet-Us. She is survlvtd by a yountr son, and by Mrs Philip II. Brice, of 3208 De Laneey street, a sister Mr. and Mrs. Pl.itt, whose city lurne Is 2312 Spruce street, were married July 26. 1917. In St. Thomas's Church Whitemarsh. .She was Miss Katherlne Blddle Leonard, jnunirest daunhter of ( ; the late Mr. und Mrs. James lllddlc Y Leonard. Upon her father's sill she ;' vivas a descendant of the Ltonard fam ily of Taumon. Mass., belnir also ii defendant thioufrh her paternal grand. ', mother, who was a Miss Blddle, the ' wife , Samuel I.tonnrd. of Phlladcl , phla. ot Charles Blddle, the elder ' On cep mot tier's side sh" w-as a jvr.md- i (UugU'.rr of the firs' Dr. William Pep- , per. whose son, the late Dr. William Pepper, was prpvest of the 1'nlvcrslty of, Pennsylvania. !r William Pepper. l present dean of tt.e Medlc.il School of the University of Pennslvanla and a ' 'major In the United States nrmy. and , hls brother. Major Oliver Hazard Perry , 3" Vepper, medical corjs, I'nlted States tVirmr.nho Is In Frame. 'lire Mrs. Piatt's Bf -s !est cousins. Another cousin. Major' .jsenjamin iranatin rrpper. was aiiieu i IsJ action In France- a few weeks ago cfconfe Wharton Pepper also Is a cousin? I Romeo C Htzzo, manager of the I wholesale department of II, V. Wey- mann A Son, Inc.. died Saturday at hf father home, '381 Olranl aenue. He was eighteen years old, and had been 111 but a few days. Camden ('oilitellnian Itirs After an Illness of less than a week. Councilman Lnwrenca B Header, thirty-' three years old, who was renominated by the Republicans at the recent primary election for the fourth term, died yes-' tcrday at the Cooper Hospital, Camden, of pneumonia. His wife left the hos pital rured of Influenza Ju-t after he was admitted, Mr Header was a member' rf the lair firm of Miller : Header. He Is survived by a widow and four chil dren. His father is u sergeant of police and he has a brother, w ho Is a physician. The Iter. Jeremiah J Mahon. for the Ust year a curate liz the Church of the Assumption, Twelfth and Sprint; Gaiden streets, died Saturday at the parish house of the church, of pneumonia. Father Mahon was born in Shenan doah. Pa., ill April, 188)1. He studied at the OverbrooK Seminary and was or dained May IT, 1913 His first mission was In Downingtown, whence he was v .called to Jvy Mills. Allentown, and then :,r to' 8a, Mary'f, In this city, vvlijch he left ' to serte at the vhuroh of the Assump- 1 'lion. Father Mahon Is survived by five brothers, three sisters and his parents, 1 who are living In Shenandoah. ' Henry C Butcner Jr.. .1 veteran of the Spanlsh-Amer'cati War, will be i iliurled today from the home of his par , (nts. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clay Butcher. , .1100 Locust street, Mr. Butcher died lday,of pneumonia at the age of forty- U ytsrs. after an lllnem of ten dae. Mr, Butcher was a graduate of the University of I'ennsvlvanla In the class of, 1IJ1.. He was a member of the Had- , nor Hunt. Rittenhouse. St. Anthony's to prepare sermons If they had '.he ml St. Dux-Id's Golf flubs. 'opportunity of preaching " , Mr, Butcher married Miss Constance I "The true pastor can do more than vDvrux In 1005 Mrs. Butcher was a any other to nllay the feeling of panic mister of Captain A. J, Antelo Deveretri, that popsei-res m many, and through ' who Is In France, and of Alfred I'lum- faithful xlsltatlon ot afflicted families til DeT"ereux. She died In July last, can advice In matters of proper sanlta iMr. Butcher's father Is a Civil War tlon mid the care of the t Ick. He has ' xeteran. His mother, before her mar- access tn homes where doctors are never Vrlge, was Miss ICUen I'age. Besides his called, or ele rind It Impossible tn go. 0, parents Mr. Butcher Is survived by his ' I suggest that every pastor In the city ,' threa children, who are living at their lal a" active part In fighting this epl- .;. heme In, Haxerford; three siners, Sirs. I demlo ) thorough xlsltutlon In his v. rj, Brlnton Roberts, of I.lanengan, Bala ; I ,lr. it, Itaaciyne Itonens, lireen Itanlt ' Farm. Jtosemont, and Mrs. Alfred Thernton Baker, of Castle Howard ' Turin, Princeton, ,V J. Lieutenant Holmr! A Jt. Baker, t' S A: "Hobey'' Baker, of football fame. mtto has been In the aviation service sstfperat years and has an, olflclal record ,r" iMir Jlun planes and at leust a dozen pm, 'iMwWrlal on the western battlefront, tr ri i' nephew of Henry C Butcher, Jr. WlgBlns Huff, one of the oldest ure merchants In the city and at r Hm president of the Merchants' and kv4ers" Arsoclatlnti. died of pnett- . after a brief Illness at his home. -IM.iWest Phll-Klleiia street, German ., yesterday Mr Huff was seventy fWr old and had been In failing health 1 W sexeral years. Ho Is survived by ' mm "ifWow and one eon. ! Mr,, Huff was a Ihlrty-third degree. a member of Lu l.u Ten. pie und JCntetit Templar He was for a long ' .bjulnes at SOS Market street 1 Bromlnent In reform nioXements ivWniantoivi section. JaAiara Zeckwer, whose huebund. ixyer r . N died lt 'veek -.died yesterdsy of the same 1 Mr: Zeckvvrr, who was for-' , Agnes McDonogh, was mar- monins ago 10 the, young They lived at 3127 Pine HlflpTWi 6k I 1 Today s Roll of Heroes for City and Vicinity rnnllmietl from l'ne One rlne Corpe 11.1 . (Sd st lireleu!)r reported unoffi. isllv). rOKI'llltAI, TMKODDItr. I'. sM;, 7,13 I'nlnn nt tUUroKM. JVMI.M W. SMITH. 3111 S. .ISIh al CDRI'OUM, Ml 1,1,1 Mt .".in? iiirih-n t t'llHl'OHAI. HTAM.l'.V 1 Hlrnten sxe llltl'IIUAl, KIIMl'.ItT (' Klllnlr at J, (lltOt Kt. , "-IIOKK. SlHl'j , DII.KM, 51:0 tVIKI'IIKXI, l-RKllhltlCK 1,'tl W Innnn. at r. (ll.l.NN. lit 111, Kit AI.IIKRT tf f'iinilH.rlHl(1 at .I'efnrlnllv) I'RrVXTK Kim'IN" lirrhwon.t se run ti: John m. I. smrMiv. i: (pre'lou!)' repofteil i nui.i'.v. .ism III KNi, 110 Clvraer em VI rni,rr. simiin itMX'i.iiFi: Flour 1nnl ro.nl I'heslnur Mill I'KIV.vrir: III I. II J. IIOll.K. S.YM Ked I'KIIATlC IIOWRII V. MI'.MIr.R faarv Inn H IlllKlerl 1IJ.1 V tlllh at. I'KIVVTR ANOKI.O t ISTANTINK. 10 Kqrnon al I'ltlVATK KH'IIMIII (ill WW (aerln na a m hantr) 1P.1S I'srllnn al I'ltlVVTi; IIVUKV .. lie llltlN.NI.lt, IMI2 l.lntveo.l at rmvTi: jmk it. rn.M.i.iA, .Hon N llrcmil i t l'l'IVTK IIIAKI.r.s f, lioM.t.V. 2IW W'atll lit I'ltlVATi; Ut'lill . IIXM1I.I.. .17 K Walnut UlM llermaiitown ipreioualy rnnrl'l mirifflelalU I I'KIVATi: .lVr x. ; (JI'.NIIIN. 1MB (lnfjirli. at I'ltlVATi: JOIIJ. .1. Il. TO'.'! Wood la nil n I'llllAtr: JOHN . I.KII'I'IIIK. Mil Ailiirta at I'ltlVATJ. Hll.lir.HT IIKRt'hR, 312 a- pn at lraport.ll uriofnciully on Sal ritllATi: IIMIll.iS liR1Klt. 2.1T W. Illr.-li a! I'RIVATi: KimMKO J. MI'I.I.KiAN. Wntiiliiind ae lprelousl rapoft-il nnnfrlf lalltl I'RIVXlll PITSV Mlt( TII.I. inr.C ICarahaw e rim ti: .iiiski'm it. OI.IHI mi. :ni I'lirT'inl al PRIVVTH MIl.l.l.Mt MIIXKTON, 2127 X 1mh at rnivxTi: .ixmi. ir. o'm:ii :.,.in v tlnno at I'ltlX XTI1 l.lll.l MX.MMXI.X, 101.1 Rus sell al I'RtXATK llllMIs X. O'HXRX, 11.19 N T.lh at 1'hivxti: .rxiiK Mct.owxN. fim.i l.nliaflou'n1 mp I'IMX.XTi: XX Xl.TKIl I.. RKI'.I). 2121! M .nd a I'lUX XTi: .IMIhS It. IIKsslCK. 1129 Hanson al. I'llll XTK IIXRItX' I.. HII.KR. 1HI ! IJIh at rim xth .ioskimi m. corrr.x. 2711 V lillh at (prevloual5 reported linof II. lallvl 1'IMX XI I! 2it t pi'ix xti; N lu ll. Iillv 1 MXTTI.O Mirf'IliRllS'MI, 3.1 a I IIIXUI.I M KNZI'JI, 41.10 al Inrevinualv renorteit unof- 1'Hix'xti: xx 11. 1.1 xm .1. MitRiir, .min 1 -I PRIX XTI! CMXRI.U'a R. XVhRT. 1.1.11 lll"hlnntat al ritlX'XTK KI1XVXPI) Xfh.R. 3111 Sunn. aid.- i.e iprinuaK reporleil nnof. Helen i PHIXATi: MARollXI.I. llXTnir.l.l.R. -, V 'i;,h at pitix.XTi: .ixcoh iikrnsti:in. us nit I'lirx x'tp .nwr.pii t. coxtki. 2137 n. ' -alisll al PRIX XTU iiMil't.r r. i;l,KN. 2100 ihi,.Aii i-i, nirmnniown. 1'ltlXXTi: IXMJvK XlcCOIIII, 211I4 nurlrn rpu xti: Mh a- pph xri-: MXItflN MKIIXKI., r.07 1.01 1 xi. ri:ii:. 12111 v ritivxrr, pxii. Tiiiixipov. 232r.r.ir. -'.I a. PP'X XT' XX 11.1,1X31 I It XIN Kit. 22113 i: -o 1,1 at PItlX iti; i(N XTO ltl 1 CI.I.IO. 1.112 PC'X'Ti: Vl a pii'x'xti.: i.Douiii; 11. roNRiix. t.in RONXIH IIRIVRR. K. S JIMS at pen ti: .ix 011 1. KXI'TF.1.. 11(17 W. i'iiivit' em ir;-,o in s '"X'XT" INlr)l. I. KI'NN, IVW .1,, ,1 PPIX'XTK JOHN J. .HIXI'K. 10'ti al 21112 N 1209 PI'IX TI ,1. -,. o, ITU 'Tt IMII KOKI.Ki. Mill H I.ln- at MINI HI. SF.NKKOIT. 21.11 a ' nkll pi. VIT" -lt f ZXSI.AVMCX'. 129 V a PP'X XT'-: (In-. 1 a iT'i'": -OI7 T ppix xti: mll PPIV'TT .IXMF.s XI.KWMIhlt, Sl I rm:nr.Rit'K pi'.ti.rson, ("XRI. O. PXIII.. 453(1 N' at XRTIII'U ROTH. 4(13 Cliw I.OI'IX DKITKKR. Sin Dlek- ppix" XTI' tnann -I I'Imvxth XI.IIKHT J X( KON. 307 ", kr'l at PPIX'XTi; CII.XIll.KS Merlin at PI'IX XTF liKOItlii: XI, RF.HIOXX'. 1 krki:x, 42s 093 I.rle Ha 1llINfl CORI'ORXI, XVII. 1,1AM MM.XRX'. T.11I !(.. ater al fRIX'XTH MICIIXI'A, .1. (XM llll.tl, "" '" 'IT" - at PPIX XTV I tws N pph".xti: 7tl al pp'x ti; ""IXIKIt :. KXVXNXl mi, XX'llt'.n at. II0NA1O CI'dlM, 71 TIIOMXS P. DIXMOSII, 3391 a' V tll a' ppiVXTK HXRRV III sIV. 33.1 Sprlne fl l, v riCIVATK JOHN" C.RO. Jr.. 21113 V lit at ppix xti' .iosf.pii x. iiir.i.i.v, 4127 1 tnr -aer a ppiytTi: S. XX'. TIIF.INC:. Jr.. 1.1X Ml. at I'HIX'XTK .IOII V . XX'll.I.I XII H'l.I.V, 1lh al ntnl lXea(pilnalar n ,. (ppa nr.(.o uotomii ppil XTK -.4 111 at IT'V'TK I ' t I! XV ( XVI ,1.11x1s, e.u - I.F.ROV THOMXs TR X"V. 20 'II MXRT1N. I2il1 R. CONMSIIN. Fixrx. lilt pp X 'IK .).n m PHIVXTK XVXI.TF.R 'Id-, S'itt al PI'IX XTi: CIIAHt.F.S f rntr al PI'IVXIi: I-1.-TFH I'll I. larlmg lnllrri 1211 V I.eithsnv at rfa a UPHOLDS CHURCH CLOSING IDoxMiloxvn lillirter Siiusitt Pat" tors Turn Atlctilion to Sick The It' l"lartnr .S l.untr. pastor of f lie (IreenHldi Siren I'rfstijtcrlan Church, has uritttn a letter tn Health Ulrei'tor Krusen, In xxhli'h he criticizes ministers who uppoH? the Health lie. partment rhuri'li-rloslnK order, lie all, ainonir other thliiK" "ily dear Doctor lCruen T nant to express my entire ronltilenvf In nil you haxe done and are doing to .suppress .ue epidemic. Those of the clergy who Itariua tr.tl tilth thlr lirntABtu tllllV l,M I, ,reaehers. hut they certainly are not 'pastors, or their time ould be too much taken up with the visitation ot the flck ' and the hurlal of the dead to permit the holding of Indignation meeting, or en pirh-h Liberty Loan Drive, at AViii York Tracks Brings in $2,380,;t50 " 1 Aeiu Vorfc, Oct Zl Hiirriiom milled ore tioa.ouo In iibi'ip(otis lo Ihr font Ih I.tbfrlv Loan at tht Vuipirr City tralk nenr I'onltrrn Sol. Iirdiiy ninl rarrfe,il Uielr grand tutu lo ti.3H0,ISu. The ii 11 on lit siibucrfbrif enWi day Kinte the drift openeif on Stptembcr .10, oltotts: JXMXIC.X TltXCK snilrmlier 30 IWi.ir I. (lelaber 3... li er It, ll-Mier Oetsber S. . Ilrtuner 7. . Ilrlober .. llilolirr U, llrlcber III. rcso.ooii IID.iion 10,000 lll,X,miii (IU.0OO ni.toii .tt.aiiii 4ii. sno I77.5AO 311.1km S.7.VII ;.ts.H.vu .11,500 Z.X.ISHl 10.IM10 e.x.tixi ait.K.io Ilrliiher II. Ilrlulier li. KMI'lltK (ITT llrtulwr U. Ilili.ltr I.X. (Maker IH. UrUlMr 17. Ilitabrr ID. Tetal , t.30XX0 IT three leading auliMriberat Arnold Ralnalfln,. in a-h l.eorx XV. laift ,,, 103,000 risen B, Xfood. . .. . .. , ICO.OIMI BBBBBBBBBBBBVX xIbBBBBBbL $ BBBBBBBBBBsl SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsi Pk HaiaBBBBsl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBpVslBVr1 IsSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiaaW T dasVsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH jLaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaaaBBal 3& "alHfc LBaBaBaBaaW!BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1 -' 1 111 - ' isstsTTssfsssfWlllTrn lMAMxtMtKtmMmi jmM3l&Bm 1 ..mmLxztr - MKKKmM dAMtS ROELLIG.EIMm G.CAVAHAUfJH1Scrgf,E.H.KELLEe,SemV.VLAWWWE,S.E.d.COLL,LOUIS ORUCKER, Wounded"- Missina". wounded" Wounded-" woona3'" WoondGd-" 4pp. J J-' fp 4Pfp 1 f";f?v SAMUEL MATTHEWS.CHAS.MURPHV.THOS.F.DIAMOND.dOHN cJ.dOyCE.CHAS.H.COOPtUiHAS. REIBOW, wounded-" Pied of Uiscoae LOAN OVER TOP, COUNT STILL ON i Indications Are Every Com munity in District E ' ceeded Quota si BSCUI1TI0NS IN MAIL I'hll.iili'lplil.i exct-ediil the utiolii set In the lioxrrnnii'nt for the Futirlh l.lli erl Loan lv a "comfortable niiirgln," ai'coeillrg to an unnouixeinent trade lo il.i.v b the Third I'tdeial I'.eft-rve Hank. It is Indli .lied that tver.v coinmutilty In the iliirlci will be shown will "iivor the lop' when the tln.il tlgures arc jilxen out No tlsurrs of the totals In the various illirhts re in 1 nniiounceil until the are nil oDlcltillv lountod. This sinnoiince infill wns made today nfler nil oltlclnl nidei In this iffect had been received from XX'ashlngton. Siipserlpllons received from the hupk.nt; li stltiiijon.s in the city and til lead' ollli'inllv lecnriled lit the Federal IhsHive l: ink hhciu n tnlnl in Phlhi ilelplil.'i In .Miss of tlie nllotnit'tit." K. 1'usiv IMsvinoie, gnxeriiiir of the Thlul I-'ideral Itesorve ilunk, said this after noon ' Kill I upmts from the out-of-town cllstn. l- are eninlriK In Iovvl.v, but lotiil tlguies will not he available for next-nil da' s i "He'aware States is alreaily well over, and tellable figures from Pennsylvania ou-.siiie oi ine cuy nnu iroin tin- huuui- em half of New Jetsey Indlcato that thev too will so coinfoitably ovr thlr ciiiota- "V furlliee llirllies can be eV.nectcd from the Keiier.il uet-crxi' u.iiik itniii llte rintil ollis'lal totals In ,-tnniiun- ced." Hank Adds Xlllllnn Aiiiioiiiueinent was made toda.v that ih,, Vfctith X'.-illon.il It. ink had llicl cased I.b ,.pl..l.it1 ulll.u.-rllitln.i ,r i.riiiiii.fiiiii , -1 tir, t,, i.i,.. ..,..." , - .- to the loan to Sl.ooil.nnu late r',ituidii afternoon before the canipaign eiiiled. As reinris s'ow Iv filtered inlu l.ihuty Loan m pal 1: pott districts, vvhli It is, 2io. lion, ltported had a iltioln "f huhscrlptlons if i (3.242.110(1 Coniniunitles in thete illstricts repjit ed as follows- Wll.llM f ."ii nail Jl, III III ll.'l.llllll lllll.llllll -..-, Il'lll 1II.X.OIMI ,"o otli l t siHl.niiii iiii.iiiiii L'X.O HI 'Jlltl.OOII ll'ill.OOO L-oo.eo'i Mil.ai riiit.,1 I (mi lid, I Township vtmituone-ry . . t..inail.i e . . I'ttat llii-f nvllle. . Pilni I'nlleit'vllle IlirVavllli . I'utlsvl I" llrren l.uni Svi-ilal.inil r-'ihweiikvlll'--nuilerlnn I'lni-iiWvlli'-Nurlh VVslts '!! V ! --.iii jni :-, noil inn "at linn Sill 411 Ht i-.ii linn '", nun 'JIHI llllll llil lain 1 .'nil 11(111 I0J 11011 1 lO.llllll XV'ol'aels at the l.lbertv Loan heail- oirirteis le-iuuied the tabulailon of sub- Jell itlons "earlv this nionilng The Miiptions iai . throughout work ese d.i coll II u. I I roug oui (he day Subscription blanks and pid ..,u f.i.tr neil train suiicrioei.s on S.ituniav thut have not been put on record lis vet are expected, to boo-t the total for Die final day of the drive to the greatest proportions ever known In the finaiicl.il history of the district lleports from the committee In charge of Hie Liberty Loan In tlie Main Line re-Inn show that every one of the tweiitv tllClslons oversubscribe its iiuota, 44 ner cent of the population contributing The total number of subscribers was ''Vlie total subscription for the district wis $i.028,00, as ngalnsi Its original nilota of $1.453.3;n. of xvliUli the town Tt Waitt contributed $331.75. althoitgh its ouita was only $4C.O0o, and VIIU- ova. llojemont and Stoke Pogls 428- -00 wllh a (Piota of ?3 the full list being glxen In the following table: Star on headquarters todav, niaiiv (oin-.nau nen wounileil lu four places, but ' '", '" ,,, ' , '.'i "'J'. ' . . i - ' .'' unities througliout marh.v counlles le- expect, u in i lt.nl, ,,i the light within ;.';.,,, '.. . , , ni ,. tV.lv ' tned tlut, tluy had gone "ovc, the top ' -. n oi-,.,V, "-' ' ! '"V KnrnZrX MiC..,,.,.,,,,. n the lo.in drive. fantrv He was fornieHv .'. ii,'.. ii,.i 'H'''1 "f pneuinonla In Frame on Ti, rnoihlned Noll istow n ami lit idge- ;',;,, .".oV.iV""0'1?...11 ..."." .',.1.le1 M-nt. nib. r 16. was s-udviiiz for the Honor Ttl still KlftK Mrrllillotis ;i $"-xn ('' Met Ion j 7,-,o T.a la 'J 'J.1J, I ell Cnu(l -j jus, inn Narlit-rlli ,j ill l 4 "ill XVjniiewoo.1 , KIT, tlllll ArdmiirH ,, vs toil Hnvert'ira ;i ."n'l To llryn Slawr 4 k.' fl".il (llnilu -.;," Y-lLt" i kii ;.-.n llrUmiro I'ounlS. hast . ,', m ..VI I". .','r "".."'..' ' s SI, Kim Vllh-'novs" itoaemont' snd . wKX'W'"-"' , ,.,-.,. nor ,-'. 7 liliisr.o D 'Von lierwM! . 3(1 l".li IMoll. Mslvern .. 'j ,-,,, prn JUvvr Co legs - a,'i Ma'verfon Co"'? r, Ts,m lljverford 1-chool j ' , t Ij.ll.'s.ll (1 Number tr on .XUin Line dUtrkl Honor tl.ia" MVXICO GOES 'OVER TOP' FOR U. S. LIBERTY LOAN . raixnrls In (TiHU lortf Mavl.utii ii r j 1iiivliiv Unndti. A partly clad Mexican wandered this after a,t ( II ! -) - ..-.. a. .-...-... -ii Into the Chamber of Conuneice. I asked for an Interpreter He lu.ught $;(i(i bond for his young daughter, I nv 'i ' ann ,!-.i... -!.. it,, t ?t Mexico Citv has t-SJIir"l a- '-"- " . ii . . . . .l... nn f.ti tit j I .Ihftrtx' 1 iie iM.rr int: "i - -" - t he Hint etter itivUeil by. lis moiner tymi I.atr JJJViMi,. U,att rfei.tenU.fr IT, and In tt h- (iiv la pnhsicr'iu 4S5.nhO aim ram- ,,.1.1 .. .Mlll fn .. imilA hnvnitul hut the 1,'c, $581,500. The 'S"0"'.'" "'iJ "'V rufeV-e" ht 'mrue" "to" lili' Injuries rnt re republic are ti,i9,t00, with more ' . , ,,,ln.i 'ir.-ilni? over the saving he bd been smlng this money i engineering regiment at Camp Hunt for xears: Manx" Hovernment employes! Phress. and another brother. William, also iKiught lionds. Mrxk-f.'s quota was! entered Hie service of L ncle Sam today. 11,000,000. i I'rMHte Charles Ir, Cooper, wounded, - made eight attempts to enlist !" CI'I'P fll'li'n Tn Ull' Xllll.' f"r' '' I'-" B"' ll' Hie medical ex- SLII Ul till I IIAUU li.Xll uiiilntis and succeeded then only be -, , ,.. t, tt f. xr ,.i i ""cei in uie om rirsi iiegimeui. .. vj. Quaker (,ily Uubber (.ompaii) Would s., however. h managed to stick and Fnioin Tire Concern lwcr" '" 'ranee In May of this vear an r r.njoin lire i.oiiirru u m,,,,,. ot roinpany II, lOUlh In- Ciiiiiiil'ilulng that Its trade name H;famr He was severely wounded when huin.- itifrioifeil iinoii and that as a re- the American troons inishtui Mm iter. suit II Is loslpg n reputation that It has mkeu vers In establish, tne (juaiter i.i?..' ii .hi... Ci.nitsetv lndav asked ' t - ..' '.- .. ---. -- - a prellnilniirv injiiiiciioii againsi inn mui wimiu nn iiveo, mat he is rapiaiy Quaker citv Tire Company, to restrain recovering I ml Is eagerly looking for It from using the trade name" of ward to getting another crack at th Quaker" and ''Quaker City" on Its rub- , bodies. He Is an automobile machinist ber goods products. y iraue and tils father and mother aro It s set forth thai the plaintiff la an 1 old.etubllatied firm, wllh a main sales. I I'rliste yUn Mrkman, killed la .roetin al 6?8 Market street, while the action, formerly played a violin In I defendant la a new concern established (the Hellevue-.Stratford oichegtra. He en- ) than a year ago, INSCRIBED ON YHE ROLL OF Mi6in,... Wounded l&rAin.s , GEO.W.MEELL.CHAS.H.RMJCH. Killed wounucu' 26 City Soldiers Dead, 8(i Wounded t'onlliiiieil front Pane line ous to their irip to the Imnlir In Ifllfi. Me Is no with the lltatlfiu.iru-rs Com pan 1 iii t inrniitr l'rlviilu .l.ttuea l.iielilir. leporlcd wouniled hi hi lion, was ventv vears old when In- Hm-il I'imii.iny K. Sixth IteKlmeni. i: I' lie was employed as a tnaehlnis' nt Hie Itenlngton Anns I'otnpnnj Ills lavt lette-. which icachul his mot her Mrs i:rin lloelllg. who lives at t r..:r l.imleriwiHjil surei, salil that he was leciiverliii; fiom a .slitapnel wound in n the hg In replv. she wiote; "Con.e i aik when von lire re.ulv, hu' stick until tl.,,1.. ..!.... .. i. ... i.i . .. I fllmleiiliiim hands his svvnid to l'ei-J ruiiih. I'riinle lllihiiril li. .iHeiiba, nf I'lHO i-ouih Tenih striti, w.ih killed In net Ion September :'S He eullsiitl In Xpill, 11M7. when onlv seventeen vears old, and w.s inilneil at faiiip llnncii-k. A few iI.ijb befoie he was t,tnl aluo-id he wide home ' Vow. mother, be su-e not to vvorrv If I inn killed, I shall ill like Jems; for lie too, gave up Ills life for liumanitv lb- is survived In hlsmotlur and mi oldei In ot iter Private John .1. Itnrna. rnitiii.int I' 1115th ltiKinfiui, was severely wounded I In action Stpiiinher Hi lie vvaH eilu I cateil at si 1'hllhiH School, and worked as a papt r toiler until January 3 I'llS I w hen )f. ur .liafted Ills home hi at i H" Clvinei court He Is twenty-four ! y".1.1f.1'.1 i.. i.'."",r '"""" v llguil. Olnp.iny I Private Diiiinlii Ciiclnl luili Inlai'ir.v, w-as reunited iiilvuitu; Sentenibi r Alter his nt.iiliiiitiriti from a I'lill.ule phla grammar tchool he August. I'll;. He was tw entv-elght I ears old and II wd with his parenls at their home. ;S8 outh Seventh sti eel sergewitt K.lgar .1. ('nil. wounded, was i a member of the insult Inrautn He is menu-live xe.ira nf nire ini.t i ' .. wuriifn as a paver until he en I sled In of Mr. and Mrs .1 Call IB1"! oulh ,,!'1' '""red the war. nilindeil the or nni.ul str.-t In his l.-isi leiTee i.n.V.o Ib'eis' training -cho'il at Camp 1 li,ii--.ic-. Il- said he had been lilt bv .slir.nini ,,.i . , John A Call '".'".' ,,',n."p " '"'"":' Ims bee,,'" " , 'V L, " eported mlvslng in ..cHon. following an ' ," , ,', v, ,,., nBagement on ibe western fiont on , ,"', , "!,;,'', reported ?,iiiprtioi.r in. ...it. i .ii., ; lonip.inj ,xi. 1 1 ith infantiv lu' enllsteil in August, mi; ne former) v t llv'1 """ hl8 l."iils. Mr and Mrs. l'n"'u'1 ' Cavaii.xugh. at 1488 Xortli I XX'lIton strtt A brother. J Cllnion i CavaiiauKli, also is In l-'rame ns a meni. i iter or me ipKirierinaster s coiiii I'rivitle 'iiiiiiirl (i, Xlnlthrws lias been seveieiv vv oiiiul.il in action according! to word rectlved bv his father. Samuel ' Miitllieus, 1912 Paikslde avenue, last Momhi The advices stated thut Prl-I vute Matthews had sustalnnl h s wounds ' on September s. but ii letter wiltten linee ila.vs later states that he Is well on the load tn i.eovery. lie enlisted In June, llfi and a ivy serv-li e dining the Mexhan trouble Prior to Hie war he as tMn1 ,npi, ln tle oin0l. f ,, ,, jm,al Life Insiirniice Connanv. wltli which toncern he becitnn. aflll'ated fol lowing his graduation from the XVest Philadelphia High School ergennl (leorire XX. iuwrftiee, re Iiorted wounded In action oil July 17, Is the son of Mrs Chillies Lawrence, 113 North Kill) -first street. 11- joined the armv cni' In June of 10H". and nerved on the Mt xlciin border, being eventually assigned to Coinpan.v H 103d Hnglneers. Ills father. ("haili'M Lawience. fought In i:ajpi In 1 SS2, anr Ids grandfather did his lilt In the llngllsh-Piu-slan XX'nr of 1S54-5."i-5C. In a letter to h.s mot her he said that he ws lapldly tecoveriug from a gun shot wound in the th'gh. Private l.ojls llrniker, wounded, wsis drafted In April of this year and sent to I-'ianie in June, after less than two months' training at Camp Meade. He was a tailor by ttnde and lived with his patents at Sill Dickinson street. Private JiiIiii .1. Jojee. wounded, en listed in April of 1917. onlv n few ila.vs after this counti,v declaied wur on Herman) lie was only nineteen vears old at the time A brother, Joseph Joie. Is now In a training camp, wlille u I bird brother. Matthew Jo.vie. has been called lu the draft and expeeis to go to a cantonment In the next contingent sent fiom Hi's clyt. Private John .1 ,lnce Is a member of Company G, the machine gun battullon of the 110th Infantry. rnrpural XXIIIIniii IS, (Ir.ieUr. wounded Is enthusiastic in Ills praise of the .Salvation Army workers, In a letter In his parents. tin live al S1U2 Ugden street. "Thev will face any danger to bring us hot i nffee and food," said Corporal t'loclie "Mecently two of thtin craw ltd for a mile over a shell swept ana to get lo the ft out Hue trenches and distribute chocolate, doughnuts and eolfee ' UrocUe In con valescing rapldl) lu a Paris basa hos pital, he added I'riinle Clllirlea Hellion. VVOUtlded, enlisted on April 23. HUT. ten days ft arailon or wur ngainsi stnt tu Camp llrncock and sailed for Franco In May of this 5 ear as a member of ( ompany it, iwmii inianirv. tie was at tne iront in auiy, en latlug he was a crane He lived with ills mother at operator. He lived with . MHi-tin street. II brother, chrlMoiiher lie lloxbornugn a elbow. Is lu an cause he had Pieinotlzed the eye chart. 'nee in uie oiu first iteKimeui. .n. u. insns back and eiossed the Aiane River, top,' " Hefoie out nas written nia gruniliiioilier, Mrs,. Captain Kerrler'a Inlurx- was r..i.-,i Marv Mulho land. Sail! eiir.ln., Mlrt. K '-"I""'" "".'"" injur) was received . ..,- ..,-;;,;-,:- .,--.-.- '--'." --.-'.. U(ed in the Klrat llrglment, J. ul I'. HONOR wounoed'" wounoeel CRL O. PAHL, Ucut.WWH.PAHL. wuunaea. and went to Ktance In Maj .if this vear ns a member of Conipam u. ninth In fanlrj. In the last letter leielvt.d by I his mother. Mrs Anna Nli-knian, who lives at 61".'P XVeslmlnster avenue, lie told her how a (.itrmati ihell had' smashed his beloved Addle In hits, but ' had not touched him, A welt later he I w-tis ilnil X'oung Nlcldiinn'tl fntlter Is critically 111 and his mother has not told nun in bis son's death feeling the shock would prove fatal Corpnrul Archie Vlnk, of I'ompiiiiy H. 1 1 llli Infanlr). was hit In the leg by a piece of .sh'.ipn I while running , to hW ciinpanv liciidipuuK rs to get his mall before going Into action "We had ' been ni tiered lo the from " he said, "and ' ueiiiini; that a mall had come In I hustled over lo see if there were my ''M ' f'"' "" -l""1 "'' ' reached 1't " Bn?" came i,1"n" ' "'-."""Re I?i-t I. iv lattoru ln.i,r lir-r.iT-A tne I to Re' iiiv letters, however, before Ihey shipped lint off tt 'he Iioh'jIi.i' ' T'm .voiiiic Mildler Is tw-entv-two yeaip old and I 'veil with his in .tlier Mis. .Velio 1 .til, tit Tied lllcimoie aviiiu.- Lieutenant XX lltbilu T. (.tlllllntilla, olll- I'l.i' v reiiorted li loilav V list as. Ikilltd In action. Is mtuallv In -i lios- pltn" tiovcrlng from a ir s ntlacn, in-, ordlrg to hlR wire Mrs. Mniffrct V I liitrnnioiiH, flillts Al man stre-t he has nlrendy lecelvcd woul fln.1l the War lie- partinciit that the report nf h's death Is Incorrict, but tli.xt In has been wounded. ' digree uiidetel nitn'-l .Mrs Liininmi--. ' howi-ver. has heaiil trom her luisb.iiid that he was gisstd mil) two ilavs after Ills (ommission as a snond lieutenant " handed to him He is attached to Company B. 109th Infautrv Lii-iitelnilit llnrtnnl .Xtetln.v, llllid in iiitlou. Is a Clr.iid College giad mile, ilnvli'g b'-en lett an orphan when iiii six .vears old, he v as cared for ...v Mrs Mary I.em Ir. S.l-'ll Mmt streti. un til old enough to intei the college found. "' ' ln"' R1''"' Kteiiciiiniin S t nli. a ,:lr",,d' He inllstcd in the old I'll ' Itenlineiil, .. t: p. ji'st prior to the "'sll'a" , ,,0,n'rJ inin.ilRit. sen d for N l"l,l"'i" '" rcva-v. was liiuorah'.. ol eliniged. te-'-nllHed when the I'nlt il "!'" reconniiended for a coinim-ei. .i: and I prirslhood N'otie Dime I'lilversitv iliafird and heal to lie had inn iinitilcu D.iiue linlll at- l Hi, ' - n-liiSiil BJmKMl i'ii her of'tlrafl iegstrail.ii. ia June r. of PUT. in viiii.ti, I "'"' " could mi. il.ilui eeniitl.)ii - a in which i ... .,, ,, ,., , ; ui. ii.lt, . l-tuiii.ll llli .illl, (ll,l ill i(tj anil lie inane nis Home wan a sIHer. Mrs .xiarj llrown Marj llrown, tnin Blown sircet. was a meinbti- of the ,;oih lhil- e, a National Annj iin.t He neere. MANY FIREMEN HURT AT $500,000 BLAZE ' . t ..;- II,. lUUrillCs lit' I Wlieil Hit L'lp Check Crowds lack ninl White Taxi Garage Burns Marines. dlors. Home HefeliKe He serves and in. nibeis of the students' army training miiis 800 men In all were required to enable the police to liold In check the huge craw.: that ns leinbled eteiila when a SRnil.OOO fire destroyed the gaiage of the Illack ami XVhlte T.ixli'ab Conipiiny, Hioad street below Moiitguuiery avenue. l-'Kcd ba onets awed the vast thions; lulo prt servlng order Jlore I linn a Kcore of firemen were In jured or overcome by smoke, seven of them so seriously as to reiiulie hos pital tiea'meiit Korty-one aut(iio biles weie consumed. -Vlxon's Uraiul Opera House, on the orner of Mont gomery avenue, a landmaik. was dam aged to the extent of $15,000. and for a time the entire block between M'unt. uoinery and Columbia avenues teemed llo Juninieil on Ills motor full speed doomed The burned building was owned and uset above Hie lieads or the der by Dr. John il, Heaver mans Then lie did a loversement and Six alarms weie sounded The Urn 'dropped on the tall of tho Inst man,' was struck at about 11 So a in H who apparently had been the leader was not until after :t o'clock lu the Captain Illddle got behind hint nt about afternoon that the blaze was under ..n.i trol. flirinen continued their battle for Iilintlier two hours, however. I The Hrameii, wlicre Injuries reiiulred tlielr removal tj St. Joscjih's llokpiiul. w e re : Captain Hcoigc l-'eriler, 2('U3 Cast Dauphin Ktiett, Instruction olllc.-r of the Uuicuu of h'lie, fi'.ict'.iicd r'ght hip and ui,iiuiti. tiy Mliui.e. William Jones, thlity jrais old ";.) Wesi Kletcher street, iiveicome by smoke ' by Joseph Walsh. thlrt.v-thr.e jears old, I 1831 .North Kouilh .trecl. oviicouie bv smoke. -..I.""?- M"'",r' tlilrlj.nltie years old,' .'051 Palethorp street, overcome bv i smoke and abrasions or tlie light leg ' Joseph McHovern, Olne. aluanlons of ' the left knee ,,i!l,.tie!,;!rn'ir- ,l"rylx ars old, , 18.4 Kast Albert street, contusions of the left eve. Martin lainion. thlrty-five years old I 4808 L'mbrla street, lie,., , ,, i Many others were overcome by smoke or slightly cut. or both, but were treat w?." "?," ""ot a,,(J returned to the fighting line. After the building had been blazing for an hour the toof fell In with a ter- rifle roar. It was thought many fire. men had been caught under the nVhri.. and the marines and home-defense men' under Captain Connelly, began -to dig I in tne rums ror lite tmrt it noon learned, however, that all had es. I I caped In a spectacular mishap When tha roof fell he was left swaying at tlie top of a high ladder, almost overcome by smoke. Though all but unconscious, he clung to the aldea of the ladder and began to slide to the ground. When he reached the first .flour he, lost, con sclousness and plunged headlong Into tb flames. ' ,,'- EPIDEMIC WANES; I ONLY 493 DEATHS I City's Fatalities of Day I Shiny Encouraging De crease of 1 3 iNKW CASKS ALSO DROP '976 in Against Lnst 'IB Hours, us l.')32 in Preceding 2- Krusoii Optimistic Deaths and new cases due to U'. In ' fluenza epidemic fell considerably to I day. The tola) of deaths from influenza and I pneumonia leported for Hie last twenty four houis was 4!i.'l, compared with 1106 I for tlie preceding twenty-four houis. In the last forty-eight hours there weie only PTH new' cases reported to the health officials 111 the twenty-four hours , prior to that lierlod 1332 new cases were leimrted, evtn that flgute being a de tided reduction. "'c are innv lined the epidemic has been "mastered In this city," Health Di li nor Krusen announced today. "A I gradual (Inline Is to be looked for from IoiIh) onward ' i liiilirul enient llownttiwn ti liiipiovimeut In the Influenza slt- I nation In South Philadelphia Is reported hj visitors of Hie Society of tiiganlzlng ,1'hatlty. Applications for aid have lei- jt-ened mnslderably. I X'olunteeis, not only to nurse Influenza patients, hut to do cooking and house- wot k In homes visited by the disease, have been secured by tht society. The soiletv's visitors reported that the hurlal "aairrr. '?.' ', e.s1.1; -"" ' " '. . .........tn. - ..il. - n - wcie having a helprul enect In the poor 1 1 stctlniiH of the city. Phvsli lans began culling rally tills morning at the offices of tlie Bureau ot Health In City Hall for supplies of the tum being furnished free to medical men Lnough is on hand now to tender 1" O.OOd piisons Immune. Director Krusen today l (.-Iterated his xvnrnliic against cjcpcctointlon In public places. "The warning cannot he repeat' d too ortiu. lie said "The InV forbids ex i-iiin, ii,- nxiu !,- in.v IUIUIU9 f.- im toiatlng on sidewalks or on the llnors of public plates. Hut even cxpecto! tiling In the streets as many do la daiiR'lous. I'ti. sous who must ex pettoiate should u.sc ti handkerchief or a -Tint tiiti cup " Kid ('loss and llinergency Aid olllclals ivnc (iptiinlstic toilaj In their reports. Thej -a) the frantic appeals for help "which were evident only u week ago lifcvc fallen off uur immediate need Is for places to house the convalescents," explained Mrs ,1. Willis Martin at KineiRency Aid headiiuaiters. She raid the hospitals still arc i-iowdid und that convalescents unable to leturn home must bo taken eaic of ( The lied ('loss veslerday opened n in n ' ineigericv hospital at St.D(Hinto's I'.ithiillc Cliui'cli. Si.My-Ilfth and Callow It'll streets. It lu-s accommodations for twenty -fix u patient". Druggists report a heavy falling off in picscrlptions for Influenza patients. Appeal fur Nurae Aides Xn appeal for ISO nurses' aides from the I'elim vIviinln-Delnvvalv division of the J'.ed t ross, vvliU' includes thij clt.v, u.ii.nv mn"K b ",P "urBcon-rl,,ral or To ininllfv us -i liiiise's aid mi mull. to (lualiry us a nuiS! s all an appll- cant must be betwien thltty-five and foity-llve, iiuiNl lihxn taken the lltd cross en aire lu hoin care nt the Nick, and have had one month's practical hos pital e.xpcr i nee. Tin .National League for XX'oman's Seivlce Is one of i'le organizations cai- lug fin ihlilu-n oiphutud b.v the epl- ihmlc The league Is caring for sl.xt.v i hlldit n at tin. Country Day ,Vu fhesinui Hill Tit- iiiiimpi-v wu. ( nes nut hi I iv ninseiv win to the inllilnn tlirough .XIrs ihery al s loaned 11. XV. Chill. Biddle and Este in Great Victory i"'Ineeil from P-nre (tne Scot, -mill r L'0 my '' slinrtlv after du.v- I'ght Captain Middle and hi men sal- Ibd foriji 'I'liele vvtrea dozen machines In tlie formation, the Philadelphia!! lead- 'n "the slimv," as the airmen call these engagements Tin v had not liein long out befi.re i ii- tipoiifii seven oiiinine roKiier sin- j .-..i,.-jn .... n-t.it.,.. m.i,l,.a. ......il..,- I. I '( i.ir--f,n-i ithii.iiit, niaiiiiiirn ,.iiniit, in the (list, nice. Captain Illddle's men Intel the altitude on the Hermans, the (lis Hatches say. The captain passed over thein, then dropped on the rear man. I'nfitr unately, tho ilennan saw Cap tain Illdd'e Just before the Philadelphia!! opened fire, and turned sharply under him. Captrln Illddle let the Herman "have it" at fifty surds, but the shot was d"licult, and. according to the ills-p-i'ches. It Is doubtful whether It suc ceeded. Having gone down after this man. Captain Middle was now on n level with the other Hermans, about 4200 meters aloft As the Hermans all had tinned hi ( I., the Philadelphia fighter was iindir the necesjlty of charging stialght through the center of his antngoiilst llfiv meters, anil got a de.iu snot at nun The Philadelphia!! gave tli eneiiij a good burst.' in me wurus vi me no" patches, and Hie ijonuaii lurneu over and started to fall. Tracer gullets xvcie i-een going Into the falling Machine Atluiks Third (ierninn Captain Illddle then' atlticked a third Herman. 1'H I""' " Bl,00t at ,ou '""s a rnnge for tho shuts to be effective, -i-hu Philadelphia commander seemingly I decldrd the fight had now progressed far enough into ine tt-iui..i. ....-. lug he had new men nlong. nnd that they had IokI considerable altitude dur ing the combat Ko he pulled up. and tried lo get the DKEKA FINE STATIONERS 1121 CHESTNUT STREET THE DREKA CO. WERE THE FIRST TO INTRODUCE PERSONAL CHRISTMAS CARDS ' IN THEVU. S. IN 1892 THE DREKA CO.-ORIOINATED THE IDEA OF HAVINO HOUSES-HOJBIES-HORSES AND PETS REPRODUCED ON PERSONAL CHRISTMAS CARDS THE DREKA CO. HAVE DESIGNED BEAUTIFUL PATRIOTIC GREETING CARDS IN KKEPIM WITH THE SPIRIT OF Itll rri .t a f. 4. f- ' K r lmmmmmm. mmmmmW iR?1 ttStSBWSUMASSZXSESia MKS. JAMAKD ZKCKWKK Wlioae Iilinlninl, Ilu'iii Zrrkvver, L S. N dieil last vveck of iiillu enza, iticil xeMenlay of the (-anie ilieac. Mrs. Zeik'wcr. who wa formerly Mik8 Agnes MrDonogli, xvas marricil a few mnntli ago lo llie naval ofllier. Tliev livril al 2127 Pine tlrcei formation together, signalling the othei planes to full Into their positions. Me collected a couple of thern, and with the tipper formation well together. started baik for the Allied lines That Captains Blddle arid l.'sle wei'e ' picked to ta'ap part In the bambini: e I pedltlon cornea as no surprise to IJilla- delphla, for both haxe established" en- l , InKt.. A,.r.4.. .. Ul..l,.., n-1. 1.... K --, ,..; urSn; ; ,w " z l.i,,,. ,..., t, ,..! I t.ttn l l.- I .., i,u lauinn ti i.n.ll., ,ll ,.- ittmher 18 tiny were mentioned lu the cable dispatches for tlnlr wotk. On trnl day It was recorded that Captain l-te, with threo other American avln- tors, sent threo cnmy machines to enrlh. Tliey weie nttaiKed by seven hnchc machines, and, despite the odds, von a notable viclory. 'In the same day the e-nhle lu ought a story concerning the achievement of Captain Blddle. He had met n !ennnn ilrmnn at a height of fioon yntds mid l , ... . . ..,,,, , , .it , K.lu'" ,,!,"I' '"''Plain Biddies fir.' llllid tlie (lerninn ohsirvcr n'ld wnundid the pilot. The latter was forced hi I np taln Blddle lo glide down lo cntth. when l.e was taken prisoner and inarcluil linek to tlie American lines. Captain Illdd'e has nintiv oilier vl tulles to his credit Captain list" ! credited with being the first America! lo make a l,oudon-to-l'nrls flight with n, Liberty motor, lie is tin- won of the Isle Charles Kste and was prrsnltilt o" Ii" J D Kt-tM I'oinpan.v. He Is it num ber of the Philadelphia lUe'iiurt I'luli. tho I'rlliiiton Club and PliiladclphUi Countrv I'lulu Cnptnlu Blddle Is tlie foii of Cii.irl" I Illddle, of Andalusia, and Is a member of the legal staff of the Rapid Transit Com pany lie Is n gleat-grcat nephew n Captain VlchnUi lllddlc. vilvini Jo'i Paul Joins dcselrbed as "a tighter maiU by the Rods of war" Captain Middle Is twcnlv-clghl veais old and giadu.ittO from I'llnceton In lull SUPERIOR COURT DECISIONS ' Fillilitls Filetl (ill Appeals From Pliilii. -and Otl'.er TribiuiuN ' T1, '''Hwrlor Couit toda.v filed the , ,, i,mwltK ,-Mt f Uecit-lons lu thU'city: pH . . It'lim: Pnlt mil i ."run v moons ei in rioin i i- .mi Mllrin...! X'i'hkit s Jeiiiietln laimi Coinp.uij l-'rntn C P . All. Kbt nv. .Xfllrm.il I'l.iPlTTinivruIt'i m Millhov. Krotn IJ S PI llliilellihlH Xfnrpirit. Ileis va lieu. From (' P No 1 Plills (Irlpl.la .Xfflrniil. with lesve lierrufl'-r lo lliove tile tourl is-lnii to moillfy ilturte Ulntl 'uettclent ulnae tu Ih- shown, mill tlie testa nixiil in slip. Hunt Vlnrv land Citaii.iltv ('limp.!!!,- 'j llnlter C I" No. -J. I'lill-iilrli.hls Xf rmi.l I nlteil riiu- MHiiuf.ii 1'iriim ('uinii iti vs lllrat C P u i. Pall id. Iphln Xiilrinc.l IC-ritiben Cotnii,ili v l;ni;ilall el til I 1 Vii .1. Phllnileliihl... Afllriii.il Ju.U. li 'Kb rMiii itnil II. ml iliasctit lirietlalmn vs .Xt.iriioll.l, (' I ,i I I'Mlnili-phi i .vftlrmeil M.il.ri-J va Melroi.ilitlill 1.1 fn Inatlninr 1'o'rnnnv .Xlnn.etiul Court Vfllrmi-il li-iurik'a I'm it" .X!ii.ul nf n-tiirili n llerka .vm-ni-d mill i(.n-!il iliainl., . i i dh'h of ejii-llnnl hi re t i. ill inn ulon nf Imi'l i.' Plant is M .(mi et -il .Xppeul uf I'hoeiilMllli', X'tll'j Pdrsr, eh Itnllunv I'nniii. n. Q S.. I'lies ir. Itiierseil i-ml i-eeord riniltietl vtlth i iroiniilendo l'ollitlloiiw.iilih va Sinner (I ninl T "heater Ariirnietl, nml It la ordered lli.lt ill felllUllI Si"lir 11 eour! Itelm, at MtH llnii- as hi. ih,iv .e there tailed, flllil tlui e lii liv th.u i-ourl lomnillteil until he hit -iiiiuiiiiii n;i.i itie aenuni. or any (urt m I. Whll'h llllll tint l,IMn Tinrtnrin.i,t l I,a .Im. una iiiie-u ivna inane ii Huiieraetieiia SihttKllt.i i liavlilhuii C l'.Utlnivare .Xfllrmeil (lerll i Ct. va IWItil Silk Throu'lnv iiinii.tij. i p Niiriliiiintirrl.iinl Afrirmul i in '"'."..','" "I" "f I'otlavllle. .'. V. S.lml 1.111 AfflrmM , llerklii . ill t , M.iell lltit.tr finlfa ( oi miration I'll1, Somerjit-i. Afflrmwl, X .V S ll.illle I'imilMiil 's Public Ken lw I (iltlllllaal.m terlainn, H .Il'lKli: IIRAO. Hulls it ill va I'mtnell ('. p. .Xe irln.-iv ltiveril. nnd rciord remitted to tourl lieliiiv wllh iltrrelloii lo enter Ju.U. men I la favor of nlnl'itiria nn the venllet Simon vs N y. I. Coinii.iny. C. P. .XIIiKht'ii). IteverKi.1, nml v. f il. ii. iiviinlri S..f .1 hI m, Muoe ( P, Allegheny .Xfiirmeil lluuik Tradle- '"e vs. Muiiimi. C I'. I'litnliirluiul Affirmed Tnvliii va (irmiiui tt ul. C P. (In-ene Xfflrmid. iliii-iit-ettrr a Mnr luml C'uult Cum mm ('. I'. laiTeme. Ilewrsril, nml n f. f d n swsrded It- v. Knullir .Xlunli-lpal Court He-vl-rtil THE CAR OF INDIVIDUALITY The Matttr Car For immediate delivery. Choice of color. 1827 CHESTNUT STREET r .ft vj-iulitiaJ tir ,y m ' "",": 'K'' i ymxiibw. F&wr WOMEN OF ClTiX LEADERS IN LOAN Collections of $75,000,000 Probably Best for Sex in Nation GET ANOTHER $500,000 New Subscription From John Wiifiuinnkcr Goes lo Mrs. MacLeod's Group NTl'ltll.V.S HI1TI' t'beslniil lllll, Airs, v. M. .Mrlllielliiy ,,,.,, , (lermniitnvTii, Alr. W, II. (lurlev , , k Hel I'hllnilelphU, Mrs. II, I. Itlclmr.l.nn t'eiitral rilv. Mrs. Piiul lleitekla Mill. ,,, .NnMlifn-l I'blUtlelplitii, Aim, J. W, Mover ., . -North I'lillBtlelplilit, Mrs. 4'lieesman llerrlek .Ntirlli Itnriil, Mrs. Charles . Wurl "iintli I'blliidelpliln, Mrs'. Waller 4. 1'reeinan KrnsliiKitin, Allss lleiitnlt Fenliiinre , , , , If'alls of Sebii.vlklll, Mrs, llessle II, .llenitts. .. , ItVH 3S3,ono at T.s on (141, o 3,D0,I0 KBe.100 110,000 3fl,-!00 I,S 1.111,1(10 Till ill (Irniiil IoIh . M,M.M(I ,S.1K,04.1,(IA0 The Women's Liberty Ixian committee 'or riilladelphla once more, probably, will lead fill other women's committees n the ci.uutry In subscription totals. It is estimated that the energetlo women of tills t'ily have corralled bond -nib is ncirrer.atliiir J75, 000,000. Mrs Walter S. Thomson Is chairman nf the women's 'committee and Mrs. lolin II Maou is nssoclate clia'minn Uio'her $300,000 wns subscribed by '"In WHtinmnker thrmnch Mrs. Norman MacLeod, chairman of the Kmergcncy Md nldcs Mrs. Walter .1. Freeman, the South riilbdelphla district chairman, an nounced a Joint subscription for $150,000 from .Senator Kdwln H. Vare and Con-cressni.-iti William Vare. It was ob tained bv Mrs .Intnes M. Hnzlltt. Mrs. He.si. Urtbsnn Allemus, Falls of thn f-VViuvlklll chairman, reported that the l.'dvvard .1. Hudd Manul.ncturinr '"onipiny had -uhscrlbed f 200.000: em ployes. $177,000; Tludd Wheel Cor wirnllnn. rirm. 50,00(): employes, "fiSOO; JI(v-1p steel n,i Ordnance '"opipany. Xlcetown, $(510,000. WM I'lill.-iilelphin. JIn. H. F. rtlch ' -d-ou. clmlrninn, wllh a total to dato 'f f 1.1)82. 100. won nn honr.r fliiR. Th9 iiiofn for the Twrnty-scventh Ward, '"th men and women, wns $400,000. Trjf riillnniuilnn Club p.--cur(-d $200,100. Mr. i;, x Klotcehury, chnlrman or h.- N'nvy ,u.lllary r.f tho fled v'rois, announced that, with ninny reports yet o come In, the civilian employes of the mvy vnrd have subscribed $2,750,000. Mis frtotrsbury Is confident that by the 'me Hie final returns arc published the' I'hll.idelphhi Xnv Viud will attain top he navy jatds of tli,. country. Ninety lt per cv nt cf the nnployes have bought bunds. As ( li.iirni.in of the schools' commlt m Mis. Stolrshury teimrted a total to 'ate (,-r JS.fi.l.l.SCit. This Includes Mrs. Siiitesburj'H own 'Crisis fjluh" suhnrlp tlon for $5011.000 which, loicether with an additional $50,000 Riven her for the schools, vvill be npportlontd to the vnrlous Instltutloiis. y .Mr:'. CenrRC Dallas Dixon, chairman of the rtiinsvlvanl.i Itiiilroud Woman's Wni ll'llcf, uiinounccd n Rr.ind total of 11. mi, 500 obtained at the Broad Street S'ntloii booths in charge of Mrs. Dixon. Mrs A. .1. County nnd Mr. James W. V.,. H Of'. IIUATIIS IHll.V.VCV Klllfil In action Sept. 24. I.W'ltl'.VCi: I'. I.. I.n.il win of ndnsril and vtiirv ll-'niii'. of ts'.'H VVond street, ated .'I V rs lljr notli-e of retiutftn mHSH. IW'KCn l). t IP ItdVV.Mtll S.. hubanrt f Siiiihle Dickie, stn nf (torce snd Anna 'I'.l.-s rurriil nt 'J n. in, from his late i-fiilf-nt - l."iJ2 li i'almer ct. Interment liililnnil Ci'iii II N'l.O.N .t l!l AloAreatnun, X. J,, of iiit-utnot.U JOHN Him of the lute John and Vinili. Iinnliin ruiii'ml prlint". from thi tirlori. of J J ('..iliiialif r, Mrxirratown. N, (..lii's tin in hit Mount ('Hrmel t'eni lillN.N'KI.I.V O. I. Hi nf Innuenia, MAnf i . ilaiidliti-r of Jnhn snrl Cllzabeth Don i ll (nee Kiniilinel. iiin-il 111 yr. Tuneral vl I lie r.li! frniii lHn rihnrsnnod at. Notice if fpt-prnl i-.iir Il III." ()l III nf Influenza. ISPtVrN, son t,f 1'Iiiiiii-is J nml Msry Dnrla. "infra will hi- b'-M from I.IS'l N. Ith at,, Tii"s III it in Int en then ml (Vm. (ItltSl.illt on In, -t I.tnvtoon. Ta . nt inmrlilal i,ieumnnla MAJIl'KI, M. HK18 T'lt liul, iiml uf K'-elyn (l.l.lir (nee Post), nt nn of .nilxabeih and the late Crwrlea I later Hood an .snrt a mmlir nf Mlah wiin Trlhe No IU7 I O, it. Jt , nnd Hem. 'a CiiliniJI. No ti'T, II. nf p, Inttrmrnt (Iri-i-innom ( Vm. Tn"a Ht noon, (ir.KNIWnitTII M 10. nf nneumnnla. t renin Merrill. N. , I'rlvsio i:vH(uiitlnn Himnllnl Vo. 411, H V. A.. JOHN H ann nf "hnrles K, .tnii .Msrv K. (llontvvnrih. Merv-iei- :i -to i. m Weil in. ') Wohater at. HAWTHOIlNI'SiKtuHllly. (let 13 'of I'Ki'mnnM iii rt. ORlrllinrpe. On., Klit.KN P. IIAWTIIORNII. of Co. J. (Iran Una. iPnl hualwnil of fnra Hawthorne (nee i under), nnd ann of Jnhn nnd Catherine 'liiwtlintni. In hla Slat nr. fundral at I o m Tikh, frmn hla parents' realdenca. "iiU S Felton at. iV .Phlln. Interment st .in in- h Cfiiixterr Rlnaaeaslntf. (8th ml Woodland). II" wns a member nf I,. O. ). it No .14 II. P. o K. and I'hlla, Con itf" nnd Mirlf, JOHN Oct 1, of pneumonia. JOUKPH II. hi's'Mnd of Katlr H, Jnhn. (n N'urki, itsl '.'7 .Vl.mliers of Ml llnnb lidae, B2S. " A M Millie IsIb.', Nn. Hswi. 'i o 0 I . William -MoKlnlf) Council Nn. S2fl. (I I. A nnd rmplnyea of F. O. Vost (mis li.vlinl to funt-ral Wed . 4 p. m., from .'.llli W linuphln at Int nrlvnt. Mj;i:rtTv mi n, mvikiauiit i.in- IIITV. wife nf Jnhn l.llier(. and dauih-'-r "f .Mr end Mrs. Kiunui-I Scrinell. aaed 'O fnneriil Tueal al 12 nnot-. ttesldrncc 2411 M I.Vh l Int. Odd Fe'lnws' Ce'n, 1MIN (if mienmnnla, Oct, ill. THOMAS 1 .tit. son o' ThnniHa and Msrv Ixian. Hire 23 venr. F'tnf-al private, Wed. after nt..n -s tlrrO-nrd Pv. IMIUINK. Oi-t 17. nf Infiner'S, HAPRT VIpOIIN'K. aim nf Mart ami Palrl,-!. r. (tlnpe, used HV Funeral Tues.. H s m.. from 24.1 II Hrlnihnrat t (li-rmnnlown. In' H.li "t-puli'hre Cein. MORRIrt, , Oc-t, 17 of p-eumonla. Ill NCIIK. 11.. wlf of William H. Morrla 'Pd daughter "f Mark It. rnd Pellle I.. 'in. a, Funirsl aervli-ea nnd Int. private, Tin-a . nt loiiveul-npn nf ife family, from 1.1 lilmsr al,, Poxbornuvli. UIH'il'N On (I-', is. JiuiN t. Hon uf the si Paii-lik" nnd Himi'-ih IIMden, ne lis"ane D'le unt'en of the funeral wl'l w vlven lm tl r.t-leni-e of hla tirnther-"i.bi"- .Vi'-h-i-i 1 1 ii Huron. 20KT Cedar at. Ir it .- H 'iilli'iT'. ('tr. RVVV or n...nnrlt IKHT A.. b. 'ivwl w" nf M' -.t I end dauiriiler nf h I ,n.. n,..., .n.i jisrv F HmlPi. Fnnral '-ntn ' s' N Psrk ave., Tuea. 2 p. m. Int H'.. I'-.,--. fr.?l rii'i'l.I.I.V ""t ih, no . Hi'i'i,,i-f -i-t,t. of Aivite ..-d ,M"w Hi-IIIp .f I'sPIn li-ry. I''in'y li-rri. l-nlst.t, "iin- i-tl ..-i l. .-.) .t e-nv. ef fsmllr. Wed. MSI )ln'i-i si Interment nrlv-ite at, t(o'- l' f.pn.nprV. u.-ttr-tni n( t-nr'"non'.i iv.. t, 'tl 'Z"KT'I l.ll '."". lB"-"se "f " rnn'i s"d t-s Isle """"sit. ipnaeld funeral s,i- ,i n. m,, "nil' sln at leisrment sr'. !.' n-i.-i.tp vinij"' Mnrlan (Vm tt rv, rilMVN-OV. Hut,' ". st llaiiiiliirnnic V '. VIKI l. wlf" '' W"He" Fh'nnn ml intvi-tsr nf Jrps- F nnd Ine lte tnin For - s WsiBon, ased al. Fu"erel at-. irr mf lni'"tnl Celn., lleverl). N, J, Tuea, Oct. j tn n, m MPBlin t ' IVII.'IVVI SI'R( ,V.,, r n llk Indna'r" rHd' P M rl "pra-i. V ' 'so-'" I.'- v-. -s 'fnrm rlv nf l,a s-r P fiipil T"-ur 1 " in -n"V "" ". H'n"d ! l.-nM iU, T, t.tt .-it-, t, p. .in N' .1 l, .nti.r pa , s,( r- n, I -m. m'.m.m r-nr "yiioi"" in r' nn-t-nnni-v nna. (-3 I .. "-He r.' .In'-n l'tnis en ,'iuah. ' r nf Kiln "id .. lal Btspiay Mm'", 'tinrrat ar'cea Tuva afirnnni f-nm S110 vp.i.,..i-,.r p, ti-.. M-i,ni., riinsinn I m lVlllT?" 4let IR nf nnrlininnl K.t.t K.V Ife nf I''-ii VV't-iipi. npd dsulltr nf ."- ist- i--'iin nnti ..sr" It sinsi ssed X4 KMnnrs .-. I- .-ll . enirl wd afir "nn froeS"i 'H'e-st , Roxhnrnuah, Int, pr".'n ? n-ri"'-'n I'eni "'1,1,1 tH """"le, VVTHi'S" ROri KRTH vvldnns ef Win's n. Jnt.n Willi-ma, it h.r .t. . reald.pne SOT Ni aid at hu', no ,m rf fi-nersl tvl'l ! elvrn. j. V'lTriM Vi in Al.nppT j. rtie r.U7.nn""TH"p. p.'' ",Vn' S,i' rrrlr IIKI.l' WANTKD MAT.K evHIPPl.1,0 4'l.KRK. "-. I.jvw.1 (, IK ti. ' W$ M 9 TaWaW vj -.iS i , T y . f.'A'vic V. v . IS A-3 V 4&S -'': 4 ' ' . '. TWe t - .TIT -laa-B
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers