EBNIW , PUBLIC LEDORt-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1918 .' . .. Liberty Bond Booth in Center of Store WANAMAKER'S Store Opens at 19 WANAMAKER'S Store Closes at 4.30 WANAMAKER'S WEATHER Fair On Monday $54,500 Worth of Hosiery and Underwear To Sell for $37,000 25,900 pair of Women's Stockings " 26,100 pair of Men's Half Hose 3840 pair of Children's Stockings 10,080 pieces of Women's Underwear At an Average Saving of a Third An Alert, Well-Mannered Boy Scout yesterday afternoon cam up to a gentleman who stood in froVit of the show windows on Chestnut street gazing at the faces of Pershing and some of the heroes of the war, and the lad in khaki uniform said to the man, who had paused in his walk to study the war pictures and battle relics: w t & Atf"1 v "Sir, May I Sell You . a Liberty Bond?" Quickly the gentleman replied, "I am already in up to my neck and cannot take any more." Quick ' as a flash the youth replied, "Oh, yes, you can: When you arc only in up to your neck; YOU CAN GO OVER TOUR HEAD That small boy with a wise man's head on his shoulders, and his comrades, must have been speak ing yesterday all over the city and country, for everywhere people who had already given were giving again 'and again. An old English friend well known in America said to the writer and others years ago r Young man, you can. you ought, And now it is only for you to say that you will. Whatever a Philadelphian ought to do and can do he will do; and it must be done today to sec the Government through with the Fourth Liberty Loan. To the twelve million seven hundred and seventy-three thousand announced yesterday morn ing we have added materially, and today we expect to add more. Signed" Oct. 19, 191S. fyjkm4 The New Fur Coats for Women Are Delightful NOT only aic the furs lovely, and of beautiful quality, but the new btyles are so at tractive women are sure to find them becoming. The new coats, for instance, are in many new lengths,- chiefly from thirty to forty-five inches and this al lows sufficient latitude for any woman to find the coat which just suits her. The nutria coats are lovely this year. The fur is soft and pretty and there is u rich taupe shade as well as the natural color that is much used. One smart nutria coat, with a novel collar that buttons high, and a belt, is $225, while another,, more elaborate, with a skunk collar and border on back and a rich and colorful lining, is $075. The mut-krat. coals aie quite smart, too, and there are many models, of varying lengths and different styles, from $150 to $075. And still finer coats, of Hud son seal (dyed muskrat), lus trous and beautiful, some handsomely trimmed with other furs, are $223 to $ 700. Ori'uml Hoor, Climlnut) Women's Sports Oxfords of Tan Norwegian Calfskin Theso smart shoes have wing tips and perforations and lU-inch leather military heels. They are designed to be worn with spats or woolen stockings. Find them in the exclusive Little Bool Shop at $10 a pair. (rirnt l'loor. Market und Junlprr) Women Who Want ' Flannellet Nightgowns Will Find Them Here i Iif good atyle, well made and at reasonable prices. i ' Whitctfiuiinellet gownn, $1.60, $1.75, $1.85, 2 and $2:50 each. V- "" .- ." - 5. .. . -.. o- -i .nor if., nrayu hiumhmi ;. 'Tf '" .t'-- Crisp and Snowy New Under-muslins for Women Among the new thing in the Undermuslins Store are some dainty envelope .chemises, made of fine nainsooks and prettily trimmed with laces and embroideries. $1.50 to $5.75. With them are new combinations corset covers and ihort skirts of the same fabrics, and trimmed with laces and embroideries. $1.65 to $3.75. (Third l'loor. Outrun Two Exceptional Shoes That a Woman Can Get for $6 Both are high cut lace shoes made on fashionable lines but prac tical for Fall and Winter wear. One s of dark tan calfskin with tan cloth tops and Cuban walk ing heels. The other is of dull black calfskin with gray cloth tops and Cuban heels. (llr.t Floor, Market) v Luxurious New Winter Coats For Women WHAT with their soft, rich ' ' linings, their lovely fabrics and great furry collars, these new coats are certainly lux urious Winter wraps. Of soft taupe elour is a handsome coat in a new semi fitted style, with much stitch ing for trimming and a great collar of lusttotis black fur. It is $100.' In the new papiika color is a handsome velour coat with large collai and cuffs of Hud son seal (dyed niuikral) anil with a smart new cape efferr. $125. Then? it a large cape collar on another velour coat, this one of deep brown with a shawl collar and vevnrs of lustrous fcpal. $145. Of that lovely shade of pm ple known as A atican is a fine velour coat with a grpat square collar of soft Australian opos sum. It has new double pockets and is cut on new lines. $150. And in addition to these shades there are man new coats in all the fashionable col ors of the Winter. (Vlrwt iioor, On(ritl) Fur Millinery Heralds the Approach of Winter In the Gray Salons you will see them the new and lovely fur hats, to weal- with Winter wraps and suits. They are of soft seal and the pietty gray mole.ikin, of nutria and ofthe rich brown beaver. The futs ate fine and of beautiful quality, and the skins are cleverly combined with rich gold and silver brocades and the hats trimmed with ribbons and Howeis, They are in small and medium shapes, in quitp new and delightful Winter styles, and the prices begin at $25. (hfi-oml l'loor, ClifhtnuO Winter Dresses Suitable for Many Needs A Special Group at $47.50 TVTAN V women come to us for " dresses that arc not too elaborate for general use, nor yet too simple for bqtter wear, and it is for just such needs, that we have planned this lit tle group of dresses at $47.50 each. They include dresses in about seventy-five good styles and are of the fashionable wool Jer sey, firm, good serges, tri colettc and triconettc cloth, satins, Georgette and ciopc de chine. The. -styles are as charming as. they. are new, and there arc dresses suitable for women of many types. Plenty of-the popular deep blue, also the fashionable dark colors and lighter shades as well as black, are in tha col lection. And at $47.50 the prices rep resent a saving of a third. rirt Flour, Centrl- Dainty Little Girls' Dresses at Special Prices The sizes are from 2 to 6 years, and the little dresses are the kind that are so nice for wear all the year .round. They are in white lawn and voile with turn-over collars, some ore short waisted and trimmed with tiny ruffles and French knots. The colored ones are in cham bray in delightful shades of pink, blue, yellow and green, trimmed with dear little pockets, collar and cuffs in white with hand embroid ery in colors. The prices are from $3 to $5. (Main floor, Kant Alulo) Here Are Pretty Blouses Which Go With New Suits Don't spoil the effect of your new suit by not having the prettiest kind of blouse to accompany it! A charming new crepe Georgette blouse in white or ttesh color has embroidery on the collar and a touch of imitation Veniae. $7.50. Another crepe Georgette in white or flesh color is made in simpler style, with a collar to be worn high or low and is $7.75. And a third blouse, of soft taffeta, is in white or flesh, with many tucks on the front and the new collar, and fastens with two buttons at the point of the collar. $7.75. Frillv white net makes the last blouse, which has many ruffles of narrow Valenciennes lace and tiny peail buttons for tiimming. It is most attractive and the price is $12.50. (Third l'loor. Central) New Loveliness in Sash Ribbons ' No feminine heart dare deny the extra bit of charm that a dainty sash adds to the party dress, be she young of old. These are in palq shades of pink and bine and in white, beautifully brocaded, VA laches wide t f 1.35 and 5H inches wid at Wc. ' 3. - IVmlm - - .. I ' . Excepting the most important group of all, these are practically all second-grade goods. But as everybody knows who knows anything at all about the hosiery and underwear market, "seconds" are scarcer than "firsts,'' because the manufacturers will 9 not take the time to finish them. Then again, many provident persons prefer second-grade goods to first grade because they get more service for their money. It was only by bringing all our influence to bear A Smart New Velvet Handbag for $6 There is something about this bag that at onco distinguishes it from the general run of handbags around this price. It is perfectly ' plain, but in an exceptionally graceful oval shape and the frame is rather deeper than most. Colors are black, navy, taupe, brown and purple and the frames are chiefly tortoise shell finish celluloid. Linings are of dainty silk and each bag has purse and mirrorWnd is ornamented with a tassel. (Main l'loor. Chritnut) that we induced the makers to finish these goods for us. 12,000 Pair of Men's Wool-and-Cotton Half Hose at 50c a Pair This is the important item already referred to. The value in this group may be realized when we say that men have been buying up these socks in second grade at 50c a pair as fast as we can get them. Here are first grade at the same price. All the merchandise in this sale is seasonable and well made. The entire West Aisle is given over to it. Men's Half Hose At 15c gray, blue and tan cut ton. At 23c black and colored mer cerized and colored artificial silk plated, "fiisls" and "seconds." At 50c natural merino At my socks, first grade. At 55c black and colored fash ionable thread bilk, "seconds." At 63c white fashioned silk, "seconds." At 83c black and minted thread silk, "second." Women's Stockings A l 23c black and coloied nuu cerizetl. "seconds." At 30c fashioned black cotton and mercerised, "seconds." At :i3c, 3 pair for $1 black, white and colored attificial silk, Second." . At 13c black, navy and tan silk plated. At 30c black, white and colored attificial silk and silk mixed, "seconds." At H3c black and white .silk, "iir.st.-." and black and white full fashioned silk, "second?." At $1 black und white fash ioned, plain and fane. ingtain tin cud silk, "second"." Children's Stockings At 30c tibbed black cotton, "seconds." At 33c, 3 puir for $1 infatiN' libbed while wool, "seconds." Women's Underwear At 23c lou-nrok and Wrles HI tl.lt) lisle ests regular and extra sizes, "seconds." At 30c low-neck and sleeveless lisle combination suits, regular and extra hize, "aeconds." At 73c high-neck, long-sleeve and ankle-length Kali-weight cot ton combination Miits, "seconds." At S1.13 medium-weight An cotton combination suits with Dutch necks, tdbow sleeves and ankle length, 'Seconds." At $2.30 Kail and Winter weight metino and silk-and-me-lino combination suits', "seconds." The "Ounce of Prevention" May Be a Good Quilt or Pair of Blankets You remembe'v the old saying "an ounce of prevention butter than a pound of cure." , Common seme, to wty nothing of good hoiekeeping, calls for plenty of good blankets and quilts? For people of common sense who know the value of good house keeping and good merchandise we have quilts and blankets in good supply and at a3 low prices a can be quoted by any store for the same unquestionable qualities. And please bear in mind that the Mooner you buy the better. Down-filled quilt?, $10 to $43 each. F.uinb's wool quilts, $10 to $43 each. lilankets ((patt-wool to the finest all-wool), $1 to lfi a pair. (Htli ll.i.ir, tntrn 120 Dozen Linen Huckaback Towels of Solid Meril at 65c Each All are of clean flax yarns that will launder well and are pleasant to the touch. Wc bought them nearly a year ago and have just taken them out of bond to sell at a tcasonable price, considering the circum stances of the time, especially the fact that the foreign field is sttipped practically clean of flax yarns and the looms are working on cotton. Size 18x35 inches, hemmed, price 65c each. (Vlr.t l'loor. riiolnut) Beautiful Room Size Domestic Rugs at Special Prices All new and desirable rugs at real savings'. Xo inforioi grades among them, High-Grade und Standard Wiltons 9x1:2 ft., $69.50 and $87.30. 8.3s 10.C ft., ?GG.50 and 583. Axminsters !).-12 ft.. $28.50 and $30.50 ft., $26.50 and $35. Kaic Rugs f.12 ft., $11. (Srtrnth l'loor. (hrtlnul) A Brilliant Gathering of Cut and Engraved and Gold Decorated Glassware CKVSTAL that i both cut and engraved is the finest and most beautiful type of what is commonly known as cut glas.. The brilliance of it is givtii a touch of elegance and deli cacy by the engraver's hand. In the case of gold-encru.-ted glassware the brilliance i made richer and mote sump tuous looking. Some of tlie most attractive pieces of both kinds of glass ware are now being .shown in the China Store at very rea sonable prices, the cut and en graved pieces compliant!?: Bonbon dishes, $0.50. Sandwich plates, $l:!.5il to $25. Salad bowls, $13.50 to $20. Sugar and cream sets, $10 a set. Vases, $10 to SCO each. Flower bowl with Fcreen, $ii."i each. Punch bowl with stand, $85. Gold Encrusted Glassware Ciacker and cheese dishes, $5, $0.50, $7.50, $12.50, $16.50 each. to Sandwich plates, $4, $3 up $12.70 each. Candy jar. $3, $6.50, $7.50 up to $15 each. Covered jugs, $6, $6.50, $7.50 each. Vases. $1.50 to $18 each. ilnurtli lloor. ( lirttnat) It Will Soon Be Hallowe'en, Says the Candy Store Fine Crepe Poplin $3 a Yard We have sold this beautiful cloth for many years, as it has always been favored by our cus tomers. But when the present stock is exhausted we do not ex pect any more until after the war. This lot includes dark Autumn shades and black, is 42 inches wide and all wool. (flrit Floor. Climtnot) A Self-Threading Needle Is a wonderful saver of time and patience. One downward pull of the thread and the trick is done. ' '.These needles come for all ma chines, arc medium size and are 10c each. (Main l'loor, f'rnlrill) For the middle of the table on which your Hallowe'en feast is .sptead there are gteat pumpkin figute Jack Homer pies, with 12 favors, complete for $3. Large pumpkins, to be used for holding Autumn leaves or fill them with apples if you like $1.50. Pumpkin lanterns, 20c apiece. Ulack cat lanterns, 10c each. Novelty place cards with favors, 13c each. Ulack cats witii shaky heads, 15c. Assorted favors, mounted on small cakes of chocolate witches, cats, clowns imd other figures, 10c each. Honts, 15c each. Snapping bonbons, 7oc to $4 dozen. Ulack cats, 10c, 15c, 60c each. Cases for salted nuts, 10c each. Mint wafers, COc pound. Paper hats, 15c. Chocolate mints, $1 pound. Kewpie dolls, $1 to $5. Nut wafers, 40c pound. Salted peanuts, 80c pound. Cream almonds, 60c pound. ' Salted almonds, walnuts and fil berts, $1.50 pound. Peanut squares, 50c pound. Glace nuts, $1.50 pound. Jordan almonds, $1 pound. (I'own Sllr Morf, Client nut) Silk-and-Wool Crepe in a Host of Colors We have this desirable fabtic in a gteat variety of fashionable and harmonious shades. It is much in demand for me dium weight one-pieco suits and is 40 inches wide. Price $2 a yard. (Flrnt l'loor, t'liralnul) Pure Soaps for Skin Health Vegetable Oil soap is especially good for very tender skins, as it protects and preserves their soft ness. 15c a cake, $1.65 a dozen. Peroxide bath soap is delight fully refreshing and priced at 15c a cake and $1.65 a dozen. Queen Mary bath tablets come in violet, rose, cold cream and verbena at 10c a cake and $1.20 a dozen. (Moln tloor, 1'liMtuut) Monday the Oriental Rug Sale Will Show a, Connoisseur's Collection of Fine Antiques -at Less Than the Prices of Three Years Ago This surely means a rare enhancement of an exhibition already rich beyond compare. For lovers of fine old rugs, rugs of true texture and mel lowed hues, the opportunity is phenomenal, coming at such a time. We bought these rugs from the executors of the estate of a man who loved good Oriental rugs, and who knew Ori ental rugs of good quality and was fond of collecting them. The number of pieces is not large, but their quality and de sirableness very real. We are able to sell them at less than the prices of three years ago. The general selection of pieces is still abundant and beautiful, as well in Chinese as in Persian and Caucasian weaves. The choice of Chinese carpets is particularly attractive, comprising these among many other pieces: 11.7x8.6 feet, $325. 12x9.6 feet, $317. 12.3x9.2 feet, S345. j 10x8 feet, $175. 12.3x10.6 feet, $315. 10x6.3 feet, $190. 13.5x9.9 feet, $455. 11x8.1 feet, $225. 11.10x9 feet, $319. 11.6x8.6 feet, $247. 12.1x9 feet, $345. 12.4x10.6 feet, $395. 11.6x8.10 feet, $357. 11.11x9.1 feet, $385. 4x7 feet to 6x9 feet, $67.50 to $115. TfnrmnnHVinri Rnnik- TTprpz. Rpfnni. Mnlinl nnd Snvalnn carpets are in liberal assortment at $150 for a Mahal 8.8x7.1 feet up to $1575 for a Saruk 21x14 feet. Many hundred small rugs are marked at $18.50 for a Chinese piece up to $225 for a fine hall strip. (Nottnth l'loor, Ccntrol) o v 8 V.-1 f A ij:5 . Mil Cc 'i s V r K ' 1 - dsr. t ''t . ' ,,WS' "WWP?:'' . 'tt3!& Wf .' . .. (! -. -; . - ..mins...rt:- n. '" w i. ? w V- .4'V -a 'ii , - if uidi: &.-, Jfrfri ,ttk ' A- . t 'A. cWi J '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers