T wimBK&six ; fyfyi ' 4 !, -.' x X- s 4 if I1!. .-.. WfeWt ftm TOUR COUNTRT It r DO IT NOW t CHESTER 'siIirnUlLDINU CO. CHESTER. PA. w PBOILDINO MECHANICS WANTED laborers Riveter, Holders-on Reamer, Reamsrs' helrer, Milp carpenters Scaffold builder Sheet metal workers Juncn and shear mn Flr,t-clai, inattitnlits 'ffMTEn SIHPRUILDINO CO. FI11LA. -14 N. J5T1I ST. shkster sinrnuu.DiNO orriCB AND KGRUN STS., Cll.E8TKn.rA. A "f 1310 Anrit kt phila. SlilJ MR. PATTERSON & TO U. S. EMPLOYMENT AND service orricn tnr ANp srnoub sts.. Chester, r. Or nearest U. S. r.mplnxment Office. Urine thla ad with ou. LATlOnERR for machjno shop xx-antcd; good -chance for adx-ancemtnt Smith Tnr- . lajah. Co, Hancock at, entrance, abox-e if bth ave. Apply V H. Employment renter. Mr, Zwt, 242" N, 1-ronr si, T.innnRnR. colored, wanted for Inside. f&'Or wtrk. K. T. Houghton A Co . 240 w. Apply t rarest U. S. Employ- writ Office. PERSHING'S MESSAGE Upon the completion of a million; rifle' within 1 jear m cabled Pershing. Ilia reply follows: , , The American expeditionary forces sn1 fhanke to the employes of the l.ddj atone rifle plant for their message. "W thank you for what jou haxe done for what you are now doing but moat of all for what you are going to do In the coming T'SIgncd) , TERSIIINa." Now. what arc you going to do In the coming months? MACHINE LHAUNERS IS to SO year) wanted to operate xarlous-'rnachltirs: no ex perience necessary; thla Is a piecework prorn altlan and your earnings are entirely up to yourself; xour extra earnings will buy Lib erty Bonds. BRING REFERENCE Midvai.t: steel and ordnance CO EDDTSTONTl RIFLE PLANT Edd atone. Pa Philadelphia orrirrs 8503 Market t (Mr. Mooney) N, W. cor. 41.1. and Pxechall av. (Mr. PlechnerJ Annlv UNITED STATE" EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 1S21 Arch Ft. Philadelphia. Pa. 'Ak for lr O Conner) J'A.N r !.!.. wanted t! Ink rrj. of material accounting dlxl slon for lnduxtrl.il concern dotnr ex aentlal work near Philadelphia; must hove- store acenunlln-e rxperl rnca and exrcutlxe ability alone if counting llnee Reply. stating quall flraMona nnd salary desired, P 130, Lcdeer Office MAN wanted for stockroom of electrical uV-e j v-f-flUPPiy company; kuwi iii.iwii. i-vt.n ?Kn(. 0f adranemrnt. In essential Indu"- , ; try. lor amoumns yuuni; man. .iiiijr uiiiuii- 1 Vlaeirla Electrla Co., 3017 Race at. t "-MAN AND'VIFE settled: housework, care -TH lawn, ptarnen itnu bi.i..i kuw unvn,i oajMiat have pood references; 10c fare and 30 j nutes xroCTl -ltir lien, ..1 mini x.ruri ntral. MAN AND WICK. fOLORED P.OTH TO fXVOUK- JANITOR'S PIWITIOV; APART., 1IF..NT 8PPPI.IED: Ar.-0 flOOD SALXRV. ' APl'I.V. REFI.RESCES ;ni2 WALNl'T , MAN. experienced on boilers: srcn nfirhts a General Processlnc Co hna sts. repairing tubular 1 xveek, nod wares I Wlllard and Col- 1AN. colored, to asxttt rtreman In boiler room. Ilroxxn Ilalley Co.. tin N. Frank. Iln st. Apply nearest U s, EmpIoment Oftice. MAN to take cbnrce of mllk-shlpplng sta tion: Elxa experience, aire and salary xrnnted. P 131. Ledlter flfflce MKtTtANICAI. ENGINEER STATE YOUR , QUA1.IF1CATIONS. SVLART. AGE AND ANY OTHER ESSENTIAL INFORMATION; I CONSTRUCTION WORK WITH POSIRILl. TIES OP WORKING INTO PRODUCTION I UNO OF THE UUSINESS. S 25. P. O BOX U. MEN for wholesale crocery wurehouse es sential, permanent and cood waces paid for holldaxs. koh1 opportunity for advance- tnent. Call 2 N Delaxvare ave, MKN with blcylca to delixer teleRrams at ' nlbt In Phlla. nnd West Phlla. West era Unl-Telesrapu Co.. 1501 Chcatnut st ' . See Mr. Hllvera fKN wanted tn xxork In patier xxarehouse. Hrown t Halley Cot 410 N. Tranklln at. AMly nearest U. S. . Kmploxment Office. ORDER CLERKS Younj lnenTo nil orders and take care of stock In riruv house, u. perlence not necesHary. II. K. Mulford Co.. 4W K. 13lh. Rrlnc thla ad xxlth sou and ppiy u. f t-.mpionieni uuice, iitf Arcn " ! "'L'1 i.ni"'!l f X WIDVAL1-: bTLLL AND ORDNANCE CO. EDDT3TONB niri.n pl-vnt UDDrisTONC, PA. i"Work In your ahlrt sleeves durlnc the xx Inter months. (Jet a position xxlth tha lamest rifle plant la tbo world. Good transportation from all points. Special workmen's trains on PennsylxanU i R. Jl.. leavlne Hroad Street Htatlon, Phlla delphla. 0;I8 a. m . Jl it for in-atrlp tickets. Other trains at frequ. nt Intervals, direct to r4ant. Trolley enrs No. 37 In Subxxav and Cheater and xvilmlnslon car out ol Darn) heater inil XXTIInilntFlnn cue mil , '. direct to plant. learners on machines Inspectors ( Uuards Laborers (white or coiored) . Toolmakers UactatnUU t tn llr. O'Connor. 1.131 Areli dtates JCmploxment Office. -wP . i imiNO THIS AD WITH TOU . v- KK- .X- MALK OPERATORS l,'pfet)Bunr BAa-LOApiNo 1'l.xnt Slates Goxernment work, Washlne- . iir..i.lllu XT 1 At. I'.nn.irlv. ntn r'lA-est Jersey and HeaahoreJJIvlslon: ' trolley from Camden. v you an opportunity to show our and da your bit. at the operation ptant ) uentlal to our overseas 1IVH iIROTHBRH fXlllpANY. ; M. lath at (second fuxirJ. IllHadelphla. Pa.. Ua.bm.tun lark Wcstxille, N J, V. . Koiplayment Office. lt ad with ou. ijF s i -i-WissM il WAXTID-KAM MIDVALK STKEI. AND ORDNANCE CO. N1CETOWN xxOHKS ir.. H...J..1..1 ..n.witi,itiiA ttr men lookhltf for a future. We can uo all klnJa of kllleu mechanics, lathe learnere. helpers anu m- W'are In urnt nerd of lh; followlnij men on 1110 U. . GOVERNMENT 0I1U. Pipe fltlrra. , Enitlne maihlnlfta .Mill inihlnlt trun uorkera . Tlnmilth" fHrpeutwra ttiirgera Hilder llorlnir mill bnndi Hhiur lmii'la Mlollir hatula Pinner hahda Toolmakera (lautre tnaKe I.ATHK HANDS Electrical mai lilrleia rniatun wniiRr HullerhfrUf llrent.n IIEIJ'KRS IN Vrein plant ttolllntt mill Tire nillla Armor teniperlnit plant Hummer i-hop MHthlue ftlmp tirdnrtnee Dipt, IIIUNO THIS AD WITH TOU ul W1SSA1IICKO.N AVE. IS E. CHEI.TEN AVE,'- IS2I ARCH ST. (MR. CUPItT). OK ANT V. S E.MI'I.OVMKNT OITICB MORE GUNS I.tJSd HUNS. Ai are tenclitn men lo run macbtti tools In ttinj netv l'. H. Mid tale dun P. J lit x nant men who have prexlouly had NO MECHXN1CAI, TRAINING rijclnu C4I1 theni In a jtulllou whero they HELP THE GOVERNMENT ' a t4'll aa ttiihlsclvea. rail it. If ma are Interested 4501 (1 WIS-JXHICKON A. .M. or ' P. AVE. M ) 15 E. CHELTEN AVE.-(Open cae.) 1521 ARCH bT. (Mr. Cupplll) on ANY I S EMPLOYMENT OlTlc'E HEINO THIS AD WITH YOU preps rr.EDr.its, express CYLINDER PRESSES APPLY DUnRAV OP EMPI.oniENT WANAMAKER'3 EDWARD O. HUDD MFtl. CO. I3TII AND IIUNTINO PARK AVE. NEEDS THE POLLOWINO FOR GOVEliNMENT WORK riPE FITTERS PLUMUURS s StACIIINISTS MILLWRIGHTS , rUNCH PRESS HANDS LABORERS HANDT MEN APPLT AT NEAREST . U. H. EMPLOYMENT OITICB PORTFP. for stotk depirtmnt of electrliall supply company: permanent pcltlon In es sential Industrx for ajher. steady, middle, aced man Apply Rl.lott-Lexvls Llectrlc Co.. 1017 Race st. rORTER: inxin floor- laht, xvork: pernio nnt situation for derable man not In draft ace Ilalley. Danki Riddle Co. 1221 Ssnsoni st. PORTERS WHITE OR COLORED APPLY IIUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S PORTERS rni.iiKrn FOR GEVEIHI. XAflRK PUIILlr l.KDGER APPLY TO HOB CHESTNUT ST. READER YiiunB man who can read xxlth accuracy and ImelllRenc can nhtaln a cood sltuitton on dxllx- newspaper at a fair compensation, hv nmilxtne at niid Chesirut l fifth floor, fndaj. after 5 p 111 : 4-hour x e k night xvork reralrs in'iHIKXlKN on hlsh class truck ross-Hunhea Co.. 21st and Market. WAN IKK RIUOHRP PlPLTITTKItS J IlLACKSMlrilM I.ONU JOU; GOOD PAT II. KOPPK1W CO. appi.t u. s. UMPLcminNT orrici: 1519 ARCH hT. SKK .MR. HARRON IIRINO THIS AD WITH TOU I IllVElBRa' HELPCnS I PIPEriTTKRS PIPEriTTERS' HELPERS 8TEAMKITTERS 8TEAiFlT'E3 HELPERS OUTH1DB ERECTING MACHINISTS CARPENTERS WANTED l'On GOVERNMENT WORK AT HOG ISLAND SHIPYARD 8TEADT WOnK; EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES' KOR ADVANCEMENT APPLY READT FOR WORK AT U. 8. EMPLOTSICNT OFriCES 800 WALNUT ST. MR. 8HATTUCK OH IBIl-ARCH ST. MR. SCHWARTZ FORD CARS Commercial and Touring K?inrtaE:i?r.dSrS,i,'.l.m0l,VuJ W PAINTKDl nAROAINW. rnlTli jS2& -Lvriid Croft 'eSSl'L Cl f WILD DEMONBTRATK. VIM MOTOR &a.A.$tW2l CO.. JUOAD A-ND HUNTDX0D0.N. II,. . i&HUi-46t: .ii)LLAvM-ii;toA t. TUM .M" L HELP WAWTBD MALE JlUd, STIltrrCHERM wanted) Rood ., ..paid to practical men Apply Pollock Umlon Co.. Tulip and Daunhln t. MALES MANAGER, netlitant wanted, by projrreMlve maniifacturlnK concerns atate utr. alncla or married, luilary expected and full ttelalla aa In oalcs and orilce detalla P 131. ledger OhTlee, 1 WANT A HrilOVII llllirlj or REM yAWi'!,l! ','" HDt'SB.To.iiori: "o I.iriTJMJ. AV VITIIAI'TIVI'. I'llIlPOSI T'O.N .XWAIrn Till! MAV WHO M NOT ft1;.'" or hard wtiHK. Tin: ? JiJJP. .AITHI'TM MVHT UK (II (l(H)D PER SOV.M, API'KAllAN't'K AIII.K T" MKl'.T AN.'...rv,'K TO Till: REST PECIPI.B. XN ':- E''-ENT Ol'PDRTrNITV VMR Till' M.A..!" IIEI.tf:VI:s IN HIMHEI.K AP I OL.TO "1 I'UIIIIHA. Pt'lll.lC LEDGER J'lliri'l.XTlOV DEPARTMENT, Sr3COVIl V'.'?"l!l.,'.,'M,, LEDGER JiriMHMi. OTH A.VD I'tlEHTNI'T SALESMAN' halnB clientele, experience, ability and plcnalng peraonalltv, tn reh reent ub In tho ante of nur 12 pr tent Pieferreil aharea at par) liberal commission, leaila. no adnucee. Kentono Automobile rinawcn Ca. vni Ahboit iimm ' MXW1KII wanted: ead work, nood wage" Apply the New I'nreon Mfit. Co.. lith and I lbW'll ala,. 'hler Ph. i SHIPPING CLERK wanted for machine Inner, iiinu Miw-iiii 1. 1 ui k no rn inm npe. nerlence and salary wanted. V "(Ml, Ledger UTIee shoe riNtsiir.ns HELPERS AND SCOURERS ATPLT IlfREAU OP EMPLOYMENT WANAMAHER'S SHOEMAKERS. EXPERIENCED I1RINO TOOLS PREPARED TO GO TO WORK APPLY r.UUEAU 0 H.MPI.OTMENT WANAMAKEIl'S SILVER POLISHERS EXPEIIIL'NCED MEN PREPERRED apply uruE.xr or employment WANAMAKER S ROLiriTORS THE PtTILH' LEDGER TtEOUIRE'X SEVER XL nillTClAIH sOLtrt TOIP4 IIir i"IRl'rLTIOV PROMO. TIOV MHLlrV TO MEET AND TXIIC lO THE REST PEOPLE IS E'SSKN-TIAL. HUT NEATNESS IN PPERXNTF. WILL RECEIVE TIRST i OVSIDERATION. A GOOD PHOI'O-linOV POP. MEN WHO c'XV DELIVER APPLY TO MR rnnitE x wnvii i-'LOOit, run Lie i ediieh hldh 1 rTHMI'mi.UX WD STEVMI'ITTERa' hln re -lhf Phllxili'lphta Steam HeatlliR , Coinninv 1.11 Chcrr et . reunlre exper ibncel men Mr Cnlud stnUs. ibnernment Ho.- Inland Apnix to any rniieu office detail xx it h epnil nnd accuracy; thor- cuchness nnd common sense more essential ' thxn preitous rxperbnc, this Is not a war. Job but an exceptional opportunity to be come part of a sijcieaful rircsnl7xtlon: xour ealury xx 1.1 keep pace xxlth jour iclop m rnt Add fiw P 12S la-d'ier Office, ' STENOHIIAPIIEIl In essential corporation. Write for pirtlculars, M 12.7. Lcdecr Central TAILORS. EXPERIENCED ON LAOIES1 bTOCli AND CUSTOM WORK APPLY UUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT W ANA MAKER'S EDWARD G HUDD SH'O CO. needs experienced tlntji-rs re-tlnners on deep draxxn wire. Goxernment wprlt. Pernnnent tniplovment. C.Mh anil Hunting Park axe, Apple nearest U. ". Emplojment Office. Hrimr nd xxlth ou. WANTED POP. ESSENTIAL WAR WORK TOOL AND GVfGEMAKERS MACHINISTS MII.LINO-MACIIIN'K HANDS IlliRIWlNTAL IlflRING-MII.L HANDS VERTICAL KORI.NG.MIL!. IIANDb LATHE WANDS x PUNEIl lHSDI ' SIIAPER HANDS SI.OTTER HANDS .11 INKS I. xMSfiNT IINDS PRATT S WIITNEY HND MILLING MACHINE ADIUSTKR .HlNES LAXISllN ADJUSTER PRXTT S. WHITNEY ADJUSTER GISIIOLT LATHE ADJUSTER M'PLY LMPLOVMENT OKI ICE SAVM1E ARMS CORP. ERIE AVE. AND HEPV1VA bT. HRI.NG THIS AD WITH YOU TOOLMAKERS and maihlnlMS, first diss for blEhcIass xxork; hlchest xxaues paid modern shon xvlth up-to-date marhinerj Apply s s H. Co., Erie nxe, nnd 11 nt TRACKMEN WANTED t'nlted States Government xxork. Chester if11' b-txxcen Darby, ra., and Saxllla and Kddstone Pa. ! JlacARTHOR HROTHERS 33 S 16th St.. 1 Chester pike, Phlla., and Dirby, Pa Arply S. Hmployment Offlc. Nearest U. WATCHMAN -Man nlsiut I'i jears of ace back door posltloui entrance to store and i factory, permanent situation fur relUhic ap plicant; " llrst-elass reference only. Illllay. Hanks t Riddle Co.. IS'.M Hanmm sj " WINDOW CLHANHRH APPLV RURKAU OH EMPLOTJILNT WANAMAKUIfS Tot'Nii MAN lo take tharce of supply room mall etc.. In a larrfe offlce: cootl chsnet for adxuncement In a permanent pisitloi xxlth a rapidly crowlnir essential luduitry about 112 a xxeek to atari. I 131. Ledsrl Office TOl Hit MUN for assembling xxork 1)17 si nth at. Apply nearest U. H Hmplo) ment Ofi.ce , liuaiNKss Hi:itit'i: i-o I'aiuhle men Iflhe I 1110 I-lid Title. 'rxKliu lion- Sales. USED AUTOMOBILES BARGAINS W I N T 12 It TOPS He Comfortable Ponxert your oren tourln. car or road ster Into u luxurious Inclosed car INCLOaURUS I'OR KOLIIWINU CARS rORD I'HANDI.KI OAKLAND HIl.AUN'St IIAVNES PAIGK .HUirix JKFI'HKY XID.NROE STUDKIUKER in'HIIlaND 1 l,l.ltl.l.f-i- X1UIA t'ADILUVU 'IIUDSU (lOMURV-Sl'llWARTZ .MOTOR CAR CO. iiH N, HROAD HT. 0LDSM0BILE Might-cylinder Touring, rebuilt and painted Fully euulnptd Fixe nexv Kelly-Hprlnglleld tlrea. Hlcclrls llghta and ttarlrr. VIM MOTOR TRUCK CO. HROAD AND HUNTINdDON STS. A USED TRUCK? VIM!!- , ilebullt painted and vuaranteedt open ti 1 prt or panel body. A evr to pay. VIM MOTOR TRUCK CO. UIIOll) AND llrNTINODON HTK e iru u Hli- r.tn- tnlm nt Impojnient Oir.ce. llrtnir I ' .V .... ' VV nn-iV-i' tni. ri'i'lni' rt- ' ,u:. "neneirc; connecunc ne.irriomj anu I this 11,1 Mini x..u l?t vif'i- riiilt iT'-vti-xi SALL. hath. Apply or phone locust r.-.-i-. w iSIEAMPiriERM on ilmernment work Ap- , ) r',,. ',;' ' '. ' ; ''- ,-.,, - ,.., If-HESTNUT. 2042 Nicely fum'.Vd nnd un , plv earn us pnssliil... .11111 Rullefln ll'ds 1 lV ixAUD l.iMDUhlNr. t.i. ion. nil furnished rooms In up to-ilata npjrtment i PTENOOriVPHER ' -li!:l-," ha""-'.'!' boil" I One of the most nroaresslM- nnd oldest , Pri.l.MAN LIGHTS STlirEll. GOOD rnrsTNI'T, ?nvsPi.rnlshe t rnon delimit. 1 usln-si hou" In Phllndelphi.i bss an open ,.,r,'uV.M,.,o "x 1 LViVi- Vni n V-nii i.5n?J '"' ""- Phone Oermantown 22t. line for an aml.lllou, and eiy-r.etle ateneie J:'.'" '-'"'" i ,Mi ixV-'-f0- -,D ? UV", 2AJ OVrOi-rrX-lSTSrrTr-;,,, for e-rdrt ranner xno can also Intel centiv nnnuie .'...,..... . -- " - ... :,i.---.. . ..7. '..;... ... TJSiD ATITOMOKMi, MPTZ nrr n kry ELEl'TRII' nllRftLT AND PAINTED. MOHTS AND STAUTE1W A IIARGAIN VIM MOTOIlTltlTIC CO, 1IROAD AND HINTINUDON STS. You Can Find Any Automobile PARTS at SATTLER'S STORAGE BATTERIES PEnritT ,t good vi'xx' tvn aroi't itAt.r tiii' pittrt: sattt tin's, ivc. nioi spntvo mnnnN ST nmt 2S?1 W DM'PIUN' ST, PPPIIHO.V. .tnik Rstil.lt! shoes, rnr In flni inndltlon; or trrtns. D Luxe Aulfi Co 4 new nonskld receipted casb 72.1 N. nroail (.HAUMHRH n in 31 r. n. m inntnrt Hit car Is Tbsnlulelv perfect In cxerv resneet. j rare barraln for nniev stei i ish or terms, D" T.r Antn r.i 721"N Rrotdst (HANDLPn. 1'll, Sednn! onlv lrlen hnrt tl?u l.mlaj ll,n pw Imrenln EXPTERN MOTonS Dt!TnilirTOR STAND nn " " V E f'OR UltOAD AND WALLACE CHEVROLET, mil), sime n new: price Is xery low for this nrs nvist be aold this week for fli re-""n-iile offer. See I 'op, 723 Vt.rlh llrnad ST. t'linviiiiLin"' rmd'trr. rlk-IU e.u nf hnn. . '"" mo!. will sel(lrn. 1102 Chestnut. DOIHH-, new natnt nnd Just rebuilt, new Mint! 1nP.hlHH In .k..l,,l.lu nvB..KlAKA Tonriltlon: tiripe reasonable; rash or terms, ...? .""i "'.'T NorHi Hrnwil si IMRD I tun 1P17 lanre open express ImiIv, rebuilt nnd nnlnleiii will demonstrate. Vim Mntor Truck Co.. Hroad nmt lluntlnvdon sis. I ORD tourlntr fir, 11117 model: price $4nci! 111st nrerimtiid j'hone Gerimnlowni 22nl, I'oRD town rnr hodles rnr stle. American . Taxi Co . 1411 Locust St. HfDSON Suucr-.Mx. loss thin jear old; . drlxen onh nn miles: barxaln, J. H. Hlodirett. Hind Cli-elnut St, JEITEP.Y TOITHNO r. pass , newly palm. ed, ex "Dent Inn hint' nl rendition A bar- eain nt -.7.V Call at (Jin NORTH RROXD LOICR. (rnoil ns n now car: electric llffhls and starter slip cotrs nnd extras: cash " term to suit Do Luxe Auln Co . 723 . r.roiii M.XCK Trucl In A I sbii- from business iintl lias no nnke offr Dp Luxe Auto l'o ownor re tlroil I nine, nm.l us., ror , 723 N Tlr. MAXWELL 1017. 11 erj fine, small, cheap runnlnff car to operate, new slln cuveri nnd extris. .aali or terms. Seo Pop 723 N Hrmd at MERCER TOrittNO chnlmers tourlne. both ruiiv nulpped late models; -;on irucH Dx-ton truck i.ih and express body, flrat- plass cotidtlliin. IS2."i Rronst, OVERLAND P.DAD'-ITER H fine ladles' or sxlesmim a ir pr.n tl,-all new, starter and Ilubis, oci Kent tlrta; extra equipment. -..1111 .tr.u.i .sprtti e sr ll EHLAND TOCRINO. nrmlnal paint and tlris oler trie llcliis anil sturter: sum" us I new male offer -oe PonJ72'l N..Rroxd. , llt'V II ono MIIKi PAINTED AND 1'P 1 HOLSTEIIED f.lKI! NEW I'Ml IN I-'IRSI' rt.XSS COVDITION. Cl'RTAINS OPEN WVL ,',r!,J".'2i,..,.!o,v.?.nC0,VI:,.IM' t.i'S"1 LIGHT rooT WARMER HAH. HAND- M'AUMKR.. I.tlll f'H.U'lTEpU. ALMUJ-T l'l'LI.MAV fi17 1 nnsseiiL-er. d"it. xx-in f lal "1111J sell . heati for iash: 1 'hclnut St. S( IHPPh-PiiOTH like pen 1 extra wire xxhei'l 11 xx nalnt. mjike offer: oxxnr awav, risk or I. me pa.wilem?. bxo Pop, 72a North I frond treel VEI II el Bint late niodel 7-nassenKer car: ost 22nfi xx ill ecll for Jf.OU. look it oxer. 1 -Hlii hrf'tml l I WILLYS KNIGHT late "model wire wheel. 1 ,i passimicr. In perfect condition exxner drafted, family needs the money. 330J I Chestnut sf. 1017 HAVNES SEDAN, II mrd tires, paint some as nexv guaranteed In llrst-elass enn- dlllon inu'l Li- sold (heap. Arrange fur demonstration Phone Rrxn Maxxr h'H U 1 l'.HS tiLIHMOIIILE. cliummx roxdslcr a- 1 Minder orit-inal paint and tires, 'tin 2'ino I miles a rare hircaln Do Luxe Auto Co.. I T-!3 ortli nniad street. 1 lofil I'finii, NEW TIRES. CAR IN PINE 1 CONDITION MUST sK.l.l. THIS WEEk I DG Ll'NE AUTO CO. 72S N HROAD ST. 1 TlltE Solo tiBCixt .Marathon and Pa lire 1 llra s-rxlce station for stnndard makes of tires, accessories of exery description on , I hand. LOCUST APIO SUPPLY CO j Spril'-e 01 111! Locut Race 2t. 1 CENTRA LLV LOCATED GARAGES I I American (larau-e, Itll lanust - ' P.acipn 1 Club GnriiBe 110J Chancellor ' Short etnram oO'' Per day; inch carace I prox did xxlth romfortnlil iheliffne rooms TRUCK REPAIRING Ol It SPECIALTY 1 Prices reasonable AMI'RICW (IxKxGi: MACHINE SHOP rJWruix m 1111 Loiust Race 21... OCR ANNUM, fall sale trucks and tourlne cars sold below cost all kinds and make.: , bu1 iioix and saxe monev No xxar tax Glr- aril Mulor Sales Co.. 2K1" Glrard ave I A CI O REPAIR SHOP OP THE 1IETJ BR I AMURK xN G VIIAGI? MACHINE SHOP ' -nruce i.1 1111 Locust Rate 211 t . it! sit r. ! m id 1'iulfniTn tourincr pan linn 1 .... I.- ilian "Mill nilU full I rqullip1! Mtlp roir-4 snutlisthti,, etc. Ad lrpw I ftl.1 T-HMlttor OfflrA t ItiK HALi; bv ific-(r ( )M private part. H cyl '""!' nn) inf-cnn iiu-rtt -."nu . biii covoin anu lut rxnn c-nuipnipiuj win aemoti- ri"tn prion r-?ttgonahl. 1' .. i-. t.rm. 3 TAfKAHD rpan: excellent rond com PlytPiy ojrn a l: i, no "r, t j. front- Warded AUTOMOBILES WANTED Highest Prices Paid High-Grade Cars Only CENTURY MOTOR CAR CO. 3302 Chestnut Street AUTOMOBILES TO HIRE IlxlLINt! Autolruel.i to hire '4 to rs ton; hour, dav or xxeek. Cn!incliRn a Roonev, lRX" Ranstead st Snruoe I01B Rjca Iful. i rii Hllir'niA 1'rt.nkttli rankltu and Packard autos ' for xieddlncs funerals. American Taxi esh. 1411 Iienst Bnruce ox Race 148, 1L.I ItlNO CAR. 7-iiaasener limousine, 11. S nr hour up. Poolsr 1867. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES NEW and second-hand bicycles; tires all manes Andrew T. Rlrehett .-.n. 8. S!i i- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES nnTS' IWhT flKr CLflTHIN'O Knuahl rur-llned nxercuats suits, etc. Call or address 12.1 N Hth ub. Arch. BUSINESS PERSONALS WHO LOANS THE MOST MONEY ON DIAMONDS? Fridenberg's 'Loan Office Of Course. Low Rates. 37 N Uth between rilbert and Arch Nortlixxtst corner 9th and lluttonwood sts DIAMONDS WANTED Manv patrlotlo persona sell tia their dia monds to buy bonds. If ou contemplate this, tee us at once, tin.flOtt xvorth xvanledt we nav the hlBheBt prices In the city. Itellyft Co., 032 Chestnut st Sjlte l-2S. rnvate, Meexnd nonr. oxer f nnnss, if , hi rrlx.-M rilTT IV Till- fAT.f.. flet ..... -'::''..,. .- in nexy groxvin siarien. neain now. iuu "'! be surprisingly BrallHed xvlth the results ob tained, Hpeelallsls In scientific treatment of j paioness Mill! Ull nunn ii ii.ii ni-. , ii -- orders J. A JOAN 1.11a CUBSTNUT HT. '- ' r- JxMAf.D ilaims, nusim-ss x pmer niincum-s handjed, accuunls collected etc ; hank ref.: faculties! ?2 xears exo , xour rignis proiecioxviuioiii Jour advancing any fee Mutual Adlustment Co Room 4211 Heed Hide l.lii Kllhert st. ELWTHIC treatment and nianleurlnff. Room 1u1 Heed Hide 121". filbert Ph. Fll. m'. KLHCTIHfAT. TRKATMl'.NT nhvl(l ul- lure, "02 S Ilrnail si 1 lours 10 lo 8. CARPET CLEANING GERLAPH carpet rug-cleanlna and acourlnc works make nid rues neve. Kstab 20 y'a. Phone Tloja in.1.1. lllh aixd Westmoreland. FOR SALE HKDROOM dining room living rnuiu suits, oild metes, rugs and enameled beds, sllght- I v damaged by nur reient 0 re 200 03 H. 5th. UILI.IARD, Pool comb'n. 2d hand, bought. snlil. renieo exfl h Keafei .s.2'1 Hlrard axe OPFICB rURNITURD Large line desks, safes, files, cabinets and general office furniture, star fixtures. WE nuy. Hell and Rirhanr PATTKN KURNITURB CO.. 1 OCUHT 4070 1127 Ant'H HT. RACle 200. OPKICU Fl'RNlTl'Rli for sale: of flea for lent. I mi .orin ,x me riesniiiajf, PH'i: and fittings all sixes bought and sold! l-niia .iiiiiiiin L!;'ne . fo, lisia N, 2d st. SAFES P'reprixif iioilng.'uut 00 slightly useq some xxjin nun xxalls 72 X Fourth. ONE t-Ql'AHr- PIANO fur sale. In good con- dlllon Apply at r.117 "Majler sU J2J riNK ui.li viui.in. good ton,, best of condition Haas. 1430 N 10th at. J1.7J SPANISH I.KATHEH traveling bag,' IS inch. Hati. HSU N. loih (. ' will uIIotv Y AXD TOOLS POWMK-r'LANT KQUIPMBNT Dtnamoa. meters bellera, steam and ,ntR'.i.,Sufflp.."J'" compressors. frRANIt TrtOMer. .INf'.. 1-Jl ri. 3d St. oil LLECTItIC MOTORS MACHINE TOOL -- ' Q-imiEN XV$&r$J . 3D ST. j OLD G0LD LASH Paid for old Bold, silver) clocks re. paired, Rogers, 45 a. Hlh at Locust ISIB. rniNTiNa .V1!"1"1?' "IxUonery. forms, etc.. at rea f.2.bJr .T,1"'"; Automatic presses Insure prompt rtellverlea, If ,mir printer Is al.iw. try s. L. PI.VK aV SONS, in N. 7th st.x STAMPS AND COINS STAMPS, AL1IUMS AND SUPPLIES" mtir a JST. '!mP Collectors P1IILA. STAMP CO.. 21 s. I7TH ST. STORAGE FIDELITY PIREPROOr WAREHOUSeS 18171810 MARKET BT. SQUARE DEAL STOr.AGE CO, IS N. n2d at 1 apccal rates to mid from New York, Poston ami XVashtnaton. Helmont 02SI MILLION-DOLLAR cnnir-lo flrrp. warehs. ffriulnfi All0';v,t-2...'-';'1 Lchleh Dll 7.TO0. PACKARD ALIO SBHVH'B. EST KKEE TYPEWKITER3 AND SUPPLIES TYPEWIltTERS. all makes, factory rebuiiT ft RUsranteed: low prlfn, .ni rt mn. . tx up. .1. G (llbhnner t Co.. Ins:. Chfetnut at. 1 VK RITER8 All nukes. plenD hi slo. k. for r nt or sale. Ho'li phono Gunriintro Tpewrltir Co.. 47 N. Intli.. ncir Arch WANTED AllATI.H antiques Arneriran furniture, nr- . Pfts pi inps & players. Vrlo-n-brar. house Hold poodx In sen., wanted: l.rompt att to I all orders no InaltoV how l.irne or smalt, let ' Lr.!"" .heforo sen. to any one else, we piv i 1m,.veW,.,,p,rf' remote nt once RAM l.t'RNITI'Ri: CO .IP.-n V. -J?,lj Tl'"--" I-7". nEDSJ, runs, carpels furnlne. slncs. news- papira. raps, metals, iron, old clothes. t.1-?1 -" lnor" tban peddlers V c", Pee.ston MK B71o inp aster I'NEED PAPER AND METAL write or a0. CO. ' I'AST-OI't' rijyriiivn vn stinKS bouaht of men, women and children, also hed. dln-j, oullta blankets, sheets, etc. Rest prices n;ld: be cnnMnred: rail or write. Rcll phone Market 24 IS W. It, Rtern. 37 N Ith et. rnn amkkuhv ct-nvtrr WRITE OR PIIONH PRESTON 1HII W THE UNION-JUNK CO. nr"ii.nt.n.t rttTiftn-xi'i' st ! Newspapers, lues, fllrnlforn ruroets alnres ; Iron, metal, feathers nmlhlnc ninnbere ROOMS FOB RENT ""OWN 1311 Second front nentleman's nrm .perm.bome: owner's nul '' f' I 5 CARLISLE ST.. 417 Anv one of the follow. lnB ,n b ''' n prlxate house n blocks from rilv Itoll. Inn. fr,,..i rnnm ..tlh i,H. ,,lte bath: lame doubie room. llh or with ltiirvf-ri eu.itt. ,.r. ,1. .i.uku fmnt rooi ndjolnln bath ti one uentleinan I niifv, cx(.lustxo nclKhborlioo'l pboni) HarltiR' VENANGO ST.. 1427 .1 "rooms and baThi gentlemen nrnfrrr'd or hiiqlnnd and xxlfiy 7 ri I ST., N,, 2.117- xp.,incifs furn. com.. houseketplng; atexm heat plcntx hot xxater HiTIL N . 1401 i;ire-Ia"r'c rooms, first floor, furnished, heated, I." xvlth serxlce 2024 CHESTNUT l'"urrilhiil room xxlth prl" xate bxths: electric llahts ROOMS, nleelx- fur single or double ten I tlcmen onlx conxenlent Preston 4237 IV. to cars pnone AiTRACTlvn furnished np.trtments some central. Sherxxood f ro 1721 Walnut. 2 DES SINGLE S.ffior uufurn rms elee light: cxer 1 boa rd nn rbx Wood II1 J. WrsT.1'IIILDEl.l'ni LOCUST 40 II Excellent Sd-floor irnlshed rooms forj:eiitli nien. handy to ears SPRUCE. 411.11 f.arce and fttlrac. furn 3d floor front room, gen 'omen preferred WALNUT. :I1IU1 NIc'U furn duulilo or sin il hot-xvalr hent u'entlenien Preston 4217 IV. TiTH. 'JH riPHUMfi'Dj t xruinn' flootrli Itv fur w.irrn rooms: rlST. --M .rurti roomn r-'wtdntlHl bo' if'ntlpnin itclult fnintlv: U-lmont -S rtUTII ST. H. !.." J beautiful double hrri rootrn ndloinhitr or lllnc room unrt bfd- rnom with luKprT pr)viliriM In Mrlliy prl- vm f.tmlU. Phon.' Wnr,,11aniln40JR. (TI), N 2H0 Xf.it ly furnlFh'-ti room nil ronfnlncH lmin cruforta; irlv'.ite fam-1 . 4U-: bfnKfiUst If tlfnlr. H.NIMl.tV furn : finr rsfitlon W Vhlla.; ) ffrtrlrtty lQ.:..vftt'r ,'t f,rtnr':J.-?r.- MfU-HOntNi: HOTr.U -Vth ami Sfarfcet utt. KurnlHriPx. inoirin. fll'KM,TO,N iii -i-ti ltl' .IJll trrti.ni aln'Tli .114 - j u.t furnl-ih-pd arc! unfurnlxlT'-l Can be 'e'n h-fttwen th .mura of 4 aiul H00MS WANTED room wanted bx Kentlrman, WeFt I'hltndclthl.i alallnn fainlls. II 127 Lediter Office conxfnlent to xx Itll prlx'atc BOARDING M IU'RIIW C.nRMANTOWN I.I W. Walnut lane Txxo or 3 attrucllxe moms, xxlth or xxllhout nrlx-ate bath; llrst class ho ml no children. SANITARIUMS PHYSICIAN xx'lll isle" In Ms home sexeral reeuperatlnc patl-nts tenulrlnir cheery en xlrimment; ixcillent food; light nurslnv; hlxhest medlcul references. P 131. Ledgt..-, Oftice. APARTMENTS APARTMKAT lIRAnQtT.MlTRRS ftntral upartmrntu a ifrljl(y. Shirwood A Oo . 1721 Walnut t Home eir Mtirac 1 ant) 2 room rrn)n-fi s,tparitneni Till! lirVI'.V'A 127 tTH BT. I lH:tvltn npHrtrnt ntn. with rr wltnout prt- I ynX bath; 'ptlrMj' rffurn. Tflt Sprut 3700. 1 SlUTI. tit 2 or : rooms, with hath, beauti-' fully turn., centra uy .yc-Jiru. m t.i.n. 1sfrr r-iitra1. , BPnUCU. 1711 rurnlshed an1 unfurnlvhed; nom houlxpp1- pclulvw location w r.--iT i'iiiLAir.T.rni ORBBN TREES," .T2IS tlarlnc at. One of ? tame rooms: prlxate baths; table board: separate tables: tearoom service, 10 to 4.30. . Phon-nsrlna- 7?1. ATtril, .t1'i3 v:iepant larpe room: prlxate hath, unfurnished, no looking; t".i I Hniriiiixx HAVKRI'ORDr"PA , near slatlou. fnrnTshed; llxliu room, dlnlna rni " t hainhera. bath I nantrx kllclien. serxanls- loom, - porcnes, inn inniilh I XI3, Ledger Central. 8 OWIIX AVH. Lansdoxxne -Three larue, llcht rooms and bvitli slnglo or en suite, unfurnished or furnished i lonxmlent lo Hob Island Phone Lansdoxxnn ly.'O. FURNISHED ATAKTMENTS Dll LANCP.Y APARTMHNTS "300 Pine st. Kour rooms and bath. JUNTURN T. WRIHHT & CO. iiaSlorrla HldR ' FUllNlhllKD APAItr.MHNT for O months, 3 rooms and bath, no children: references exrhanged M 1341, Ledger Cen t ra I j KURNIHHKD flparts, central locations, by xxeek If dea. Hhenvood Co.. 17U1 Walnut APARTMENTS WANTED i . ..... ....in v.l . I. 1lrlt.V.lu .. .. .. lloUHKIxHKPlMl APAlir.MhNlS xxanted . s n,.nxa firxrl li.ilnr l-iijfi ilurnmiili. 3 ntoxxn i -;.,, -,,.u, iiiii preferred, or -hesinui iiiii prcierriu. or xi !"" -..--- ----:. .V"-"'V M .11, Ledger "ix-- i MAN and xxlfe xxant amall apts . " ll0Ki aJd and Spruce. P 1U2. Ledl n.lnkiL "we"" r unice. ' j APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE IITTT AND rrNK STB. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF APAUTMENTS FURNISHED AND II.NPllnNiSIIED LONO AND BHORT TERM LEASES " THE CLINTON m 10TH ST. BEIJW SPRUCE MODURN IN KVERT RESPECT Furnished and unfurnished apartments. One to 4 rooms, with bath. H. II. H1CKB. Manager. THE DELMAR-M0RRIS American Plan CnEI-TEN AVH AND MOnRIS 8T. ",& OERMANTOWN THE l.ITTLi: HOTEL. 255 S. Broad St. A good place to live xvhlls In Philadelphia. REAL teTATE TOR SALE PITY- INVKSTMENT J'nOl'KIlTIKH for Quick sals ' . ...-.- a annmi nnrcth. rnt 12!-. .19HIU1 k i . - 1 ...Ansa ruXTSKh - IIB . 1 Blkfl U, i rw., v". ..-. j.,. ; . O T-sni MMsixUf.. -(. . jmu lm- KHItMWI -VS. MA ini.Fii inr ' .u . . - .- KKAI, MrTATB TV lUf ' r PKNNSYI.VANIA 8f HPHAN BUY MORE LlfttftT BON6 y MERI0N 8 One of the most ricslrubta proper tlen ver o ftp red, contRlnlnit larre open hall. IMnff rooin, rtlnlnp- room. 1! neload porches tr first floor; 4 tdrooma, 2 hatha on rcnnd floor, 3 b(droorna and bath on third floor, iraratcH for 1! tars imd man's rootn with bnthl excellentMocAtlon with uld Bhad4 -nnd ehulibfrv ARDM0RE An opportunity to obtain cine of the best located homes Uthln 3 mlnutea of statlom the house contains an un usual first floor plan and lias H bed. rooms nnd 3 baths: Just remodeled and In perfect condition; Earncc. R B R 7 A few unfurnished and furnished proportlcs for renl. B SAMUEL C. O N 329 COMMERCIAL TRUST RLDG. 1GTH AND MARKET ST&, PHILADELPHIA D S BUY .MORE LIBERTY BONDS OX lUlllltOOK ..,.n; ;;. : Li ;.. .j.Li. i.ij.i,i-i i.i.ii..ji:.i.:.i:r:i.1,.,:,ti.Li.r.i.i.j-(-'- Two New Up-to-Date Homes EASY TERMS MONTHLY PAYMENTS Best Section of Overbiook $10,250 & $1 1 ,750 Ttndv to nioo Into. Kxrellent transit facilities. Klne nelcliborliood. honuttful urroundlnr?!1. I-arire lota tastefully deoorated rooms nlrntv of roPt M"iee hardwood floor handeome elcctrlo flxturea two hatha, with built-in showers. One ,inlnetarhed ITous1, Separata Torch, with atono Carafe, $1U.2.0 Onf All-Stone Detarlml Houae, HIate Hoof. tl1.?rn, ilnro up to date, hotter homea taunot b found. Lorated on rotumbU nr cart of ti.t'1 st Oprn tpry da v. Take Market St. I.leMitfd to 03d et. Kreo liflf to Co'jmbla ue. Ono Mvc-tcnt faro. Itupld Berlce. CHARLES J. I I00D & CO. ' , ,s??:ii,S?rJll!p tBi:t I.... LL.l ...ill il !!. . ..!". I riTV . COME OUT TODAY YOL'U OWN' HOME KOU VERY LITTLE CASH Marshall & Wingohocking Sexen rooms. Iicautlfullv fljilshed; latliroom, hirduood roors, hot-xx-atir liiuti larso lairchca; nn Ideal new- home 11 1 a loxv prlco at Marshall and IMniOhocklni! sts. $3350 on Marshall St. ' $4600 on Wingohocking These beautiful iip-to-d.xto homes ar near Himtlmt Park and Northeast Houl-xard StllliiK fast to particu lar buxers bemuso tho xalue la lure. Open exery duv, I. T. JACKSON CO, RISING SUN WE AND NORTHEAST CITY OPFICEHTnUt AT 13TH I 1' NEAL1S. 1110 H. I! 2.H0 christian. 10 rooms, coma., l.'i.'.l Eilaxxorth, I' rooips conxa... 1 .11 2 Dickinson, 11 rooms, i.on8.. 24ii7 Wharton, Hi rooms, corns.. I'm. l..n.nl.F 11 rontllS. LOtlXSt. ITH $3000 . . ., 43011 . .... 4100 4300 3.1110 Ton 117 carpenter. 8 rooms, conxa... '.'.'.'.'. 27UII ..... 2.1011 . .... 1200 '.'.'.'.'. lllllfj' '' 33u"j j.ji R.fd at,, 8 rooms, conxa.... Titl4 Lntuna, T rooms, tonxa P4J Cantrcll, 4 rooms 2lnS St Albans, 3 rooms- in.17 Tasker at.. 0 rooms l.ml S 22d at., b rooms conva . ONLY $4400 rniiitheii borne 8 rooms: bath, bot-wxler hiat lot 3iixl20: 100m for earace; con - xenli'nt and deslrub'.o location. viii . ..... J. T. JACKSON CO. Tt m.r tiinai.xui Houlexarrl nunc, Hfiulex'ard and Rising Sun ave. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 2113 W. INDIANA AVE, tamo , 3007 RINGGOLD ST. I3J00 Chas. H. von Tagen ! U -"."Vil T,r.HimAyi h nm;v hoik n ' .,r:... . v. vt' a.t IH'AIIY Im w x . ----- , rttt , ..n A.rNi 0V NORTHl AT ltOULb-VARD ' e,rro,ou?'mrn..aun .iVriinv KP. ..Til 'J !i" alm-flniroc!? .oundi KKn" . onlr .JJn. ,"" ca"h itVxV.n.rr ...v. noNNHH ... I.v'ix...; ..;.,-, Kt-tv Building On rr-i"1"" "ntl ' " f- 9008 WALNUT ST. I n .oonie I bathrooms, elcctrlo elevator, ste'am hentlnc. etc. r r IMON. 12 S. 16th St. , I-RANKLIN N Vnwrenieil at Hi. monhly L'iTJ Six rooms and bath. asacssed $1 son, " "n' h"Vcuulrxd . W "" e... .U ..nllirin .H'U inn I lease. .?ir.K',V -iios Chestnut at, 1'nu one. , WaljnotJS. mia.-o--.' Rodman. ""'" - r .7.. ..,h. rent IlJVil 'smith I33S Pi. Jreeave. '- !",rr,.-Kr5i37rli 3-story. 0 rms; Sl,-1l'",a!nn eaclil session. G. L. Parker. nrlce in"" " ITS'. ra.nTounl3Vl 1.1 lMJllU.a- " vi' '"ii 4ir -i "nth ViM!--nn iinllil nr i"jr ' vr-"r.xnf,vT. i"nfinrT -r ni:: cor 2 n.n r; ininro omenta ' !, VT T" i nr. L,Jt, - " I 'r-'"i. t'heatnilt. . Wr.TlHL'!i?Ji,'ii!i'i .. r,.mroiimiiniKilinilllIllll!II!IIIllll jiwffliwwMi' iirSivinQ i PAKKlbli Di. ""1 3 . . r.lkl and B2d m North side b'"v:r"m"hVart of the H sts.. H. nilnt" hrrn.mrooms and tile g ,i:y; .-tor.;, porch, ,8 J-'SxT closet In hath. recepiiun "- BAKGATN AT $3400 g illnlnir room. B ON KAHi irjin"" - g fS KAxtpi.r. liousn opkn g I "DAILY AND SUNDAY g P HENRY LANGSNER ciSfuu -irwMi.iMiaTTin-iiiiniP ONLY $3600 '"'n,'d1,Pda0,CeCUpoVc!f?oood,iSc':!: Tt jackson co. ::;r 222"NORTH 32D rflACKSONCO. -S5 trtonn story brick, porch front Woodlannaye.. ..-..., - n . . anil good jx.m! 7 , fk - ."that. all cars .r-xi1"- - 4.fctundS lor ""- - - : rs r-. l m Very desirable porch-front 4fiJ N. mu sii Anellln. no xvar prices nerei niiliiruiaiu .?."..'."". TAVLAttK 000 Walnut ,t, Ji" -.. rmh Cli . 8r.l lot 10x01: easy llrn.":1, T It, ""'"b IM ft '"" flr.i lot IflkOi: raiy -n" TTa xasss x D a. t ''-". .t7. x,r.ifl t1 Rrrezn a. Alft pmiui. ' liKIHIAHTOTTW 1 iMXlEDIATrJ POSSBHSION 13400 1.M!i"iA.i,i nniv one left: buy today: 2 Vial karnlri. near Queen Lane Station. Pa, a real bargain. nr,,. trolley; 2-.lorv. mat. cl.ltrlclty: optaislte V."y.,..ar...,,.'V.ffi . .. ..,. nr 1-rutlLIB jv. 4VCI..1IJ. u. i.vo. j i:n.l Trust lildg, I'lioiw Spruce 88. Taigan LOGAN HOMES $4800 SoPi'oriiusco'i;!: .iss: .. "ood floors, hot-water heat; well bulitl con. wnlenlly located; ay ternnJ. j. J. JACKSON co.t.at Rou.ex.rd llrancj, Jgfa, "" "" $6500 Corner Logan Home 1630 KUSCOlIll I SIT Iloom for garage! 4 pedroc-ms; bot-water I.eatT bardwood floorai wt,r meter, h0u thoroughly weather-frlpped; Ideal liomeX T T 1 A r-IcrvAJ Ct Cacattiut ,Bd J. 1, Ittx-rwwil x-w uth ,. w . . -x axJ.tloxn v OaJcLuM &tf. s)l 7t rsT AI. HWATj-MJ PBNWff,tAWlA u Y WYNNEW00D A tnont nltrnctUtt Utotio rrM dence, contnlntntj B btdroom. 8 batha on second floor, 3 bedrooms, store nom and bath rm third floor, KarsKft for 2 curs; unexcelled location with uld rhade. R E CYNWYD Immediate possession: atlractlx-e, residence. xRh n bedrooms and 2 halhs. electric IlKhlt thoroughly mod ern: price, elO.SOO. E ? B O WAGNER, Jr. N D S IIVIIHIIIHMIK t II- r ; i .r.:i-:;i3.T :::rn:::s::: .: .: .aa .' PKNXSVr.V.XNIx SITIIIHtllAN ASHHOURND 121 Ashbourne road' 10 Mnm. ' k. Ik, .a. .. ...a .... . .SOU j McCnrmlck t McCormlfk. B10 Llnroln llldg. , DARIIY 2i;nu; hrlck sideward home., 8 rooms all conxenlenccs: 21x100. I SxVOPB ,e SON, fita Main. DxrbX'. I A. .,... .-.e? Ten New Homes i $7700 and Up .Th.'e Irouflea aro In tho hcet rrstrlcfrd 8c- Itlon: hlsli location; unqunlcd In price and design. MAURICE G. PAUL I CHURCH ROAD, EI.KINS PARK GLENOLDEN miles Hroad st.: fine bun 1 galnw: lurgsln EKclesten. 12IS chestnut. , GLEN'SIDE Txxn-storx. modern bouse; hot I xxater hat. electric IlKht; pus kitchen, I oxxner must sell. M 134H, Ledgpr Central IHIOIILXND PARK Nexv stucco 4vellln5, II rms , tllc bxth, b.-xx-. bext. Kas and el. I lot KOxianr niln from With at tcimlnal. 1 xititiii. ;o L, liirn-a. 1201 chestnut st MEADOWIIROOK STONE COLONIAL HOUSE 12 rooms and 3 baths; rtarapc; ft acres, high elevation: house has all conxenlenccs. In cluding hol-xxater heat, el-ctrlc light: con - vcnlent to xieadoxxbrnok station and the lluntlnedon Valley Country Club. HbKlsiNtbi) & biblijUN LAND TITLE BUILDING OVERRROOK". 0130 rjtx- ave. Lot 115x400: J30.000 Applv HARRIS Real Estate. opposite station Narherth Pa 11VUA'- rA A Colonial House, Garage and 2 acres; houso roualns 11 rooms and 3 haths bot-xxatcr bent, rleetrle llkht and gas. , loratid Ivtxxceu train and trolley: unusuxllx 1 nttrattlxo grounds, old shade and lake. 1 block from golf llnl.a of Huiuln.don Valley f'nnnlrv Cloli - HERKNESS & STETSON UhiiI Tltlo Itldir 1 ATTRACTIVE COUNTRY SEAT Stnt roItT.Ial house wttli 14 nries, pnrave, crardener's rottHce lirco modern mmltry ho usf), eir. . huUMc contulnM M ronnis.llbrnrv. dlnlnjr roum, innlry, kltchon. laundry nun lnHtnr , ! betirttnn.s nnd -.1 b.ithroom: litats'd by hot xntrr. IlKhtt'd bv electricity nud hit nil modern coTucnlenccs: bnrdood Huora throushoxit; numerous open fireplntcs; l.i rce iirnrH trv and Kardener'n rot t litre; worn new tt iiHJiHlis UKD and coat SI V oon to build: ' n-iultry hou"' new nnd cot $JtOii flne old had. "t mlio.rrom atatlon: uo minutes from PhlladelnMa , qu, ' ,20, rrtco j:w nun; owner Henirou or Meums uuu iirst morlsutto can remain. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TI1I.1! TfLDO . PHIL. LARGE COLONIAL MANSION AND 20 ACRES Nearly new, IS nmins and 7 baths; parage, stable, lodtfo. l i.m; 01.11 siiAOU, runnina; stream hlKh elexatlou. tij-hour mutur ride from IMilladelphfa City Hull, i .r-Ml.Til-lM. a v HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLF. RUII.DINO IB ACRES, Hi rooms, old stone Colonial mansion; laitfo brn; all other outbuild. Iiiks: niodernl7ed at i:reat expense; xxlll hic- rlfne Chaa V Ru-sell, 30 Ral Kst. Hide. ' " .Har.l na xxno.la. 1 , ,,, frnm n,h ,. TfI ,AH. w niJShELL. ; .10 ACRKS. alone house, lurtfe barn, or- . I square lo curs; A Terminal: will sacrifice. oim ma; rjsiuie hiu. TWIN ilxxelllni, conxruient to li'Jth at. ter minal; 7 rooms: lot .oxl.'.l; aauuil. HBO. L. IIRNS, uul Chestnut at. IX)T 00x2011. only $i:,0; sell monthly pay. menla or discount for cash. M 1310, Led eer Central, MIN MM', P. Tt. R. Remodeled English House VAuht chambers, t baths, Hleeplnc rorrhj hotN,it( r hcHt; uaiaep i: curs; nhade, thrubbervt 'ihli bouse Is sltunted in onu of th best lorAtlnns In Ardraoro nnd fan be purchasfU at un attrncthe l.cure. rians ant! partlcuUru at office. HIRST & McMULLIN UhT HND TRUST HLDU. BRVN MA WR Txxo new dxxcllln.a xxlth garages, Vapor taiuuin heat, electric and pas light, h.irdxxood floors, open fireplaces. Piped for xacuum cleaning, lieuutlfully alt uiilcil xxlth Ideal surroundlnga; full partic ulars bv null, .MAl'RAN, DOLMAN & CO., N, L. uor Hroad und Chestnut, MKIHON Remodeled English House on the norfh side. Corner property, xtlth high-class surroundings; 5 chambers. 3 baths, family; 3 chambers. 1 luth. serv. mils. Hot. water heat; Inclosed porch; Sarage cars, man'a room: hot-xvater eat; 1 acre ground, beautiful old tihade; southern exposure; prli.0 attractive; plans and parUtulars, HIRST & McMULLIN WKhT KND TRUST HLDH. A MERI0N HOME flS.liOO North side. Near Station 120 000 xe build a garage to ault xou at cost, bat "?'.?. ,'nonthlv naxn.enla Open every day. JjMES R. HOP IT I'HONH IETlnN,riiiM Nl.,nl5fi!fT,f."X,'.w bonsea'from 3200 to J40.000 ApplMtAHiH. Real Estate, op resl'e station. Narbrreh.- Pa. WiBlllliriSiillliili'liiiJliliiiiiiiMliiiililiiiiB 1 Desirable Cor. Property m of white stucco and liolloxr tile 8 g construction; Ideally situated on fij g knoll commanding extended xlexv; m l ' s -i.'m viriuMiiy neve anq con- s J 'tains 14 rooms. U baths. 0 chain- S hers vacuum vapor heat, sexeral jg g open fireplaces, every modern con- j r xenleure; 4'i acres of ground, B H xxcll plajited and laid nut: excel- Eg i dent transportallon facllltlra; thla U IE proper;y must De seen to be ap. i predated; Immediate possession j and very Interesting price If .sold I at, once. 1 HIRST & McMULLIN I WEST KND TRUST HLDQ. wiiiniiuiiiiiiiiBMinmiiiit NPAV JF.BSKY sniUBTIAN UPPINCOTT I1T8 AND HOMBS HADDON HBIOITTa. N. J. new jr.nsr.v 8KsiionK ATLANTIC CITY lor sale, xlllas cottaaea bungalawsi new lists: Ventnor. Chelsea and Atlantic City; now I, the time to se cure at a, bargain your seashore home! writ I your n i'ur ijuireiiiimxBi ooxain our anvi9. a. u. nnin.s tju,, iirow,,' uiMI-tlrM THul AtUnH- OHr. jmux ifKAtu yam au.a jEMoaaaxsski. Corner Business property Good Inveitmentl 0t N. 5(J at. Ownar. v Fleishman, 1034 flth ava . PlltsburaH, -.. . PKNN'tVf.VAMA FKMW no ACREH. 14-room atono Colonial (arm. house; larxe harm tenant house. aprln house; fi acrea xvoodsi apple orchard; running strrnm deep enouch for boating and bath; ln; larae meadow; mlla from rallrosd atatlon, 14 miles from Phlla I price 113,800. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE IILDO. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITV , TIIIRTEEN.ROO.M IIOUHE: hot-water heatl hardwood floors! earnie for 2 cam 10J Dlrch wve Hala, GEO. W. NOCK, 12(1 N. 4th at. PM" ! . REAL ESTATE "WANTED . WANTED to rent, apace with power: stor aire apace, AOxJO or larger for the prepara. J'on otlron: P. nnd II. und P. R. It. aldlnH. 431 WMener 13ldg. BEAL ESTATE FOB BENT . nr.NTi. T.1STW THE PENNSYLVANIA COHPANT I or Insurances on Lives and Granting An- nulllea, .in Chestnut at. Roth phones. isus.soth.irir.iionon 2n.-i s.ssd.-jnr.llRo.oo 1M d nl.1 II. !.. a .n . .J.. -." i it. iii.ni i:.i. n. .u. I ir, ni'i w -i.n spruce, i ;r,iuu.iiui!OiTn 1,0c.. i.ir. is.x.on 111 Pine, Mr., fin 00134S Pine, Wr.lWI.M lTtnOuf'il, l(ir 40.002117 Pine. 12r. M.34 7il N.I-rt..llr. 22.00 821 Race. lor. 43.00 Mlimi.H Ann DWELLINGS Rt N. 2d,ISr.to.(io tft-TN. 2d. IOr.J40.0(l I 1111 Rldce. llr .17.r.0 304(1 Par'h.lOr. 30.00 72J Race, 8r... 3K 00 02.1 Cherry, f.r. 2.00 ;..!.-. Rldae. tlr. 27.Pl) BIS N. 3d, 8r. 2.1.00 noil M'rose, fir. 22.00 2.Vil Amber. Br. 22.00 11R I.aurel.llr 2O.0O o j. 4th.I0r IR.00 1204-11 8. 5d.Br. IK.OO 10SN. 4th,I2r 40.00 R40 H. 2d. 8r. , 215.00 12.1 w. oxf..nr. i. on n24Vlne 4r., 20 on is.on 15.0 1120 H. 2d, Or.. 201 Wbar'n.Br, n.17 t'HHHi.S'lIT ST .121 S. 1-Jth si j 1 1 111 N. Hroad st .. ..12.1 .. (All ..$121 .. 30 . 1.11 ?? " !nn,l1u. v r: f.. IKH N. 21st at Lis x. ,lh st 11137 Rlttenhnuso sii. O. I'. PARKER. 17,13 I'AIRMOUNT AVE. ONLY ?in DlSlRARLE Cf.NTRAL STORM OH OFrtCB AND DWEI.L1NO; GOOD CONDITION. 1120 RACE ST. 2.10.1 N. 7TII Laruo store: suitable for barber or anv bus. Harlnir. 3001 Market, 4.ROOM Smith. slono 1.11" house; Bult elderly couple. PI. Hreeie. Ph Dick, ail. 020-31 W. DAUPHIN BT.. 2-aty. brick build. Inif. 32x12: light mfc. Harlnir. 8001 Market. TJOGA, 3511 N. 22d Mod . porch, 12 r.. 2 halhs: hot-xxnler hent. I.loxd, 714 Walnut. llnslnesa Properties and Stores LARGE STORE Corner of Rlslni; Fun axe, and Albanua st.l bis store; excellent location for any kind of business, loxv rcntsl. J. T. JACKSON CO. BOULEVARD AND RISING HUN AVH. EVERYTHING UP TO DATE l For Rent Stores, Floors, Offices 1 Business Rooms of Every Kind 1 . , . . . I. A. Patterson I jl) h IDtll ilt I J' "' 'l-C"xJII, UU rJ. I Jill JU Slit X. KltON. ST. In the heart of th busiest Kennlndton ahopptnc dlntrfct: will improve to piilt tenant'n requlrementn. fASTHAXTM imOTHKHS & VM-IBHER IIAXr of very denlrable ulTlce: excellent quarters fo- hlKh-jrrado -Kflllncr propoal 1 1 nn fill M?ft T-eiTifl Title Hldtf J8 n4i X riiANKLIN ht.. store: key t f orner rlg.r wtnre. NKAI-TS. 910 a. 12th. Vaetnrlea, Wnrehomiefi, Mfr, FIo.r N. E. COR. 9TH 6c SPRUCE i:NTinn ntTir.iHNo floors nnd basement, dfl.OOO ua. ft. Boiler, Knclne. Klevatori. Hprlnkler Hyitem throurh put, Heavy constructed daylight floors. Chas.LBrown&Co,. 21 7S. Broad C0H0CKSINK MILLS STnA.T AND D. C. KLECTIUC POWETt 1-arge and amall floors. 1732 Randolph. Wanted SToRAdH SPACE xxanted near 11th and Dauphin: nliout 3000 an ft. of space for atorlntr nf nine! must bo first nor. street line. partlx under, uxer and partly open ap,ca xviii cm; must oe near lltn and Dauphin. M.Ti N. lltll st. nmcKi. husinkhs rooms, t.to. FOR RENT Flanders Building 15th and Walnut OPTICUS SINOI.K OR EN SUITS All nffli s fscj street, Inturlne cood lltht and xeiilllatlon. THOMSON, IILIXI. lllh-1'0 CIIKSTNUT ST. ornces, single or en suite. I,lrepnof building; reasonable rental. MBARS K HHOWN. SO-' S ISth t Ofll.es noted WANTHD Desk room xvlth telephone iery ' Ice. I "JOl. ledger Office. Oak Lane $45 PER MONTH All atone, 0 rooms; bath, electrlo llthtx. uara.e; lot buxi.); nno location. J. T. JACKSON CO. CHESTNUT AND 13TH station. OjiU T.nne offip-n at $35 PER MONTH Most deslrabto detached home: 10 rooms anil bath: nil conxenlcneea; lare lut. J. T. JACKSON CO. CHESTNUT AT 13TII Oak Lano Office at Station rKVNVI.VANI. MITWKII N KENT UNFURNISHED AND FURNISHED Suburban Houses Country Estates, Etc. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITI.K RUILDINO HENT UNFURNISHED. JENKINTOWN. PA. -Attractlxe residence, garage and ens ncre; first floor, living room, library, dining room, pantry Kitchen and lanndry; second floor, 4 bedrooma and hath: third floor. .1 bedrooms bath and atoreroom. srarago for I c-ar; old shade: largo veranda: tennis court: chicken houso, high elevation: In Wyncote; fl mlnutea from JcnMnlown station: hot-wafer heat: electric light and iraa: I7i per month. HERKNESS ft HTETSOV, Und Title Rlda! M'AV 4F.Rsr.V-HBASIIORB ATLANTIC CITY. ,N. J. For rent furnished, hluh-clasa collages, moderate rate! for winter season: also choice furnished or un furnished apartments; all locations: any sea son. II. (1 H-UtRIS CO . Guarantee Trust Hldg.. Atlantlu City. N. J. -3 MORTGAGES - J50 TO J1000 NOTH OR MORTOAaK Immediate aettlementa Unsettled estates, loana Building Association Fund, DHMPSEY & CO. 27 H. 10th st. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES Ilulldlng association and trust fund, TAULANE. lino Walnut st. ALL AMtlUNTS 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGOR Quick answer MAURICE H. MATSINOBR, Tt. Ti. Tr. Tlld. 1ST AND 2DMORTOAaES . LOANS AND INTHREHTH IN ESTATES JOHN A, nAHRY, HQ7 LAND TITI.K IILDft. J 50. 000 TO IX1AN ON CITY AND COUNTRY MORTOAOHS R. TAYLOR MIDDLETON. 703 Walnut at, "TRUST FUNDS FOR INVESTMENT in r I un i aii'ii. I xi.xvjr.n HA'J.STT t AIOSH. 01ft WALNUT BT. MONEY TO LOAN - READY M0NEY- United States Loan Society 117 NORTH TUtOAD 230 Market st.. .348 aermantoxxn -vt. YOU CAN nORROW MONEY ON DIAMONDS. JEWELnT m J.8R jig:::: k pp gg? ,. ,200 AND VUlk.ARia PER CUr "'-SEANDCDST. NEED MONEY? W will, loan money nn salary or -Mimfj to reliable people. No boneat MnplsJTiB tuaeo. Conrteoua treatmeot taN, , " C, p, DRAKE 3m)fk. i .O" . -x fM
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