nBIKKKmlKEBKKlUKBIni m -' few '- v ?,- '. ! i lW I' V US, KS-- 5i Wl i$ V ' 'V lS Fe &? Th IsS- 3 V ' . & m fey? ft- 'k iv ! U E. . IV.Sf &v &t Ktjs. 1JNBURIED IN CITY t?Coroner Calls for Volun- tecr Grave Diceers Pris- oners to Be Used &- .ASSAIL BAN ON LIQUOR "Fool Order" Has Caused, Deaths bv Dcprivinc Sufferers of Remedy, Says Knight ' More than 100o bodies of PhlHdelphln Influenza victims are awaiting burial To bury them the rlty ha, been called . ,. . iavx,.rr npon to transfer hundreds of laborers .pun iu .. ,i. from the street, water and -ewer '' . . - I l... Ih.. n panmems io renini-nm nv.i- ...... me as grave dlggrs. Convicts Inve also been commandeered That hundred, of the bodlc, must re main In the homes, morgue's nnd !n,e ments of emerge ncj hospitals oer Sun- day Is vlrtnallv certain, for the hard- pressed undertakers nre unable to cope with the situation The,e were the outstanding feature, In a statement made toda by Coroner Knight when discussing the Influenza situation 'There I, a pressing need for grave diggers," said Coroner Knight, 'and to lelleve the sltu-vtlon and eliminate the menace of the bodies hundreds of loal citizen, ought to step forward todav and sen e as Brae-dlgiters In the city cemeteries " The coroner a,,erted thu the situa tion Is acute and that drastic ,tp, must be taken to protect the health of the cl!. Chler Punlap of the Water Hure.iu notified Coroner Knlsht that he had ordered the laborer, at the water works to build 200 crlllns to help out In the crisis. Mnn big Industrial plants with carpentry shops are turnlnR nut cot flns also, the Brill pHnt h.ilnh irn pteted J00 for the health authorities The, lie Hr J M Corr'Ran, of the Ttoman Catholic Cathedral, lla't t gan square, notltled Coroner Knltcht thla mornlnR that the mortuar of the hurtJt would be opened for the bodies of Catholics beoaue of the present latk of burial facilities Imestli-utliii- rndertnlter Pesplte the serious tlurce, of prof IteerlnB that hue been Icdged aR.Unst certain undertakers, Cororer Knlnht to day asked the public to withhold Judg ment until hi, deputies hae compleud their lnestlRatlon "If It Is found that any undertaker has been soUKlns," sild Mr Knight, "we will begin proceedings that will land the gouger In Jail Dut we must bear In mind that undertakers are hard pressed and that man) men and women, drhen frantic and half Insane because of their Inability to burv their dead, are In a mood to say most an thing. Their statements are being Investigated, and not a stone will be left unturned In our effort to Jail undertaker who hae capitalized the dreadful situation." Coroner Knight made It plain that the first duty of the city concerns the burial of the dead, and asserted that prisoners could be taken from various Jails to ait as grave-diggers. Crltlrlies Liquor linn Concerning -the death rate that con tinues to grow Instead of diminishing. Coroner Knight chnrged th.it It was due to a large extent to the closing of liquor stores. "Closing liquor establlsments," he added, "was a fool order and cost many lives I am not a drinking man and am not defending the booze business, but In a time like this, when liquor Is admitted by physicians to be a good remedv. It ought to be easy for people to get It Many a man Is stricken and If his wife could get some whisky It would serve as a remedy. To get It she has fo obtain a prescription from a doctor And doctors are hard to And In mtny In stances a whole day passes before the rantlc wife obtains a prescription to buy the necessary. liquor, and by that time It Is too late. The huband has r, , ,p ,,uuo,,u nun developed pneumonia and Is bevond nld "Open up the wholesale establishments and trust to tne common sense or me Ml, rio.m .h.m I. i,.rH , erwork, and lse of state- a profiteer, - A nervous wreck from overw "sick and discouraged" because mentn Instnuatlnir that he I, Tr...nh n.i n nnih Phiin.i.iuhia n. sa l ssr.,ci".,s la refusing business, and that when ho buries the bodies that he has prepared he will go out of business. "I am heartsick of the whole busi ness," said Perrl. "I have done the best I could; have worked day and night for twenty dayH and have burled men and women without considering whether I , would be paid. I am at the end of my resources, because I have spent my capi tal for burial equipment, Now a woman comes forward and sa)s that I am a profiteer and that I am capitalizing the terrible situation. It Is false, and I am through." Perrl's statement was made in answer to the charge made hy Mrs. Ralph I.udanno, 1113 South Bancroft street, concerning the burial of her husband who died last Hunday The woman alleges that Perrl refused to touch the body until she had paid him 1200 Last nlght the complaint of Mrs Ludanno was sent to Coroner Knight. That of ficial took a hand and Ludanno will be buried today. !$ Official Score Sheet i in Loan Campaign Here W Subscriptions to the fourth Lib- "t rtv Loar; In the Philadelphia dls. rVv 1 tv , trlct on the twelfth day of the drive J- amounted to &' s $16,338,600. it& r This amount Is less than the total BT for the eleventh day b) m & $768,150. !?x'5 Philadelphia has subscribed to Sj( f date ?gr; S'J 1 ,036,950, K-Sst Subscriptions to date tntal &., $i6c,oi8,:oo. K7& Subscriptions to date should flgr' toUl Krjv' S3.-6. 100,000. Hffc' The loan In this district Is there- K'' ' fore behind schedule to the amount Bl,-? $159,151,800. BO ' Of the J516.800.000 quota of thli Bkmj district there remains to be sub- H9Hy& scribed HBp, $349,851,800, IMKr , Tn each of the remaining working; BSB?C 5ay ot ,ne campalcn there must BRfe . - be subscribed J. $19,993,100. HK" ,;' ' Outside of Philadelphia, eastern Nl, - ' Pennsylvania has subscribed to K, date to $57,951,800; southern Nevv Htt. , Jersey to $13,14S,50, and Delaware Hjt t H.803.200. IssssssBI tV. JW8Y-BUV N8WI . ." t.'.-Jtiou- :&&&& LlfomWOUlDIES LEADING HIS MEN U. of P. Football Star Vic- tim of Gas Shell in France 11 PHILADELPHIA'S DIE Uirutenanl Uripps, Kcpartcti Killed, Very Much Alive, Savs Letter to Mother Lieutenant Von Hohn Wolff I'nlver- " ' Pnn-,lvnla football star and tn'm " ' "Ity crew, ha, beer. killed In Krance teadlni his men Into action 11 , in a mot unusual and l"" ucitu, .. ,,,u, ..,,. .-. ....v.. i-- plolding right above his head and the rVr fume, burning him like liquid fire He was ru,hed to nn emcrgenc) hos pital but died in the way. Lieutenant Wolfe was a brother of Hill" Wolfe, n member of this )c-r'a gridiron sciuad at Venn, nnd plaed tack, P n the 1113 team, as well as rowing I nt No 4 on the ar,ltv crew In the spring i of inn np won hi, coinniisslon a' the 1'oit Niagara training cainp for of fleers and has been In l'ranc9 s'nee earlv thl, ,prlng Lieutenant William S Crlpps officially reported a, killed In action In todav's War Pepartment llts. Is very mueji alive, aicordlng to letters received by hi, mother. Mrs. Margaret J Crlrp,, 6617 Charles street. Tacony The official totUe from the War Department sav, he met h's death on Siptember 6, bu Mis Crlpps has received Utters from him dited September and September II telling her thit he wn. In a hos pital, suffering from thell shock, gas poisoning and shrapnel wound,. Hy a curious coincidence Lieutenant Crlpps was Injured on the da) after he received his commission Hr.t Hawaiian slain The first mtlve Hawaiian to meet death while serving in the American arm) I, named on the official casualty list toda). He Is Private Tom KapunU liana, a member ot Company A, 304th Krglneers He hid In en In thl, coun try nine jears when the United Slates entered the war and promptly enlisted He had no near relatives and so assigned his pa) allotment to the three-) ear-old daughter of Mr and Mrs. tleorge Mar shall, of 708 North Marshu.ll street, with whom he had become trlendlv Thlrt)-nlne Soldlirs from Philadelphia and viclnit) are named on the combined casualt) lists today, two from this city having hten killed In notion five having died of wounds three of disease and one having met his death In a motorcycle nccldent Twelve Phllndclphlans have benn wounded and two have been gassed while five, previously rt parted missing, have bten located at Camp Itastatt, Oermany The War Department casualty list released for the rooming papers today contains 34 3 names. Including forty-two from this Stnte The afternoon papers' list contains 3"3 names, of which num ber forty-six nre Ptnnwjlvanlans. SKETCHES OF THE HEROES COIll'OltAI. II1M1N IIKM'.niCT, who died of wounds, received in action, was twenl-four jears old. an electrician by trade and lived at !3S0 South Frank lln street. He enlisted In the old First Htglnusit. X. O. P.. In 1916, was nt the Mexican border and received his final training at Camp Hnncock, being even tually asslcned to Comnanv II. 109th Infantry. His mother died while ho was on the transport in route to France, dur ing the first week or last May. In i l"i r n 1", sistr writer o'.ly fw. Hns h ffire he wns f.itnilv wounded he said ' Tell nil the parents of the First Reflment bo)s that the gang Ik doing gieat work. All told vie Americans have captured up to date (August 1) moro than 20,000 Germans and over 400 guna." A younger brother, David Benedict, eighteen vears old. Is a member of Company K 110th Infantry, i'hivatk iioiii:kt h. im.Mitni'. wounded In action September 7. is the I son of Mrs Margaret Gllmore, 1149 North Second street it , evident inai ne was sent nacic to the front with n shorter rest neriod than Is usually allowed soldiers after, . "'".", J -L e ved by his parents from the vounc I soldier, dated September 3, reads "I naxe Just reached a rest camp, after spending a whole month at the front I It Is the first time I've had a bith . i I J ll mi i since leaving for the lines" The dls- , gr?v?s saww- ed Since being confined to the hospital Gllmore had a friend write to his par ents and explained he was wounded In the right arm and wns unable to- to write The letter also says he is recov ering rapidly and will soon be able to return to his compan) He wes attached to Batter) 11 10'Uh Field Artillery. Gllmore was a member of the 1917 Class at Central High .School, but left the school In his second )ear lie en listed In the Second Pennsylvania Ar tillery on Julv 15. 1917. I'KIIATK NAMVhl. JOHKIMI T.W I.OK. who died of pneumonia In a French hospital following an attack of epidemic influenza was twenty-nine )ears old and a member of Company (, UMh Infantry. He was drafted last September, trained nt Camp Meade and went overseas In June of this jear Private Taylor was a leather worker b) trade, unmarried nnd lived with his , mother at 519 Glenwood avenue A s a member of la nSU lervlng is now bervmg Droiner. jonn layior. i the 103(1 engineers and on the Camural front NKH(Ii:,T JOHV 1. MeOhll, killed In a motorocle accident, was an ejpert chauffeur and had been speclall) trained for motor supply and tank work He was a member of the motor supplj train of the 312th Field Artllliry and had been in France since earlyi In June He was twenty-six years old and lived with an aunt, Mrs. lllache McGee, at 1129 Dunton street. ,1'HIVATi: IIKKVltI t 1IOIIAN, wounded In action, was only sixteen years old when he enlisted tn April of last )ear. He Joined the old First Itegl mem, N O P., nnd after doing guard duty In the central section of the State was sent tn Camp Hancock for final tr.nlng and assigned to Company (1 109th Infantry He Is now In a bate hospital and rapidly recovering, accord ing to a letter received by his mother. Mrs Mollle .V lloran, of cloo Market street 1'HIVATK Wll.l.lV-ll CLINK, wound ed, Is a member of tho 128th Ambulance Section He enlisted while on a visit to .New York, a few da)s after the united mates aeciarea war on Germany was trained at Waco Tex, and has been In Krunce s'nee Fepruarv of thl year. Private Cllne's parents. Mr nnd Mrs Hainan Liine, live at lis .North nighth street. A brother. Daniel Cllne. Is In the medical corps of the regular army, while another brother, (arvy. Is a )coman in the navy and Is now at sen, IUMVATK JOII.N l CAI'lT.n, wound ed in action. Is a Bon of Mrs, Martha Capper. 421 North Flfty.nlnth street, and a member of Company L, 11 1th Infantry, I'BIVATi: IIIKIAK 11. IIOI'KI.VM, wounded In action, is a member of Com pany A, Ulth Infanlr). He wrote to his mother, Mrs Laura Hopkins, 810 North Union street, that he had received a fractured leg In battle. The letter, dated Beptembrr IS, raid! "I am still alive In . Tieil Cross hospital with a 'bummed I up' leg, but It doesn't amount to much. We just came uui m uume, a sneaay 'Krltx' let me have It with a machine rn in the right leg Before they oner. ated the doctor took an X-ray and pro nounced H a comiiuuna iruciure, nut it will be well soon" Hopkins enlisted In the old Sixth Iteglment, 1'., N. ()., In tiv nf last year, when only eighteen rears old. He trained at Camp Han- K.II.J AK n-vnHAA In Ifna. ...111. COCK, Oil fclu vi, -,tvv lit 4ur Wild the linn imamrr, ne aucnaea Hartna wwamiiw ssenooi. h - fci " -J m EatsasKsa HEROES "OF KS -Pflff VfiP Idgbj malm LISJ 1 ROBERT B SIIMORE Wovnaad HYMAN bled, of 2 MORE DOCTORS AMONG GRIP DEAD Priest, Lawyer, Banker and Broker Die in Last 24 Hours PHYSICIANS MARTYRS Kpldemlo Influenza continues to taki Its toll of .prominent men nnd women Two doctors, a priest, a lavvjer, a banker, a shlp,vurd superintendent, and a broken are among those who have died In the last twent)-four hours. Dr Monroe Dart Toungman, of Ard more, Is one of the ph),lclans. He con tracted the disease through devotion to his patient- ifP R, thirty-two venrs old, nnd a graduate of1 Hahnemann Mi fil ial Colbge He Is survived b) his wlfi. Mrs Laura Peters Ynungman Dr itobert J Cunlff. thlrtv -seven )ear old, Is the other ph)slclan lie wns a brother of Father John F. Cunlff, of St. Teresa's Catholic Church. Doc tor Cunlff had practiced medicine nine years Hanker and Mhlpman Dead Hugh V Itamse), vice president of the (iloucestcr Trust Company nnd gen eral superintendent of the Pusey & Jones Shipbuilding Company, died at his home, BOO Mercer street, Camden. He was fort.v-thiei- )eurs old and had been ill several davs Mr, llamsey btarted In the shipbuilding business in his fathers )ard. at Newark, nnd then went to the New York Shipbuilding Compan) eight )ears ago Charles Petchon a voting nttorne) who was preparing to enter a inllltnrj training camp will bo burled tomorrow from his home, 1318 Wlngqhocklng street. 1-ogan Ho died last Tuesday from pneumonia A widow and u thru j ear-old son survive. Mr Petition graduated from the law school of tho University of Penns)lvanl i He was an athlete and pla)ed on the football teams of Central High School and the Unlverslt) Ho prospered frcin the outset of his professional career and had built' up a considerable pract'ec Before their mai rlage, four )ears ago, his wife was Mis Mollis Harris, of this citj. Fredcrlik Freed died at the homo of his parents, Mr. and Mrs I.eopold Freed, 718 South Third stieet He was a law)er, twent) -eight )ears old. He was an all-around athlete at Unlverslt) of Penns)lvanla, where he was gradu ated In the class of 1914 His mother, two brothers, lalwtn and Udward, and his sister, Stella, aro ill with tho dis ease. Drucglit Die, I William C Crisp, member, of an old Kensington famll), was 111 only a short time when he died 1I was a druggist at Frankford avenge und v enango strut Mrs Matthew Moe, d lughter-ln-law of Christian Moe, Danish-Norwegian consul, 66(3 Chester avenue, died of pneumonli caused b) Influenza. Her father-in-law Is strlously 111 with pnnumonla Ilev, l'eter cattnrl w s r s, uieii at Heading, of influenza and will be burled here. Funeral at rv Ices will lie held at the Church of the Transfiguration Mon da) Father Cattorl was born at Gordola, Switzerland, November 21. 1878, nnd was ordained to the priesthood In 1902 I rw iv veir, he w in a director of a re f. .r kU f,'" i ..?. iMu- i filntf j UgUius order at lgnape. Ital). having there In 1911 for the 1 nlted Slates. Ar- I I . I . . !..... I..i ilin f ittnrl 1 in ill mft ilia riving lure Father Cattorl became di rector of Columbus InMltute, at Haw thorne. N. Y. and In August. 1914. he was designated director of Don, Bosco Institute. 507 South Ninth Btreet James Abraham Walker, son of the late Dr James 11 Walker, died Thurs day In the Hrjn Mavvr Hospital His mother, Mrs Martha M Walker, lives in Trenton, X J. Six months ago Mr. Walker rt signed from the firm of II I'.van Ta)lor, Inc., broker-, to join the Kplscopat Hospital unit After train ing at Allentown, he was discharged be cause of poor health STRIKE AT AR11S WORKS Several Hunilreil Men ami Women Quil, Demanding Eight-Hour Day It) the Astoclated I'm u..,r....i r.nn. n,t 15 Several hun- dm! nun and women emnln)es of he colt Pat.nt Firearms Manufacturing 0lllmnJ enl nn HlrKe today, demand. lni m i-ht.hour iliiv anil lime ami n half for uvertlme htrlke leaders iissert 3HC0 are out, while company nftlilals Kav net more than 800 are. Involved The company empiojs nuuui i persons BOYS BUY LIBERTY BONDS Chester H. unil John R. Derr 100 Per Cent American Chester V Derr, live earB old, ana John Itobert Derr, three years old. al read) owners of vvar havings and thrift stamps which thy purchased with money earned from running errands, have each purchaed fourth Libert) Umn bonds They ure sons of Mr. and Mrs. John 11 Derr. 1208 South Forty ftft h utri t Mr. Derr Is president nf the, Derr t iimix- Comnanv. t,3'6 Market street. Ills einplo)s have subscribed 100 per cent to the loan The subscriptions were given through the Allied Lumber Trades of Philadelphia. Benjamin Currlo todav addressed the emploves at the ofllca and presented them with the 100 per rent honor nag John r.omir CHtiT(aHOUii LITTLE PATRIOTS Out of lln .ivlnjl tliey rerajved from Ibelr psrenti both of. Iheie 1 Miti 11 WPs 1 irfDw.1.!. boys hava.purefc.sJ Liberty Low tnded th n0Bd, ,Bj Wk iavta Stas V V aST -. ' ', i ,1 S& ' agBTiWfllilr'" iTnll BHlM 1 Tlf ilirrrWlB' ll FREEDOM BCNCDICT Wounds WILLIAM BURNS Muslni C. RIZZO KtlJtd SerdOHN J.MEC KiJlea EUGENER.SMITH W. A.KELLER Killed Kiliea District Loan Drive Behind $160,000,000 "imtluiircl from Pare One films have come lorwanl with additional sulmitliitlons Todav tin follow lug rosponsv tn the appeal nf otllcinls for Incuased subscrip tions was reitlved b) the Liberty Ioan comnilttre from the A II Klrslibaum Com pan) "Apprti luting the serious situation that has div eloped ns a tesult of the Innueiir.i f pldenili', wlilih has hi grent I) Intirfeinl wllli tho normal process is of raising the Phlladolphli quota, wo fed It liicumbtnt upon us forthwith to dnulile our subscription of $100,000 made nn the llrst da) of tho lampalgn, raising it to $2110,000 '.should ilieri" bo anv doubt in the inrnpalgn draws to n close that Phila delphia will make Its full quota we 'stand read) to respond still further " An additional subscription of 10,000 was also nude today bj K. .1. Lavlno The AJux Metal Company put through n subscription for the firm iuid em plo)es for J7-'.000. The firm iuhI work ers In the J Milliard Llnck Metal Works subscribed ll-'.OOO, lis did .Irtnney Melnmetz and Company The I loin and Itrnnnen emplo)es subtcrlbed to f J8 000 In bonds Mam llniplnjen 1 all As a class, however, the worken ap pear to le lagging In tabulating the subscriptions throughout tho district, the Industrial committee has leporled. that the worker Is tnklng an average subscription of J79 leprcsentlng but f 1.35 weekly U Is pointed out that there nre man) linns where cmplo)cs have subscrlbtd 100 per cent But there are many emplo)es In many or ganizations who have not subscribed to a single bond. The Philadelphia automobile trade, in eludlng dealers in passepger cars, trucks, tires, accessories, gni-.iges and several other Industries, ' constituting group 3 of the Industrial committee, went 'over the top" today with, subscrip tions In excess nf its J2,li00,000 allot ment In the third loan, tho automo bile and allied group subscribed 83,713. 000, $1,883,000 more than lis quota. Will Not Unit Work The record announced today puts this group over -it the end of the becond week of the drive, but tho committees are going out again during the coming week to try to double their quota, under Instructions of" W B JKCullough, rhnlr- mnn of tho group. Whllo there are man) encouraging occurrences In tho campaign. It Is a fact that the loan drive never eun bucceed nt 1IR present Bpeed The permanent honor roll nf the PeiTh s)lianla communities In the Third Fed eral Iteserve District, published In the olllclal bulletin, comprising the .first tvventy-flve communities to irui.li their allotment, contains tne unmet oi aix , .immunities in the Mala Une district. two communltlea In each of Lehigh. Franklin, Huntingdon, LacKavvanna aim Lancaster Counties, and one eommunlly In each of McKean, Center, Blair, Cam bria, Perry. Dauphin and Montgomery Counties. The full list of tho honor communities rations I'atasaunun. Mercersburg. Hamilton Tawnahlp, Mount I'nion, Tamaqua, Bir mingham, SnoWShoe, LaMamrrs, unin chilla, Cla)shurg, Barnsboro, New Hol land, Lower Hast I'ennsboro, Jlnrlttta, Paoll, Hillside Home, hteelton. Ogontz, Mar)svllle, Devon, llerwjn, Ncwvllle, Merlon, Vlllanovn, cnw.vd Prominent Men Who Died in Last Tivcnlyfour Hours Among the prominent men who hne died of Kpunlsh Influenza In the last twent) -four hours are the following: The Hev. Peter Cattorl. S H. F. Si director of Dim iiojcii InMltute. llr, Monroe Dart ounginun, an Ard morn phvutplnn llr, Knbert J, unln. practicing phy ilcisn hru nine vr lush , RiiMisry. vkf rreilrtent of tha 3loui ester Irust Compunv, and general uprlntenanl of lh 'l'ity t Jones MhlnliulldlnK i'onipan Freilerlrk lreett, a ountr attorney and former Unlvemlly of 'ennylvanl th lets William ('. (rUp, a Kenalnston drus- James .Mirnlum V,nlker, lirnWr, and on of the 1st ir Jumts H, Walker. r9flHHHiizlV"t r ' ' ' ' Ll DOUBLE FUNERALS SHOW TERRIBLE TOLL OF GRIP Mother and Son Bnriud Thh Morninp Service for Husband and Wife Another Man and Wife Will Be Placed in Grave. This Afternoon Diuble funerals aie being held today r Htsnlsh Influenza victims In several for families Mrs. Mary Harrington and her son, Leo Y. Harrington, were burled this morning In Holy Itedeemer Cemetery Funeral ssrvlcea were held ot the home, 1608 West Lehigh avenue."! ..,. k, Mr. and Mrs. John Ulmer, 3002 Mo Kean street, were placed In one grave this afternoon at Holy Cross Cemetery. Funeral service were held tnl morn Ing for Mr, and Mr William IU ndirioii hi their home, TUB .vnrth L ..,. 1. .ia hfii died Monday. , unJ lia ded Tutaday. jjvn prrtona are III..)" jh hoina of Robert J. Nelsonj.aBveiWrlclan, Chestnut-wreet, ltJflC" t . aBvjBBBBBBBBBBS a VaCwiiiHBBTjian. ' "l IBffliSlTlJlWBBBiHBBBBBBBBBBa.ll I I IIIItLl Ijllf Mil illILill AT BRISTOL YARD Thousands of Workers and Visitors Cheer as Wau- . hesa Is Christened MRS. FRIES IS SPONSOR Wife of Vice President's As sistant Smashes Bottle on t Bow of Cargo Vessel Another link In the fhaln of ship, across the Atlantic, sunpljlrg our arm ies, the steel tnrgo carrier Waubesa e placlifl received Its baptism In th waters of the Delaware th's morning Tho addition to AmfHca's fleet of merchantmen went down the wa)s of the Merchant Shipbuilding Corpora tion at llarrlmnn, Hrlstol. at 9 08 this morning, amid the thundering iheerf of S000 persons, i-hlpbullders, officials of the jnrd nnd of the I mergency Fleet Corporation and visitors. Mrs. II. L Fries wife of the assist ant to the vice-president of the Mer chant Shipbuilding Corporation, pla)rd the role of sponsor, deftly smashing the christening holtle noro's the bow as tho carrier slid nay from Its big wooden nest. meallier N Hamper The hazy weather did not In any way dampen the enthusiasm of the big crowd nor the stirring strains of pa triotic anthems that rose above the cheers of the throng and the crash and grinding as the niirchantman stnrted for the first dlp In Hie Delaware. The one tlnire of regret In the program was the absence of sixteen-) ear-old Itosillnd Hoblnsoii daughter of It, II. M lloblnson, president of the ship corpora tion, who was to hue ncted as sponsor It was the second time that Illness pre vented her being a ship chrlstener. ills Itoblnstm was tu have been sponsor fot the first vessel launched last August b) the merchant corporation, the Waton wan, hut was prevented hy Illness of her grandfather, which required her presence In Pittsburgh Toda) she had to forgo a Blmllart opportunlt) beenui-e of Ulnes Hint kept her In New York Ian Make Mnrn Knots Tlie Waubesa Is the third ship con structed at the Hnrrlman jards H Is a 9000-ton vessel, equipped with Westing house turbine engines that can drive her to tho speed of eleven kno(B nn liour Tho new ship Is 417 feel mer all, wit flfty-four-foot beam and a depth of thlr-t-two feet ilevcn Inches It was con structed to earr.v general cargo In trans atlantic Berv Ice jiTwoseore of emergency fleet oin clnls, who witnessed the launching, left Philadelphia thle morning shortly after 7 o'clock In automobiles for the Harrl man plant, where the) found thousands of persons already waiting for the hour set when the Waubem would leave the ways. There were men and women, residents of Bristol, Hnrrlman and Phlladcuphla, many of them shlpworkns and their wives, on hand Workers at the plant "knocked off' for the demonstration and eagerly Joined the crowd of enthusiasts. Week Death Record Trebled by Influenza Contlaurd from Pace One pnrtment's order concrrnlng private fun- erals was Insisted upon by .Superinten dent Mills. The police head said he and Director Krusen have grouped local hospitals Into zone?, to expedite the re moval by the police, of Influenza patients from their homes to hospital beds. People ciowded the corridor outside nf the r1Jla nt this IlMrenit nf Vltnl Kla. tlstlcs In City Hall today. They sought f death certificates that would persilt the burial pt loved ones dead of Klip or pneumonia. No public services will be held in local churches tomorrow. The churches may bo used b not more than twenty five healthy ndulttt at a time for short pra)er or communion, Director Krusen ruled. Four big street car rprlnklers nre being operated today by the Philadel phia Rapid Transit Company. The earn are being run through the densely popu lated sections of tho city. The purpose Is to lay the street dust which Is sus pected of carr)lng Influenza germs, fitreet-cleanlng contractors also are flushing the streets Krusen Cautions Prudence In announcing the record-breaking number of deaths In the last week. Di rector Krusen Issued th's statement: "This U a time for courage and not cowardice, foi prudence and not panic. fr co-operative effoit and unselllshntBS and faithfulness for others. The splen did co-operation we nie getting from all parts of the city is dolngr much to lighten the hurdens of the Health ue partpient and relieve the unfortunate situation. "There niufct be no relaxation In our efforts In regard la the spread of the disease. We must emphasize the danger of visiting the sick except for useful service, and then the visitors should wear gowns and masks during the GRIP COMPLICATES DRAFT Registrants Showing 'After Effects Will Hae Time to Recover Major W. 1; Murdock today issued this notliu to all local and district draft boards- 'The attention of examining physi cians Is e illed to the fact thut when registrants are called for examination after the epidemic of Influenza some of them ma) present one or more of the after-effects, especially In the Jungs Where registrants nresent aneh tm. porary defects the men should be called for a second examination at a later ICI 1UU 1 self is til. but for more llian'a week he has nursed the other ten patients ji moiner was tne first to become ill. His seven children and two brothers were then stricken Three of the chll dren have recovered, but Nelson still has the care of his mother and two brothers, Funrral services were held es(erday for tleorge Cowan,, of Sharon Illl. Just before he died. Ills parunts received of ficial notice from Washington of the death tn action In France of another son Wilt Cowan. - ' The wife and (lie children oT Cornelius Hogan, 212. Ridge avenue, havn kn strlously III M several days. ,He was 60$ stHckw las-ight and ls'l' awltlal ' Ai Wm' con(tte- '.li'jf ' V ' I 1kPSBffM?Si- VIL Sav SiBffTTlrlBTiBeBVVvyfflnil It nSaBBS-V SA &tvMS&XKMHattKinHGkEl ll I lialBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWBBBllllllillllM mmsmm HARD BY EPIDEMIC Influenza Taking Appalling Toll Owing to Lack of Nurses 30,000 .CASES , THERE Pneumonia Often Develops Before Medical Attention Can Be Obtained "Scores of men and women are d)lng tn the northeast section for the want ot medical attention, and If the death rate la l0 1)e cut something must be done at once to supply the district with nurses and doctors" That was the gist or a statement niade today by Dr. Louis Milkman, res ident phjalclan of the Northeastern Hospital, when-discussing the Influenza epidemic. Conservative estimates place he number of cases In our section," added the ph)slclan, "as 25,000, and It la safe to add another 6000, Scores of the af flicted nctually wait for twenty-four hours and longer before receiving first aid from a ph)slclan.i These patients develop pneumonia, and because of the lack of nurses they die. 'The nurses and doctors on duty In the district have wprked with wonder ful courage, nnd have made great sac rifices, but there Is a limit to their ph) steal endurance They must have rest, which means that others must tnke their places Unless this is done the mortality list will grow. There may be a decided decrease In the number of new cases, but the death list will not diminish unless Immediate steps arc taken to relieve the situation" Dealt Hard Tilovr In those words Doctor Milkman epitomised the influenza situation In his district of the city, a section that has been hard hit by the malady. With a population of approximately 300,000 the Northeast, often called "the workshop of America" has been dealt a severe blow by the Influenza plague. Many of Its prominent citizens have died, and In the poor sections the suffering Is scute. A todr of the section, coupled with talks with overworked ph)slcians ana visits to the hospitals verifies the: asser lions made by Doctor Milkman. His own institution is virtually crippled for the lack of nurses, and other hospitals In the Bection are Jammed to the door; with patients. Individual cases where men and wo men have appealed In vain for medical attention can be cited by the police of tho various districts They are doing j toman service but admit their Inability to do the impossuue. What the police are up against In Philadelphia's worst epidemic Is described by Lieutenant Charles Schwel vver, of the .Clearfield and Belgrade street station. He says: "We have established a medical bu reau and as fast as residents jmone for doctors their names nre listed. Lists of aff listed iiersons are given to the doctors and when possible the patrol takes the sick 11 hospitals Nwnmped by Appeals 'Ordinarily this sjateni -would work, but such a flood of appeals has poured Into the station that at times we have been literally swamped. The doctors are unable to call on all the patients and many persons have actually gone without attention for twenty-four hours and longer. We need more doctors nnd partlcuiaily nurses, for In many of the homes the conditions are pitiful." While Lieutenant Schvvelker was dis cussing tho situation Dr. Samuel J. Nicholson 3169 Belgrade street, entered tho station. He is a retired physician, but volunteered for service when the police made an appeal to him. He has worked twenty-four houra a day for nearly two weeks and Is forced to ad mit0 that he can stand up under the strain but a short time longer. "It Is pathetic," he said, "to enter some of the homes. In our district, known as Port Richmond, we have about 000 cases and the worst feature con nected with the crisis Is. the lack of nurses. In many homes' every member of the family Is stricken and with no body to care for them the suffering Is Intense. The Hesson family, at 2239 Ann street. Is particularly hard hit, for the mother, father and six children are 111. What we need is a force of S00 good, motherly women to enter these homes nnd care for1 the sjek. It Is not necessary for them to be trained nurses, for all that, a majority of the cases need only plain old-fashioned care." The force of that argument Is ap parent In the case of Toward Sonne born, 2011 East Tioga street. For ears he has ben a foreman at the Cramps ehlpyard. On Bunday he was stricken, but It was Monday before a doctor reached him. Pneumonia bad develop ed and when the physician arrived he was be)ond medical aid. He died George Brown, a policeman, living at 3551 Kensington avenue, was stricken and In the next day or two his wife and five children contracted the dis ease. There was nobody In the house to care for them, but Brown opened a window and called for aid. The po lice Bent two- of the children to a hos pital and called a relative, who Is now at the home. As a Tesult of this at tention the Brown family Is doing nice ly. Joseph Peake, 31E1 Gaul street, for years a guard at Independence Hall, was stricken and within a day or two his wife and six children were taken 111. They received good caro and are on the road to recovery. "Send nurses and a force of druggists to this district," Is the plea of R H. Machtsney. a druggist at 2636 Kast Clearfield street. 'For two weeks I have been on my feet for twenty-four hours a day and I'm about played out. A walk through the district will reveal crece in every street, In fact. In almost every block, and many lives could have been saved If nurses had been sent here." Machesney's reference to crepe was not necessary, for a short walk In the district will convince an) body tWat death has levied a heavy toll upon this section. Vadertakera Overworked . tlndertaleers, like ph)siclans, are over worked to such an extent that they are unable to bury and many victims await burial. Dut caring for the living Is more Important than caring for the dead, according to Northeast residents, and they are bending every energy to cope with the situation. "We nave rcuni a uoinr, says deorge V. Teas, financial secretary ot k. Northeastern Hospital, "where we? must be "P and dolni"' u ' ""ly to. minimize the situation becauie It i real and serious. It can be solved It .... nurses are sent to the dl.irirll What It means to work a nurse off hsK. 7' ' . i.-M.,t tn nut lnll,itlA iirJA liad 1 eraduate nurses. One died from Influenia and the other Ave are In. I' our bookkeeper Is also dead. On ean' readily that the' trained nurses' can '...., wnr, 1. -,1, , , who are J'1"" "fc " ,, wmw nusw tals must have a rest, fiend nurses Thut Will oU n'T Irnnhle." -4- .r aBlBaSJFTT--1'' ' tjBBBBBBBBl r ' w ns.-'Yl 'ssssstflry t3isssssssssssssV A MlSSCAROLlNE S. IIROWN Well Jenown In society anil in war work circle;, who djeil of epidemic influenza ,1 ..I CAROLINE SJROWN DEAD Society Girl anil War Worker Is , Victim of Influenza Another well-known, society girl hns succumbed to epidemic Influenza Hhe Is Miss Caroline Stockton Brown, onlv riauchtsr of Mr. and Mrs David Paul Brown, of .2311 Do Lancey street. Her death esterday followed shortly afler thnsft'tif Mrs Alden Leo and her sister. Mrs. Lawrence Dllworth Beggs, daugh ters of (ieorae IL Karle. Jr. Miss Brown, who was twenty jears old, was a lieutenant In the Junior Na tional League Women's Service and marched, w)th that 'organization) In the Liberty Loan parade, on September 28. Sho complained of feeling 111 when she returned home nnd a few days later was stricken with Influenza. Miss Brown was graduated from Miss Irwin's School and was a member of the PI Sigma Sorority. She was a direct descendant of Richard Stockton, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Mls Brown Is survived by her parents and a brother, James Trimble Brown. URGENT APPEAL FOR NURSES Lebanon Emergency Hoepital Has 125 Cases of Influenza An urgent appeal for olunteers to work at the Lebanon Kmergency Hos pital, Seventh street and Columbia ave nue, was made today by Mrs Mnrlon L. Polak, president of the Big Sisters As soclntloii. There nre 126 Influenza and pneumonia patients at the.hospltal Only one nurse Is on duty, undergoing the terrlflc strain of caring for so many 111 persons A second nurse worked day and night until she collapsed. She Is now 111 with In fluenzn. "The Big S'stera Association today sent a dozen volunteers up to the hos pital to help In this gravo emergency," sald Mrs Polak today. 'The.i vplun - teers will carry tra)s. nnswer the tele-s phone, work In the kitchen and help care foi the sick. If we could obtain even one graduate nurse for a week it would be an immense heln "Volunteers should apply at the head quarters or the Ulg Sisters Association, 2407 North Sixteenth street by person or by telephone call The teleplione num ber is Diamond 2398-W. Conditions nt the hospital due to the lack ot nurses nnd nurses aides are truly appalling and a ready response will be the means of saving numerous lives." GRIP'S ORPHANS NEED CARE Temporary nntl Permanent Homes Asked for Many Children Dr. Harriet L. Hartley, chief of the division of child h)glene of the Depart ment oj Health and Charities, today ap pealed to charitable Institutions nnd private homes 10 open their doors tq children who have been permanently or temporarily orphaned by epidemic Influ enza, These children are homeless In many Instances because their Darenttr arc ill They are healthy, but need food and attention. Many orphanages dare not take them In because of the danger of spreading the epidemic in the Institu tions. Several children taken to St. John's Day Nurserv to get medical treatment havn been found not 111, but suffering from malnutrition. Seventv children at the Southern Home for Destitute Children are stricken with the disease, and the home has appealed for one night nurse to uttend them They arc being cared for In the da)tlme by volunteers who are unable to be there at night. All the servants at the home quit whet) Influenza developed, POSTMASTER ACCUSED Held in Bail on Charge of Embezzling U, S. Funds Pottav-llle, Pa., Oct 12. Otis N. Blew, postmaster of Tuscnrora, was held under J5.&00 ball, charged with the emblezzlement of more thin 31400 of (jov eminent funds, part of which was money received for thrift saving stamps Val Schoenberger, postal Inspector of this city, lodged the complaint before United Stntes Commissioner J. L. N. Channel, thla city, .. bIAKESSQIS'SCQFFIN SQls CQFFIN (AjtoyeJ KsMti I . BssssssassBasasas! BsSBBsajW'BHar vh , ijBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BLjbkI HbbIbbbbPLI iiiiijiBBBBBBBBBBBslv'VMEBBai BBBBBBBBBBBBl!IBBIKi''HPRJll BBBBBBBBBBBVIiHv'fr'jHlM LbbbbbbbbbL ' J) I&mVW HLK.'':'aBBBBBBH iiHsBB'AaBBBBBB! S I sbbbbIsbbbbbV aBBBBaP-'tP W rV .Kik2BSBBBBBB 1 iaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBFiiiiiB V bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbT W sbUbbbbbbH 0ANWOIffiN(An) NAVY YARD RALLY Tlirong of 15,000 With- Grip Masks Boost Bond Subscriptions LEADERS NOT DISMAYED Figure Below Yesterday's Ex pected to Mount Before Day's Work Is Finished Teday's returns. Women's Loan Committee Chestnut Stilt. Mrs. F. . Mellhenny, chairman.... ilermniitoirn, Mrs. W. II. tlurlc) Wr.t Philadelphia, .Mrs. It. F, Illrharda0n.,.i -North Philadelphia, Mm. Clireamsn Derrick North rnral, Mrs. Charles H. Wurt rionth Philadelphia, Mra, Mailer Jackson Free-' man ,. ,' Central rlty, Mrs. Pan I Denrkla Mills Northeast Philadelphia, Mrs. .1. W. Mojer Krnalngton, Mlaa Iteulah Fenlmore Falls nf MrhiDlklll, Mra. Ilraslr II. Altemua. .. . . . Liberty S3B.4J0 133,350 , v SB. SMi AH.BSO 1117.900 5S,730 5R.400 IS, 50 100.5.V0 Today's total 1,,, fl,1B,U0 ti (Irand Notal SJS,flSt,030 While the total of returns given at noon today at the meeting of vvpmen district chairman was not so large as )eslerday's, It was epceted that returns from the many new booths In drug stores, banks and trust companies, as wel as the report from the rally at the Navy Yard would greatly swell the amount. Tomorrow, rershlng Sunday, the Lib erty Loan booths throughout the city, itnd especially In front of tho drug stores will be kept open all day. Women workers, aslsted by boy scouts, girl scouts and Pershing heroes will continue hclr solicitation of subscriptions. More than IB 000 employes of the navy jard gathered at noon for ths great Liberty Loan rally. Virtually every person In the great audience wore a gauze Influenza mask. Judge Burling ton, Lincoln L K)re, A. Clrant Miller, James Yeager, and Mrs. K T. Stotesbury, who heads the Navy Auxiliary of tha Bed Crops, through which, the subscrip tions are turned In to women's headquar ters, addressed the crowd. New Song Hung The marine's band pla)ed patriotic airs and the audience Joined In 'a com munity sing. Knrnest T. 1 Ball's new song. "They Can't B Bent." was sung for tne first time In public and stirred hun- Jdreds to subscribe. Yeowomen mingled ,n th d , K0icitprt .nh.rintinn. In the crowd and solicited subscriptions These were told to messengers, who car ried the glad news to the scoreboard keeper, and they were put up where every one could see results . DKATIIH J it VEILS Oct. ll). of pneumonia, OEemaB J,, huaband or Mabel Mini (nee Cojlc). aon of ,srah and the late VV. II. Myr. Mela- thru and frlrnda are invited to fonrral ( . m irom i-ou w. nambrey at. r int private, lllllaldc Cem H. ...KIKC."' -tc'-. '" i-Aimx vinoiNtA WETZKI., wife of (leorse VV. -VVetztl and4 daughter of frank A -('nnllv- mihtuaa h are Invited to funeral Tui 'morning from Suns Uiford at. Int. Laurel lltll Cem t nii.v uct. 11. or pneumonia. JOHN, huaband of Kathryn Finn 'born Charleatown. a? Count v alaso. Ireland. Hun-rut Tura . 10 v A m . T.1 Herman at,, (lermantown. Int. priv ate. Holy Sepulchre e'etn, IIUl'K Oct 11. of pneumonia. ItAnVBT B Ill'ejK. aseil 4H Funeral services at 23 Clhcun ave., Ulenslde, Tuea , 2 p. m. Int private . COYI.B. Oct '0. CATIIARtNB COTI.B. Lltesey lane, lloiboroush. Htlatlvea Invited 10 lunrrai .vion . s p m. int. at. 1'atrlck'a Crm . NorrlMoun. FKIN Oct. 11, of pneumonia I1KI.T.A. wife of Theodore .Fein. Funeral Mon , 2816 N Lambert at. Int. private, HKNIJltKN. Oct. ALlillRT M . hill, hand of Marsaret Itendkan a red 211. Fit- L-neral atrvlcea will be held Hun i p. m , Rrrom residence of hla brother, William P.- Hendren. Spring St., Upper noxboroush. Int. at Media, pa. DUN.V.oct. S of pneumonia. DAVID nUN.V huahand of Lilian Dimn (nre Watts ) Funeral and Int. private 104 M. Alden St., nun, 11 m ini. ini flionan a em HAKr.Il. Oct. II. C1VV IN 1IAKCR. wlfa of Frank P linker r-ml riatikhtar nf John and Anne Wllllama, ased 31. Relatlvaa and rrlenela Invlled tn attend tna luneral in Tuea . 4 p. in.. 2-'V8 Mailer at. Int. North wood Cem. FIAI.A Oct 0 of pneumonia, FllKn!. HICK, huaband of Tereaa Flala. ased IT, i Proprietor Penn State Auto Co Funeral an Tuea 9 a m. M! X. Hath at. Int. private Holy from Cem HITPPt.KK Oct. (1, at Kenllworth. N. J, ItRNRT AV aon of Ann Center and lata warren wuppiee. asea si. ini. privaia si ,vs Laurel Htll Cem . .... e1 "1 T ITfl ts fVl 1(1 n nn.nmnnla PBAW-'1, I lilt a 1.11:4 "t vs ftirilHra((BBi( - - n rH, huahand of Dorothy Little, sard Id , Funeral Mon . II a m,, from (MSN. 11th st. Int private, Hlllalde Cem. FLOOD Oct. 10. of pneumonia. KLIZA- JVKTH. wife nf Jamen Flood and daughter of Hanna and late Thomas Creekmnre Fu neral Mon, 11 a m,, aharp, from 140 N. Laurence at. Int. private. Holy Croat ' 'Johnson Oct. i john oscar. 11 b t N , aon of Kmnrn Johnann Funeral Mon a 80 a. m., from mother's realdenre. 3SX 7rrelda it.. Oermantown. Int, Northwood C'nArNE8 Oct, 10. at nurllpsUn, N, J., MART (neo Lvnch). wife ot lamea Haines. Funeral private, from Mt. Holly read and Deacon Station, pan .2pm Int. St. Marv's ram . Mt. Holly. DKMrSRV Oct. 9 JASIF.S a. beloved huaband, or Viola A. Dempaey (nee Powell) Funeral Tuea . ! a ,m , from hla late raal dence, MIT Franklin at. Int, St. Denis Cem Mnn . CI.FMBsIT -wOt. 12 of pneumonia, ni.ADTS WRLSH dauahter of Dudley R ,? and e lara 1 . e irni-nii nr,inri,v mo Walnut at . W, Phlla, Int Northwood Cem. C1AUI' VIAlll liuisir.n, nmuw ri josn iarainann uaui, nr ." -"-ii ,f Tuea.. 11 a. m , from her lata residence. A noun raahal are. Int Arlington Cm ? I,AIIK CJrl, 111 or nn-uiiiDinn. r.,, viii COrtJVND. son of Kathrvn aTid Rdward Clark, aaed 20. Funeral Tuea , 11 a, m.. 1 '"I....r ;..M.nl. ftflHO Paarhall era. irillll I'in'i- ,-. - ---. nnOWN.-Oet 11. Of Influenra. CnO;v, I isj STOCKTON diusnur nr ivia rani s ind May Trlmbl. nriijn Funeral aervlces , o mi nn Mondar. 14th Inst, . .. " r iei.UOHMV Oet. ?. or P"umonia. nmTa sd 2R s"lrea a( realdenes. F., -M STfysSrl! Vnftm..12mn- ."a".!' Mt: !itiK 1 Cem KIMMRT CIBOnOP. seed . It MM (e.tniit st. Due notice of the funeral will , K ("he be slven . ,. s(.bsf,i wife nf William Weree Funeral Tues . -, 1 1 a m from 14 W Tucker at. TnL' J 11 a. m 'ri 1 f-am Auln aarvlea. kfl nn.-tti'F-b llcf s 01 pniumimi"i. --,- rEMKTKRV. ItOTR ARDSLEY BURIAL PARK ' Ijita all prlceai reasonable I'rmi. till" eimra (llenalde. Pa. llolh pha! honaa. 1IF.1.P WANTTn FKMAT.F. . "Ver.Fhon."-e j: ;i7at 2T04K Clarence at. Int. prlvat.. Hohr Hinutchre Cem Auto aerv Ice. ' ciaiht. while. In family, coem near bath.-.' " aome vvaahlns and Ironing, etsllanary' J tub. nud." wat.r Wtar. saa ransx, Jl,, ejj n"?.r"r.ald nSO. Oraene at., Il.rm.niaj. 1 rr,"iiftn. aaenta u n. . muppiiiH noare. Fiarl-eneyrieet Corporation, flth and H, iia Philadelphia, or plant emplomne of See" llarrlma 1. Pa., or neareal emplarnvMt ftfnpm if - -1 1 - 1.1, j J liFP CK AHSIHTAN'IV bill clerk, for .Mr 1 ni.ht -itfice form oun w?mni wuslTa J I p0Si wrlt.r.lcH at nsurtai jrerk l0M.y ..
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