V.i .'.( -t j u K" l. )t t.1 V V -V ,i L tj w ! "3. V i DIE, r Tmrkm ytht i r pbmatk lhwin m. mii.i.iams fll LI I If'l' li 1 IK i killed n action, according to an oil! II flUltl 111 TT Hi Hal telegram received bv hi parent V atatstatwa. t t ? .w ,...,.,,, . ... .., t ......i,,.. ha line dan Gives Four Sons to 'Freedom's Cause, One " From Here . CITY SOLDIERS DEAD sM&ftccn Woiimlri.. One Miss- ig. Another Reported as Hav ing Been Taken Prisoner fttf BfTl lllzenkl. i Itusslan Moujlk. JX .tka lv fftii.- u.-tnw til tit- c'aUSe of free- Al om Two are dead and two others are, f .Vw In- lm.ltl.. .erlou.lt wounded I a , -. " -' . ,M i i i i. ;. two ol tne do weie Ktneu uuii.m uic ile ,n, no g(. H thalice lo Kill mai tet 'Ti' first yer of the woild war. fluhllntr In'tlhle man the Kaleer, who I reponlol tr. Huaalan arn.v A third a h.dl5 frth-HWful war Mx hot .. fine r ...... .1.1. i.i . ttft .li , wounded Just before the HolfheMkl Ul-It . jttnanaea tnp troop nnu inire irnrtu i.j r any ea.tern front, The fourth I a rTSmlflla- Ik Ika, . tm V ft f t M M P Sft IT1 I r an ill me ninij " ....- ilt" rr.' 'ins flt Atiil uunireiii "" "- """". eilf lir. In ih. h.uu' llahlllur of MlCU-t II, whJIe th- l-ranro-American troop Aver pushln tho Ormin bark flom g tnn eaie nil on na. utuinu eV i rttmlnn name It wa too lurd to nll. Jlet ahine pronoutiee. and he na raueu thlmelf Philip Oilman Knllnted In Third Kenlinent Thoueh h- wa In tin oountr when hortllltle .tarted. and o wa unable fto get back to Ilu.la without spendlne Jmore nunev than he poeed he we enthulatlcnll for the Allied oaue ant th day aftar the fnlted State, declared war on Germant he enllted In the old Third Reclment. S 1" ,w'"" lnf tilth Infantry wa orcanled at ( anin Hancock Rllman wa trans-ferrtd to that unit and atcnd to fompinv n , Cat ttil Out of Mood. In a recent leltei to hi tlter Ml J'1 Porttn-y 60J Heed atreet he -aid :tht he and neteral coiuradi. had been Mr,naa In a lllmtl flf WOOtl lit tile boche. hut hid tut th. ii way '"""'''' Mldhlpman William trowel! 44Jn freedom, he added, and had alrd penl atil Hospital at Annapoll I lit mio-thlrtv-three da In a ho.plttl but "- i hIiIihiijii wa aeon of Simile! K liow- pected to Bet out aoon and In In IJ tlie flnl.t. of 'he Heinle The ind I In i KUtht.' he added. It won't he loiig now before tile whole tiernun uailon I tell- Ina; 'Kameraa' in one kikuoik.. nn-i-whelmlner chord ' ' Thlrty-tliree oif otnlilned I lt. Thlrtj-three name are on the combin ed cauat list for till ritt and dis trict todav. Two I'lilladelphlan. hate .been killed In act'on two hate died of disease, fifteen hate been wounded one la mlaslnsr and another pretlou.lt re ported mlsslne I now aid to be a prisoner. An enlisted man from I.an- and raster ha died of hi wound I. ..' , ui... !..., noorl.i nnlnt.l eteten uii.ri -"" "' - - hate been wounded n. . .i ,,.,,.. ..n the official llet ." '"" v i -. -. .a... releaaed for the morning PP' tof;'J-. i,UdfI;f,noe ;:IZ .L contains 01 The afternoon paper, list contains lot name. Includine nft-Mte from tnl State, f Shetchc of the llcror LIEUT. ROHKRT NI)HKWS II WIS killed In action wa the Krandson or tnn and made his home here'ror rite jear while late John Andrew, or tni cut- it.mllnv xhool and college Ills pa i ' Innli Mr unit MT Ilnbert f. Rati, lite 'Wt 712 North Fifth street. Reading Pa. 4where Lieutenant Davis was Dorn 1 , The young officer, he wa only twent i 'four ears old at the time, entered the ,vWecond officer' training camp at Fort ,-t iOglethorpe. Georgia, last September. ' 'graduated with honor the last week In i November and wa commissioned a sei 'ftlond lieutenant in the regular army lisrijlla waJi assigned to the tuadnuarteis the new Medlco-t-'hl Hospltil but the E I company of the Klttentli Infantry andjpan ,a,j 0 i,e abandoned when It was 'Njwent oterseas In the spring of this jeat ,onlrrfj f titr an emergenc hospital to teVfoerberea,Cn,rirene,n,,t? K Sf ""t the Influenza ep.demlc , -a bond salesman for Bake!. Allng &. Downtown wiorea Nil lo I lo.e doVrrV?rl:K"hp'n W'h'n; , , -outh Philadelphia business men todav ' 1ln thla city he lit ed at 301 South Btoad denied a rumor that downtown Motes 'StrCCt iilliiru iu uiu-e iui frcii u it? iiui TOIO.NKI. llOKHO B. II4'KK.TT. w " epidemic James H J-ennon. severely wounded, la the son of former executive seiretart of the South Phlla Register of "WIIIr and State Senator Ho- delphla Business .Men Association, said ratio B Harkett He I commander of he saw no reason for urh action the 124th Field Artlllers. an Illinois . Peteu deaths from Influenza and fifly regiment, and was hurt while serting In new rases were reported In (lloucester 'the action before Met t 1 In the last twentj-four hours Among Word that he had been wounded Lame the dead I Mis I.llllan Franks 244 rln a cablegram to his biothei Harry I. i -South Broadvtav whose father Itfttln Tlackett, 2221 Hast I'umberlind street I Franks, died from Influenza last Sun- Tt stated "Broken Jaw and shrapnel Wbunda. Will be in hospital over -...!. I. i n.l. Colonel liackett 1 a native of Ken- sington. hating been educated at the ".r-v Ctt... n.,mt- mi v.l ..r.t .,.- 'Z-Cl . -"f "" "" -"' "- "'..'." L jk l-tiash" Hackett Delawale Hive, I Imiuctlnif. At the I -Norton J K Tucker Charles Hausman Ittii The Ci.lorel was a star football and fu-ey & Jones ard 3uo men who had hrnnk Uwnoiel Ueoiie ta.te. and tarl EP" jitaseball plajer In hi school and college '""en III were well enough to teturn to rosier I . '3dai and plated in the backfield on the "ork, and the number of new casea Is i - KA':, ' rirmi Alin frvr uV r?. xt-rm nnrl .,lDn t V . t - at. k. t...i . . f'T.,' . . in tuer EV HTduatng from the mllltar.v academy n.1 --..- -... ,1 ... .t. . 'S Ad .representatlte cm the national rootballl TL 11Jlfl rf.mmitlPft i Some ear ago the colonel retired ScT ' .,. .,m, n.i Uf., . .. . I f . -icjaswin at"3 huii;i hum iiti a uui -t- ui ', CIYH engineering at me rnners ty or . ' .t i i. .... i.i. ... , r i" ' j. i. i.. . .. tt . i 3.i v-j-eiuinjrcvoina ii.Lcaru ins fjrniess.on In Ahl city When the war broke c.ut he "JJ nffered his services to the Adjutant Oen- r'iV IrraVa Department at Hanlsburg. but re - 7 . 1R C. mm m ... Hh "I'rused an oner ror a second lieutenancy l i fna went to iiunois. wnere ne was torn-' , ""'' """ r . ,. .. 0- . . rti. ''mlalsoned a colonel Before going to ,h ll"s In the j-ourth -Natal n -jsFranc. last Ma his .eglmenw was In """V' accordlni: to Or alrfax Irwin A draining at Fort Worth. Te Colonel senlor "ur""' r, " l n""1 Hxai" , ' , Hackett Is married but has no children I nul.llu health sertlte s PHI VATi; WILLIAM C.KLSM, K To ( onllnne Preraallon. "wounded, is the flrt of seten vounir men , "' "" precaution I to be related K. ,II bohood friend, who lived it. the , Kicvt" ' :r -. . . :.: r -" ryiaame neigiibornooa in west Philadelphia -, . ' "land enlisted on the same da, to appear , -v 1. h- y..n.llv II. I. , ' jhe "Roxtottn gang' the called - themselves and they had 'lun togethei ' , alnoe thay were tiny kids. On Jul 28 " t of 19 IT thev tveni down to the armory at "t j . Thirty-second and Market streets and i 4j,snllsted in the old Sixth Regiment. N fl ,lr,, JVrst stipulating that they be placed 'ilnithe name company The promise was , Jifi? they were assigned lo Compant ' iJt-j When the Sixth was reorganized "-into the 111th Infantry they still man. "taed to stick together. They hate seen ma hard ngming, out escaped .lo athed until late in August, when Orel.- ; "got nla" He la twent)-une jears UKROKANT THOtlts f'. KhKIl, nffl. liy reponecr setereij wouticieci, for rlv boarded at 5105 Arch street - He a reticent man. the landlady aald. D-3onu mentioning inai ne nailed the Pacifier coast had never talked t himself erosfoKM. joiin r. ci.kahi. t ted seterelf wounded Ilted with his atner. vviniam itau. Z43I South c atreet lie is a member or the h Machine Gun Battalion. When sixteen yeara old he enlisted and service on the Mexican border. After i.lll several montns ai camp Man ila sailed for France last Ma) VAT II.L.IAM UAIJAN. Willi .. ed wounded during September. Is ,oer or lompany a luatl. Machine aitaiiop He uvea at 4:9 Shunlc and. In a recent letter home said i had been shot in the cheek, bur glad he waa out of the hospital and . HP10AU i.av imcK at, tne dirty Itsa" IIVATK DAMOV P. 8HAW. offi. reported wounded in action on fr t ui memuer ot company h Field Artlllory. "Word that he li wounnea was received 'today wife. Mm Bessie Shaw. 29113 neiano avenue, stiatr enlisted 1 t7r In -the old Second Itegl- was Kin io camp tianoooK. wM r i jm. Piffj w.a au Ck ., Stttmi wounded, formerly lived at 120 8pruce I street Since lit Joiner! the color, more than a year ago, Ills famll) lias moted to Mot Ian. I'a. laiUnlm I flia Hrt I m nwilmt lif lint' I In lat down III life (ill the Held of hat tie since the I nlteil St ites entered the nil More than hundred uiig men if l.ansdowne are now In the atiuv. but while li few of them have been wound ed more or lee seth.uslv. Private Wil liam la the first In die HI family le- . aide at 47 Kal Stratford avenue, ! I.ansdnwne l'KI,Ti; ltd II hit I (ll'.STIIKK. re-. IMirtfd wounded. I a niemher of t'oiti- I panv V. Illlli li.fatitr.t. lie lived with hla mother at 2248 North Manlier tret, not at 22K1 Mutter Slie.t. a glteu In1 the ofllclal ea.lmltv list He I wen known uml liked In the northeastern eetlon of the tlt (Oltl'OKW. LIIICM. SMITH, killed In aitlon aa tvventt-eeven tear old and llted with hi widowed mother at B71I Market stleet Hi enlisted In the old Third Iteglmeul, X '1 P and had h's final training al Camp Hancock, go ItifC to Krante In Miiv "f thla teal lie foimeily wis e.nploved bv the I nlted Has lm)ioement Coinpanv I am piolid i r tile wo mv Hon oieu said Id mother M husband would hat e wished the bto h' " J i eountiv a ne na none i am n) " I oi it Keoiao into i oa- n.v v - , shorihootliiK tonteet Xr, .snilln er mm mir.-v muse her allotment of hei -on a pa I. ,u t.,, I,. 1.1 tilt f.if lllilfM lil lUl I'rrn ir in u - . . a 1 t ni(HUh nnu nn ii i umiinf " " om l.lbertt lloiid I wa loutmiK on doltiK nit patt Ihal wu.' ahe nalrt I hut m 1 am .iiram wiieo i .. tj, ...- rnnnuv tlir.. wool lie au ihjiiu- ssh::.: ::..':-.:;. for iiti t l i: f.i nit wounutu eeriri i-, i"..,,- -.- :, ... i olil and a meniliei or foinliant 1 1 lltji I Infantrt He .nllM.d In Imif of l'i I. The ouiik older llttd Willi h fathei at I J l'i"! l,l,hth stieit I'otuhohoikfii . , ..1. 1m luuiiii.miM enr. f H BUM t n in" -" -- . bn.thei John llodeitlwucli I .,,11,l"'ml,,', of the ho-pltal iorp al I'amp Hill ew port New a 3356 New Grip Cases; 656 Drop in 24 Hours t... ..,( t.u. it iron oinito in iiim- a 4 ontlillieit from I'aae tine pll.tl few call, fin undeitakei. were retelted eli v)tr prehlent of the (leorge H New ton r"o tl I'onipant The oung natal uHlcer death b; liiR , the total death anionn the brlcad 1 midshipmen at Aiinapoll up to tlV Mld.hlpmat, Mdttl Sturtevan 1 of hi-1 raa-n also died In the Natal Hopltal there lat IilBht About one-half of the ".1110 mldrhlpmeii at AnnapolH hate bien affected b the dl-e.tr tt in., u.t.ii... si.i.L.n M.lllnc s.ldler. Mrleken Fifteen (.oldleia and an otllcei of an arms motor traiiKpoit torp nuarliied "! n1'1 on ,he fourth Hoot of ritt ' "one en ruiue Il.nii . t.... nan wnue en route irooi tuio - I imiblrU Mil to an Atlantic port ion- urn. ted eiildemie IliHl.enz.L last lllttlll '"""' """ ."-- ".."". and were remoted to tne emeisencj noa- ,(ll a, vnilopalrlan Olub The ' membei of Con.pant K. a Berwick. Comp.ny Ti. of Baltimore, nitl.lo... I .s armt motor ttanportatlon service Lieutenant A W .lone In command of tilt unit I one of the sufferer, none of whom I aerlouslf III according to I Infoittntlon Klten nut at the emergency i hospital this mottling- A rumor that set en or the soldier had died during the night wa denied by the nurse In, wounded holdler ruck up a soug oi charge .two some win. Iult tole other in t'harli U Hall eenetar.t or Select whispering tones, resulting f.om being Council lonfetred toda with Major gassed Smith. Klnanie Chaliman tlnffney and j This Is too nnu h tiled a dlnet Plrector Krusen A hulldlng probablv 111 but n fiftt-dollat bond for eter will be rented b the ell to ipiatter 1 soldier here' He bought $H0o worth soldlets in 111 the future I '111 buy as manf bonds as these It had been the Idta to billet them In dav ilueh I Itamsev general superln - (.nii-nt of tb I'u.ev Jones ahlo- i : . ... .. ;,. . .', tards. Is reported cruican hi at m home 500 Meree, street Helatlves, Including 111 brother Stale Senator ,, ... ..l.ii v .. lr SJiltl tl bf KtfUlilU (1 t'Cfea lhl K". Tha I rvliAiviHt' nf Pnnnn Ivhllill IIOS- n -V' V" ',:',,,, ree nurse and two Pltal lodit loaned three nurse ano ivvo km HI unt KprH to the IHitinHT .Nurse no- Ut3". 1310 Lombaid street The hocltts nu lia .1 diuii ui piaii-cibih ,....,.. j Automobile, p.otlded b the Kmergencv ld are earning many of the nurses a rift lit nn i nuir rn iniia -"-"" "' '", , . , ,,, , A iiitoi nf the nltv and of Indus- " . , .. I rlal establishments made through medl- faI reirt tendB to conflrm the ne- I 1 ,1PI "' "'""n uirecior r-ru . .. 1 I ., fl I , r. m, wn .. t I ,C A ,.. t . . PLAllllL- "'"! rsis" -- - I because the epidemic Is vranlng, Ur Kru-1 . ... . i . sen announced ineairea. ron- pic ture- nouses, rnurcnes, -aiuun- unu other place closed by the Board of Health are to leinaln closed, probably ror two week more The Health Director eiecioen not to restrict lirlvate phsiclans lo certain iones or the cltt The zoning plan was proposed to check long-distance call by physician and to restrict them lo sections In the ilMnllv nf their homes While an eeinir that physicians should make as tew long .!!,..,,. euit. u. nns.li.le. filrr tnr Kmsen didn't think a zoning order reas lbe ' luner.l ltr.lrl.tlon Kile.ide.1 . , , , , Further reetilctlons hate been placed aluiit funeral by the health authorities The rule of pritate funerals onlt ,aa . .uanJ1 tn ntf tllharfllu .. rrs illuu oeen riruu.u m .. .u..c.n, ..- ni.iin what the cause of death It was at first confined lo cases where death tesulted from Influenza or pneumonia Two I'lilladelphlan and seven other penusyltanlans died at Camp Meade, Md , from Influenza. The local victim were Pi It ale Charles v...,,..- ai.) N'nriii clUth .ir.i una Icorpoial" Jihn Batty. :40 West Gor don street i" u ..:.. The seten other Pennsjlvanlan who1 Two sister. Catharine and Mai died were: First Lieutenant James (1. . Walsh, are dead at the home of their o. ... u,,i, ,,,-. rrit,i. n.r.v'brother-ln-lan, Bernard Dillon, 2763 Serfaai, Allentown: Private W M Hteg-I"''br,fr r;'1' Although both were gerwalt. Heading Pritate Ilaymond W. , taken HI on the same rta. each tried Watat.iV LansdSwne Pritate Wllllam'to sate the other Their deaths occurred Urlce, Vlrdstllks: Pritate Klmer C. Oem mill. Safe Harbor, and Sergeant John Jenkins, Kreeland, Pa Approximately 400 officers and patrol men ot the Bureau ot Police are III from Influenza. Eighteen policemen hate died from the disease since the epidemic began. Ov EVEXINa tuBUO f. SONS OF FREEDOM FROM CITY "9 Bfti PI ' v r'f BHBP 1 'TaSi., H WxM .LLLLLE HHHHES I. ''''' l HHHHHi cljlLHHH HaHHHLHH CORPJfvCLCARY WM GRENNOR Wounded WounOecl LioulROBTA DAVIS Killed sfVsisSSPVw I aMJhgB ,k f . CTOS W TERRY Woonac u wounded heroes SPUR BOND SALES Main IMiiladelphiaiis Buy Whenever They See a Returned Soldier THlRTY-rWO ISIT CITY Bu ,t liniiil wlienetei ou eet a Pet -elilnK hem 'I lie preeHiife of llilrtt-twti wounded mltllei. In this ritt lias tieatcd such an impuNe and cniie pi ron hat- been . . unr , ()f ,,. , , ,hc .. (e 1IOn , IMO'lw fld The Keiierolt, of the citizen in aub- ?trbnB ,len xlie. se, , mctt )nP noulld(d i.enes on the street, without a ord of (,ollllUton ,ft. KO astounded 'the wanlur tint thelt optimum foi tin suctea of the loan campaign tan In no mm,nv, ,,P ,edutfd b Influenza, ptate ( tai ,, oilier inhueiut i ione f,,ituii Mmkvi uml Walnut .tied pdettiTn stop the loan-boomet soldier Insteiil of the latter arrest nc the t ltl7en iiurstloiv or two paed I "! men new suuetripuon arc iccomeo t.oo.l Habit ' It i, habit and a Box.d one fr.im.eii rotporal.l M Walkei, of Baltimoie who la In than.-., of the wounded knl.llet. atopplnir at the deplia Hotel UIf ie- . matk wa made Jnt after t well-dieed man of miture ten lRtied up ' nt the neateat I. Ibe.lt I,oan booth The uli- ' ktIIhi had a twotnlnute talk wltlt the , corporal While at dlnne. In the hotel the I soldiers hite Rtihscrlbed Iheniseltes tolunteered another man In the dining room TwentJ -three of tile bots lnd fift.t-dol!ar bonds It cost the tolunteer IltSO Who will but a bond ro. eve.v wound 1 have asked Corporal Walkei oute on chimed 'another patilot I or I v -seven I ortv even wound Want them"' grinned the corporal tn see The tolunteer reeled ro. a minute but signed Add $.'350 to the loan total Peishlng's heroes as the wounded sol dler contingent Is known, tome Trom the hospital nt Cape Mat The toured the Rtnte In behalf of the loan drive leturnlng to this tltv when the Influ enza halted the major pin of tlitir program I Wghteen or llie ttilttv will work in Philadelphia the olheis stai ted brlghi i . ;.. ... ,,,.... .! . ..... " c"" "" " - 'b umus- ' trial plants to tell the emploves of con- dltlons over mete and wi.at I ex- n!l from the folUs iv1r .,. J. T. Krown. Ii.it.ranre Alan. Die. Wnr.1 wis lerelved In this tltv last Atlantic .,,.'., t-t- n n..... . ..v. v. i ta, of the Philadelphia Institan.e Com- , iidiif nr una miLnrii lilt iicmi tain lease r MANY TAKE GRIP AND DIE NURSING SICK RELA TIVES Loyalty That Tn Aim o riwuglit of Danfirr Sltimn in llumlrnl. of Harm's Uusbtimls uttd Iriiei, Brothvri and Sisters PiifiHM Together I'amllv lovaltv even to death I be ing exhibited In bundled of homos throughout Philadelphia, ttnete lamiiui ..... . ..,-. elatltes are making eteiv sacrifice to nurse sufferets rrom Influenza back to i. .. i , , , ... , ,,, ,. ' Hundied who succumbed to the ells- ease died as a lesult or detollon to dut In at least five homes In this I cltt during the last few hour two 1 members of the families dleel or l.lflu- enza or pneumonia In manv home the I entire ra.nllle are III. ' Maigaret ITtzpatrlck died ot pneu- nionla at her home, 75 North Tvtentj- flf 111 street, after an Illness. of a few dass Her liusband William, was con - , Btll'ml. al her bedside and did all In ,,, p,,er to sate her When hi ef. ' . . nrcved futile and death relletecl ' . i i ,ne wuman sufTerlliK He eonapsea ills ' ,lMt)l 0P(Ulred les than twent)-four huurs after that of his wife. They vv 111 t ht burled on Saturday. .n Instance or similar devotion J j shown In llie deaths of William O'Keefe' Rnd his wife Kllzabeth. at their home. I 3507 Wan en stieet. He was stricken, set eral das a ago and died Mondat Mrs - ! O'Keefe. Mho nuised him falthfull.t. died a few hours apart Joseph 9. and J Peter Kllnger, brothers died of pneumonia at their home, 422(1 Paikslde avenue. Joseph was taken 111 first and Peter wolked loyally to sate him. Joseph died Mon day and his brother ess than twenty four houis afterward lwtth..e In.tnllLe .if hrollifrrlt iletOllon v; LEDGERPHIUADELPHIA, THmfeDAY, r PHILIPGILMAN Wounded SERITREED Wounded B0BT.RGENTHE9 Woonrlcd MIFFLIN COUNTY MAKES GOOD Stllist lilif l.ilifilt Lo.hi (Jiint.i. Kwnl Noioilj Celelirateil levtl.Kinn. l'i.., t let 10 Iledlam htokt loo, ai II n c Ink lod.15 when the wlilslle. wete blown bell rung and til. band plating initclnd tlnougli tlu slteels in rejoicing over llie news that the foiiilh l.lbe.tv Loan ct.ol,i had been SUllMlllllll I'll Chilian li ' M.lnnei ai.nouticed ll,lu ..w.rnlnr tll.il till fill! IlllCta oT JIJOiiiiU" Tot tlltllin Coutitt had been'! suIim rlbed tlltllin i ountt now cniiin Hie honcit of being the first count In the Tliltcl Fiilcial Hesetve district, com pilslng eiislirn Pc ntist Ivanla N'ew Jer s v and Hcliwaic lo ulicrlbi Its cpintu WILL BOOST COST OF MILK ONE CENT Inerea&e to Fourteen Cents I a Quart Effective Next Al outlay ' FOOD HEAD APPROVES Milk Jump in Ice ate to take another This time the lncieise I to be one tent a citiait. cffectlte next I Mniiilaj Milk will then retail for foil. teen tents a uart, and eight tent a pint the highest prltes ever pjld for It in this tltt. The pi Ice Inttr.ises hate the up piov.tl of the rood atlm!iil"tiatlou be cause of "oiii mllltni prusium abroad " The Federal rood admlnlstiatloti In sunctlonliiK the inciease said: "Beginning next Mondat tire price of milk in Philadelphia ttill be foui teen tent per quait and eight cents a pint foi pasteurized bottled milk de lit red This Is nn Increase ot ono tent a tiuait over the present price and one-half tent u plrt. "The I'ecieial food administratis , In conjunction ttjtli the fauneis arid the milk dealeis. ha since last Rprlng been co-operating on a pro cium which has kept the pi Ice to the Phlladelpliia consumeia hh low as was consistent In maintaining the dairy lieids Hovveiet, conditions slowing out of out tnllltaiy program ab.oad netessltatci a mice to the faimer of nine and tl.ree-c.uartel tents a ciuart delivered n l'hlladelphln. for 4 pei cent milk ttlth the usual differ ential for buttei fat Philadelphia and Its nelghboihood being one of the gieatest munition tenteis In the conn to. the farmers hate had the utmost difficulty In setuiliifT and letalnlng farm labor, while laboi, feed a mi hat costs hate cieatly advanced To meet these adtances in cost to the fanner the food administration has sanctioned Hip increase In price. The dealers bate further agreed lo work as rapidly s oslble to secure a nondiipllcaliori of service whether bt ronsolld itlons, mutual deliveries or b zoning the tlty under a committee to b. appointed b the rood administration The 400 quarts minimum loading Is the first step In this program 'The consumer also has a part to plav In this. For one drlter to handle a. minimum or 400 quirts It will be necessary foi him to deliver his milk to the point nearest his wagon, whether that point be the front door or back door The consumer Is aked by the food administration lo co-operate In this' Hllswoilh stieel Itobeit died (Ictobei 6 and John, jeste.dat mnlllRl Illlfl al.llll-iie tr ull.jl.Mll tit I ,,,". ...... ..,. - ,w... .. .-,- nfiU(,nza 011 the tame dav died within a few dats of eath otoer The inothei. Mis, Alice II I,ariinieie, thlrt-tlve j'ears old, wife of Charles L Larrlmore, a builder, nf f5CU De Lancey sttcet, passed awa) tesletdat afle.noon, while the daughter .Norma lain Imore, thirteen ear old, died Suuclaj Another daiigh lei. Hazel Larrlmore eleven eais old who Is the oungest student rf the West . Philadelphia High School roi CIlils. 1 Itrltlcall) III with the disease. The funera olf .Mr Larrlmore and her j daughtei will be lield tomorrow mom- lug at her glilhood home. Tittsencl. Del 'The seivlces will lie conducted by Hie llet W F P Haas, of ihe Wharlo.i i Memorial Methodist Chuich. Interment fill be f.ilvale Prom in pii t Men Dead on Today s Grip Lul Annum tlie pioinlnent men who have died of, Spanish InfUieWa In and near Philadelphia in the lust tnetit-foiii hums are the follow ing: Ur. I.isirie l.fwl. smith. :..".3S Wsyne avenue n member of th. Union Lesaue. Ilr. Carl Stoeolfr, .'73(1 eJlrard e llr, I-rank 11. took, of l.sur.l Mprinii pron.liient vision and forme. Coroner of t'amden Couoty Ueutenant W. I), Ilejle. alatlonrd at Tnpi Unlvcr.it .teuteiiant Patrick A. Flanefan, sl tlonul at remold lflilver.lt', . .,. Benjamin DlaharcMn, 1J4 Koulh Flttl third .treat, atnlor at Unlvcrally of t'ennarivanta, Nlenhen O'Rearke. vauJ.vlll. sinter, of I (127 .nrtle Ltitaenlb street, , J. air. K. IJbm)t,. former mUi.trfl, ' AND STATE JlSfe a DAMON PSHAW WM.A.HA&AN Wounded, WounaC'Cl C HOLD5WORTH Wounded NICK ROSE, Wounded LOAN WOMEN ADD OVER $3,000,000 Big Subscription Lit To day Sends Grand Total Above $19,647,000 SCHOOL CHILDKEiN HELP Mill tt 's 1(1,1 UNs ( be.liiiii lllll. tlr. I. tic llliemiv, .litilrnii.ii Oernianlnwn, Mr., W. II Onrlet south I'lillacleliiblH. Mr- alter J, I reelouii UK. u on I ;i,2tfl .'H.MIItl I I ,!Utl I I. 11 I, -Ml I) I, nnu, i i iili.ltn T,tn,:oii is ni-,7iiu xi.ii;,iiin I Nnrlli Hurnl. tlr.. I harle. i. Murls I enlriil ( lit. tlr. I'mil Denckla Mill. North Philadelphia. tlr.. riiee.man Herri tk Norlheaiit Philadelphia, tlr.. lolln tlnver West I'hlUdeliihlH, tlr. II. r. ni.ltaril.nn I n.Int'. total Prevlou.lv raised Orand filial With two or the ten cilM.lct eh ill men not i c porting, Hie women of Philadel phia sold a total of $1,4 II .'00 worth of ,. Il Uon(1( ,a, 'I hose not appeiilng at Iht legultr noondas tuec tlni, wl.ete the cl . s work Is tallied were Mis i: lolon Mlemus bead of the Falls of Soliuvlklll section, ' and Miss Beiilah l'ettlmili, head of the ICensliigion division 'llie grand total or llie women s committee to dale Is 11.C47 70.1 'llie tepoits fiont the N'n.tl. Philadel phia, and Wet Philadelphia districts ' Z,.,:, ,,.". :'"'.""'" ...." "V"," '"t'"tu tii- n iiuiiiiiii .iiiiir-ii in in 1 1 ir- m.uti,. u. i-.i .ui i, .. .i I'tii'tii. m in i i. ii in ill llir- ill s-il itlld icu Jll6,3li and llie other J88C,t.r,n Another (1 nnn.non subscription was'tlrclc anued lo the cietllt or the women Lib anurii iu I. lie- viriin in die WOllieilS I.UI-i citt Loan committee when Mrs Datld I'lelsher elaugl.te. or Kills filmbel, and Mrs. Milton Heiold b.ought In this amount fiom the (!lmbe stoies " The Mibsciiptlon Is ctedlled to Mis 'Ihonias J DoIhii s tominltle c. of which both Mis I'leWlin 'and Mis Hetold ate inembeis WHh the Ki.b.c iiniini. mi i!iii,.i .... a lettei explaining thai the films sub-1 1'"-1' f'tliburgh seilptlon to tl.t fnuith loan had been held lack becaue he had Imped lo hold via rAMrtCU EI1MEDAIO a talk Iu the More The epidemic caused i NU lAlUUfcN rUNtKALO Ihls iall lo be calleel off, so he Imme-I .iMteit sent the pledge to the women s J Order Pioliibit Public Riiri.il committee , ,, . . . ... . .,,,,, of Kptdcimc Victim r flnrt. Hetlotililecl - Hags and banne, , unr.i.led ovet- 'I h.ojglf an eirdei Ust.ed bv the Cam nlglu. windows and doois decked lih "leu Board or Health all public funeials patrlolle- emblems mil I.lbetiy Loan posters and a ge octal showing of fourth IJbertj Loth buttons demonstrate a pan of the women activities In the'Xe Itecords for Camden show that intensive campaign which began today Mrs Waltei S Thomson e halr.ii.in. and Mis John 11 Masim associate chair- nan of the women'- Libertv Utncon,. Knrgeftri mlttee. both ot who... have been III at.P8lnn,e f tight slstei of Mercj to their homes hate returned to their of.',,, ny nurses dining the epidemic and flees In the Lincoln Building to dliect I the olTer wns piompty accepted Dr. I. the workeis in evetj part or the tlty ' Hoi wllz, or the Wlndber Hospital. Wind, renewed eirluslatii. is shown and dls-jhfr. Pa. wiote a letter to 1'iesldent trlet cnairmen ate tjlng with one an olhei lo think up1 new schemes or pub lclt.t mid inspliatliit. dtsjilte the epi demic frour-t ear-Old n Worker Foui-jear-old Uettriidt Slivers or 1823 Noith Tlilrleetlh street is one &r the oungest worker In the loan drive She Is on el itj at Hie No.tl. Philadel phia women s inininltte headquarters Btoad street and Columbia at. nue. and Is giving steal pitst'se to that booth She accost all pcsi-ersbv tugging at' their eoiltalls till she ha alt. acted ' their attention and In most cases she lead willing captives to the booth Mr - Cheesman Henltk thaliman nf the cis- ..,.,. .,... i11.eu 130000 Phllaclel trlct, congiatulHted the child upon hr w lth approximate v lo0.ini" ",,llulel splendid wo.k te-tei lav ' phlat.s confined to lliell homes with In- With their houces tlosed betau.e of In ' lluenza the prices or oranges have ad fluenza. the uptown th.atic manageis I tanced from fortv. tent pel dozen lei 1 l are co-opeiating with the women torn-land in mans dlstrltts to more than II IV mlttee In the opening and manning of. d' '? "taller ;"'' ' ' booths In rront of thel: theatie a I ' Hlzlnn up" -customers and putting on large booth has been placed In rront or "M niuch I""0"'" ,liey t,n ., . . ,!,e Clra.,,1 opeia Hol.se ,'oad s uel I The.e I, . reallj Bnin ba.n and Mon.gomerv avenue an,! I. bids falr I $ "S.?",. S-. 1 to set a lecotd rot all other boot is Two .,",.r.-.. .1...,. . . .e.,Hl f.,ni auliicriiitlons one ro. ?J5,000 and the 1 d naturally enough, according to the other fen $:v00li were among those re- dealers' Ihe unusual demand boosted celted bt the North Philadelphia ' ,,,1 " women' eomniittee jestetda Its total 1 The letallcr place the blame on ihe to date I JiOli 0J0 bioad shouldeis of the wholesale mer- T lie ngio women toininltter under I chants and the iattei shift the burden the rhalimatishlp of Mis IMwatcl Bow- to the orange glowers In sun-kissed Cai man Leaf has raised 2ii ti50 Ifoinla. So there jou are. ,, usual, tbete Is a heap or explaln- ' lg i,ut In Ihe final analysis the publlo Coimreitmairs t-on I'romole.l I forced to stand tho burden of cost Insinanre Commissioner Chailes itil"d,anc' Ambler toda announted the "pwll1t-1 - mem or a c. 1 nsie.io, sou or llepreseu. ; tatlte Peter K Costello. or this cltt, roi ear examiner In the department,, to the exanilner-ln-chler at a salary of $4000 a eat He takes Hie plate of A Net In Detrith, who lecently was given leave of absence to entei Ihe artn, and who Is on the half-pay list, ' SUNDAY OUTINGS rilOM M KKriT, STREKT W II ARK IZ1 n Allanlle Cltr, Wlldwood, C9X,"J Hlone Harbor, Atalon, As. Ileaea. Nea III tltr Hperlal train leaf Market Nt. W liarf Atlantic City and Stone Harbor llr . , 7 80 A. if Anslnea Wlldwood Br .7.20 A. M. If eauipmtnt Is required by the Unit, ed States Uovernment for other uaea. the rlfht la rcasrvid to atop lha sale of ticket! at any lima wltbout turthir nolle. War Tax. 4IIUaa Pnnylvani R. R, V W f O&rOQtfilK 10, 1918- PHYSICIANS DIE VICTIMS OF GRIP Nurses. Soldiers and Stu dents Also Among Epi- i demie's Dead SOME MARTYRS TO DUTY Ooetoi and Trained Attend- ants, Weakened l)y Long . Hours of Service. Succuinli Hi Call sioepbr Silo C.lfard ave nue elleil lodiv al the Polvellnlii II"" pllal or Infliiena after an Illness nf a few dat He wa ii'tnartjr to dutv. a he bad been attending the lck of the Twentj-nlnth waul during Hie epidemic Dotlop ."toeplei wa thlltj-slt eai old, and bad been graduated In both medicine and eleutlslr.v flom the Medl-co-Chlrurgltal Ho-pluil During the last week there wete m.mv lelatsthnt liottot stoeplei woikid twen- Ilt -font hours lie went whtteter tliere wa a surre rer without liellantv Just btfote he collapsed lie liiollgl.t a ptlle.it sarel tl. lough a setlous eill of pneumonia Dottot Moeplei passed an examination fin first lieutenant It. the aijtnv medical corps i vtn mouths ago and cxpettecl a call In service cluilng the next week. He Is survived bv li widow, anil one son Ml. I Mini Annstaik, pupil nurse at the luiken,ui Hospital has llternllv sacrlflceel herseir rot Intluenzt patients sstduouslv de toted to her duties dur ing the epidemic, she was stiltken with the illspttrc a week hvi iciiii succumbed vesterday She was tw.uit-one tears old and a natlte of Mnbanov Clt, Pa Benjamin Dlsharoon l.t'i .South 1'ir tv -third stieel, i senlot It. t le colli se or Hits and science at the University or Pennsvltaiila. died last night from In fluenza He Is the second student at Pentt to siueumb to the din ie Last lauuarj Dlsharoon ei.llled in the natv and tvus ent to the olllcers' tialulng scliool at the Wlssahlckon llanacks. Cape Mav He letumed lo tho Unl tersltv to quallft for his degtee. He had an atetage above nlnelt for the thiee teats' studies In tecognltlon of which he was electtd'to Pill Beta Kappa He wns also appointed assistant In stiuctor In botan and vns president of the Alpha Delta at 332"! Walnut street I Daniel Smith Nettl.all flflee.i-vecr old son e.r Lieutenant Comniinder and Mr Tlioma Nevvhall died In the Jer fc.ou Hospital He was prepiilug rot Hartatd at the Hateiio.cl School Com mander New hall I asslhtant thief or staff In the Fourth Natal District Dr IMvvIn M Smith, an interne and Miss P.osh CumniliiRs, n student-nurse died In St Joseph's Hospital, hating contracted the tnaladt In their service to their patients Doctor Smith w is born In Vnldosla 'la He wa a louilli-veal stucie.it at the I'nlvrrsllv f Pennsvlvanl I Miss Cummlngs lived at r.tOR Powelton ave nue 1)1 I'tank li Cook, rot t -one ears old, died .testerdav morning at his home In Lain el Springs, artei a rew dats' nine" U -oronei of Camden t-r ....... r t .. ountv for two ears and tvas promln- - I "cm, '" Maso.ilc Htid other fraternal i lnl.i.n....l it ii riA, i- i (i... t. I .i,-iii.-iiiin ., i' in'iir nnu i niin.n A Flnnegan. stationed al Temple Unl- ' teislty wltli the iludents' nnny tiainlng eorp". died at the Samailtan Hospital rtom epidemic Influenza and Lieutenant Joefili I) (Irennan. stalloned at the university 1111 Captain C K Fovvlei. whose home Is In Piankfoid Is In a serious condition i'o.ii the disease at St brands Ilos- hte ptohlblted where death Is due to luniieniM or pneumonia Untie, the or der bodies eannot le epoed Iu public of a total ot 13n deaths only twelve . or the tlctl.ns were moie than fortv teats old ..v Is. of the Board or Heath, offering his seitkes al the Hmergenty Hospital, and was notified to report at once. SICK FOLK NEED ORANGES; COST GOES n0i.lors Prescribe Them for Influenza Sufferers and Abnormal De """' ' .,.,.. r. ,,, . . fiiorif Causes soaring r rices some mores i.narge tit.au. ill Dealers Deny Responsibility HELP OUR GOVERNMENT Unsnramc (itomjiaitg (Incorporated IB72) has subscribed $3,375,000 to the i Fourth Libertv Loan . mi W tlmii4aJ 11,000,009 '. i!C -jr-'-' UOCIURM Ht: CKIl ICTIM.5 The upper pic lure i lliat of Dr. Ctorpe L. hinltli, who tlicel lotlav of influenza, llelnvv is a pliolo praph of Dr. Car! hlocpler, who tiled of the tlisear in I'olt clinic llo-p.lal. The photograph of Doc tor Stnilh is lev llie Phillip- htucl.o USE PRINCESS WEDDING IN PLOT Geiin.iim Seek to Uiitlciiiiino Hu in.iniiiii Throne Sjcu'a Cable In 1. 1 ruing Public Ledger niirluht ;'ih. hj toe , tirl' Tlnci tu. Purl., (Jtl 111 In ltumanian circles heie it Is mote or less agreed that leports of the marriage of Carol, belt to . . .,,., n, ,.-.! I,,.. " e ""ow' , "un,B nuna.,,. , "' '"""".'' "". " i"" , founded Caiol Is now mated to be at Blstrltza. near whlili aie the lojal piopeitles called Bleu I Uermanv Is undoubtedlv trying to make use of the Incident as a means fo, ettlng the lluminlan throne and irluclng about a ftesh combination In the Uclkans that will be mote favorable to her alms Actordlng to reports from Beilln while Bi albino agree with King t'eidinand In detlinlng to ircogulze that the marriage of Carol Involves fee re nuntlatlou bv him or Hie right to the sutcesslon, Ueneral Ateiesco and the council or general oltlce.s, w10 had been consulted bt the King, tnke an opposite tlew The Co. man official propagandi set vice accuses Count Czerntn of having striven to spare the ltumanian dwiastt. and makes a veiled threat that It n.a not tit bo ion late lo make lepaiallon of this fault. The icing's opinion Is that Hie whole ques tion of Caiols position should be held ovei ror consideration latet Captain A. W. Leli Dead Bethlehem I'm.. Oct 10 Captain A W Leh. or till eltt. a widelj known nicliitect. fell dead flom heart failure esteidat in Allentowii. He tvas seventy jears old a civil War veteran and bore mark or seveial wounds received at Hatcher Hun He pltnned many beauti ful buildings at Lehigh Unlterslty, and Mia. Us M Schwabs home hoe ' TO $1 A DOZEN Not In eai bate mange sold at such skvlilgh piltes a those that pte t ailed lodat in eteii section of the tltt. A tour of the wholesale dlstilet to clat disclosed that the orange market Is "short" and that prices are excep tional!) high. The cheapest that could be round In the market were held bv the IS W. Buttei worth concern and sold at.Jb per 100 "A high price." aald a member or the firm, 'but tte can't help It." At tlie establishment of William T. Mulllkln Company they sold at $16 per box and a box contained 21G oianges. "A terrible price," said a member of tho firm, 'but we aie forced to pay for them The Influenza epidemic tieatcd an abnormal demand for tlie fruit and because of that prices were driven up Out customers demand Ihe fiull and to obtain It we hate to bid high" "' i; . . t . . . ; m9l4.k. ' ifSZiflHv I MLrsmM ' m '"iiim 1-ttft JimMtHr iii 4r j WiiMM ''I R.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm V HL.'a m I ' tm4&--mit'.9i Iomw U . fc.Mitiil m STEVE OHOURKEj VICTIM OF GRIP Singer Fourth Stage Nota ble to Succumb to Epidemic "SECOND McCORMACK" Fifth Member of Old Du moiil's Minstrels to Co in ' Few Weeks Stephen D O Itouike, i widely know nsltiRer, piomltient it. musical comedy and taiidetllte. died earlv todav at his home. 162" North Sixteenth street, of pneumonia, Two other Phila delphia actor died todav. They are William Parkpr and Joseph Weldel, both pi Oinlnont In taueletnie, " O'ltourke succumbed a rew minute after the last iltes ot the chuich had been ndmlnltered by the lief. Father Taft. of the Church or the (lean, O'ttoutkf wa endowed with a tolce or txteptlonnllv high tange and this, with a striking personality, won him recognition on Broadway. He sang in several musical production, Including "Miss IH7," and wa touring the Keith circuit when Illness Inleirupted hi tout His last engagement was In Keith's Theatre. Washington O'ltourke wa fcfquentlv mentioned as a second John MtCormack on ac count of his striking resemblance to the famous singer. His death Interrupted a promising careei. He was under contract to star In a series of Irish p1a and would hate been the aucce sor to Chauncey Olcott. hTe singer began his career at Du monl's Mlnstiel about ten tear ago and Is tlu fifth former member of that o. Ionization o die In the last few week The other ttete Hughev Dougherty. Matt Wheelet. Bob Carlln and Jamt H Dempsey, The ast named died only jeterdav, O'Hourke Is survived bv a widow. Ar rangements for the funeral have not et been made William Parker was n member of the vaudeville team of F.ckert and Paiker and lived at Sixtieth and Mar ket streets Weldel was appearing with Lillian Harleln, a well-known, singer In a musical act - -L. BALTIMORE HARD HIT Cut Fteporls I"i2i New Cae of In- j flnen7a ?" Deaths j Ot llie Associated Press I Baltimore. Oct. Ifr Fifteen hundred land twetilt-five new cases of Influcnsa anil seveuts-tite deaths were reported In iiauiinnre .teste rttat, and the tpl ilemlc seems to be crowing In Intenaltt- Scarcelj a famll circle has been left unscathed, and In n number there hate been two or more deaths In the rountles tliere neio reported fortv deal lis and IflOO new eases, arid at the tarlous inUltarv establishments n!net-slx deaths and Gl3 new cases. Reterve Patrolman Dies of Crip Heserve Policeman Benjamin KaufT men, fortv jeais old, died at his home, 112 i South fifth street, last night, u tlctlm of epidemic Influenza. Kauffman succumbed on the ete of his sixteenth arnltersary as a Philadelphia police man DFtTHS HKslU.NMlUT Oil. fl JEN'.VIB. wife of Solomon Ue.unithult and sister ot Moles Slid Tillle lunsleln. lined Jl, Funeral and Interment private. Ill-S Oct. 10. AI HURT V. tav.ihand of SuKiui tt,, and xnn ot John and Jennie K. 1!. tunrral aervlc strlctlt private MA "ON Oct S of Influenza. CIIAIH.FS W MiHlinnil of I rlna lasnn (nee llendrlck son) cord .". Iuneral fit S 10 a m , .harp from hi. lute resilience. (.57 S. f5th Int private t-erncvood e'em III.MIl. CM. II. llr StlUK.I. f. tTLAIIl. aged en lunirsl pilvate, at convenience nf famll, from ?3e.! ItlUgo uve. Int. prl- Ma.VAMKK Ikl T. fl llP.RNTR M. daughter of William and Florence M (nee llrovvn) MaeN'atnee. luneral Hat, 4 p in , from also . Sheridan at. Int. American tleihsnlca' Oem LOW Oil II of pneumonia. JOSEFHIKK V.. wife of UtA.NK 51 1)W (n?e Ulrlch) aseil 21. Helatlvea are Invited to attend funr-.l. 8at. a tn . 27411 Crosdcn tt . llrlil.liurK Int llolv Itedeemer Cem .MAIIS Oel. 7. of pneumonia. HOMBnT l. MAHS Punerat services Sat.. 2 p ni . from mother a residence, 4t N. Halford it Int Arllnatnn Cem WINM.KIt Ort. . nf pneumonia, lot. KlilZAHETII, wife of John Paul Winkler aaed Jt Mineral and Int private Hat . S p m , 112 West Indiana ave Int Mt. ei- non ce.n ISAtH Oct fl or nneunionl MINN' t 1 , wlfn or Jacob J IsaHCi. of 1312 Wlnao hocking .t Service, anil Int. at Baltimore AI.ltKlir. Oct 11 of pneumonia at his late residence. Jlllil K thelten nte . KRtN'K AL11FKT. son of Ihe late 1 rank am! Martha tl. Albert. Hi.ed Si tormerb ot Uocbeater. .N. V., and J12J Marvlne it. Vtit notke of funeral will be given OLTtvlf l.lt lire 11, of pneumonia. Mil DltKl) N. DM II. Kit. nunut dauahter nt vt m K and AmamU lietwller axed 17. Hue notice of funeral will be liven, from IS'.H N, e'amae at . ..... HK l.l.N Oct K or pneumonia, Fr.ANK OKtLIN, huaband of 1 Htharlni- Otghan. Due notice of funeral will be given, from hi. late realdence IU 1 N. nth at. IJVNKV Oct t! of pneumonia. HKI.KV P . daughter of Thomas and the late Brama Condon l.aney Helatlves and frlenda tn vlted to funeral, Frl . It a, m , from the residence of her ruu.ina Mr. snd Mr. John Ixinir 4001 Ureen St. Int prlv. Holy Sep uli hrt I em mi tt AI.LKIt Oct. 10. ai nrn Mr Ho- nltal of pneumonia. J"MKS ABRAHAM t tl.KKIt. only son ot Marth M. Walker and th. late Ir. James II. Walker, aged 11 Funeral Pat . 2 P m Int. private t Frlenda Durlal Uroundf, cneaier vaney tic-AlmrN. . ctt 1 s of pneumonia. I'MltIC li IOII.N' MeKAIIDKN aon of Ilellall and the Ute Hush Mehnelden aaed 1 nnicrn. will taKe place rrom parents real- lence. "''II W. Harold at. Bit. Holy Sepulrhie Cent , I rl. mornlna 1 .A. t Oct. ill, si ciarrecc avs . i-aon 1 . of mieumunla. TIIOMAH J UI1.1 llut- kuy nt Mnnhln 1 nns lllalr eldest .on nf I latworth and Mar Jane lllalr. Ilellhy tlullagtihov. count uerr). ireianu. xun notice of funeral will be given. IIFI I' W NTKIs KMIAf K IIOllklvKEI'KIt In law oftlfe: Hate age c. perlenc and aalary expected. M 1030, Ledeer Office . UIMTKIIH, experleiued cuttera on knit Jer sey etoth. atead work, good pay Hygienic Fleeted Under" fur Co , 2413 .N, Howard. IIKI I' W WTI.D-MAT.K r HOOKhKKI'EH In law officrl atate age. ax. perlenre and sal.rj eipected M 1055 ledger Central .. ' CUCThltM. experienced cuttera on Vnlt Jar sey cloth, learner, taken, IIglenlc Fteecssd Underwear Co , 24IS X. Howard Apply nearest V H .. Frnployment Office j C'HKSIIHI aa aaslatant In laboratory of ea.entlal Induatry, KnsUnd Walton el Co, Inc . 307 New t. Apply V. 8, Employment Ofllcr. Third and Walnut ata LABOHKHS WH1TK Oil CXII-ORED. GOOD PAV TO WII.I.IVO MFN, HUPf.niN TK.NOKNT 600 f IIK8TNUT ST , PUBLIC I.K.IfvlMl CO APPLV NEARKST V B BMPI.OVMKNT OFUCE. llItl.NO THIH AD WITH lOU. AtlTOtlOnil.ES TACKARD TltUCK FOR BALR l'.TON CHASSIS llody Sxi: feat with 3 lection slat ahlea. Packard report on mtchanlcal eondilloD, Uoodiaar aolld tlrei! ready to run. 1 rRtCB II7S0 ff ANDORRA NL'rtBKIllK3, , CIIUUTNUT HIM J- ; for rrtu Mat J4y, . . s- ws shown in the deaths of, John K, and j Mil (Jataanoa ilrisjl, itj( , i. "' .t'4 ! H nnni w... t DJCV ss f. .. fcA'f.V. . . . s . v, av." ".-.k. --mr-k ; I SViiiferfi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers