-fWV.y'-vv 'A.1' -rta t.i'V- ?T 'S-J Wl " ,AUJ X 4 VC ' :,. rr BVENlNftUBLIO LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1918 'W -c V a. r. CLEMENCEAU SA YS GERMANY MUST PA Y TERRIBLE DEBT mumia t . r i l French Premier Declare the Kaiwr Ashed fora Decision by h Sword and He Shall Have It Paris . Acclaims H'llson the -M I HE By CHARLES M. SEI.DF.N XtpecUd Cable to Evening Public Ledger soldier of France have faced the on- Hfy vomrinht. Isle, by A'rto Vorfc rinim Co. I ,' ,f rnrln, sept. :u. j'7The stinging replies Rlen by rresl- nt Wilson and Premier Clemenceau to 't the pitiful Austrian effort to lead the (Allies Into a clumsy trap hae been I? received here with unbounded satlsfac- , tlpn. What has alo especially lm presaed the French people has been the promptness with which the replies hae been delivered, and aboc nil, In this Connection, the fact that President WIN 1 son dictated his scornfully plain-spoken answer within half an hour after the ' proposition had been presented to him )The nature of both replies has bem greeted here with Intense approbation j$ 'President Wilson's replv," iim Ous- jHere In La Vlctolre this morning, ''Is as definite as a blow from a bludgeon Premier Clemenceau's Is as cutting as a stroke from a Bword " Premier Clemenceau's speech In the Benate will rank high among his . noblect efforts Neer has the Tiger In. nil his long career and parliamen tary experience seized an opportunity with greater eagernes N"cer has he ,, voiced the deepest feelings of his coun trymen in more molng phrases Nevei i has the Tiger thrown himself on more - legitimate prey. Scarcely had PuboM, the president of the Senate, finished the address which Is customary at the resumption of slttlngb t l the House after a holiday, than the Premier asked permission to speak and Stepped to the tribune with an alertness -thai belled his seenty-slx years . Speech a Model of Oration The speech that followed was a model for parliamentary orators the world oxer. Bvery sentence was packed with things that. should be said and there was neer a superfluous word. N'obodj knows bet ter than Clemenceau how to present in a few burning phrases the highest ideals and deepest aspirations of France He baa cften done so since he again under took the responsibilities of leading his countrymen, but neer to greater effect After a molng expression of ' the Im mense gratitude felt by all nations worthy of the name toward the wonderful sol diers of the nntentc." the Premier and War Minister recalled the long ears through which France waited patiently, under German bullying ' not a day with out the threat of war .Not a dav with out some skillful brutality of tyranny The mailed first, the dry powder, the sharpened sword were the themes of Germany In the das of peace" A moUng reference to the many humilia tions German forced France to endure, and then a moment's pause- "We submitted to It all,' continued the speaker, raising his head high, 'and allently awaited the day that would Inevitably come " Then the Tiger, with ir&wlns anger In his olce, spoke pt Germany's Inexcusable crime In attaA lng France without even the appearance of a pretext, of the frightful results her murderous tury ms i.iusen ana 01 the magnificent heroism with which In. CZECH LEADER SEES SLAV TRIPLE ALLIANCE slaught. ' At this point, the whole Senate, which perha'ps Is less given to outward dls pliv of emotion than almost any other Senate chamber In the world, burst unanimously Into applause, when the veteran statesman, In Mbrant tones, passed on to detnll the coldlv calculated pillages, devastatldns and destructions which the Germans Inflicted on France The eloquent old man rose to the height of his anger and rarrled the whole Senate with him like a storm burst. Arronnt Nliall lie raid "The most terrible account ever opered between one people and another awaits pavment," he said, and then after a significant pause, the speaker added with characteristically vigorous gesture, "it shall be paid " The grim Intensity f his words nnd gestures totally devoid of all suspicion of theatricality, appealed instantlv to the assembled elder brethren of the republic and again cheers rang out At that moment, as he stood tene and stern at the tribune, Clemenceau was the perfect tvpe of the "splendid and savage old man' pictured by Walt Whitman In one of the most vibrant phrases of our language . moment later the orator rose to still greater heights, when In referring to the happy change which has come over the military situation, he nohlv paraphrased the "Mnrselllalse" and triumphantly proclaimed that ' that dav announced over a century ago In our natlonl hymn has trulv come The sons are complet ing todav the tremendous task begun bv their fathers" After this the trumpet call that closed the speech came rapldlv "Now," said Clemenceau. In effect, "It Is for our soldiers to decide what answer we shall give to Germany" "Heros au stoicism sourlant," he called them In an admirable phrase whlcn I refuse to spoil bv translating and which exactly describes the devoted pollus who dallv face death for Krance wun a smile on thelf lips 'Oermanv." cried Clemenceau sternly, has asked for a derision by the sword What Germany asked for, Germany shall have Our dead demand It. For ward then, soldiers of France, to the victory without stain All France, all humanity is with nu" President's Iteplv Praised President Wilson's statement on the Vtisttlan pfnie offer,' said a French statesman to me todav, "reminds me of Marshal Foeh's renlv In pantomime to Balfour. The British Foreign Secre tai, visiting France, asked Foch what he was iroihs to do to the Germans Forh did not say K word He doubled his right fist, thrust it out with a vigorous full-arm, and then repeated the gesture with his left arm Next the kicked out with his right foot, then with his left Bnlfour knew just what he meant. In the same wav, the whole world knows what the United States thinks of Austria's peace offers from the form of Wilson's reply." Gibbons to Attenil Farley Rites lliiltlmnre. Sept 20 Cardinal Gib bons, Primate of the American Hier archy, who has been visiting near West minister. Md , will return home todav nnd prepare to go to New York tn take mrt In the leremonles attending the fu neral of Cardinal Farley Wearers of Hnpsburg Yoke Possibly Will Unite Against Teutons fly the United Preii W ashlnc ton. Sept 20 Triple alliance of Poland, the Czecho. Slovaks nnd .lugo-Slavta f,or a united stand against Germany nnd Austria was held possible here todav bv Dr Thomas G Mastrvk. chairman of the Czecho-Slovak National Council and commander-in-chief of the GLI ITALIANI INVADONO TRINCEE AUSTRIACHE Tre Tenttitivi di Attacco da Parte del Nemico Falli- scono Complctamente Published nnd Distributed Under JT.ltMIT No 1)1 .Aiithorl7i.il hv the set or October (1 1017 on nie nt the PoMoftlie of Pints delphln, Pa lly order of the President a s in'rtt.Ksov Postmsster Oenersl Slovak forces In Siberia, France nnd Italy. Doctor Mnsarjk pointed out that es sentlallv the three great oppressed na tlonalltles have common grlcvames ngnlnst Austria-Hungary nnd that It Is lo their mutual advantage to leid ever Itoiiin, 20 settembre II Mlnlstero delta Guern, In ln-e al rapport I gliuitl dnl Quartler Oeneiale Creclio- I Itallanw, ha pubbllcato nel pomcrlgglo til lerl. II seguente comunlcato ' N'ella leglone rielle montagne, da J ainbo le parti del flume Brenta, questa mattlna ahhlamo effettuato con successo 'in nttncio ill torptt "n Still Altiplann dl Aslago e nnsttn iruppe penetrartnn In due por?lonl dl assistance In bringing victory to me" internment I nemtil a mini della limn mm tn vat Jirentn-coi del Rosso Qua ranta prlglonlerl furotio rntlmnii in Entente, thHt Germany mav be beaten and the Hapsburgs overthrown. Praises Wilson's Answer 'The peace move was forced broad nst as a flash of lightning." he said There can be no doutit that Austra Hungarv feels very badly over the Allied recognition of the Czech-Slovaks The direct connection between the recog nition and the pence of a discouraged hut not vet tnnniilsheri iKiwer. Is evident 'President Wilsons answer to Burlali was right and Its form, abrupt nnd short was splendid a wonderful stroke " Hirer! Mow at llermanr The elimination of Austria-Hungary' will be the greatest blow against Ger- manv," he asserted The fall of us trlan power will end at the Pan-C.er- ( man dream of a Mltteleuropa and will silence the Teuton scheme for orld ' domination " He asserted that Just now tempting i offers may he made the Czechs bv i Vlennn "Austria would willingly give us eery demand we desire, but under Hapsburg ' rule This Is not sufficient, as with the , armv controlled hv Vienna, the oppres. sed peoples would be powerless The American recognition of the Czecho. Slovaks was most commendable as an Inspiration to out people We already had decided to thiovv our full energies against the Central Powers but the muial suppoit given us by the United States and the Kntente cannot but lend great encouragement to our vvldelv scat tered spheres of activity" I qiiestn Olierirlonr suil dl Col Capille durante una inipiovvlsn Incurslone sulle poslzlonl del nemlttv furono catturatl plip dl novanta prlglonlerl Durante It notte dl tmrtedi", tie len t'tlvi ill attacco di parte del nemico, ad orlenle dl' Monte Pertlca, falllrono complctamente." I.a replica del Prcsldente Wilson alia nota dl pace dell'Austrla e' statta letta ton motto Interesse'dal Pipa, dal cardl nale Gaspare,, segretnrln dl stntn il.lln Santa Sede, n da nltrl fnti7lonail till Vatlcano. Si dice che la ilsposta til Wil son lau'o' sorpresa a caglone Jell un hlcvltn', nonostan'e che slas iltenutn i he forsc era l'unlcn rlsntu posslhlle In questo momento wl rltlene che II Papa nnn fa i' nleuii passo verso I Governl dell Intesn ni le piendann In conslderailntie la notu tlell'Austrla, nonotante la lkhlesta fnttn per la nota stessa SI In raglone di credere che la pollttca ihl Vatlcano rl gunrdo I'ldea tlella pipe -n pitnnmt-n'e In arnnnla con qu 'I t iM i'relden' Wilson Da un coinunlonto dell gen7la Ste fanl si rllevn, fra 1'altro qunntn selgue "Pino a che II govcrno nustrtaco non dlmostrl dl essere dlsposto a rlconosce. re le speclall mire dill Italia come pure gll nltrl genernll e pirtlcolarl oblettlvl per I quail gll vlleatl stnnno combattendo, 1'ItalH (ontlnuern' la lotto per ragglungere una pace fontlntn su prlnclpl dl llhertn' e glustl7ln ' Dlspaccl 'In Amstenhni iirano che dlmostrnzlonl In favore dillu piie or gnnlzzatc dal oclallsll democratic! sonn lerl n venule a INsen In Cologne ed In moltlssime cltta drill "assonla Mlgllaln dl persone h.innn ineso parte a puhbllcl coml7l II Kaiser ha Invlito tin telegrnmmi all' l'nlone Christian Ira I livoratori metnlluiglcl dl I.sen elogl mdn i mem brl dl essa per la ferni i lealla' veisn rimperatore e I'lmpero II Kaiser nel telegrammn dice "Che con 1 aluto Ul Dlo II popolo tedesco sara' fortemente unlto pronto n tuttl I sacrlflcl, tlal quail potranno attendersi un fellce e libero futuro " r 9 , Store Opens 10 Closes 4:30 CHtJ FoWneS I w1 f stoiii; opks-i v 923 MARKET STREET i V ( t gsJsl e-4sMF"'1r: 1 f V livST llFft35"i IS mr WM I wlwW'l RlMeZl ill Wr . - v. fcy fJi (W nlPsi SJ i,i L --r-A J uy c Amerlcftn art ht produced FILOSETTE u rpattl nc n? Imported fabric tlovt I 5 I if- SITOKi: OPKNH DAILY AT 10 A. VI. M ('IOi: AT 4:10 P. l. There's, something about them youlllike WMMrvl '.J'r 'V& J islVw Twntvor $& "PflrTfci Hi "II Ml' r ij- h V lit w, ' 1 To those "who have TWO -THIRDS OF THEIR WINTER'S COAL & & I'V IU r. x fsi.. K v EVERY consumer, even with two-thirds of his winter's coal in his cellar,is naturally anxious to know whether He can expect to receive the balance of his order, and when. To these consumers it should be good news that Francis A. -Lewis, United States Fuel Administrator for Philadelphia, has ruled that the remaining one-third of their coal may,be delivered at any time after January 1st. Even with a severe winter, there should be no diffi culty in making the first two-thirds of the winter's coal last beyond that date, if every consumer practices careful economy. Everyone who has followed the coal situation under stands, of course, that no coal dealer can guarantee an exact date for the delivery of the last one-third of the winter's supply. The dealer himself is dependent upon the regularity of his own supply, and is seriously handi capped by the universal labor shortage two things be yond his control. But to those who. have entrusted their orders to us, we wish to say this: At the beginning of the coal crisis we pledged our-" selve,s to accept only as many orders as we had reason to believe we could deliver with certainty. And this applies to the last one-third of your coal as well as the first two-thirds. We want you to know that everything we can possi bly do to get coal and to deliver it to you when you need it, shall be done. GEO. B. NEWTON COAL CO. ' ' - iBi r3TTEVA 1 V w AvWnt VICTOR Record Day romp In and hoar tlif npw selections Out .lpmonMratlon Rnom are at' our dt-spo'-al $10 Worth of RteorJs, $1 a Month No TrmtlnK Mump FIFTH M OOll " HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE itm?$bm& FALL GLOVES Uofh thr rtnr Qnntt firi tnitt thr Stn tnr ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Market Eighth Filbert Seventh $2 Kid Glove., $1.49 Tuo clasp fllnck white or tan Strap-Wriit Duplex Glovei, $2 Hit, white or 'md Tlrst Hoot 8th st T Second Day of Our Great "Opening Sale" in the New Clothing Department Men's $30 & $32.50 )$ir M AllWool Fall Suits,) ''A Sensational Opportunity That Every Man Should Share In ' Y So Tremendously Has Our Clothing Business Grown That It Is Now by t ' Fnr the Lamest of Its Kind in Philadelohia A nd One of lk 4 the Largest in America 1 1 You men who appreciate Rood values have made this expansion possible but back of it all is our unswerving policy to Rive you the best at wh ', ever you pay 0 And This Great Sale Is but a Further Proof of Our Ability to Serve You Best Choobe fiom choiott, cashimeres, herges, worsteds, etc., in handsome two , o id three-button English and conscivative effects nil wanted colors, osuch as blues, browns, gieens, gra, etc. All sizes, including .stouts. nthor Suits X- Tnn f'nnta 27.Kn n S.'.O "'-" """ -- ". -- - l' Boys' Smart Serviceable Suits, $6.50 1 $15 And Eiery Suit Mean a Genuine Saving Norfolk and Noiclty Styles in cheviots, setges, corduroys, cas simeres, worsteds, etc. Sizes throughout 2? to 18. Boys' Splendid Dubbelbilt Suits, $12-50to$16-75 Guaranteed for six months. The best made suits for bos twenty points of Mipenoi ity. Sizes 6 to 18. R,cTS " JK 15' t fuel I ' 1 o (Boys' Sturdy School Pants, ; ; Lit llrllier Second Floor. 7th Htleet ljl.50 to $2.98 , HATS TRIMMED FREE New Arrivals Claim Attention! Tailored Plush HATS, $5.98 Tlicfe Luige Huts with Bnmx Soft Enough tn Diop Slightly in ni Youthful, Becoming Mannei are very stunning Triev are shown" in an assortment of colors, including the best-liked autumn shades and black. Like many of the costliest models, the beauty is in the hat itself a mere band of narrow grosgrain ribbon gives the approved finish. One sketched. lit llrother. KlltST KI.OOR NORTH SHOE NEWS of Interest to Every One For It Shorn, That Here 1 nil ran Serure Hiir Illeh.Crnile shoes f"r Moderate Outlay js9fw Men's $7 to $10 1 $A in Sample Shoes . . ' -. 2 i:ery "anted stjle and leithei o Girls' Smart Wool- $449 ( oerge ocnuui rrucivs Sizes 8 to 14 eara Splendid Quality and of Exceptional Worth i 'n bion and led. trimmed with contrasting color Hae helts and poi ketn o o o i o Big Girls' Navy Wool Serge Dresses Combined With 07 QQ Satin (One Pictured).... s ' ,i70 IMnel oversldil effect, trimmed lth embioldeied ileslEii anil satin butteitH cush Sizes 14 and IS All-Wool Velour Coats, $32.98 Hae ho plaited Ii.k K iinririiiirlv blown and naw large fur collir, poeKets with hanglnB talis and tie belt Kizea 14 and 16 jears American Velour Coats, $22.98 Nti. Hae patch pockets, buttons, large collais and belts S.zes 8 to 14 ears i.s ' ... llfll-Wmf ,( li 1 1 I'm ' ( I I III " I . I in f I ifi " L -I :: V 1738 ' o lit llrothern sl.C'OVD Kl OOR Women's New Fall Shoes, $4 to $6.50 Tan and black pair, white nuhuck patent loltnltlii bhuli and bioun l(ld ''mart lace or button styles' Women's High Lace Boots, I $2.98 I bpeclal lot All wanted leathers I mil htjles I Boys' Shoes, $4 Pali nt loliskln guninetal ami tan Itula 1 ,lf IIiiBllsh and broad toes Sizes 1 tn 6 Young Women's $6 to $8 Shoes, $3.89 New hlgh-i ut hue shoes In nun metal patent ioltkln, blnek and tan kldskln alsn tan llussin ialf with loloied tops .Millt.irt heels Little Boys' Shoes, $2.79 (lunmetal BluUieis Sizes Hi to IJJ, Men's Fall Shoes $5 and $6 Misses' & Children's Shoes, $3, $3.25, $3.50 Patent cnltskln anil Kiinmetal with cloth or leathei tops .Sizes (B to ) govern price I. II Itrotheri. Kilst Floni N'oith Good Examples of the Remarkable Values Offered in Our Superb Collections of M5CC and Women's Fashionable Suits, Coats and Dres. Early Buying Is a Certain Way of Economizing . I IP I y I r w For Misses Serge Dresses , $ Navy Blue arid Bltick One Pictured 27.501 Stunningly designed with waist in iolliirles style, belts tying in j I sash in back, and rows of silk braid $25 Misses' Fur-Trimmed Chiffon Kersey Coats . N.. iirown mi miKni'Mir One llluNtratrd Fine nuallty in loose htvle, with dou ble belt, ilrie slashed pockets large collar edged with oiioasum and deep CUttH Women's Fur-Trim- $40.75 med Silvertone Coats ' The handsome Hudson Seal Hilars gie ,1 note of luxiirv Misses' pPIin$29.75 Navy blue and blark The styles are t'lstingulshed by the season's latest fashion touches, such a braid trlmnilnKs, coats with In- erted plaits in back, black velvet oei collars and belts women s $e.5ol Tricotine Suits Very pleasing models showing 1 oats with box plaited back, narrow rossed belt, and crushable collar fastening close to neck Naw blue apd black I Women's Navy Blue & $0.98 Black Serge Skirts... J Of fine nuallty Gathered back, bone button trlmmlnir and nnel double flap pockets, add distinction. SyAlI, A rMONK OBDEKS rtLLED $45 Women's Serge & Georgette Frocks . Beautifully designed with deep sailor collars, plaited Georgette e.stees, loose panels in back extending from neck to foot of skirt, sashes and bead trimmings Lit urotners stui.n rwjoil Extraordinary Sale! 260 Sample Fall Suits Actual $12.50 to $ Qyi Jg $65.00 Values fJJt An Event Unparalleled for Timeliness sale that proes ' Hlrsch s Is the House of tle and Economy" We collected 50n genuine sample tults no two alike from the country s best makers at a great sacrifice In prhe Helng samples thev aro perfection In workmanship, quality and stle conception Een suit Is sIlK-llned and Interlined I I I 1 q Serge & Satin 1 Dresses SI fi.75 B B' Actual $42.50 to $65.00 Values Materials Mannish Serges Broadcloths Wool Velours Oxford Mixtures Sihertoncs Poiret Twills Gabardines Burellas Colors Kurgund) Naj Blue niack Taupe French Blue Keindeer Bear Brown Uussian Green Trimmings Nutria Hudson Seal Muskrat Sealine Conej Silk Braid Seal I'lush J'lain Tailored A Special Pricing on Women's and Misses' 5 Values Up to $29.75 The popular lone, stialKht line models, nlso some in coat effects and Mandarin Bt le All h.ie lotiK sathes Fringes braids and silk or wool enibtniderh s are tITectUelv used for ttiintnliiKs Colors are nay blue plum, tauiie a ltd black 1 5 3 m 9 A Special Sale Tomorrow Newest Georgette Crepe Waists $ a .98 In tht now pcpulTT suit -hid Manv g' new boadefl front fffects nther pm- "" L hrnli1AJ no lnnA . tn-imu.l All Llvnu brnld"r-rl or lnre tilmmed All Me- T I New Fall DRESS SKIRTS $y.98 Mode In that arc distinctive and indi ldunl I) e v 1 n ! of sprKei poplins and KHbardlni-H Fornc In Scotch plaid woolen Stunningly New Effects in Fall Millinery Featured at $o.98 & $1.98 Creations thnt find no equ il In othei stores at these pop ulat prices We are Juslls pinud if these cteations, fni the com blno all that Is new and loe l at minimum prices IN OUR BASEMENT V- 2T Women's Taffeta, Satin and Serge Dresses $0.98 Show InR headed braided and fringe trimmings 1'nusual, dressj and smart Women's New Fall Serge Suits $19-98 "! up .Seat belted models with silk plush trimming at collar and bottotn of i oat Women's Newest Fall ,?6-98 Serge Dresses Several Pinari h fnr rltnl e All Hl7 for women & mfse- skS J J ff JrH I I Women's and Misses'C &g $ Q.75 Fall Coats 1 to 151 snlendld show Iiie of good serviceable warm coats for present and er wear, reflecting the new stjle thoughts In line and trlmmlne winter effects. All 'sizes for women and misses Children's New Fall Coats tnat Time tn bin the joungster a for SCnOOl OF mr-n roi .. .mi aa in TfllH KIUUU 1J1 fci't warm "serviceable materials warmly lined Mostl beilet? ef- rec' ri7e, -i . ,... Girls' New Fall Serge Dresses $5J8.oUO-98 noens and dozens ot new st lea ill serge frocks tor girls from B to 14 years Some tailored others neatly trimmed All the new colorings plenty in navy oiue, JOO HOME OF STYLE AND ECONOMY O "A i 8TKAMSH1PS JACKSONVILLE BVANXII BOTO Phll.dtlBhU to Savannnh and Jackaonvlllc irom all point" South Philadelphia to Ilo.. ton for ill New KneLnd point. Pa.aen. i or Ftelnht ConiUlt Agent HUMMIIt KSRORTH ATI.A?TIO CITV. N. J. IIYMUIAruHncanf vaiajKGRErsricnaiufxiii (Ui.t - - ---. . ..! ant - ' ) fr&VTlS!JSS fiSf VHP-1 We.tmin.ter K.JV.VE-.Vu I v itrerii.!) & nimrn ii.ntin, r .. - -.-i. ---- .. 9 nwciNO i rriv.Dam., runnuur uh. , US 6U up kly,i Xi HO up dally. Qua Wntirp, U HOTEL B0SC0BEL ScE!ucXrwi 5 private Dancing lessons $5 Th. CORTISSOI Bt'nool,. Mirrored Stn4io 1 "0 cn.itnut 8t, Day E Locuat 3; A TKA HFB Fn KVrV I'lll'll sraciAL at spjuti w UNirwut Amr. A Euro, plana BKU. A, E. MAJU' Pary ft y: &.: j ssSJ 4 1 h 1 ,1 &vi tj f. m j j?. VM is i JWJ 1 1. -,h t ."V M : . vs . v i t. ' s&TbA. - &:t - - 't. -1 n ' Y Ti t-K J,i M u ..JV, J, .il ;tt - - ,,, 4 i) i A t.i i m.?r ii U w L& t i t-3 v L , f w ,. ?
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