lffiMHHM Xii-iJ13 Kt ? K wWXJr'" t to-'Jt ck' r-2 Te ft, ; -.i. ' f&& m & ii" m fee- EC f&. m , '" st HMMIMMM - REBELS ULAU TM TEN TOWNS nrmntS Militnrv Tmin Is s.Vu ?. . Brt Mslown UDbv lnsureent VI i Forces DIPLOMATS DISMISSED Jtia-v? CaitiaIo A eL- Tttitiel PnvAVe tn L,cavc nussia Arrest Is Denied By the United Press London, Sept. 20 TJkralne Insurgents hae blown up a German military train and hae cap tured ten villages, according to dla patches from Petrogrnd Dispatches to Stockholm regarding Sl- ' berlan operations declare the Soviets have occupied Plndfusk nntl that the Czechs hae captured Blsorttskl. The Bolshevik troops are retiring from Cros noflm.sk. The Solet (3o eminent hn requested British diplomats to leae. riussia Imme diately, nc-ordlng to a Berlin dlsp-itch to Stockholm today, quoting a Mocow dispatch tn the Veer Zltung The British Foreign Olllcc todi de clared reports of the arrest of British French and Italian ambassadors to Rumania, at Petrograd were untrue All three epoys, It was stated are still at Jassy. R the Associated Press 'AlntminMi, Triinsliallklln, Sept -" -Allied officers were received here to day h (leneral (5alda, the rommandei of the Czecho-Ploik forces fighting on the Volga, who arrl.ed from the west Jast week In .cnn'pati' with Gencial JMeterlchs, the antl-Bolshelk leader In Eastern Siberia, General (laldi ga've the Allies a cordial greeting and asked that tele grams of warmest appreciation he sent to the Japanese Minister of War, Thief of General Staff and the commander of the troops sent to Vladivostok. London. Sept 20 (By I X S ) A severe defeat has been Inflicted upon Oerman-led Bolshevik forces In northern Hussld, according to an ottlclal announce ment given out bj the new Xorth Rus sian Government at Archangel and re ceived here this afternoon. It follows "On Wednesday Herman-led fori.es Were defeated seve-relv at t'khtlnkay, 100 miles west of Kern "The scene of the fight was fortv miles eastward of the frontier of Kin land. , "A thousand rifles and manv boats and horses were laptured ' Allied forces hae been landed In northern Russia, on the Murman coast U, S. Guns Pouring Shells on Metz Centinueel from race One which rain poured most of the time, cox'ered the sector north of St Mlhlel like a blanket xesterdav, forcing the Allied nlrmen to ceahe their punishment of tnc Germans Patrols were active, carrving out op- ,rctlon far beond the line and oc casionally tne enemv s artillery nreu Ytcioufly and blindlv Into the sector. The French and American guns con tinued throughout jesterday their bom bardment of fixed targets, but with less vigor than usual. Enemy forces attempted to raid the V. S lines on this front yesterday morning After two bombardments which high explosives and gas shells were used, the German Infantry at tacked. He was repulsed and did not reach the American trenches at any point. One German was killed and three xvounded In a patrol encounter along the southern 1-orralne front two Germans were killed and three were wounded during a patrol encounter Jersey Candidate Spent Nothing Trenton. Sept 20 George M Ia Monte, of Bound Brook, candidate for "the nomination on the Democratic ticket for United States Senator, todaj In a declaration In his statement of expenses said that "the amount of money on de posit In the First National Bank of Bound Brook, N J, which was named aa the deposltorv of the campaign funds. Is nothing: the amount expended Is nothing and the balance Is nothing. WORDS INSPIRATION TO ARMY, PERSHING ANSWERS WILSON Washington, July 20.-rThe White House last night gave out this message from General Pershing 'to the President: ' ... September IS, 191 S His Excellency the President of the United States, Washington: Please accept the most sincere thanks of the American expedi tionary forces for your stirring message of congratulations Your words of commendation have been received with deep appre 1 elation by all ranks and will Inspire in us a higher sense of our obligations, to our, country ' -I assure you that It shall always be the endeavor of the army in Franc to prtje worthy of the confidence of the American people. . . PERSHING. "Broker," Actual Size ' Why ..".:-: S XZ'STm tir l d'M-ii -.-CC'i vmx t? ' s Broker If.-.C? fever gets on your nerves .MMMMIMMM - II IBI llliHMWMI I """ ' ' ' ' Kaiser to Offer New Peace Plan Contlnned from Para One "The Austro-Hungarlan flovernment's offer Is still open." KAISER MAY OFFER NEW PEACE PLAN Special Cable to Et ening Public Ledger Copyright, IStI, hi) .Vcu Vork Timtn Co The Ilngne. Sept JO. Although no official reports are to hand. It Is learned on excellent authority that Chancellor on Hertllng, has declnred that an rmntlrc wan possible In the near future, and that flermany was willing to ron dliler the problem of the eastern frontier. It Is reported that members of tho Austrian Reichstag have been recalled to Vienna Amsterdam exchange, which was very weak Is now reported strong Thl, however, may be merely a stock ex change coup Nevertheless, a new pence more Is expected from Oermanr In the nenr rnlnre. Austria- J ra i." t . --"". a- - K expected. Hungary Is made to bear the timine or oi imp ein-mj ."" "'" ""' the failure of the peace offer Having cans are meparlng to turn the south nrt expressed great surprise, the Oer- ernmost Hlndehburg bastion at Met7, man press Is now venting Its wrath on nil giving piomlse of most momen Austrla-Hungarj Kven members of tous opeintUms net month the German legation at The Hague i - nretended to be astounded ind de- IU the Associated Press pressed at the news of the offer lour correspondent leorn on excellent nnthorltv that the flermnns flr.t en deavored to Induce tile Dutch florern nient to Intervene for pence. The notch refused, so Austria wns resorted to. Another peace offer in one form or an other niitv be expected ,onn from Ger many n.. thine- which appears to cause ii In full agreement appropriate time to send It The WcstphalHn Rhelnl-che i.azette a German paper. sas the effect of the note has been catastrcphlca! "Wherever we look." the piper con- ttmi "we see force rorce iu uie ui. .. most' and no inclination for peace ,.h.rA o snlrlt for conciliation. but merelv the Idea that Austria s pea. e offer ts a sign of weakness N'here s the offer taken honestH It will onl have the effect of uniting the Entente Allies into a firmer block Hven the olees from America do not recognize in thing but a dictated peace, and if thee represent puhllc opinion no neutral Power would dire oppose America bv proposing negotiations for peace (Thi prnh.bK refers to the ittempt to induce Holland to propose peace ) "It Is eldent that Wilson will not give up his destruct've policy' The Vossische Zeltung savs that when the A merle in (;ot riuneni speaat. or peace ondltlons nlread puuiisneo it I ,..in! the fourteen point" In President 1 Wilson's message to Congress In Janu- ,, ... in thai tho American and as-inni-wiiix-m I-, ..- - ----- tlm Allette and the Alsne i no enemy nrltlsh pre 2,. ;,2X - "I' "ry heavy Josses (lerman offer notwlthandligteAu The ' r, ouch have gained further trlin netts"-,P?r;pth1' X ZZ after' g.o.tnd west of Alzj and northeast '?enr,en""uhU o'iman"' " of Vall.v on the Alsne In the direction .... , t,j 4m nc nn m in I neriuii-uf.i niu-- arv The paper repeats me lourceen comrari, jmij left them to their rate points explaining that the last point An eNnmple ol the Trench courage was enlarged on bv the President In his nil rn,juranco occurred nuiing the address at Washington s tomb in Julv I fl(?i,t for a certain trench which had The Berlin I.okal Anzelger savs that t() , tnken at am cost. French sol before Lansing's official statement viasi(llerh. exhausted utter heavv das of Issued rejecting the peace overture It . jiKhtlriK, spent the whole succeeding was hoped that the Brltlsn i.overnment would take a view of the offer different rpr.m that of Balfour There was, in fact" savs the Uokal Anzelger, ' defln'e information to tnat effect from London Prolwblv Wilson , mna the decision over the heads of his' allies and without considering them The paper comments on the quickness with which the American answer was given, nnd sajs that while London and Paris' were still considering whether or not the note should be answered Jolntlv, Flvlna the attitude of the whole I.ntente, Wlls&n rushed out his answer The Ber lin Journal savs that this shows that Wilson has the Rntente In his pocket, adding the opinion that Vienna will now see that no agreement Is possible be tween Austria-Hungary and America DEATH BATTALION CHIEF SLAIN Executed for Part in Counter- Reolution, Saa Berlin fly the I lilted Press London, Sept 20 Madame Alexandra Ticwtu, hu.iienna. organizer of the Rus sian women's battalion of death. was executed at vueosK, nepiemuer 1., lor participation In a counter-reolutlon, ac cording to a Berlin wireless dispatch made public here today Dies After Arrest as Vagrant Conrad Kllday, address unknown, died at the Hahnemann Hospital last night shortly after he had been arrested for vagrancy. The police saj he fell In a cell at the Tenth and Buttonwood streets station and suffered a fractured i-kull tamperwith your efficiency? Why take chances of damag ing your nerves by smoking the wrong kind of cigars when you tan get the Girard at most any cigar counter? never gets on your nerves.. And it always brings you a full measure of real Havana smoke-joy. Real Havana He To retain Size ' its goodness ARD I - I il I I J British Recapture Moeuvres; Win Mile fonttnnetl from rage On are being taken following the capture of 10,000 Germans and sixty guns. The chief Importance of tho buo cesses scored by Field Marshal Hulg during the last two days lies In the fact that the advanced defenses of the Hlndenburg line west and northwest of St. Quentln have been broken down. The new fiont bolder the Hlndenburg line almost everywhere except west of St. Quentln where the (own In glidled by a most powerful defensive system, (omnlcted on the east and south bj the double waterllt.e of tho canal and the Somme. Narrow gullies and sunken roads constitute further formidable obstacles Foe's Line Pierced Tho positions taken by the I'rltlsh form a network of wooded hllln com mandlng the Cnmbra I- St Quentln road and additional loss of ground here will constitute u furthei breach of the Illndenbuig line. Meanwhile (General Mangln on the rlirht. In Indomitabtv hammering the great St. Oobaln position, central pillar ... .... ll .. .ll ak. Am.. Paris, Sept 20 In the enveloping of St Quentln fmm the south the Piench hive carried Kslny le Grand shjh the War Ofllce statement today. (Esslgnv le Grand Is less than four miles dltecth south of St Quentln) Tin. Get mans during the night made five strong attacks against the new Piench positions north or Aiie mant and east of NoIhv farm between A (iPimin attempt to cioss ine esle nt Jom herv where American tioops aie In the line was repulsed A) the Ivxitinlcrf Press iWlth the I'renih Arm In I ratue, ! 20 With dogged teiuu'itv and unnag glng devotion, the Trench tioops are lighting their wav foot by foot aiross the Malmalson plateau, which Is the j kev to the Chemin-des-Dames I.aoii I and the St Gobaln massif. No sooner has one position von taken thnn there la another to be attacked and the tioops are worked to their last ounce of effort Some 'divisions have been engaged Inces santlv from seventeen to eighteen divs. with the Germlns fighting cles pei.iteh to maintain tholi ground One nosltlon had tn be taken four times hefoie the enemv aandoned It The enemv machine gunners were left In the arHanced posts after tn i,n,tc. retreated anil fought m0Aei,, to the last man. knowing their nluht hurling moie than 2000 grenades Thev actually slept on their feet. Such exhausting wnik had not been seen since the battle of Verdun -font AN LOSSES PUT LrCjlUUM tityJCO rui AT FORTY PER CENT By the Associated Press British Army Headquarters. Sept. 20. The ground over which the Germans Maimer's 833-35 Market Street On the Special Selling in Schoolgirls' Coats and Dresses 175 Serge Dresses Special at 1 rYi HlRviJfK l 1 suL . I 5.89 I Infants' Coat Offering 1.94 White chinchilla and corduroy coats; some fur trimmed, Sizes 1 to 4. Cinderella Hats Are Already Winning Popularity . 2.95 Other Hats' up to 15.00 In pleasing variety, in shapes, colors jj ana materials, peautuuuy Slattner Third Floor l,n ' ' counter-attacMed the British at Moeuvres and Trescault Is covered with dead and tn enemy casualties are estimateci to have been 40 per cent of the troops engaged. The Germans attacked In dense waves, but the assaulting ranks were mowed down by the British defenders Particularly strong were the German of High and Havrlncourt Woods. Here the enemy reached the British position nt several places, but very few Oermans were able to get out alive , Prisoners taken by the British say that the Allied attack was" expected north of Gouzeaucourt When the British struck on a nfteen-mlle line south of that town the Germans changed their plan's and assumed the offensive north of Gouzeaucourt with disastrous results. In an order to his troops concerning raiding activity, General on Buelow, commanding the Seventeenth Army, savs "Tnis snows tnat at tne present umo efforts against the British positions cast the urmsn nave a lighting superiority pver our troops In No Man's lanei FOCH FORCES ENEMY TO USE UP RESERVES fly the United Press Parts, Sept 20 Von Hlndenburg has begun to hit back. With his main line defenses ever where menaced and facing a possible second retreat fat more dis astrous than the first, he Is lulng forced to sacrifice part of his pri lean -eserves In an effort to saxe himself. The latest news as this Is cabled Is that the German armies have ever where been repulsed In their counter attacks while piles of dead bodies lie he'ore the Brl'lsh lines between '"aitfbral and St Quentln. Meantime Generals Bvng Rawllnsnii and Ilehene are enclosing St Quentln, one of the most Important votnl points or the Hlndenburg line, whien is cxac.115 vi hat Hlndenburg had hoped to prevent Wl'h the regularity of the .wing of a pendulum Marshal Koch is hitting the Germans hnrd all along the lint The Huns are reported midlv digr'ng them selves In from the sea to Swl''rland Not knowing where the next blow will fall, they are expecting t to fall eveiv w here Fearing for Lille and Iyiual Von Hln denburg has been foiced to concentrate a part of his .lxui'akie reserves mere t'ambral and St. Quentln are threat! ned, o another mnss of men Is required In Pint legion tiintral Manglu's pitr.ue t iward tho ke) stone positions iiorttiH-t "f Sols ons necessitates a third hatch of re - erv es Gentrnl Pershing s press tow aids Me tz and llrie and the. le-rv glut"- ot tSet manv ltslf, calls for a fourth group, while the fear that the Allies will Mrike toward" the Rhine thiough Alsace Is keeping the enemy worried there Thus Marshal Koch's sttategv is to split up Von Hlndenburg s finer- until It Is problematical If the German leader will be able to put much pun' h Into a blow anywhere, even If he liould have more troops In reserve It Is generally believed lit 1 1 Hi it the next few weeks ought to write history. SERBS PLUNGE 17 MILES AND SEIZE 80 ENEMY GUNS British and Greek Smash Bul garian Defenses on Ton Mile Front B) the Associated Press Loudon, Sept 20 In .Macedonia the Serbians have ex tended their fiont vvestwatd to the Cerna River and It now is twenty five miles wide. The total dpth of the advance is fifteen to s.tnteen miles. Five thousand prisoners and eighty guns have been captuied bv the het burns alone All the I'ulgaiian trench KVbtems on the Serbian 'iont have ben pens ti.ited Allien cavn.iy has UKe i up the puisult, and one taxnliy unit has Third Floor Dainty Little Girls Pose in Cinderella Hats 5.89 This is an. exceptional opportunity to pur chase dresses which are as attractive as they are serviceable. Straight and accordion-pleated effects are to be had, as well as combinations with plaid. In navy, green, brown and bur gundy. Sizes 6 to 14. These dresses are taken out of our regular stock, to be sold at this lowered price. 100 Girls' Coats Exceptional at 5.00 Corduroy, mixture and mercerized plush coats ate offeied at this exceptionally low price. Several excellent styles. Infants' Caps Special at 45c Caps of all sizes and descriptions, some of which sold for more than twice this price. 2.95 The Cinderella hats, just introduced this week, aie to be found in ever so many delightful styles in black, blue and brown velvet, with dbntrastinjf colored silk facings. Trimmed with ribbon, ostrich, flowers and embroidery. Living models will pose in those dainty hats tomorrow. Bring your little girl to see them. BLAUNER'S 833-35 Market Street trimmed. III! Ill I j I rininl the Cerna twenty mlle north of the Sokot positions. Anoiner rorce of horsemen has mved the samo dis tance northeast. Urltlsh and CJree ktroops In nn at tack on a ten-mile front south of Iako Dolran have mado some pi ogress. fly the Associated Pren Paris, Sept. 20. Ten thousand Bulgarian prisoners were sent to the rear on September is alone, sajs Marcel Hutln. In the Lcno de Paris. The pursuit of the retreat ing enemv continues with great Stic- miuu ilia nftlnta (irlHd Tho big bag of prlsonets was. taken by the Piench, Serbians nnd Greeks east of Monnstlr These Allied troops have captuied important eminences and tenched the Cerna River at a point fifteen miles from j-nieii. appaient objective of the drlxe. Allies Open New Orlve The British nnd Greeks have opened an attack In the region of Lhe Doiran and have obtained a foothold In the enemy's first positions. They are con tinuing the nuacK, nui "''' ,'.". be in the direction of Vardar Val e , which l said to be the most feasible route into Serbia from the south. Lake Doluin Is on thq eastern side of a series of heights -running norihani south between the lake anil the Vardar River. The latest f'rench official statement concerning Macedonia operations as of September 18 reads: "On September 17 nnd IS. the Allied nimles In the Kast greatlv extemlecl the successes or ine iw i. j,,.. ti,.. Ttiilcnrlan divisions en gaged on the fiont of the attack, re treated in disorder on the Cerna Our troops. In their pursuit, have reached the Cerna on one pai t of Its course and have occupied In the mountainous stone Gxurov Kamen aiul Chnzerna. havo crossed the Belashnltsa River nnd cone bejond the leglnn of Rojden, as well as the Blatets massif. War Material Won "The enemv left behind prisoners nnd considerable mateiial, which have not et been enumerated "In the region of lake Doiran, Brit ish and Greek tioops likewise have carried forvvaid an attnek nnd gained a foothold in the enemy flist positions notwithstanding stubborn resistance. A gieat number of prisoneiH have already fallen Into their hands. The attack continues' FOE YIELDS ALSACE TOWN TO AMERICANS flv the Associated Press With the mrrlrnn Arm? In luce, Sppt 20 There are Indications that the enemy has placed new troops In the line In Als.-ce opposite the Americans Soma portions of the front, however, apparently are not held by these new men . , ., An American patrol penetrated the enemv wlie Thursday and w.-lked through the town of Ammerzweller, which w is found to be deserted . Official War Reports I'llKX'H Paris, Sept 20 fn the region of St. Quentln the rYench troops late last night cap tured Bssigny-le-Grand , and made additional prisoners Kast or the Allette the night was marked by violent enemy reactions Five different German counter-attacks were broken up before our new posi tions north of Allemant and east of Mols farm The enemy suffered very heavv losses without obtaining the least results On our side we occupied territory west of Alzy and northeast of Vaill. An enemy attempt to gross the Vesle at Joncherv was broken up Our pati tls penetrated the enemy Will Blauner's S.lil-35 Market Street F cOK 1 a tfr TJpLltll fc rat Vf ) H 5.00 i Heavy Coats Reduced to 2.00 Of mercerized plush, corduroy and striped mix tures. Values almost double. Sizes 2 to 6. Blaitner's-r-Fourth Floor Jl-.-- HAI.H..i -A (1....I- lt I lines northwest of Soualn (Cham psgne) and brought back prisoner!. - " BRITISH V London, Sept. 20, Shortly betqre midday yester day Kngllsh troops attacked In the Lerrtplre-Cpehy sector. In Bplte of considerable opposition and In the face of heavy artillery and machine gun Are, they made valuable progress to the depth of more than a mile beyond the line previously gained In this locality A strong point known as Malasslse Fam (mid way between Lemplre and Bpehy) was captured after obstinate resistance, and with It a number of small Woods, posts and defended localities fomMng part of our old defensive Bystem. On the northern part of the battle front we attacked last night and re captuied Moeuvres Here, also, the enemv'a resistance was obstinate. The fighting is still continuing A few prisoners were taken In local engagements In other parts of the battlefront and also north of Hulluch. North of Lens a hostile raiding party waje repulsed Work-or-Fight Rule in Yards, Says Piez Continued from Pane One reply to a epiestlon by Chairman Fletcher Vln.t or Them Faithful "There Is a rather general feeling that iu sli pvaids aie a haven of refuge Every Acme Truck . is warranted to de liver 100 service to the owner, no matter what field it may enter. It is a' rare thing for an Acme to visit the re pair shop. 1 2 3H4 Tons Immediate Delivery Uippincott Motor Co. MOTdR TRUCKS 2120 MARKET ST. 0 grargjsiSjsrajgjjafErSEJSjalEraraa Repairing and remod eling at a 20 per cent red action. Free stor age, charge payable when delivered. Ap Buy Your Furs Now In Our September Fur Sale At A 20 Per Cent Discount nd Make a 40 Saving on Prices That Will Don't underestimate the importance of buying in this sale. Every day of delay means neglecting the opportunity of pur chasing fashion's newest and richest conceptions in fur coats, coatees, sets, scarfs and muffs at an actual discount of 20 per cent from their present low-marked prices. Prices that are assuredly low because of our foresight in buying our pelts before present big advances in costs. K ,SU IPF Eight Most Important Items for ir Nat. Raccoon Sets Selected Bklns. Wide animal scarf. Iarge muff to match. $38.00 Winter Price 41.50 Nat. Muskrat Coat Three-quarter length full models. Large shawl' collar. $88.00 Winter Price 110.00 Fur Scarfs November Sep,(eS'er ilea. Price So' Price 32.50 Hudson Seal 26.00 35.00 Taupe Fox 28.00 35.06 Kamchatka Fox . . 28.00 37.50 Red 'Fox 30.00 42.50 Natural Squirrel . . 34.00 6150 White Fox 54.00 92.60 Cross Fox 74.00 112.50 Mole (Large Stole) 90.00 137.50 Russian Kolinsky. ..110.00 ijisisjaraaiEfafSEisiaa PURCHASING AGENTS ORDERSACCEPTEDiEMiiaaiEEiS of stackers, and that many men of draft age have obtained employment at Hog Island and the Plher shipyards," con tinued Mr. Plez. "The majority of them make good, faithful workers There are, of course, Isolated cases where men, after getting Jobs In the vards, work only a few dajs a week and perform their work carelessly. "But we have adopted a policy of discharging men of this kind ns quickly as they are found and turn their names over to the draft boards We believe there should be a system of protecting the useful workers and putting out i the unsatisfactory workers and have put It Int oefTect, "We are now going further than that and will put a policy Into effect of de clining to employ men of Class 1, We shall also adopt a policy to prevent men HIIIIIIIIHIIIIM A "Blaylock" Anticipating the present market conditions and backing our 'judgment by contracting for im mense quantities of standard hat materials for men in ail walks of life gives a Blaylock the undivided preference. Mavteon & DeMan 1115 Chestnut- Street (Opposite Keith's Theatre) A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase in Our Storage Vaults Until Desired Fox, Wolf or Lynx Scarfs $280 $3600 $48-00 Very Special Colors are taupe, brown, black, battle ship gray, red and pearl gray. The values are so unusual that we quote no comparative prices. Taupe Wolf Sets I.arce uldo scarf nnd round muff to match. Trimmed with heads and tails. . $54.00 Winter Trice 67.60 Skunk Sets Smart pllk-llned scarf. I.arco melon muff to match. $78.00 Winter Frlre 97.S0 Nat. Nutria Coat 40-Inch flare design. Deep shayl 'collar 'Ex ceptional 'value, $148.00 Winter Price 183.00 Hudson Seal Coat 45-Inch full models Large cape collars and cuffs of skunk. $196.00 Winter Price 245.00 Fur November September Ilea. Price Sale Price 65.00 Marmot Coats 68.00 Smart Loose Belted Model. Larfe Shawl Collar. I 72.50 Natural Raccoon. . 138.00 Three-nuarter Length Looae Helled Model. Selected Quality Sklna. 215.00 Hudion Seal 172.00 Three-quarter Length Looee Model. Shawl or Cape Collar. 3 1 0.00 Hudson Seal 248.00 45-ln Very Full Model Wide Dorder fc Shawl or Cape Collar t CufTa of Skunk V F discharged at one plant .from Jro,ln',TW another and obtaining work by requir ing clearance papers from one yard bei fore employing them at another." The labor turnover at Hog Island has Improved, nnd because of Improved transportation and housing facilities there the number of employes quitting has very materlall yreduced, said Mr. Plez. "I believe the Hog Island shipyard will coma up to the Hmergeney Fleet Corporation's expectation of turilng out twenty ships this ear. but will not turn tut the forty-eight ships the Amer ican International Corporation ex pected," Mr, Plez replied to questions hy Senator Ransdell. "We now have forty-two ships t n the ways there, mkny well toward completion and two fin ished." " RLAYWCK$BLYNN.Ine V 1528 Chestnut St Charge Account Opened. Large-iize coat up to SO butt. Mail Ordert Filled Prevail in November Tomorrow 8! Beaver Sets New design shawl scarf. Canteen-shaped muff to match. $98.00 M Inter Price m.50 Nat. Squirrel Coat Kmart loose belied model. Large shawl col lar and cuffs. $258.00 Winter Price 33.00 Coats November September Pep. Price Sale Price J45.00 Moleskin 276.00 Three-quarter Length Full Model. New Design Collar and Cuffs. 345.00 Hudson Seal 276.00 45-inch Very Full Model of Selected Bklns Large Cape Collar and Cuffa of Silky Skunk, 620.00 Mink ...., 496.00 Three-quarter Length Full Model. Handsomely Trimmed with Tails and Paws. ' 870.00 Broadtail 696.0Q 45-Inch Kxcluslve Design. Handsomely Msrked Skins. DsH Al fH , I L1 . I ! F i ijwe'1 m " . t i p l x 1 & I JV .f i , ''-P ,fAtoi '.. i ? "'i.'W-'tj ?v 4 c? 4: C t y .IV.i j - . fe mL,:' :;;:-: k JMK.CSI- ,") L& a
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