r&$ i (L.'. SO rain 9 I .'VYr9"', 1B- CJATtlKntNIB.A.1 wlf tt. Madeline in, Anna E. . htrong.,t.nuia -- Vhmare. nnn.td rv tV.h-KnotJ. Caroline viueaiiin, iaura . byre, .tames J, rl. 8usan taker. George E. Irown Marv r. Rark. Charles J. "ar. James j flper, Snnn'l It, aja- jtnuie II, rbaeh. John I!. 1ckon. CHitln fl. rr. Vf. IL.Jr. fling. Catherine. M nils. Alh.rt n. tier. John W. III. O.OtVa He. Mr7f . Hlesol-,-lrrlda.i ttt Flnr.nr.. If wxnttir""" ag..anna v. ne. Henrietta Eiicher.. George Ml lr. Edward Kennedy, Dennis M. eortler, Annl Kronan Oath. r.. Iawfnn. .tam.a s iLean. Mary A. DrRi waiter J. A ?iTTri "-atnerin A yi",tUMtni.-Jrtieii n W,'l"'iworthuJme a fiVmi. 'John fl. Jaijiynah. Edmund Wi vjq 7 ABBOTT. Sept. 1, MADALINE. widow ClOt Abrnharn Abbott. Relatives and friends ; ?,ly view remalna At 11134 N. Broad el.. ili'"8MIi"Jil"i m- " 2 d tn. Int. prlvste. WTXtTIERTBON. Sept. 1. ANNA n. AL i fBHRTSON (nee North), wife of Charles E. ' i. -MP"on. aged 21. Relatives and friends iiifi id lunerni services nion. I P. ".. ioana w residence, ona naaann ave.. t-ni- VBnil V. J tat fl.. ana-nnri IK nt P. I ,.ym.(. rank. Friends may call Sun., after OL MrCullough. Herna! d McDermotti Ellen A. McElwee. Anna N. McKernan. Frank JteLaughlln. Mrr 'McLaughlin. Ellen Meeker, HMen Mendenhall, E. W. Mitchell, J. II. Moore. Iterthe Morrison. Carrie T. Myers. John M. refers. Colonel W. Q, Pcuntnev. W. A. nelser. Albert C. Ithetenbo-k M. C. Rogers. Joalah. Roger-. Joseph Hue. Emma Ryan, Margaret M. Beeber. Bertram J. Shipley, Frances F. Slhson. Henry A. Silverman. Esther Smith. Mary B. Smith, Emma Stanton. William A. States. Emma stoteenhMrr. Louie Taylor, Ttachael Taylor. Benjamin J. Tremor. Lcna'd J. llnpermsn, W. D. Virtue, John I Warker. Mary II. Ward, John D Weiser, Frank White. Charles A. Wolf. L"lte H. Youn. QeorKs t.. p. m ABHMOnE. Sept IS, In service at An tfan. Carta! 7dn. Rerveant nONAT.TJ T)LI- 'ffen Aflf(nnv uu..j .m ne r.tnlaM r UUM ilia lata .Tnhn W AahmAra armA nln. !V AUCH-KNTITT Rr.t it. rAnni.iNE EVAUCH-KNOTT (nee Braun). widow of Iouls lr.uc" " ". neiaiives ana irienas in V BKTDEMAN. Sept. 18. UAIlnA B.. wife ijs". v ieivin lieiaeman. neiauve ana fl"'o uiviiea xo lunerai. nil,. p. m.. 124 FlthlBtt iv. Mrrhan-Ut V J Int. Mjmrrvate. Harlelih Cem. Friends may call !(, boice.- Sept, 1. JAMES J . husband or iAyrace Boyte (nee McOevcr). Relatlvea and v 1iTlI!,s- employes of Schuylkill Arsenjl, In j.svttad to -funeral. Sat., a a. m.,,2U4l Ells- ji'AnthonV.a Church 0:80 a. m. Int. Holy MCrliss Cem, Aute funeral. Thomaa F. Boyle' (ne'e McMenamln). Funeral. Bh which- the relatlvea and friends are in- V -wv. '.ui..,o B, III., (ntU H, Un ,. KJI "mn of requiem Church of St; Thomas 0:30 '. JL . .Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto service. 1 nl HRAKMn . MffltaH In unllnn In ).n,. at ha battle of the Marne. July 24. OKORQE -tELMEfl IIRAKER, Jr.. first lieutenant. 4th . U. 8. Inf.. r" TI nf OMirn IT. unit illJ."!.12- Braker. 438 S flnth at., aged 28. .qpHela.tt.iea and friends P. O. S. of A . Camp i-'-jto. ."Bt, Invited to memorial service-. Sun.. i P., m,. Tabernacle Lutheran Church. 00th lfll Snmi.. ... tS BROWN. Suddenly, at Illversldo. N. .1.. f- vt. li. MART C. widow of Samuel A-IrowP' "" Relatives and friends. JVDaahters of. Olive Branch. No. It. of Illver- VlatdC. N. .1. and VIMni.1 r-niinpll. R. nf A.. '.of Bavefly. N. J.. InMted to funeral. 8un . Iy 3 p. m. residence of dauxhter. I.aura C. ' Wber. SO0 Brlditeboro at.. Riverside. N. J. "LBarrlca at Moravian Church P. m. Int. fHIVMde. i.- CLARK. Suddenly. Sept. 18. CHARLES j.. nusDana or Mnry M. Clark tnee Kerry) mA nn nf I... t.l an.t Ihavlna ftaatf 1 .formerly nf Knrrlntnwn. Pa. Relatives an(i Jfrlends. p. R R. Relief Asso ; Court West rk.-. F. of A., and St. Patrick's I. C. B I'.. Invited to funeral. Man.. 8 a. m.. 122A N. Ruth st. Solemn requiem mass St. Oren- nrri Lnurcn. v:u a. m. int. i. uenis a Cam.. , COADT. Sept. 1R. JAMES J., husband ot Alice. Coady (nee McCoy), and son of -late .Thomas and Marv Cnadv. of Waterford. J Ireland. Relatives and friends. Boiler.. raaaers union. Loral No. sbi. inviteo. to tu inaral. Sat., a an a m .1111? Aante st. . iC Bolero n reaulem mass Church of Nativity (Vu a. m. rt aryice t.r.VY a.ni la ruTttcntMin . . of John C. l.evf a'nfl dauahter of Thnmaa S. and Mary Mulvlhlll (nee Lynn) Relatives and friends InWted to funeral. Tuea., R:3(l a, m., parents' residence, 27i4 Edaemnnt St. Solemn requiem mass St. Ann's Church 10 a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem. Auto service. LlailTFOOT. At West Cnnshohocken, Pa Sept. ID JAMES D, LIOI1TFOOT. aerl nn. Relatives and friend- Invited to funeral, Mon 1:30 o. m. First ave., West Con shnhorken. Services nulph Christian Church 2:.'n p. m, Int. Oulph Cem. Friends may call Sun.. J to 10 p. mi Chester County papers rnnv, ' LONORWORTH. At Pfalnfletd. N, J.. Sept. 10, JAMES S , husband of Minnie Lonnsworth. Due notice of funeral will be ajven, from his brother-in-law's residence, Hrrr Carney. 8124 N, Rosewood at, IJTD. In Plymouth township. MonUom. erv Countva Pa.. Sent. IT lata .iriitv n kl.OTD. Relatlvea and friends Invited to at. tend the funeral aertlces. at hla late resli dence-, Curren Terrar. Plymouth township,. on Saturday, the 21st met., at 2 o'clock. Interment private, , LVNCU, Killed In action In France." AUI; .' Captain EDMUND WRIOIIT LTiS'Clt Co. II 111th Infantry. . McCULLOUcm. Sept. 1. BERNARD. husband of .Tultn MrCullnush. Relators and friends Donejtal Society., Dlv. No. in, A. 0. II. r Robert Emmet Branch. No. HIT. Irish National Foresters: employes of At lantic Fruit Co.. Invited to funeral. Sat., 8:80 a. m IM! N. Felton at. (noar 03d st and Lnnsdowne ate ). Solemn mass of re quiem Church of Our Lady of Holy Koaar 10 a. m. int. Holy CrosslCen), Auto fu neral, c MCDERMOTT Sent IT. ELLEN A., widow of John F Mcpermott and daughter of late William and Rose A. Mullln ftela- uvea ana inrnas lnvnea to tuners. Sat.. H:S( a. m.. 2112 Manton st Solemn hlah mass of renulem St Charles's Church 10 a m. Int. Hol Cross Cem. MCELWEE. Sept. 18. ANNA NEI.SON. widow of Jnmea McElwee, aaed 7(1 Rela tlvei and friends Inxlted to funeral services, Hat.. 8 p, m, residence of son. William II MCEIwee 8117 Chestnut st. Int. private. Ml. Mnrlah Cem. McKKBNAN. Sopt In. FRANK, hus band of Msry McKernan (nee Heaaney) and son of Annie and late Frank McKernan, l?T .ff Crenran County .Tyrone. Ireland. Relatives and friends. fi; Eunan's Com mandery, No. 20. Knluhts of the Bert Branch, and Donetral 11. and P Society, Imlted to funeral. Mon . S.S0 a. m., real, denco of Michael Farrell. 772 N. 2.Mh st, Bolemn requiem mass 81. Francis Xavler Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto fnneral. . McLAUflltLW. Sept. 18 MARY, etdow of James MrLauahllrj. Relatives and friends ... ., ,. I'uuaiiii. a.rnaun,.., rnrrCQ Heart nf St. Stephen's Church. InMled to funeral. Sat.. !-ln a hfifti mass of req io a. m. funeral. IMCI.AUUIIIilN. Sept ,.nl0.lt'rt:",1n ! Solemn ulem fit. .Bterihen'a riht.eh Int: Holy Mepulehre Cem, Auto in. F.l.t.RSf M. of John Mcl.auahlln. Relatives and friends. Ladles' Benf. apd Rosary Societies Invited to funeral. Men.. W.10 a. m.. 2 pay at., Camden, N, J., Hlah mass Church of the Immaciikite Conception 10 a. m. im. Cal vary Cem Meeker. At wiidwood, N. j . sept 18 HELEN- (nee Alhusl.' vlf" of . H. Mseker! Relatives and frlenda Ifrvlted to funeral serv. Ice. 110 W, 22d St.." N Wiidwood. N. J Frl.. 7:80 n m. Hen lees concluded at tha parlors of Nathan Marple A Sons. M2.-. Oer 1 P. m. rnsntown ate , sat. MENDKNHALL Atouth Vlneland, N J.. Sept. 1. Hlj,lOTT W,. husband of Is. sle Mendenhall, ated fin. Relatltes and friends Invited ttrfuneral aervlra, Mon.. 2 fi. m . OlUsr II. Balr tlldn., 1820 Chestnut at. Int. prlvata. Remalna may lie vlcned Sun . 7 to 10 p. m. . MITCHELL. Sept. 1. residence of pirents. rthdnor, Pa.. JONATHAN Br.n TRAM MITCHELL, son of Mary F nnd'l.U. Il M Mitchell. aed S3. Further notice will be riven. MOOHB ept. It nERTHA.t... widow of, Rev. David W. Mnora. Relatives and friends Incited lo funeral servtres. Sat 3 p. m 1427 Powell St.. Norrlstown mt pr-". MORRISON At Ralllmore.ATd.. Sept. in, CARRIE T.. wife or Wlnfred T. Morrison. M D.. of Elkton. Md. Relatives and friends inuteii to funeral services, Mon.- - " h- m: Oliver il. 'Balr lllda., l20'Chcstnut st. Int. nrllftte. West Laurel 11111 Om. MYERS. Sept. 10. JOHN M.. huband of Allele L'ornot Mers Due notice ot fu neral will bo riven from 5201 Lnrchwood ave PETERS. Sent 17, at Penver. Col.. WALTER O. PETERS, son of Harry and late Adelaide Peters, of Bushklll. Ta. POt'NTNBY. Pled nf wounds In France. Pert. 8. 1018. WILLIAM ALFRED POUNT NEY. of the Canadian Army of Reserve. sred 20 years. Late of East Russell st. Son of William H. and Sarah A. Pountney REISER Fept. 18. ALBERT CLEMENS son of Charles C. and Emma W. Reiser SlWVffT mmmbmffiAibwm tlBATHel (nea Arth). aaed 24 uiiirvj iir luiprni, nni.. nusnuensnnn ave. int. ureenmount rnenos may call JTI., alter 7 p. m arvtr-a k Relatives and rjends V.nu p. m., au'j w, service. RHETENIIOCK Cem Auto fnei Tiitllal Rml IT MARY EL1ZAIETH. widow of Charles Rhetenbock. Relatlvea afid friends Invited to funeral Sat.. 8:30 a, m,, residence of dsuahter Mrs. Dells Lucas IMO Fnlrmount ae. Utah mass at Cathedral 10 a m Int. private Aute service ROflElfH. Nesr Moorestew- v j mth Month.. 18. JOB1A1I ROOERS. of Medford. N. J.i aaed R. Belsthea and fflends ln vlted to funersl. Friends Mretlna House Medford, N. J., on Pevcnth-dnv, 21st. 2:80 p. m, Train leaves Market St. Ferry. Phlla. 12:44 p, in,, for Medford. Friends mav call Medford. N. J. on SlKth-dny eve. ' ROOERS Sept. 18. JOSEPH, husband nf Aanes Rocers lletatlxes and friends. Court t'rlde of Olnc No 248. F. of A . and I,e. hlah Lodue, No. n, 8. of II Imlted to funeral sen Ices, Pat 8 n m. :in; N Front, st Int (Ireenmount Vem Auto fU"ertl RUE Sent. 10 Old ladles' Home. Wl'sl nnmlnir, EMMA lll'n, aard 80. Relntlcs and frletida Invltfd to funeral sirtloes. Sat . II a. m , parlors Henry PaKann. S. E, cor. Stat and Cumberland sts. Int. private RYAN Sept 1. MAROAIIRT M. wife nf Jo-n ;Pvai and dnlihter of MftrRSet and late psld Rvan Funeral Mon , 7.80 a. m . 1217 N Wlltop, st ("ear n2d nnd Olrsrrt nvp Solemn requiem toass at St Oreaory's Church l a. m. Inf. St Denis's cem t Relatltes nnd friends Imltrd, Auto eerlce SEEBEfl. Sent 1R. BERTRAM .1 hus. band of Mary Berber (nee Knecht) nnd son of Goora-n J. nnd Carrie M. Beeber (nee Hell) aned 28 Relatltes and frl'nds Camn Vo. 817. P. O. H of A , Invited to funeral ervlces. Mon. 2 p. m 708 Raymond st. (7th st. end the Bouletarl. Int nrltnte K1IIPLEY, -enl. 10. ITIANCES ELLIOT vounaeat dauahter of Walte- c ami Annie If Shipley, eaed n. nf 127 Hartnv st (ler rnsntown. Funeral services at st Thomas' Cb'irh Whltamarslt. Sit. t,15 B m SIBSON - Sept 10 HENRY A , husbiind of late Ellmbeth Wentr Hihaon. aaed 71. Relatltes nnd friends Pu-"ltv Lodae. No. 82 I, O. i) F . Bonn! of Managers of Odd Fellows llnme. Tinas. Oermsntown Coun ell. Stenm Enalneers. No. 22: Court Pride of Uranchtottn. F. of A , and Minnehaha Tribe, No 111, I O. R M , Invited to funeral sertlces. Sat , 2 p. ni , resldenie of V.tuh ter Mrs. Martin Hey. .-.028 N l!)th st . Logan Int Ivy Hill Cem Remains moy be tietved Frl ete. HEATH SILVEnMAX Sept. 10. KS.TIIER. widow of Issao Slltermsn. naed (10 Relatlvea and friends. Lady Washington Lodge. Joc'ieved Vereln, Dauahters nf Beth Israel and the III Sisters, Intlted to funertit sertlces. Sun. 2 p. m..JJ022 N. 80th st Int Mt. Carmel Cem Omll flowers. New Yoric papers copy. SMITH. Bept. Ill, at late l-oldence. BUI Intsport. N. J.. MAftY ELlZAIfETH, widow of John Smith aaed 7.V Relative and rrlenda Invited In Bert Icea Mnn . ' n m . residence of son-in-law. Albert S Wine. 844 I. 1 ... . , l.n. n llk II'.lLiJ.i inii". ..iiu iinu iii-nmRiun H A Mnn at ate.), w rniia- int. pritste l rietnn may Call Sun . 8 to HI ". m SMITH.. Sept. 111. EMMA tlfe of Thomas S Smith, Relatlvea and friends. Mothers' Meellni of St. Mark's Church, Intlted to funeral, Mon.. 2:30 p. m . 1232 Allenarovo st , Frankfor Sertlces In St. Mnrk'a Chu'rh 8:80 p. m Int, rrltnte. STANTON. Sept. -18, WILLIAM A STANTOS", need 70 jears Noll'e of funeral will be given STATES. Sent. IV EMMA STATEF. wife if William Stales, aaed 72 Rel.itltea and (rtends lntltd to funfrnl strtltvs Mon 2 . in residence of dsuahter, Mr Schwendl mnn. 2712 Ni 8th at Int. Illllalde Cem nrinntris msy t viewed Sun eve , STOTSENhURO. Sept 17 LOUiSA. widow nf Phlllr Stotaenburr. Relatives ane friend" Intlted to fu-ernl Sat 2 p. m. 2223 N. WoodstneU at. Int. Perna-pod Cem Auto service TAYLOR Suddenly. Sept. la, RACHAEU widow Of David Talnr. Relatlvea and friends, conareitallon of First Presbyterian Church, of Kenslmton. Intlted to funeral services. Sat., 1 p. m 2Mfl E. York st. int. private, .uiiiejnr t."ni iri-nos may rpt". Frl. eve TAYI5R Sept 18. BENJAMIN J., son of late I)r Robert and Elisabeth A Taylor, funeral services. 1720 Sprute. st . Sat . 2 p. m Int. prhate. Omit flowers TnC.MPEIt. Sept. IN LEONARD J hus. band of Isle Marv A Tremner and son ot EUrobeth snd late Bartholomew Tremner, nnod .12 Relntltea and friends st, Io'r HeneOclnl Sort St. Patrick's Alliance: Court Friendship. No. 00. Ft ot A. employes ot Henrv Disston Bone Intlted to fnneral Sat 830 si m mother's residence, 883J Princeton ave,. Taconv. ttenulem hlah mea nt St I-eo'a Church 10 a. m. Int. St Mnmiiilik Cem. fPPERMAN Sept 10 WATSON P. UPPEHMAN. husband of Ellia A. I'pper man (nee Dstls). a.ed 7.1 Relatives nnd friends Northern I.lbertt l,o,re. No 17 United Brothers' Encampment No. 2(1, I. O. o F , llarmonv Lodae, No 20 L P of A . Cnpt John Tnvlor Tepinle No 24 O. !' A . EDUCATIONAL afllHfikA. yTfv JtaHl Roth Sejte. Yonna Women nnd (llrls Ynnna Women nml (llrls Int. Holy Cross Cem. COOPER. Sept. 18. BAMUEL 1L. katftfl .If flat-ah llr raAnoa aMil a-n nnf 1 . t.d the Ule FrRnk Cooper. Aed P. FRIENDS' SELECT ' School for Boys and Girls ON-THE-PARKWAT lGth and 17th STa A thorouchly modern school with over 229 ' . year of worthy traditions. Primary, Intermedial. and Htjrh School Courses, College Preparation, Manual Training and Domestic Science. Small classes, experienced teachers. Emphasis on broad, general culture and simple Christian living, with regard for the needs and apti tudes of each child. Suburban Atmosphere in the Heart of the City A ftw nquares from Uroarl Straet Station and Reading Terminal. Large, well-equipped playgrounds right at tha achool where they can be used during and after school hours, Illustrated booklet on request Fall term begins Ninth Mo. Sid. Walter W. Haviland, Principal. Opin Datty for Inspection and enrollment. i f band, of Sarah B Cooper and an nof Emma ! 'V.,atid the lata Frank Cooper, aaed 3d. Bel. j.-atlyca and friends, emplntes of Thos. H V JWllson. Jin?.. Hampton Worsted Mills. In-i4vlted-lrt'funersl sen rces. Sat.. 2 p. m.. f 'residence of mother. 1H11 E. Berks st. Int. tVipnvaie, rernwoon uem. itemains mav w r.vliwert Frl. after 8 n. tn . 'J'DUOAN 8epL 18. ANNIE H, wife of k John J. Ptiaan. Belatlves and friend" In ..; rlted tn Mneral. Sat.. 8 SO a. m.. 19.9 8. ijilthan at. Solemn renulem mass Church of ,the Blessed Sacrament, flRth and Chester ,... 10 a m. Inl, Holy Cross Cem. Auto i EBERBACH. At 282S Nicholas St., Sept 1-iBt, IUI1.1 T. L.llI'jftUAI.;il. Itl-IRtlVe nil'' .friends Invited to funeral services, Frl, 7 ,-ii- m.. nilvne tr. ntr rildn-.. ian -r-hestnut 'fjftt. ilat.-- prltate. - ERICKHON. Sept. 19. CHARLES O.. nus MnV.of lata Marsaret Martin Erlckson. I)u- n0tlcenf funeral will tie crlven from 148 'JtltTifr-et. EBHRV ar,t 1T .TVIT.T.tAIlt II V'SBEY. fJrj, thuspand -nf "Mildred Mearsw-Esrey. of 3aIi-Pir. Relatives and friends, members ,Sof the Union Lenrue. Invited to service-, ifSst a p. m. Oliver II. Balr Blda.. 1820 aesrnut ST int, private, j-rienne mnr i-.i'i Fl eve e EVERI.INfl Sent. 17. CATHERINE M I KVajnuxa-lnee Pelsnsy). widow of Snmii;l J, Sysrllna and mother of Rev. Joseph F. :ve.fllnr. Rrlstlves and friends Invited tn -$ funeral. Sat.. 8:30 a. m.. 1208 N. Hancock . ftflt.N- BaUmii vanillaM rHsss RF 1lnhtl(l fl I w Church 10 . m Int. 8t. Pftcr'n Om. Aulo " ftflT Ifr" .Di.JJ.atu ..t Xta.nnlla KT T. . Sept. 18. ALBERT R husband of late Kate v rouixe.. neiativea ana inenas inviiea w l'iunera4-BerviceB. aai., 1..111 p. ni., uinrrn 'Balr lild..li:0 Chestnut st. Int. West . T.ati.l.UIII Ski FRAZlEft. Suddenly. Sept. 17. Col. JOHN ,W. FRAHBr aaed 81. .BelntivesJ and Mnenoar att. aioripn j.nnae. rn iii.ifc r ii" A. it;: Col' IVIHIsm L. Currv Tost. No 18. S r A B a tll.ll.Aaldkl. nlaa. firtttmi CI. A in. Association of Philadelphia: War Vetsr Shana' Cb,of Philadelphia: Maior M. A. rtOharat. Camp." Pons of Veterans. Invited to j.TUAeral services. Hat.. 2 p. m,. cnnpei or H-.a-.a.a. Dal. A. QnH I..I, .nj ttliV. ata tnt, Woodlanda Csmi g S"-ftrrr. Rent IS nRnnfSF. FRIT7.. aaed fJM. -hemalna mav V Mewed Frl.. to 10 ,i m.. funersl parlors of Oeorye W Rarrett. K45t: 18." (or. Park and.Lehlatt avea. Services K'and int.lPeashert Hill Cem . York. Pe . Set.. -Tm arrival'of' train leaving Broad St. Sta- Kfllon n:iii a. m. yorK ann jancasier rapere v.rejpv. ;?i! OKICK. Stpt. IT. MART H. OBICK. aaed itW., uteietlves ann inenas. memoers y.ions ItLutksrDn Churrh, Invited to funeral serv Kicae. Pat., 2-p m nleca's residence. Mrs. JLrltcher,' 41rt N. loth St. Int. WvHroln. Tatae Oim. Vrlenda mav call Frl. eve. fiJdlLLESPHy. Bent. IT. BTtlDOET. wife iv'- James uiuespie. . BANKS BUSINSS COLLEGE the Training School of Successful Men and ,. Women COLLEGE WOMEN Your Country Needs You Adapt your education to Jhe needs of The Service in Is n pli Tttn lines of hlchlr nntrlotle aervlre wlilth offer ttoniei Relatives and friends, -la nf ', Bi.Hri flaari nf A a-iimtit Iin ScSujrfh.-lnvltd to funeral Sat.. 81S0 a. m. iaam N. .park ave. Solemn reaulem mass Burch ot Assumption 10 a. m. Int. Hnlv isanaa i-am Aviim mnarai . IW OOKTZ. Spt. J9. FliOKRNCK MAHIK. W 4uhlfT of Michael a. bit. Mtrv G. Ooetv ( t Mfhlbaum). ed 13. Relatives and j.rrtnaa invnea in lunrrai, mon . n a. m.. I trtnU residence. 122ft N. Jlandolph at. 1'liAiiam mnMH Rf Pntor'a fhlirrh 0 u . m -'int. mrlvate. lSfoat Holy Redeemer Cem. I&firrnntnn rPt eopv. HIPrMAX. S(nt. in. 1 ART JANE widow rAlDcrl t. ninmnn. nr,, hkcu h xn tln mav .' vlfwf-t Prl. taVd. Fnnral. atat convenience ftf famllv from real. re ox ion. Aioeri 11. iimmnn. jr. ini.: nfith at. Int. Tirlvnte at Mnntroi Cem. HOOD. Sept. 17. MART widow of Huttl en I. nriniivfB ann irmnai, inm nnrrim nauari u lA'Vlted to fuoerM aervlcja. ru IHoaH. aed 14. I'titn ot Korrla In. 2128 N. Hsncock Hill cem e u, P. Church 'ices. Sat.. 1 n. int. private, MnrtB towfnfp Sept. 10. ANNA W.. wife nf Au. Anil 'Hoi (nee Nerz), naed On. itelstitei ilnd friends Women of the Holy Famllv. "- ... ali. a.l.il-. oi nni e.i.tiiBa Phurch invited to funeral' Mnn.. 8:10 a. m.. ami uiamonn st noiemn requiem maaa t. nonlfaclus'a Church lo a. m. Int. Holy Iledeemer Cem. Auto fnueral. Omit After the greatest year In Its hlston'Ms deluaed-with applications for lis nrnduatea. This la your opportunity to start on the way to financial Independence and success In life. A course in "thlfc modern "Kattnnallt Accredited School of Business" will, train you to'afcure and hild- uod imtiiur lHisltlon. Call, tvrlto or phonsr'today for our free Calaloaui. DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS ENTER ANY TIME BANKS BUSINESS COLLEGE AND SCHOOL FOR SECRETARIES 925 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. area In the front rank of those ttlio eerie behind the llnea are: (1) Mecret.tnes and Statistical Vierker. r- nirtitmiis or I. n. .lleillcnl torpa. To help supply these two treat need- llrexel Institute, In eo-operntlon tilth the I . H. t'ltll Mertlre t'ommlsslon nnd the llnspltnl llltlslon. Medical Corp;, tl: S. Ann), has preimrril special one year Wnr Tralnlnc C'onrsrs. These are arflnltely iilM'roted bv the reepertlte dennrthients of the I nlted Ntnte- (internment. Usuien tthn enter will he at onco In trnlnlnt for their country's sen Ire. Mllltur retnlu- tlons ttlll be obserteil line enr rnure for trained tt omen I One jenr course for trnlnlna ttnmrn xecret.trles and .Stiitlstlral Workers Dietitian for V. H. Medical Corps opens iineni October 7. Graduates of this III toiler SI. Orilduatca of this lourse murse tvllt bo eligible for certification I are ellalble to certification for position to positions under Cltll Sertlce. The s Assistant Dietitian upon satisfactory rretincata, nf graduation will Im tho . completion of four months probationary basis fnr.ratlnir: no further scholastic ( work as pupil Pletltlsns In the U. a. test ttlll be required. I .Military Hospital.. Collcae KrndunteH tthn bate one or more years of occupational experience mar enroll In special four months' Intensltr courses. Tho urgency of the need cannot he nterstatrri. Colter women alone ran meet It. Here Is jour opportunity for large- patriotic sertlre Write Immedlntelv for llultetln nml enrollment blanks, statins qualifications and the course In which lou are Interested. DREXEL INSTITUTE Ileitis Godfrey. Sc. !.. Knr. I).. 1.1,. 1)., D. C. I.. rilll.ADKI.rlHA. PKNNA. Trrsldent. WS&SSWffiSBM ItKATHW Tolo Tribe. No. SIT. t. O "If M.i Lincoln Lflt'Sl Oranve fidee Kn f.. tteestue fOUn- cll No 30 O. U. A M. . members nf Helect and Common Councils. Hunt, of Cltf Parks and Vesta Club and all other organisations of tthlch he ttas a member. Invited to fu nerai sertlces. Mn a p m . sr a.i r. Hu-nuehanna ave Int nrlvate. Mt. Peace Cem. Friends mav view body on Bun., 7 to VtnTtTR -q.nl IT imlU fl tiiiahand ot Into Hester Virtue. erd r.2. tlelatlves and friends, emnlnvea T. Il.snice ft Co-.. Invited to funeral. Sat.. 2 n. m . residence of daugh ter. 21". watmns st Int. Mt.' Morian i;em. Friends mev can HI. eve Anto aervico. WACKISn - Pent 1H 1018 MAHY It, wife nf (lenrge Wncker Jr. tlelstites and friends are Intlted to funeral sertlce- Mon., 2 p. m at her late residence. I"."! N Crn-kev st Int nrlvate Mount Pac Cem, Trlend- mnv call Bundoi evening. M'Aftn Seni t JOHN D . hushsnil of Annie Ilrrgnn Word Inee Mlhan) and son nf late Joseph end Jane Ward, HelsMtes eml mends t mon itepumican uiiio. .'in Ward emploves of Newton MncMne Co., Invited tn funeral sertlces Sat , 2 p, m ll N. inth st. Int Mt. Vernon Cem He-mnln- rn-v h? viewed Frl eve A'l'O aervlce WKISF.lt Sept III. FltANK. son nf Frsnk and Adalalde Weiser (nee Kledtke). aaed 11 week- Ilelatltes nnd friends In tlted tn funeral services. HM.. ! p m . at ?srents' residence. OSS E Olrard ate. Int. oreet Hills Cem WHITII. Si-nt IS ClIAni.F A . hus bsnd of Marv Hmllv White (nee Melgsl. sge R3 Itelatlv-a and friends Invited tn funersl Frl . S n m.. st Fwedelsnd. Pa. Int. Mont gomery Cent . Norl-totvn wn ,P -s.m in I.OUIS II. hu-bsnd ot Amelia Wolf (nee WoelM). Relstlres and fbCLT WANTCDVSte AtK (Other riaaslfled Ads on rate C) CI.FitlK Toung lady, knowledge bookkeep ing, quick at figures! good opportunity) state sslsrr. P tilfi. ledger Office. CI.F.ItK Touung Isdy to write orders and sslst on hooks. Baa Market st.. l'nlla. Cl.EltK Toung lady to assist In offlca. i- int. i.eqger Tirfice. CI.EMKS- Toung women, between 1 and 8.1. wishing to learn the hanking business, will nnd exoenen- opportunities. ror am salary einected, opportunities for advancement ninga ani It state a pleasant surroundings and good hours, by answering tms nn ferred, aa aoverneta for 2 little atria, and vso. age. pnlt P tn.1, esperlence and l.eoger unice. CI.KItKS A large Philadelphia bank la In need of young women with adding ma chine eiperlencei rapid advancement for those ahowtng ability. Apply, stating ex perience and sslary expected 1 702, Ledger nrriro CLICHKR wanted In office of essential cor poration: salary 112 to start, with excel lent opportunity for ndvanrementi hours 8:( to n, 1 o'clock Saturday) elate ags and ex- pcTlenre I- 1127., ledger Office. . CLERKS, must be rapid nnd accurate: no experience necessary If capable: state age. details and salary desired, P 712, Ledger nirire altl. about 10. tn lesrn: paid white learning; COMPTOMKTKK and ensign operator. experience. If state aae snd office P ton, l.edrer Office, any. COMPTOMKTEn OPnitATOn. multiplication only; short hours; large office: stste salary wanted, good chance for adtancement f 7ns tdrer Office, COOK, colored and chambermaid! suburbs, sinn nun friends. Nokom's Tribe No. .'(17, t, o, Ilt M.. no laundry: t and in. Ph. Prest Harr'twgnte Council. No 12S A. O, K. of j ...,,- -. -i.... a in r.milv. A le. M C : Court Wensi-y. No 1,1.-.. F. nf A. -1K' .n"'.. C",".',Z ln tRm"' " Oiiardlan Lodge. No 4K2. LOO F.. In- (lermantcttn 187. Mted to funeral. Sat.. 2 p. tn . .ISflff N. Lee at Fe-vlces S. Ambrose Kplscopal Church a p. m mr mi. feace uem. itemains may be viewed Frl ete yol'Nfl At nclstia-e Cltv Del Sep! 1R (JEOItOK LKOVAItP hushnnd of Sarah Cahlll Toung. Itelntltes and friends Intlted to funeral, from Isle re-ldence Adorns st . Delaware City Del,. Sat Solemn requiem high rnas- St Paul's n C Church In a m Int St Paul's Churchyard LOST AND FOUND COOKINll and downstairs work: capable col. nred girl: t. Phono Oermantnwn ftlS-H FILE CI.KRK for large corporation steady position II. W. Johns-Manavllla. 210 N. uroso. ami. for general office work. grocery houee Apply 20 N ate wholesale Pelaware OIULR ND WOMEN wanted on work for the Government In assembling, tapping HAH PIN Lost, diamond and square aaph phlre bar pin containing 7 esnpMr.s Bnd 10 diamonds, stnmped on beck 11 RRiT. J E. C., & Co . In or near Ilroad 8f. Rtatlon. Frldnv. flept (I Liberal reward If returned tn J. E Caldwell L Co . Chestnut and machlne, power press, foot press, screw ms- Juniper sis j HAHPIN Lost, diamond and nl.tlnum bar- chine and pipe threading department of the Pin net. llitn it .Market a tvannmaker s i . mnrt. . . . ... I.lheritl rew'd If returned tn 1H2H Chestnut II. T TAISTE CO.. 201 Arch at. Apply to CAPE l.nsl or mislaid on the stage of the -..-,-,- of tha IT fl kmninvment R.rvlea Metropolitan Onera House nt the womnn's ltnr or ,n" " H' Empiojment Bervico ttar-tvnrk rally Wedneednv etenlng. Septem in..,n -- a.h o tn in a m e mil her IS. k long, dirk-blue serae rape lined orn""' " '" a. m., or nil with dark-blue sntln Verv liberal reward tl eelnrnait . ATarrnnnlltnfi Dnari Uniisa II iriuiii' ii is.' .-. iiii.i'iiinii .... MMwnu , Ilrmrl ntid Ponlnr ota feKsonals TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Notice Is herebv given that I ttlll be responsible for no debts unle-a contracted bv mself LOUIS F. PARET. ' HELP WANTED FEMALE (Other CJaeslHeil Ails en Page 2) BOOKKEEPER. EXP.'atlENCEr). CAPA Ht.B OF TAnULATINO REPORTS AND 1NVE9TIOATINO. . puhlic i.Ennnn compant BTIt AND CHESTNUT STS, ASK FOR MR.. WIET. ACCOUNTING DEPT. -iWontegoti A SCHOOL FOR LITTLE CHILDREN Boarding & Day Department! BPRCCF. KTRKKT At rOlttlETH Reopens for 5th Vr In October ' Phone Preaton 44S2. Auto Servie. Scientific Direction for NdRJtAI. Cl.ll dren. 3 to It years. Tha aim ot this chool is to give Normal Children an en vironment In which the spontaneous Im pulses of child Ufa may hav freedom tor Individual growth Direction cover Diet, Exercise. Recreation. Deportment, poo troi of Emotions. Occupation, etc. dif ferent for enrh Individual child. ANNA WINni.E l'AT. Dlreclresa Manteifcrl Diploma. Rom lilt .., CHORTHANft L .IS niftV-a -v..... Tgnch Truswrltlng ana .. artUI MbJatU. Bnart laaeka.. I'MU. School of OBea Train) nr -.aajar iii-i, ! e vsnisui . . Uant ISM f IOUI fKTV . I Spring Garden Institute BROAD AND SPRINO OARDEN STBKKT3J TECHNICAL SCHOOLS Automobile rllectrlclty la chine shop Prao- Machlne Shop Mathe- Pattern 8hop Practlea Hoik Illustration Fte Hand. Drawing MfChanlcal Drawing ArchltacturalDrawi.il Mainrmaiica Siy Classes ElfCtrlcllr Automobile, t P.M. cmsn'a classes In Automobllei Arthttsct a and Mechanical Drawing) (look Illutt'D. Illustrated Proapectus. Opens September 3J. MIIURTIIAND ANI ItanKKKkHNU Our graduates are In ronstant demand (Jood Ravine position awslt you, Oregg Short and. the eay. speedy system. Cornplsts business and secretarial courses. Dsj school new opvni niant eciieui virus fiirauar. ri. "" S. Enroll any t the.- Call or writ idfflk tor full particulars snd eatilet. (Um fHILA. lltlNiNFJJ" ('(1I.LE(IK IBM "-"'' rnlleg or Ccttifnercrl.. W 1017 Chestnnt pit.. Phlladeikl f; .-JOrfpS. Sept. 10. at Avalon. N. J.. 'HENRIETTA, widow of Charles E Jones. vTwieral Sat.. 1 p. m.. residence pf J, W. 'iVreMr. 7J Ridge ave. Int nrlvate. W.-,KAtrCIER. Sent. 18. OEOltOK. hushanrf AnM. f lCa,h.i aa.l Sll n.l.tl,,.. Ufa 4Hiq trjenaa inviiea to lunerai. sni., z p. m.. , aaaiaenco ni soii-iii-iatr. innu I, iye, -Int. private, Greenwood c f-JyClCLTY. At kaxleton, Pa. JtOWARI). aon of Robert and of son-in-law. 7M0 Rising Sun areenwoon cem -a., sept, in, nd Mav Ivellv. ifjMd IS months, Funersl private. Remains iStnut t.. Frl.' eve. ' rTraaWVti7nV Slldd.nlv Rant -111 TllV- air hushand nf Ktlen k'innriv In.. pjde). aged n.V Relatlvea and friends. ilyiNama Bocletv of Church of Immaculate reption ana jiv.ioii .iii. on. a. u, II,, hlla.. Invited to-funeral.--Mon jli! m! i.lfievens si., t-amoen. A, J. HOlemn "mass i;nuron 01 immaculate uonoep n a. m. Int. Calvary Cem, Auto fu- l?,?i&HLER. Sept. 19 ANNIB. wife of 'iHlllam C. Kohler and daughter ot late ' niUrl.a and Alice Strnuo. aged HH. R.la. r, lives and friend 1 Invited to funaral sertlces. KJlmt.i 1 P. tn.. 1T1S Wolf at. int. Fernwood p3m.' Friends may call Dun,, 8 p. m. Auto ear. UNA.. "PL o. t-lwAltlrtK ,A. .K tviia or Annur I jvrDnnn. air. nn ailVCB ano triciiiia. .., at. nonaiuy; Sue of Sacred Hetlrt; Altar nnd Rosary rPropagatlon of Faith Societies of J:hurch Our ltoy oi victory, inviiea Keral, n.l IMU a. m.i -.. firm-: ai .Va-a-awsnna. vji - .. ,.u,..i. .naaaKva ij n railuiviii maaa viivkn I'LjajE-T I, any -tft a;4 a. nt. Int. fif"Tat rlolr. I J, ottSTllle, Pa, llaltlmore. Md.. papers iWTON. Sent. 19. JAMES, husband of i Susannah Iiwton. Relatttes gnd I tnvitea to runerai aervices, Alon., 3 residence ot daughter. Mrs. John A. Sh, Bill Wysluslng ave. Int. Fernwood il, Friends may.tall-aim.-. 7 to II n. m. -P. Bspl. IT, AiirA widow of Ft. Itn, oi. lira Mt. funeral rrai- af daughter. Mrs. George Steelman. ft7 lln St.. Pennsirov N. J Sat., 10:30 int. r.mniauuei .vm. . ennsgrove, a at houa. KRAK. Suddenly.. Sept. 18. WAL- on oi juifvnmi anu lair. iUVejL Btio. inenas in- atrayer i Buuneis touest rhlladeJphla's Greatest Hiislnts; IchMl Expert teacher. Modern equlnmnt. Indi vidual advancement. Charge rfitideraU.t Po sition cuarantKed. Day amf NUht Classes, no student now attending. F.nroir now. 801 rheatnnt wtrtet. Phnna Walnut Ml. "fo ADVANCE" IN RATES F FRIENDS' ICeENTHAL SCHOOL SYSTEM Reopen Ninth Month 24th. Write for Year Book and Rate. riJRClVAL TAYLOR- BEX .miSIA IIARNKS WALLACE Acting Prlnclpnis. Ifltli Race Hts.. Phlla. r- Qtfje ILpmrni fecfjool -, "UKKCII KNOLL." MO IJincasttr Av. ARDMORR formerly known as Miss Hills' School, Main Line Rronfli Kindergarten and Primary for both ho)S and girl. Junior and Senior School for. girls only. Bus service from West Phlla via Overbrook. and Merion. Opens Sept 3D. Address. . MISS M. H. StEr-V. Principal. Thousands of Positions Nsw available to ann women In RAM reail. bnvtrnment work and., Yeomanry. Wll-lrafnrd Wnorrpner A.Yookke.i .er to fill the vacancies 1ft bv rnn. Th nd It lake about 80 .day Our .grad uate hold 4menfitbj beat positions tn the cltrjWrite NOW for booklet-or MIL 30-Day Buiineu College . Plrkway Bldg.. Mrood Cherry Sts. The Agnes Irwin School Mil and Zfit. Tie T.sncey I'laci Philadelphia Registration nf new pupils, Thurs., Sept. 28. Ttegl-tratlon of old puplla. Friday. Sept. 2T. Ynillie. San nntI tnya pThe Episcopal Academy Locust !and Jtinlptr Sts. FOUNDED 1 78 1 Wllb Which Waa United In 101S The Dc Lanccy School Thorough preparation for College. 8p- rial (onrses preparing for Huslnes or ina I'nirrn ninies service. Separate tlldg. for boy tl to 11 vears of age, In the Voluntary Military Drill fnr boil - Middle snd IjnnelO flchnnla Upner Hchonl opens Sent, 19: Middle ncnooi aepi, -ju; iviwer Hrnnol Hept. 28. Th- Head Master will be at tho Academy Daily. regslera mailed nn application. JteT. rtlll.ir 4, NTFIVMKTZ. Jr.,.T.D. llfi4 Muster Miss Marshall's School FOR 01IIL1 0K LANK. Pnt!.. Day nnd Hoarding Departments. Trlmary. Intermedlato and college preparatory courses. Art Music. Expression. Domestlo Science, Secretaryship. Tencher to ettry o girls. 4-acre campus with lake. Large, airy studv rooms. Outdoor athletics Write for appointment or telephone Oak Lane '05nMtM"E;rV.,',MA"Rl.yu.L. Principal. MISS HILLS' SCHOOL 1808 Rprura street. Reopens flept. soth. The prlnrlpnls. Miss Llllnn Chittenden Jones and Miss Agne. nell An-tln, will b at the srhool after September 8th. II ' (?8L I I HKTaZ3i.C3atjflpBQHwHKS The Holman School S04MTwE!r:Tl,T i A prtiool with a eenulne worklns atmnv fihere. OlrlR nnd yonnsr lov t!pvIopM for I l ot usefulness. Vnrntlonal and ruUtirl trtfnlnif. Slf-sxpr-ilnn. Vnlen Develop- I ment I,emnn in Prpsldlng. rlo prsonf1 attrnuin in smnn riniRpB. utn erv.c ror j nnOIH lrfrlsir 1 'ir-i an-.f.ll yn'm tanfl tTlF'-J Tt' rT.7M""'r" w. nHT.r.y. A.Ji. Trlnelnnl. TUP. MTEVKVS 8CIIOOT, FOR (URIA Oupn. ii. 'M. nnd ynr. KlnrtTjrftrlpn Col Ippp Prep. Domr-Rtlf Sptne. Man'tnl Train. , 'nir Onon -.. iln"sei Cntnlnirue MN Sfnrr Hplr. ITlt. 221 t rii-ltpn Alf,. filn. I AMHI.ER, V.. Victory Depends on Food Do von went to know more about vegeta hi. end fruit growing, farm crops, soils, fertilisers, poultry, bees, trees, shrubs, floors, running nnd nres--rvlmj7 A short course of ten weeks begins Sept lfl Lertures snd practical tinrk equips officers for the Land Armv. Cataln TiVrt.tese cotieee heeina leniiorv, Inln aninoi. ok HORTirui.TtiRB for womkn Antbier. Penna.. 18 milt from Phlla. DEVON MANOR ASUBimnAN boarding and day schonj tor girls, offer ing exceptional training for present conditions. College preparatory and Junior-college courses, Social Service, Secre tarial training for business life. Household Arts and Sci ences, Arts and Crafts. Music. Art. Kxpresslon Kindergar ten Separate day department for Juniors. Special rates for flte.dsv hoarder Send for catalog or tele prone Wae 70(1 for an ap pointment with Miss KDITII N.Mn. Prln. i Deron. Penin,ltunln 1IOOKKBI.PKR. double entry, ttlth some experience, who has knowledge of short hand. Answer In own handwriting, giving qualifications and Alary expected, M 6tS, 1. eager t enirsi Arch st., 10 to 1130 a. m. Bring this ad and ask for Mrs. Hobson. BOOKKEEPER, exp. and accurate tn post ing and trial balance work! salary. t8. O (IS2. Ledger Central. APPLY FOR PATRIOTIC SERVICE UNITED STATES OOVERNMENT WORK YOUNO WOMEN WANTED From 17 to 39 years of age Married or single Become an essential ttorker. Oe "the girl behind the man behind the gun." No experience is neces sary. Assured steady adtancement. Permanent ttork. JO PER WEEK FIRST 4 WEEKS 110.50 to $13" per week within the next tew weeks, with rapid ad tancement thereafter. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES Meals served at cost, annltersary psv ments. sick benefits, vacations with pav, 7 to 8 hours length of ttork lng day. Applv weekdavs. P. 80 a. m to (I p m. EMPI3TMENT DEPARTMENT MAIN OFFICE PHILADELPHIA Miss M. I). Ran, IMl Arch st. BRANCH OFFICE.. .PHILADELPHIA' Miss Q, Smith, 400 Market st, BRANCH OFFICE... .OEItMANTOWN Miss r. n. Zlngol. SO W. Chelten ave. BRANCH OFFICE... it.. CHESTER. PA. Miss W. Q K'lllj, 20 E Cth St. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA OIRL9 inn (WHITE) WANTED TO LKARN TO OPERATE MILLINO MA' CHINES AND QRINDINO MACHINES nniNO TU.FERKNCBS MIDVAT.E STEEL AND ORDNANCE CO. EDDYSTONE IHPLI! PLANT KUDTSTONE. PA. e PHILADELPHIA OFFICES 320'; Island road (Mr. Mooney) S203 Market st. (Mr. Plechner) or tT. S F.SIPLOYMENT SERVICE OFFICE 1311 Arch st., Philadelphia. Pa, (Miss Kurt) BRINO THIS AD WITJI YOU yntr WAWYMe--tx.tAX.iii (Other flasslned.Ada e fan t) 'i 'mt. i- -: YVA1TRESS Wanted, Immediately. . for kit tt I tne year rounn, private lamuy. waitre - and rhamhermnld! refa. neceasarv' Annlv "i I personally. Miss Habcotk, The ll'arfery, nryn lawr toneg campus, tiryn Mawr. M , n Wr-A t rlip on narrow ituv-ioi looms. Apply .j --'"" ---.... .-., -.... " w..v., .. .. WOMAN of rennement wanted, experienced, i, In kindergarten methods, gradual. pr-f.l fl years: state salary expected Warrenton. va, Box WOMEN AND CURLS "WANTED AT ONCH T1MK AND HALF TIME " 4 OVER 4R HOURS PLBNTY OF OVERTIME STEADY WORK WITH ItEQUIiAR INCREASE APPLY 7 A. M. JOUEPH CAMPBELL CO. SD AND MARKET 8T8. CAMDEN, N. J. -lis. fuvyn lyffim i'rm Wm " t-hM WOMEN wanted a messengers! horLtiuri! est U. good pay! healthy outdoor work. Wetni 1.IUI unesmui. Apply u. o Union Co.. 1801 Chestnut. . Apply Employment ornco. lau Arcn st. YOUNO LADY for general ofn.ee works sal- arv 111, chanea ror ailvnnceme tunlty to learn on adding machine, I r.14. Ledger Office. advancement! onpor- Aaaress YOUNO LADY wanted for office work: no previous knowledge required; state age, schooling, character of work now engaged. In and salary expected. P 02H, Led. Off. YOUNO I.ADY. office assistant, good pen man; address, staling qualifications and salarv expected. 1' (12.1. Ledger Office. YOUNO LADY wanted, general office work; irniw! nniwir. Annlv purchasing den't. Amer- Icnn Kng. in . Aramincn t-. k i iimn-nnnq. hats, da 'for tuition. Stray- er' Business college, "in tnesinut i. YOUNO I.ADY to check students or eien ng, in excnanrei YOUNO LADIES for lloht manufacturinc work: permanent positions! good wage: hours 7 to 4. Monday to Friday, T to IS Saturday. Applv at factory cntrer.ee. on Saturday, 1 to 2:Sn p ni, Oloba Automatla Sprinkler Co., 20IH Washington ate' YOUNU WOMAN for clerical work offlca of msnufacturlng concern, TIOX IH3.T Address P. O. THE ACCOUNTINO DEPARTMENT OF Tllr. flllll.llJ i.i-.inji.it -, nr.-mr.o THE SERVICnS OF TWO nOOliKF.EPERS; PLEASANT StmnOI'NniNOS AND AS HURED FUTURE. ASK FOR MTl. PRICE. PUI1LIC I.EDOHR COMPANY. SIXTH AND CHESTNUT STfl. . J IS thero ft young or middle-aged lady who would appreciate a nice home In the suburbs and be willing to assist a mother with the car of n young man Invalid? A knowledge of ttpetvrltlng Is preferred but not essential Trlflera do not apply. P. O. Box H7, Wilmington. Del fleneral , .. s at.Biut.Da airnvtprt M . mm T.ana -ntu II BookKrRs.. 2-t30LaTt!NoaR3. lis-izn. i J,K "J?3 I'm HELP WANTED MALE (Other Classified. Ad on Pate II OTRLS WANTED WEAVER"! ON TAPES AND TRIMMINGS SPOOLERS ON SILK AND COTTON QUILL WINDERS, experienced and learners Good wages HEN8EL SILK CO. 1011 Diamond st.. fifth floor OIRL4 wanted, learner and experienced; good wages paid: steady work. Apply Orlswold Worsted Co . Darby. Pa. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS CO, 1S00 MARKET ST. t EMPLOYMENT FOR WOMEN AND MEN CHAUFFEURS , GASOLINE AND ELECTRIC VEHICLKS MEN HEI.PER8 FOR QASOLINE AND ELECTRIC VEHICLES . $U nmvms AND HELPERS FOR HORSB- ,'isSJ DRAWN VEHICLES fl.'iVjyjy m a fca km t rtv. APPLY NEAREST U. 8. OFFICE EMPLOYMENT 4P Bring this ad with you. Olni.l Waited, hriaht a work In store and shipping department: ihort hours! good waffea tn atart and irnnd chnnco for advancement. Apply Castle kid , Co.. 1M(I Ilroadnat. Camden. N. J., and lesk for Mr. O'Rourke . i OIRLfl. over 10 tears of age. for light manuiaciuring tvnra. nermanent po-uinns; ANOLESM1THS BOILERMAKERS BOLTERS at.Ait ii Aai ItAiira ? ta at Iaiii4bi tn t1.!-.. T to 12 Snturdm Apnlj'a't factory entrance (TO LEARN RIVETINO. DRtLLINO, ETC.) nn Mturnsv, i in ..on n m uioDe Auto matic Snrlnkler Cn . 2U1II Washington ate. OIRLS. Id to 21 vears of age. for light man-' ufaclurlng work; permanent position: good wtges: hours 7 to 4 Mnndav to Friday. 7 tn 12 Saturday. Apcjy at fnc-ory entrance on Saturday 1 to 2'30 n m. Olobo Automatic Snrlnkler i o 'Jinn tt ssnington ave. BOOKKEEPER, experienced and accurate In po-tlntr and trial naiance ttorK, e.ilao t GIRLS or oung ttomen ttgnted fnr stock. till (1 ir.'J, ledger Central ' ,.,ping and laying out orders In whole. BOOK-KEEPER Asslitant li. .. bookkeep-.r, , asle hanltvnre house, hours 7 to Ii. Satur V S!, reference reoulred:. tat salary. l.eqser t'lllce, . large corporntli-n. W Johns-Mantllle BOOKKEEPERS. for -tenilv noeltlon. H. Co 210 N. Ilroad st. dav, 7 to 12; ho overtime. Ledger Ofnre Addres- C 31. COPPERSMITHS FLANGE TURNERS FURNACE MEN INSTALLATION MACHINISTS LABORERS (WHITE) MESSENGER BOYS .. tA O-rfJ r&ta "3 3. li FiS tm : jsffl . rm lSd& msfa " .V-VJAE Phila. School of De.igrTfor Women I . Reopens September 30. I 'IIROAD AND MSTER TRKKT4. 1'IIILA. anting Women and Olrt ' ' IIKTIII.KIIKM, PA. I MIIRWIAN NKMINARV & COLLKOE FOR HOSIKN, Ilrthleheiu, l'n. Preparatory and Collego Grades fully accredited. Opens Sept. 2Mh, i. II. Clewell. Th. D. President. Young Men and Hoy THE GOVERNMENT will maintain a unit of the STUDENTS' ARMY TRAINING CORPS AT Grove City College EllKlbl students over eighteen will be Inducted Into this corps ar.d will be furnished tuition, subsistence and equip ment They will also receive the pay I of a private. The College with Ita lame rnmpus. its unusual dormitory for younc men and Ita new ani complete Gymnasium Is well equipped to 'maintain this new unit ' .. For Information and application blanks write , President Weir Q. Ketler drove, City, rp. Young Men and nova hahhikiu'iki, pa. Short Courses i,.Ahb..nln. Shorthand. Tvnewrltlng. Eng lish. Penmanship. Dictaphone, Comptometer. ny snd, evening sessions. Start at any lime. rai.sir.a.e, n. ...-. . -- THE TAYLOfl SCHOOL A nistlnetlve Business School Quality Instruction In Orrgt Shorthand and all b"Slne hrsnehes. Day. Evg. Let us send FREE trial lessnh,-lsn Illustrated "taTA. etc HKrt Market Htreet. JIISH IIART'H Trjlnlng Jjto.l.t'.r KTndlF- ffrinrM ouwv hivui ri ( mmmmi'i c.!l7e!-. tr nmrlunte Coumn. Primary mth odi PracHral KlndrvMtna. HomeJlke Htu pSinTteuine CoUege - " Dnv and F.vtnlng. Pookkeenlnlt. Plvll Pervlce. seentnrlal. Tovich Tviwwr tine. English, etc. AUnd in best. 'indWSua. lhatruclloij. Select patronage. Vhona, Spruoe 10.1?. .HC rHMHKLIN.ir.&TITUTt SCHBOL OF MECHANIC AHTi Draughting. M,themato. Meehaslc. NATAI. ARrilltFrTVKB L Meebsnlcsf Drawlntfna TVjupg Worfi-a -nrnHAWTnUJN CDIirNns' KrHfinl Open BepfVlJ, A few vacan flunwu rf, frtr pirnet roMege prepar atory nunlls. STANJiKY.n. YARNALL, Prln. IVIREXlESS TELEGRAPHY, rilALMKBr? INSTITUTE. l(lt AnrH rVT, IJIalR', OT I-iril nnu wiiiiicih ifrivK ITtiuuii rri f'llRSTNIIT HILL ACADEMY A country bonrdng nnd day school for Rots Thorough preparation for college, scientific chool or-buslne. All ahletlcs. Golf links, fine gvmnaslum with swimming pool. Sepa rate Lower School for boy from lx up wnrds. Catalog. v Sneclnlly law rale fnr fire-day hoarders. JAMKH, tjCWHay PATTFJIKON. Headmaster SI. Martins, rheatnnt Hill. I'a. PREPARATION FOR COLLEGE Nvl Civil Serrle nod Stata Beard E?SV' 'a"t"'pff ."", trrewritlng. hetund.. Roeieen1ng. rrrneS, Spsnllh. Trftnf.' "Wrltej phone or call. ' Brown Prepwratsry School nrtnn and rmtRRY-iTHEET9 (IKRMANTOUN WALNUT LANE '".0lH.'t fSSL Slty and country advantage. . W" School raduste. Homemsklng. College Prepnra- tory, it.ertgriai. inierior uecoration. enort rtory, Writing. Ppshl-h Fwimmipg, usekeihan. IllltsrV drltl.- M-a W.i Horseback riding. Hockey. Dancing. H Jebn.ton. A. II. m-JtrtVAW. -aay'iM;.jjIvrN.vvv)M r-all. write nr phone Loeust a384. National School of Elocution at.( rax Chase. Phlla? Mat Church 'gnwn. . ipoHini. -:w a. ra- Cms Ca5' j.- if "!ni t' c . , .-..- , IE .,..--- , . - I , I -ah.-tBii,ll T -T , A mm.A Or-lnrv. ClaBfl or nrlVat. tnalruetloTl. frth ees, D. I.. SHQIUKKR. prkay nide. After Octobar 1, ITU D Ltncey st. Tesebera Wanted Position wjltln. -Fr leg' gBJI fWONAffZ&gS tWll,r rharacwr. manllneii i onor will b developed In jour 3 through th flUtarjr Bytim. He -rrtll b tuhtoi to itlfdr i. learD. Twrtv mtl from ' Hill. Th tuul Aitemlc. Bp- titi(J Buslnum PourM. A -. eaTtaliTe for th pmnt and fnr th ,inJ i.l" ",' .'.Dr.' CharWt H. Lorn,- Pra. TV" . - - . a. a . .ms . ' JcvaAV -MLA,!,?-9V,,fi--J'4-"nW t ; 4M. W.adhali. N. X -F:fl' A Capital School near a Capital City JKrbiii?my . A-country school founded 178. 'Modern buildings. largs campus. Advantages nf small clssse and Individual Instruction. Thorough college preparation. Rates 1500 to Son1 Supervised athletics, separata school fir lounger boy. Ws Invito closest Investiga tion a personal tlslt If possible. Writs for our cstalogua and plana nf new dormitory. New Innior ehool fi!lding will b open for oepiemoee farm anfi-ea ARTHUR TH IIHOIVN. n. A., Headmaster NKWTON. N. . William Penn Charter School No.' 8 South Twelfth Street PHILADELPHIA Pounded In 18! and chartered by William Penn on the same day aa the city of Phila delphia, the Penn Charter School Has main alned an uninterrupted corporate eaUtence. During the nast forty-three years the school has graduated nearly 13nn pupils, of whom , more than 1100 hate continued their studies ' in a score or colleges unu unitersities ( Fnr the better accommodation nt the recent nooKKnnPERs office' clerks TYPISTS THC rUni.IC I.DDGKR CO. has vacancies In their ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT where tnu can work In comfort ln healthful surroundings, under agree, able cnndltlons. at a good salary. Speedy promotion la guaranteed to all who qualify. THE PUBLIC LEDGER CO. e ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 6TH AND CHESTNUT STS. TOU CAN HELP WIN THE WAR WOMEN CHAUFFEURS Increased enrollment a- new two-alory building Is being constructen on in. west .,!rr.i.,.':,.",n: ii: !2:jrzsfs?iwz'. je: sTBNoaAPHEiRs.TYPisTs.KiLs? clerks magnificent plsvlng fields of C2 acres at Queen l.an. These plans are neia in attey ancs, pending the time when the termina tion nf war conditions msy permit nfw construction. The "Snth year begins Sep tember 24th. with iterv member nf last jear'a teaching staff on duty, with such addlt'nna tn Its membership as increased enrollment has rendered ner-sajry. The Pmepectn- for IMf-lP Is resdv for distribution. nii)dngs open for In-rectlon and rlssslflcntlon of purlls Sept. 4th. RICHARD MI1TT (ll'MMI'Sti. Ph. D. HEADMASTER WYNNKWOfin., I'A. Montgomery School XS& nvnL. pa. Newton Acsdeniy, far boy to It, eautpmeni.- .i-sronai aiteniK Address principal. Modern attention. Cataloa. Hnaf Newton- N i sr rnLts.-N. y. 'KINGSLEY. 4 m SCHOOL FOB 1I0YK coinge P."",!..lo., '"i" location In. Nsn J.rsiy bills; SU miles from New York) ss. Y& IM ' LI JL'AlV,?l.rJ-.v'.'iJ-5''l-nl ground! aeparata rcsldtqi . fr , . 'Lt;; ijj .WeaefculV N. X -TClunlor .lud.nt: comeUt.ly Mulppl Ubori. Ill - ini""""s"i"' I JirVi auptrvlted thl.tlcai rnilltr tratals. L Ilh- ;'; ' i iiUTj TOiTinHr i miiT piers. fflounifgrSap CltDOl FOR BOYSrvdal. pa: llfTeylrg the sdtantlgeii nt mo ittx end thorough school training fm IHes residing In Philadelphia and In the vicinity of Old York Road. In Jerklntnwn. Huntingdon V allev and felghhorlng districts. The School Wus la otvrsted to msk convenient h- att.nd.nr- of pupils arrlvlnr be rsilrosd at Jtvd.1 je MJsdowraolj Station, or bv Old Tnrk Ttosd.7 nJ mtddsv meet, email rtse. ec.mpsn lenshla mesters. aiiiteevlsed nlay f.stares of the eehonti a tsrga m4 , ,,,1 pnlda vnv.slum. ath- .U" field ard nrlrate '.Ve. . "-ha nw home Is it eomie'-l eem-red with cotlaees for boarding succfis rptptr.H the logical smmriCEt Good Mr, C-oJ Fti. CaJ ' Pfav, f7.-.cJ tVorlt rrxfe r'rife'e p, fllluitjAlr'. MARK H.C.SPIERS.wia.t., RyM, fa. .. vl. OPERATORS ON POWERS HOI.I.ERATH MACHINES ARE WANTED IMMEDIATELY EASY IIOUItS.EXCEI.LENT VI.1RK SOAl.B FINE TRANSPORTATION TO AND FROM APPLY AT ONCE WOMEN'S E.MPIX1YMENT OFFICE HOG ISLAND. PA. ASK FOR MRS. NORREI.L COMB IN WITH THE niO CROWD nd help us aid th- ntvernment In Its en dfatne to crush "Vll and his Potsdam -nnr " Every Individual counts. What tte MAI.K GIRLS WANTED HI crs old for office work In nKnerien,-.. rin-r.aMi,, expel letl f n hink nn Ai... r ih. v.. --..t. a...- ""'ril.Sr'oinrr a"d ""ary . bunoTn. Torpatlon .'i't the'-United Sta", ni.i ledger tnLe 1 i;inploment Office. 1SJ1 Arch st. 1' Oint.S WANTED for various deportments; must he oter IA tears old. Perry Co.. 18th and Chestnut sts. UIHI.S wanted to deliver telegrams all parts of cltv. good pnv; short hours, no Sunday work Sec Air Chambers Western Union ir.i)l l-bcstnut, ! GIRLS wanted to pack cakes; $12.38 up for fit hour-' work. Kceblcr-Weyl Making Co , 2(IS N. 2'-'d st. APPRENTICES Boja (over 111) wanted a apprentices in etonm new.paper oince, nuu iiirainui -, r.viiy lira nployment Ofllce. llring this with voil I fifth ' IT Apply nearest aa A m x& WH WELTERS i -xperlencpd on Morrow mactilnea WINDERS xpf-rlencv-d on iikeln and back windlnr KNITTERS AND TOPPERS (xp?rlinced on double-Btltch work Rtnnrturd and Scott & Wittlams machines NnTAErT: HOHIHRT CO. Oiford and Matcher ati. H Kmnlojment Bureau. 2129 N Front st. HOI'PEWnRTC Wanted. hlt girl for (run erai hnuruork rmall family Phon Wy nmlner ."is J 1..22 I.Indlev a-.. Toran. iMUr.TIORAI'H OPERATOR, prrmanent tx- ' altton, muat hae not leti than I year's i experience; ,tnploei' dlnlnir nerrlro on prrm I If-m txrfil-nt rhnnro for danrifmpnt. atalp salary and reference Fllf application In i j wrltlnc Keystone Lubrlcattnv Co., 2Ut and riearneia n i AUTOMOBILE MECHANin Work In caraar American Railway nri. lfith nnd ifarkPt. AddIi U. 3. plojmcnt Office. Urine this ad with you, Ft. Ern. &mB '-SfVet-1. BOY wanted In contractor's office: excel lent opportunity for advancement: stab age and salary desired Apply by letter onlv. 1'JOl Otis Hldg 112 S. lllth at. nfpil at preient ROfsDrnFR MEN WITH C.V ""n EXPERIENCE i DIPPERS FKMAl.n OIRI R PsrwiitT WORK RTKOanAPHRRS " n-ed nu at ooa , don't 1o- a cond. T1 noner yni heln out, that much ipi-.-mi o"r (husband), nn brother or friend rrtur- to VQU THE " M OT.T..VlTi,FT CO., 0TH NP MKnKHT STtt.. OAMDFV N .T, AnnTv Ti.wrwt V S Emnlovwi-wt Off Iff CI.KRK Th" Atlanllf R-Hnin-r Co. hm an nnentnir for ap exnrlencM cl"-h Mnd t plt IM m.ln op RI44 Pnanriink .,vnn. hlladelnKlt. Tbl wniiltlnn r"Ulr-. on wrt ' an ac'i,- ivpm ann trnoa aen I .I..I..I ...abI.bb -I..IJI.b Olln ...I, era I rirrirm "" wi his partm-ni. aiss -pr iinu at',, ur any res ers 1 F.mnlnvmcnt Office, .. CLF.Rlf Atln"c P-riinr Co. has an np"" Ing for an experienced ei.rk, nref.rablv S.lvaen ? epd a. ... ef T-t CT'rlncd In general clerics! work. Including dllhr and an.Mrlng carrese.ond.nce, Auto boa dieect o nth and Woodland ate. from main office. no!v In Person- at the sates denkrtment, IH4t p--vunk ave.. or any Federal Employ ment Ofnre. CLERK The rublle "Ledger Co. ha a an opening for an atperlenoed. accurate typi-t. Apniy to' 71t! c-otla de.? th Md Cbeilai.1 it -j, rtii "v&s NOTARY PCRLIC one aco'd with question naire routine nref See Welfare Mint i:,t O llu.ld Mfg Cn a.Mh and Hunting Park NURSE Reliable colored nurse for boy, 20 months: must have evcellent reference, i Address C Kin f-dger Office. OFFICE ASSISTANT Bill clerk for our night office force nung woman must be I good writer quick at figures, work Mnndav i to Frldov ft n m to ,"i a m salarv to start Ml trill be lncrea.ed merited Annlv J S Ivlns' Sons (127 N Ilroad st. i. w-n is an aceueaae ivpi-t .nn gnoa aen sl clerical worker. Including filing. Auto s dl'eet to USth and Wnodlard ava. frn-n sin office Arly 1n person tbs sale da- MILICITOHS THE PUHLIC LF.DOER REOUIRFS SEVERAL FIRST - CLASS SO LICITOR FOR l-IRCIILATIOV PROMOTION, ARILITV TO MRF.T AND TALK TO THE REST PEO PLE IS 'ESSENIAL HUT PER. SONAI, APPEARANCE WILL RE CEIVE FIRST CONSIDERATION; A (10f)D PROPOSITION FOR A FEW WOMEN OF MATI'RE YEARS WHO DO NOT ORJKCT TO HOUSE-TO-HOUSE SOLICITATION! ALSO WANT ONE EXPERIENCED CHEW MANAGER APPLY TO MR COR REA. SECOND FI.OOK, PUHLIC I.EIKIEH 1IITII.DIXO.. I nOI.TERS UP HOLDERS ON LAHOHERS HEATER HOYS niVETERS SHIPHUILDERS bCAFKOLD HUILDEIIS SHIP CARPENTERS' NEEDED AT ONCE i ON GOVERNMENT WORK CHESTER SHIPBUILDING CO.. LTD. CHESTER. PA. CHESTER SHIPIiUIl.DING CO.. LTD. SI 4 N 1S.H ST. APPLY NEAREST U. 8. EMPLOYMENT OFflCE I1RINO THIS AD WITH YOU 'as wmmmmmmmmmmmm1 -t .. Vl ..." d.r. ." r. iair ' ?.-.& rfcrAtr,lS'; . mw: ""&!& -,.'. . AtJ'-aiatatoi ,.-...vjW:ir , it : -ir arT ",&,' Jimsai .t y ...iSKiflaVaaaW - J ,- l..-c- ..- r ' ,.Tinij.t9r JSKatBH a A--,alaatBaaaaaBtV-a.V PVa. ,.!&-. . aKaaljAWsSBaaaafMBfnra?, -. -.. jBijiMHfHaaaKTr ' l'n fmmKSSmili' imtmKBBKSrlKKfTi i STSINOORAPHEIt. one familiar with the Underwood machine. Apply Wm. Foster Ignu N Hist st. . STENOGRAPHER Esnerlenced stenof rsphcr nd typist. Apply 032 Market st. TELEPItfiNI" OT'IHIATOR for private branch exchange; one llting In neighbor bood preferrtd. Apply William Foster. 1208 N. 81st st. TYPIST and clerk for lam manufacturing corporation; steedy position. H. W, Johns Msnvlile fn ain N. Ilroad. TYPISTS. 2. wanted in nffic ot large cor- ooratlon nn copy work; no- ahorthdnd nocessarvt hours t:.fl a..m. to HSU p. tn.; salary i er weea to sO-ril gite age. enu canon. jc., in writing,-. .t -ry-- . BOY High-grade houso wants 'oov for 'free hand lettering ami general office work: zond future; send lettering sample, age.- .?ycx ork;.long estab- r4 jV.1 HTPN'nnn.PIIRltfl.1 f.w mnn nnnnrtunl ties for jpunr women between tha agea of, r.f,rt,ncca and salary wanted. P B: la and 2ft to nil taranclea ln the atenotra- , na. ui j. - i ir.i ...-ci. i .- i ...... - iiiiiu urpt. ui an tiiuT.taiiii.iieu uniiaiiia house: excellrnt chances for advancement: good hour and cheerful surroundings Apply stating age. experience and salary desired. P 7(H le-dger Office. STENOGRAPHER" for filing and stenographic work fair sneed at dictation and rran ecrlhlng accuracy and thoroughness tn filing; salary ICO a month Room or.', N. E. cor ner lth and Market st. nrw a.... IA n. jtrrtri llsned business; splendid opportunity! good salary. Apply Lawrence Johnson Co., 20V B .Id st. boy to feed Uordon press wlln.oc without -nf.fi. main. lining this ad experience. Slid Chestnut, u, . Employment " rllh 'you 00Y8 etc., In rjttMvM a jLedg.r 1 - ryj SlSC ' JmJTVfilS&S3 ' luftaaaaaaal 16 YEARS OR OVER, WANTED AT ONCE ltlGHEHT WAUES dOOD 0,DXNi?ETjlENTnA1ID AD" RECKKR. SMITH PAOB WATKn AND SNYDER AVK APPLY TO NEARKST tl. B. KHPIflTMl OFFICE: 1IKINU Tins ,. WTrt U.VS or toung mrn3wntrd.,for ,tel k.nl..r honaei hours. 7 iu'&l aUtua to 111: no.overtlBte. AwlrUiM'M;!. '1 1 T 'jf Ht SKfi irrv sx H.-32U wmmm a ifm
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