rnri-re'-'SWB pp; 7T- .1 1 1 wiii ifli y-jwr lvmKfJFyTVM''-- " A'ZJWK.KrS1 ' r.. sy ,v - V A t , v KVr" ' ' EVENING PUBLIC lMlG6PHIi;ADEBHiA FBIDXT, SafefetttftJtttt'iM ,v S V ' 5.0V M. f (l .VI-If a I I v !. -- VS.v SM1VG DAUGHTERS TO WAR : ICECREAM WITHOUT SUGAR : SHOPPING SUGGESTIONS : LETTERS -" -T- fl , 7 p '1 Pi" is "st T ! k - 1. :?; r l. Tb i L7- va? OTHERS TEARFULLY REFUSE ? ro z,T 77? G?LS m?s 1 'JTfce Nation in Its Call for Student Nurses Confronts a Bie ,.9i c. ...... ti. n: Bore Sos one Those. tlA'ARY C has receled ord to) JnX report In the base hoipltnl at &imrv Ttlv nrmA nil . 1 i.Ih1ii a t nm 1 . YH A aim O.I1 IIIG KIII1 till- t-ut- Jhiv her. Mary C has more en jtous ones regarding her than she 'Mis ever dreamed of. No poor little Cinderella lately ushered Into millions IU ever been hitched to a loftier War. : Then, If jou have ever sensed Klrl ish dreams and better yearnings beat lnR against Iron bars u will undei stand this letter that has come to me- Dear Editor You hmc helped so fmany I wonder what )nu ein do for Jhre. I can put It all In a nutshell I want to go and be a nure and my mother refues to let me bo At '"(least, she hasn t poslthelj put her foot down, but eerj time 1 BURtrest It there Is such a ommotlnn and whlnlnc that I haen't the heart to fight 11 out. She sas It will break her heart If I ro We hae no bos In the wars, enlv two little ones fttweHe and fourteen I am the onh Jfolrl, but I am not needed at home ?s far as support Roes I am twentv- Jone All my life I hae wanted to do things. Since the war broke out t ,he knitted, made surgical dre"- lngs, sold thrift stamps and all the test, but now I am aching t ro nd gle all my time Slv mother ays let others ro who he no mothers heart to breik What would 'you advise an onl daughter to do In a. case like this' I am not soldier Crazy. J do not ore whether t ro Into an army hospital or a cMllan one, as long as I know I am helping to- win the war and miking a little niche for mjself In life A r-ISTRACTnD GIHL. TlTr DEAR friend, jou hae hit upon a subject that Is rife In the Ir. Many mothers are refusing to let their daughters answer Uncle Sam's call for nurses Whose wa. is It' Mothers of daugh- , ,hroUgh all that glorious fight- 'te.rl lm.C l?at;lot,ca" 1 eh!d ,?n,d Inp at ChateiuThlerrv. As the wished thev had sons to g e 'to their mothel t,kl)(1 ,lel urm as around a C0Untr?,trn,AITi,? i.vil t, ,"'" Ip hoxorthnlr chap with his one called it And it Projed to be that k , , , , ,nthp mn kind, because now that the chance has I,, , , f , n so come to lend the fresh, strong vigor . f., ., ,,, .! l-l KIIJ . ., ..nlH' .."' "..t' " u.'i i... "' '. tausCtliMHiiri i uc nmniiih to, inn- era who have knit and made speeches, mothers who have clapped for each new line of soldiers that passed in the war film, mothers who have war cries such as ' On to Berlin " rru tn. i ii ill ), ,1 il,,(r hearts to have heir daughters go Clapping' for the" soid.ers" I-fule .11 , !, 1,,1. mast imcii ii tu, iii ,,v... .- ... the mothers that wring when thev never come back; for It's hevrtay and hurrah when thev'ie up and swinging to the tuno of the band. Hut it's turning jour back when thej're down Clapping won't win the war As though they care who bangs her hands when It's broken they are nnd neid Ins some one to turn them In the fresh, clean sheets to make the hurt Sless keen Every girl who enteis the nursing student nurses' reserve here releases a graduate nurue for the bat tjefleld. And those who enter the army nursing bcliool of the reserve re celve their training In hospitals that Adventures IF I we lovely tere to say tu ou I saw a georgette irepc wals" tod iv you mleht rerdv Indifferently "Is that so? Have vou seen Mrs Thlngembob latelj ?" But If I were gently but flrmlv to remind ou that vou re going to neeq a new blouse for our fall suit and call your attention to the fact that while there are george'te waists and georgette blouses, you could not find one which could equal In quiet elegance the model discovered today were ou to pay twice Its price. ou might be interested It la of superior quality crepe not the i'' "V. th(n tissue paper material that one asso. f elates with the lower-priced walts, and I Instead of being a wtshv -washy color iC Is a lovely shade of pink, but not too deep The square-necked vest front t has chic little pearl buttons down each 1 Bide In rows of four, and countless fine I tucks coming over the bust from the k shoulder combine to eive this waist the appearance of a $10 or 12 blouse ol l though the price Is only J 5 jAsk anybody who pretends to be fashion authority what Is one of the most Important parts of the wardrobe ot a well-groomed woman, and the re ply will be, "Her accessories collar and ' cults, and all that sort of thing" How ieasy It Is to spoil a smart costume by the wrone neckwear or cuffs that do not harmonize'. If you, however, are searching for a collar and cuff set m- Please Tell Me What to Do By CKTI!1A Wants to Help 'Dar nat fvnthi (n nu hiin mr nnd th lonenomt) boy from M.tukt? The one who like tD meet the Klrl who wrote about the ihsrsea nd eats I have been out of town for i Home time and to tell vou th truth I did e not read or do amthlnr hut rest so that I did not nee the letter until yesterds) iiam the mother of two tai In the erv Iceland entertain manv of them when they renin port. We have many ulrl frlfnns nice trl. the kind I would like my own bOT o anoclat" with who help me enter talmtha bosa I have no daughters of my own but I think If the boya were Intro duced to the kind ot alrla they ahould know ttwy would not have to have any "xenea " aethe boya would not have any desire to Mkbad company fIwould like to say one word about alrls ' Mlntlna their faces Don't no matter what the boya any to the contrary They do not trust a Klrl who palnta and the fact 'that they never want their slaters or moth traito paint should be sufflrlent proof " 'Mrs ) M A It 'Wfam very glad I could send the name j Of 'the boy from Milwaukee to an old aatl'valued friend of the Woman a Page w Ill Sentimentality Unrefined? &Dfr CjnthU Ii all entimentality be wn a boy and a jrlii who ar too ynunr f ww -i atav o bci tuua ui caul vt rcnuU neuer k ai. CaMllmania 1 ir sttii1r4 nm iv VivAnnW y"f Ws OCiKiiutiikUMt; i'uuim lius ssij a utcni.ll Osfitlquette In any case, but It Is silly 5v.ferJ.cood healthy boys and KlrU to ln- iulge In cheap sentiment and love talk Wften they should be out of doors playing fjames or otherwise enjoying themselves U He Jealous? ear Cynthia I am a young- rirl sixteen ra ttt Mate and T enter a In. with th aid my parents, quite a few men from the t i. nrn art mo -who nave oeen to more than any of the others of whom h to sDeuk. I will call them A and n v no reference for either one. I da ee A a much as B. who has a motor uu fUiuva iw w uia iwui iwiif at. tww (Uys aco A and B came to see me, Uut mnother frltnd C with them. There only two ctrls to entertain them, myself rr! i Know. a. was very cool an day n th vn tor J wished to find out what .rubl was. so i sun tested tnat we jl wfttk. Tbls A flatly refused to do. me to mn with C. his friend On lnsr tram the walk C sa.ld that It was Hnporiant, -U , v mnQllf " imck io inn nv am. taitinx a wjin . ... .. t? iri... Who Bore Daughters The Toy Soldiers Sleep on. Little Hoy, and sleep secure. All day jou have plajed so hard' Your little feet tint have romped nnd strajed, Your head that has planned the games we played, May rest while we all keep guard. Sleep on, Little Hoy, our lest Is sure. What though we aic battle scarred? The loe jou've lavished on us ull dav Will more than do for a soldier's ptv! Sleep, then for vp nil keep gu ird Burges Johnson, In Hhjmes of Llttlo Folks. coie for soldiers In this country, either returned from Trance or on thp way to being sent oei I7HnX Uncle Sam called the bos s to TT the colors he did not siv except In cases where a mother was depend ent, You are nn onl son Stav home lest our mother wicp" The cause of civilization is bigger than the ciuse of nn one mothers peace of mind Mothers of sons know this Thev have wept good honest tears win cnncejl it' but they would hae shed a different kind of teais if their limi hnd staed nt home Mothers of sons hae a filming war splilt Uist night I talked to one whoo oWest son went into the ma Minn. n 1.n n (T n nlvtnBn LI n I. iu "! ,.; IIHI. Hlf MNIC .11,11 ivi.n 'the bo who had gone Surclv there no times she remembeis Yet I came aviaj knowing I had talked to , i moth . " .. .. er wiin ua Rtnndlnc in tho tlprio red rIow of th war. Hr son ua nfi .1 tnmh w this imrrhliiLr nnrf thp lKnt ui nun whs m ntr i.irr jl meir I te" w- a 's let,ers hae I tough, them 'o be shed at the .Set.,. Bl-lli lllf Ol 1'iomr iiim vif.iuiii No, mothers of sons hav e not failed us And now It Is oh though somf mothers of daughters lived In ,i dlffei. tnt wot Id Thtjv must, thev will get the flaming spirit too The sons of America shall not die for hei with the daughters of her bosom lefuslng to do what they can to match theli braverv 1 THINK I have answered vou, dear friend You enroll through the woman's committee of the Council of National Defense, with headquar ters in everj Urge city and In every State With a Purse which will Impirt indlvidualltv to vour fall gown vou will certainly want to see the nt of Import! d mcnndli tint one of the shopkeepeis proudly dlsplaved to me tndav Tor sheer lightness and shimmering softness It cannot be equal ed And the slmpllclt of this ex quisite set ' Collar and cuffs art scal loped aiound the edges and at the point of each tcallop is a single small eve let 'Oot anv thing to eat, mother"' is a cry with which everv mother Is familiar And in fact if vou will think back to our own school davs jou'll probablj re member that jou always came home In the afternoon ravenously hungr One understanding storekeeper has laid in a supply of delicious tig jam Did vou ever hear of fig Jam before" 1 had not Well, anv how, thlB Jam is jut the' best ever on bread or crackers and jou know, figs have a certain medicinal quality which makes thm verv healthj for llttlr people, and big people too for the matter of that A good-sized jir can be secured for fifty cents Tor the names of shops where ar ticles mentioned It Aveu'.ires 'lt,i a Purse' can be purchased, address Editor of Woman's Page, Evening Pc'blic Ledger, or phone the Woman a Department, Walnut 3000 wnuM ou say that A is 1a.nun because B onion ro raf' Shall I uritu him h note ind ,.k for n explanation The expert to kn 'over there In a few h eektt and I Io not wldh thl feellnjr to exist urn onirr ao kindly help me out TUZZLCD Perhaps A Is a llttl je.ilouH or you may hae hurt his feeilnes in some un conscious a Write him a little note I and ask if he q r-fTenried in anv way,, that jou are not conscioUH of ptvinc i ar offense, but that he had eeemed huit about something and you hae boen such good friends ou do not want a I m'cunderstanding to come between jou Giving the Men What They Want j Dear Cnthla I -am a dally render of sour ! rolumn and hae received much adfre there from but un-tll thU time lme never been In communication vtth ou Howler I cin t I resist the temptation of expreeainfr my Mews I on the. "Perplexed situation ind elncerel hope vou u 111 consider name It is a known fact that if a Ktrl wants to hae benlmn 1 friends she must make herself as attractive as possible If It so happens that her color , Is not what It should be surely there la no harm in euppblnsr an artificial tin As1 many of the married women will readily rr- I tlfy. many a husband has been won on a few strokes of the much criticized rouse or a faint movement of an eve panel! Hureli It Is every clrl's desire tu s-et mar. rled and if th men insist on the color what la there left -to do but sJve it to them4 Of course I know jrlrls who "doll up' are criticized by some few ' old maids " hut If these said ' old maids1 had practiced the art or "maKinir up' tn tneir voung days their time would be taken up with more im portant things than continually snunbinic us joung- ladles "Perplexed take m advice and if ou think your friend a capable girl for wife 'take her rouse and all J M ,TOOTS") Egg-ancI-Sanline Salad Cut oil small slice from small end of six hard-bollpd eggs Remcne yolks, taking great pains not to break white any more than possible Mash yolks to a paste with salt and pepper to taste, moistening as necessary with a little French or majonnalsa dressing. Drain oil from one can of sardines, remoe hones nnd skin, If desired, from the sar dines Chop finely or pound In a mortar and combine with the egg )olks If neccesary add a little more dressing Stuff whites, chill and eere on a bed of watercresj. If there U any filling ljft fnrtii It Intn hulls anH wrva au a lt THE DAILY NOVELETTE THE SEVENTH DAY By Tulia Richardson DAVID STIHMNO, lleutenant-to-be climbed the hotel steps wearllv, ac knonlerlRed mechanically the greetings of the usual porch squad of people, and ilrnnnpd Into rhalr comfortable hut far from the madding crowd Seven i times he Ind repeated theic motions with the same dejectedness, the snmn absent-minded manner, the simc wearj dropping Into a chair Immcdlatelv afterwnrd the heads of the rocker brigade would meet, and the I urz of whispering voltes arie, some svmp-Uhetlc, some tnlldlv angered Scraps of sentences drifted to Dave's cir, such as 'Too bad' Pour fellow. It must havi i been her fault' , "t wonder what the quarrel was about, anvwav " Somi , maintained that It was not her fault hut his fault David trlfd to remember their names for future reference In th meantime on this seventh dnv Dave lit a clRirette and stared tnoodllv , out over the sci nnd nk, spread lav Ishlv before him as If to console him with their beiutv Kor a time the poetic half of his nittue responded, enough to lolate him from his dl turblng thoughts The skv was llki turquoise, he thought, the ea like sap phire, the clouds and foam wire pearls but nt this point hW mlnrt wandered to diamonds engagements girl one Rirl In partlculir And he was back again In the world of his troubles Knr the seventh time Dave reviewed the chain of events Two weeks .igo he had come to spend a month at the quiet summit resort In Maine to hi near C'arnl '1 hatcher, his fiancee, hefoii lit 1 ft for the outhern training inmp The tlrit week hart been i:ivsium 1 tnpl.i nnd Heaven all combined Everv night marked the end of a perfect dav Rnthlng ho King fishing walking on oft gr.iHs "I cool pine needles or lux url int whiti innd not on hot paving or cobblestones And then one d iv he was to meut rami in their favorite spot a large clean d spot In the woodb called Tho c'athtdial with moss for carpet and straight plne and spruces for pll lar As he npprinrhei the place he heird volcis, one tnn-vullne the other ( arol s D ie lould not be een through the thick growth of trus ami ivldentlv thev were too absorbed to eo him anj -waj The masculine voice sa'd ' I hen I nm to hive the pleasure of marrvlng voll',, Parol s laugh rang out, 'You rtrtnlnlv are tf 1 have mv wav about It Inhn vim old dear Whv, I've planned It fur the Ht four vears. tver sltuo jou m teied, vou know " Davo did not quite understand the l,at senteni-e but the flrht hnd heen "Ufflclcnt He thought he undertood th it Iierfecth Waiting to be n nn more he turned abruptlv and made his wav natK 10 ine rnati Ihit evening a bellobv had given him , i mmii incHHge ana a note the nark age tontalnlng Carols diamond the note a irigm mtie one to Mr Stirling saving tint his unexplained failure to I UPPn f ho iinnn nlmnnt flint n ti - - the :: '' " '" ." l,'" ""ii seemeq io ine writer sulllclent reason for discontinuing their betrothal mere alibi" muttered David 'She wants to be free for the other man of (ourse l nus oegari nls glooim davs on the porch, preceded hv a brisk walk or a swim every morning r'mol had been plnvlng with him, evldentlv, for the take of th good times, his com panionship and of course, the d amond Ml thi while for four jenis the hid loved this other man John i ursi him' Dave was through with women ubso lutelv ' During the week the two avoided each other pirslstenth. a fact soon noticed and recorded In the porch ami lis Carol, Just to show that she did not care fllrtid outrageously with joun; and old alike On the seventh night of thts tortur a full moon shed Its mellowing light over the aged features of the wot Id and Its magic Into Davids heart He de cided on a visit to the cathedral En chanted by visions of the moonl'ght sifting through the trees he and Carol had planned this visit for the first full moon Well, he had the moon If he did n t have Carol David left the hotel rather earlv, tak. ing a longer route to avoid meeting anv one he knew As he entered the cathedral from one path, a figure In white entered on the opposite side It was Carol iood i venlng ' she said coldlv Good evening replied Divld In the same lone Allow me to longratulite jou on vour coming marriage ' It wan the Inst ihlng he had Intended to saj, but In his confusion the words were spoken Cirols e es opened wide Im sure I don t know what ou mean, Mr Stirling she replied, trjlng to appear i.asual and Indifferent This was the first time the two had been together for a whole week moreover tin moon was shining the s(ttlng ideal for ro mance What each wanted most was to llj Into each others arms Hut they had qu irreled hence the brave attempt at distant formalitv David jou goose do vou know who that was' John was John Klockton, an old plavmatu of mine Kiur jears age he entered a school of theologv and now be s a full-fledged minister Just received his degree He s stopping a few miles from here and had motored over that day for a shon call Of course, 1 want him to marry me, that Is niarrj us Do you underst md now" ' I do, said David, happj for the Mist time in seven of the longest davs of his life Tomorron's Complete Xotelettc "iYi'AOJ7ZiAt7 I'lW JLltGU" YESTERDAY'S ANSWERS live more unusual dovernpient position open for women nre proof render. bwl nem HdniinUtrntlon work. Hrmuntlnic nnd MatMIcH tlerk and phtdclfct. In formation utiout thfte fan be hnd by applvlne: to the nearest civil service rnmmiNSinn. Mr Mux West U n member of the (Ml. dren's Hitreuii of the I lilted Mute, De partment qf 1 nbor. who bus written manv vuluuble pimphletN on the nire of children. Thee nia be hud free b nendlnr to the bureau. , IViirh stonen thut are being collected b the Ueil t ronH are usen in tne munurac ture oT tan n.al.ft . To ret the best out of plant. I eep the l dirt loose around them. I w an old i fork to do the looaenlnir nnd keep It I ' unrjy beside the flower pot. , To make a delirious tomato hreakfast riUh for the smeariest, breakfast, put tomatoes rut In half In n ha kins riUh sprinkle these over with .ormneiil nnd broil. Serve these with corn bread. , A little roouefort cheese sprinkled oer the top of r retimed salmon shaved Into the cadre of the creamed salmon helps mukf n delicious dUh when the nalmon I baked au rriitln. Too Good to Put in Ordinary Cans T) Miss rrincine PurePhosphate BakinglWder comes in convenient, handy handled cups. A great innovation, but merely a detail compared with the wonderful baking results that Princine produces It run in the t tirrngrn t H handy wraervr and Boot ONE OF THE NEWEST BLACK SATIN FROCKS JMk p mwmnmmm' Hvm This frock is simple in rut, lint not so Mmplr in effect. The panel ami the lower part of the Fkirt are hcavih embroidered in lilark tulk floss and the lonjj narrow jjirille is fitiiflieil with liluik triune. The lull if in muliopanj-rcil velvet The Woman's Exchange Wants Home for Collie Tn the 1 rtltri of H'onlolt'fl J'rtor Dear Madam ou havn fount home for o mini t wonder If our n ulers wojld be intei-eMM In one I have tn tell at out He Is ti b m Untne, lovable collie I u n male two jears old and the womn wtio own him although Inilng him dearb Is obliged to part with him Her circumstances are riot of the best, and In fecdlmr the doe: she 1e vlrtuillv deprlUnp hernelf She would like to place her pel In n home where there would be plentx if jard for hlrn to tun arounl In If fcn of our readers nre iniereit' d will jou please forward their letters tn ine? one or yolk nuAm:ns I am sure some of our readers will want to take advantage of this generous offer I shall forward all letters ditected to ou Date of the "Bab" ilone To f 'ic rflfor of 11 oinau Paot Dear Madam Could jou tell me where one can buj paper used for manuscript? AIo could jou tell me In what issue of the Saturdaj I.icning Post were ' I7ab s Dlarj.' "Bab's llurclar and Pab s Matinee Idol ' Mihlinhed' Ihey were written b Marv It rtlnehart IMA nUADER You can hue paper used for manu script at any large stationery store Ask for typewriter piper ' Bab s Diary' appeared In the sturdav Evening Post In the week of February 17, 1017 . ' Bab's Buiglar' came out nn May II, 1117, and Babs Matinee Idol" was In th" Issue of March I 19H Keined) for Houe I'leaj 7o the t-ditorof llomoit a Vaoe Dinr Ma lam Would jou please tell mi how to sri-t ml of house fleas" K M Sprinkle the places where the pests appeal with a thick layer of the follow ing preparation Insect powder, eight ounces, borax, eight ounces, and oil of pennjrojal, two drams Is iVot an American Ciliien To the Ldttor of lromnn'a Page' Dear M idam Klndlv answer this nues tion for ine I am a Turkish subject only In this countrv rive jears and am not an American rlilacn My father has his first papers and has been In this countrj only seven jears I would like to know whether I am considered all alien or an American subject J K Unless vou have taken out naturaliza tion papers you are not considered an American citizen, and until jour father gets his full papers he, too, will be an alien TODAY'S INQUIRIES t. Mht tvpe of work Is done by the Gov ernment Ii icterioloclftt? 2. Name the threw bulletin bv Mrs. Mat West, nf (Ii- Millilren's niirenu. that are partlruliirl valuable nnd thai wlllis be of service to every mother. e 1, Mhtit is .he third weddlm: nnnlversnr? i p 4. ttlmt ran lie done with Kreen or ripe t4 veicet'ib'es that cun neither be canned j nor dried? S dive u recipe for chocolate randr that ' W dne not require nurar. i g 6. What will remove the shine from blue I e ere? fe Ntw Nettle Apparatus 1918 Model Also agents for NestU'a patented water wav In comb. Before you have vmir hair waved consult C. LUCKER, Hairdresser Thonr Mrupt Srtl 118 SOUTH 17TH even imtiei ol waiting III MC PlfXin bowl lb, Se lb, in handled nm- t lgM SE ! MIM III u Community Stores TouSave othtr atortt A Maid and Two Men The Story of the Girl Who Was Left Behind fly HAZEL DEYO BATCllELOR CopiTloht, lOlt, fcy I'ubllo Ltdatr Co. TIIK STOItY TIIUH FAR . Ruth Rnwlnnd, New nrk Micletr ttlrl. Is lorn! by Jack RoimI and Scott Raymond nml nrrents llond. Roth men nre drafted, but Horn), fo Riith'a relief, wlna evernp tlon far eome alight pholfal disability. After Raymond Ima sailed to France the Klrl lieclns to doubt the wisdom of her choice. The mnrrlaitp of Helen Rrnnder to Jim Tnnnsend. a aoldlrr. contribute somewhat to this chance. At the ans tlon of Vlyra llrltes, Ruth token hi wnr work. In suite of llond'a disapproval. XXIX. Ru ICTH sat alone In her room crouched up Into a big chair Through the window she could see the lighted win dows of tho apartment house opposite, and the sounds of the city ebbed and pulsed around her. The thought came to her as It had comAlto many people before, that every lighted window meant the present e of human beings, and where there were people there were problems that had to be decided The fact that her own special problem seemed paramount was the only thing that mat tered It made no difference how she faced things then was no way out Over nnd over agiln she whispered these words aloud, "Scott Is missing, Scott Is missing," and over nnd over again her heart repeated ' I love him, I love him" At last she admitted the great truth, the truth that had staggered her when she had first faced It earlier that dav. Ite.asonlng did not help matters, there was no reason at all In this great ovci w helming feeling that had surprised her with Its Intensity It was Impos sible to saj-, ' I shouldn t lov e him, I should love Jack I did love Jaok at one time not long ago, whj have I chang ed?' Ye3 it was all verj well to aamit these facts, but there was nothing to be done about It But if ho were nllve' Her heart leaped at the thought If he were allvo things would not be quite so black. Ilvcn If she had made a mess of her own life, she could go through with it. if only that report about Scott were wrong It was worth something to discover her real feelings; It was worth suffering like to this to arrive some wheic dellnltelv Ituth Rowland would nevei again be the same girl who had plajed lightly on the surface of life, who had feared to face change and revolution and who had wanted things to go on f nvei In the easj. carefree manner of her girlhood She had passed nil tint, left It behind her on the road of life and had taken up instead the htirden of piln caused bv her jouth ful Inexperlenee Some dav when the bitterness of It all had passed away she would be better off for having lived and suffered, but jouth in suffering never thinks of time a3 a friend liven as Ituth had at one time tried to shlik her share of the sacrifice of war. she now longed for an over amount of sacrifice to make up for It She allowed herself to dream shume tess'v of the wav she would have felt If Ihstead of all the mistakes she had made die had probed deeplj for her real feillngs In the first place If she had in.ii rled .Si-ott as Helen had married Jim Townscnd the pain of losing him wou'd have been almost unbearable, but there would nt least have been the thought that there was nothing to re gret If Helen lost Jim she could carrj through life with her the knowledge that she had faced the Issue with him, and together thej had done the only thing possible But If Scott had really been killed there w is nothing for Iluth to face but a life of sacrifice, married to the wrong man and the thought of what might have been to torment her peace of mind nlwajs But there were other people facing their troubles that night Mrs Itajmond, tense with anguish, faced the problem of tho fac' that her only son veas re ported missing If she had maintained a brave front before Ituth she gave way almost as soon as she wis alone again. Trv as she would she could not delude herself Into thinking th it Scott might have escaped in some miraculous man ner Miracles did not often happen and this was a war of science not of chance And there, was Jack, the other mem ber of this strange little triangle If Ruth had problems to decloe Jack was facing some of his own that night. Jack was not a coward, nor was he a pacifist; he simp) did not see the use of get ting Into the conflict and losing his life now tint he had been exempted But back of Jack's slow -working brain there was a mighty capacltj for feeling and Jack loved Iluth Rowland, loved her with every bit of manliness there was In him Anv man who loves a good woman unselfishly and devotedly should ilM A Rich Wool Velour Coat A VERY striking model Jl. lined with peau de cygne and heavily in terlined. It has the new full back design and may be had in both taupes and brbwns, which already are very fash ionable for this season. Wanamaker & Brown New Woman's Shop -Market at Sixth- $55 be forgiven any lack of other qualities, for that man Is deserving of credit Jack had slowly worked out one thing In his mind and that was the fact that Ituth had become no Imbued with the spirit of self-sacrifice that she no longer re spected his Inactlvltj Ho had been con tent to accept the doctor's verdict after Ruth had told him how glad she was that he didn't have to go He had be lieved her and knowing that she loved him. It had never occurred to him that she might possibly chitnge. But she had changed. Just as other things had changed during the wnr, and Jack, fac ing this change In her, had arrived at one conclusion If Ruth were no longer happy In the free of their approaching marriage, If she expected more from him than he had given, If she wanted the roldler and was not content with a man who stajed at home, then he would be a soldier. The doctor had told him lhat there might be a way of remedying; his nhyslcal defect. If he did this he would Immediately be of use' to the country, and then Ruth would no longer with hold her love from him Once imbued with the Idea, a heavy weight of cmre seemed lifted from lack's heart, and he determined to make his arrangements without further delov (Tomorrow .Tack aeea the wnv rlor abend of him, nnd decides tn try for ac tive aervlee.) treat demand for the KVEMNO VUR MC I KIMII R mm rnuse jou to ml nn Installment of this verv Interesting; storv. nn bad better, therefore telephone op write to the Circulation Department, or ask your newsdealer thU afternoon tn leave the KllMMI rUHLIC I.KIHlr.R at ynnr home. Rire Flour Cake One-quarter cupful fat Three-quarters cupful sugar Two eggs One-half cupful rleetV boiled potatoes packed compactly Into a cup One-half cupful milk One teaspoonful salt Two teasponnfuls baking powder One and one-half cupfuls rice flour One tenspnonful vanilla Mix and bake In mufiln molds for cup cakes or In lavcrs or loaf If baked In lajeis a lemon filling Is good with It Variation Tor chocolate cake add two squares of chocolate to the above recipe Kor spice i ake add one teaspoonful elnnimon. one-half teaspoonful nutmig and one teaspoonful spice Store Closes Daily 5 P. M. Saturdays at 6 P. M. II ji'.iiin miiihi, w,..m.m:wiwhiiih--;.'-'"- :v7rT-.-T mi -l-nwnn.iir- v hi ii n,ini,i in J WALSH will keep your entire family clothed and your home completely furnished. You will find it a decided advantage. Thousands of people are now enjoying its real con venience. Our system relieves you of the necessity of paying all cash. You may purchase what you wish and have your payments carried over a long period of time. Accounts opened for $5 up. V. A nt limn M III Ins ("port Dress lists, KM Up Buy Street and Afternoon DRESSES Wool Terrors, Bcrgc, flenrcette, SUVs snd various combinations $22.50 up. Unusual Values in Handsome FLOOR COVERINGS Our offerings are less than wholesale today, due to our early contracts. Axminster AND Wilton RUGS of superior qual ity and singular beauty in all col ors and designs. High grade room size rugs from 23to$65 If you need FURNITURE it will be to your Large Furniture Floors. Your selection will be held wish. Let Waish's start you Housekeeping. Period Bed Room Suites 7 I'leces In Ameri can Walnut finish; all with cblfforobes. $165 Special Small Weekly Payments Upholstered TOMATO VINEGAR IS VERY TASTY IN SALADS Made Simply by Allowing Juice to Stand in "fann Place a Few Days In attempting to Millie the tomato In as many ways as possible, It Is not an uncommon practice, especially with "to mato club" girls, to make what Is termed "tomato vinegar." This product Is not. a vinegar, although It has a sour taste and to a certain extent, ns In salads and for table purposes, can he used as a substitute for vinegar. It Is really a lactic acid fermentation Instead of acetic acid, and for this reason Is more like sour milk and sauerkraut Juice. It spoils rapidly after fermentation unless It is put Into bottles, filled as full as possible, and corked tight. After opening and exposure to the air the product will spoil unless kept very cold In making this product the Juice la collected and allowed to stand In a warm place for a few da)B After It becomes sour It should be filtered or strained and stored In bottles filled full and corked tight. It Is said that products of this type are being used as substitutes for vinegar In Austria There appears to be no reason why such a product could not be used In salad and meajl dressings with entire satisfaction $1,000.00 Reward For a better powder anywhere for Babies and Adults for Prickly Heat, Galls, Burns? nil irritating akin affections, etc., than Bismolinc The Only Medicated Healing Talcum Powder, Made of Bismuth, for particular people who appreciate the good things in life and want to live in real comfort. We Pay You To try the first box of Bismolinc; have your druggist certify your pur chase on his label send it to us and we'll mail you 25c bottle finest per fume made. Le Fevre Blsmollne Co., Lancaster, Pa. V. H. Smith t Co., Miller Drug Co. and all Leading Druggists 2y XvyV jy 5 Charge Account 1 Ladies' and Misses' New Fall Suits and Coats At special introduc tory prices 197V125 Velours, Broadcloth A visit to this gor geous display will dou bly repay you. Boys' School Suits The new Trench mod els in fancy Cassimercs, Cheviots, Serge and Corduroy. Wise mothers are now providing for the Winter montl. 5-50to$18-00 Boys' Shoes $3.00 to Now Pay Later. MEN!; Your new fall Suit and Top Coat is now ready for your selection. All the season's newest models. OC in 4JCC "Buy now, $) IO ip DO p8y Later' Thil 3 Piece Library Suit 5115.00 In leather, special. Kaslest of Terms, jwf&-gr. W'mW'ykzszJ s1-' tSEkl IjBslfV, v , Jm A Useful Christmas Clft The ordinary Inexpensive shoe treea made with wooden tips and steel stripe between, which sell for about ten cent, may be made quite attractive If one cares to give the wooden tips a delicate contlng of oil paint and then decorate them with a gay cluster of flower forma or something similar. The steel atrlpa are Improved by a shirred casing of satin or taffeta. to match the decoration or by a plain casing made bv wlndlnr the ribbon about the strip. When the trees are finished jou will find jou have a useful and wholly acceptable gift for a friend Southern Corn Bread, One cupful sour milk, one-half tea spoonful soda dissolved In one teaspoon ful water, one tablesnoonful shortening, ono egg j oik, one-half teaspoonful salt, one and one-half cups cornmcal, white of one egg beaten stiff and added last. Mix In the order given and bake In mufiln tins In n moderate oven for fif teen minutes v This cornbread to be real southern cornbread should be made of white corn meal made from the whole grain COCOA "ALL FOODlyNO WASTE" In these days of food stress and high prices, The Wise Housewife Welcomes Wilbur Cocoa As a solution to many table problems. As a food Wilbur Cocoa has extraordi nary value, and the number of dainty dishes that can be made with it are as surpris ing as they are delightful to cat. Wilbur's War-Time Recipes haw how to make dainty, delicious end e e o n o m I e a I desserts. Your cepy's waiting. It's free. Sena for it today H. O. WILBUR & SONS, Inc. I PhiUitlphia g&53& 1 (gA BUY WAR . SAVINGS STAMPS fT ill P 6C OS! ill jiw? fitA 0 Sis w I V- .oor-B;-. Trousers, up Th Ismoui Dubbelbuilt Suits For Hoys H2.75&S1&75 Plfdgeil for 0 mos solid service ; ages 8 to IS. I'ny jl 00 week Linoleums in all the new est patterns, also plain green and brown. ?l25to$325 per oq. jd. "Torrington" Vacuum Sweeper, Special, $9,00 advantage to viait our for later delivery, if you Dining Room Furniture Mahogany, Oak, Jacobean, Butler FinUhe, from $125 to 325 All 10-Pc. Suit WJ) -- 'SS? wmmmmmmmmmmmjimj 'b rt Vt v 4 , w. 9KA T! fl tj"sl 1 M l art A IN ?.WiraoVitars2h , flamajavslta njooa ?oooc Ot naflt UBCU y svyviksawij h "5"iiiwt flUlnat. " 1 . .' i?m;. 'fry.W p-m i:?v'i JrhKti V 1 'Ai&i$$M IP ir-r , v. ? 3' rj '.i y-MY , ' . - V r'aPwwTT&a- i - ' t' r7aaBtjnummrr , , e 'rjwKjw ' KtKaaaaaaaaaBaaaBaask'
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