Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 17, 1918, Night Extra, Image 5

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    v. ,VN Sx
Via Cs. .liwvJn
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'Danger of Slowing Up of Vital
War Industries Causes
Priority Regulution Forbids Such
, Sales Unless Approved by
Washington, July 17.
Surface Indications of steel phortage
rreat enough to slow up vital war In
dustry nnd ship construction caused
a "stir among the heads of the Oovern.
menfs war agencies and resulted In
action which, means p. call for an In
ventory of steel stocks In the United
At the same time, the war Industries
board tightened Uh priority regulations
by Issuing n warnlnu to certain manu
facturers on the preferential list. The
warning says:
The attention of the war Industries
board has been called to the fact
that certain manufacturers now on
the preference list for steel supply
are reselling steel that has been de
livered to them as a result of Gov
ernment priority assistance.
Tn order to prevent abuses of this
pilorlty privilege, the hoard has
pasted a resolution that. If any such
sales are made hereafter without the
approval of J. Leonard Replogle,
director of steel supply of the war In
dustries board, the manufacturer
who Is responsible for those resales
will be dropped from the preference
list and will not receive further
priority assistance.
Shipping board officials made no se
cret of the fact that the output of
steel plates would have to be Increased
If all shipbuilders live up to the speed
the highly efficient yards are attaining 2
They said a shortage of steel already
was distinctly evident tn "Spots." and
the present plate milling -facilities
must be augmented to assure the pro
jected output of seagoing tonnage.
It was said at the shipping board
that many of the fastest shipyards are
nearlng a schedule of Ave ships per
way' per year and others soon will j
reach a pace of four or three ships
per way per year.
Government officials have reason to
believe that large stocks of steel are
In the hands of manufacturers that
might well be utilized for essential
Government needs now. Adequate
flgutes on the amounts of these
stocks are not available, and Imme
diate Inventories will be requested
from big steel consumers.
With the co-operation of the Depart
ment of Justice, the War Department Is
putting Into effect a system of control
designed to protect the Go eminent in
the procurement of all war materials.
The new system' provides for a relew
of every contract by boards of control,
centrrllz'.ng of purchases of each com
modity In a single bureau, standardiza
tion of contract clauses, a 'daily fiscal
suivi-y and also for public Information
on War Dcpaitment needs.
Upriatlon of this plan is expected to
remedv conditions rexealed by the recent.
anpu nf contingent fee agents and the
raid ng or olfices of manufacturers over the doctor's reply, and. therefore, didn't
the limlry The agents. It was charged, know whether he was accepted as a fu
rei.e s-eel large fees for procuring Gov- ture son-in-law or whether he would be
ernmunt contracts for manufacturers, the , kicked off the premliws If he went to
fecb.lji-lng added to the price paid by the ,
1 Gut eminent.
Tile general staff recently ordeied
that, except in cases of Immediate neces
sity, no contracts should he made with
sales agents, but direct with manufac
turers t or "Jobbers carrying the stocks
Kept Allies Informed of Ger
man Activity Before Blow
Was Delivered
By the United Press
London, Ju'y 17
One of the chief causes In the lack
of success of the Germans' fifth and the
most amhliious drlte this year Is the
great Improvement In the Allied Intelli
gence work since the previous enemy
effort. This Is due largely to our stead
ily growing aerial superiority, which
which renders eten partial, surprise at
this time Impossible.
Not only was the general locality but
almost the exact frontage of the pros
pective attack long known, enabling the
most effectlte counter-preparations,
among which was the massing of suffi
cient reserves without denuding the lines
to the north. a
In these preparations, the extent of
the American participation cannot now
-be entirely revealed.
Even if the present offensive Is merely
checked, ' Instead of definitely held. It
must so far be considered an Inglorious
defeat, inasmuch as despite the lengthiest
and most elaborate preparations, none
of the German objectives has been
The net result has been only isolated
penetrations on comparatively lightly
held front positions, without even dent
ing the main buttlellne and this at
the heaviest cost.
The early supposition that this drive
was probably a "side show" now seems
erroneous. British and French military
authorities generally agree that devel
opments ahow the German concentra
tion on both sides of Ttheims was too
great to allow effective operations any
where else until later.
Mf-ftt"tf f. 4
nun"' m " f.MiniiUiEg
.i v
- - -
A Story of Salesmanship by
Harold Whitehead
Mr. Whitehead wilt antwrr uour busiurM
Questions on buying, nellina. adrcrtlnlng nint
riiipfoimtrnr. Auk uour qurslWnt clearly and
Dire all llif acta. Your correct name nnd
full nrfrtrrm mml br slimrrt to all tnantrir.
77ior which are anonymou mint be ignored.
A listen a to technical (juration tclll be soil
bv mail. Other nuentlont trill be annccred
In IM column. The moat intertilling rlb
(ems of fnqulrrr tclll be worm (nlo the
lory of Peter Flint.
T FORGOT to write anything about our
X Hound Table meeting Wednesdny
night. Graham Is certainly stuck on the
Idea of. having the salesmen of a Arm
cli'n-wag things over at frequent Inter
vals. "If anything worth while evei
comes up at those meetings." he said.
"or If eer you hear of a good selling
stunt, don't forget to let me have It."
"Why? Are you writing a book?"
"N'ot exactly, but T hope to All one."
'What's It on?"
"Money. It's a bank book I mean."
"Oh I Well, at our last meeting 'C. C
told us how he had swung an old grouch
Into line by laughing at hnn.
"He went Into the office of this old
chap, who Is notorious for growling at
everybody. As soon as 'C. CY got in
side, the old chap snapped at him, 'Who
are you, and what do you want?'
" 'C. (Y answered him Just as gruffly,
'Cyril Orofton. Money,
"'What the devil do you mean?' sa'd
the man.
"'Just answering jour question,"
snapped back "C. C
" 'I don't know what you're after and
t don't care, but the sooner you get out
of this office the better pleased I shall
be-. Bah!'
" 'C. C at this began to laugh until
the old chap said, 'Get out of that door
there. What are you laughing at any
how?" " 'l.'m laughing at you. You're such
a funny old grouch. You're just work
ing It off on me Instead of somebody
else that's why I'm hanging around to
give you a chance to get It out of your
system you will be murti better for It.'
Who s a grouch? I'm not a grouch.
Then In a minute he said, 'I guess ( was
pretty cross, wasn't I? I'm damned If
III apologize, but I will let you tell me
your story,'
" 'C. C." then tackled him on the ques
tion of life Insurance and got him to the
point where he should see the doctor.
But,' said 'C. C 'I fear I shall never
draw any commission from that case
That kind of person always has too high
a nioou pressure.
"A rnan needs plenty of assuranco to
be able to talk to a prospect like that
and still win his point," remarked
"Yes,'' I replied, "I wouldn't dare
tackle It unless I could get Doctor
Forbes to report on It. Doctor Forbes
Is one of the doctors of the company and
he writes such an abominable hand that
when he turns In a case he has to tell
you whether he has accepted It or re
jected it.
"One of the fellows told quite a fun
ny story about him:
"It seems that he has a daughter, and
a young man had been courting ler for
some time. Sow, Doctor Forbes Is n
cranky old cuss (J het he's got a hlgn
bjood pressure). When the young fel
low wanted to ask If he could marry the
daughter he suffered badly from cold
feet, so he wrote to the old chap Instead
of calling.
"In due time "he received an answer
from the doctor, but he couldn't read
calI unaiiy. ne remembered tie had a
unuiii in a uius swre, ana. as urug
clerks are expert at reading doctors'
handwriting, he decided to turn the let
ter over to hlin to see what he could
make of It.
"Without explaining anything about
'the letter to his chum, he parsed It over
to him and said: 'Here's a letter I re
ceived, old man, and I can't read It. I
am going to leave It to you for an hoUr
and see if you can make anything out
Ul 11,
"After a while he re'.urned to And out
what the letter contained 'Well, old
fellow,' he sa'd to the drug clerk, 'what
do you make out of that letter?'
" 'Poof ! that was easy.' The clerk
handed him over a bottle of medicine,
and added, 'Here you are! $1.15
The rooster tloes the crowing, but
It's the hen that lays the egg.
Sent in by Miss P., London, Conn.
What does thin mean to YOU?
Business Questions Answered
I nm a )ounir man. eighteen years of age,
and I expect to sn on the road nhortly to tell
mv Arm's products, tarnishes etc.
Will ou please adtlse me tthat kind of a
letter would be suitable to a good customer
whom ou failed to see on our trip htoruch
his city, a 'letter telling him you were sorry
to hatn mtssrd him and trying to get his
order through the mall la hard thing to get
unless the letter Is one that pulls and Is cf
fectlvo)? Your ihats have given me netv Ideas and
I am sure they hate helped other toung, am
bitious fellow a like mi self. W, V. H.
The alne of a letter such as you
speak of lies in Its "good-tvill-bulldlng '
You may not get many orders at once,
but you will create the Impression that
you are earnestly looking after the In
terest of your customers and your con
cern. That Impression will bear fruit.
Try a letter of this nature:
Dr. Wr
1 am really sorry that you were out
when I called yesterday.
Of course. I wanted to sell you some
goods, but I also wanted the oppor
tunity of saying "howdy-do" to you.
It will be weeks before I
shall be with you again, and between
now and tnen .tou will De selling a lot
of varnishes, etc. You will also have
to buy a lot of them.
Just because I was unfortunate
enough to miss you is no reason why
I should also miss your order.
You know us well enough to be sure
that your mall order will receive per
sonal attent'on. Won't you look
around and make up an order for us?
By the bye, we have a dandy new
. (here describe some new ar
ticle a special that cannot be repeat
ed, for preference) be sure to have
some of these while they last. I will
personally guarantee that they will
please you.
Addressed envelope Is Inclosed for1
your reply.
With kindest personal regards,'.
Respectfully yours.
Change -this letter to At actual condl
tlons, of course.
Seeley's Adjusto Rupture Pad
fKra Rciricy of a truu S0
Tb asU-aajMtlaa faalam sf IMa rat
ska It casii to mar. aja tta?aassE
n at WIN. Moat nattim m slaisb
. . i inr
i ' .'. . ..iTT
1 j7lt AffAUkT
. . IvWi. aiix
GVJIIersOer IgebhanI rtrn Y3.
Ouk hi assault btbbbpj. jAukoA
M . 7T B j a m '-wrmt n uilljUJ,' 1 II 0W V
CHATEAU &T, ofc 4tw2f" . "TT-C w. t. iMfS
-4?uZrX$ W?B ft1?-? Monlmcrt XX
-"-FerWijcwrelfJ I 1 & Verlus M.
Renewed" German assault in the Vripny region anil in the I'runaj region, wct and east of Rheiim, rcspcrtielj,
have been repulsed by the French. A fierce bailie is proceeding on the wooded slopes near St. Agnail, where llie
German are seeking to enlarge the salient thrust into the Kram-n-Amrrii-an line. Slightly to the westward the
Franco-American forces have cleared Comic wood anil retaken other important ground. Between Jaulgonne
and Chateau-Thierry the Americans have entirely i-lea red the south bank of the Marne. The Americans alo
have repulsed a new German attack on Vaux. The alme map shows the German line today and that held at the
start of their offensive. Their gains are shown to be sli ght
Allies Hold Germans Everywhere;
Continued from Tnte Oim
south of Chateau-Thierry
and two
miles nnd a half south of the Marnc.
La Chapelle-Monthodon Is a mile and
a half east of St. Agnan. These points
are to the eastward of the original
American sector.)
French Resist Onslaught
"Farther east, despite the sharpest
attacks, the French held the enemy
on the southern borders of Bouqulgny
and Nesle wood. (Bouqulgny Is three
miles northeast of La Chappefie-Mon-thodon.
Nesle wood Iie3 to the east
ward.) "The Germans made a powerful
effort and penetiated the French posi
tions, but were ejected by a counter
attack. "Between the Marne and Rhelms,
violent Aghtlng Is proceeding In Cour
toa wood.
(Courton wood extends southeast
ward from Neuvllle-aux-Larrls, and Is
one of the western reaches of the
great forest of the mountain of
Rhelms a principal German objec
tive.) Hold Germans Near Klielms
"In the Vrigny region (four miles
southwest of Rhelms) an enemy attack
"East of Rhelms, local enemy at
tempts were unsuccessful. In the
Prunay region (seven miles southeast
j of Rhelms) the Germans, trying an
assault toward Bcaumont-sur-Vesle
(two miles south of Prunay), were
"The French positions everywhere
are being maintained."
By the Associated Press
On the French Front in France,
July 17.
The Germans have crossed the
Marne at various places, giving them
control of over twelve miles of the
southern bank of the stream be
tween Gland and Mareuil-Ie-Port.
This operation cost them dearly,
five brigades being destroyed as the
troops were passing over, while hun
dreds of their men are believed to
have met death from the machine
guns and bombs of aviators.
The town of Gland lies about two
md a half miles cast of Chateau
Thierry and Mareuil-le-Port, about
nine and a half miles northwest of
French Fight yaliantly
Having met defeat in every effort
to advance east of Rheims, the Ger
mans turned their attention toward
pushing the advantage they had
gained west of that city. Strong
columns which crossed the Marne
tried dto ascend the river on both
banks toward Epernay. Their power
ful dashes were met steadily by the
French, who contested every foot of
Americans Repel file Itlons
Advices from the front state the Ger
mans attacked the Americans at Prunay
Ate time unsuccessfully, it is learned.
(Prunay is set en miles southeast of
Wide or coll '
and intrrctlng Bcokltt
Looking Into Your Oi
A Series of
Eye Talks is
Our Net Talk, Wed., July SI
By Joseph C. Ferguson. Jr.
"The Better We See, the
More We Know."
HAT this Is the- truth
is proten conclu
sively by the re
sults of numbers of
Investigations made
among school chil
dren. These investigations showed
that In some schools as high
as 70 of the "backward"
pupils suffered from eye
School children are not
the only ones of whom this
Is true.
Workers In the home, the
office or the Bhop are equally
handicapped b y defective
sight. . ,, , . .
If you have the slightest
suspicion that your eyes
need attention, then go to
an Oculist for an examina
tion. If glasses ar required,
have the prescrlpion Ailed
by an experlen.-ed Prescrip
tion Optician.
Preseripttoa Optlrlaas
, 8 10 South ISth St
W D yOT Biamint Man
'This Talk from a eopyrltbl
. aerie, ail rlhU raasrvsaV' v
Craonn? e
v 1
V t t
Uheims. This Is the Arst Intimation
that Americans arc Aglitlng'ln that sec-
tor. The original American sector east
ot Uheims Is nearer Maln-de-MassIges )
The Americans have accomplished
mart els between Chateau-Thierry nnd
Marcull-le-Port (on the south bank of
the Marne, sixteen miles cast of
In the region of Mareull-le-Port the
Germans hate been drlten back three
kilometers (one and three-quarters miles)
from the Marne. Further southward
the enemy gained three kilometers tottard
Kpemny (fourteen miles south of
Hhelms and twenty-Ate miles cast of
Chateau-Thierry). But he is still thir
teen kilometers from llpernay.
Between the Marne and Uheims the
Franco-Italian auny has repulsed all
attempts, while between Uheims and
Mnln-de-Masslges, despite the loss of
rrunay, the enemy lias ndtanccd only
three kilometers In three dns.
Battles proceeded simultaneously
on the right and left banks of the
river. The German line of udvnncc
appears to be Venteull on the northern
bank and Oeullly on the southern.
Position Confused
The position Is somewhat .confused
nnd it is difficult to tell where the
opposing columns are.
The Germans desire by this move
ment evidently to turn the strong
positions formed by the forest and
mountain of Rheims from the south,
as an effort at a frontal attack would
probably lead to disaster. The gen
eral impression is that the position
Is favorable for the Allies, whose
tenacity and preparedness unques
tionably surprised the Germans, up
setting their plans for a rapid initial
TmrU, Julf 17. (By I. N. S.) With
Americans facing the foe alongside of
the French in all of the vital sectors of
'ie mlThtv Marne-Chamnagno battle
front, the bloody struggle has continued
the Allies delivering counter-assaults
just as satagc as the lunges of the Ger
mans. St. Agnnn and La Chappeile (south of
the Marne River and eastward of the
zone where the Americans threw the,
Germans back to the northern bank of
the rlter) hate been cleared of German
troops by n series of Aerce counter-attacks
by French and American re-enforcements.
To the southwest and southeast nf
Rheims the Germans have been thrusting !
violently againHt tne rrencn, American
and Italian positions in an evident effort
to close the pocket about Rheims.
Fast of Rhelms, In the Champagne
belt, the Germans hate been making tre
mendous efforts to penetrate French de
fensive positions, but the French lines
? cfnns9ch&. 5
C &rAtP
HI 1 Ak fr-i
1 1 aKm
$4.90 Silk Poplin
Many trlmmfd
with contrast
lnr colors. All
Very dressy models
, with sports poek
ets. Fine qusllty
ilk poplin in sum
mer colorings.
argairi Basement
Extra Special 500 Women's & Misses'
Silk Taffeta and $Q.98
Satin Dresses J
Dozens of new styles for choice manv exnrHs!nsr fall'n
. ..-.- ..:-- .. - - - . - -
ilOO Woman'. Naw Voila
Dresses $-$-Reduced
,frojtt & .
mesaa JtasfcKK. t,,if.
m ui
style tnougnis. j.arae variety ot colors. tn sizes up 10 i.
Foes Losses Mount
are holding firmly. American troops I
hate been rushed to the Champagne to
reinforce the French, and aie In the
thick of the flghting In that battle area.
After making an InslgnlAcant gain in
the Prunny sector the Germans tried to
debouch, hut were buried back with
heavy losses.
The battle lias been marked bv tcirlfli-
cannonading all along the line, with
areas from twenty to thirty miles behind
the front under shell fre.
Amidst the battle smoke rolling up i
from the battleAcld myriads of Allied I
airmen sped back and forth, pouring tons
ot destruction upon the Germans.
The Germans, in the present lighting, '
are using an ami-tank gun similar lo
me iuiiuser rine. u is nve reet lone
and weighs thirty-six pounds. The cart
ilage is rour indies long, w in ass
pointed, and is highly penctratite.
Germans captuted by the Americans
call the offensive the "l-'rledensturm" I
(peace offenslte).
When the Americans began falling I
back tow aids Conde (south of tin-I
Marne) a French general suggested to I
the commanding American generaMhat
It was unnecessary to counter-nttack Im
mediately, nnd that the Americans might
have a rest. The American general
courteously refused and ordered an at
tack. Although the troops were tired
out by their strategic retreat, they
cheered madly at the order, while the
French general couM not repress an en
thusiastic smile.
Cheering rrowria gathered about I lie
railway station" tn Paris nnd lined the
.lvtfa n. Hi flrMl IralntnAfl nf unlimleil
Americans arrlted from the Marne. Am- '
bulances were backed up to tne stations i
an hour before the arrital of the Arst j
hospital train i lie cjowos surged For
ward, offering to give aid. The wounded
smiled from their cots as the Parisians
brought forward great bunches of fra
grant Aow era for them.
A week or a month
doesn't prove the true
worth of a truck.
What'll it do after
YEARS of tough
drilling? Several years
have been built into
the Master. Fact!
Master Trucks At
tcays Master.
Larson Oldsmobile Co.
231-33 North Broad' Street
Important Showing
and Special Pricing on gj
Fall Dresses)
of Unusual Individuality 9
There Is a decided dlfferentness about
he.se frocks that U such a lellef fmm
airy summer frocks. Satins and char
meuse are combined with Fiencli surges
in different effects. Home finished with
silk fiinge and round collars Now panol
or pleated hkiits.
Georgette Silk
The new collar
effects, as well
an those ulth
embroidered .
headed fronts.
80ms lace trim
med. . - - - - .., ,-. ...-
ft X 11
Children's $1.25 White
ife I
. n c
sbtt'r.''lsa.l BM
Lingerie AA.
- w sBm i-sai ..
Americans Outfight Kaiser's Best Shock Trx
Cnnllnurd from rune One
was to strike across the Maine In the
i first twenty-four hours of the drive to
I the line running fiom Chateau-Thierry
I cast for eleven kilometers and then
houthcast by south for six more kilo-
, meters, where the American line
, would ho Joined to the French line.
Then on the following days it was
1 expected to swing further south on
'the Chateau-Thierry phot.
Now, instead of being on the line,
the Germans were where they were
before the drive met our troops. They
aie venting their wrath by sending
over many thousands of high explo.
nle and noxious gas shells, hut the
Americans, too, are leplylng with ur
tlllery fire, which thus far has pre
ented them from trying again to
ci oss the Maine between Chateau-
! Thiol ry and .Inulgonne.
In other words, thexe American
soldiers have here, as did the second
I division northwest of Chateau-Thierry
last month, blocked the enrmy driving
1 hard nt Paris
I instc.id of ttio German line swing
ing southeast fiom Chateau-Thierry It
still swings northeast. No prediction
I cm be made as to where 'it will swing
In the next few days, but It Is enough
i to say that It swings northeast.
Ameilcan troops arc located at sev
eral separated points on the western
front, and those hcie near Chateau-
Closed All Day Saturdays During July and Augugt
Announce for Thursday and Friday
An Extraordinary Sale of
Smart Summer Dresses
For .Women and Misses
Summer dresses of voile in stripes, polka dots and
novelty figured designs, in tunic, surplice and ruf
fled models, with plain or embroidered organdie
collar and cuffs and belts of velvet or self material.
Most Exceptional Values Ever Offered
t giiniiuuiiHiniu
Another Short Week
Big Opportunities at
MEN and young men will And the worsted suits (that have made Oak
Hall celebrated as the home of worsted cloths) still predominating
in the sale.
ciq nn .. riru Uriio n ,. e..:
tfiy.au tor UaK wall's all-wool suits worth J)5.UUS
.WZZ.MI tor I J3
$25.00 for Oak Hall's all-wool suits worth $35,001
$32.50 for Oak Hall's all-wool suits worth $40.00
$35.00 for Oak
Wanamaker & Brow
,,.; :vt'tt4
Thierry have not yet lccelvcd In-
formation ns to what our men did
elsewhere. tlut they know what they
did east of Chateau-Thierry,
Men who havo seen fighting
throughout the war say theio never
win anything like the artillery prep
aration of the enemy for this great
est dilve yet made. Aieas one or two
or three miles back of the lines have
been so often heavily shelled before
that such a story would not be worth
telling. IJut this time the German
shelled the front linos nnd he shelled
the back lines. He shelled five, ten,
twenty, thirty miles hack.
All through yesterday morning
shHls fell In the Meaux district, thirty
miles away from the front. The same
performance was repeated all along
the fiont.
This Is taken as an Indication that
the Germans have perfected a new
lone-iange cannon, which, while not
of the range of the gun which has
bombarded Paris, Is still of gi enter
innge than the other guns they have
nltherto used.
Put only the most Intense shelling
was near the lines. From the mouths
of men who went through it I heard
last night what it was like. Every
one who rends the war news knows
that a barrage is made bv firing large
numbers of shells nt one time In the
form nf n curtain of steel.
Beginning at midnight Sunday, the
Chestnut and 12th Sts.
Three Models Illustrated
a n 1 1 1 u a i r..i i w m i
IT Hall's n -won suits worth ffi.-ill.lllJW
Hall's all-wool suits worth $45.00
rncmy laid a creeping barraitfti
sector, which went five miles t
means that, beginning at thefl
bank of the Marnc, succcsslve'ja
of steel swept over our sector,'
Intervals, anrf this went
hours. Back nnd forth( fromf
rear, the curtain moved over ouf
The Germans had another,
than killing and maiming and t
our men. While this firing wa,-
helglit they brought up great
of cam as boats to the northern;.)
of the Marne. They had tried? a
times unsuccessfully to put acroafl
toon bridges, but had been thwa
our fire. This time they broil
canvas boats estimated at tODlt
front, and, protected by the heavy.
rage, sent oer the members of.aa
gUHrd division, twenty men In a-W
This began at 3 o'clock. Titai
of men was large, but by 7 o'clock."
Germans had landed a force cattfi
at 15,000 soldiers in the sector hW
the Americans. As soon as this "I
could be organized the barrage iMMii;
lifted fur some distance back, krilX"a
uermans aaanccd. It Is only fan
say that thse troops fought bray
adxanclng In waves against oufs
and machine gun Are, knowing. ji'
lime mai one ny one their botU.
being shot full of holes behind jtH
1 -
filled with
Oak Hall
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Market at J
frm-1?. mrteV