Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 16, 1918, Postscript Edition, Auto Show 1918, Image 30

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t. " F
rVtlftrftll hnvtrox
ilayed in Bulcony of
Ledger Central
lWJ W -f
ipvwjw-, ,.- "w. - .-;7r r'--iv.f vi-Rf' -.;;"v."i" '-,,.' -,"";;-,u,m . -
,4- rlByfflaPtrBLIO 'paERgIADJBl)PHt4 ,WEDffESPAX NIJBY1 16, 1918
, fr ! II III 1 j II I I I III II I l"P II ' i, t (
----- .. a s
n ' '
- -"j
j? .-
i dr
" ,
Unc Saver, Improved Tires,
test Lenses and Rcpulr Kits
Arc Shown
Mb Inttrcftllnir exhibit of utcful acces- .
'karri for tho motorlfct In on cIUoIhv In
4 V'tiw fclcony of tho Ldscr Central, Broad
A MjChettnut streets. There arc devices
tend to make automoblllng corn
el, tconomlcut and convenient.
re bo many novel mechanical nr-t
mnts to maKo tho life uf tho auto
u u V,,tntr rtftn llut rtCrfTV miin '
owns a car or lu iinulxlng- or acqui
in tho near future choulvi v
V... ill.Mlfi T, liun ulPAfiilc
1 l.lCU UIOVs) h !" ..v v
A4Af tliiMltahrin ff nntnri'H.r OVMicrc.
,V JAA patriotic! konolo la elruik by the1
i, draomg or tn national roiura raui m-
bdotna and among tho ainpiuvg. mere
tslttlfeo on thow the auto llberl ctnblun.
nKloll la an artlitlcally dcelencd Hag
on jftmiall anchor. I'laced on tho radl
at? or on tho door ot'the car It ahould
rntWa a highly pleating Imprctslon In
aidUlon to tho profusion of colors, a ,
loiiffllst of patriotic names brings home
th ta;ct that the nation Is at vtar.
fh moet Interesting and significant
dtntoe on display Is the Benbon
iM". rrs. in
amsJdtJI I 1 , y?Su '1Sx
JfWJJMMa. i t IMF "llWi-TSi1 ?.
aa riiiiiiiiiiiiHv J' aaiiiiiiiiSrSBBiiBaWs raaippppppL MMMMWr?
v if
HVI VKraHlirrlllllllllllllllHRTflHrllllllllllllVrlllllllllllllllVrilllllllllll
j f , v t "- ,-,
JMantViCoin pi'cl'icnsK'c i
toin of lload Building Kol
Under Way
Aerctmtnts Indc With Thirty
ountles, for Painicnt of
Half of Expenses X
irVRntoIILUG, Jan
Colonel W. K,
llodlcj and his 1918 1'int arc inicpurublc (.ompatiion
- 1
IteRistrnlloit ComnusToncr Albtrt ft. fT.mliW. .Ir.. limls tol.ice from inuiiicip.il cares In his Hupmo-
bili: fhuninn ro.nibtcr.
at I
Uavid Kirschbaum Announces
l'lan for Credit Bureau to
Aid Merchants
matfc gasoline saver and safety valve Constructive Criticism of Municipal
TW Miall mac 'n .tVol "tank Gov rrnment Adv ocatcd for Good
the ,flo-v of gao from the btorage tanh
to) the carburetor Just as soon as Ui of Philadelphia
Ignition switch It. turnd off This pre-
,T,tkeCS U fCanXtotprno!,ec-' lh. need,, of rhlladc.phK and ,t. do
Uorj'.agalnst disastrous tires and explo- velopmeM Into a greater and bettT .! i
alonffcauted by motor backtlrlng or the i ere ,iiscusfed In an Interesting manner
llnUJpn of gihollno ""'""''" f'" ' b tpeakers at tho montl,l meetlnc of I
ratify, Installed and should provo a bltf I tli notary Club at Kugltrs. Tl
Jiftw'Wt'llWll-t-'-l11!' " ' '"I"
MtijiiBBtatataBiBaHBHBtiiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim.. . i -. attiiBiiiBi.. ".
MiBBBHBBfppppPlIIIHM; fil&v.
Paulino Predenck
the motion picturo stjir, m litr own Peerless "tporllnK roadster' is read)
a flabh tliroiifjli filmland.
calyf Installed
mony tavcr.
II l r.n,IIMi (if the
..?.&.. - i. 1-inn.l.pnr Ttubbor and
ui ...u v - - , .,
'Iirro are B"o l,,v
tlilbltlon n the
' v liri itin,lr .i,Mrr.,?,a ..rr. Inlfl Ivlryi.ll.
bauii'. prtsidem of the A 11 Klrschbaum
conipanv i.vrus If K urtl and ' Itv
Matlstk-lau 1. J l.attcll
Mr hlrschbaum vl o vias lnlrodurtd
l'resldent Charley A Tvlcr, of th
ItllkA rArntVI lt
arl0UE kinds of tires manufactured by
... v".. .l.h.. Ann The ur the
in?Tf " ..i .ir-. nneumatlo truck hv
Ji There arc al-o the heavj tourist , club as the man vho hvl Mopped
.tular tuhes Then thcro Is Neolln nrotlleerliiK In toldlerf. uniform-, made
?,lht luto for leather Tor blcjUIsts -the announ ement that tho Chamber
he'Cev "a? Dluibtrcak tlrea arc also Commerce Is to e-tabll-h a credit bu
the Ooodcar uiuw i r(au f(jf tw hrMin of lhe relIin uxpr
dlSplttjed. (Vot I chants of . I'hll idtlphli. and tint the
ij V ,i .iinialna an tnjldo pro- creation of a department of arbitration
ald&(o tlreo contalna " ' ' ,f t0lnlller.,aI di,puU8 u i,f,1K planne
tectum patch. oil is do pro J' u ..rginHatlon He hUo pal.'
tlf-cure tube paUl -J. ce ment talc iri ,,, ,,
t!on tape, valve part J and pressure gauge,
al done up. in a neuW .,...,.,, ',"":"
Ooodjeara also have a scrvko dliplav
There are alay prctent two courteoun
representatives from AKn.n. who glvo i
advice on vajs t Increisc the inlleago
of the tires and prevent punctures
Three makes of lenses, arc on exhibit
They are tho Macbeth I.-ns. containing
a Tlsor.to direct all upward rajn down
ward; the McKro .Standard Lens, wlikli
)3 concave and convex In shape and
maUea night riding a pleamire. and the
Xw Osgood Lens, which the makers!
.. 'i h. mnsi iiowerful on the market.
Tho Cupples fompani Is show Ins Its
several makes of tires Tho L'nduranco
BatlnBcarlug Tread Urea aro also on
display. Tor t'ioo who own Kord cars
there arc the Liberty Tiro and Wheel
Carriers, which aro urpcelally designed
for Hords The Victor fresh-Air Heater,
put put, by the Crew-Ievlok: Companj, .
la another convenient article mado for I
Foril'wners. .
rixlt, a combination of rubber putty
and rubber cement, does ctllclent repilr (
wurUion autoniobl'o tires. mrtnrccl
tires., eatings and tubes and all other
rubber goods, l'anvar, a hlgh-cl ipK re-
flmshlng varnish, and the s-plendola
.-Xtquklf Wax aro useful things, tu have.
t Jreaalene Is tho onl antl-freeslne com-
'potinctvWhlch It Is ald reduces carbon
trouble. Other articles shown nt the
exhibit aro the Thermo Heater, the
Boyce, Motor Meter Thermometer and
the Weed Chain Adjusters
parlment of the It'', ami de I irod i' to
b- the dut of citizen to report all case
of uncovered garbage carta coming un
der their observation Ho advocate
'constructive .rltlclsin declaring that
'it i a good thing whether It concern"
the doings of tho War l.ep u tnieiit, th.
l'htladelphii clt government or other
public matters The Idea t f putting th.
oft pedal on such criticism is a mis
take nnglamj pild diarl) for It
Mr curtls spoke on the bubjeit of a
fireater Philadelphia, and advocated a
public spirited effort on the part of all
citizens to iilvinco tho Intrre--; of the
clt l! deprecated the Influence of the
"niosfback III inuul. Ipal affairs and
urt't.l the erectiuii of more modern and
atttactlic buildings
Krnest T Trlijg president of the
Chamber of Comment was to havo
spoken on ttrealer Philadelphia and Its
Increasing l'rusperllv, but vias pre
v tilted from being prj nt on account of
the cieith of hia ftthnr l homas Trigg
Charles H Halnbri.lge (.oorgo 1'
risk, lhigene I. VTitlick and I! F
hc.lgcl were ilccted members of tho
Automobile Export
Value of automobiles.
1 r u c k h, tngines.
lirrs nnd parts ""v
IOll'l) t W I V t
months utdid June
30. 1917 ..513.1,111,217
N u in her of pa
enper automobiles
evporteu last hsc.il
j tar . .
jltir of passenger
rars exported
Number of commer
cial rars exported
iHst ducal jear.
Value of tommercinl
cars exported . .
Value of automobile
engines, tire and
parts exported last
iiseal vrar ,.
Letter lu Widow uf Nolud Surgeon Pictures Wxperi-
ences uf Ambulance Since Its Attachment to
Active War Service
of Viibtilaino far
which t.ui given for servlco lu
Irinco hv Mrs J Vv llli mi White In
tnemorv of hei Iiufbalni. tin late lr J
VMlllim White, i lam of '71 In medicine
I nlveisltj of I'rnicv vinln, fatrious hur
geon and member of the Imird of trus
tees of tho X nlv.rsltj are related In an
Interettlng lclt. r fiom the front Tho
letter wai vtrlttcn ), . harles Hirkv
villigts behind tin front we weie it
t-iihed to a dlvltlon of the 1 n nch arm
nnd moved Into lino on June 1,
"We lu.l f ur front Ihu pohl.s de
fecour to terve, 1 es'.li m keeping e irsi on
s.rvlce at two hospitals and our own
cantonment, mo tlv .0 icvmi kilome
ters behind the line The vioik is not
etpeclillj h(av, dncc tho tctur vtas
at thntlmoxerv enhn Hut wo remained
at thet-e Ktni'1 lnMcs evr t.lnie, and 'it
fiom tho in ichlno guns and from tho
pi. cert cf eclat
' lMiln vtho Is nnlj nineteen ".earn
old, has now lhilt,hd his engagement
and has gono home Ih? rcctloii haa
lust been t tken over by the I nlted
Mates nnm and tho drivers replied b
regulars The old drivers tiro scatter
lug Into other services, homo I'lto tho
artlllerj, tome nvhitlnn, hoiiic Infiutry
nnd navv Wo are leaving these cars
and poMcs that Wo hive grown to know i
to well In other hands I hope that thev
maj bo as tortuinto is wo have been,'
Checks and Orders Keep Clerks
WorkijiR Nights Oleo Appli
' cations Heavy
IIAUISlbBL'nt"! .tan 16 Tho Mttu
' npltol Is bothered with too much motie".
there aro several 1 ram lies of the gov
eminent which aro snuggling to get out
from under heaps of moncv olders and
certified .hecks ind (ish which keep on
lomlng In so fat tint thoee lu charge
aro working nights to pet It lorted out
and fent to the State Treasurv It. Is
estimated that It will ho the end of the
month before the oii.iiiions neeomei nor
mnl and the inonej 1j banked and atl,
books ate potcd
This ruh Is due i the dennnd for
fUS automobllo licences, which Is heav
ier than ever known before, and which,
la c ltising thousands of dollirs i dav to
l.n h milled the rush for Hi eiifet, to bey
oleonmrgarlne wllch Is also Pre lUltii;
I lecords and for other licences and papers
which the Mate hands out nt tho Ihst
of the seal
hrks who aie exieilencrd In ruch
in liters sit thee Ii-ivh n( ver known itiv
thing III the ruli this veat The inonej
lj all In vaults and c,u itdcd
Dc.pjto tho coining abnormal coaitr
Hour, InvolvhlE a scarcity of UboSfJ
nnd the, high tost of materials, J. DeSJ
u .-ou, Kiats ingnvray Commlnloiir'1
haa made known hb Intention inivi
Into by 1 hole . art r .
I lie uiik niciubtr of tho
htotver Mannold Mutur t oin
p.inv, dibtiibutorb of the Merits
i.ir, who is lioldmi; down tlt,o
job alono since his partner,
( .1 Stocvtr, won a iniliimy
I OlllllllblOll.
Ir, . oinniainlint adjoint, and through I thin vtlu u thr r. w is no itt ick or anv
I'orcscs Order 1'roni .Me doo
Talllig oer thr epertliou (T the
rtllroads lv the t overuuietit win bring
furth, r rctognltion of the ptt,engrr , ir
i and motortruck is transport itlon fu
ture, slid Alfred IleevcM, genertl in m
iagei of the ? vtloti il Automobile I lnin
I bei cf I'ciunierts ' Whlln lalhoad
loflklals might dltllko tu tako mcli a.
I tlon Director tirncral McAtlnu Is nrlalit
I to rcc,ulrn that moro pibi-engcra and
moro freight for itiort diM lines be oat-
rlcd bj mntrr vrhlcicH and thus itlievcj IC l'il7, under tho dim Hon
rillroad .otgeHion at lerinlnil i olnts Lieutenant l'lerrc Murthtl
With n n I avenger fains taken ell
people mutt miller great, i use of iimtor
cars '
tho ojurtesy of .VIrs White vtati turned
over tu Old I'enn, tho t tilvertllj mig
aln" Tho aci uunt Is mlilreisrd ir, the
l'onor of Or N'o 13S and li ui ful
luvt s
T am torv that vou havo icclvsd
no iiewn regtrdlng tills c ir I'erhips
vou vtlll under&l md the dillkultles of
willing tuch new at Huh a timi , huit I
can till ou soiiut'iiiij ot its evperl
cm es,
' The drivel vtliu was tu-.slt.liod lu this
cir when It lift 1'irls lor tho front was
II iro d Kehlev a lnj fiom Cornell X ul
vrr'lt.v ctlou '.. , lu wlilih lo l,e-
lntiged, wa formed at ri-illles on Mat
f r-icon.I
ind 1 ft
Paris tor tho fnmt two ilats later I
uni nut allowed to tell 'on whcri wo
went but It itt enough tu mv thit afln
about two weeks' waiting In anoui
Uncial activilt the well, his not been
so light
"The prisKn .ue nil In the liiilt none .
of them In dlrict Hlit of the otimitis
tliougli tlio tais run down tir the other
hide and on tu the plains it nlMit and In ,
the da time also 1'erliapH the most In I
tcrcHtlng peilrne we have hid vtas (
during an ilrpl me r.ld on the . mlon
ment on tho night of the n. md of ()
loin r there w is a full tin on md It vvus I
as l'ght as di, md the llotbes pr.illted
In It to l.iinhird these quiet link vll
hRia behind thn line All of Hie both
wurkid will tint night fo well In fi.t
th it Hie rienih give eorp daruili t It t
tlrms and cioiv h guerro to tlie hi Hoi
is a unit and Inrlivlduallt I four ef the
hots and tj the ricmh m ir-tlnl td. -tr,L,ih
U o vtcri extietnelt f.n luimt e
tint no one in th feitiun tns Injun tl
ttiouf.li i i iiuibei of tin i tu iinotip,
thrill No ij"X, li ir ill irk ul llli lm
. oiislsllng of hoi i made bj tlir built l
allll, inline of prices this jear fpr automobiles is frum $llu lu bUUU.
The follow iiiir i hart will Rive &omu idea uf puce r.mgo of vanotis
, ('jliudeit, I'liLCidiiKo
hevin p.issciik'et totirinjr ini.s l-(i 8 l'J SlUilii to $ijoflO
Si-iassennei tourini; cms .' 1 G-8-l'J l!7fiU to TiOOU
rtvc-pus-biticer toutini; tar.s ',.'. 10-8-11! I'loft to 0400
I our-pussi nijer totirinir e.us l-i 8 1" li'il to ,'!7i50
Two pasct'iijrer ioad-teis : l-li-8 1'J i'i'I.'i to lUOO
Tom passtiigtr roadsters t 0-8-1'J iij" to l!400
.lamousincs '. l-li-8 lli i; !J,1 to 0&U0
Hiouirlmms, town iiiiu .- l-li-8 1 'JlfiO to TiiOO
( onvtrtiblo ioupts , t-li-1'J 10)1) to L'SOO
Convirtihlij sedans i-0 l'J I0.V1 to 1(100
laimlillllitr 1 0-S l'J, 1!700 to 0800
lierlnics 1-1! S 1 J lO'io to MI0U
Coupes, and eabnolits 1-0-S l'J ItMil) to 71011
Sedans .... 1 0-8 l'J Mill to IdJOU
Open vedans . 1 0-tS PJ I0WI to 1500
.Steam ( ars . . .' J 100 to ,",7D0
ahead with his plan3 for fdrmulaffi
won toc-ai uiuccia inrougnout Itjrj g
a comprehensive system of road bi
tr rri.1. .inn. A.AnteL.t- .....
neet everv countv he.it. yri
At.r.mMtl. Ift n't. AnA.1..t. . A,
..B.....w.... vV ,,.., WMU-lllll Ol til
re i or uuiienng roans and freeing talk!
Kites havo been mado with thlrts-Sk
counties, and tevrn others, tho enmIl
. ....- 1..1I....... .. 1,1 l .. .Tf.T
I nunc, w-iru., tt tu biu agreements
Mr. O Xell rccen
, of mo&t of thu
I roid-bulldhtg cam
of co-operation
I they pa onc-hilf of tho cost of the fchMfi'
....j v.,.,.. Uv.,w. ..u..v ,iiu me raflav
llon3 npproprlited for road bullql)ji
and accumulating through the autoSjB
bile licence fees, tin Stito could, unrl
this flftj-dtty plan, build hundredj-Tef
tunes ot road ai
War conditions lirt vcar rreveiOL.'
my great work on the hlghwajs, bJ,
t1s,A tilevK sftySA. AAtvA-t !. il-. ,r
nfj .,,.,, i i-iia iipitcn uy oiuaers tlfia!'
lenr may Interfcro with the carryl&?i
nil. r.f n, ... tnn.l.A ..! - . Jl
.u. v. i.tlj .-.,,-, ,u 1'inilS oi WOrit,
Hie commissioner' nld even
tho war In progress there waa no Hi
son why rlans for tho futuro could iii
bo made It Is his Idea that agreemeufc';
c.tii ua cjitcit;u iiuu Willi mo COUn'
puns, ntirio arm an ueiaipi completci
tint witn the lclurn of normil tl
tntro vnu no no delij lu commeni
Cominlsf loner u .Neil h is declared
a cirong inainieniiive pollcj and
(potes tint -ill 'mil shall bo malntal
aderjuatelj at all cotls Duo to cllmi
conditions m rcnnsvlvania. reaii.
certun Lections ruifei from clot Ibursfij
....(,.,. .tin .11.1.. ..... T?l'
"r '''i en,, , ciKic--, iiuu, as rccentie.ti
fronl eceslvo nowfallj, anl allrf,
ibete factors coiubliied Increase. Sfv:
milntenmco cost igV;
1'cntisjlv inla hlchwiv esnedallvliti
main trans-ttato loads aro being stS.fl
Jectcd to hravj motortruck trafllc iSlf,
mis nuns iu tu, i I'luuicui uj iiieansof
-,. .w ... .-,...,,,. ,v, , oiiuttuiiiis any-y
w hero from il tu foui teen feet In dtptil'
-! cit-atci tiurniK 1110 1 e, et Sn&tf-!
si.irni, jnu eerv cirort vtlll bo in
inroueiioiit mo winter to keep all u
lUiUt 1'tBtlIiie IT3
nuilug tint m, e., on contracts Si-
girs-aiing i -mi ns vtcro let for rii
iiiiproemrut in llftccn counties A ljyi
propoitlon of thee contriits vtw
awiitled tdnci onimlssiiiiitr O NellirU
diietluti Inintilll.i v. ntnnbi t 1S17. vi1
We Settle Your
Radiator Troubles''
We am nnui of h rcpntiilou coerl3i
quit a f m ear I t (f our fr w
will miHlnrn nn tht thrrf u a rcaitn
for ttilH jireit ,p fn ilr mil buU
In orl r ra I ntur mil femtrrj for K
inaltoN of r A l Hub trnzlntr flc,
Out rnlaic 1 fmillti i u auro jroitpt
Beri n
rmiM h m
Benson & Allen Coi
j i
- i
Distributor of the National car.
Motor Vehicles in Use
Motor vehicles reg
istered in United
States 1,812,139
Automobiles in use
in all countries
outside of the
United S t a t c b
January 1, 1917. 719,'.M6
Automobiles in use
In Europe Jan
uary 1, 1917 137,358
Motortrucks in use
In United -States.. 135,000
Tons of goods
hauled v early? by
trueks(estimated) 1,200,000,000
Cost of haulage by
motortrucks at
.. , eighteen cents per
-ton-miIe $1,080,000,000
Cawt of haulage on
r .basis of twentj
feur cenla per
,-. ten-mile by horse
mA wagon $1,410,000,000
Vahie of passenger
, service at rail
a iread rate of two
' 'ccmU per mile... $1,152,600,000
Mumker of persons
,) .United States
t one motorcar. , 21
NlMNber of persons
'to one co tor car in
leren .Middle
Mt States,,... 17
r oi persons
motorcar in
v c n Eastern
I e s in the
States ...
ef land re-
to sustain
olaced by
Ur trucks in
tfewUfaatc) .
C"WH "
l4fcf, trucks
1 21,000,000
'. v-
-tc 1 nSs
" -' I ' N. IsW.
I ' ftlll i r Shkv 1 skwI W " rm& llllllfllllallHbHSaBHKft
LaH """ '" W.F
Wm yifv ,1 ' ' i ' '.ar . r'
aW JJvt.'-' ift ',i ' ,-..- 'M 9wM w
svt'' V lT!1 "" "-' -'' -u " - BIP vP B7
Three Times As Many People Are Buying
Franklin Enclosed Cars
"AMERICANS." said a rortHgn critic, "knoyvtiio
jf price of ever.v tiling and the value of nothing."
That was before we entered the War. Today
il is a different story. The past fevv months have
developed a remarkable understanding of the Na
tional duty to curb needless w astc and elrav jgnncc.
A typical illustration is the change in stnndaids
of judging and buying an enclosed car. Only a
short lime back this type of car had to be every
thing but practical to attract the average car buyer.
He wasn't interested in upkeep because his eye
was on ponderous mechanism. Gasoline and Urea
didn't worrv him because he was comparing wheel
bases. And" selling his old car at a fire-sale price
for a new model of another make be figured was
part of the game.
But today economy both in gasoline and
tires is being forced daily on the attention of the
motorists by rising costs, by Government officials,
by newspapers and magazines. And now hcis
looking for a nay o rui his cost in half and main
tain his mileage.
An unfailing gauge of the worth of any fine
car today is the way it is selling today. The sales
fads about the Franklin arc interesting.
The present and net building schedule of
Franklin Cars will not tatth up with orders on
hand. Franklin Car. arc being built at the rale of
three limes as mam as a year ago and the demand
continues to exceed production.
Franklin Enclosed Cars were bound to become
more popular each car, ccn in normal times.
The War, forcing mii7i7,v and economy before every
thing else, quickened this movement.
Today, as for fifteen year-, the Franklin Car
stands as the vwst practical, efficient and economical
fine car in America.
Consider the significance of 179 Franklin Open
Cars recording on July 13th, 1917 (under standard
efficiency rules) the remarkable average of 40.1
miles to the single gallon of gasoline. High gasoline
mileage means economy all along the line. Owners '
tire reports, orr afuc year period, average 10,203
And the awe economieN of the Franklin Open
Models apply, w ithin a few per cent, to the Frank
lin Enclosed Cars.
There is something here for every car owner
to think about and these arc days w hen a car uvv tier
has to think if he wants to ride.
3430 Chestnut St.
Baring 1300
West 407
Exhibit No. I J.
4 -f
. i
re- -
! ee v ". - - " ' " y T' ----- -." & 1
B' flMBJBJMMBjattMBjaaaMBjaM Y,l
j. H. mo).ur const met 1011 - g'BIH'j
Kv company iuKm'v
K Brown , iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill ,'
Mw 22 Broad J"AKK
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