$&vi - '" s 1 EVENIKQ lMnQmlmijAI)UmA SAOTItpAY, ftlSQEMBEft 9, 10X6 FINANCIAL NEWS J&tJRRIED COVERING OF SHORTS CAUSES XH fl ri , 11 ' V BALLY IN STOCK MARKET AT THE CLOSE ears Meet With Little Resistance in Early Dealings, and Declines Range From One to More Than Five PointsCoppers Are Heavy High Points In Todafa Financial Nciob Dears preittd stock for ale in early dealing in Wall atrcet and decline POm On to fttifl nnintn rualllfrd. hut fnvtritin nt altnrt fnttntit rtiltti 4 firin trading. Wheat, told highir,' cotton lower. New York bank atatrment thawed iy"nR.ff n !oant and depoiltn, increme in reacrvc and aurvltte, the reaull of calling of loam in week. Weeklu bank clearing incrcaacd 6.1.8 per cent, Dar dvr unchanged in Nw York and higher in London. United Slate Stetl Unfilled tonnage for November SO showed increase of I,Oi-1Si ton over October 31t making the total HflS8,5hS, and a new high record. NKW YOltlt". icp. n. Vfj? What the Gtreot calls tho Intent, Including nenrjy nil ihoso upcculntorH on ."tfcn floor outside of the ExclinxiRo who ondenvor to ilolormlnn prlco muvcmrntii by the mnnnsr In which they construa tho developments supposed to hnvo u J boarlnrt on security vnluoi nnrt market conditions, forced Htoclm on thn tnnrkct all through tho two hours of trndlnic find woro nuccessful In cmisliiK ileellntB ranging from 1 to tnoro than 6 points. They met with llttlo reslstnnco In their bearish efforts bocntiso bmikliiif Intor- i sto nro not disposed to enter tho market tin the lonu side iih lonc n tho Clornmn diplomatic situation remains In Its urasant uncertain slmpo, and tho only Ituyern to be met while tho bear raid woro In pronrcsn woro those In tho tradcrn' riirikn Who find It profitable to fight nftrtlnst tho crowd. Tho copper stocks were naturally heavy bocnuso of tho fnctthat tho ("Iurrou helm Interests liavo used tho various cvants, nUch us tho Increased dividends And tho reports of n coming consolidation, to tlnlond most nf tholr IioIiIIiikh of .euch stocks as Utah Copper and Chill Copper. Tho reports; of an Intended tax on copper metal or of tho ortoct of tho British embargo nro only hrotiKlit forward to make a plausible explanation nf tho declines which havo remitted from tho insldo nolllnic. United (Hates Stool common sold off from 12&V4 to 123; Chill dropped from 29 to 27. Tho 'reorganized railways followed tho rest of tha list on rccemlotiH, iIccIImIiir H M to a little mora than 1 point, and tho leading railroads. Ilka IteadliiK nnd Union Pacific, moved In tho name way. In somo quartern It was Insisted that thu m.irkut conditions wcro thoso which should ho expected two wcults licforn C'lirlstmiiH, When accumulations of long stocks aro generally reduced and spectiliillvo account!) are depleted by cash withdrawals for holiday npondlnt;. In tho final trading the market tcavo ovldonco of lmvlm; been oversold on the early declines and thoro was somo hurrlod covcrliiK of shorts, milking Unlteil States Steel common rally about 1 point, nnd similar ndvnnruii wcro noted till through tho list, with nn upwnrd movement In progress an thu market closed. In tho bond mnrkot thoro was a further falling off In Anirlo-Knincli Du to 93H on taroo soiling this forenoon. Michigan Central debenture In woro Influ enced by tho new financing and adVnnCod 1 V4 to 90, Thoro wnn ncllvu trading In somo of tho reorganized rnllway Issues, Including Missouri Pacific, Han Knuiclsco nnd Ilock Island Issues without much chango In priced. Colorado Mldlund -Ih blade a further advance to Z0V4, and thoro was n demand for Groon Day lit ul 17. REALIZING MAKES CURB IRREGULAR Majority of Interest Is Centered in Oil Stocks Roynl Dutch Again Prominent NEW YORK, Deo. 0. (peculation on Hie -.Curb Market today was fairly brisk, and after a show of firmness In tha Initial deal ing's. Irregular price movements developed on realizing In a number of tho more Im portant Issues, Interest was largely cen tered Irt oil stocks. Itoyal Dutch Company was again the center of attraction and after opening up Vi fell nearly 2 points on heavy renllzlng. Sinclair Oil continued active and Btroni and attor moving up 1 eased off a point,, while Oklahoma Producing and Reflnlng brotte from IS to 13, rallying to 13 H. The 1 Standard Oil group was Arm, but less 'active. Thero was a fairly good Imiulry far Bouth I'enn OH, duo to the expectation of ji large stock melon. 'MIdvale Steel, on a small volume of rtcnl- . lnga, moved within, narrow limits. Sub- " marine Boat was under bettor support, ad- , Vanclne 3 points. There was a fair Inquiry for Traniue-V'llllains and United Alloy EteeL Zlno Concentrating continued strong on good Inside buying. Motor stocks were almost at a standstill. Mining shares were somewhat Irregular, Butts Coppr and Zinc easing off fraction ally. Magma, after a small loss, recovered, 'In bonds, American Telephone and Telegraph Cs were actively dealt In at an Improvement "of , while Sinclair Cs rose 2 points. JND08TUIAI.8 New York Bond Sales nnk. mK m Attn, Explosives ....... Amsrlean-llrllUti Mrs ... Aratrlcan Mirronl .Amsrlein Wrltlns rwr Canseian Car Co ....... Can Car fay vii .... Ctuvrolet Motors Koitrson Phonograph ... JtaiulM Mfs KathoUton llronaa pfd ... Mural Oil t, Uas ...... Stailm Munitions ....... Manhattan Transit ..... viia biavaior ( iriaaa Motors ta i.ns Slarli oola i a i ............... ::oti 3 So Aikf.t ." 20 SH 7 4ll Hi 2 1 1 h 1 A?H dam Motors .,,...,...,..,., n tttandard uomarlna rianata. jnim . . , : nK,l ii""y H'l ns ............ OT 23 100 IS JNfino Anvir Aur lli n. . . .luliji sJuuo Aiislo-Kr 8 tiaS, JUllll Alnrr Jltiln I. Il. Ill) BSiMiti Am.r Kurrlsn Hie .". utU moon Amur Hmult Hco u .lin( BJIitio AinT Tel ell Is . .. ! (" Allltr lew IK IISS llllllli Atrhlaon a.lj U . .'11(111 Atlnn Co I.llli. clt -la IKMIII Hull A Ohio (In. ... noon ii llllllli ilo.cv 4U. Kiimu Hriiolc Itpii '1'r r HUH Hint'. 2UIIIMI Cm Oovt Da Ilil'U . . . 11111. 28IMIII do tt)3l Ullt 40011 Cent Inlhnr Ul r.a.lu.l r.fKHI IVlll I'un !! till'. jiiuun L.-niu i;opiwr Dh.VlO ,1,. ,,iv r 2UIMI0 Chi II Hi Q Joint Is... HNS i'Olimi Ohj II t y son 4a. .. Ii.'lti Uiw III ll.'l'k Hit 1171. Ill HI1. li.-. i':ij. h7 IiiiiH HmiU U1T in. limit Uil lat uiiJt r 7a.. ..l.lilji In cv 4'Ah.. naji r u.v-j Wl'k ll'.l. 103 Ull't II nU rinso. nn nn 11714 III UIH lit IMS M.-.V HT. lll(l4 111 1111 ltin'4 iii'S ua '"'14 1,1. imiiiti cni ii n i) son 4a. .. n.ili, ii.is u:i Anon Chi In g Til 4i. .. H7 HUM U7 .'lion Chl II H 1' urn 4a. . . ln'H luS -S 4000 do conv Ba.,r.1...lU.lW. Jll.tti 105l noon CM M 4 Hi i cv lUn.liin!. ion ion iliiiH) Chl It 1 A 1 rtd 4i,.,. 77 711(4 7ilti f.OOll do 8a .... , 7 7H 7M IJuOo du Da ot on. U.... 77J4 77. 77J4 opi dooa ml;; mlu niic 2060 Co .MUlnnJ 4a i'llt, "M 2oK 1000 Co A Mouth 1st 4a... MS V3 IMS flUOO Col & Houth 4V4 H4 HIS Klf, noun City uf I'arla Ha tot. u.-,J i.i i:ri rr.i 7a lus ion ins (Ireen lly ar II 17 IHU 1(1 limit Nor lat fn Kiou luoU Kin), Hud Man in Oa.. . -:o 2r(( ;'.l(J d rfd Da . , llllt. Hi) uil ailllll Dili A I hlil runv 4a.. III.-.', lli.-.t I11.-.U 1 llllllli ,ii rfd 4s UK IIN'i HH'k IIHIII l)n A Itlo Or 4 .. Hl HI-4 H1U IfliHMl Dntrnlt Unttril 4Ha.. H2 HI HJ 10U0 Ills Hccilr Carp 9s 7','Lt 7-..U fM -ihiii i:rlo Kan la 7ll!4 731 7.l hiiuii i.riit conv acr u. . . . fm nr. ha lnono i:rlo rfd 7a Ion Km ins iinuud urten nay aer ji. . . . 1 mill snon lljllll ilia Ella I J Si . . . . . noun ill hi,i dcii 4ia uas uas 113 SOIHHI I CU HI l A.N U Oa..ln' llli OI lliouo Inttrb Moi 4(4 a 7S14 73 73 imt in inn nn HHH 103 KIIU HS V)l on 0.JI H7'4 inn 200UO jauun Inlcrli U T rr Ba... intr Alfr .Mar fis. . , onL. w.i- IIHU v.l (4 inn NO HH jHimiiMii nav aa .. HKU Lacka Htrrl fia 11150. . 1014 UU'I Irfirlllard n. , lull mill Uul It Nmfl 4a . . 1)3 nn U!l im'4 o' 100011 Intarnl l'apur r, .. .11111 snnnii jap ntiw u a 4i... miv 700O Japallran lnw 4(n .. HK oouimi tacKa hiiio iirii loon I.OUI nOOO Xlnnhnllnu 4m 1SU00U Mich Cent 1) 4a 1001) MltwaiiUpM (,, 4m. . ntt: nntL IHOOil Minn & Ht I. 4a n-Ai o-i'i 12000 Minn Mt 1 H H M 4 . tili! 1MU noon Mo Kan i T lat 4a. . . 77 77 531)00 Mo l'ao w I 4a (Is1! nfT4 A wnr u....,.ijllil 1IMI iuuii 1. Lonn iiwy ia 1000 21100 nuiHI do ron 4a hll H(l 1000 N Y City 4(4 a 1UI13. . .10U Unit; aLiniii nn ins iuiii . . . in.-. nnoo NY Nit 11 Oa In1 N V Conn llwy 4Hs.. USJ4 iis'4 iih. NVOAlluatla in'! IISK U2'I $0 ij iij iii-cr n..ij lo 4'4 s uil( uilH imp; mil ". . flty 4(4 a 11) 4(4a 10(11 . Unitad Motors .... , Unlttd Trofll Hharli li.Ua- - woria yum .,.,..:;.:..,.:;:::. RAILnOATJS RocK island com Waaiarn iao com .,.., AVabaah.lrlttabursh com tvasaaa-i-lllSDursn prd ft 14000 N r llwy adj 9a 4llH 7IMI0 N V Trl sen 4(4a.... Puff 7000 Nor I'ao prior 4a ... Ii IIXIO Vac llai Aa U2 34000 Pacing TtO Aa lout! aim 1 r.nn. I. I IJU milt ( 7 loon Puh Hcrv N J Aa . .'. 112 12000 at I, I M A Hu sen As lo2 nil 100 111.1 111.1 ins 111s 4U(4 4UW UU Ull'i um ni u2 oiiv: 10(1 10(1 UIIU U ll-iU' " I". " 2l(t .. All ,. 2.1 OS Illinois n BTANOAHU QU BTOCK8 4J Ohio .... . . ...... .an rratrla PIm. ...... ... . . , !s40 msnaaru nil or California 37H Btar.dard Oil of Naw Jtr !?...,,. HliMKlard OH of Nsiv Tfork. . .."II'sSo OTHCn Oil, HTOCKH Koyji Dutch ......,,.,, ,., jo Coadao Oil , J foadan A Co,, ,, ,,, if .JnUr Patrol,. , ,, H Mouaton oil ., H """l niiioiM ,.. , Sf l"!1? I'sOnlnc fltoclalrOll , fjutta Cpppar A zino,."."! Jlutla U Y (rro da Pasco. . Vtrat National , . rwranca paidsald 3dUSala llaraar lacU Unln ...,., llswa Bound .,...,.,....,. mi uuiur . . . . . Asiaoaion A.lt eo ! 1 247 ItMnaiii t t I I 44Af 10 ll a u cKlolay UarrasU .....,.....,.., io m Coppar ..,,...,, , lv ,1 Winta Co of Aroojca pilH iBUabui mil tux ....... I" i Any -. Mt Joaaph Id 3&n Sai CoosslMataJ. ! -11SI :r rs-ss, , vnniia Oaks TO Ai U.ala Sa uMlsa (4s .. Oi 9)11 . BON f.KTit J Klnsttom' 'tM m t'-Hii'. 2O0II do (llf I. Ill ;ii 7,1 4HOOII Bt 1. A H ! Hla 4a.. Al Ml. An, 62000 do In 4a AH( A7 ni Inoo da son Aa In.lS lous li'.'S 88000 do tior A 70 70(1 70ll w ,.., 1. ..... ni r.1 nn Ban A A Aran I' lit 4s tl.1 111 A Hab A I. ft'U Aa . . . 11(1 lldli llrt4 Houlh It la Aa ...101 101 nil Bouth Pao iv 4a ... H74 Hl(4 H7'4 do cy ret f p Aa ..liiiji loll, ii) Houth llwy sen 4a . . . TSH 76 7A Taa Cu ov tla, 1034 103H ins'i 1 .,. xn u.ij ua. . . . inn 1(14 7nM roklo fla 71. 7n 1H rn-city sa lint? iim2 iimiU toon Thl loon Tukl NOOU T mono u b h a u n .. .IIOU llllU llnlf 40OO II H llubliar Ha .. ..till'. 101 llltti 22000 U H Btaal a f A. . ...llldU 1011 lod IIN'i IIS if, 10000 U K or (1 II A I As 1O0O Union I'ao lat 4a 000 Hit Itvrya H t 4a iibhi 7000 0000 Va llwy Ba. lon UH .11 UN l)S, 1000 v Cor Chem Ut Aa. B0: uu io oa 1031k losu . oiik urn: 12000 Ws,u-F T 1st cl f p 4a. S7 87 10000 wcat Chaatar Aa ...,111.1 loi i iiihi weal Kiactno aa . ...ln.'U iiiii ..71 74 US 5 8000 Waal Md lat 4a. Total aalaa. 13.101 000 fhVt-SSS 'i:i RfllSlt" hU "" .",0OU, nvaraat hi,i,vu- ins i 10A !o2U T4 ruiniKirod vllh New York Stock Salca . . Mai llllh. tmK. riot, rhaw. Arm Ten, a M SJ IV4 Advance Hum ... 1 9(4 10 10 IVs Alax Mubber .. My, S44 4 (IV, Alaska Oold Mines IS lM 11 ' Allls Chalmers ... 34(4 ll(i 33Vt I Am Hiigsr loey, ioih lotif, W, arUi ill 1)7 low HJiJi 115 10 100 M1 M Am fan flJ Sly, Am Car A Kdy... 7ti 7llfc Am Hide A t, lH MV, do pfd ., 7s. 77 Vi Am lee 30 (i so Am I.llAeed pfd.. At At Am I.0CO nV4 t v, Am Malt II 10V. Am Hfneli n.i, us Am Mognr 1 1 R ,4 1 IB Am Htrel Kdy 72 10 Am Tel & Tel....lt H7 US Am Toliaeco 322 0 270 do pfd 100 109 Am Woolen oH A.1W Am Writ Taper pf fliy, n Amor Xlno oi4 Bjy, do pref 10 7S11 Anaconda Copper. D7,l oH Aiwo Oil 71 1 Atchison do nref At Coast l.lno .. I21U IIIH At Oillf A W I llnlilwln Ico . Unit A Ohio pref Jlothlehcm Hteel . .nflo llnrrett MfR HlSlfc tliiltn A Huperlor. 7JV4 f 'nsn pref California Petrol. do pref Canadian rarlltr Central Inther . Ches A Ohio .... Chlo Clrcnt W do pref A IVi in I mvi H 17H H I M tv, h IV. Id '. ',4 Mi -1 I'. Air, 2V4 7r, y. BfltA MA II V4 I0SM. I0M4 loltt. looy. ioo"i tooii ( m COTTON DROPS AGAIN AS OLD LONGS UNLOAD llcnvy Mnrgln Calls Cnuso Llqut- (Intlon RcBnrdlcss'of Prices nnd Dcmornlizc Market . tin . HIW 71 . soy, . 27 . , IA7 .ill 17W lAlfc Chlo M A Ht I" pf..l2A lit 7S'j 1t All 1(1.1 71 S0' 2S nnvi I flit', loo 07 1.1 43tf, 12, Chlo A North W..I2IV4 I2. Cont Can too 02 Coliunlila (Ins ... SI 411 Chl It I A l 30. 38 Chill Copimr 2SV4 21 Clilmi Copper ....AS 07 Mi col ruci a iron... as n.iy, cut ft Ho 1st pfd.. no no Consol fins IlnUo.127 127 Cum Products ... any. 27(4 mth Mi 112 31S. soMj V. 71 t- " (114 1 I OS ',4 71 I", SDV, l' 2rt',4 no i,4 -I 14 mi I0B', (4 07 t ',. 3 Mi 12.1 Mi 12114 '.4 on ii AOM, asiji "4 2714 H4 01 Vt ; fi.1V. tV. fl(l 1 I27i "Si 27 I'.i do pfd U3M. HOW I "Mi I CrnulMe Htcol'... . nn Cillniti-Am IUKnr.223 Culiiin Ciine Huunr (17 J. SIM 223 11(1 1)1) osMj 41 13 do pfd OOMj Uecro A Co pfd. . . PV4 Den A Kin U pfd. 14 nintllleiH Kct'lir. .. II Doina Mines 21 21 Dill H H A 7 V OK, i:ieo Htor Hut 71 71 Krlo 37 37 do 1st pfd M'A n do zcl pin MY 4 J Yt lien i iicin an ( Oiih W A W 10 III Itlcii i:ict'trlc lo(4 no wen .Motor pin . . . i is" (londrlcli Co nil flrnnliy Consnl ..loli)', Orent North pf...ll7V. fit North Ore ctfs 131, flrei'ne-Cnn Cop.. .11 Mi flulf Htnto Klecl. Illinois Central . Inspiration Con . Int Aur fori) . . . do pref Intcrlioro Con . . . do pref ..'.... Intermit Tuper . do pref Int Nickel Int Mer Mar t c. do pref do pref (new). KIiiith Co Kleo . . Knn City Bouthnrn 27 Kelly Sprlnir Tire. W, ICenncrott Copper. A0 Iicknwiiiuia Htl..l(it I,ako Krlo A West 27 sV ! 223 r l(l If. III! id DsMj 14 41 I3M. 21 I UK. 71 I I 17 V. A2 I2Mj 310 2V4 I OH Mj no i'i 12(1 .... HUM. tot : ion 107 nun 21 30 Mi IS OA V4 3 V4 IK Vi I Mi Vi (4 -f- l.co Ilulilicr I.ehlKli Valley . . Lorlllard Louis A NuSli . . . Manhattan Shirt. Max Motors .... do lsfprd .... do 2d pfd Mnx I'etroloum . do pfd Miami Copper . . Mill A St I, now. Missouri IMcllli! . do w I , do t o Mo Knn A Tex. . Montana I'ower . National Illscnlt. do pfd Natl Clonk A Suit. Natl Dnamellnc; . do pfd Natl Lend Nevada Con . N Y Air llralio... N V Central Nat Surety Co... N Y N II A II... N Y O A W Norfolk A West . . North American. . North I'aclllc Ohio Cities tins .. I'acirto .Mull ASM, KM 117 117 43 131', nt At mo ion 107 107 (IK UK 21 21 AOM, .Kl'f. 17 17 7.1 7A14 03 (1IU 107M. IOHMj 107 4H 47M IS 17 48 Iil1 1IS liny, 117 119 lit) 'A llOV't 122 122 122 20TS. 211 73 i' 73 (i An A 0(4 03 'A 101 27 27 31 V4 3IM 31(4 Sl SIVi 230 231) 132 132 13 1XV, 71 71 71 sim, H4 .10 411(4 IDS 101 Oil 0!) 15 4.1 Vi 33 Vi 31 III lK(i, .1.1 3.1 ID IH 111'. 10 ION IDS 12 I 12 I 11.1(4 l!.1Vi I2.1(i S3 S3 3 3flli 3.1(4 3.114 14 1011(4 1110(4 10014 -)- (1(114 ni4 0014 1 32 SIM, 3114 . lOUVi IflUV. inovi i). I in M. 10014 lo Mi 2.11', 23 M, 2.11', NKW Yoltlf, Dec. J. The cotton market slump) asln. lostns; front tl to H a hale today soon nfter nn unsettled npcnln. Mar Kin rails had keen heavy, causing old loniss to throw over thrtr lines rtgnrdleM of prices, and for a lime the market was In a iteinsra llseil rendition. Around 10:20 o'clock rallies of from tS In 20 points occurred, on short covering. Ilefme the decline was rlierked, prices hsd lirokrn some 40 to 7fi polnls nnd trKlstereil a loss of nlmiit til n linln from the high point nf Inle In Noemlier There was no fresh news to account for the new wave of selling;, which seems to result from Kenernl dlscoiiraiceineiit on the srt of the hulls. Spot news was cnnfllctlnir. ftomo of the mesii(cr reported holders offcrlne freely hut IllKllnif few lmers. while several houses had reimrts to thp effect thnl holders wero ofrerlniT iiolhlnK except hedged oot tou. Thn conl nut market from now on will de lend In a hti ee extent on the action uf the southern itmrkets nnd all reixirts from southern correspondents urn eagerly sen lined Toward the rlnso heavy covering hy shorts and rcliiiylhi; hy somo nf the old hulls who liinl sold llielr lines iibovn the 20o level milled priced from 30 to 10 points. rin. IS 71 III Ml 1 1st 11127 111 2 17 31 10 1.1 Asked. Mi .07 21 1.1 22 in I "' II (II .11 (II .07 .07 (l. .2H .711 OH 3.. 2.1 .117 .oil .31 2 1.1 .III Sales in Philadelphia N't CRS. 1 1 liish. iiw. c; 20 Am Mllllns; s S4 " J9 Arn Itys pf 0114 0714 07 J0 Hld xx, 7!4 1H "H aa riiiti rn . as IS 2S 810 Cruelble flt s MH HIH 1 AO C It I A I'. ' 10 Cnlnwlssn . , , Jd pref. 841 27 Hleo Htor. 10V4 ' ;; loo Krle 2114 1H J' J J? 100 Inter Cons I7!4 17 11 10 Ins Co N A 27 21 ' ;; 10 Kenne Cop ASM, 8Mi '. "" . fJ3 I.k Hup C. 21 21 21 310 l-li Nnv.. S914 S. " ""',, 2 hell Valley Sl t l 0 I. V Tr pf 41 4' "" J SI.1 Nov Cons 31 3Hi tV. ,10.1 I'ennn It It .17 A Kio IM Hall M 09 09 00 . loo I'hlla Co . 43 4 lf SI I'hlla I5lec 201, 20 20 M. IS31 1'ltT tr cfs 21 2'4 2S14 A riettdlnic . 10014 10014 10014 1 S00 Toll Ilel .A 100 Ton Mln !' "V. 11. loo Cnlon Trao 40H 40 " SIA tn fl Imp 0114 PI ' J 3A.10 U Hteel I2A 123 12114 1 M. 100 West Mil . 19 20 20 "(1.1 Wm Cramp 0SV4 .Hi "SV4 Mil York Hy Pf 314 3V4 3lMj 12.3111 nhnrr Ml MiHiiHiii tUU Hfrk. llft.lBl I .in nil nnnrri. HICHER MONEY RATES REFLECTED IN LOCAL RESERVE BANK STATEMENT More Discounting Done by Institution in Week Trading in Stocks Is Quiet and Prices Are generally Vis iloae Oimii. Illall. Iiw Deeemlr IS 111 Is Ml IS.1I1 is .11 January ... .In 02 II) o.l m n.i Is in Miinh in 20 III 2.1 lu 21 M May in HI In 1.1 l IM ism July in A2 in .in in.ll istin OcinWr 17.11(1 17. IM 17.01 I7 2H Hiiot ill 1.1 I.OCAI. MININC STOCKS TONHI'AII HTOCKH 111,1. Jim Puller Ml Mnr.Vamsfrt OA MlilHsy IM Mlipuh i:iitilon II Mniilann Ill Vnrtli Hlsr .11 T(ineall tlellnnnt f. Tonni.lll lUten.Inn 4J. Tonnnali Mlnlns OH llinriin linln 21 Went l.'n.l 03 (lOliDPIKLII HTOCKH Atlnnlii , , .HI lllne Mull 02 Month 13 C II I) (12 i'.iittiln.itlnit f'riietlnii o lllnniiilhlneiil II II III! ti.itny Ill I'lorritr. , , ,.,, .3 llnMnel.l I .nm.ill, Illicit 1. (Iniillleld Mer.er O'l InmM i:tlrnlrm 32 Kewntins .21 urn 07 Mmiiliitnriti Keii.lnll n.i Hllver Plik 2u - MISU'i:i,!.ANi:ol!H Arlznnn United 70 Nrvn.li Hill W Wi.vn.la Wor.l.r 2 In TiKiim Mlnlns 17 .linrcM Irtaf n.fk. IIIINim lllah tiw S3000 A (Ai:t Cs DO '4 DA14 1130 I'.lec A I'm Tr 4s .. S3 S214 2oon i:iuii nt (Ins ES..100 I0S loon r.rli Vcons 4 !4s '03.100 lon 10014 inoo do ntm 414s ..101 .100 Nat Prop 4-Hs ... (is inoo I,eh Vnl Tr tcf fs. .. n.i I00O I '111 III Co cons Cs. l)2' 2ooo P II A Wis 0014 7000 Item) kh 4s 0.1 14 200 Wels Cn Ks 00 14 S3 1A 107 107 Net chse. Mj AS OS 02 03 02 oo 0314 1)0 01 14 0014 0.114 oo 1. Tolnl in!e. Slf.S.IO. romparril nllti 1KI.A0O l,l Hsliirdayi llifn nrek, H0'J.U3H l,il irrk, .ll:l.loo. Local Hid and Asked Hi HI!'. 14 230 2 M. 7IV4 -I Mj 71V, BI14 HI 14 14 107 Hi III) V, 4.1 .1 1 2 IH4 3.114 14 IH14 14 10 14 I OH 121 2 AIM. MM. 32 31 13014 13S 7.114 72 111(4 Ul 1 13 Mi 113 20 27 V, A7V. - '(. 31 l.1H 1 72 M. Mil 113 7 1 CI.KA KINGS MUCH I.AKGKK There wan n IiIk Kaln n hank clearlniri this week In every section nf the cuuntry oer thiiiiu nf last week and tho ixirrcspnnd InK week of last year. Tho total was IO,57n.n7C,r,7(i. annliist 5,7.1H, 322,414 last week and $4, 281, 274. Kill n tear aii. Thu Knln uvtr laht year In this city wns tho third larKrst In tho country. Details follow: 1111(1. lOlfi. I. ( New York.. 13 37n.7JS.4K2 12.oii2.osl, 12.1 t nj.fl jlniloli .. I7 1111.1. Win I4.',,3lls,742 4 nil 'J I'llllsileltihlil 2.11.713.11(17 170,11 It. .1117 4 411 2 lliiltliiiorn . I11.11 1 l.illn 3l,nn.1,i7o I in :t 1 hhiiKo . . r.'i.r,nm 31111,710,110.(37.4 m liola liei.ii 17.131 7HOI7..1S1 i an 7 New ()rlsns 41,113.1.213 23,7112.133 l-SO.l Heven el ties. 3 ilas ..It. lt7.S1l17rt 12.ti30.29l),S27 431(1 Other till... r, ilaya .. no.1.0ln,27H 443.0 Tulul of nil 1 Itleii for R 0a ..13.413.281.237 13.810,230,60.1 433.(1 Alt (lllcii. I Jay 1.127.01)2.417 738.037.3113 443.1 Total of nil I HleH for II week .,10.870.0711.1178 f I.SH1.S7I.1AS 483.3 llrlll 1 fl 33,. Ilurfsln Hiiimi I c .... (US 1I1 mef fil'Ts llaldwln soli i.i. iii-m HtnrnKe i.'iS tleneral Asphsll Ioi 1I0 IT.f 7I'4 KVlnliniB Tel 13 lln t o 13 ilo ifil l!t Ijikn Hun forp 27'. Ulilcli Nay ss lhlali Vsl hll. LchUli Vnl Tr 22 ilo rlil I2. ivnnyiv.inl r.ns I'hlla lllertrlo 2!i I'hllii Cinntniny 4,1 In 3 ier lent pr. ... as il.i 11 int cent pr.... 124 I'lilU It T I c .2ii' llenillnn 1UH. Ton Mel r. Ton .Mln n't I'D Trne 4il If (1 I til., 11 H Slel 121 4 York lty I3S In pref 3d', Win I'rnmp to l3'.4 Today's lllil A.W-I. 33 "II mi SOS 7uw 32 Yeslenlsy's 10,1. A.krd. isj; I3. (Ill 1:1 r.n'4 211 1. 4.14 .10 43 sni. 110 r.i.. "',. r, n ,11, -in IIIH I24S II an'4 an on 11.1 31 mi r.ns WlS mi Mll't 7ii4 13 13 LIS M)'4 h2 4.1 211 S 4.1'. .'I H no', nn'. .hi .11 71 nn hi 7il' .12 72 1.1'i I. IS ill) 27. Ml'4 ?!! 251 ;. 4.1 an 43 27 in 4 13C 47: 111. 14 as', no LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS ClIICAOO, I)c. 11 lloflH Iteeclpla. i'0.000 lieniln. Mnrkei slrnnit. 8c hlshcr: mlied anil hut, hers. IUS3VIU0.1 sou.1 heavy, 1I),43W in 11.1, rnush heiivv. Ill l.ltfli no. llsht is.sattti 7.1. Man. Ill 7r,WH.(l.", hulk. I0.4UO0.00. f'ATri.H lleielpls. ,',l)ff neaila Mirkel eteadv: heeves. t71rl2 73; imva nnd heifers, 13 h.lO 10 2.1, aloekera nml feedera, II r.n(07.S3; Temna. $7.S31I 30. calves. 111.80013 23 Hlli:nl' Hreelpta. 4000 heads Mnfket sleaily: pallia nnd western. IH 80OU.SO, lambs. (10.23 WIS. NKW YOKK IIUrrEK AND EGGS NKW YOltlC. Iee. 0 41UTTKK- c. 0 UlUTTBll Ilerelpls. ilrm nn ton snides. Kvtrn imifSAr, hlsher acorlnif. 3SV . 3.1V4 37e. if,iiikilipli.tM. 'JL.lil Kre.h. alendv: atnr- nse, nrm 1:10m. 4K0HOC, nrsts, 12043c; nlher urudea unchanged. 3IUI0. Market tone nrm nn top snides. eresmery. 37H WiiTe, 3Se; rtrsts. 3.114 U37e, PHILADELPHIA MARKETS Pan-Am I' A T pf . 101 100 100 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK, Ilea 0. Tho market for coffee futures this inornlntc opened un changed to nn advance of 1 point Trad Iny on the call wus iiulet, sales amounting; After (he opening the coffee market was dull and virtually without business In the first hour of trading. It seemed to havo do. velnped Into a waiting; affair, with llttlo disposition shown to trade either way. Sales at 11 o'clock: amounted to 760 bays al? 5Hs S-year. ?i FOREIGN EXCHANGE - Jf OP?v- Y0IIK, Pea Th featuro of tho . mlya ejechamre market In today's deollnss 'Ww e. break in Vienna, kronen. The vrevlou low roord. 11.0, was made iliursjdy. This, morning1 Vienna cables fell ,1. 11.17 and checks to 11-16. Tho decline ' ' tr&m yasterday's hlghut rata was aVout I Uisil, Berlin excUanK was nominal at Tssitirday's ftiuren, for checks and iS T-18 for cables, Italian exchange was )iH (er. touching' 1KU for cabled and MM fr chks, IHuJiles shdd llhtly. WA iJisM ejrceptlons tha market was jU4y en m limited volume of builneas, AMsd stertWaT l,1ih. cabjea i.7T-18. kta-U? UU 4.71 Hi Dlnty-day bllU 4Mro. JPKi0 CIIH9 III, VIJ.V" il itttl caMfa ", sscasw .. Today's opening. . B.20O8.23 '.h'.ii .' 8.6298.88 Dacambar January , Pabrusrir Marco ... April .... " Juna July Auirllal . .. B.pumUr ,.8.73 Octobar .... , . . . Kovambar . Total salaa, 10.600 bags. Today's sloSa. S.'l'y OS.20 s'iies.st i'.ii 08.5t 8.60 8. 02 8.TSVI.TT Yesterday's T.oV s oa 21 S.38( 8 33 H.44J B.M S.B8 I 021 1 ! 1 3QI 8 03 H.I3 8.21 8 20 s an 8.4. s.ss s.&u mx I'oima It It OlITt Bil 811 I'hlla ("u 43 lit 1.1 1'lttsbKh foal t 0. Bt 83 81 I'ressed Hteel for. S3 Bl H2 1 llwy Klecl Hprlnir. 8H 6K 3Sli Itay Cons S3 82 li 32 Headline 1104 lOUii lno 1 do Si pief in 40 40 Hejiub Iron ei Ktccl KKJi 8(114 7i Hhut Copper 33 32 32 Seaboard Air I.lnn 10 10 1(1 li do pref 301i 30V 3!i Hoars Hoehiick ...220 220 22011. Hlonfl Sheffield ... Hi HI, Hl '. Southern Pacific. . UOli 0H oh Southern Hy .... Hl so 31 do pref 00 00 110 Rt I. & S Trnn w I 27 27 27 I Studcbaker 120 10 Hull ',, Texas Company . .201 202 202 114 Texas I'ao It It. . 20 1014 10 4- Tobacco Prod .... 88 00 SO 14 Underwood Type. . 10(1 100 I oil Unit Cigar Store. 00 00 ou United Krult 101 lot lilt Union Pacific no 146 113! ii do pref Ml 83 S31i U H C 1 I & T. . . 20 2514 U H Unill Alcohol. 137 133 ta.fi BANK CLEARINGS bank claarlngs today eaiuMrad with corra- ipomuaa lloaton day iaat two yaara Via llo I.SIJ. ..130.87 1. Tt .800 181.11 mil 9(8 123,810.428 vwa.uui PhlUdalphla. 47.270. sua 80,7m.e7 2fi. Haw York... 618.b83. 708 453.881. 201 27.10J.Ui -. ..1, Wiplll..! RATES FOR MONEY Kiw Tail) iii fK,11!'.:::.:-':::!, CoassarcUl Dapar. 3 to 0 Pteathg, pUk, 454 OS Pt east. l'Wliij7- do pfd 100 100 V H Healty , 3114 34 I till llwy Inv 12 13 U H Ituboer 07 do 1st pfd . . U ti Smelters.. do pfd V S Steel .... da pfd Utuli Copper Utah Sea Va Cur Chin 40 41 do pfd 113 lis Va Coal Ir & Coke 01 01 AYabush 114 10 da pfd A 5814 S81i do pfd 11 31V4 31 West Union 10214 102 Wont Uleclrlo .... at 01 West Maryland .. 30 20 Wheel ililiwl do 1st pfd w 1. Willys-Overland.. Whlto Motor ... Wisconsin Cent Worth Pump ... 20 1 I331i loo H-l 3114 14 12 o 113 11314 11314 76 73 73 1 82 82 32 - V. 125 123 121 121 121 121 123 181 122 1 28 21 84 li IK 1 113 81 1 88 31 102 01 20 23 1 81 38 83 82 S 33 tluotfttl'illH ker 'r. 7.23U7.r.n; iitent. IN H .'.-,; GRAIN AND FLOUR WHUAT Itteelpls. 121. INI l.imhels. l'rlies opened tc lower, hut with bullish speculation In thu Weal the leas wus since retovered. Ijtiotn ttnna: ('Mr lots. In eiport eleMltor No. 2 red, lil. 11.72(117.1 No. 2 suulhern red. 11 70tP J. 78: steamer No 2 red. l.llHU17i. No .1 red. I1.IIKHT t.Tt . reltcted A, I1.I1IW1 111. re Jetted II. 11 ll(li 1 ll.l I'llltN Itecelpla. hush. Trade win oulel. hut prlcea were eteudlly tield under sniitll sup piles Quolathina Car Iota for lucitl trade, lis In location' old western. 11,12101.16. new west ern, nml nnd mvi'ct, ll.O.'Ul 03, new snulheril. tool anil seet tlllcMIl 01 OATH Iteielpts 11.H30 huiili. Offerlnss nern only mnileruie nml prices ruled sternly, hut trsdo tvss iiulet uuotiitlona; No. 'J white. UHfill4e. sl,illd.ir(l while. IIOV4 Wllle: No. 3 while. 5HS Ullor, No. I white. 8H1f5Uc. Stimpla nats. 53 U8il rijll'll lleielrls. 2011 bhls nnd 2 110.1.11 Ilia lii a.icks There wns little trsdlntf nml k,.lii..M ur., Inrtfnlv nftmlnnl lull II, m. In wnnd: Winter, cles ,1.1. Ktiuluht. 17.7.1UIH. Ilo. Oil Ksn.is. clear, cotlon sacks. 17.7.11(8: do, strsiKht cottiin sums, naiiiinii, nn. putim. ultnii ajuks. iH.oolfM K.l. sprlns. ilrst clear, IHWSI'.I, i.atent, H.73t0; do, f.norlle bmnda, ID 2.1UU.r,(i; city mllla nnd fancy patent. u 23 l) 60. tlly mills, rrsuhir srsdea WIiii.t, clear. IT L'.KfT HO, do. atraluht. $7 75H. do, pulent. lHf(h L',1. HYI: KLiilMt whs III small supply nnd steudk, hut oulri Wo uuot 7.UuVb.5i) per hid . us to ilUJlllll PROVISIONS Thi inurket witn quiet !.! without lrmor(nnt i'hnns Quiit nitons: I'liy Im f. in ,, mokej ntl ntrtlrirt. 31c; writrrn lt(. In eli, nmokfil, 3lc. city tnHf. knuckle unit ten!ri. mokil unit ulr-tlrlvil. Jl5a, western Wtt. hnurkU'M itntl tMitlcra, unuiketl, SV; lctr haim. IBirau. iKtrk. fumlly, Cin.nutf 31 . Iiami, M, 1. rurfil, I04je. 1 1 V tf-Oc, tin. BklmiM, lixn. "(iQi-.'uVic tin. .to. tmoktNl, 'JlnlHc: other hama. amnktil, city currd. as to brum! unl itrraKf. 'Jc: h.-itim, imukn, Mi'itrrn iurw), "Dvir, do, bullet. Umvlcati. 3c, picnic huMr. H. V, curm, loo, lfc, U. siiiioketl, 1 Do, tilllfi. In silcklv. a ceo riling1 to HrrBK, Iftoit, ITc; brikfuiit Uucon. urn to brand nnil average, tlty curnl, TQt brvnkfait bacon. wUrn cured, 'J'ioi Unl, u-PHtern. rerlmd. tea. lHl.r, da. da. tltj, tub. INUc Urd. ruro ilty. knit I rn drcd. In lv . IKUr. I urd, pum city. kettU rv ride red. In tub. lbUc. tho market qult nnd burcly iiiMdy. Quotntliiim foltnw: Fmhklllrd, dry-jmckM turkffn, prr ll . fancy, ncurby. l.'iiW27c. fiinry wcMtrn, J.TW27c. fntr to Knod. ,a!-W-'lt'. common. IHV.'Uc; fowl. 1- to ho. dryplckrd fancy Bftvcted, --'4c. do. wetwhlnir -tVi (rA ltm Hlilrci. L"Jf. do. Tt lbH uplrro lc do. a lha Aplr lh-VlUr. do. a Ilia iiplrrr, ll(M7c. rowla. In btdet.. Ice-packed, fniiry. dry-plcknl, wrUhtmc 4H Wft lba nnd ncr nplrci lr. wrlKhltitf vlha. Hplit. Hito; arnHlhr alifa, liVIlk, old roo)dr, dry-pickfd, Klc. ronatliin: ihlckrna, wcMtorn, dry Pltkrd In iMiira, welnhlnff H ll.it nnd over, per pulr, 1! tc: rnaatlnic chlrkena, ueatrrn. In boxra. wflghlnu: 7 lba. per pair, '2'io roaailn chlckena. weaturn. lc-packFd In bblt. walshlnu S lba. and oer. Pr pnir. nr.'-o. rnhnunic rmcKnmr, wt-ai- in iiuia , weiumnK iTn, REriNED SUGARS The market was quiet and unihanced. irirea: Mxira nna sranuiai.,1. i I at IT powdered 7 3nci ,ii. cunfecllonora' 3C. A. 7 toe nnera' (UWllf uradta. 0.4807. DAIRY, PRODUCTS IttlTTBrt OfferlnBS . were amnio Ho- L'lk-; Soft market was dull at tha Jala (Uclliii S3H 81 Vt Sl4 88 83 3S1. Xlfa 65 S8U 88 H 88 34 Total al, 833,800 sharM. couiwared with 8S.80O aharaa U.I Uaturtlayi Ihla Week ,30.!00 thareai last wek, 6.790.6OO shares. DIVIDENDS DECLARED fjBlon Bwlloh and HLraal Company, razuUr Qualtarly of it 60 on oouiman and Dr.r.rrad. payaU January 18 to stack of record I).- TMaitatsr Oil. r.aular Quurl.rly of 3 par cant sad 1 par cast eitra, tha aama sa In tha pravlous quart.r. payabla January 3 in Unll.d Ll.ht anJIUlTwaja, raxular quart. rlr of lVi par cant oa prafarrad . stock and 1 St cast on common, both payatu. January 2 atouk ot record Oacamtar 18. . i waaa .ompany. reffuisr quariariy or I vwuuaey . to atpek of r.cora Dacatuhar 11 m 0u- sri d Dacambar 18. and tha tie irullnw- lmr are tha nuotatluns. IVealrrn. fresh, sidld. iMiked creamery, fuury apeclala, 3Uc, esiraa, 37W3SC astro, tlrata. Site, nrsls. 3.1c, aaconda, 3lc, renovated, eslra, 33v, da. nreia, S'.'c; do, swnnda, lite, ladl.-packad, ao6 3ic. packing stuck. SUWSnci nearby, prims fancy. 4nc, aarasa eitra. SHtsSUsl rlrsts, 311037c. seconds, 3l933i'i apaelal fancy brand, ul prints Job blnir at 4304UV . KllOS The market ruled firm, with a fair demand fur frvah stock. .Cold .tomes ecus, linwser, sold slowly and ruled In Imyers' fsvor. Tha iiuatutlmia ara aa follows Nearby extras, 43o per il'. , nearby flrsla, II'.' 30 per case; nearby current reralpta. S1-' par case, we.lern sstras. 43u par dos.. do, axlra firsts, 113.311 per easel do. tlrata, IIJ par cee: rMrlseralnr esss. siorsso snd Inauranee paid to January 1, ITS I1I.1IU per cuae; mi. iraia, .w.imj ir cm. K eauy und.r moderate cnYrlnss, but trade was nuiet. Quota. fnH e do. aacuniJa. Ill per casa. uniy aalactaj tandtad iraan eaaa ware jvui,iiik ui .avy.e iif t-'iiRriars "ina iiui.n ruiiei aieau) lions: New .York full cream. 33Vrj sneclala hither; do. do. fair to nood. SIVi .'iT.oi uo. part sain fancy. in., 130:1c. POULTRY I.1VB Orfarlois wero mod. rate and lba mar- Quolallooa: M Fowls, ss to quality. IS 17c; rooal.r.., I3jl4c. sprta chicken., aseordlsc to ciuallly. laviio wnua .smirpa. . aocoriiiiur quatlty. 14flno, ducka. ss Jo nuallty. li il 7 lbs. ner mile !!ue. I'rnlllnic chlckena. western, In bones, welshing; 3 U lba. par pair, S40lMc. chickens, welshlns ntm ius. per pair, luiv.uc. no. miseii elf.es, lOilJIc; brnllers, Jersey fancy. I'HMSIlc. broil ers, uther nearby, welshlns l'i2 lbs splere. :iltf28c; broilers, nearby, smaller sizes, S3WS6c; ducks, we.lern. IHW.'iic. eeese western 13017c; squabs, per dos, white, weighing II Io 1J ba iwr dos , I3.7.1WII. white, weighing II to 10 lbs. per do... 14 K.10.1.6U. white, weighing M lbs ler doi , 14Cf I 3.1. do. do. 7 lbs. per dns . 13 6U 3,76, tin ilo, illl'4 lbs per dos., t'J 7.103 flu; dark. I3.60V3.IIU, .mull nnd Nu. 3, UilcUll.33. FRESH FRUITS There was n fair Inquiry fur choice slock nf must descriptions, and alues cenerally were well sustained Ouutatloni Apples, per bid Jonathan, 14 80O.1 3.1. (Irlinre' (liddrn. 8 4 nil ii. II is, !'.- VA-Ai Vork lmptrlul t.tll. Hon I)ala. $'. fli) 5i.i. hum win no. i, .i mvi .., no, unaradtd. DO, I'. f.'.tffa Bo. tlrpnlnff. No rrailMi. ji'r.mf urudrd. I.' a uo. una:radd. St0a. do. unnrudrd. tir.()U3 Norlhweatern, ir Ikj. -1 &otl:;ii, Pr ikii, I'JbUtrn irKiiKra. Mori -iirisni. i;.ii)vi. ivuBs.0, p r.'r.ntf.. KinifH, No i. ttr." li aS A": Htninun. No. ttded. J MM3 &H. Winraap. 1o. unitrudrd. f r.OtfS M uu do. un Ho. 1 , .Apple, lsemoft. An. jr rrala 'i.T5. Tan- iiriuni. .. id vms ivuaacK . it ;-- . tan lirrlnea Florida. ir atrap. I.lffl Dn Clrtti Irult. Florida, per rrate. Jilw.TS JMnwapplea, Morula, inuian hut, per crai. -nuu i riiniivrr.uw u t-uu, ikt ihh rancy inCTii. early black. lMfl.r.0 i-Ui: -iu viirlolltia V a.a.ldsi i'aiid 8"ttetf1 Iksi aBia8aa IMIIVS, "'" VWI( T is)iei feU uv. dark. Mr crate. 12 u J.4U: du. iwr crate, M.ftOVJJ. Pfara, N Y., per Iruih, Imnufr Herkal, fJ.f.Otfa. Hhldon. H.&Ot. 1'eara, Kelfcr'a. per bbl.. Jl'tf3. - an lsllA Pmn. - . uo, iiani, VEGETAIILES Tho general market wns quiet slid without Importsnt change, (Juotstlans; White potatoes, per bush Pennsylvania, iholre, 1 1.(15 1.70; Ktw York, choice, 1 1.88 Ml IM. While imtatoes. New Jersey, per basket, tl3c(el Hweet potatoes, Ksstern Shore, per bbl. No. 1. t-'.10i,73; No. J, IIW1.60, Sweat polsto... Uelawara and Maryland, per hamper, HOI 33. Hweet pota toes. New Jersey, per basket No. 1, 73cst)0a; No. 3, 400800. e Anions, per lUO-lb, bag No. I. 8 304,No. 3, ll.50U3.r,0. Cabbage, Danish per ton, loueiua. (In. domestic, per ton, 1860 CO. Hiitnarh, Norfolk, per bbl., 73c II. Kale, Norfolk, per bbl.. 800730. raullHower, Nor folk, par rrate, llOl.&n. lettuce, florid., par luiskel. II 80O1 78i do, Virginia, ier basket, 6ncel"S, do, North Carolina, per basket. 4t) 01. ll.an.. Florida, per basket. I1.604P3, liggplant. KlorlJa. per tax. 3 38(y3.6o. 1'ep. no., j,aupi, ofiuasn, nori. rionaa, per pers. Florida, per lq, 13. S da. per .bo. 11 7302.S4. basket. r.'ffl3.75. 1'eas, ANNIMr. MKETINQg IrSS5" COUN KXCIIANUK NATIONAL HANK. lirE' l'hllad.lpbla. pacember S. lulrt. The Annual Meeting for lba election of Direct ara for tha coming lear. and Io transact such other business as may lega ly coma before the mealing, will be held at Ina banking bouse. beoonu ana rnwnui . on .uesuay. oanuary . una win v VeS'1 ,IX K i. ... -.linncm. IhbI,I, bill. 1011 u'clo. Caahl.r. to l tuikaya. antfito: geese, ll?loc. plsaana. old. par alr. JaTrajto. do. ysung. Par pair. M. pitKBBItft-orf.rings wero fairly liberal and DIUKCTOKV OV ACCOUNTANTS Certml l'ubllo A.couataote IjAWKBNOH IS. BJIOWN a4 Ctt 1818 flUa-L. B8TATB TllUST UUILDIKQ. IIUHNH 44 SPEAKMA1J VUB UO0J13JJ a-SxUNlDN NATIONAL IIANK ism Philadelphia. Deoamber 0, 1818. Tba Annual Heeling of the Htoekhold.ra of IbU Hank for tha .lection of Directors will ba field at tba banklog house on Tuesday. January II, 1811. balvrren loo hours of 18 lu, and I p. ui. UOUia N. BriSLBKKaBlt. Caahl.r. IllVIDENDH AKIZON IZONA.l'NlTljn MININO C PblUdslpbU. Deoembi loard of Directors of ArUeni COUl'ANV Deoembar B. Illlft. The Board of Directors of Arlieua United llln- Ing Company, paa tnia aay aeciarao ins regular quarterly dlvldiad of ona per c.ut U), payaWa January 1st. 1UU- to stockholders of record at tha olo.a of bualneaa December 13. ID ID. Block transfer books to be closed from December 15ln. 10 in. until January 1st. 1817 Checks will U mailed. XXE0T10NB !E TUB VAUUEBS AND BIKCHANICS SSeF ' NATlONAfc.MANK Lower The tighter conilllten of the locnl money mnrkt was re(1ctc1 In the weekly Mute ment nf condition of the TeilerM lteserv llank of I'hltdilelpliln. the tolnl of Iilll". illseountH sml tmus;ht by the Kulersl In stlttillon In the week was JI9.I3B.JJ9. nn Increase of 13, 111, "13 over the wek enil Ins; December 1. Thin Kuwii ths-t the mem ber bonks useil the redluMtintlns: feature of tha Iteserve net In n crentcr extent time for some time. Tho total reservn of the Institution wan brought down 15,638, HI. to I26.1S0.662. Tho locnl stock market entleil the week ns It started iulet. No news of nny lm porlnnce ranit out iturlnR tho short scs. slott, anil, ns n matter of fnct. no strenuous i (Turin wero made. In the Street to brlnn nbnut any Inlerrst. All throuitli tho week It uas the Kenernl custom of ttke Superior to Inko first plne In tho ilenllmn ns far ns activity was concerned, nml this wns not deviated from today. It wss Kaln n frnc lion lower. Most of tho stocks which came out, nml they wero few, illil so at a level irenerally under tho final of v.,..-.! day Lone, except In it few Issues, wS. I smn I. elJ In the nlenc of nny news on th irro.! posed ileal between tho IhlKh roai 3i .Navlsatlon Company nml the rennsM.!i lUllroad over the lxhls;h and New Cnslsni J iVnvle.ttlon stock dronneil off a keif .iTr! From the best Information It Is under. 1 I.HWU iiiut win iicKuuniions nrei still trolnr on, but until there In somethlnr deflnti. no announcement will be made. A dnwn. turn of 1 S In I'hltAdelphla Company com. 9 tnon wns not iinnerntooa uy inn Btreet, ;M The company's! earnings have lieen holns;,4 up very wen nnu in Eonio qunrters It rau heen suggested that the stockholders rale got something extra In the near future. I'hllni1elililn Itnpld Trnnslt'n earnlnrttro conllntilnft on n large scale as compared with last yrnr, but this wns not reflected In thn nctlon of the company's trust cr llflcnles. which were n, fraction 6lt Unhm Traction wns off IS nt the close. Th 91 market ended neavy. NEW VOKK HANK STATEMENT Average nntl Actual Ionns Dccrcnso. Itcscrvcfl nntl Surplus Gnln Ni:V YOltlC, IVc J The nctlon of tho brinks In cnlllnc loans iliirlnn the week, which resulted In ndvnnclng cull lonns to IE tier cent nt ono time, was shown very plnln. ly In the statement of condition of tho mem bers of the New York I'lcnrlng House Asso clntlnn fur the week In thn nveniKe statement there was n do rrense nf fi2,t!2I,00n In InntiH nnil the net ilemntid dcMislls fell 149.906.000. Tho fall ing off In rescrics, which una held to ba Immediately responsible for the stiff money market, wns Inrrenscd 116.807,000. Tho do (linn In lonns and deposits wuh nlso re flected In nn Increnso nf J27.379.000 In mir plus Ioinn In the nctunl ntnlemrnt declined 139.699.000, tho net ilrmiuiil deposltn fell J28. 697.000. roscn-cB were increnscil 123. "ll.'lOil, nliil tho suriilus gained 132,789,630. avi:iia(ii: Decrease. linns Net (leinnil denri.ll Net time deposit. . . . Circulation .lteere own HUlte Jleserve federal reserve tmnks Iteserve other deiKisl- tsrlee Aggregate. reiH'rve ... Ileeervn required ... fiurpius . 13.331. isi.rsin n3,ii3.'.oiin . 3.353, 131,11011 lU.llo.V.nilll 1711.341. mill 4.1H OIK I 3'i. 8113. (ion ? ono 4ll3.3UII.tHIU l.-,,S07,000 173.812.001) 3.431.000 ..3.7n'i.ooo 411.000 Ii3n.ri3ii.nnn -m, hi i.nno 6(111.11(13. K.lll N. All-,. 117(1 11'I.HI 1.I7U -37.3711.070 il'iu. ., ii'i.Hll.lll tUt which 1331), ll'M, 1)00 Is specie. ACTIMIi lmns 3 33n,4!io,onn l.Ti.r.ini nnn s.niiT.nno Net ilemntid delmBlt.. 3, .,-l nine iielmsll,. ClrculAtlon Ilt-serve own viiults. Iteserve federal re. servo banks . . . Iteserve other deposi taries Aggregate reserve . Ileeervn renulred .. . riurpius 4N.4IM.IMHt 17t,iliiD,nn(i .'M , ST. ono 132. onn hin. non I13.337.0OU 33.711,000 lllll.07H.000 4.010.000 r.3, 730.000 a.tinn.non A.13.103.IMSI e27,3CJ I.IHHI 8311.874.11111 6.43,1.88(1 73.7lin.H4l) 33.7hD..13i) WHEAT RALLIES ON M SUPPORTING ORDERS Longs Were Free Sellers in Early Dealings Visible Supply Smaller 1 tor Whlrh 1.-117.7-JH 00(1 Is siwiele Increase. OIITS1DR HANKS The follnwInK ntntement Issued by tho superintendent of tinmen. Independently of the Clearlnir House, shown the condition of tho State linnlcx nml trust companies In Greater New York (both membern nnd non membern of tho Clearing House) nnd given n united report of the Stnto banks nnd trust companies not reporting to the Clciirlnc IIouso: .Stnto banks: Deremher I). Ixinns nnd Investments 1413. 3'l, ton (lold 43,873,1101) Currency nnd bank notes 23.OR2.fiOO Deposits 8H3.373.0Oil lleserva on deposits. . . 100,1)33. 81)11 Percentage of reserve. 23 3 Trust companies: Loans nnd Invest ment 11.701.18.1.400 floldUold 183.170.300 Currency and bank bills SM.IP.AOn Deposlt t.ll'U.443.MKI Iteserve on deimslts. . 310.tlU8.VOH l.ntnl ,,r rnorv. . "II !1 State banks nnd trust companies nnt In eluded lu Clearing House: Isns und Investments, I i(lK.IU4. 200 (lold 13,738.00(1 Currency nnd bank notes 1ll.K33.70n Total deposits nSfl.Sa.'.lwi tDeposlta 810,(014.300 Iteserve on il.pnslta .. 18.3,021) 30(1 1'ercentngH of reserve 31.7 Decrease. 133.1.0011 131), 100 2.073. Infl 13.iiui.rini) 1.807,701) 10.213.000 1.U37. 1011 8, 4 82. ino 4ll,llsll,lni) ll.2U3.UOll I. 03 1, IIOU 339,000 10.701, too 317.000 1U.408.KIIO 1 4 t iTliitilmillnc; amounts due from reserve denos llnrtea and from other banks nnd trust com panies In New York city and exchanges. Increase. Sucnr Futurea Dull SHW YORK. Dec. 9. Tha market for sugnr futures opened dull nnd nbnut In keeping with conditions In nctunl sugnr, where rcflnern refused to show n buying In terest even nt concessions. On the exchnngo first bids wero 2 to 8 points lower, but no transactions wero recorded. UAIt SILVER Commerclnt bar sliver wan quoted lu New York today at 75',c, unchnnged. In Lon don tho price) wus JGd, a gain of 1-lCd. ClllCACO, Her. 9. Supporting orders enme Into the wheat mnrltet nfter print ail declined In the early denllngs, nnd this rciulted In moving nil mouths upwnrd Thn closo found December showing n gain ef 2 cents. May 2S cents, nnd July was Up 2 cents. Corn nnd onts nlso took part In the rally. In tho early ilenllngfl fears about tha r Inllnns between the United Htntes and tier many, the progress of tho pinna for n coun. try-wldo invcstlgnllon of foodstuffs nnd tha railroad embargoes. Intensified the bearish ness of the feeling In tho whent market to day nml prices lost ground. Tho lone ot tho market wan weak under free, lelllng hy longs. Tho visible supply In ho United States bnH not been reduced very much because ot the scarcity of vessels und congestion on railroads. Tho belief prevailed nt Liver pool, however. Hint ttiero would ba a. speedy Improvement In the tdilpplng situa tion as fnr nn America Is concerned and tbnt exports from thero would bo larger Clciirnnces from Australia to the United Kingdom nlso lire expected to show a mats rial growth noon. Tonnngo Is being diverted Irom Argentina to other ports nnd rates to that country hnvo been marked up sharply. Tho rccclptn nt Minneapolis nnd Oululh today wcro 447 cars, agninst 1491 cars last year; at Winnipeg, 898 cars, compared with 1243 earn; nt Chicago 49 earn, contrasted with 93 enrs. The receipts of corn here today wero 200 cars und of oats 1CI cars, Leading futures ranged as follows l Yes'day'g Whent Onen. Itiich t.ow Close, elese. December .. l.il.l 1 11.14 1 ""4 1 ''lit l.3h m May 1.7 lii 1.77S 1731. 1 77 l.TU 9 July 1 I7S 1 Vi 1 13V. 1 IK:. 1.47S M sTAm i haitf .lett la aasv t Sb.flll ll.V.T llUlliei J December .May July December May July Ijird Decemlier January May lllbs SUV. U3 in January Mny .... Pork Decemlier January .May .... Hid. r.ii'i 83 s 10.37 UI.0.1 1S.U7 13.88 ... 14.10 . . 27,nn . . . 2ll 78 . . . 2.1.1)3 t Asked. 11. it: U3 Hi 83U 87 H r.iU 10.17 10 3(1 111. I'D 11.02 11 31) 27.2.1 20.40 .t)S IIIH Ul'i fit's 83 83 l)ti n.i II3( 31 80 oiH 8: M 89 I lrt 2.1 10 4.1 1857 18 111 '10.17 1381 18.11.1 111.18 ei8.2 14 00 lii.nn 14 10 14 27 .... "27.78 ..... ,S 5H7S t'j7.on esss ' M 28 U2 128,20 12S.M J IS.M 14.10 1 Sugar nt Neiv York NKW YOltlC, Dec 9 Kino granulated wns quoted nt 7.20o today. Tho last sale In spot Cuba raws wns unchanged at E.69c ACCOUNTANT Unusual opportunity to secure services of an accountant, experi enced in office, credit and general management. Sales. Open for engagement January 1. C 334, LEDGER OFFICE. m Charles J. Bender & Co. INVESTMENT BONDS Jiemb.rs Philadelphia Block Eichtnrt NORTH AMERICAN BLDG. $$L Meet Our Jjj Jyir. rerkms - m E IS in charge of the , LEDGER CENTRAL TRAVEL BUREAU Whether you are planning a week-end outing or a journey to China or Alaska, he will tell you the quickest and most convenient way of getting there. More he will buy your railway or steamship ticket, attend to the checking of your baggage, reserve hotel accommodations in short relieve you of all the troublesome details of travel. That's Ledger Service LEDGER .CENTRAL
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