EVENING LED(H31MHILADELIHIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1910 HAWNEE BIDS FOR WOMEN'S NATIONAL GOLF TOURNEY WHITBMARSH MAY STAGE OPEN PENN SHOWS IMPROVEMENT GOLP CLUB FINALLY SPEAKS FOR ONE OF NATIONAL TILTS DUE IN THIS CITY NEXT YEAR But It Isn't a Philadelphia Club Shawnee Wants Women's Championship of America and Will, Make Bid Is Popular for Event STARS IN PITT AND STATE LINE-UPS IN RUNNING OFF NEW PLAYS IN PRACTICE AT WHITEM ARSH -r. r Koach Folwell'Pcrmitted the Team Displayed Enough Dash in Drill to Satisfy Br NEIL' MATHEWS Ctptitn of fenn football team MTESTERUA a practice ai vnuemarsn jL convinced me that Penn will bsat Cor ffii.tl on Thursday afternoon. II was easily Ifhe D881 HDiKout u niw ncwjin invunii iiuim Kf tha men We're sent ftlnnff as fast ns thei smanted to fro. The only spirited worl; Coach irolnell "would permit was the atonal drill, tkut there uns plenty of d3h shown 'n that. S At no time this season nave the pais feein run oft as fast or with such smooth rt, and Penn surely la rlsht on edge for fttie battle with the lthacans. t,v y mem fur of the squad Is In perfect condition, ittrrlnr 'w minor bruises which will ?dlnppear before Thursday, and they nre full of fight and confidence. Throughout Eta season the. men have shown on unusual amount of flght hut tho fans will see the ! (TtatMt fight ng Penn team that has played en Franklin Fie d In years when we meat K Cornell. r km hrji wern no visitors an nana ni r.t.rdav's workout. Folwell took advan- ?:... ne tha onnortunlty to run throueh a V?. a.IaIt tilavfl Hint hnlA heall rnaertinrt Pfer this one battle. We had planned to use i a few of them against M'ch.gau but after itettlng ft 10-to-0 lead on t ic Wolverines. I Coach Fo'well Instructed Bert llell to save ; them lor tornen, mm uouui u our coacn i-miia have uncoered thitie plais If the n-ntverlnes has tied the noire, as the Cornell K game Is the ono battle we aro most par- (' t.CUiar auuui Against uorneii we win snow an we Imve. Noth'nc will be kept In reserve no ' matter how dangerous It may happen to fc, as Folwell Is anxious to reg'ster n clean- cut victory He feels sure that the team ' will play Its best game o' fie ncason nnd ! very one In tho siuad agrees with him. '" It must be remembered that the present heomblnatlon has not been toccther long ' and really Is Just beginning to work f smoothly. If we fri'l been able f strike ithe present combination earlier In the sea iWHITEMARSH LINKS FAVORED BY PROS FOR NEW YORK. Nov 28. U NLKSS all slgni fall, the next open championship of the United States Clolf Association w.ll bo played over the links "at the Whltemarsh Valley Country Club, en the outskirts of Philadelphia. At a meeting of the executive committee of the Professional Golfers' Association of ; America, held yesterday at the Hotel Mar tinique, the home course of "Long Jim" Uanus was Indorsed an first choice of the professionals for the holding i.f tne open championship 'According to the notice that Howard F Whitney, secretary of the Unlvd States Oolf Association, sent to the Profes slonal Golfers' Association a few weeks ago, Uw wishes of the pros will bo respected nt th annual meeting of the national body anil the tournament will be awarded accord lag to their choice. In the letter from the secretary It was stated that the United States Golf Associa tion turned over the selection of the three courses to he submitted at the annual meet ing, and that 'there was no other qualifica tion necessary than that the courses belong to clubs that nre active members of the United States Golf Association. Mr. Whlt cey said that, geographically speaking, the election should be an cartern course, since the last open championship was held nt Ulnlkahda, Minn., but If tho professionals decided on a western course, they would not ' be opposed At the meeting today It was decided to tick to an eastern course, as was sug gested, and the field was narrowed to Whltemarsh Valley. Ume Iiurn and Shawnee Urae Burn Is the Bay State course, over which the Massachusetts open I 200,000 PAY $275,000 TO SEE HARVARD PLAY Crimson Shatters All Records for Attendance and Receipts This Season CAMBRIDGE. Mass.. Nov. i8. All rec- rords for attendance receipts and profits In : football nt Harvard were broken dur.ng the last fall. Two hundred thousand per- 1 sons at lend took In the ten games on the Crimson's schedule, and moro than half ft million dollars In money was received, Harvard's share of which was approximate ly 1276,000. The game with Vale was divided on a fifty-fifty basis. Harvard's share being something like 380.000. which Is 112.000 more than two years agp, The Princeton rece.pts are estimated at H8.000. half of which was pocketed by the Tigers. Cornell got ft good slice of the ' golden calf, nnd nrown received a fat guarantee for trouncing; the Crimson Harvard's football expenses will bj.prob ablv JMinn iirnr than usual, this Increase Incoming In salaries for coaching, the total txpense for developing tne team or lunjr men being about 1000 per man. Wilson Wins ot Packet Dilliards In the nfth itnn of . th Ul U amaliur vecktt billiard tournament, plued at Alllnor'a Acaatmy mil nisai. wuion oi arklihln hv ivtnnlnr in unhlll Wltann dla!id crrnt mn- rilL In th uvtnth fram Worrell was It ball! n upniu same irom n n' 'I1 a hi tad and spins' ataadlly, but ! w Innar of iat ytar'a tournament r eventually won. Lept plixtetng- away. ana Wilson T is 6 I H II IS 13 Id, 19 .0, Tots1 r is t il. 1VKJ. Scratches, s, Jiun run. Worrell A 0 8 HI IS IS H U U 11 B Hftr, Outtarwort loiai. is. brralcnee llleh run, 1 7 J L PORTRAIT I ,, f " J I ZA VTsL ru T IOWAiTl rjyi . bah;. K. feffiL ' iHprfk tJtJ'9i jJ Av?v0SD,uS)'f ' zzUfk SL'ifr IPPr y Mi r au artists A Jik ' No Strenuous Work, but son. I think we would hae ft clean stale. as the team could rIic t'ltt n wonderful battle right now The late reporting nf Iterry nnd the slowness of the onene held the team back a. trifle, but tireless effort and thoroughness on the part of Poind! have molded our team Into a much stronger aggregation than I have seen at I'enn In wy four ears This will be m last mine, and the same .J true of Urquart. Itcnnlng torr, Williams and I .nd Wray, and you can bet we who ha- e played on two teams that went down to defeat at the hand" of Cornell's power ful teamt nf 1DI4 and 1915 nre doubly anxious for victory on Thursdn No doubt Cornell feels Just as confident of victory, but I think they will rcallic be fore the game Is very old th.it they nre meeting a different I'enn team. Tho lthacans will have to show n uboln lot more than they have In nny previous game, and I don't think they cm against nur defense The I'enn defense Is stronger than that of the Wolverines our offense Is Just as strong on straight football, and will provo strongor with our assortment of trick plays, and Uerry will hold his own with Shlvcrtck nt k.ckln The dopeaters declare fiat Hhlverlck will outlc ck Ilerry ten or llfteen nrds on each echnrge but they nre undeiestlmntliift Howards abll ty Uerry Is going to kick better than at am time thin season nnd with h a clever placing of the' ball, mid Ills nbmtv to run In tho broken field, will enable us to gain on each exchange If the game Is closer than I think It Is going to he. we will have another edge through Horry's drop kicking. HhlvcrlcU h.m kicked sevcinl ftslcl goals tnls sr.inoti. but I do not think he Is ns dangerous ns Ilerry who can get greater distances I nlso be lieve that the strength of our line will make vhl crick hustle so much In getting oh his kicks thnt he will lose both distance nnd accuracy OPEN TOURNEY championship was plnjcd last spilng It Is one of tho st'ffcst nnd finest courses In the country and Is a great favorite with all piofesslonals. The Philadelphia repre sentatives at ,the meeting held out strongly for Whltemnrsh Valley, however, nnd when a vote was taken It was found that the count stood four to ono fur tho Whltemarsh course. Besides being the home of .Ilm tinmen, p-ofcfcslonnl champion and Irr.dlng intmey winner for the season of 19 IB, Wli'temarsh Valley was the first American course over which Vardon and Ray plajed In their famous tour of the country In 1911 Ac cording to those who know tho course well and who are capable of speaking with nuthorlty on the" subject. In fair greens, putting greens and natural hazards It Is In every way a championship courpc If the national open tournamont Is awarded to It. It will be the first championship to be plned there It Is thrco ears since New Ilnglnnil had the open championship, the last occasion being the famous play-off nt BrnsU.ine n 191.1. when Oulmet triumphed over Vardon and Bay, and, consequently, that section of the country was once more hoping to stage the classic However. It Is sl yearn since Alee Smith won the title at tho Phila delphia Cricket Club in 1910. and tho l'hlla dclphlans have had the longer wait Thoio nt the meeting were Herbert Strong, Inwood. president of the Profes sional Golfers' Association, Robert While, North Shore, Jack Mackle, Dunvvnodle; Jack Hobens, ICnglewood , Jnnies Madden. Nus.sau : Gilbert Nichols, Great Neck ; Wil liam Hjrne. Ht Davids: Wilfrid Relil. Wil mington, and James Thomson, Philadelphia Country Club. MUST SHOW CLASS TO ENTER TENNIS NATIONAL Executive Committee Suggests Ruling Forcing Players to Qualify for Title Tourney NEW YOUK, No ." A vn lo cur. nil th ntrl nt future nit (mm I lawn lennu rhitm- flonnhpfl wilt be canstilrttl nt Ihft omlna n.fet nr of lh exetutUe t o-iinilitm of tnt Unttfil HlRtfat National I.awn Tennis p Annrn atlon, II wan. announced here tn:rduy; A tot o( quail fylnu condHlonn to lie submitted for the approval of the committee prmidcN tnat the entry list, which shall be t"iMIi.U at la"t fen davs before the tournament lx.'lns. ahal) be. rnnflned tn players In sood sandlns wlti" t-laba or aMocUtloni holdlnif membership In the ni llonil aasocUttun. within the fnltowlns restric tions: "Players ho have been ranked by 'he United HUtea National J.awn Tennis Asoclitln dur tur any of th IH sears last prrcedlni the tournament, or who bae at any time hern ranked in the first twenty "Ptayera who In thn last three ear nreirtl Ids: the champlonshlpa hu been srinltlri-i lata or better In any two tournaments sanctioned by the United titates National Lawn Tennis Aso elation "Player who have In the mrrent playlna seasnn competed In not Iras than three sane tloned tournaments and hae mad a reasonably Rood record, committee- of m&nuaemenl of the torrnamnt to hu the power tn ru'e m the vaU' of a. player'a rerord ruera who do not. nuallfy In any of the avc (lasses, but whose entry a aneptabte to (he executive committee by rrasui. of rtsdt-nre In foreign fountrl-a, promise of sitllt or other f trrunutanirs deumed sulhctent ti ciuse exi-wp-tlona m their tas-s," .McBst'y Heatcnby Paulson NKW YOnK. Nov. .'$. MIW Paulson of Ht Paul hod little truuble In defeat tne Hob Utv sey last nlsht tn the tur bout In the I'lerwoiit A. V Paulson had the better of six rounds In the s-mlflnal of s x rounds Jake llrar.dt and Younjf Normund fought H; draw American, League rLt'a American l.euaua lideettall In Uet iiljl.t'e American same fluted at Nulutorlunj Hall, Gliard Alumni de West llranch Y. if. i A., -H to .'. .ncock una ram- Binipaun .AlenuirUl, -J and JUi to v. DRILLS AT SHORE Dr. Shnrpe Sends Regulars Through Brisk Signal Practice at Inlet PLAYERS IN GOOD SHAPE ATt.ATtC CITY. N J . Nov IS -Twn-t'foilr members of the Cornell football mlimil ran tlirouRh n brMt slpnul drill In Inlet lull imrk thH nfternoon Kor nti liuur thn incn ran tbroush slKitnl, sIiowIiik niiJri- "hp" and spirit than nt nny time thin enr. Ir At 8hare, head coneh, was In vhnrRO, and was assisted by Dan Heed nnd tlay Vnn Ormati. N orrlnnn.iKo " nttomited, the team merely running through the new forma tlnns and walking through tlefcnslxe drill while the second team showed the I'enn limln ilns NhUerlek imntcd for a srjort time his kicks ni'rnKlK 80 yards He la eiiectod to iul-imnt tlerry on Thura dny. 'The team li In wonderful condition said Doctor Mlnrpe. after tho practice The men feel better than eer before and I be llcwe they will put up n hard battlo with Penn The arc not ocrconndent. They realise that I'enn Is a hard propojlllnn nnd nothlnir but Rood playlns; will bring Mctor) You will bo surprlKed' when you seo this team In nctlnn " The arslty lined up as follows: lljeraon and Kclpy. endn; nillles nnd Jcwett tackle : Anderson and Miller. RUnrdH, Carey, center: ShU trick, nuartcrback, Cap tain Mueller nnd Hoffman, halfbacks, and Spend .fullback Practice a'so will lie held tomorrow ncnther perm'tt'itR. nti tho squad will lcao for Franklin Klcld Thursday morn Iiir Cornell Arrlcs Here Cornell's arsltj football team, which de parted from this city for Atlantic City shortly nfter to o'clock this inornlnc la not a confident, care-fre nRRregatlon like the H'R lied teams of 1914 and 1DIS When the Cornell squad. In charge of Knd Coach Van Ortnan, arrert nt the HeadlnR Ter ni'n.il from Ithaca this mornlne. It was ap parent that the i-infldencc so noticeable a year npo urn laeklni; and the general feel InK In the camp wsi reflected In Van Or- in.iil a views on tne annual nwi"n Day battle. "Wc hae not a team that compares with the 1015 eleven," said Van Orman "This Cornell team may prove n wonderful ur nrin nr n hitter disappointment It Is at the cross-roads It la a team with great possibilities If It finds Its punch, but It Is lust ns likely to continue to play hnphaxaru football It Is a team of unknown quan tity and below the Cornell standard Must Strike. Stride "Wo havo a chance If the team suddenly strikes Its stride, hut wo know that Penn has the strongest team It han had In ears and are not going to expect too much. We linvo a fighting team and there will bo n great battle, oven If Cornell falls to show the dazzling offense we had a year ago. "When a. team loses a wonderful all round s'ar like n.irrett, around whom the offense was built and ono of tho greatest defensive centers the gamo lias proauccu, in Cool, It Is necessary to rebuild the whole sjstem Wo havo not had enough practice, thn i.ii start beliiK too much of n handicap. Wo have had only half as much practice as we ImiI thla tlmo a year ago, which means that we reallv are only In mldscason form ho far na perfection nf the offence Is con cerned It Is possible that tho offense sud denly will llnd Itself, but wo are nqt expect ing too much." Van Orninn declares that his pessimistic view la not taken seriously by the student body, which will come to Philadelphia pro pard to back their team to the limit. Van Orman says that ho merely wlshea to warn Carnellans In this city that the lthacans are not as powerful as they were a year ago. lthacans Well Balanced I'enn's coaches and players refuse to be misled by tho "bear stories" nbout the weakness of tho Hlg Hed team, aa they feel certain th.it Kharpe's team will be Just as strung nH It was n yeur ago Penn does not expect to overcome the handicap of u Har rctt and n Cool, but Folwell Insists that Cor nell Is a much better balanced aggregation than reports would indicate, nnd he also de clares Hint tho Ited and Illue will have to pla Its best game of the season to win Contrary to expectation. Head Coach Sharpe and his first assistant. Heed, were not on hand to meet the twenty-four var s:iy players. Shnrpe and Heed left for At lantic City yesterday tn make final arrange ments for the quartering of the team at the Ilnddnn Hull nnd to see that Inlet Park Is In flrst-olass shape for the light work-outs that will bo held until Thurbdav morning BOW IE ENTRIES FOR TOMORROW First rat, aelllnr. tor maiden two-yearoMa, 11 furlonsa llravrr Kill. 1M, Ulino till. oniiiulH H7, 'l.cii.lliu I uly. 101. Juk Carl. 1 1'J Tinsol In'i; nirnaclnly (Imp ) 11.1. 'Hop Srntcli !(. Moonllehter tlmp ). 110, lfalucca. tul. -Defender. 105, I.aily Clinton (O.'J rircoud rRce. the Coemopolltan aellinsrhandl. ran, two-yrnr.olili anil up. 7 furlonxa sir Win. Johnaon. 112: lletween l.' 100, Heillllen 10.V. V'trinnnt 112 Ina Kuy lus Marffarel N 10.1. Kalr lli-ltn, tin. rreiumpllon 107, King Marl. 103 Ihlnl rare, elllnr. three-xar-oMe and up. mil and a furloiiK t'olonel Hollows tH. Killlh (Hka IOA UpI ItPdleld 104. Cnunler pari, IN. Unalce. 10)1 I'orin 111. Senator t'aaey lifts Paurlii rare the Conaoluilon handicap, two- .ir-olda and up, mile Hayhrrry Candle. 130. . Vvmnoiiaa. till. i:urra2halen U9. Klnc Nn- tune. III!) Daddy's Cholra 1UU. Ilondue. U7. llulliUy. I'J. Chrtatle. 103 Fifth race, .tlm l.'ilnston Puree two-year-i.!il ami up. mile Wlarman in; Hack I)a. lli'i Amprre 11 (Imp.), ion, Hd lloihe IH, Ora- .-!.. .n ftl Inlhim. limn I 111. I'llHllle ln. l7 Waukeui, lit, Kilmer, 104, Indian t'hantf 1U.1, .fairy Iwgand. 1)7- Kentucky luy. in. Sixth rarf. aellinc, three-year-owte and up, mile and R furlons llartworih 11,7. Obolus 100, Colonel (luigllue. IU3, i:rlion (1 111; fcM Iloml, Hi Vodelea. lit) t'hhalor nil 1 1-1 II mllci Kins lloi, US. Wodan 113. Itaa II.. H'Si e-rhanksiilvlnii, tin ixill Klsl limp.,). eavenin rav emns. iiire-ear-wiu ""m ui. 113. Baby l.snch, II". Tla II n US, dreel- UU. 'llebes- inita iini; iiiuie Halter. 118, Juliet ca Mwu 10T. Aiprentl allowance tlalmed Weather, ileari track, fast s y 6slBSS?,4tTlV5SlfiiSKJ EHsHar&SJSfe r C C HHSTINOS PITT tlLffKCN -PITT Above nru throe of the Icwlinc players who will piny in the Pitt Pcnn Statu Kamo ThankFKivinc Dny at Forbes Field, PittslmrRh. GAMES FORFEITED BY WEST PHILA. Decision Made by Principal Heyl for Playing of Ineligible Men DROP TO THIRD PLACE TIE It became known today that West Phila delphia HlBh School, which wns credited second jilaco In the Inlerscholnsllc r.encue race, hnd forfeited nil Rnniri played previ ous to lis contest with .South Philadelphia High School. This announcement was made follow ink' u letter by Principal Charles C. Heyl to Doctor Steelier, director of physi cal training of tho city schools nnd chair man of tho supervisory committee, which rcRUlates Interschool athletics. Forfeiting- of tho Knmes victories! over Oermantown Illifh School and Central IIIkIi School aro the result of the Ineligible) plny InK of Samuel Klrnchner and Carl Pfell When theso pl.ivors wero protested before tho South Phlllj contest because uf the nge limit each being over twenty years they were excluded from Iho lino-lip. Southern won. G to 0. There were reports and rumors to the effect that West l'hllly would pro test the K-nne on nccoiuit nf a touchdown, made by the Speedhos, that was not al lowed. No ono In nny ofTlcl.il cupaclty made nny attempt nt such a thine; them was nothlllK tn It As a result of Mr Ileyl's decision. West l'hllly Is dropped from second place In the llnal InterHcholasilc I.ciikuo standing, malt ing Northeast High tho runner, A67, nml tying the Specdboys for third placo with Central High. 250 Principal lleyl'n loiter to the chairman of the supervisory lomuiittcn, under u No vember 20 date line, follows: Mr William A Strrher. chairman nf tha Huiiertlaory t'ommllli'a n Intemholnatlo Athletic. Seventeenth und 1'lno alrrcta, Philadelphia Dear Mr. lilccher At I ho rloe of Ilia paet week our nitenilon wan directed to the fact that two nf our football plajera were over twenty eare of aire They lire Hnmucl Klrebncr und Cart Pfell According in nur record Klrehner waa born tha 3d of Feb. ruary. Ihna and Pfclt waa bdrii on tho tat of June. 1R0", Whllv It does not exruin ua for our nee licence In permlttlnff thcae puplla to play. 1 feel that It In only fair for mo to say that w did not know them to lie over ate. We had not Inveetlgatrd the nmilcr aa carefully ua we should llolh of thete boys hate been played In nil of tha sautes parti Iputed In to ua dur ing the preeent seneon previous to last Hat urday'a same with the outbern llljzh rlchonl For thla rcaeon any victory that wa have won during the perlnil In queeilon ubaequenl lo the npenlnir of aihool thla term and preilout tii N'ovemlier 18 would properly be lonaldered u forfeited Such forfeit however, would naturally depend upon iho fait that the teams oppoanl (n ua bad been entirely free from Ineligible play era. I would, therefore aek thai the rlu pervlaory rommlltee aiceualn whether or not the teams from w)kh we won were com poied entirely nf eligible players, ami de ride accordingly the ofrtrlal result nt tha game The achoola from which wo won wero tha Oermantown High Sihool and tha Central High Mihool Very reepacifully oura. CIIAIU.KH l'. in: Vf.. Principal. West Philly'a only league victory waa that over Northeast High last Saturday. It closed tho JutemchoLiallc .eagiiu season and the result of tho content gavo South Philadelphia High Ita llrt gridiron title. aJfcMaif , .ee.eya-ftWirrri-iT-'' CWtNO- sSTtTC GREYST0CK DROPS TRENTON QUINTET Brilliant Work of Sugarman and Fogarty Helps Gham- pions Win, 27-g4 TRHNTON', N J. Nov. 18. A woeful lack of nhlllty to shoot cost Trenton the game with Ore) stock here last night, the Uray s Kerry hoys trouncing tho Tlgcra hy a score of 27 lo S, Trenton had almost countless shots nt the basket, but was ablo to locate the net on only llvo occasions Purine the opening minutes of play the locals wero at their bent. Two successive field goals by Tomo nnd n foul goal by Curlctto gavo the homo boys a comfortable lead during tho Mral three minutes of play, hut they held It lint a few minutes before 1ognrty nnd .Sugarman succocdod In tying the llgures A moment later Oreystock ns BUined thn lead, which It held through out the remainder of play Tome at center nnd Gclg nt guard were stars for Trenton, whllo Sugarman excelled for tho visitors. w y falter r Hill-hesitation is galling to your average driver. His sporting-blood boils when a 1910-Complex flivs past on the first long pull with appar ent ease and matter-of-factness. Invariably he bawls-out his motor and labels it " a cheese." But ten-to-one, the motor itself is guiltless. The real cause is faulty lubrication. If your car does tho hesitation on the grades, look first to tho oil you are using". Tho Atlantic Refining Company, the oldest and largest manufacturers of lubricating oils in tho world, have produced a group of four motor oils that answer every lubrication question, under any and all driving conditions. Folarine, the leader of the group, is the correct lubricant for 0 out of 10 cars. The alternatives nro Atlantic "Light," Atlantic "Medium" and Atlantic "Heavy." sl JL JL Jrk JlNI Jl jL f M'OTOR OILS THE ATLANTIC REFINING CO!VIIA.NY xHxr.AXE,x,x3:i-xi.A. aWS.Zr pitts Hy SANDY SHAWNKi: will bid for the next women's golf championship of tho United Slates. In the absence ot nny strictly Phllftdel rhla offer for the event. It Is likely that Hhnwne will bo the place. That Shawnee Is most anxious for tho affair was an nouhced today by Reginald 8. Worth ngton. secretary of tho Shawnee Country tluti. Worthlngton said that he understood some members of the commlttco ot women In chnrgc of picking tho tlmo nnd place for the event wero In favor of Hhnwnco nnd that nil effort would bo mndo by bhnvvneo tn land the tournament. Shawnee would ho most acceptable tn both the metropolitan and tho Philadelphia district, for It Is equally near Now ork aim the Quaker City The course vyould maltr. n splendid one for n championship lilt, it Is set llko a jewel, so iu npem. . -mountains, which nro gorgeous nt tho tlmo the tournament usually tnkeo place Quakers Favorable The Phlladclphlans playing In the Hos in, imiMiKV tlilx vear. reallxlnc that tho avent was duo In Philadelphia next "ason. were most favornblo to Shawnco Nd Philadelphia club has coma out ns yet wiui a bid for the event, so that It looks like Shaw nee. The caddies of tho Huntingdon Valley Country Club clnlm tho championship litis year In tho nbsenco of nny disputniits. in the team matches they have played fr they havo come through Biiccesstulli. Tho team Is led by l'reddy llrlckcr. Others who hold flowu positions on the caddy team at tho rvotile club aro Slnlon Storm, Myron Kltzgerntd, Ilobert Ilrown. James McConnell. Fred Coates, J. Oaugo- low, 1). Climber nnd Jnnies Mahoney On many courses It so happens thnt tho thirteenth hole Is tho most wicked ot tho course Sometimes this N by accident. most times It Is by dcllbernte design.. Sev- ernl of them nro one-sbotters Ilut It so happens that It Is exceedingly At least one of these four Is the exact oil for your particular motor. Your garageman will advise you which to use to get 100-percent results. Atlantic Motor Oils bear tho same Telation to lubrication that Atlantic Gasoline the accepted standard bears to fuel. Advise with your garageman at onco on this matter of motor oils. His long experience with Atlantic products and all kinds of cars will provo valuable to you. Read up on thli lubject. We have published ft handiomo and comprehensive book about lubrication. It ii free. Aik your garafe for it. If they cannot supply you, drop u a poital and tha book will bo lent you without charg. lorijg KKsra upiubbp bowh Oldeft 'and Largest .Manufacturers of Lubricating Oils McNIDLICK rare In tho nnnals of golf for a. player to hole out the. Jinx holo In ono shot. Th feat was performed recently by tio 'ot humble tinme, T, V; Smith, of North Jer sey. The hole Is 320 yards Ions, svlth na helping slope. It Is the first lima thin par ticular thirteenth holo has been mada In on Coffee House Spiel Hotn Willis, of Charleston, 8. C, ha proof that thcro was golf In llils country shortly after tho Itevotutlonary War. In looking through thn files ot the South Caro lina Gasette ho enmo upon the following) notice: "City flniotto nnd Dally Advertiser. "Saturday, November 15, 17i. "Ciolt Club. "This being the nnnlversary of tha South Carolina Oolf Club, tho members ara ra quested to attend nt Williams's Coffaa Ilouso, In lieu of llnrleston Green, on ao count of tho had weather. "Dinner on lahlo nt 3 o'clock. "tly order of tho president "Edwin Qalrdner, Secretary." Commission Postpones Meeting CIIICAOO. Nov. "R. The meetlnr of tha National llaaoball Commlealon,- which was ta NJ held hero tomorrow, was poslponed unlll Batur rtny mprnln A ilealro nf Ooverner Tuner to lie with til family for ThnkiWfn wu tha reaion Riven for thn poelponiment at Prtaldtnt linn Johnson's office. Our $14.80 Suit to Order Hay, men, tlon'l you knew you couldn't duplicate this offer under 5J that's a fact all-wool, newest weaves, rich effects, lieautlfal pat terns. Jnet drop In today ar tomorrow ana look them aver. Overconti, too, to d - AM yourineasare ... uJ Jfrnp Billy Moran, 1103 Arch St. TUT. TAILOR Open Krcs. 1 in the Vorld burgh n a '
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