mrmma MrKBR-PHiLADEcpniA; Thursday,. October 2c. isig ...i JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE rwo Cousins to Be Introduced Todav at Lnrcn ; Tea Many Subscribers to Mrs. Scott's Sup per uiuD utner social Matters HWO charming little cousin wilt b t J. introduced this afternoon nt a tea IVilch will bo Blvcn by Commander Ed- lwerd r Lelper ana air. ixnpcr at ineir Lgi at the Episcopal Hospital, Second 'street and Lehigh avenue Tho two tens are Frances Lelper, daughter of ktfee Commander and Mrs. Lelper, and ru.ry Aahtiurst, iinugnicr 01 mo into (William Waynp Ashhurst and Mrs. Ash ijmrst, who was Miss Ullon Onlllnrd, of Utrgln1- Frances looks somewhat like her sister, lytry, who came out several years ago; F"tbe has chestnut hair and hazel eyes nnd iy quite small. Mary Ashhurst Is also 'mall, hut ha fair nair anrt mue oyes. LrTh contrast In coloring la very attrac 'My. These two debutantes are nieces or ittr. Elllston J. P.erot, of Salem, N. J., ftsA Mrs. Howard Richards, Jr., of New Tork, who will receive with Mrs. Lelper, firtio vna M,8S Mary Ashhurst. Mlrt Sarah Ashhurst, who Is at pres. Beot In Cuba, Is another aunt, and Mr. John ll'JUhhurst and Dr. P. C: Astloy Ashhurst fare uncles. OChcr women wlio will rcceivo ?thl afternoon with Mrs. Lelper will bo SjJn. Frank Wlrgman, Mrs. Isaao Davis, Ittn. John Scott, Mrs. Stewart Wurts and ? llrs. Frederick Jost. Mrs. Albert Stiles, of i YTaahlngton. will preside at tho tea table. i The buds who will receive with the llttlo I eoaslns will bo Katharlno Hancock, Ethel 'Nrwbold, Maria Fmzer, Oalnor Batrd, ' Bllanor Longstreth, Nancy Wynne Cook, f; Vlirle Loulso Farles, Lois Jackson, Alice and Mela Jannoy, Anna Sltcr nnd Mar- raret LaRuc. Harriet Ashhurst, Mary's (Winger sister, and Ellse Klapp, who are fcfeot out yet, will also receive and Mary Lelper, Frances s sister, nnd Blanche Pat- tteraon. The tea. Is fccheduled from 4 until 7 "nnd later tho receiving party, together with a number of additional guests, will tfce entertained nt a supper nnd dunce. As November approaches tho truly smart begin to look forward to Mrs. Scott's sup per club at tho llellevue-Stratford, which ru so successful last year that I am afraid vmy on tho waiting Hat will bo doomed (to dlanjpolntruent this year. Thero really ) li nolfvoom enough on the floor to nd fmlt all who wish to Join, though some from last year's waiting list have been added this year, as those few who drop i out each year from everything make ti-nty for others. Davis and his delight- iful orchestra will furnish tho music ns Pwual, nnd there aro many wonderful i' new dance tunes this year, you know; no Srthat part of tho program will prove do- p Be htf til, and of course, tho service Is all ,that one could demand. Just some of j- those who are among the subscribers fcjthli year aro the Tom Rldgeways, Wal- fcter Thomsons, Charllo Harrison Jrs., uLMyard Hcckschcrs, Jack Masons. Ed- Firard Stotc3burys, Sydney Hutchlnsons, .Charlie Penroses, Powell Evanses, Harry fCoxea, Louis Hodman Pages, Lyman Hid- . die, Frank Mauran, Wilson Catherwoods, John Shipley Dixons, Lewis Nellsons, jLHarry Dlsstons, Jay Llpplncotts, Willis (Marlins, laie uomn, mo lioorgo itoion- mrtens, Geo Hccksclior, Stevenson Eas Jl), Ned Crozors, Alfred Aliens, Casper I YVlstars, Charlie.Potters, Wilson Prlchett, the Norman MacLeods, Mrs. Harrison 'Smith and the Atterburys, besides many r ethers. The first meeting will be held on November 11. Alva Sergeant has returned after pending tho summer out at the Struth- J Burt's ranch In Wyoming, Bar some thing or other, I understand, though not s a sand bar. Anyhow. I hear Alva took fjto tho broncho Hie ns a duck Joes to 'water and I hope this winter's gayetles Pwlll not suffer In consequence for her. I Alva ts an all-round snort, thoucli. what- Mver ehe tn':es up, so I guoss, she will enjoy the winter's fun as much as the lisaramer's. She 13 going down to Baltl- ttore soon to be a bridesmaid nt the wed- tiding of Selby Zell and Ransom Rowland. swnich will take place on the 4th of tKovember. NANCY WYNNE. OwrUht by Llf, iu),, c0., reproduced ty special arranrement. SAFETY FIRST Day. dad. can T learn to rlrlvn in the chariot races next season?" "Forget It, kid. I ain't Roin' to bve you riskin' yer life every night." Personals "Mr. and Mrs. Verren Tlrlnlnn. nf St. vM and 19l nittenhouse square, an- - me engagement of their daughter, .. na ""iney Brlnton, to Mr. Joseph etiey Dulles 4th, son of Dr. and Mrs. winaiow Dulles, of 4101 Walnut i( rnuaaelphla. Tltatlons hVe been received for the lit p,ronea y ''" Kdwara Troth ' Uermantown Cricket Club, Thejlate " follows j December 1 apd JBT Jan fri and II, February 8, March 1, April 1 and April T. frjM,,h 8,H Clark, of Highland ave- --. V....UIUI inn, win return from wmie ur Springs Tuesday, November 14. air. and y t irnf.i.inBnti orr '.Tr. returns to their home, 2Z1 Kitten- nuJ. "" " tUUoweli YaiaflsMMa Mefyan. of Ka- 1 CaAMM iMfc $MN ". vw- ? PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING nd Mrs. Morgan will return the end of this w. Z ,nvlr Farms, Mass.. where they nae Had a cottage for the summer, and will spend sex era) tUys there befere return ing to open their home for the winter .Mrr;.nor?r R Srnlln- MlM Kdlth Smith r ww,.,.MM.'ry Sm,,h wln November 1 to hlte Sulphur Springs, W. Va.. for three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Steel have re- lUfi to th"r '""N"- 3" Ho,llh Twenty ... tret, having sjwnt tho summer at Atlantic city. Mr and Mrs. Oeorge K. Croier have re turned from Cape May and are occupying their home, 20JT D Mncey place. Miss Florance Meade Is spending several weeks with Mrs. William II. Hart at their country place nt Radnor. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar T. Scott and their ramuy, of Iansdowne, Pa., are occupying their cottage at Har Harbor, Me., very late this year on account of the cpldemla of Infantile paralysis. They will not re turn till lata In November. Mrs. William Nice, Jr.. nnd her daughter. Miss Mabel Nice, of lh TMitl. Knrln v. nue. Elkins Park, hav left for Loon I-ake, one of the Ilnngaley takes, where they will Join Miss Kathcrlne Nice, who has been spending tho summer at her bungalow. They will remain for severnl weeks. Miss Susan Nice has returned from Colo rado, where she has been spending several months this summer on a ranch. Mrs. 11. Campbell Madeira, of Old York road, Ogontz, left the first of tho week for New York, where she will spend several days. Mrs. Ross Walton, of Elkins Tark, left this week for Akron, Ohio, where she will spend a fortnight as the guest of friends. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Holllngshead. of thh city, left Wednesday for Washington. D. C, where they will spend several days. A children's fancy dress party will be given on Saturday afternoon for tho chil dren of the North Hills Country Club at the Clubhouse, Edge Hill. On Tuesday evening the membors will give their Halloween bal masque. On ac count of tho unusual number of acceptances only tho members and their prnero will bo admitted. The danco Is In charge of tho en tertainment committee Tho Omega Mu Club will open Its social season with a masked dance on Saturday evening at the Oakmont Hall. Tho patron esses will be Mrs. William D. Ely. Mrs. Reese H. Hunter, Mrs. William V. Collier, Mrs. William II. Jacques. Mrs Charles M. Shupert. Mrs. Marshall C. Cloud and Mrs. It, C. 1-ukens. a Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Schmidt, of Juniper Hall, Radnor, have been entertain ing Mrs. Frederick 11. Harris, of Washing ton, wlfo of Rear Admiral Harris, U. S. N., formerly commandant of league Island. Tho works of Jerome Rlum are being ex hibited at tho offices of the Philadelphia Art Alliance, 1709 Chestnut street, until November 8. A private view and tea were given yes terday afternoon In lienor of Mr. and Mrs. Blum. ' The Dorcas Society of the First Presby terian Church, Gcrmnntown, has resumed Its meetings, which aro held In tho parish house on Tuesdays of each week, from 10 until 4 o'clock. Additional helperH nre need ed to asshit In tho work for foreign hos pitals, ns well as home relief. Mr nnd Mrs. John Da Costa Newbold, Miss Ellen D. Nen-bold, Miss F. Angela Newbold, Mr. Richard S. Newbold nnd Mr. John Da Costa D. Newbold, Jr., who hae been spending the summer nt 'their coun try place nt Port Kennedy, Pa., will open their town house, 2221 St. James place, November J, Miss Elizabeth McKnlght, of Elkins Park, left Wednesday for Reading, Pa. At the luncheon which Mrs. Georgo E. Dalesman, tf 5J49 Wayne avenue, will give on Wednesday, November 1, at the White marsh Valley Country Club the guests will be Mrs. William L. Allen. Mrs. A. J Allen, Mrs. J. Alfred Miller, Mrs. O. R. Davis. Mrs. Juliet Kanles, Mrs. Frank Stockley, Mrs. Louis J. Kolb. Mrs. Leon Goodman, Mrs. E. A. Hill, Miss Lorraine Hlllnley, Miss Emma Dradbury, Miss Gladys Kd wards. Miss Helen Fry, Miss Mabel Markle, Miss Pearl Alman, Mrs. Lenard Stiles, Mrs. Louis Howell, ltd.. Miss Ethel Short, Mrs. Arthur Rest, Mrs. E. Elmer Tourlsend, Mrs. John Ttichards. Mrs. Helen Young, Miss Elizabeth Kolb, Miss May At burger, Miss Msrjorle Thomas, Miss Mary IyOUlse Taylor, Miss Helen Croskey, Miss Margaret Specse, Miss Clara Jacobus and Miss Helen Rodensteln. The Bcechwood School at Jenklntown hall Issued Invitations for a recital by Dean and Madam Jensen this evening, at S:15 o'clock. Dean and Madam Jensen havo Just returned from Maine. The first of a series of Friday dances will be given at the Phllomuslan Club, Novem ber 17. These dances are to bo held month ly, and their membership Includes some of the most popular West Philadelphia set. A partial tlst of the members Includes; Mr. arid Mrs. Frederick Sneller, Dr. nnd Mrs. C, S. Tuttle Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McDowoll, Mr. and Mrs. W J. Morrow, Mr, and Mrs. R. W, Dement, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Ltndback, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Oreyer, Mr, and Mrs T, A. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Ilarrlo E. Cope land, Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Faught, Mr. and Mrs. F, II. Dlcklson, Dr and Mrs JVC. Roberts. Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Wagers, Dr. P. S. Stout. Dr, Gordon J. Saxon. Mr. George Pratt, Mr. Howard Racon, Mr. Charles French. Mr. R. V. Phillips, Mr, Mitchell Hall, Mr. and Mrs. ElBasser, Mr. John lie Chesney, Mr.Joeph Kelly, Mr. C. Jlghton Morris, Mr. Harold C. Prcssel, Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Guckes, .Mr. and Mrs. C, A. Strong and Mr, and Mrs. F. A. Hart, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dunkel, of GHG Spruce street, announces the engagement of their daughter, Miss Huberta May Alexander, to Mr. Edward Carlisle Bernhardt, of this city. Miss Alexander Is a granddaughter of the 'Iter. Jamfa P. Hughes, of Bellefonte Acad emy. The marriage will take place early In December. Four productions of "American Hoys In France,' a film showing the activities of the American Ambulance Hospital Service, will, be given In this city next month. The first will be held at the home of Mrs. E- T. Stotesbury on the afternoon of Sunday, November 19, and w.111 be a purely private function. On the afternoon and evening of November 20, however, at the Merlon Cricket Club, the film will be ex hibited for the benefit of the Ambulance Service, and likewise at the Forrest The ater on the night of November 21. The entertainment will. In each esse be given under the auspice of the French commit tee of th Emergency Aid, Mr. and Mr. Charles. A. J. Reed, of Hill crest avenue, Oakmont, gave a family din ner at their home last night In honor of the golden wedding of Mr. Reed's brother and lster-ln-law, Mr. and Mr. William U, Johnson, of Wert Philadelphia. The nfty year of Mr. and Mrs, Johnson's married life have been spent almost entirely In Phil, adelfthla. On the same occasion a' daughter of the family and her husband. Dr. and Jlr. K. K. HiWrWge, .celebrated their tentJ) oDlveraary. Dr. and Mrs. Kldrldge oast reaeouy irw . im wmk, and will " r yv- ' .- ".,i """ ffY eT'yrWM by Ilfe Pub Co . rprodueod by upeelal errsneement. 'X returning home after n week nt a country boarding house. FARMERS' SHREWDNESS ONE CAUSE OF HIGH LIVING COSTS Prices Nearly Double in Wissahickon - Roxbor ough Neighborhood, Which Is Directly Supplied Question your grocer. Madame House keeper, upon tho responsibility for the prices ho charges you for tho wares that dally go upon your table, and If you will pardon the Introduction of a tumbling phrune. It is "ten to one" that ho puts the blame, vlg orcusty and perhaps none too politely, upon the broad shoulders of the "man with the hoe " This deiweltlng of tho onus of lilKh prices nnd food scarcity on the back of the farmer and producer seems unanimous to day In the Wissahickon and Roxbnrough section, whose grocers supply the tables of a vastly useful portion of Philadelphia's population, ranging In social standing from the millionaire textile manufacturer to the humblest laborer In tho mill or foundry. All must bo fed and, remote from the city's cintcr. It devolves upon the neighborhood Ktocer to supply the food. Continuing Its Investigation of Philadel phia's "high coit of llviiiK" In Its sectional aspects, the Evkninci I.bimieii today asked tho grocers of Wissahickon and ltoxbor ough to furnish their views for tho Infor motion of tho housewives who deal with them. Almost without exception those np proachod presented tho samo lino of argu mont, which If not consoling to themselves or to the wife whose household expenses are limited by her husband's wago envelope Is none tho less posltlvo In Its Indictment of ttto vegetable grower, stock raiser and llrst handler of food products. Money-madness on tho porttof tho once-gullible gold brick purchaser Is Insinuated, nnd fully sophlstlcated, tho farmer Is alleged to bo practicing upon the grain manipulator tho samo process which that Individual erst while employed upon the lowly tiller of U1Q SOU. FARMER NOW AN "ECONOMIST" Economically speaking, tho farmer has mastered tho problem of supply and de mand greatly to his own pecuniary profit nnd with serious and nlarmlnglnroads Into tho restrlctod moans of tho, majority of ultimate oonsumers. So say the Wissa hickon nnd Roxborough merchants, many of whom havo dealt for years with the agriculturists of the nearby country. The housewives of that district have only to put tho question up to their grocer. Tljomas Martin has recently moved Into a new store nt 514 4 Ridge avenue. For nearly twenty-seven years ho has done busi ness In tho h.t mo block, which extends from Kalos to Osborne street "I've seen this place grow from a woods to a thlckly-bullt-up neighborhood," ho ox pressed It, "and prlcos have gone up In the same way In that time." "WHat Is th! cause? Well, It looks to me as If lie farmers are holding back. They claim there Is a scarcity of help, but every body appears to be money-mad these days, and the farmers seem to have becomo In fected. Wo pay more and yet we cannot get tho goods. Now, where aro they 7 We hear the crops are good and give our orders, but cannot get the stuff, Our customers grumble, but they still are willing to piy tho price wo have to ask, This section may be somewhat different from other parts of the city. Our working classes In Manayunk and Its vicinity have been steadily employed this year and everybody seems to have money. So they are ablo to stand for the little 'squeeze' In prices, and do so, even If they do complain a bit now and then." "We liuve the trade," t ho grocer con- '100 Per Cent Increases in Roxborough District HOW food stnplcs have increased in price in tho Wissahickon Hoxborough district since October, 1015, ns furnished to the Evening Lhkikti by Thomas Mnrtin, Ridge nvenue nrnr Kalos street: Ecrs Huttcr ..-...., Flour Potatoes Canned goods . 10 cents n dozen . 10 cents u pound . 75 per cent .100 percent .100 percent tlnued, "but wo haven't tho profits that "hould go with It. Price aro up, but wo have to sell too clow to what wo pay Eggs aro ten cents a dozen higher than they were a year ago. lluttcr Is up nbout tho Mine rate. Flour Is sexcnty-flve per cent hlKher, nnd potatoes nro nno hundred per cent above the pYlro this time Inst year The difference, ho fnr ns I can sec, Is going to tho farmer. Wo buy most of our farm products direct, so thrre Is no middleman to consider Tho fanner is getting tho wholo profit himself, nnd ha Bees that he nets It. There's wliero the trouble lies, and If there Is nny move to sot It right thore It where It should begin. "With canned good It Is about tho samo story Price aro doubled for tho samo grade of Roods, and wo havo to wait no long for our orders. I ordered corn and tomntocs four or flvo mouths ago, nnd 1 haven't got them yet The wholesalers tell u they cannrfl get the goods from tho pack ers In quantities sufllcleiit to .make deliv eries, nnd the packers put tho blame up to tho fanners." MORE DEMOCRATIC NEIGHBORHOOD Mrs. Lewis Clayton was behind the counter of her husband's storo nt Rldgo avenue nnd Markle street. Tho appearance of this lower Roxborough region Indicates a moro democratic If no les numerous population than Its Immedlato neighbors to tho southward. She unburdened herself to her sentiments upon tho subject that 1h most Interesting to housekeepers today tho while "Dad" Brooks, patriarch of Roxborough, stroked his white beard or chuckled approbation as ho sat pedestaled upon an applo barrel nearby. vit seems that everybody ts money mad these days," began Mrs. Clayton. "They aro all after money, farmers and all. We can't got the produce w need becauso tho men wo deal with will not sell It to us. They aro holding It In hope of gottlng more. My hutband can't get potatoes now, be cause our potato farmer hasn't shown up nt all this year. Ho was nround long before this time a year ago, but I suppose he Is like tho rest. He reads or hears that po tatoes are scarce and bringing good prices, and bo ho Is waiting till ho can get the iikutq no wants, "Tho ml another till with If they wnnt to brlnir down nrit What good ts ho, except to come, nround all togged up, and get n big salary that wo have to pay for? He ought to bo cut out altogether. Tho farmer after all Is the man who works the hardest and ho Bhould get tho most out of tho profits of his labor. But like all tho rest ho Is trying to get It nil." NO CHANCE TO SAVE "We have many mlllworkers In this relghborhood," Mrs, Clayton added. 'They are working every day and nil of them ap ptar to have work, but they don't seem to get nny moro money except In a few special lines; In fact, they appear to bo worso off, because prices are going up and wages den't Increaso with them." ilddloman with his diamonds Is iliTg that ought to be done away IMPORTANT WEDDING, FROM SOCIAL " STANDPOINT, OUT ON MAIN LINE One of the most fashionable weddings of tho autumn took place this afternoon In Old St. David's Church, when Miss Sydney Ellis, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. William Struther Ellis, becamo the bride of Mr. Itadcllffe Chcston, Jr., at 4 o'clock. It was a small wedding, as only the Immediate relatives were present. The Rev. James II. Lamb, D. D., rector of the church, per formed the ceremony, assisted by the Rev. Charles Townsend, oMlio Episcopal church at Rosemont. The cliurch was beautifully decorated with white chrysanthemums, cosmos, lilies, fern, palm and smllax. The bride was given lnmarrlage by her father, and wore a handsome gown of whlto satin, with a train of silver brocaded tsatln and veil of tulle. She carried a bou quet of Hies ot th valley. Miss Helen Ellis, i a sister of the bride, was her only attendant. She woro a beauti ful gown of pale blue brocaded silk, veiled In tulle and silver lace Her large picture hat was of brown tulle, and she carried a bouquet of pink roses. Mr. Cheston had his second brother, Mr. James Cheston, a best man, as Mr. Charles Cheston la with the First City Troop' on the border. For the same reason there were no ushers. A reception followed the ceremony at "Fox Hill Farm," the homo of the bride's parents In Uryn Muwr. After an extended wedding trip Mr. and Mr. Cheston will spend the winter at 121 Mouth Van Pelt street BURROUGHS VEAGER A home wedding wll take place this eve ning at 6:20 o'clock In Oak Lane, when MIsb Irene Levering Yeagcr, daughter of Mr. Howard Malcolm Yeager, of 6825 North Twelfth street, will become the bride of Mr. William Wallace Uurrough, of I,a. fajette, Ind. The ceremony will bo per formed by the Rev. William S. Callett, of the Oak Lane Baptist Church, assisted by Di David Spcnc. pastor emeritus of the Lehigh Paptlst Church. Mis Yeager will wear a gown of white satin and tulle em broidered In pearl and made with a court train. The veil will be fastened with lilies of the valley and pearl. Orchid and lilies of the valley will form the bridal bouaueL Miss Marguerite Yeager will attend her sinter a maia or nosor. Mies Dorothy Mabel Yeager will be the flower girl. Mr. Kurrougn win nave Mr. wunam Lorraine Batt, of Cleveland, Oi 04 beat nan. The m MV ImMR fitf I it mHSLSm Jnm. Fimmm way Mt Mrs. Uurrough will be at home at Be wlckley, Pa. HOCHREIDER RELL. $ Tho marriage of MIm Katherlne De R. Dell, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Joshua Hell, of COtS North Eloventh street. Oak Lane, and Mr, Wilson W. Hochrelder will bo solemnized thli evening nt 7:20 o'clock at 1110 nomo ot me uriue, by tho Rev, D, S. Stull. Mlsa Lei: will wear a white satin gown, made with a pourt train. The tulle veil will be arranged with orange blossoms. Sho will carry Urldo rose and lilies of the valley. Miss Mary Bell, who will at tend her sister as maid of honor, will bo gowned in blue satin and carry pink roses. Mr. Hochreldor will have Mr. Walter Bach mann as boat man. A reception will fol low the cereniony. After a wedding trip, Mr, and Mrs, Hochrelder will live In Olen side. GORGAS RKSEMER A pretty wedding too:.- place last evening at the home of tho bride's mother, Mrs, C. Besemer, 420 West Norrls street, whon Miss EUle Besemer was married to Mr. Walter Gorgas, of 204S Woodstock street, Tho bride wore a beautiful gown of white satin and carried orchids. Sho was attended by Miss Katherlne Palmer, of Atlantic City, who wore a crcpo meteor frock and carried lavender orchids. A delightful wedding supper followed the ceremony Mr. Frank Gorgas, brother of tho bride groom, wa best man. The guest present Included Mrs. Bertha Gorgaa. Miss Florence Gorgas, Mis. Mary Doser, Mr. Martin Loh muller. Mr. William We)ls, Mr. William Brumback, Mrs. Fred Sauers, Mr. and Mr William aorgaa and Mr. and Mr. William Schuler. After a short weddlns trip Mr. and Mr Gorga will live at 11 West Susquehanna avenue. HEART OF THE SUNSffT Ricardo Guzman Is Killed While in the Mexican Town of Romero and a Party of Friends Is Made Up to Bring Back the Body to American Soil By REX BEACH ConrloM, HI. V Jforrer and JrefArrt. .. ..JPIE STOUT Tlltm FAH . . ALAinb AUSTIN. mTntrrM of !. ralmas, one of th flnent rtwhe on the Ti ebto of the lllo Orsndf. nU I, Feru. seroti th Meilean bonier. I lot monr the mtxiulto toih when her ncrj fl! sn4 brH a !. Afier a terrier truttl the nnallr eueeiU In reaehlns a water hola which ehe tied paet earlier in im oay. soldi mnitl Hhft la nn th . nf mllint,. lift hell' her to romfort and furnlthei her with food IJAVIO I.AW. a forett ranr and forrnr Idler of fortuno. In iroprln hli eenln pal at th. w.t.r hoU when Autre arrlwa. rprtfn tSlak a.AA KIl ItVQTfV A I. '' tin ah net tiHft A ft put 1 h fortune n1 wAitlth. A lair. - e-- iiii tut tuur ma imni..i, Va. prroied to illrort-e llvta In a ,tnn of the nou-e anart rrom KO xner pfinoni it' CIRNKHAl. I.tMH lAlNOOtllO. head of the Mtilean Federal troop" t a tall, sueeert lbl Latin who lmm(l"lly 'a'1" head-over-heela In love with Alalre when he niejta him In an effort to obtain reMUutlon for th ravages of the Meilrana on tier i Perta eatal Thle he auahlnflr .rromliej. and tnor. too. and Alalrt flndt It dlfljeult to ward of? hli advances without Innultln IILAZR JONKB Uvea with hi duMar l'aloma near Laa l'almaa, and whan Iava arrlvea In tha vicinity to tmeatlcata cat tle thefta he makea his home there. ni.!.SWOIITII. Alalre's attorney and Reva'eVood friend, makea the ranter Prom e never to marry before Brat apeaKin to him about It .... k. The minor characters Include Joae. who reaolvea to ravense the murder of hie coualn. Panfllo Sanehe. killed by Have In an affair wtth a Meilean outlaw. Dolores, Alalre'a maid; Tad lwla. an unacrupu loua nelehtior and partner of "ftl" Auatlnt Urblna, one of Lwle-a employed cattle thlea, and Itleardo Ouxinan, whoae cat tle have been atolen , , , When Vnr returna from hl fruitless trip to Pueblo In search of Urblna. lilasa Jonea tells him ot Htranae. the fortune teller In Jonesvllle, who haa the auperstl. tloua Mellcane tremblln wtlh fear. Dava determines to call upon Btranie as eoon aa possible, . . Dava rays a visit to t.aa Talmas and Alalra presents him with Montrose, a h;u: tlful horse, to take tha plae of th; dead llesale Halle. After dinner Alalre and Dave again discuss the death of Panfllo Danchea. CIIAPTIIK XV (Continued) "TM SOltltY I killed tho fellow 1 shouldn't JL have done It, but, one sees things dif ferently out In the rough and here In the settled country. Laws don't work alike In, nil places ; they depend a goorf deal upon geography. Thoro aro times, when the theft of n crust of bread would warrant the punishment 1 gave Paiifllo. I can't help but feel that his conduct, under the circum stances, called for what ho got. Ho wasn't a good man. In splto of what Joso says ; Anto confessed to me that they woro planning all sorts of deviltry together. "Thnt Is hardly an excuse. Alalre smiled faintly. "Oh, I know!" Dave agreed. "But, you ne I iinn't feel tho need of one. Tho senti mental side of tho affair, whtcb bothers you. doesn't affect me In tho least." Alalre nodded. "You havo made mo understand how you look nt things, nnd I must confess that I tolerate actions that would havo shocked me before I came to know hi rnuntrv. I'anfllo Is dead and Konc rightly or wrongly, I don't know. What I dread now Is further consequences. "Don't weaken on my account." "No! I'm not thinking of the conse quences to you or to me. You are tho kind of man who can protect himself, I'm sure; your very ability In that direction frightens me a llttlo on Jose's account. But." she sighed nnd lifted her round shoulders In a shrug, "perhaps time will decldo this ques tion for us." Dave laughed with some relief. "I think you've worried yourself enough over It. ma'am," ho said; "splitting hairs as t& what's right and what's wrong, when It doesn't matter much, In either case. Sup poso you continue to think It over at your lolsure." "Perhaps I'd bolter. And now," Alalre extended her hand, "won't you and Mon trosa come to see me onco In a whllo7 I'm very lonesome." "We'd love to," Dave declared. Ho had It on his lips to say more, but at that mo ment an eager whinny and an Impntlent rnttle of a bridle hit came from tho drive- way, and he smiled. 'There's her ac ceptance now." "Oh. no! Sho merely heard your voice, tho flcklo creature." Atalre watched her guest until he had disappeared Into the shadows, then she heard him talking to the mare. Benito's words nt the rodeo recurred to her, and she wondered if this Hanger might not also have a way with women. The house was very still and empty when she re-entered it. R1 Wh&t'a Doing Tonight riK5U..X'rffrSi!?J,.-f.Lp,M' Women's Mn' Association mtats. Institute, Broad and nitner Unltad Ilualneaa Blnsham Hotel. W O. T, U, atresia. American BuVeaonf Contrsss, t)levue-Strat-Lecture-recital by Msnrir Mowalr. narm....AWH Ceeervatery. ' " '! If a TjBaKIa.aaLaaPf,l liaiteaTiMii 11 CHAPTIHl XVI TIIK OUZMAN INC1IIKNT 1CA11DO GUZMAN did not return from Romero, When two days had passed with no word from him, his sons became alarmed and started an Investigation, hut without the slightest result. liven Colonel Blanco himself could not hazard a guess as to Guzman's fate; the man had disap peared, It seemed, completely nnd mysteri ously. Meanwhile, from other quarters of the Mexican town came rumors that set the border afire. Headers of this Btory may remember the famous "Quzman Incident," so called, and tho complications that resulted from It, for at the time It raised a storm of Indigna tion as the crqwnlng atrocity of the Mexi can revolution, serving further to disturb the troubled waters of diplomacy and threatening for a moment to upset the pre cariously balanced relations of the two countries. At first the facta appeared plain: a citizen of the United States had been lured across the, border and done to death by Mexican soldiers for It soon became evi dent that Illcardo was dead. The outrage wa a casus belli such a no self-respecting people could Ignore; so ran the popu lar verdict. Then when that ominous mailed serpent which lay colled along tho lllo Grande stirred Itself, warlike Ameri cans prepared themselves to hear of big events. A motive for Hlcardo Guzman's murder wa not lacking, for It was generally known that President Potosl had long re sented Yankee enmity, particularly as that onrnlty was directed at htm personally, A succession of Irritating diplomatic skir mishes, an unsatisfactory series of verbal sparring matches, had roused the old In dian's anger, and It was considered likely that he had adopted this means of per manently severing his relation with Wash ington. Of course, the people of Texas were de lighted that the long-delayed hour had struck: accordingly, when, the State De partment seomed strangely loath to Inves tigate tho matter, when. In fact, It mani fested a willingness to allow Don Hlcardo ampto time In which to come to life In preference to putting a further strain upon International relations, they were both urprlied noil enraged, Telegraph wires began to buzz; the Governor of the State ent a crisply sarcastic message to the na tional capital, offering to dispatch a com pany of Hanger after Guzman's body juat to prove that he wa Irtdeed dead and that the Mexican authorities were lying when they professed ignorance, of the fact. This offer not only caught the popular fancy north of the lllo arande, but It like wise had an effect on tlK other side of the river, for on the very next day aeneral Luis Longorlo set out for Homtro to Inves tigate personally the rancher disappear ance, Now, throughout all this public clamor, truth, as uauat, lay hidden at the bottom Jt the well, and few even of Hlcardo' closest friends suspected the real reason for his murder, Jonesvllle, of course, could think or talk of little else than this outrage, and Blaze Jonas, a befitted Ha leading citizen, wa loudest In hi criticism of the Government's weak-kneed policy. "It make me right sore to think I'm an American," ha confided to Dave. "Why, If Hlcardo bad been an, Englishman the Mrlt lk Consul at MezloeCitr would have) eU4 Jd Vet 1 U wloate the) wwi.taaM. aawel kevee aftaaeaBtat aaBfrBBSBtalB eMBjataW efci ilatia Hlcardo, or pay an Indemnity and kiss the Union Jack." Blaze's conception of diplo macy was peculiar. "If Potosl didn't talk straight that British Consul would have bent a gun bar'l oer the old ruffian's bean nnd telephoned for a couple hundred battle ships, Knglnnd protects her sons. But w Americans nre cussed with notion of broth erly Iop nnd universal peace. Bahl We're bound to time war, Dave, some day or otherr Why not Mart It nowT" Dave nodded hla agreement. "Yes. We'll hae to step In and take the country over, sooner or later. But ever) body has the wrong Idea of this Guzman killing. Tho Federal officers In Homero dldnl frame It up" "No? Who did?" "Tad Lewis." Jones started. "What makes you think tr.ntr "Listen I Tad was afraid to let Urblna come to trial you remember one ot his men boasted that the case would neer be heard T Well, It won't. Hlcardo's dead nnd tho other witness Is gone. Now draw your own conclusions." "GonoT You mean tho fellow who saw Urblna and Garza together?" "Yes. He has disappeared, too evidently frightened away." Jones was amazed. "Say, Dave," he cried, "that means your case haa blown up, eh""' "Absolutely. Lewis haa been selling wet' stock to Federals, and he probably arranged with some of them to murder Hlcardo, At nny rate, that's my theory." Blaze cursed eloquently. "I'd like to hnng It on to Tad; I'd sure clean house down his wny If 1 was positive." "I sent a man over to Homero," Dave explained further. "He tells mo Hlcardo Is dead, all right; but nobody knows how hi died, or why. There's n new grave In the llttlo cemetery above the town, but no body knows who's burled In It. There hnsn't been a death In Romero lately." The sieaker watched his friend closely, "W cardo's family would like to have his body, and I'd like to see It myself. Wouldn't you? We could tell Just what happened to him. If ho really faced a firing squad, for In stanceI reckon Washington would have something to say, eh?" "What are you almln' at?" Blaze In quired. "If wo had Hlcardo's body on this aide It would put nn end to nil the lies, and perhaps force Colonel Blanco to make Known the real facts. It might even mean a case against Tad Lewis. What do you think of my reasoning?" "It's eighteen karat. What d'you say we go over there and get Ricardo?" Davo smiled. "That's what I've been lending up to. Will you take a chance?" "Hell, yes I" "1 knew you would. All we need Is a pair of Mexicans to do the work. I liked Hlcardo; I owo him something." "Suppose we're caught?" "In that case we'll have to run for It, and I presume I'll be discharged from the Hanger service." "I nln't very good at runnln" not from Mexicans." Blaze's eyes were bright and bard nt tho thought. "It's moro'n possible that. If they discover us. we can start a nice, little war of our own." Thnt eenlng Dave managed to get his Hanger captain by long-distance telephone, nnd for some time the two talked guarded ly When Dave rang off they had come to a thorough understanding. It had been nn easy matter for Jose Sanchez to secure a leave of absence from Las Palmas, especially since Benito was not a llttlo Interested In the unexplained disappearance of Panfllo and work was light nt this time. Benito dll net think It necessary to men tion the horse breaker's Journey to his em ployer; so that Alalre knew nothing what ever about tho matter until Jose himself asked permission to see her on a matter of Importance. The man hnd ridden hard most of th-; previous night, and his excitement was patent. ICvon before he spoke Alalre real ized that Panfllo's fate was known to him, and sho decided swiftly that there must be no further concealment, "Senora I A terrible thing I" Jose burst forth. "God ,nowa, I am nearly mad with grief. It I about my sainted cousin. It Is strange, unlellevablel My head whirls " Atalre qu'eted him, saying In Spanish, "Calm yourself, Jose, and tell me every thing from the beginning." "But how enn I be calm? Oh, what a crime I What a misfortune! Well, then, Panfllo is completely dead. I rode to. that tanque whero ou saw him laat, and what do you think? But you know?" Alalre nodded. "I suspected." Joso's dark face blazed ; ho bent forward eagerly. "What did you suspect, and why? Tell me all. There Is something black and hellish here, and I must know about It quickly." "Suppose you tell me your story first." Alalre answered, "and remember that you are excited.' Tho Mexican lowered his voice. "Buenot Forglvo me If I seem half crazed. Well, I rode to that water hole and found nothing. It Is a lonely place; only the brush cattle use It; but I said to myself, 'Panfllo drank here. He wa alive. Beyond there I noth ing. So I will begin.' God was my helper, senora. I found him his bones a naked and dean n pebbles. Caramba I You ahduld have heard me then I I wa like a demon I I couldn't thnk, I couldn't reason. I rode from that accursed spot as If Pan fllo's ghost pursued mo and I am here. I shall rouse the country; tho people shall demand the blood of my cousin's assassin. It Is the crime of a century." "Walt I When you spoko to me laat I didn't drean that Panfllo wa dead, but alnce then I J.avo learned the truth, and why he was killed. You must let mo tell you everything, Jose, just as It happened; then you may do whatever you think beat. Anu you snuit nave the whole truth." It was a trying situation; In aplte of her bravo begtrnlng, Alalre was tempted to send the Mexican on to Jrnesvllle, there to receive an explanation directly from David Law hmeelf; but such a course she dared not tlbk. Joae u Indeed halt crazed, and at this moment quite1 Irrespon sible ; If he met Dave, terrible consequences would surely tollow, Accordingly, It wa with a peculiar, apprehensive flutter In her breast that A'alre realized the crisis had come. Heretofore she had blamed Law, but now, oddly enough, she found herself In tereeted In defending htm. A calmly a she could aha "elated all that had led up to the tragedy, while Jose listened with eye wide and mouth open, "You see, I had no lusplclon of the truth," she concluded. "It was a terrible thing, and Zir. La,w regret t deeply. He would have made a report to the authori ties, only he feared It might embarrass me. Ha will repeat to you all that I have said, and he Is ready to meet the conse quence," Jose wa torn with rage, yet plainly a prey to Inderlrionf ho rolled hla eye and cursed under his breath, "These Hanger I" he muttered. "That la the kind of men they are. unoy nuruer nonesi people." .Till waa not murder. Alalre cried, sharply. "I'anfllo wa aiding a felon to escape. Tho .courts will not punlah Mr- "Bahl Who care for the court I Tht man la a Oringo. and thtae are Gringo lawa. But I am a Mexican, and Panfllo wa my coualn. W shall see." Alalre' eyea darkened, "Don't be rash, Joae," she exclaimed, warnlngly. "Mr- Law tiear you no ui-wiii. wjtr fe w a danger ous snan. You woUl de well to make souve Inquiries about Mm. Yett are a goo4 man; you have a long Hie befere you," Heavalag the feWow'e ItlMet took, ak argue ; YeJ think I m HMk kta tut b k I atafeBBBBeflBeBeBeBaBaBBeBeV rVa.HV i Kr.ZeXatt s lV Copyrlsht by Lite Pub. Co.: reproduced by special erranzement "Dear me! I hope the liBhtnlnff doesn't strike those railroad spikes I hnd for lunch." SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES . We Guarantee Position! To all who complete our Practical nuatneaa Couraea. Kecome a Htenoa. rentier, Hookkeener. Herrotary or Halea. man. 8tudanta aires M to 40. Uolh Hence. Day and nlsht t'toarees mod erata. Jleein Jour rourao-now. rlTllAYKK'H IIL'SINKS.1 CCU.LEOK B01-SO7 Ctie.lnut St.. liilli. Walnut 3M Main S3-00 P?yJVr-M!Wr-wy Bookkeeping and Stenography Special couraea In the Kvenlnr Hhortkand and llookkeeplns; Departments are belnir orsanlzad nowi H hours Instruction Monday. Tuesday and Thursday. Write for Information. TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Broad St. bcloiv Ilerks rtijludelphln ,.!, Wanamaker Institute 23l8ni:irr,'cr Coat of Tuition (Iiy Courses) for term ot 31 waa. iiooKKeep-e; sea. nienorrapny isj, hook- MiTtioerapny 100. Drreamakln tlv. HO. May be paid In inatallmtnte. Coat for Nlsht Couraea la tn lln nar (arm nf Js wka. Languages. Aluslc.lluslness. Industrial, Cookery other couraea. I'll, or write for Cac.ll. keen's A Millinery MO. Stammering Speech Defects Rorrerieai i.u- uis.aui.mi roc srd-of-hearlnr. rhlladelnhla DM Cliest'I -('eel. V. M. Uedd, free. TKACJIF.IIH WANTED MUUKIin TliACllKHS t'oaltluna waltlna. UUIIUAU. 100 J Uaraet. -ll you. and I don't wish to tea you come to a worao end than your cousin Panfllo," . Jose continued to glower. Then, turning away, he eald, without meeting hi em ployer's eye. "i would like to draw my money." "Very well. I am aorry to have you leave La Patmaa, for I have regarded you 8 one of my gente." Jose's face remained atony. -'What do you Intend to do? Where are you golngf" The fellow shrucared. "Qulen sabel Perhaps I shall go to my General Longorlo. lie la in uomero, Just across tho river; he knows a bravo man when he sees One, and he needs fellows like me to kill rebels. Well, you shall hear of mo. People will tell you about that demon ot a Jose whose cousin was murdered by the Rangers. Yes, I have tho heart of a bandit." Alalre smiled faintly. "You will be shot." she told him. "Those soldiers havo l(ttle to eat and no money nt all." But Jose's bright eyes remained hostile nnd his expression baffling. It was plain to Alalre that her explanation of hfa cousin's death had carried not the slight est conviction, and she even began to fear that her part In the affair had caused him to look upon her as nn accessory Never ' theless, when she paid hint h' wages aba gave him n good horso. which Ve accepted with thanks but without gratitude. Ab Alalre watched hint rldo nwas with never a backward glanco she decided that she must lose nd time In apprising the Hanger of this new condition of affairs. (CONTINUED TOMORROW) - Ol adult ileat asj niinor sineai. 7 I3 LAKKWOOU. Nx L blake'tutoring school" LAKKtVOOII. NKW JKIISKV Iloya prepared rapidly for all colls(es. Ftee climate. Ileaullful campus near l.aks Tenale. Ilaaeball. Hiding. Uowllnc, Canoeing. Boys ad mitted at any tlmo of year. NO rollMS, Mr. Conant. the Headmaster, will mast parents' at Ilallevue.Btretford Hotel, Friday and Saturday. - ' . ..-a Mt'HIO It. A. SCHOOL OP MUSIC v 10 Couraea. Vocal and Instrumental? e Open to Win. Women, Children, day f . and avenlur, Cataioe. 1411 Archil, ' DANCINO ASHER'S co"' " ANB WALNUT """"" " t'laaa every Tueadar Bv. 6M HALL CAN 1IB ItKNTKD , BW1UUINQ SCHOOL OPES ALL YBXK STEAMSHIPS FLORIDA 'BT BEA," PHILADELPHIA TO JACKSONVILLE, (Calllo at feavaenab) DKLIUllTfUL BAIL 1 Floe Steamers low Karea. But SsreMeT"- kim ana Maria iwiiMed. - '.""V.".;!' ian YovivTrip to include t -fl llrtU Iwlo4a4. Illustrated Uookltt un KewieeC 1 A rn. "The rinest Coaetnioe Tripe la Mm Warier Merchants, & Miners Trans. Cafa.'j fifltu 1AJI 'u..l. nth tit lie.ll.. , ? -f 'a-fl W: 1; tOun&k, a, r,' a;, lilw.r, ' om JlUTUMN RBSQRTS atiantio riTyrNrX"" kvirbf suras! HiSuLaiSellilX'Ae: JS&twS Mznu iriAtmcctn &mz22SL r r"m ...1 .f)1 '" "'.Ha' ni H'y - - - WemaaMa1a. aBaaBJaFV I afafaafaTaTaTVP aBaBaBBJBBaaMVaTBal J . .. a jaSH f" -Trr WvfrfV-Wf MLs&mmL l&jai '4'mi " VJ-ffilielH
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