-if Bvi t t. V.; .V ... m tff n WW .i T,ff 6 SEWING HELPS COOKING TIPS-HOUSEHOLD HINTS --- , . . L .M'LISS COMMENTS ON WOMAN'S INCURABLE PERVERSITY ,The Surest Way to Get the Contrary Creatures to : v Follow a Rule Is to Forbid Them To , KT11 8 't lhnt woman always . TV to push when tho signs tell t wants her In largo, unmistakable, letters that It la the psychological time to pull? What curloua " Qiilrk In her" oraln causes her to try to Bet out of places by butting like a ram- pageous bull against a door expressly marked "in,'' and likewise to nttempt to ; enter a building by shoving at a door '' plainly labeled "out"? , i bo tho answer what It may, obscrva j tlon, will show that It's a weakness con- fined chiefly to women. Tho samo per l.verso Instinct axemplMos Itself, when a t ij label Is put on nn expensive display gown. 4 u "Please do not handle," says tho card I large enough for tho most myoplo eyo .' to.poliold.. ' Nino women out of ton who pass tho li frown will bo unable to overcome tha j J, temptation to touch It. Thoy may bo t nolo to soo with "half an oyo" that tho i garment Is of vololir brocado, that Its I underbodlco Is of peachblow taffeta and 'that It Is garnished with motalllo lace. , There la nothing to bo gained by touch ' Ing tho gown, unless It be a smudge for ( mo gown, and yet If I know women, It Would bo an unnatural one who would dls 1 regard that prohibitive sign. The first casaon record of this femlnlno i contrariness g6es back1, of course, to tho , first woman. Had Evo not boen expressly , forbidden to tamper with the fruit of tho Tree of KnOwlodgo It is doubtful If Adam ' would havo been tempted with that apple. 1 And probably It would nover havo oc- curred to Lot's wlfo to havo looked back If slio hadn't been told not tp. Likewise Bluebeard's wlfo. Sho didn't want to go Into the Innumerable rooms ' that woro Tpcn to her. But sho Just had I , Letters to tho Editor of tlio Woman's Page Address all communications to M'I.Ijm. care of the Evening Ledger. Write on one . of too paper only. ' ,, W Lias Can you tell mo whether tho Drexel Institute null continue. Its choral so- i clety. and the namo and addreea of tha person to whom I coald apply for Information r- , carding lt7 Also, who could I write to In nEi..10.. h2. Philadelphia Choral Boclety and ' tho Philadelphia Operatic Society! E. D. At tho registrar's office of tho Prexol Instttuto I was told that the choral society has not been In existence for 10 or IS years. Address Ilonry Gordon Thunder. 10 f South 'Eighteenth street, for Information , about (ho Philadelphia Operatic Society, and TVasslll Lcps, at tho samo address. In MARION HARLAND'S CORNER A Courageous Letter It was sweet and kind ot you to write to ana sena mo ma names oc women nere. Hnmatlmea I feel almost helpless and quite lose my courage. To have had nlentv all one's life and then, when nnii Is ijmnit within An nnnlnr of tha "llttla door" at the end of the path that leads Into eternity, to be left alone and robbed of the means to provide the hare necessities of life. Is truly hard. You know how easy It Is to. And wnya of getting along If you only havo a little moner to work with. I married when only nineteen: a man of large meana and splendid character. ..Only six years was I permitted to enjoy the beautiful life so full of tender earn and happiness thai he gave me. My husband 'waa a victim of what in known aa "old fash ioned consumption" and I have been alone since the gate wao opened and ho passed out, .One . might Imagine-' that my life has been full of loneliness and sad memories It has been Instead, a. grand, broad, generous life full of Work for humanity. ELEANOR A. T. I am Indulging myself In making spaco for the foregoing letter which bore a message of resignation and courage for myself. I believe that In passing It along the lino of thoughtful readers I am doing homo mission work In our own territory. It has been a settled belief with me ever since J learned to know the world for my self tnat me nro or eacn human Deing is a story sometimes tragic, often a comedy to onlookers always full ot Interest to the chief actor In tho drama, and, I add rever ently, to God and tho angels. I offer the ' latter of Eleanor A. T. as one of a million proofs of the truth of my hypothesis. Spinach Souffle TV1II you give me a reclpo for spinach aouffle? I ate ill at the home of a friend and thought it worth asking for In the Comer. If some one can give It to me. CORNURITE. Boll the spinach and chop fine. Add the beaten yolks of two eggs, a tablespoonful ' of melted butter, salt and pepper to taste. 'Set this mixture away to cool. When cold, beat' Into It a half gill or cream and the ' frothed whites ot three eggs. Turn Into a buttered pudding dish ana bake quickly in a hot oven to a light brown. Servo aa soon as it is removed from the oven. Stiffening Crochet Baskets Could you please let ma know through your Helping Hand. Corner how to stiffen little crocheted nut baakets? I do not think It right to starch them. F. J. R. I have seen them stiffened and kept In ehapa by a preparation of dissolved gum arable, but I do not know the propor tions of the solution, You may experi ment until you get the right degree of stiffness. Soak the gum In a little cold water for an hour or so. Then cover with boiling water and stir until It Is dissolved. Strain and use. This is vague, I know. Perhaps somebody who understands the process better "will favor us with explicit directions. California Beer n your Corner I notice a query of Eleanor In reference to manna. X feel sure that what she speaks of is California beer. The seeds are put Into a glass jar and syrun or motusaes la added. In 24 hours Is made a delicious and refreshing drink, much like the old-time persimmon beer. The seeds multiply rapidly and will soon fill the jar If not removed every few days. It used to he a common beverage, but I have not seen It to 30 years. jr. M. O," Quilting ner Chief Joy ". 1 ajj wrttlor for cor grandmothr. who finds bar chief Joy In Ilia la Quilting. Have mi un ir -a fijyeb." 'or thla sort of work to saaraT Poa "uly .you mar. have, on your llat of workers earn1 tudy who Is wl A 1 would cheerfully nav y.the postage upon any that U IK IV "may be offered, and be uvriuuy say me coil: insrea. ana na raott itunkrn moat thankful for tha eiaianc renaerua tna usee ronaortki in celavea relative. HELEN ir. The dutiful and affectionate grandchild ;muit not plead In vain for what la so tasUy got together, and tha transoorta. tlon of which wilt coat the donor nothing . couu to ma lor ner aaaress, ana aa you value fay peace of mind and valuable time,, to aay nothing ot txiala to tamper, da not bundle tha patches off to the Tiawi- paper oflioe, Pickle Recipes 1 cleaned & tiny whlta. iMf from th fmn, o( J. .pretty colored wool coat Whin It waa Crr, tb spot ba,d disappeared, but ttaera w circle on the coat .( a darker shade. I only clear wtr and a. claan whjta cloth. aa a used you ettageat anything to remove tha Ulaf UB iy vuchum pit&ja recipe no. It 0e gallon qi sore oar vuurar. ousca of ground all cloves. ep ousca at ailce, bos uUBce -of ground aluoi no! tlm am of muacxrd and cinnamon, aii w If plat of salt. three ouacos ot boraeradult Tool it, -isepie- wU) jfccj-raa. ' XLoa, uu is lUcJsa, IS'o, One gallon of vlnftzar- ana Urge r Mill n, ., Mltil.nf nnn , .m w . -... vw w. IV , All. ono larg cup of salt. uma Uittts jud of ausar Tnii u my favorite.' Make a liar ea the puuido of tho spot with jfHB Atv'dfptied, In. d!roforr mod rug Wfttiy tgtMrei tt e&ater of tha apot, Lwtfitf jstarty U fojtfsB &- allowing - VWgtFmi'fiiimWB to take & peek Into tho forbidden cham ber. To havo given her the key to that room, and then to havo told her that she could not go In, was equivalent to putting redolent food under tho nostrils of a starved man and telling him ho must not eat. Forblddon fruits aro sweetest. The grass that wo can't walk on Invariably Is tho grasB that we want to walk on, and tho monkeys that wo aro asked not to feed are always tho onos to whom we would dispense our peanuts. The perverse spirit dovelops early In us. By tho tlmo wo havo arrived at tho novel-reading ago It Is a grown( thing, too far gone for any repression. Tho extraordinary sales of many spicy books aro duo In largo measure to tho fact tliat so many women aro told not to read them. This Is not because wo aro prurlont-mlndcd! it la simply, becauso wo aro porvcrsc. How canny It will bo of men If thoy qutotly and without resistance permit the Word oboy to pass out of tho marrlago service! Herotoforo no woman over thought of obeying hor husband. If sho performed an act that ho commanded It wai becauso sho was so minded to per form It. Tho fact that It was hor duty, her vowed promlso to do his will, was In Itself sufficient excuso for not doing It. Whon "Obey" Is universally eliminated from tho rltu.il I predict a grand era of obedient wives. When It shall bo no longer expected of us that wo bow to tho will of our lords and masters wo will break our necks to oboy their slightest mandate. Let them pass a law forbidding us to hearken to their wishes and, prcstol wo shall bo their slaves forever. M'LISS. regard clety. to the Philadelphia Operatlo So- Dear M'LtsB Would you be ao kind a to tell ma where to buy the rubber garment 1 read fibout In your paperf Also the price, and If It s reliable. 1 am setting bo stoui. and It seems a shame, because I am only nnd am feeling uncomfortable. MRS. 8. O. Your query has been referred to the Fashion Expert, who will, upon receipt of a stamped self-addressed envelope, reply to your query. Alt communication addressed to Marlon Harland ahould Inclose a- stamped, self addressed envelope and a clipping of the article In which you are interested. it to evaporato freely. Hub steadily, but not bo hard as to roughen tho fabric It this be done patiently and deftly, the ring will disappear. Your pickle recipes will be clipped out thankfully and saved by the dozen or more members who have written for methods of putting up cucumbers. You do not say how many cucumbers the pickle Is designed to cover. I tako It for granted that It must He at least an Inch deep above the cucumbers. And are these not pre pared In some way by soaking In brine, etc., for 'a few days before being placed in the pickle? WHIJyou oblige young housewives by writing again upon this head? Sandwich Filling Cheese Moist cottage cheese, rich with cream, makes a delicious filling ; also cream cheese worked soft, moistened with cream. and spread plain or with chopped olives, nuts or celery. Huntington Thla Is Graham bread's best filling. Mash cream cheese well, add about half the quantity of peanut butter, blend thoroughly and season with salt and pa prika. Walnut Mix boiled salad dressing until thick with walnut meats cut fine, and odd one-half cupful ot chopped mint leaves to one-hair cupful of dressing. Dutch Spread one side of the bread with Uverwurst and the other with a cheese paste mixed with French mustard and finely chopped Bermuda onions. Cut into star and heart shapes and servo with radishes and olives. Pimento Butter One-quarter cupful but ter two canned pimentos, salt. Work butter till creamy. Add pimentos pounded to a paste. Season with salt and spread on very thin bread. Apple Take two slices of buttered bread and place between them a thin slice of tart apple which has been steeped In a mixture of lemon juice and sugar for an hour. Boston Press cold-baked beans through a colander; add two tablespoonfuls of horse radish to each cupful of beans. Put them be tween very thin slices of brown bread with butter and little prepared mustard. Cut In fancy shapes. Odd Bookmarker Here Is a ridiculous little trifle that can be slipped Into an envelope aa a reminder for the shut-In or an old person. It Is a small bookmarker made with a half-inch wide piece of aatln ribbon, at each end of which It attached a wolien doll. t may be of black wool or white wool, and Is tied in tassel style, with colored cotton for eyes, nose and mouth. The whole doll Is not an Inch long. Make one yourself with a bit of ribbon and some embroidery cotton. HANDY SHOE BACK Fasten a board alonp & wall, or the door of ypur clothes closet if you prefer, and attach a metal strip as fhowu In tha illustration. You have, according to. Popular Scienco Monthly, a sturdy shoe jack. hMU,UWrAi.J yl strip BTEmHG LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATtJEDAY, SflPlMBBB SEEN IN I. JilFVf (fibttitw Mm Ifil tHSk mm mSKSM iMiHsiefiBi, MMv lilw mm iSl ffll SEEM m'iPWrWWsSSiSra SraiiMalSB ff j7. FALL MODEL IN TAFFETA AFHOCK of taffeta Is always In season. Tho new model shown In tho sketch crosses In tho front of tho waist, glWng it tho long walstllno so becoming to most figures. Tills continues In the back, terminating In two lone; sash ends that cross quite low and tie. Tho back of tha waist ends in n straight piped lino at tho waist proper. Tho bisque-colored collar of georgctto crepe and crossed fold In tho surplice neck aro a becoming touch. The sleeves also aro of georgette crepo tha color of the frocl;. Tho full overdress hangs long over tho plain skirt, pointed back and front and shorter at tho sides. This comes In sizes 34 to 46, nnd can bo had in Copcn, gray, wistaria, navy and black. Tho price is $22. GO. A hat of velvet, with a breast around tho front nnd sides of tho crown and ribbon arranged In a unlquo manner across the back, glvo this Into model nn unusual stylo and may bo worn on many occasions, This may bo had In different colors. Price, $8. Tho name of the shop where these articles may bo purchased will be supplied by the Editor of the Woman's Pago, Evn.viNo LXDocit, COS Chestnut stroet. Tho request must bo accompanied by a stamped sclf-adarcssou. which the article 'appeared. Readers who desire help totth their drets problems will address communications to the Fashion Expert, care of the Editor of the M'oman's Page, the Evening Ledger. Civilized woman enn live without gloves. She has proved It this summer. But eho cannot live Indefinitely without them and maintain her sartorial reputation. More wpmen this summer, perhaps, successfully emancipated themselves from hand cover ing than in any previous season, and yet to witness the crowds surrounding the glove counters and glove Bhops at this tlmo of the year Is to have It Impressed upon ono how wholly uncomfortable they were In their newly achieved emancipation. White pique gloves with black stitching will be exceptionally smart for afternoon wear this fall. Sportsmanlike gauntlets In durable pigskin and heavy leathers have made their appearance for the business and athletic girl. Long gloves for evening wear are on the market, but their general ac ceptance la problematical. The wash glove for practical wear remains as popular as ever. Dear Madam What can I do to restore a dark straw bat It is limp and faded looking, 6nd I want to wear It until late In the fall. io you think a straw hat would look had In October? WOltKINO oilll.. Equal quantities ot brown shollao and alcohol will restore your hat If you want It stiff, add more shellac There are dyeing fluids on the market that may be painted on which also will do the work. They come In all colors. No. Dear Madam What do you do to keep a Flatted aklrt from showing where It la closed have tried all kinds of vents and they all show, the plalte part there and It looks very untidy. Tour advice will be appreciated. BOROTIIT. This Is a common ailment of platted skirts. After this do not open your skirts at the center back seam It you are making In verted or box plaits, but when your skirt Is ready to put on the band, with all the seams stitched carefully and the plaits pinned down securely, slash dawn the right inside crease of the center plait. This makes a closing that will not part It takea half the number of hooks and eyes as tho other, too, Dear Madam I have a small white trirome bat. with which I wear a white veil. It Is made of fins Chantllly lace, and aa It la soiled I am afraid to attempt washing it. la there any way to da this without the veil getting limp and atrlngyt MRU. V, E. When you have let your veil stand In a good whlta Boap solutlun for an hour or so, rinse It put very gently In cold water until the water comes off clean. Then pass the veil through water in which you have boiled ripe, or sugar solution, or a very weak guni arabla solution. Any of theso will stiffen your veil. Stretch It 'on a white linen cloth and pin the corners securely. Iron on the wrong aide. waii Kitchen Hints To enrich tha soil on your flower beds, empty your tea and coffee grounds there. When making an apple pie, sift a little flour over your apples before putting on the top crust and the Juice will not cook out Salt or soda, and a damp cloth will re move stain from dishes. Old magazines or catalogues will save your oilcloth, by using them to set your smutty cooking on. When the top leaf ia soiled It may be torn off. Try using an old pair of scissors to clean small fish. It can be dona more quickly than by using a knife? Newspapers are a better substitute for polishing lamp chimneys, as there is no lint Milk in Hot Weather Milk should bo carefully watched this hot weather. If you run out of tea, boil the mLUf f or s, few pUautea. It wUI be Uas like ly to turn sour then. Keep It covered when In the- !ce-cfet with whit maslln cloth. THE WOMAN WHO SEWS '!5lwsw7Sew THE SHOPS envelope, and must mention tho date on THE CHEERFUL CHEW ------W-------M-------W , Herrily I live, t-loricj lonquanrg my sorrows. Present, woes jt botl-ier me. LiFe, j til tomorrouj, Draft Screen A screen for baby's room to keep off Bneaky drafts Is mado up on a white framework. Pink silk Is used for each panel, with a baby figure In tho center. Where the edges fasten to the screen a banding of pink satin ribbon Is used, knot ted at two-Inch Intervals to glvo a decora tive finish. This screen might very well be mado of a less expensive material, such aa silk muslin or a dainty pattern of cretonne, to bo used for help In baby's bath. The inner sides are lined with pockets which hold all manner of things, which can thus be reached in a Jiffy. At tho samo tlmo thero Is not much danger of baby's catching cold. Marshmallow Whip Doll 2 cups of granulated sugar and L0".1- 0'w,,,er ""til the syrup spins a fine thread; pour this slowly Into the stiff ly beaten whites of 2 eggs: beat until smooth! add gradually 1 pint of whipped cream: flavor with 2 teaspoons of vanilla and a few drops of lemon ; partially freeze M J4 cups of finely cut marshmaN lows and ,. cup of blanched and chopped almonds and continue freezing until firm! Before serving let stand two o? three hou CALlPD.n I irtruvi fiUAL 1 III CBf Perfect Plumbing Supplies Your home will never bo more desirable than the sani tary conveniences with which it is equipped. Do you lmow now to make a satisfactory choice of plumbinjr fixtures? Proven: merit rather than mere claims should be your only consideration. You will appreciate this when you compare ordinary fixtures with our line. Ttsit Ou Eaally lieached Sbewroc-ns HHS nnd '5Q North 5th S. ' Faith Better trust all nnd bo deceived, And weep that trust and that deceiving, Than doubt one heart that If believed, Had bless'd ono's life With true believing. Oh. In this mocking world too fast The doubting fiend o'ertakes our youth I Better be chented to the last That lose tho blessed hope of truth. Frances Anne Kemble. Thread Economy Tho spools of thread used In making clothes are seldom entirely used. Ono clever ..,.. - I,.,, ennnin bv stretching a Slender curtain rod acj-oss tho bottom of the sowing table, and running the spools on It Sho can pick out the one sho wants In a "Jirfy." Tha rod Is fastened to the legs of the table with tho brackets that come with It JDentfjsi fteporteti 2509 Swain at, P., 76 io JT!. ..... .. sWiialn St., Chestnut yrs., 1BU3 h. iiin n, 63d jr.. SIS Mercer at.. LoBHItift1. CArflAnlNB. 413 Leverlnston eve,. lioxoorouzn. t nUADSIIAW. W1LMAM, iinmrrnrrnv. HARAII. 17 mos. 12 days, 71 12. Stratford ave . kansdowne. Pa. CAltRUN, M.. U.. as AKffttaVbS" Wjt 1 N. ""J at. :oauV. 1IAIIHY J., 6023 Word at, asrman- C1IAP.M COAUV COUplIN, RMZATinTH. B&S.i.W'&'hs ... B328 iClnn...lU, DI.UCH, ANNA I)UI8E. IJOI.AN. THOMAH. 662 N. 20th at, UUUUlilSHTT, JAMES, 4 Darby road, Wanercn, Delawarn County. I'o. ,.-.a DICAUON&ITI, UILDA. 21 yrs., 1015 S. Dread DtJCICnTT. HANNAH S 313 N. 8th St.. Cam den . ti. J. . ntivN. jr)Hi:pir. miMKllli'lf. CIIAnLES It,. 5 yrs. ll mot. ENNIS. JIICIIAUU 1802 N. llucknell at. EltwiN. itOltlllH,, o yrs., .212 While Horse rlka, Haddon ilelshts. N. J. r .i:c!ki:n8TeiN, claha, od yri. P .Y. SASURL. 72 yrs K .YNN llLt.A XI . llll Jackson st. 1 l.ll.tl. .HAI.Ij.ll JIO ,. ..ii.. . Ti.tf - ... FltKnil, nONAI.I) W. 8th yr 4428 N, Uber at. OILHEUT, CAItOI.INE. V3 (IINI)lfAltT. IMtAS. CAItllOLL. 13m IT.. 431 la ViilltUIllaJ 1U ll . ... 0(5t5lti;iiy. jaMes V.. 71 yr.. 751 S. 20th at. 1? Tl.ntntiunn at. UltAULH HAItllV V. 8th yr., 1805 Trenton OHKCiprtY. SArtAH J.. 83d rr.... . , HALUKIttiVADT, ULEANOK 1VAIIENE, B wks. HMVllr, It HAtlTLCY. 4832 Hazel ave. HIOSO.V, JENNIE, 30 yra., 85th at. and Erwlf nf, HILL8I.ET. CHATILES It., B0 yrs., 404 Lyceum nve.. ItoxboroUKh. HOr.MANN, KAltl, If. , HOI.LINOaWOItTII, JOHN H 78 yrs., Wa- nxe, imarorn, a. HOOKlir, MAROAItET A., 1248 N. 3 yrs., 18th at. 4 months, IIOWKl.U MILDHED E 1708 N Hydennnm st, HOY. MAUY It., 77 yra., 110 N. 8d St., Camden. HUNN. AI.I'IIONSUS C. 47 rs., 2120 N. 17th. HUTCHINSON. HAMUUL. 20J1 Winter st. HtEIVND, 1SA1JKLLA 78 yrs.. 1700 Mt. Ver- JAHHOW. Trofcssor SOL E 82 yrs., 1209 N. rrnnklln st KELLY, THOMAS J. .... Ki.l.LY. MA11Y JANE. 88 yr .. 1331 Wbar ton st. KENNEY. DANIEL D , 110 S. 23d at. KEOUOII, MAHflAltET C. 1234 Trea St. KltBWSON, HOWAltD II., Jr., 25 yrs., at Wit llamsnort. Pa. IMNDIS. OEOItOE C, 1843 llrown at. I.EESEH. ItEIIKCCA SPONSLEll. L1EHNER, CHAItl.ES, 33 yrs., Cottman st and Hustleton nlko. McELWEE. UANIEL. 2040 Ann at. McOEE, DENNIS. 317 Washington St.. Bris tol, I'd. McKEN.NA. ELIZAHETII A., 2013 Dickinson at. Mac.MUHTlUE. SOPHIA. 80 yra.. 3832 N. Syd enham at. MACKKV. ANNIE. MACNEAL. ISABELLA A.. 7 yrs., 2018 S. llouvler st. MAOAltOLE. FOSTER V., 87 yrs.. 1003 N. r.r.th st. ILVItCUCCOI. ELLEN, 70 yra.. 1025 S. Sar- toln at. MAltKET. MAUY. 1510 Firth at. METZI.EIt. OEOItOE '.. 43 yra., Cresson and Loicrlns sts, Manayunk. MICHEL. ANNA. yrs.. White Ilorsa pike, IlarrlnKton, N. J. NIC1IOLI.S. ANN. NIXON. ALritED T 013 N. Silver St. MULlltNE. HOSE. OlIEItLE, CHAHLOTTE ELIZABETH, 3312 Amuer st OQDEN. JOHN W., 1034 E. Madison at, rA'rnuisoN eliza j. PEHltBTT. WILLIAM STANLEY, 28 yrs., 2002 N l!7th St. rniCE, CALEB THOMAS, 1731 N, Park ave. KAINIEH, JOSEPH i REEVES, ADEI.LA. ItK.MENTEH ANNIE. 8122 Custer at. ROOAN, THOMAS, 2232 Sears st. RUTllEnroilD. WILLIAM. 452 E Thompson st. ltOTIIEItMEL. JESSE K., (I yrs.. 77 Oarfltld at. RUSSELL, AONE8 A. RUTH, MAROAHET E., 2020 Turner ef. unirtihli I nilmuiit ikf aari XT nil. nL-ii.in;iiij, v.JuviaiiAii. t.nu i, utu mi, BCHONER8TEDT, WILLIAM. 201 N Randolph, SEITZ. ROSINU M SO yrs., 4012 N. Mar shall, st. SHEAHAN, Brother ANTHONY, 42 yrs. SHAW, .WILLIAM J 00 yrs. SLATER. MATILDA. STEPHENS. JOHN Jr.. 2347 E. Albert st. STUART. HANNAH W., 7IB W. Lehigh avi. TERRETT, WILLIAM STANLEY. 28 JT8.. 200: N. 27th. MUSIO Y. M. C. A. 1431 Arch St. SCHOOL OF MUSIC TWENTY COURSES VOCAL and IN8TRUMKNTAI, Open to men, women and children Instructors are leaders la the musical world. SEND FOR BOOKLET ECKWER'S Philadelphia Musical Academy 1617 Spruce street. 48th season opens September 7tb. Branches 0020 Oer- mantown Ave.. nt32 Hnriien Rt. 1.7ml. nent Artists In Faculty. Prospectus. Labor's Issues as Gompers Sees Them 1ABOR DAY, 1916, en j tcrs with one of the most critical political campaigns since the Civil War period. The president of the American Federa tion of Labor has seized the occasion to review the progress of labor in the past year. He finds in it much to cheer and encour age the trade unionist. Whether one be employer or employe, the observa tions of thia famous labor leader will prove interest ing, particularly his hearty indorsement of the legisla tive achievements of the political party now in power. Read the article by Samuel Gompers in TOMORROW'S PUBL1Q fe$j LEDGER Aimn T-t.T.WM ANDREWS. HAMUHU, A8HL.KT. MAIIV i... u ASUUlTlt. ANNIE I... IlATllzKL,. MINNIE C. 1910. nnAtlis. THOMAS, Mcon lf S2JJ .""n "K TO ?!Kft MAn?g&feh.s at. toI'an, nEuiiRN w so m. rrnifAW T.lt.t.IR. SO TOMtlNRON UKOrtO itnltiur MAtlV AN ifenUNKMN, S JT . tTMiiitfr 'iAi?v. ft4 vrs. van mi:ti:ii. joei. w. Broad st. below WAt.LACB. JOSEPH, H,Trtf ' Va KtfSn. iiAiAhiNE. U. ",. .MWr4rTl4 jm.. 2d st sad ni.ii. li.ll ve . Mircus iioum -.. r.i., ,wwv?.":r-.,,.- ,. WASHtNOTON BN1LB. fiLWBAAlK,S; " m. 20.0 N. WIMjWmsON. JAMES. 123 W. Lancaster ave., Wl7.st"v; GLADYS Jf.. 4 mo. 9 days. WOOsftAMl'cftinACE. 21 yr., 2854 N, 7th St. JSzntltf nUKDEN On September 1, 1M0, TETTA, widow of fiitmuel iniden. neUtlves and friends aro Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, on Sunday, at 11 b. m., at the Pfrlofi of itorrla Hos'nbers'a, Son. 2009 N. liroad st. interment at Mt. Slnal Cemetery. nrtATJSIlAW On Sertember 1. 1018, WILLIAM riltl AHSIIAV. I-unner mui lea of the funeral will te inn from tne unver 11. iiair " nitAnONRTTI. On Atimiet 81. lfUd.OILDA infr. ikvii I'nainiiE R. DRAOONETTI. beloved daught.r of qenerow and Maria Dragonettl (nee i Slercnioi. ngea i years. Relatives and friends are Invited to at. lend tho funeral service, on Monday, at 8 a, m from her late resldencs. lfllO South "road at, High renulem mass at .10 a. m. at hi. nitn'a Church, Broad and Ellsworth sts. In terment at Holy Cross Cemetery. . OtVItMiV. On August 80. 1010, JAMES V. V OURLEY. aged 71 years. Relatives and I,.?nds, also Williamson Lodge, No. 809. F. and A. M.t Mary Commandery No. 30, K. T and Philadelphia Royal Arch Chapter. No. Ot. are Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Mondav, at 2 V. in... at his residence, 781 a. 20th st. interment at Mount Morlah Cenifltnry. Remains may be vlo'vrd Sunday, from 7 to 0 p. m. HOOKEY. On August 30, 1010. MAROARET A.. Widow of John A. Hooke. Relatives i and friends, also Married Ladles' Sodality of. the Church of tho Ocsu are. Invited to attenil tho funeral, on Monday, at 8.30 1 a. m from her late realdenca, 1248 N. 18th. at. Sol emn requiem mnss nt tho Church of the Oesu nt 10 n. m. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. Automobile funeral. HOWELL. On ScptemW 1. 1010, MILDRED E., daughter of William . II. and Rachel Howell. V 1708 N. Sjdenham at,, naed 8 years and 4 months . Interment at Northwood Cemetery, No funeral HUTCIIINHON. on August 81. lOiO. SAJIUEL. son of tho lato James and Theresa F. Hutch inson. The rtlatlNes.ond friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on .Tuesday. . nt n:J(l precisely, from his lato residence. 2021 Winter st. Interment private, Remains may be viewed Monday, between 7 and 0 P. m. KELLY. On September 1, 101(1, MARY JANE, widow of John Kelly, In her 88th year. Rela tives and frlenda are Invited to attend tha funeral services, on Tuesday, September G, at 2 p. m.. at her lato residence, 1331 Wharton at. Interment at JR. Morlah Cemetery. . LAMMS. On August 31. 1010. OEOROn C, husband of Rose Landis ,(n"e Shannon) and son ot tna lato Amos anu Liiznoem ianais. Relathes nnd friends of the family, also mem bers of tho Caledonian Lodges, Nos. O and 7, axe Invited to attend the funeral services, on Sunday, at B p. m., at his lato residence. 1342 Brown st. Interment at Monument Cemetery. U:r.SKR. On August 31. 1010. REBECCA SPONSLER LEESER. Relatives nnd friends nro Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Saturday, at 8 p. m., nt tho Oliver J. Balr Building, 1820 Chestnut st. Interment at liar rlsburg, Pa Train leaves Broad Streot Station Sunday at 8:40 a, m. LIEIINKK. On August 81. 1010. CHARLES, beloved husband ot JTnlda Llohncr (nco Miller), nnd aon of Anna Wagenbaur and tho latn Frank Llehncr, aged 33 scars. Relatives and friends aro Invited to nttend tho funeral serv Icea, on Sunday, at 2 p. m., at his late resi dence. Cottman st. and Buntleton plkev Auto mobiles will meot friends at Frankford trolley depot, from 1 until 2 p, m. Interment prlvato, Northwood Cemetery. LOKWENSOIIN. On September 1. 1010. AL FRED, husband of Theresa Locwensohn, nerd 40 oars. Relatives and friends are Imtted to attond tho funeral services, on Monday, nt 10 o'clock precisely, at the parlors ot Mor- COMPARE THE SCHOOLS Strayor's Business College has crown faster than any other Busi ness School In Philadelphia. Reasons It Is more progressive. Xeachoa tho up-to-date methods and machines. Employs only experts us teachers. Develops higher skill in Its students and ffsts larger salaries for them. Is envied anil slandered by Jealous competitors, bnt not withstanding this continues to arrow rapidly because it renders Its pa trons better service than any other school ia the city. All former students recommend it Every family that sends one child sends others. Absolutely non-sectarian. Positions positively guaran teed and procured. Strictly ono price. Charges moderate. Day and Night School open now. Send for ca talon. Strayer's Business College 801-807 Chestnut St., Phila., Walnut 88 Main 28-00 PHILADELPHIA SCHOOL OP COMMERCE AND ACCOUNTS Prepares for higher business and ex ecutlto positions. lIlllh'.r.A5:.ountancy for P. P. A. Hclentlflo Management, Commercial andl Banking Credits. Economics Law Investments. Real Lstata Conveyancing. Advertising Salesmanship. Public Speaking. ComVnerclal Rnirllah orelgn. Trade Modern Languages. 1421 Arch St. Write Booklets S53 atudents last season. Expert In. airuciors. J23 otner courses rCommercta!, Engineering, Preparatory. Mualo. Register Sept. 3-30. Begin Oct. 3. University of Pennsylvania Wharton 'anff gI Commerce Registration 7 to 1) P. M. Sept. 18 to JO. . .. ,ercept Saturday. Accounting, Ilnance. Adrertltlng and Belling. Young Ken and Boya KKNNKTT SQUARE. PA. Cedarcroft School' Select a achool for your boy away from the contagions of the city. Place him In a achool which affords an ideal place for study, health and recreation. Put Elm In a borne school where there Is an Intimate association b"tw.,n f"8 naatar and tha boy. At Cedar. S-rh0iLb?.,a.".uri!1 "t ever ,ucl? advantage, mWrU Phaifahdr.phar..evry 'U bo"' ai BETnTTtlKU. FA. Bethlehem Preparatory School JohnD.Tuttey.M.A..u;admaster.llthleuem."i! I-ANCABTEBf PA. fba: ANHU 41S. I Jin. couegea auart NEWTON. M. J. fsesasssssss BORDENTOWVr w slur. wi aagf. sjx5 Frmclpa.Bord,V9wycf0lfh,t?j; Tha ?Jnii BMIMTOWN, K. J. BLAIRSTOVN. N. J. uS!" Wto tlL0"pto "0 its campus of one hundred acres. it iolpinjf, and enJov ItVhM iif fi ne,(l3 "? two-hundred-acre farm ad Northern New Je?se", beauWuI pceaery " the healthful highlands cf and wncrreUhc nioaUy f fireproof stoat tories, the wwSLKiff DonnitorTea, Reci&tion Hall, Labor, to the mile. J. with its running track of fifteen Upa lor tec,I! SSoJff 'wriSf Ji 'Jf8,11 education and preparation tor col- tor youwelt cnoou- w" or catalog then. U possibtt. SffSo school awl JOUNC,snARPE,LL,D. DftATMS rli Rosenberg's Sort. 4003 ' R Broid lJI torment at Bodef Bhalosn Cemetery-, 5 rowgato-. " MAOAROIEr-pn August St. 1018, FoaTEn n-91 husband of .Margaret jrnnla Manreie, rtl !ll years. Relatives and friends are JnTitel ull attend the .funeral services, Monday 'I ill I. in., at hl late, residence, looa W. VJil st. Inwrmnt .Pwe. iiemama rety ltd , ""? -"'.. 3" -".. -" R YIOWCU OtmuaJI -. '" - ri lagarg e, sgea tit ycarj ue(atlres A Jiends are-invited tr, attend tho. f uneraf sSS friends Ices, on Monday , at J P. m.. at ws 1 r, jiannai 1 1tfl Automobllo service. , " aiinmiBm prititr JIIC1IEL, On August 30. inio, ANNA. ttMrf f oV WSa ifielitl. aged 04 ,.... fflfiS .., f.l.ni nrA nn Monday, nt.8 ft. t 8 ft. m.. from heV 1.,r. doner, wnuo iioraj. pinv, JBrrington, N. it Requiem, masj at St. Rosa of Lima ChnreH Haddon. Heights. N. J., at 11:30 a m. pSl c sely. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery, a Whit Horse pike. Barrfngton, N. NIXON. On. August 31. 1016, ALFRED t1 husband of Martha .Nixon. Relatives J friends, also Perkins Lodgo, No. 402, p 153 A. M." are Invited tooatten(l tho funeral teVlv Ices, on Monday, at 2 o. m., at his late tSQ dence, 918 W, SlUer at, Interment prlvitij RAINIF.R. On Aurujt 81, 1016. J09EPOI j.j RAINIER, aon nt the lato Jedlah and AnrJs Rainier. Relatlvei; and frlenda are Invited ti from the rceldence of his brother-fn'. Nathaniel cottingnam, niio weaar St. Inte- Sunday, after 7 p. m ROTIIEUMEL. On August 01, lptO. JE8SJJ 88BK3 son of Kilns nnd Mary ' . ..wvn Rothermel, years, "leaellJS'a'rinrajiMlff iiA.mnriown are Invited to attend tha f.,.1 Relatueant , friends, aiso aervlces. on Mondiy. nt 2.p. m.,at his m,a nta' ri.slilpnc. 77 Uarneld St.. Ufrmaitll J Remains may be lewed Sunday, from 7, to i j p. in, RUTH. On Augujt lift, 1010, MAROARET B.; wlfo of Joseph F. Ruth and daughter of fie l.t- Infcn nml Tll2nheth tllffslnn 1(.l..llr and frlenda are Invited to attend th funerili on Mond-iy. nt 8:30 n. m.. from her late tttW denca. 2920 Turner st. Solemn requiem maw1 at tho Church of the Molt 1'reclous Bloed at 10 a, m. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery, 4 SHAW On. Hcptemtwr l, luiu. WIL.LIAM MHAW. SR.. aged 00. years Tho relating and f.-'enda aro Invited to attend the .funeral aervlces. on Monday, at ll n.,m.i at tha rul denco of hli daughter. Mrs. William, J, StrtetV lolu Fs luin ue. iiinjimttit, vi ivuie. SIIEIIAN- On Septc "'iNTfinvv HltEAII.' lember 1, .1010 Brother IAN, nged 42 years, nla.: fives and friends nre Invited to nttend aoierral requiem mass at St. Thomas'; Church, Villi, nova, on Aionuay, ui vn, m. iniermcni at SLI Thomas's Cemetery. Vlllnnora. J STITART. On Semrnroer I, 1010. HANNAHS W widow of William J. Stuart. Duo no-S tv,, W100W or miam j. Oman, uuo no-B lice of the funernl will bo, given, from h3 ate residence, 710 W. Lehigh ave. j tlce late THOMAH. On August ai. ,1010, JArpB 1,1 1IIOMAS, husband, nt Margaret Thorau,! Relathes and friends aro Invited to attend tne runerui servicco, 1 services, on Sunday, at 2 p. nul residence, 2223 Hunting Park an.1 private, at West- Laurel Hill Ctm nt nis iaio rci Interment prli tery. iiNiiuii. un Hepiemocr i. miu. at ner mil residence. 035 Carpenter lane, Mt. Alrri nor Unruh, aged 84 ycara. Relatlyea. aaf friends aro Imltcd to attend the funerat, cji Monday, nt 11 a. m., at tho Church of Unl Brethren (Dunkard), Main abovo SharpntciE st,, Ocrmantawn, whero remains may bil viewed. iinli,VVrm Aiimiat 31. 1010. MARY AVMI widow of Peter ifrbany. Relatives nnd frlMoif are mitea io nueno. ino lum-mi, .uonoay.AtiG 0 a. m.. from tho residence of her. son, Veins Urbany, 2718 Annln at. (27th nnd Ellsworlal sts)). solemn requiem mars nt St. Anthonfll Church nt 10:30 a. m. Interment at llolj uross emeLerjr, VAN JIETER. On September 1. 1010. JOEC W.. aon of tho lato Joel W, and Amanda J,a van .Meier liormeny pi wrm .ncFier, i'a It rtniHtites nnd friends, also Havcrford CounelL- No. 002. O. I. A., nnd members of tho I'enna,! R, R. Relief Association, aro Invited to attend thn funeral service, on Monday, at 2 d. m.. ill tho residence of Mrs. psterlicldt. 1328 N. AIU.B Bon et, interment privuio. itemains may til vlewca sunaay. irom t io u p. m. WOLF. On August 31, 1010, BELLE O., wldewl of George A. Wolf. Relatives ami friends art! invuea io aiienu ino lunemi services, ea Monday, at s p. m.. at tna u liver II. Dr Building, 1820 Chestnut St. Interment U Mount Morlah Ccmatery. . -f M BANKS Trains younp; women In busi ness and business methods, nnl prepares them for dignified sell support nnd Independence. Day School starts Sept. 5th Nltht School sturts Sept. Oth Enter any time 025 Chestnut Street Spring Garden Institute Broad and Sprint Garden. Fhlla. ATTTOMOntr.T! ELECTRICITY MAC!!. SHOP PRACTICE ARCHITECTURALa xiAfit sunn math. iinnir Ti.r.ns -2 PATTERN SHOP PRAC. AIHTII.. AI.QKBIUSi MIXIIANIUAI, ll KHUU U,UJJE.iHI HAND UltAWIKQ EXCEPTIONAL FACILITIES & EQUIPMENT.I Day and Evg. Write for Illustrated Booklet, jj Commercial Ennllsh A course of collego grade for unl" . I veraity men. salesmen ana ojneri business men. Only couraa of 1U kind In tha HtatA. Pnmnleta In 0US & 1 jear, one night a week. Instructor"! la x.naiiaii specialist. Auuiuii w,w' i crate. 123 other high-grade couriu '.' Commercial engineering irepr atory Music. 1 Register Bept. 23-30. Renin Oct. 7. . FRIENDS' SELECT SCHOOL iinvaiin v. taxi! KTintri "Almost a Country Hchool" on tha Parkway, ,K rkvray, .a is r tiro eta- f 9 andlllA. I id gtnirsl ' I Ith ittsri'c I inorougmy mouern nay scnooi wttn over two tunes or wormy iraanions, Elementary a School departments. Emnhaals on broad culture nnrt fltmnln Chrimttnn llvlnc. with rei for tha needa and aptitudes nf eaob child. Cats- '"' legua. WALTER V. HAVILAND. Principal. J; Ffll ENDS' CENTRAL And Its Elementary uraes of education fre Schools oner gri :radl courses of education from kindergarten to col- lege. mo. 5 Schools epen sua JOHN W. CflRR, Ph. D., Principal f 1BTII AND RACE STS.. PHILADELPHIA tiik nnr.iAV HPiinnr. 2S0t IValnut Bt., l'hlla.. Pa. Montessorl throurt, ' sui lvainut nt., l-tiua.. i'a. Monteason tnreusa. :ollege Preparatory. General course. Doml! 1 , Iclenne, Strong Junior Dent, for boys and glrls'; EI.iaIIKTII W. IIHALeV, A. II.. Principal J i;ouege i'reparaio scienc TE,CHEKS for schools and schools for.teaen-jj ers: free to employers. Nat'l Teachera' Ajy., -J D. II. Cook, 837 Parry Bldg. Bpruca 27ii... &. Private Leasona Stenography. Engllah. Court reporting, 824 Hale Bldg.. 1328 Chestnut. . Young Ladles and Olrla MISS HILLS' SCHOOL 1808 RPKITflTC NT. n-wAntv.ffM.rth vpir. Prlmarv. .Tnnlnr anH Hanln. nAnnptmcntJ.i Little boys from S to 10 years of age are re-jj ,c.4 4,1 in -rimary Bcnooi. wertincata auni' to Mount Holyolte. Smith. Swarthmore. VaM' w v. UCBle'a woe garaen ana gymnasimu. Mrs. Lyman. Silas Jones, Principals, JlAH LINE BRANCH ARIDIIIHR. IA. Thlrrf v..r Montessorl-Klndergartsn receivea children t!t tween the ages ot 8 and 6. The Primary School'-; admlta boya between the age o 10 and (frU ? Slra. Lyman, MUs 6 teen, Principal!. OYERBROOK, PA. 11IHR RAVtVAim'fl drnnnr. vim mulA OverbrooW. Pbliu,, Pa. College Preparatory. j Special Courses. Junior and Musical Depart-a-! menta. Athletics. Domestto Science. CarrlMj; Sftlla for. ntinlla In Ilala r-wnuut Krrlni sal ynneflald. Miss 8. Janet Sarward. PrlocliaL. . SWARTHMORE, PA. XIUJ MARY LYON SCHOOL A Country fletfjl ,if U a College'rown. College Prp. Csrtlf. VV-JBM General and Pinlbln Courses. Op tor, for JrS vuu. vuBBnw iq evtry aiz giruj. vp-t elaasrms. aSYUif OABLBll. our Jr. 8ohotjjir S'rls o Hi sev.eom.eqvt. II.M.CrlI.A.B..yM t.a L.Crl.t.A.B..Prlna. Box 180g.gwarthiuara.fa-. TOBBESDALK. PA, "fiHESSOHI PRIMARY 10 TKACHKB laaisuy SCHOBIy Address Mrs. ;. i 4 4fiSnfS"' Sf"-Torn.da1. Hou. BrWolji wayW. WW a,t aVWtfBamaasl, Sm 3 Voting Men and Boya a I Uaadoaaaur, BtaUatown. . jr. " vri voeiv tdi,t raM tkJ pg War Qau ,i miwi 'B!9fe7ffa)a's-Iflft, . Mu-vi aitos ,.
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