tp3WFF "Sf S-!r--5rK ? IWiA- P'f 9, 1 4; SOARING LIVING COST DUE TO NATURAL LAW, SAYS FEDERAL EXPERT Chief of Crop Estimate Bureau Explains High Prices by Small Supply and Big ger Demand SITUATION TO IMPROVE WASHINGTON, Auir. 24. The super high cost of living t not hero to stny, Is turdy circumstantial nnd Is readily trace bis to tlio basic laws of supply and demand. That was the statement today of I.con M. Estabrook, chief of the United States Bureau of Crop Estimates, authority on food suply. Whllo the prices of food should be prop erly expected to advance commensurately with the, rising prosperity of the country, -to keep pace with the general rise In prices on all commodities, the present abnormal prices on many staples will adjust them, gelvc with nnother season, Cstabrook said. Soaring price of grain, he said, nre dl rectly duo to the big falling oft In produc tion In nlmost every class, taken In connec tion with tho bumper outputs of the last two years. Two exceptional crops, Chief Estabrook said, were tho basis of tho na tion's prosperity during tho last two years, creating n greatly Increased demand. CoBt of handling In such bulk was much low ered nnd tho wheat market was adjusted to larger output. Tho sudden decrease In pro duction this year has naturally sent prices skywnrd. Tho Jump In tho price of beans from 5 cents laBt yenr to 11 cents now is another example, ISstabrook said, of Increased de mandfrom tho nrmlcs In Kuropo nnd on the Mexican border with curtailed produc tion, duo to unfavorable weather conditions, Prices on vegetables nre purely seasonal and local, ho snld. The season of 1916, un usually cool, witnessed n. bumper vegetable crop In nearly nil sections. Tho present season has been anything but favorable for truck gardeners, Hence, sustained demand, curtailed output higher prices. Tho constantly rising price of meat re lulls, Chief Estabrook said, from n gradual falllng-oIT In production, with the always mounting demand that has been noted dur ing the last ten years. Intimation that the half dozen largo packing houses, which nave a virtual monopoly, have controlled prices of cattlo on tho hoof to such an extent that the cattlo Industry has proven unprofitable was made by I'stabrook. Cattlo raisers, ho said, have for tho last ten years complained that they wcro un able to obtain sulllclcnt money from tho packing houses to nniko tho business mod erately lucrative. The surest confirmation of prlce-flxlng, In Kstnbrook's opinion, Is tho fact that ranchers nro dropping cattle raising In Increasingly large numbers, until today there arts fewer cattlo on tho hoof than thoro wcro six years ago. RIVER FETE FOR VISITORS Spectacular Demonstration Planned for Waterways Meeting Moro than BOO motorboats nnd yachts ire expected to participate ' In the river .demonstration to be held on tho evening of September 13 In connection tho tenth annual convention of tho Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association. Tho demonstration will bo made between Brtdesburg and Vino street, a distance of about six miles. Under tho arrangements completed Inst night, tho boats will form In squadrons, under tho respective yacht inci motorboat clubs, and proceed down tho river to Vino street, where tho city will give a flrcworks display. All -along tho shores on either side of tho river, red lights and flrcworks will bo act off at Intervals of 10 feet. Two rcvenuo cutters will net as" A patrol for tho demonstration. THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON, Aug. 24. For eastern Pennsylvania: Generally fair tonight and Friday, warmer In north east portion tonight; warmer Friday; light south winds. Tho western cool area crossed tho Alle gheny Mountains yesterday afternoon nnd last night and has caused a return to sea sonable tempcrnturcs along tho middle nnd north Atlantic slope. The drop In tempera ture In eastern New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersoy averaged nbout 14 de crees. A slight reaction to warmer Is re ported from the upper J-ake region, but In general tho temperatures are seasonable In all of tho northern States. It Is moderato ly cool throughout tho cotton belt. Light lain attended the cooling In the Atlantic States, nnd showero In tho Gulf States. U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin Observations taken at 8 a. m., eastern time. 1-ow , 8 last nntn- Veloe- Iti . r n.iti. 111. un, vinu ny. ivrmner ., i,u, WW, , , , ,11) 11 Atlantic city ., TO (10 Jlalttmore, lid... us ill) Bismarck. N. I, 611 54 loston. Miss .. 74 t)3 llurtmlo. N. Y. . (10 ns Charleston. S. C. SO 78 Chicago, ill. . ., U3 lit) Cincinnati, O. ,, ai r,l Cleveland, O, ,, ttl nil Psnvsr, Col. ... 84 B B roll. Mich. .. 01 (III Ualtrston. Tex., 78 78 JUrrljburff, l'a (III (14 lalterua, N. c. 7U 74 eiiii n. a. . . nu ui .lttltna, Mont, ., n4 r4 lluron. a. D 00 04 wtmiiauuiia. inn .11, . . ,v Jaelfflnnvllln T?ln TU tl ni 11' Kanaas City ..00 04 '.. HW t, i "" " ", " J--0 .02 .01 .04 nw i: NV . NW 1 mv . NW . V ftw W N HW . . H 10 W 14 NB .. NW .. NW .. W SW 12 NW 10 W 12 12 C ear Clear flnar Clear Cloudy Clear rnr Clear I'leir r.Cldy L'leur Clear 1 Cldv C ear oudy oudy ear ear .01 ,6i Little ltock. Ark 04 04 I-os, Angeles ... (10 HJ IjouIjvIIIo. Ky. ,. ill (in Jlontj-oniery. Ala 72 70 fiontrrul. Can. . na M Nashvlll. Tenn. 02 60 New Orkann , . 7H Til New York city. . 0(1 CO Norfolk;. Va. ... 72 (18 Oklahoma City . (10 BO Omaha. Neb. ,, (HI UI Philadelphia .,,. H lid CIS?1- LArl- " J'lttiburcb .... 08 04 i urtmna. 3ie, , . uu uu ,eu w , . i-ioua Portland. Ore. . . 00 Clear UUet),, Can R,l Kit tf lluilP NW NW N B vr .. NE N NW .20 N .. W . . NW .02 NW '.'. W .BO N ID C ear c ear Clear 1M idy Clear cloudy Clear Clear clear Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear l'.CIdy Cloudy ClAfir Cloudy it I nnlo ' aa a.l t. Paul. Minn. 01 02 gait Lake city, 00 Oil Ban Antonio ... 72 72 sn Pranclaco . , BO BO Santa ft. N, XI, B2 B2 8a. ate. Marie,, 02 B8 r.a.t.uu, m, . . u uu W . . Clear NW 10 Cloudy 8B . . Clear NK . . C ear SW 10 Cloudy NU . . Clear W .. Ilaln ,UO i . . . iuvuj ,112 NW 10 Clear :o86 jiampa. i'ia. ... mi 1 .u- nv iu uiear Wa.himton .,,60 64 ,04 NW in Cleur Wlnnlpcr, Can. , B4 80 ,. NW 10 Clear Vallev Forge FOR A DAY'S OUTJNQ lllSTOUIC.VL yiJUCATIONAI Special OjNE-DAY FARES Saturday and Sunday Labor Day ON TIIH MAIN LINK OV TUB Philadelphia &ReadingRy. I' 1 n.imirtm II H. LW.tJin uiiniyf v, JDVEisriNa ledgbet-philadelihia, Thursday, AtjaxisT 24 torn 8 Notice to members of Fraternal Orders THE department of Fraternal News will until further notice be printed only in the first editions on Monday and Thursday, This chanKe in the method of publication is made lcnifnr3f -bY.tho reduction in size Jt Iniladelphia newspapers, agreed to by nil publishers; to meet the serious condition created by tho shortage of news-print paper. In mir t0 surc oi fraternal news editions place an order with your newsdealer now. POLICE TURN CRUSADE AGAINST VICE HOTELS Will Take Action Against Estab lishments Where Law Is Not Observed The pollco In their crusade on vice will net ncalnst certain hotels nnd lodglnc houses which havo ton? been used In tho practice of vice. Tlint Is the latest develop ment In tho vice situation. Since tho ble raid July IB dctrctUcs havo been watching former InmnteH of tho Tenderloin nnd havo trnced them to hotels Tho Btatcment of n New York nsslntiint district attorney that 75 wemen wanted na witnesses In the New York vlco probo had como to Philadelphia nnd wcro comfortably located hero was not commented on by any Philadelphia odlclnl. As much ns nny ono would say wns that If they cimo here they wero living: In ncconlitnco with tho law. The Now York nsslstnnt district attorney said that the women wero to bo found In tho Tenderloin here. "GIVE ME MY SON," SHE UEGS . Mother Weeps for Lad Who Enlists in Marine Corps A mother felt into hyxterlcal weeplnir nt the otneo of tho Joint committee of Council:! on soldiers' relief nnd hud to bo removed to her homo In a hnlf-ronsclous condition. In Yiddish sho said her only son and sup port had run nway n week auo. Yester day n friend received n card from him say Ins he had enlisted In tho United Ktnte.i Marine Corps. Chief Clerk Hall said tho Councils' committee could only rIvo her money. "I only wnnt my son," the mother cried. Mayor Smith expects to realize several thousand dollars for tho citizens' soldiers' aid commlttco Saturday nftemoon from tho Straubrldeo & Clothier employes' caino and the outdoor entertainment nt Slxty-thlnl and Walnut streets. Tho total contribu tions of tho day wcro $290. Thirtieth Ward Democrats Organize Democrats of tho Thirtieth Ward, rep rcscnttnff virtually every division, met hist night nt Twentieth and Chrlstlnn streets nnd orsanlzcd n Woodrow Wilson Cam paign Club, with these officers- Daniel P. Carlln, president; Michael J. OeraRhty nnd Joseph I Galen, vlco presidents; Michael P.. Korwlck, secretary, and Michael Oorm ley, treasurer. Tho club will hold weekly meetings until tho November election. ZZ t SISTERS WED AT SAME TIME Misses Alice (above) and Knth erine Roiningcr, of -1230 Terrace street, were married yesterday, respectively to Augustus McDovltt, of 201 Hermit street, and Charles Helms, of Haines street and Ogontz avenue. Tho former acted as guardian for her younger sister. WIDOW (JETS UTTERMOST CENT" Estate of Allen F. Horton Goes Wife, With Exception of $100 for Cemetery to Tho will of Allen F. Horton, who died on AitRUst 10 nt .171 (loirtn avenue, Mount Airy, benucaths his estate to his widow, Mnry McC. Horton, "to tho uttermost cent," with tho exception of $100 set nsldo for tho care of a cemetery lot. His will wns pro bated today. Tho valtio of tho estate Is not Rien. Other wills probated included thoso of Caroline Collmar, nsio Pino street, $23,325; Samuel K McIClnney, Sr., 170 Calumet street, $11900, and Chrlstianu UerRer, who died In Westmont. X. J., $3000. C& Sfc. CENTS ni mm 'am gap r 5 Cents rette for o u 71BA. The m ci9arette mm NEW $25,000,000 LOAN FOR FRANCE ARRANGED New York Bankers Complete Negotiations Cash to Buy American Merchandise NHW YOntC, Aug. 21 Brown Brothers & c o. have) nnnnunred tho completion of negotiations for the extension of a second commercial credit to France. Tho now CI7i, . or 25-n(0.000 and wns arranged with 10 French banks, under the nusplces of tho llanque of France, to facilitate tho export to Franco of mi equivalent ninount of American merchandise. The new credit rtm.i for ono year nnd Is to bo nvnllcd of by 00 day sight drnfts It Is secured by collatcrnt. consisting of French Government bonds, which nro held in Now York, nnd payment In gold nt New ork nt maturity Is guaranteed by tho Ilnnquo of France. A number of other firms nnd banks participate with llrown brothers & Co. In tho advance. It was Just a year ago that France nrratifiod n 5i5!! con"crclnt credit here for $20,. 000,000. This has not yet expired. It was said and tho advance made under it nro beliiR repaid a fast ns they fall due. ., ..'' ,!111.'' crcill. Fiance's borrowltiffs In the I tilted States since tho outbreak of war totnl nearly $600,000,000. 1 Wl ? fjlll NAVY SOON TO ASK BIDS FOR BIG SHIPS Department Will Advertise for Superdreadnought Construc tion Immediately Bill Is Signed tho WASHINGTON'. AllR. it. When navy bill Is siRiied by President Wllann nt'xt week, the Xnvy Department will ad vertise Immediately for bids for tour super dreadnoughts. Ulddlng wilt closo two months later At about tho same time plans for tho new battlccrulsers will bo completed, tho department hopes, nnd bids will then bo nsked on these, with n two months' limit. As nt present contemplated, the four new drendiioURhts nnd four battlecruisern will be built In prlvato ynrds, but If the bids do not come within the leRnl appropriation or seem to the navnl authorities to bo ex. orbitant the vessels may be built In Gov ernment jnrds under presidential authorization. Jurist and It. It. Builder Dead Ni: YOHK. Aur. 21. Kx-Justlce of Spo clal Scssloni Kllzur H, Hinsdale Is riend nt I'enn Ynii, N. Y at tho nRo of 84. Ho wns ono of the men who helped to found tho Itcpubllcan party, and was well known ns n Jurist and n railroad builder. CAPTAIN LEWIS S. MOHEY CARRIZALFIGHTHERO DETAILED AT CHESTER War Department Appoints Cap tain Morov Professor at Penn sylvania Military College JAPANESE DOMINATE SHIPPING OF PACIFIC "Two Per Cent of "Vessels Fly U. S. Flag Orientnls, 55 Per Cent Cnplaln Lewis S. Morcy. 10th Cavalry, U. H. A , who was wounded In the flKht nt Carrlznl, Mexico, has been detailed by tho War Department ns professor of mllltniy science nnd tactics nt the Pennsylvania Military ColleRe nt Chester. nccordlnR to an order received from Washington todny. Captain Morey Is nt Columbus, New Mexico. Tho announcement wns hailed nt the col Icro today with dcllRht. The appointment of n man who has Just como from tho Held of notion 1-1 welcomed by the faculty nnd student body alike. Captain Morey Is expected to report to Colonel Charles 13. Hyatt, president nnd commandant of the colleRe, next week. Ho will succeed Lieutenant Cnrl A. Hnehr, 22d Infantry, IJ. S. A. Captain Morey was one of the three white olllcnrs of the 10th Cavnlry who were fired tipnn by Mexicans nt the recent ilfiht at Carrlral. Captnlu Morey wns wounded In tho shoulder nnd was Riven up ns lost, but Inter was found by a rescuing party nfler ho had Ix'eii 2J hours without water. His companions, ('nptnlu Boyd nnd Lieutenant Adair, wero killed. Hit by Trolley in Dodging Auto Whllo crossiiiR Broad street nnd Germnn town nenue Inst tilRht. Mrs IlrldRct Mcln tyre, II years old. of 1431 Lycoming street, was knocked down by a southbound trol ley enr on Oermaiitown avenue. Tho wom an was picked ui by witnesses of tho ac cident and token to Kt. Luko's Homeo pathic Hospital, where she Is suffcrliiff from a fractured skull and bruises. WASHINGTON, Aur. 24. Tho American merchant flap has nlmost dlsnptfearfd from tho Pnclflo Ocean, while Jnpancso shlppinR has advanced until moro than half tho ton nnRO of tho western ocenn now Is In the hands of the Orientals. This situation, brought nbout by tho Eu ropean wnr, has been confirmed by the spe cial Investigation of trnnspai'flc shipping completed by the Department of Commerce today Urltlnh merchant marlno tonnage nlso has declined, but In splto of tho war the British today still Is flown In tho Pacific by n fair-sized merchant fleet. Before tho war the United States, Great Britain nnd Jnpnn shcd tho transpacific tindc. United States tonnage amounted to 21 per cent! British, 3D per cent; Japanese, 33 per cent; with tho rest scattering. Tho report on tho shipping Investigation, which will be mndo public In nbout 10 days, will show that American tonnngo has fnllen oft to 2 per cent nnd British to 30 per cent. Japanese tonnage, however, has Increased until It now amounts to Sr per cent. Tho department nlso hns reports thnt Jnpnn has nil her shlpynrds working to capacity nnd now Is Intent upon launching n merchant marine which will mnko recov ery of prcstlRo In the Pnclflc by tho United Stntcs nlmost Impossible. milted suicide Ibdny by jumping from K fourth-story window 6f tha PresbyturJun Hospital. Hurt When Truck Hits Auto In a collision between an express com pony's motortruck and .nn automobflo at Forty-sixth and Market streets last nfRhc, Hobert B. McClelsh, an Ico dealer, of 5621 Lnrchwood nvehuc, wns thrown from hi lighter vehicle td the street Ho Buffered general bruises nnd from shock. E NTANIIAtil) BHUI',8 n Lowest Prices Possible for Correct Children's, Misses' and Growing Girls' Pumps and One-Strap Pumps Playgrounds Director Kills Herself N'HW YOltIC, Aug. 21. Whllo dollrlous from pneumonia, Miss Violet Bishop, play grounds director nt L'dgcwater, N. J., com- Wcrc Priced Up to $3. All sizes tip to a Dig 6. In Gun Metnl Patent Leather Uronzo Kid. Calf, and 55c TO Our stock of children's shoes Is tho largest In Philadelphia, nnd we have experts to nt your child, correctly. closed All day satuiidat D 2 aisimer 1204-05-08 'MARKET ST. TIH A ril.1T TO 1'IT HICT r HESAPEAKE HAVEN , cVai "BETTERTON SSTSl, TUESDAY, AUGUST 29 FISHING! BOATING I SAILING! Hull to Blkton, tlienco by steamer dawn the Cliempenko liny Round Trip TRAIN LEAVES $1.75 $1.75 7120 A.M. 7 1 24 A.M. Ilrnnil Hlreet Station .... Went l'lilliidrliihlii .... Bediming, leaves llrlterton IlOO 1. M. See Flyers Consult Agents PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD P STOIIII OI'BN.S DAILY AT 8i30 A. M. A t'l.OSl'.S AT B 1 M. UNTIL 1'UltTlIUIt NOTICE your Choice of Any of Our Straw Hats Formerly Double and More Excellent quality sennits and other straws in best shapes. Lit IJrothcrii SECOND FLOOR Mens 49c HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Market Eighth Filbert Seventh Notwithstanding the Great Demand Born of the Sweltering Hot Days We Have Attached Clearance Prices to Our Entire Stock of e a nr o e -s, ZL.Sffi-" WIS) SujMifflerWesgSit S 7.75 From Every Point of View We Would Be Justified in Asking $7.50 & $12.50 for Them For they are nt the height of desirability now, nnd those that are left we could just uneasily put away for next Surnmer. Made of Cool, Serviceable Palm Beach Cloth, Mohair, Wool Krash and Feather-Weight Material. I Plncli-back and conservative models; styles and sires for every man. Neat Mij stripes, piatn uiuo, uiaclt, natural and other shades. MEN'S $3.50 TROUSERS, $2.50 Worsteds and cas3lmeres in neat strlpo effects; also gray nnd fancy mixtures. ? Boys' $2.50 and $3 WASH SUITS, Stripe R.ilatca, chambray, percale, madras, Bedford cord and white rep. 8lzfs 2', i to 8 years Boys' $4.50 Norfolk Suits, $2Q98 Fancy cheviots nnd casslmeres in hrown nnd gray mixtures. Newest pinch back and Norfolk effects, with detachable belt .Sizes C to IT yearn. Coys' $1.25 Bloomers and Knickerbockers, 49c Tan, khaki, olive, wool nnd plain vhito duck. .Sizes C to 17 years. lit mothers SKCOND FI.OOI1, SEVENTH STREET The Last of Our Misses' & Women's Summer Frocks That Were Formerly $5 and $7 To Go at Only.. . , Five Hundred Pretty Frocks, Charminalti Fashioned Late summer vacationists should be interested most of all in this announcement, for these are ideal dresses fpr the seashore, moun tains and country. Material! include French voile; in novelty and plain effect, fine white and colored linen, rice cloth, white batitte and lawns. XWa X . ! y'" s. fk lirv--jtrJ A feAY o''VihX6rnA t mi Vw r A OL: 3k f T -qA ill 1 1 3 KiMOL f-rf- WIMI IT SW-TV TV mrv TV-VV V T W V W V V 0 Frid There Is a Treat in Store for'HomcMahcrs Who Have Not Yet Visited Our August Furniture Sale Which present a marvelous collection of benutiful nnd substantial furniture at sav ings of 107o to 25. Sold on Club Plan Without Interest or Extras Store Closed All Day Saturday ViVlVltVVWiVtVVVWWlVlViVlWVllWVVVW LOW SHOES At a Fraction of Their Original Prices The absolute clearance of every pair in our stock. Women's $3, $3.50, $4 and! $4.50 Pumps &$ AQ Gun-metnl calf, patent coltsktn, Nubuck; and Sea Island duck ; also black and shiny leathers with champagno or fawn. Inlays, 13 nil; en sizes. u -Mull or I'll ono Orders, Men's $3, $3.50, $4 and $6 Low Shoes, $1.98 Lcnards, Lit Brothers' Special, Stratfords and Custom-Made Brands Rlnzed kldskln. Also tan Russia calf, dull & shiny leathers. Tan Itussla calf and gun metal calf with Keolln soles. Alt Blzes. Infants' and Children's $1.25 to $1.50 Pumps, 69c Patent and dull leathers; also some' white pumps. Sizes 2 to 8. Bis Girls' $2.50 to $3 Pumps and Oxfords; $1 Dull calf and patent coltskln ; also sport ' ' oxfords In plain white and tan calf, with X rubber soles. Sizes -V to 0 In lot. iirotuera uiitar iajiuc. iNimi'ii $2.50 Coatee, surplice and bolero jackets; fold-trimmed and double-tier skirts. Deep cape collars with quaint quillings and others daintily lace trimmed distinguish many. Also in the lot are a number of chic middy dresses in misses' sizes only; in white linene, white aw colored linen. No Mail or Phone Orders Filled and None Sent on Approval Misses' & Women's $ $14 Top Coats . . Appropriate for late Summer Autumn wear. White chinchilla jn jaunty short trimmed with black velvet. ,90 and early length, $1,50 to $6 White Skirts, 98c to $3.98 Linen, linene, cordaline, pique, cotton gabardine, golfine and corduroy. Women's $1.50 Black Bathing Tights, 75c One-piece. California effect of knitted material. Lit Brgthers SECOND FLOOR ' isir ova biq kjsstavbam: iikst ov evubxtiuso at lowest r hicks ay Bargains Mail and Phone Orders Filled (Exceptions Noted): Bell, Walnut 2800 Keystone (Our Free Service), Main 3700 25c Sports Stripe and Polka Dot huitings . 9c neach and crene suiting In broad, single and cluster stripes on tan and white l grounds, iirgo colored coin dots on white grounds and colored plaids. 27 and , 82 Inches wde. No Mall or I'hone Orders. PIUST FLOOR, NOKTl? 15c Printed Plisse Cotton Crepe, 7jc . Dainty little crene weave in white erounds covered with various small floral .printing In rotelmd, small clusters, narrow stripe with flowers, eta FILiUKHT STJlblST AJtfNtSX 69c $10 High-Back C QO Rocker V.VO Vlng effect i spring peat, Upholster- oa in orown spanisn leatherette ; fumed oak finish frame; magazine compartment underneath arms. x'N'N'WKOUUTJl FI.OOHI Women's $1,25 Extra Ql7n Clnwna Pink batiste. Slip-over mode), dain tily trimmed with lace, beading and ribbon. Hlzes 18. 19 and SO, SECOND FLOQIl Damaged Screen Doors, 98c to $2 Values, each 50c Include doors more or less damaged in delivery and are sold without hard- ll'nw. Xn mull np 'nlitinn nril.r. ?1,50 Grand House- CQ. hold Sets ..,...., J Vfc' Medicated dust mop, oil polishing moo. medicated dust cloth. large bot tle of cedar oil polish and hardwood handle for either mop. Third Floor I louse Furnishing Linoleum?: RemnanU 50c New Process, llC- ! yd J lJli 1 to 51.25 Inlaid, OE n. yd J UUt Two yards wide. Same show hand ling. So wait or 'phone order atnil none to dealers. Axmirtster Rugs & Runners Finest grades; patterns limited. 10 Hull Kuusrii, .3ilS ft., S3.7S S3 Buji, SUitO Incites . . Si.SQ FOURTH FLOOK 20c to 30c Cre-19?n tonnes, yard ... J X Mill ends, in 2- to 8-yard lengths. Excellent quality, floral designs. THinD FlrOOH Remnants of 50c to $1 Wool Dress 9Q to A f Goods, Yard -" tw All the wanted weave and colorings most favored for Fall flood, dirabl lengins. inciuaeu are Storm Screen, Woo) I'opllns, Vrtac Brrr. Mohair, HrllUaotloe and blclllun. Crcue 1'ouUa. IuiimUI berza. 1'lnlJi. 8kalril muI lint. Checks, Orttult CJotli. FmneU PlotlJ nd CUaUls. JST VLOOU. faOTI S2 Comfortables, 51,59 Covered with fine figured sllkollne In wanted colors, figured on both Bides. Scroll stitched white cotton filling. Slie 72x80 inches. FJltST FL.OOR. NORTH qvk mq i TFirrttt i-fcooa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers