"WMtsrif ;- . liBlBWWiLDfflWiItffllssisjjfSiijj Etj-yptian DEITIES The Utmost in Cigarettes" Plain end or Cork tip tccpU of culture, refinement atul education invariably prefer deities to any otfuw tucarct&r Egyptian Cioarett in tt fcrld. m,m- f imWNWNmitmmmwmmivtmvm ii xLrnmjmu.tadLhaa ? fcttj i ll REM I EW3Ri3B3Wtt GERMANTOWN THEFTS LAID TO BURGLAR GANG Jlidnight Capture Leads to Im portant roucu uiHtuvury -, oia. ft Held Pending Investigation mi Kt1i shootlnc of two txltegctt burgtnrfl nnd SSF i..- f n llilt-il leit tnilnv. nrrnrillnt? k1" .. .itnA rt Ihrt fllspnvprv nf n pnnrf ml . t ....... , tu rnanntiff m!f fnr lriqqtt jVn-tgtttlnf: severnl thousand dollars In !0 Kf moto burglaries of faililnnnute Gorman- lawn homes ciofcu n mu xummi-i. PTh threo men huhuhu t",,. m f'H.. .o nnrl linnllcnteri a fourth, wlio MS arrested this moriiltm. Tlio four were held without ball and two nllcRcd receivers ef gtolen goous wcro neiu in ouv imn iur further hcnrlnc by Magistrate, I'rlce. i The wounded men are John Turner, 2t2 Norwood Btrcot, who has n bullet wound In the back and n broltcn leg and wrist, and - ...i rlln. B4 West rtittenliouse iitrtet, who has n bullet In the back, two IroKen ribs and a broken wrist. Tlioy are U ,.. nArmtininuin ITosnltnl. Their com. Ln0n wtii .Tames Ilracken, 5918 JlcCalluin I ll.. i.,.tl. vA.lt,A f fl.n II I - leged gang Is Patrick Dougherty, Gt West Jtlttenhouse street. r William and Carrie Blnnchnril, at whose -... nn Tnvf Itlttenhoimn street, the place . " -- '- police say much of the loot was recovered. .,- hold as receivers of stolen coodR. ,. nrrdda nrn PVflPf-tpil. f. Tho men were surprised late last night In lh( homo of Mrs. Klla Slncr, C4I!! Wayne 'trenue, who Is away for tho summer. A neighbor, Oeorge J. Flavcll, uv.ii wnyno nn. noticed a llcht In tho house and sotlfled the aermnntown pollco station. policemen Ireland and Aucott took the three Btn prisoners after using their revolvers ..j nliiKa whitn thn Intt mint t Mhowptl flirllt. HBS11" W"".' ........ ..... ..... - --.. ME Among tho homes which the jiollce say Ue men ruDueu are uiuauu ixuiiy oiuuuu. JOS west wainui lane; j'.uwuru v-uiii.'t.ui, 111 trl Wnlnllt Innnl It V. Onile. 8020" Vi..n nirpnt! It. W. Illchmond. 329 Hans- 'terry street: Thomas McDrlde, 240 West Chelten avenue, nnd Herbert Welsh, uayn ton and Coulter streets. K,WIFE ENDS LIFE WITH GAS police Attribute Suicide of Younc K ' Woman to Jealousy Married m?,x n Year Ago f- Jttlousy, tho pollco say, caused Mrs. , Helen Howard, 20 years old, to talto her k life today In the kitchen of her apartment, iVI South Klcvcnth street. KHer body was discovered sitting upright ln' chair by her husband Harry, who Is employed as a salesman by a Chestnut street clothing establishment. ; On awakening this morning he noticed Uiat his wife was missing. An odor of gas ltd him to the kitchen. He found the door dosed and the cracks stuffed with paper. He burst open the door and discovered his u"e dead. Doctor Wlllldmson, of Jefferson Hospital, hras summoned. He tried tu revive tho woman with pulmotur, but his efforts were inillle. fHoward said that his wife had frequently declared she would take her life If she ever impeded him of paying attention to an other woman. He Is nt n loss to account for h!a wife's deed, as she seemed perfectly happy before retiring last night. fThe pair came hero from Patorson, N. X. threo months ago. They were married about a year ago. JOINS HUSBAND IN DEATH I2rs. Christine Kugel, Who Wanted to Be Buried With Him, Succumbs ftThe Wish tlint Mhn wnulfl tip lmrlpil with ler husband has been granted Mrs. Chris- Use Kugel. USte died today nt her home. 133 West GlrJrd avenilA. Tim fllnpml nf hnr hlltt. Und, Ceorge Kugel, took place yesterday u ooay was placed In a vault In Mount lerpon Cemetery. Children of the aged couple had every reason to believe that the taolher would soon follow, EOn Saturday the body of Str. Kugel will Pi taken from the vault and placed In a lrv with that of his wife. The couple gere married in 1860. ftThQ Condition tt Mm irucal rrur ornrtil. Bly worse after the death of her husband. Ilhelr devotion was frequently mentioned In l neighborhood. Humorist to Drive Ambulance lLO&nnM lltw 9i TAVAnv. TT TM. ta eoon going to Francs to drive a Red ,woj ambulance. The humorist, who Is 57 JtarS Did nnri ib1 lftmrt 1.1a .mfnaa In Wferent capacities without success, Is de wed. at the chanca now given him. P. G. aIo, author and naturalist, Is going out p the aamo work. On August 31st We Must Vacate Our Fifteenth Street Store JJfe llark on Oooit gJ9raiu, tht ami; enatin, and Valim. Only 7 more days left i to benefit by this f forced clearance offer, Entire Stock Reduced Wo and More f Regardless of Cost i. PECKERS' fr AT TUKSE ADUHE8SES ONLT !ft CUE8TM.T 8TBKET WlUKXKB m-ILUI-NO AHTADK Mm , jigj r I n ' vtvh f,uft;r4 HUGHES MEN JUBILANT OVER ROOSEVELT AID News That Colonel Will Tour West Causes Rejoicing as Nominee Swings Eastward Tuft to Slump for Hughes; Roosevelt Also Hooked NKW YORK, Aug. 21. rpilE Republican National Com- mitten has accepted ex-I'rcsiilunt Tnft's olfpr to take the stump in be half of Candidate Hughes and an itinerary is being arranged. Colonel Roosevelt's itinerary is being rearranged to provide for a number of engagements in the Mid dle West. K.N UOL'TK WITH HUCHIHS'S 1'AIITV, Aug. 21. Charles I". Hughes and liln cam paign party nrc proceeding eastward today by slow singes. lteno was left behind late last night nnd nt noon today (2 p. m. eastern time) the party will arrive nt Ogden, Utah, for n four hours' stay before pushing on to Salt Lako City, where the dny's work will end with a mass-meeting tonight. The Information that Colonel Roosevelt Is to swing west for HughcH was Joyfully received by the candldate'n managers and friends. In all the three coast States vis ited theru linn been a general demand for T. It. Particularly was this truo of Cali fornia, where the progressive situation Is cry delicate. Leader said It was hnpera tlvo that the Colonel cuino out here and tell the followers of Hiram .loliiisun that, no matter how they have been treated by the California machine, Hughes is all right and may he depended upon to give them a square deal. After the mass-meeting In Salt Lake City the party will proceed to Cheyenne, where tomorrow will bo spent. COl'S ASK AVAflE INCREASE Will Present Petition for 20 Per Cent Raise to Director Wilson; Com mittee Sees Davis Assistant Director of Public Safety Davis said today that when Director WlUon re turns September 2 he will hear tho peti tion of city policemen for a 20 per cent In crease In pay. A delegation wnltcd on him yesterday, and they will repeat their plea wlien the Director leturns. Mr. Davis said he had no doubt that Director Wilson would approve of the pica for moro pay for policemen. Tho petition is in line with the recent recommendation of the Grand Jury. The petitioners who mado the visit to Mr. Davis yesterday were Richard Uodklu, chairman, Manayunk station ; Frank Souder, secretary. Sixty-first and Thompson streets station : Thomas I Murray, Fifteenth street and Snyder nvenue station; Robert H. .N'lcholus, Tncony station ; Charles P. Brady, Thirty-ninth and Lancaster ave nuo station ; Kdmund Spalding, Frnnkford station, nnd Harold 1 Mortimer, Nineteenth and Oxford streets station. 'i iiintc.H , i'i.atj: o. roii YOU AT Al.l, TUB Janscom Restaurants Horn CooLlnjc I'npillnr 1'rlrrn -cl iv 1.4 tr.rr; c O' ncKKn: -,, in o t,,a lu mniuii Muter Meters to eet rutin fur 1017. ASK YOUK PIAJMHEK or I'hllu. Meter Co.. 014 Ileal Vn.u I.. 41. !... ,n l..,nll iaio irun uuiiuinc. lVontproof. tluuranteed. '4 mti ll.'.IHJt VUWWW -TIX ''--A irrea ivi. tnuonitnyuaic Original Idoae in Electrical Work neii ruona 217 Walnut St. . ?",1I j "" "' ' " ' ' 'l1' Hotel Astor, New York Slngla Room, without bath. 12.00 to 13.00, Double. 13.00 to 14.00. mnda Itoonu. with bath. 13.00 to 10.00. rro-'VedrcSm'Vnd bath. 110.00 to 114.00. TIMi:. SQUAKE at Hroadway, 44th to 43th Street the center of New Vorli'a social ami business activities. In close proximity to all railway terminals. si ii mmmm THE AUTOCAR Commercial Delivery Vehicle - Chassis ?1'650 Autocar Sales & Service Co. S3o & iHsarr cjis,. Puiubkltuu, EVENINrt LKDGEE-PHILADBLPniA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 191C. .- J STKLLA RATT1GAN Girl charged with abandoning her infant son in a church at Niagara Falls. GIRL-MOTHER JAILED FOR ABANDONING BABY Smiles at News of Child's Safe tyWill Be Taken Back to Canada Mls Stella Rattltnn. 21 years oldi "IB South Fifteenth street, will he taken back to Canada to be tiled for child abandon inent. She was arraigned before Magis trate Ronton In Central Station on tho charge today, pleaded guilty nnd was com mlttcd to Jail to await extradition papers to be obtained bv the detectives who fol lowed hnr through several cities. Detectives found the clrl early this morn lng In her room Out- had traced her fiom Tot onto, Can., whom her baby was born In tv city hospital. When It was found vthero she had abandoned It. under n kneel lug bench In a Niagara Falls CathoJIc church, there was a tag pinned to tho eliithi'H on which was tho laundry mark T. G. Hns." This cluo led to tho dis covery that tho baby had been bom In the Toronto General Hospital. Thero tho mother's nunio was learned. I'll to the time the cluo was found the pollen -had been criticised for their failure to Und tho baby's mother. It was Willi determination, therefore, that a detective started out from Toronto on the trail. Ad dltloual clues developed from whlrh It was found that the girl was m St. Cliarlcs nop Vnnco's parish, this city. Also It was learned the girl's mother recently had died When found tills inmnlng Miss Rattigan was In mourning. She was surprised by tho detectives. When they wnlked In her door she collapsed. When revived they told her that her baby was still living, In St Vincent's Orphanage, Ruffalo, and they would take her back to It. And sho smiled on her way to court. FINAL RUMMAGE In Men's Summer Shoes at Geuting's at Odds and ends of the entire season, representing some of the smartest styles and including many of the finest, most qxpensive shoes in stock. The size assortment is good with especially fine picking for the m e n and voting men wearing 5's to 7's. Both Stores (PSOMOUNCIO OYTIWO) B I The Stores of Famous SKoea. U 1230 Market St. 19 South 11th St. Factory Tut- Aviatia Co., AiDMOii, Pa $1.90 -i f a sirv aa NAVY ATTACK ON U.S. BALKED BY DEFENSE Admiral Helm's Fleet Gains Ad vantage Uver Invaders Under Mayo WASHINGTON. Aug. 24. n Inter cepted wireless message, caught by the Arlington radio station today, indicated that Rear Admiral Helm's "blue" Meet de fending the North Atlantic coast from Ad miral Mnyo's "red" Invaders had Rallied nn advantage In the naval war game. Tho Arlington wireless picked up n mes sage from Rear Admiral Helm's flagship, the Rhode Island, to one of his cruisers, saying the "enemy" group nf 30 transports had been found nnd plans for their de struction were being made. Nnval olllclals here also learned that Admiral Mayo was planning, theoretically the destruction nf the Nnrrncansett liny oil tank station nnd of various m.tgar.lni stations along the coast. Orders were rent out that thev be protected. Sembach, SI Magnificent Recordings II ip by exclusive Columbia artists II I J? Sembach, leading German tenor two more of the Wjm greatest artists in their respective fields are now making Columbia Double-Disc Records exclusively. New recordings also arc announced by those two peerless bari tones Graveure and Seagle. These recordings are typical of the ideal quality of all the New Records for September In the song hit field, Al Jolson leads off with his latest success, "You're a Danger ous Girl", and you'll find yourself whistling or humming the tuneful melodies in all of these other Popular Hits of the Day IF I KNOCK THE "L" OUT OF KELLY (IT WOULD STILL BE KELLY TO ME.) (From Lew Fields Musical Frotluction'Step This Way.") Marguetite Fariell, soprano. THE GREATEST BATTLE SONG OF ALL. Irving Kaufman, tenor. A 2040 io inch 75C A 2042 fSUZANNE. Anna Wheaton, soprano. toinrrJl DIDN'T KNOW THAT LOVIN' 10 men j WAS s0 GoOD. Anna Wheaton, 75c. I soprano. Other Recordings of Wide Appeal Tannhauser Overture, two parts, double-disc record A 5829; and "Manzanillo" and "Sunshine and Roses" beautiful orchestral compositions, arc fine examples of Columbia Instrumental recordings. And among others there are six dance selections; a coupling of rollicking Irish dances on the accordion, and an instrumental novelty of banjo, saxaphone and piano, played by Van Eps Trio. Your Columbia dealer is waiting to play these new records for you. New Columbia records on sale the 20th of every month FOR CENTRAL Cunningham Piano Co., U01 Chestnut St. Pennsylvania Talking Machine Co, 1109 Chestnut St. Snellenburg, N & Co'., 12th and Market Sts. Story & Clark Piano Co., 1705 Chestnut St. Strawbridge & Clothier, 8th and Market Sts. NORTH City Line Pharmacy, York Road and City Line. Dotter, John C, 1337 Rockland St., Logan. Futernik, Benj.. HO North Eighth St. Ideal Piano and Talking -Machine Co., 2835 Germantown Ave, Jacobs, Joseph, 1606 Germantown Ave. Oldewurtel's, 2623 Germantown Ave. Philadelphia Talking Machine Co., 900 North Franklin St. Reice, I- S.. 919 Girard Ave. Scherzer's Piano Warerooms, 539 N. 8th St. Schnell & Megahan, 1712 Columbia Ave. NORTHEAST Burr, Edward H.. 2448 Frankford Ave. Colonial Melody Shop, 3239 N. Front St. Goodman, L. L., 327 West Girard Ave. Gutkowski, Victor, Orthodox and Almond Sts. Kenny, Thomas M., 3234 Kensington Ave. Krygier, Joseph, 3132 Richmond St. Nittinger. Samuel. 1204 North Fifth St. Philadelphia Talking Machine Co., 944 North Second St. PARALYZED PUGILIST SUES WIPE Ffflt $70,000 EARNINGS Harry Lewis, Now Poor, Allowed Her to Be Banker Harry Lewis, former middleweight cham pion boxer of Hurope, started RUlt today through Ills lawyer, Abraham Wernlck, In .ludgo Charles n. McMlchftel's court to recover $70,000, which he says represents what he earned while ho was In tho ring, nnd which he says Is In his wife's name In four Philadelphia banks. Ho said In the bill of equity that he gave his wife all bis money with the understanding that she would put It In tultl Itemtil -llppnttul- KtCilRliacil Cnsh ir l.nsv Term l.nte stjle No 4 t'nderwooil 130 00 to J17 HO I,nte nt)lt N'o " (III to 4.1 Oil 31.1111 In 41.011 1!7 .111 lo S2..VI .17 r,ll til 4'J .11) 1,-lTO I IP Sd .ilm atvle No 10 Itemjnatnn ( I'nuerwomi r Oliver I,nte style o r, Ilnyn! All mirhlnr-s Ifnt - -nilr for on ea C. J. GIHBONEY & CO. llcll phono Wnlniit l4(t 1 ,15 S tOTIt ST E Pachmann, supreme Chopin leading German tenor fOH, HOW SHE COULD YACKt A im-J HACKI WICKI WACKI WOO. A 2(J4.i (That's Love in Honolulu. Arthur 10 inch 75C A -nAK fON THE ing Trio. loinchi, I LOST MY 7SC- I Sterling GRAFOIMOLAS and DOUBLE-DISC ORD SALE BY NORTHEAST (Continued) Reinheimer's Department Store, Front and Susquehanna Ave. NORTHWEST Carson, T. Dv 5520 Germantown Ave. Davis, Franklin, 5006 Wayne Ave. Kalwaic, Martin, 4121 Germantown Ave. Keystone Talking Machine Co., 2801 North 22d St. Moore, P. H., 6646 Germantown Ave, , Tompkins, J, Monroe, 5147 Germantown Ave. WEST PHILADELPHIA Carr, B. P., 512 Main St., Darby, Geo. B, Davis & Co., 3930-3936 Lancaster Ave. Eakin-Hughes Piano Co., 261-63 S. 52d St. FJllman, W, H 6124 Lansdowne Ave. Ledane, Harry, 416 North 52d St. Melchiorri Bros., 4932-40 Lancaster Ave. Universal Talking Machine and Record Co., 50th and Chestnut Sts. West Philadelphia Talking Machine Co., 7 South 60th St. SOUTH Luplnacci, Antonio, 730 South 7th St. Miller, B.. 604 South 2d St. Musical Echo Co., The, L. Zeben. Prop., N. E. Cor. 5th and Bainbridge Sts. Philadelphia Phonograph Co., 1836 East Passyunk Ave. PhiladelDhia Phonograph Co., 823 S. 9th St aiuuw, narry, oiz -bank In hln name, but instead sho put It In her own name. Lewis, whoso right name la Harry llee termnn. was In nn automobile accident In tandon threo vears ago, nnd when ho sued tho nuto company to recover damages. It Is said, his wife testified that sho was his banker nnd took care of nil his money. As a result of the ncclrlcnt Lewis Is now partly paralyzed. He Is now not able to support himself. I CONVENIENT! I 2 This is the Only Company Authorized to Check ft RAfifiACE U e On Railroad Tickets at Residence V f, to Destination. Ti (J UNION TRANSFER H COMPANY ,f .M oprnre 11.10 Itnre 1421 U interpreter and two more of the f'jfflmSi Collins, baritone,, and llyrou G. Har lan, tenor. SOME GIRLS DO AND SOME GIRLS DON'T. Oscar Shaw, baritone. SOUTH SEA ISLE Sterl- HEART IN HONOLULU. Trio. bouth 9th St. Get in on Perry's $15 Special Today ! These $25, $22.50 and $20 Suits now g-oing at the One Uniform Price $15 will cost every mother's son from $25 to $30 next sea son, and make him envious of the qual ity in his brothers suit purchased in this Sale at $15! And the beauty 1 of it is, there's " plenty today T to choose from T at $15 JFor, this big store does a business which thinks nothing of hand ling as many Suits in a week or ten days as some stores carry in an entire season ! That means good selections with splendid oppor tunities when handfuls are the offerings else where! But, just the same, there's a bottom to the deepest well, and an end to the largest time ever entered on, so Get Busy Today's the Day! Alterations at cost. "' Don't monkey around trying to get the ungettable! ($ Come to Palm Beach Headquarters and see a stock that will knock your eye out! Every size and every taste taken care of! Same story for that pair of Outing Trousers ! Palm Beach Suits, .$7.50 Breezweve Suits. , . . ,$10 Mohair Suits $12 Silk Suits $15 White Flannel Suits. ,$20 Outing Trousers $5 PERRY&CO: "N. B. T." 16th & Chestnut Sts, ?0 BOVT 1T TKEET -r --jA JMtBl
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