XF 1 1ST AN C I "A"t EDIT! "OW NIGHT EXTRA tmm NIGHT EXTRA PltlOJB ONE OJDlfT c Fftoi. n-- 288 ISSIANS AIM HARD BLOWS AT FOE IN GALICIA Ipture of Jablonitza Im- Hungarian Plains J'lIILADELPniA, W-EDKJESDAY, AUGUST 1G, li)lG. cot wont. 1818, ai ini rnuo f.naia Counsx. ITALIANS CELEBRATE SACRED FEAST ifterils CAISBR AT EAST FRONT 'today's War Moves in Lfiiei Buinuiui u r V i. 4-y.t.l finnnrnl Rrllasl. l. nrmies arc striking, hard Ioff'a J0."8. .. n,n wlntra of von Bothmcr's WOWS iifc ,,. j Vmvn rnnttlrnil .flwnnitia. on the Carpathians. JiMomwn; .. artillery haeis continue both on the Mcusc I dWIs . .! Thorn is nlitrhf. infantry action. . j. haffprinir the Austrian de fenses cast of Gorizia, on the Carsp, irSta the To mi no zone. There 13 HBO J" l V . .v A-finnd Jinvn . P, Yt" loTfnr fnr t. rw Balkan front The Allies have l;:;..,,i anme more villages in the lite Doiran region. PETROGRAD. Aug. 16. General Brusslloft's Russian armle3 nre i. attacking all nlong tho lino In On- ,,. but tho hardest blows aro being driven tone t the ends of tho line. irhs new perils for tho Austro German kbIcs which havo been brought nbout by this latest burst of Russian activity ac Smut for tho hasty departure of tho Ger- C . .. il. Ttinnlnn llmntnp rtf . fl t Bin Kaiser lor uiu un ............ .... iherehe Is at present conferring with Field jiwshal von Hlndenburg. frTlle blow struck In tho Carpathians. 15 slles touth of Delatyn, where tlio Russians tire captured Jablonitza, Is not only a Jtrlous menaco to the flank of tho Austro. Hgrgarlan army, but also Imperils Jab- lonltia pass, one of tho most important ptewajs Into tho Hungarian plains, fjablonltza lies only a few miles east of the pass on mo main roau 10 umraraaroa i!get. jrorlheast of Stanlslaw tho Russians are pouring across tho Zlota Llpa River nnd are overrunning tho hill positions of the Austro-;rman3 West of tho upper Sereth River nnd loutt) of the Lemberg railway General Ton Boehm-ErmollI Is using great masses (f artillery In nn effort tty check tho Rus sians. WXdtopatch from Klov reports tho arrival ni ot many nunureus or iresn Austro- 5 ucnoan prisoners, uu ui wuujii bnuweu iiiu 'jMMSt dejection. tap I to stubborn enemy resistance at KE8 Dolnts. the Russians ad vanced their fon a "5-mllo front, extending from tMlCari'athlans to a point southwest of Timopol, In yesterday's fighting,' occupying TEtrlllages. (South of Drzezeny another Russian de tachment forced a crossing of tho Zlota Spa Hlver, Austro-Germnn counter-at- HfKS then checked n. flirthpr nilvntipn. ferce fighting Is going on in tho angle he Zlota Llpa and tho Dniester, north Etanlslau In the face of desperate en- traj resistance the Russians advanced their fine? further In tho direction of the rail- Vtr town rf Trhll-r IM ........... Southeast of Stanislau the right wing of General Leschltsky's army captured tho vll Js of Solotvlna and Griava, on tho Zlota Rstrjtia River. jjear the Carpathians the Russians fol. jK? up their victories, forcing the enemy fire westward from tho region of Dela ind Vorochta nnd capturing a height JffiJ Vorochta and Ardzemoz. I ,rs: Nij&jmL, " 8111' ; twmn' SB ! IS8b2wI i 'ly .vv'!lPff!!yMkSSWfeJfia fflSw8S?S, 1 ' wllwPfw08Bwlt' ? EffiidB lPJ'BFfe9 KwS lffl I ilB t'lslfe!! H K'HP3H S jA fe yyTr'T)riii f-Jrm-lrl taifSt'fi . Aft V XvSffrV- v M V JS V . . . I 140 ARE INDICTED AS PROPRIETORS OF VICE RESORTS 376 Cases Resulting From Big Raid Yet to Be Passed Uppn PROBE OF STRAW BAILS Points Indicating Break Between Mayor and Wilson CUNDAY Mayor Smith declnrcs hc hai resigned presidency of Thomas D. Smith Republican Club, In the Twenty-cighth Ward, as nn example to city employes. Says af filiation with such clubs tends to divert n policeman fiom his duty. MONDAY Director Wilson is sues order.nt direction of Mayor, that all policemen must sever connections with political clubs. TUESDAY Director Wilson says in interview, "I don't know of any political clubs in this city." He says that he himself would not re sign from Union Republican Club of South Philadelphia, because it was n social and not i political club. Union Republican Club is same type of club as Thomas R. Smith Republican Club, fiom the presi dency of which the Mayor resigned, defining it plainly as a political club. QUICK NEWS AMERICAN LEAGUE CHICAGO, lslg....O OOIIIO BOSTON O 0 0 0 2 0 2 - Taber and Schalkj Lconoid and Hiomns. W. M. jOHtfSSOtf DEFEATS JDlGtf HAUTE NEwroitT, n, i., Aug. id. William tfolms&m defeated Richaid Harto In three straight sets In tlio tennis 'blmmpIenBhlps today. 600 TRAINMEN TO SEE WILSON ON PEACE PLAN Brotherhood Chairmen Voto to Confer With Presi dent Tomorrow CARRY STRIKE THREAT Situation as Bad as Ever, Say Labor Leaders After Meeting v The Feast of St. Roceo was celebrated at the Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Christian street west of Eighth street, today. The lUnirin nit ln,na iln nf I. .,. 1 1.. it im.ui.vSi.i;u aiiuwa Lin- tfn.Mii aiiis marciiing irom tnc cnurcii with a figure of their patron saint virtually covered with one-dollar bills. The parade passed through tho Italian settlement. CRESCENT OF FIRE MARKS OUTLINES OF SOME FRONT Most Terrific Shell Blast , ings in the History of World's Battles BALLOONS AS SCOUTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS MAY BE CLOSED BY HEALTH ORDER Movement to Extend Quar antine Against Infan tile Paralysis S NEW CASES REPORTED We: MENNA, AUJT 16 TVrrMr. flcrVilln. ho. ?LWd In Gallcla between Austro.llnn. JjrUn troops and Russians on the front mt between the Dniester Rler and a !"! south of Zalocze, says an ofllclal state fit dated August 14, made public by tho Sj oalce today, it recounts the repulse Russian attacks north of Slarlampo!. By TRENCHES ARE CAPTURED WTAMANS EAST OF OORIZIA m ON CARSO PLATEAU'S EDttE 16. Irenches In tnur ,im.... .n.i. . eti&oH,!, 'i:."-vr""f."1. '" Kixsi nil).-. .7 """ oeen capmrea uy the fUans. It was announced today by the & ?!--R"8 hundredand ftfty-three hSrfi,T; "BVB Deen "Ken. The Aus- Sth rlan ""s't'ona penetrated by the &.?' " tne Blopes of 3Ionte I'eclnka, Sr in J!4 J? tna sector ot Monte Ca'e- Sand St. Marco. fia5V' Aue- "Hammering at the JSTiJ 'n"1 Tom Tolmlno. is miles -SfinVrt Gor,,zia' t0 the Adriatic, the Ital Ttthl if adance3 yesterday'r.t both ends fcrffia. and Bt h0 cen,er east of b,"'3- ,trt!op3 hava reached the S Tolmlno, according to unofficial utt&$ehed.1,ere ,ast nlght- The 'own "reo?,M m,.flame3. anI military critics fton, der ts fall Immlpent. The Aus- BSfihtu- f ' ia,ready arB evacuating It. oFfwlthin 1". ' ,,,an,:a ,ne ""Miami are wlUlln 13 miles of TrlMi Th.v vuuuoLta on Van Two. Column Fire 'THE WEATHER Fnnnn a at & Mdelphia and vicinity Gen & fair tonight and Thursday; not mX tP'raturet light, LENGTH OF DAV. ' I K 1' . L r . - ts n i " -1 '"". S5 P- Iii'i. ... . --"'' '" 1 "woo avuioa ...ua. m. rui4HABE KIVEE TIDK CJ1ANUK3. CHEiVTMIT ftTRPlOT "iter . , r.... .. J?lUr tli-fT I '" r .J-" " - - m . iu. 1 mw wr Ai v J, m. TJMPEKATCBB AT 1UCH HOIK. Jftt IM ' ! I ! I ,4 .1 7,1 , 7i ,ai 76 . 7i By HENRY WOOD WITH Tim FRHNCH ARJIIUS ON THH SOSIMC, AUK. 16 A 30-mlIe crescent of holld nrtlllery fire, one not the most terrific shell blastings In tho history of tho world, is drawing a lino of flamo alone the Somme battlo front' Tho "artlllcrylns" reached its greatest Intensity ns I advanced at tho highest point on Domplerro plateau, southwest of Peronne. Tho day beforo tho Trench had captured German third lino positions from Hardccourt to Buscouit. At tho preclto moment of my arrival tho French weio em ploying nil their Ricat artillery strength to protect their newly acquit ed position. The Germans were shelling ecn moro desperately In nn effort to dislodge tho French and launch counter-attacks. The stupendousness of this gicat artillery strugglo was Indescribable. The cursing line of flro extends from the French posi tions beforo Clery, north of the .Somme, to St. Quontln, thence south to tlio region of Teronno and southwest to Barleu, IMrees and Soyccourt. Shells of all calibers, both shrapnel and high cxplosUe. burst nt ecry instant at every point along tho entire front with a rapidity which defied counting For ono lono interval, by n beemingly miraculously intervention, I was able to count oft 15 seconds when not a single shell Continued on Tate Fire, Column Three Infantile Paralysis in the Last 24 Hours New cases in Philadelphia,... 3 Total cases in Philadelphia.... 21G Deaths in Philadelphia 1 Total deaths in Philadelphia... 5G Now cases in New York 113 Deaths in New York 31 New cases in Pennsylvania... 4 New cases in New Jersey 120 Department of Health comment on weather forecast for Philadelphia and vicinity until S p. m. tomorrow of "Not much change in temperature" is that with continuance of tho present rather cool weather the fight to control in ffintilo paralyain spread is materially aiaca. AH Sundny Schools In the city may he closed, beginning next Sunday, ns .1 result of tho Infniitllo paralysis outbreak In Phila delphia. With moving plcturo theaters al ready quarantined against thn attendance ot children under 16 years of age a number of persons bellovo tho quarantine will not bo consistent until Sunday Schools also are iiuuucu nui 10 open until all danger of spreading tho disease Is past. Director JCruscn will Issuo a statement tomorrow in Ono hundred nnd forty Indictments ngalnst alleged proprietors nnd Inmates of dlsoidcrly resorts oln tho Tenderloin nnd other sections ot tho city were returned to day by the August Grand Jury. In addition nix Indictments vvcro brought against per sons alleged to ho conducting t.poakcaslcs. Four of those Indicted on tho latter charge llvo In South Philadelphia " Ono lives In tho Tenth Ward. Senator JIcNIchol's ward, nnd nnothcr lives In the Fourteenth Ward, vvnero Congrosfimnn-nt-lnrgu John R. K. Scott Is Republican lender All of tho 14G persons Indicted today wcro nrrestcd In the raid of July 15, when r.22 prisoners vveie taken The testimony against them waH based largely on cvldenco brought out before the July Grnnil Jury, which re turned Its presentment last week after a prolonged session. 376 CASKS RHMAI.W In tho nbsenco from the city of District Attorney Rotan, who Is taking a short vacation, -his office was .icprcsented bys Assistant District Attorney William Findlay Rrown. Immediately after returning tho truo Dills today tho grand Jury lesumed consideration of tho remaining 376 casos of persons arrested In tho raid Another case to bo considered will ho that against Magistrate Joseph Call, who Is accused of having nccepted straw lull to the amount of $8400 from Jowph Pcrrottl, who Is said to own no real estate. A summons for Pcrrottl to appear as n witness has been Issued and police officials aro searching for him In this city. Unless ho can bo found It Is belloved that the case against Call will bo severely handicapped. Pcrrottl left Philadelphia shortly after tho July Grand Juiy brought Its preci.i ment and tho pollco wcro Informed that ho was visiting a sick sister In Paterson. X. J. The District Attorney's offlco learned to SARATOGA RACING RESULTS Ehst lace, maidens, 2-ycar-olds, $500 added, H fuilongs No Ijrnskn, 115, Hoffmnn, 20 to 1, 8 to 1, 4 to 1, won; Vivid, 11C, Noltor, C to 1, oven, 1 to 2. second Motcoiite, 11G, Mink, 3 to 5, 7 to 10, 2 to 13, thild. Time, 1.07 2-5. Second race, stcoplcchaso handicap, 3-ycar-olds nnd tip, G00 added, nbout 2 miles Knight of Morel, 1-10, Henderson, 2 to C, out, out, won; Early Light, 143, Kellehcr, 13 to 5, 1 to 3, out, second; Ollle Byrnes, 140, Keating, 12 to 1, S to 5, out, third. Time, 4.20. STEAMSHIP LINE FORMED FOR SOUTH AMERICAN TRADE DOVER, Del., Aug. 1C The Rio do Jauelio Trnnspai ration, Navigation and Public Servlco Company, of New York, was rb.pitit hcie totlny with a capital of -55,000,000 to do n general nansiioitntxon and navigation business in Riazil and other places. Robert A. Van Voohies, Jeisey City; Arthur E. Oakley, Pearl River, N. Y., and Paul . Biitsch, Biooklyn, H. Y., aro the incorporators. . SOMME BATTLE ANOTHER ENDURANCE CONTEST , LONDON, Aug. 10. Tho battlo of tho Sommo and Ancro, despite tho terrific and bloody rliniactcr of tho IlKhtlng', has developed Into a test ot endurance, nccord Ins to u correspondent, who has been privileged to visit the German front. Ho declare! thnt neither tlio French nor tho British have any chance of breaking; through cccept In case tho Central KmplreH meet disaster on some other front. The French, It is said, have niado no piogresn in tho last fortnight, nnd tho British advance hns been slight. Consomun'of opinion in dispatches printed In Amciicnn newspapers today from rorrespondents on -vniloiiH frontw of the western war zono confirms tho "View set forth In tho foregoing London dispatch. NDW TORK, Aug-. 16. The problem of averting a railroad strike that would paralyze the tmnic of the country still rests with President Wilson. Tho 600 district chairmen of the big- four brotherhoods, representing tho 400,004 trainmen, today accepted the President's In vitation to confer with him In Washington tomorrow. No other decision woo .reached at tnelr meeting here, however, and the sit uation continues deadlocked. Tho commutes chairman left for Wash ington this afternoon with W. S. Carter, head of tiio firemen's brotherhood, with their demnnds for an eight-hour day and t ,110 and n half for ovcrtlmo unamended and backed up by a oto to strike If they aro rofuscd. Cartor regarded tho situation as serious as nt tho oponlng.of negotiations, but said thero was still "room for hope." IIo explained that only tho chairmen had tho power to agrco to a compromise, such as was suggested by President Wilson with tho railroads granting the eight-hour day for a time under tho present system of overtime. For this reason tho prcsenco of the COO chairmen Is necessary In Washing ton. , NEW BRITISH LOAN OF 5250,000,000 ANNOUNCED NEW YORK, Aug. 1U. Tho details ot tho now British loan wero announced bv J. I'. Morgan & Co. today. Tho Issue will bo for ?250,000,000 In two-year B per cent secured loan gold notes to bo dated September 1, 1310, with Interest payable semiannually. At tho option of tho Urltlsh Government tho notes may bo redeemed In vvholo or in part on 30 days' notlco on nny day until and Including August 31, 1017, nt 101 nnd accrued Intel est nnd on any day thereafter until their expiration at 100VS, with accrued Interest. Tho loan will bo seemed by tho doposlt with tho Farmers' Loan and Trust Company of New York of $300,000,000 worth of securities, which havo been approved by Morgan & Co. Ono purpose of tho loan Is to stabilize oxchange between tho two countries. Tho loan will bo underwritten at 9S and issued to tho public at 09. Continued on l'nge To, Column Vour DEPOSITORS CLAMOR FOR FUNDS IN 'SCARE' AT NORTH PENN BANK Continued on Pate Two, Column Tun 'QUEEN OF CHINATOWN' LAUNDRY RAID CAPTIVE Held With Two-Other Women. Accused of Leading Girls Into Tendexio'in A '0-year-old girl, haggard and hardened by life in the underworld, faced Magl&trato Tracy today while policemen testified that she led girls into the Tenderloin introducing them to cninese f3"o " - ii known to the police as "Queen of Chlna- Wlth her were arraigned, two other girls and three Chinese, accused of harboring elrls n tho rear of a laundry at Ht North Ninth street. The Eleventh and Winter Btreets station, where the hearings were held was oovvded with Chinese and habitues of the Tenderloin, friends of the PrwhleStbe Magistrate was hearing testi mony the mother of Ella Miller, one of the dafendants, communicated with the police on the telephone. She said that Klla had left her home. 2205 Silver street, several days ago and that she had not heard of her nines Th girl, according lo the police, had been residing at 1226 fa'outh Twenty elfthth street, where Uns Sing and Harry Mov had a laundry. May Long was also there. It is said: All of the defendants were held under IE00 ball for a further hearing to bp held li. Vririav They produced the ball and the Miller girl went home to her parents. The Magistrate questioned the Smith girl. What caused your trouble ? he Inquired nldn't your mpther take care of you and see that you didn't run around at nights?" "An no; don't blame It on her." the young' woman answered "You can't rH a bad tee " , , . . ,,,., . The laundry was raided at midnight last night by Sergeant McGregor, of the Elev enth and Winter streets fetation. District uetectiva Mature and Policeman Taylor it was testified that he "Queen of China town" had brought girls to the Tenderloin, ind ttuit in Doa.e noses they had been Uvine. tbr tf serI iftottt. ONE KILLED, THREE HURT AS AUTO STRIKES POLE J. P. Dwyer Dies in Accident Near Penrose Ferry Bridge. Others in Hospital One man WM3 killed and three Injured when an automobile struck n telegraph pole on Penrose Ferry road near the Penn sylvania railroad shortly before 6 o'clock this morning. The dead man Is Joseph P. Dvvyef,53 years old, of 1619 Snyder avenue. He was pronounced dead at the Methodist Hospital Those injured were Harry Raker, pvvner and driver of he car, 1734 West Passyunk avenue; Kdward Coyle. 24U South Six teenth street, and James Murphy, 21 n soum aeventeentn street. Tl lr Injuries are only slight. They were treated at the Methodist Hospital and later were arrested by District Detectives Cope and Keenan of the Twentieth and Federal streets station, to be held as material witnesses. The acoldent, according: to the police, was due probably to the wet streets. The ma chine, it is said, was golngr soUthion Pen rose Ferry road at a hleh rate of speed when It skidded, smashed into a telegraph pole, throwing Its ooeunants out Jika catapult Dwyer was picked up unconscious. His skull was fractured and his Jaw broken Ha died before reaching the hospital Baker, the driver, became panic-stricken afte. the" accident, the police say He ran away, but was later located by the police. Rumor Starts Run, Despite Fact Institution in North west Is Declared Solvent by Officials U. S. STEEL SELLS AT 90 H ; HIGHEST SINCE 1910 NEW YORK, Autr. lfi. United States Steel reached tlio hlRlicst price today Mace 1010 when It sold at 90?t beforo the closo of tho morning session and seemed to Rlvo cni'ouiiiKemont to tho rest of tho mnrket, which became stronger as the trading continued. RIVER ZEPHYRS SOUND FIRE ALARMS IN CAMDEN Two stray Delaware River zephyrs cnllcd out tho Cumdcn firefighters and attracted laigo crowds to tho Victor Talking Machine Company plant on two sep arato occasions today, when tho twisted wires of tho electric flro nlurm system enme In contact. Tho origin of tho uluims was u mystery until investigation showed that tho vvhes, tangled by a falling pjeco of lion, had beeu blown together by tho wind. OFFER 1000 REWARD A run on savings deposits In tho North Pcnn Hank, Twenty-ninth and Dauphin streets, assumed largo proportions today, necessitating a hurry call for a detail of policemen from the Twenty-sixth and York streets station. The run started Monday, following a rumor that tho departure of one of the directors last week meant losses for depositors. With nearly 500 excited depositors, num bering many women, clamoring for ndmls slon, the directors of the bank, nftcr a hasty conference, offered a reward of $1000 for the arrest of the person who started the rumor. A large sign to that effect was hung over the entrance. Dollar far dollar was paid to those who demanded It,' according to Italph T. Moyer, cashier, who issued the following state ment: The bank Is absolutely solvent. Numerous other banks havo offered assistance, but we have not found It necessary to accept the offers. The city of Philadelphia has made no move to withdraw the $14,000 which It has deposited here. We are pujing every cent demanded, notwithstanding the fact that we are not required to pay the ta ngs deposits without two weiks' notice and the Christmas fund until December IE. Tlje total amount withdrawn will not aggregate 125,000, whereas the day's deposits are $50,000. To counteract the run, which affected only the small savings deposits, business men friendly to the bank hurriedly collected sums and deposited them. This re-established the confidence to a large extent and the crowd dwindled to lew than 109 persons this afternoon. The bank Is Incorporated under a State charter, wl(h a capital of $150,000 and a reported, surplus on April 29 ot J83.955 The director who left Jast week was S J Rlfben, for many years a shoe dealer at Twenty-ninth pud Fletcher streets. Bank officials stated today that he was still & at rector ot tha bank and had icons West only to look after some mining Interests. $5000 DAMAGE DONE BY BLAZE IN GAS COMPANY OFFICE Fire, which started In tho engine room of tho Northern Liberties Gas Company, damaged tho building, at B0 Laurel street, today to tho extent of $5000. An explosion followed the discovery of the flro, and nlthough It rocked the building and shattered several windows, none of tho emplojes wero Injured. Ofllcftils of tho company nro unable to account for tho origin ot tho flro and tho cause of tho explosion. PENROSE AND SMOOT OPPOSE REVENUE BILL WASHINGTON, Aug. 16. Only Senators Penrose and Smoot of tho seven Republican members of tho Senate Finance Committee appeared at today's meeting to voice tho Republlcnn opposition to tlio emergency revenue bill. Their objection was quickly ovenlddon nnd the bill ordered reported by a straight party Vote. Senator Simmons, chairman, Immediately laid the bill before tho Senate. Senators Penroso and Smoot told Senator Simmons tha Republicans would require three or four days to present their case against the hill on tho Senate floor. JAGOW DISCLAIMS GERMAN DESIGNS ON INDIES BERLIN, Aug 16. Foreign Secietary von Jagow today flatly denied that Ger many ever had any designs on the Danish West Indies. "I only know of these re ports through the newspapers," bald the Foreign Secretary, "but of ono thing I am absolutely certain; that is, that Germany is antagonistic to nobody and has no Inten tion of disturbing tho sovorelgn rights of any Power In that part of the world." HARRISBURG FIRM GETS SHELL ORDER FOR BRITAIN HARRISHURG. Aug. 16, Orders for making 200.000 high explosive steel shell formings, of the 4 5 Inch size", ha,ve been received by the Harrlsburs PIpo nnd Pipe Bending Company from the British Government, it was announced by ofliclala of the company today. Work will be started nextweek and will bo filled by the close of the year. PENROSE INQUIRY RESOLUTIONS AMENDED ARE PASSED WASHINGTON, Aug. 16. Senator Penrose's resolutions designed to show the Democratic Administration's alleged violation of the civil service wero adppted by the Senate this afternoon without objectlqn after they had been amended to carry a back-fire against previous Republican administrations. P. O. S. OF A. DECLINES ALIEN-BORN APPLICATIONS ATLANTIC CITY, Aug. 16. Holding that In the face of existing: International conditions no American patriotic organization could afford to throw down the bar riers and welcome foreign-born citizens Into Its ranks, the New Jersey State Camp, Patriotic Order Sons of America, today refused to give serious consideration to proposals for admission of candidates of alien birth. POLICEMEN'S OLD EXPENSE BILLS PAID BY CITY Clerks of the Police Bureau are pacing policemen and detectives their extra expense money for the first six months of the year at City Hall today. About $6000 i being paid to 136 men to cover their carfare, extra, meals and other expense while working on investigations. The men bare not received their expense money r 1915. It U la the loan authorized for maintenance and deficits. DETAILS OF SETTLEMENT ON RAILROAD DISPUTE TO BE SUBMITTED BY PRESIDENT WASHINOTON, Aug. 16. One of the most dramatic Incidents In the history of American labor will be enacted tomorrow In the Cast Room of the White House, when 600 rallrond workers, representing 400,000 of their follows, will hear from President Wilson his reasons for believing they can settle their differences with their employers without using their threatened weapon paralyzatlon of transportation. Tho men nro coming to hear the appeal the President hns made to their subcommit tee hero. Word was communicated to tho President at 12:30 that tho conference in New York between tho delegates of the general committee nnd W. S. Carter, of the subcommittee, had resulted In nothing defi nite beyond ngrcement to hear him. Ar rangements wero mado Immediately at the. White Houso for tho president to receive them tomorrow. PLAN OF AGREEMENT. With tho ngreemnt by the managers' to oc.cept the baslo principle of the eight-hour dny, provided the question of overtime shall be submitted to an investigation, employes today wcro considering a proposition em bracing the eight-hour day temporarily, with present rates for overtime. Both sides would yield somewhat from their original stand The railroads would concede tha eight-hour day, with Its resultant Increase In wages to tho men. The men would yield, for a time at least, their demand for tlma-and-n-half overtime. By submitting the elght-hdur principle to a try-out ' and investigation each side would be taking equal chances. The employes Insist the railroads or the President suggest the means of investiga tion nnd allow them to pass on It One plan discussed Is that advanced by the Indus-trial Relations Commission. This was that In case of a disagreement, Buch as the present, a board of mediation and Investi gation should be created to Include ons member from each side, a third to be chosen by the two selected, or by the Presi dent. It would be necessary, then, to give by legislative enactment powers to tha board to administer oaths, subpena wit nesses, compel attendance and testimony and demand production of pertinent evi dence from both sides. FOR SIX MONTHS' TRIAL. It is understood the employes may be willing or at least are considering a six months' trial of the proposition comprising an eight-hour day and present rate for over time. Within this tlma it would be possl. ble to create a board of mediation and In vitation and have Congress grant it tha powers required to determine the practi cability of applying the eight-hour day to railroad operation, time and a lyvlf over time and other questions involved in the present dispute. While the President today temporarily ceased his activities as mediator pending the conferences held by the employes and managers In New York and Washington. Administration officials appeared hopeful that with the resumption of direct efforts to morrow It will be possible to establish the ' groundwork for settlement. Mrs. DrexeJL Blovea to Insure Alimony LONDON, Aug. 16 Qn application Of Mrs. Anthony J. Droxel tha high court to. day appointed an Interim receiver of the money paid by the Government for Mr. Drexel'B yacht, the Sayonara, whJj Is un der charter to the Admiralty. Unfitly Mrs. Drexel brought suit to recoverWioney ou an, alimony contract and won. tW actlofl today was taken to Insure payment- English Earl Weds California Girl LONDON. Avg H Earl 1 potteolMss and Mtsa PatricU Burke, ot California. rr inarrljrt today t fit gauge's, lia. square. VTh bride wax siva in aourbupi by WaJtw Wlftaasr. fcrBiwly of Balttwuirs. 3 -.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers