EVENING LEDGER-nilLADELP: : April- 1910. i"'" . 8 HORRORS! TEDDY DOESN'T KNOW A PARASITE, DECLARES M'LISS 4, III Magazine Article the Colonel Confuses the : Clinging Vine With' the Home Keeper and Expounds Some Interesting Views TUB ladlea! God bless 'enil It's his Bull Moofllan Hlfthness, Teddy ''Imself, who's chucking the fair sox under the chin onco more. Havlns corralled nto tiki fold those ladlea who do want tho vote, ho now Issues a. sort of "Como Into my nardon, Maudle" Invitation to thoso secluded homebodies who don t. '' In tho ourront Issue of tho Metropolitan Magazine, tho redoubtnblo Colonel jmta down tho big stick, after ilret swattlnt? tho feminists a pulverizing blow with It, and wavea tho flag for tho lowly parasite. Indeed, Just as wo had como to regard this cllnglnj? vino of humanity she ,. who Is an economlo nononlty as c. Bonus that modern civilization should wlno ' out, cornea Roosevelt to tell us that tho parasite Is not n parasite at all, but ' that oho Is tho very backbone of society. Of course, It's a little dldlcult to understand Just how Teddy managed to eonfuso tho real parasite with what ho thinks tho world thinks Is a parasite. Ho doclares that tho assertion that tho woman whoso primary life work Is tak inff care of her homo and children Is a parnslto Is tho "silliest of silliness." Tho .fact that every sanc-thlnklnp person will ngreo with him does not seem to penetrate. "Thero aro man so selfish," ho writes, "so shortsighted or so brutal that they speak and act aa if tho fact of tho man's earning money for his wlfo unci chil dren, whilo the woman bears tho children, rears them and takes care of tho house for them and for tho man, Bomohow entitles tho man to bo known as tho head of the family, Instead of a partner on equal terms with his wlfo, and entitles him to tho excluslvo right to dlsposo of tho money, and, us a matter of fact, to dlsposo of It primarily In his own Interest. "Thero aro professional feminists and so-called woman's rights women who, odrlously enough, seom to accept so much of this malo nttltutio as implies that tho partnor who earns tho money Is tho siiporior partner, nnd that thorefore tho woman, who Is physically weaker than tho man, should accept aa hor primary duty tho rivaling of him In monoy making business; and thoy stlgmatlzo aa parasites tho women who do tho ono great and all essential work, without which no other activity by either sex amounts to anything. "Tho primary work of tho man Is to earn his own livelihood to do hia own business, and to do It woll in order to support himself nnd his wlfo and children, and In ordor that tho nation may continue to exist. Exactly as it is truo that no nation will prosper unless tho averngo man Is a homemakor that Is, unless at somo business or trado or profession ho earns enough to mnko a homo for himself and his wlfo and children, and Is a. good husband nnd father so no nation can exist at nil unless tho averngo Vfoman la tho homokeeper, tho good wlfo and unless sho la tho mother of a BUfllclont number of healthy children to lnsuro tho raco going forward and not backward. Tho Indispensable work for tho community Is tho work of tho wife and tho mothor. It Is tho most honornblo work. It Is literally nnd oxactly tha vital work, tho work which, of course, must bo dono by tho aveiago woman or tho wholo nation goes down with a crash." To thoso aspiring women, who dream of pursuing their careers even though they tako unto thomselvos husbands, Teddy says, nay, nay. It Is only tho ex ceptional women, ho asserts women llko Madnmo Homer, Julia Ward IIowo or Harriot Beccher who can successfully hold In tholr hands tho reins of matri mony and an outsldo-of-the-homo career at ono and tho sarao tlmo. It seems to mo that if this is truo thero aro a great many exceptional women. Tho number of women novelists who havo married, raised famlllos end pursued tholr lino of work meanwhile Is legion. Likewise tho number of Wives and mothors who havo engaged In tho work of civic betterment, while keeping a firm hand on tho lover of tho homo, Is past counting. Indeed, It Is an exceptional woman who isn't exceptional these days. k OnJ thing that Teddy writes, howovcr, will warm tho cockles of every worn oi.'s heart. It is: "The woman who keeps tho homo has exactly tho same right to a say in tlio disposal of tho money aa tho man who earns tho money. Earning tho money! Is not one whit moro tndlspensablo than keeping tho homo. Indeed, 1 am Inclined to put It In tho second place. The husband 'who does not glvo his wlfo, aa a matter of right, her share In tho disposal of tho common funds la false to hi" duty. It In not a. question of favor at nil. Asldo from tho money to be spent on common account, for tho household and tho children, the wife has Just tho samo right as tho husband to her pin money, her spending money. It Is not his money that ho gives to her as a gift. It is i hero aa a matter of right. Ho may earn it; but ho earns It because sho keeps the house; and she has Just as much right kit la a right which It ia every woman's duty to ask, and which it should ' man's prido and pleasuro to glvo he grudges It, and sho In hor turn Is tin her right." "'That ought to ba enough to get Teddy anything ho wants; and who knows what ho may not want by tho time Juno - Letters to tho Editor Address all communication! to M'LIm. Ids of the Dear M'Llss Will you kindly publish In your column the answer to the follow ing questions: Would it be appropriate for the groom's mother to dresa In a white Georgette crepe fown at a big church wedding? Also, do tho bride's parents provide rooms for out-of-town guests, at a hotel, 'when they have their house filled with relatives? I saw Mrs. Patrick Campbell In a play Mveral years ago, in which Bho was the Invalid wife of a minister and did not be lieve prayers wera answered. It waa a very Impressive play with a short tltlo, tho name of which I cannot remember. Can you And it out for me? S. A. P. 1. I do not think there could be any thing mare appropriate at this season for tho bridegroom's mother to wear than a Georgette crepe frock of white. By the way, do you know that "groom" means a. man who attends to horses. A man About to be married Is the "bridegroom." 3. Madame Grundy does not demand that the bride's parents pay the hotel ex penses of the out-of-town guests to the GOOD Good form queries should be ad dressed to Deborah Rush, written on one side of the paper ami signed with full name and address, though initials ONLY will be published upon request. On Tuesday the question discussed was, when It Is proper for men to wear even Ins dress, and today the query Ib, when should women wear evening frocks, that Is, the low-cut evening gown. The same rule which hold for tha man does not hold for the woman. These rules change according to cus tom; several years ago it would have been very bad form for women to wear law-cut gownq In the afternoon, and even those who received at afternoon teas and receptions never woro low-necked gowns, now they ro tho proper thing to wear When receiving. But the guests should not wear low frocks to afternoon affairs. The correct dress for an afternoon tea may be either ft tailored suit and fluffy waist, or a one-piece gown. It Is always proper to wear evening gowns to dinners. Hats are not wom to dinners or dances. Company Keeping Dear Deborah Rush I am so Inter ested in reading your good form column. It Just seems like the real thing to me. Will you tell me what Is meant by keep- i"ips pte&dy oompany? Is this a nice ex. i jireasioni i nave nouceu some people U3e K ana others, never ao. Yvny u this? i woma appreciate your answer, D. D. McO. Keeping company signifies an under standing between a man and woman that they will go together, excluding other men and girls, with this object In view that if they find (n this constant com panionship great congeniality, they will marry eventually. The expression is not in good form, nor pt it ever ued by refined people, further more. It la very bad form to "keep com pany." Besides being bad form it U not lair to the girl, who lets all her other friends go, and perhaps, after a time, finds jjhe does not care for tho man with whom who U "keeping company-" Aa I said onoa before la this column, expressions such as gentleman friend, girl friend, steady company and keeping company are UIr. Pinner Card Dfar Deborah Bush I there any spe mil form to be followed In placing guests at a. dinner! llQV should tho tarda be triBd for the table? P. M. L. Thw t na special form to follow. It jg wH t roiaAEnber your quests' persour to It as ho has. This Is not a hostile without asking. Ho la a poor crcaturo a poor crcaturo If sho docs not Insist arrives? M'LISS. of tho Woman's Pago rare of- thr Ihenlnc Ledger. Writs on ont paper only. wedding. Of course. If they aro wealthy and If tho out-of-townors' exchequer does not permit them to assume such an ex pense, it would be a generous and court eous favor to confer. But etiquette does not demand It. 3. Havo you not perhaps confused tho actreses? I'tliol Ilarrymore played a role similar to tho one you ascribe to Mrs. Patrick Campbell about three years ago. Tha play was called "Tho Shadows." If this Is not what you mean, let mo know and I will endeavor to llnd out for you. To the correspondent signing his letter "Who Would Llko to Know," I regret that I cannot nibble at the bait ha throws out to me. I havo mada it an Indexible rule not to discuss religion or nny of its rami fications In this column. Dear M'LIss Please describe to me a dress goods called "beige." T. llelga is a soft woolen dress fabric, without a very distinctive, weave, llolge, as a color, is used to designate undyed wool. FORM allty and character and to place those who are congenial or would bo apt to be congenial together. Plain cards may bo used, though It Is always mora attractive to use somo with dainty or odd designs. The name of each guest should ba writ ten on the card and then It should ba placed at each cover in the order which you have planned. Take Mother's Advice Dear Deborah Rush I went to tha movies with a real nice young man last week o,nd he wanted ma to go again on Monday and yesterday, and my mother said I should not go bq often with hint so she would not let me accept. Do you pee why It was not proper for mo to go? JAN& It Is always best to follow your mother's advice, If last week was the first time you had gone out with the man In ques tion, it does seem a bit too much of a good thing to go twice In the next week. I should advUe you to do as your mother says In the matter. Finger Bowls .Dear Deborah Rush Should finger bowls be used at any time for breakfast? How should they be placed on the plates? J. SleN. If fruit Is served for breakfast, finger bowls are very necessary. The finger bowl Is usually of thin glass and comes with a saucer of the same kind, A email dolly of laca or fine linen Is laid in the centre of the saucer between it and tha bowb DEBORAH RUSH. Keeping Nuta Fresh You can keep chestnuts or walnuts for a year in perfect condition If they are packed away In sand. Bags of them should be pla;ed In a sand-box in the cellar, She Came ancTWent As a twig trembles, which a bird Lights on to ling, then leaves unbent, So is my memory thrilled and stirred ; I only know (he came and went. As clasps some lake, by gusts unrivon, The blue dome's measureless content, So my oul knew that moment's heaven ; I only know she came and went Oh, when the room grows slowly dim. And Ufe's last oil is nearly spent. One gush of light these eyes will brim. Only to think she came and went James Russell Lowell. SEEN IN LIGHTWEIGHT EVENING WRAP AN nll-lnrfetn evening wrap Is cool and becoming for spring nnd Hummer wear. ATho K.uno model in dark colorings Is practical as well ns'dressy. Tho lines of tho enpo shown in today's Illustration nro extremely simple, but qulto tho proper thing for ri summer dance. Drown iunrnbnu bands trim tho shell pink taffeta to very good effect, outlining the wldo collar, cuffs nnd butlnin nf tho coat. Tho front of tho collar Is ronvcitlblc. It inny be worn high or lu a deep V shape. Loops and ball buttons of helf material form tho cuily other trimming Tho Eamo model may bo oidercd In nny color, plain or chnugenblo tnffota, with contrasting bands of marabou. Price, tSJ.no. Tho nnnio of the kIui where these articles may bo purchased will bo supplied by tho Editor of tho Woman's Page, UvUNtsn Lniinun, 008 Chestnut street. The request must bo accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope, and must mention tho dato on which tho nrtlclo appeared. Marion Harland's Corner Coffee Slniiis on Linen TO L. J. II.: Try putting jour linen in swcot milk and let it stand in n warm place until thick and sour, lllnso in col 1 water nnd then wash, and I think, unless the coffee stains havo been repeatedly 'set,' they will come out. Only tho stained spots need be put into tho milk. I. II." Can Supply n Copy "In reply to T. P.'s request ns to the song, I Wonder How tho Old Folks Aro at Homo,' tho tltlo Is correct, and I mould suggest trying tho stores. If sho Is unablo to get It, I think I can procure n copy of It If wnnted. I think a great deal of your Corner, nnd I nm glad to co-opernlo whou 1 can. M. S. E." An Old-Time. Ballad "Noticing a request for this old-tlmo ballad brings back my boyhood days of 55 and 00 years ago, when I used to sing it. So I send it to you. C. M. S." Tho song. "Tho Dark Eyed Sailor," was not so hard to llnd as wo had feared It might bo. Other of our cider members have affectionate memories of hearing It sund In "lang syne." Several copies have reached the Corner. Preserving Egg3 in Liquid Glass "A reader asks for recipe for preserving eggs lu liquid glasi. I havo used It for three years and havo Just ilulshcd tho last of 30 dozen nnd am sorry wo havon't 30 more. Tho tasto Is just tho saino us that of a fresh egg; tho whites and yellowM aro clear, and tho whites beat up nicely. There Is no odor nt all. To ono pint of water glass tako 10 pints of water that has been boiled ard cooled; put into a stono Jar, set lu and ordinary cool cellar. We havo ono part for fruits nnd vegetables which has none of tho pipes tunning into It I should like to Itnow if you used the same formula. Of course, you must be sure of good fresh eggs. I hope 'Render' will meet with better success. Tho shell of the egg usually breaks when boiled for a hard egg. 1 think It Is duo to tho con traction of the shell by tho liquid glass, but only a small portion of tha white boils out. I have found tho process to ba satis factory otherwise. J. A. S." Filled Noodles "In answer to a request for a recipe for nlled noodles hero is ono that Is delicious: Three cups of Hour, 3 eggs, teaspoon of salt. Mix well with a little, salt until stiff; put on a (loured board and roll out thin; halve nnd quarter until you have pieces about 8 Inches square, then havo ready about SO cents' worth of beef and pork, little mora beef than pork (ground), one egg, Bait, pepper, a. little parsley, a little grated onion, also centra nf slice of bread, moisten and break into tiny pieces; mix altogether, take a tablespoon of meat, put on tha dough and pinch together, put into boiling water and let all boll SO min utes. Lift out and put on platter and pour hot malted brown butter over them and eat at once. If any are left over they are good cut into small pieces and fried brown for supper; with a little sour relish and dessert they make a fine dinner, , "A. a." Sour Milk Cakes "Hera Is a recipe for sour milk cakes: One cup brown sugar U cup butter, 1 cup thick sour milk, 3 cups flour, 1 level teaspoon soda, H teaspoon each One cloves and cinnamon, 1 cup seeded raisins. Cream butter and sugar, then add other In gredients. More flour may be needed to make the cakes stiff enough to keep their shape when dropped from u, spoon on greased pana. Sift soda in flour before tirring into the wet mixture. Bake in quick oven. A. S. V-" Rice and Meat Croquettes "i'ou are always suggesting to house wives that they send in recipes that help other women, and while I think many of us have certain recipes that we like very much, we arq thy about sending them in. So, with the hope that these I forward may please you, I write. Especially flno are rice and meat croquettes, which can be made of any left-over meats, after be ing put through the grinder TheflfcUl for 1 cup of cooked rice and 1 H' chopped meat, 1 teaspoon of salt, B la pepper, JL tablespoons of butter, VKot milk and 1 beaten egg. Put the the double boiler and let It boll. THE SHOPS All roiniiiiinlratlnn mlilreskril to Mnrlnn Hiirl.ltitl Minulil enrlon il Mumped. plf-HlilrcsM-cl riielopo unit a rllnpliur uf the nrtlt lt hi ulilrli jtm ure liiteri'itril. Per kniw ivMiiiur to liltl In tliu rliurltuMe unrl. tit the If. II. ('. Mioiijil urlto Murtnn Murium!. Ir. turn nf till tuiper. fur nil. t!resr of tlinst, they uuulil llUci tu help, iiuil. Ii.u Ink reieheii them, cumiuunlcuu direct with thue purtlew. meat, rlco and BeaBonlng. When It bolls add tho beaten egg and btlr thoroughly; allow to cool. Kluipo tho croquettes, dip In egg nnd roll lu powdered bread crumbs. Set nsldo till noxt morning, when they can bo placed In tho wire basket nnd frlod In deep fnt. Have the fnt smoking nnd brown them a delicious brown. Sprinkle chopped parsloy over tho cro quettes If you fancy this garnish. M. A. V." Another roclpo sent by this correspond ent will appear later. Relation of Mother's Cousin "Will you kindly toll us through your Corner what relation my mother's cousin Is to mo? I havo been told that it goes by generations, nnd us thero aro three gencrat ns of cousins In our family I am Interes'ed. For Instance, my mother nnd her cousin nre first cousins, their children aro second cousins, and their children's children third cousins. INQUIRER." Your mother's cousin Is your first cou sin onco removed. ICnch generation is counted as "a remove." The calculations becotnn confusing after ono begins upon tho third generation. I wish somobody versed in genealogies would inako out a table of such "removes" for us, to which wo may refer with a fair show of estab lishing tho precise degree of consanguinity. "Call nooks" of Old Dances "I should llko to learn through tho Cor ner If there aro any 'call books' now pub lished for tho old fashioned dances, tho squaro dances, Virginia reel, nnd so on7 If thero are, what are tho names of them? I will Inclose a stumped and telf-dlrected envelope for reply. I. A. II." Referred. The Corner owns to unquali fied Ignorance respecting this class o.f publications. Wo shall cheerfully com municate to I. A. n. any items of Infor- Heat Blister on Mahognny "Could any one tell mo how I can take the heat blisters off n mahogany finished chair? J. c." Of course tho blister must be broken before anything clso Is done. It cannot be smoothed down to the level of the rest of the wood as it Is. If you are expert In the use of varnish you may, aftor break ing away the blister, tailing care to leave no projecting edges, apply a little thinned marine varnish to the exposed surface, or bleached shellac varnish, thinned to the right consistency with alcohol, and leave covered with a cup or glass all night. Next day rub tho varnish down with fine emery paper, and when the surface Is perfectly smooth varnish again. Pry for another day, repeat the process, and go through each stage on the third day. It roa) not be a flno job, but it will not be so unsightly as the blister. I assume In writing thus that you are not near enough to an experienced worker In flno woods to enlist his services. If you could do this it would be far better than to attempt the "cure" yourself. Wheat Bran Muffins "Will you kindly give me Information on the three inclosed recipes? Are the apples used for apple cake the dried, sweet or sour apples? They make such a dlf. ference. Could you give me a recipa for wheat bran mufllns, and where can I get the flour? In tha recipe for devil's layer cake, granulated unsweetened choc olate is mentioned. I have never seen any but the powdered chocolate, the same as cocoa. Please let me know about the unsweetened, if, L. A." The dried applsa are rather tart and sweetened to tage. Dried sweet apples are usually tough In texture. The query as to tha flour was answered by malL To make wheat bran mufllns, to one cup of wheat bran add one-half cupful of milk one well-beaten egg, one teauoonful of butter, one. tablospoonful of sugar and one cupful of flour In which has been sifted two teaspoonfuls of baking powder stir well together and bake In hot muflln pans. Th question respecting tha chocolate, was answered by xaall. 'THE HOME GARDEN FOR Plans for Colorful Flower Beds HHRn, folks, nro a few designs nnd hints for garden beds, Inspired by the following lcttor: Friend John Itartrnm Taking ad- vantngo of your Interesting column, I nm writing to nsk you If you would help ma to design a 10-foot' square plot; something colorful, which, If plnnted nt once, would bloom during tho summer. Also something to har monize with scarlet Bage. Hy so doing you wilt greatly oblige, H. S. P. , L. P. requests Information ns to proper tlmo and distance to plant scarlet eago nnd cannas. Alice wants to know somo surc-to-grow plants (from seed) for a small bed. Zimmerman wants directions for a small bed (size unstated) featuring red and yollow Mowers. All flower beds should bo dug to the dcptli of two feet nnd enfth raked nnd flnod Into a mellow, friable condition. A fistful of It should bo firm enough to form n lump carrying tho finger prints, yet frlablo enough to crumble If rubbed gently between the fingers. Tho soil should be onrlchcd with bono meal, ground sheep mnnuro or welt-rotted stablo manuro, thoroughly spaded In. - For II, S. F. two plans havo been de signed, ono somewhat elaborato and cost ing a fair sum of monoy ; tho other moro slmplo, but nttractlvo In design nnd nt a less expenditure. Tho combination In each Is bused on cannns nnd scarlet sago. Thero aro no difficult curves, stnrs or scrolls, which usually aro beyond tho skill of tho amateur. A measuring tape and a good eye nro all thnt will bo necessary to attain symmetrical results nnd tho achievement will be a constant Joy In con tinuous bloom. In the centro of plan No. 1 Is a cnladlum csculentum ! the cost of a bulb Is 25 cents. This Is tho pivot of a group of 20 camius, planted in two rows. Tlicso will cost from $1 to $2 a dozen, according to tho variety selected ind whether tho roots or growing plants aro Used. Next, working outward, is a Rcrles of rows of scarlet sage, about 120 plnnts being called for, nt tho rate of 50 per 100. Tho finishing edgo Is a slnglo row, all around, of coletts, the requirement be ing 120 or so; tho cost bolng $4 per 100. Tho cannns should bo planted about one foot and a half npart, tho sngo nbout six Inches, tho colcus about four Inches. In each of tho four corners Is a group of halt a dozen scarlot geraniums, costing nbout $1 per dozen. Tho cannas can bo bought as rhizomes, nt n discount In prlco of nbout 20 per cont., up to tho beginning of April. About April 10 they como In grown form, which will mako tho flowering sea son earlier. Tho scarlet saga can bo brought up from seed, but this will delay flowering results. It Is best to Titty tho coitus tu plant form and tho geraniums also. Ask fur colons in which bright red predominates In ordering. ' Tho following nro ideal vnrlotlcs of ennnn for tho bod: Conomlngo, llery scar let Mowers nnd bronzo foliage, growing six feot; Wnbash, four feet, bronzo foliage, cnrmlno ilower unusually largo; William Saunders, also bronze leaved and with a vivid red (lower. Tho standard scarlet sngo, Salvia splendens, should bo used for the rows nearest tho cnntins, then should bo used Zurich, a dwarfed form, or Golden- Sff- PLAN NO. 1 Sketching detail of onc-hnlf of 10 by 10 ft. plot. E, elephant ear or cnlndium; A, ennnas; II, scarlet sngo; C, coleus; D, geraniums. lea'ed, which has typical scarlet flowers and yellow follnge. For geraniums chooso tho doublo General Grant, which Is well adapted for bedding and has splendid trusses of free-blooming Mowers. Plan No. 2 cuts down tho costs by util izing a diagonal walk through tho plot. It calls for a dozen cannas, which may bb of two varieties, ono In each section, 12 bcarlot sago and, as a rather broad border, freely growing masses of popples and dark red petunias lu the two sections, respectively. If desired, the sections may be edged with coleus, hut this is hardly necessary, as tha petunias and popples will fill out the territory. A 25-cent package of seed of each will be requisite. The seed, which are flno. should bo sown in bhallow drills and where they spring up too thickly, can be thinned out. The petunias will transplant to some other part of the garden, but this C R. Smith & Son Market St. at 18(h PfiY V 'JSS sgsy. AciW'M b b b c DB C B B 8 B Y e 7 b b r a c b 8 &7 7 A c b7 b 7 c7e77 a7 E 41 1N1X jlua in l"J !i! Ui . m Hi M El H 13 Mia a i'i fl ' I 1 RT.ANKS E, 1 )a n .. . . 1 - nSn it HimmHH"tfjliMMf;,m'nTmliu.ui:muji:M-ii A H 1 iiiigiiiiiiilitiPi trt&W .A II rJV&aRO r t '! II i ..rTTir, II'.H llIHft . lCCHf -a Fancy Cakes KV f ' I Qutlltj. renowned for 00 yetrs. H I BFrejli Strawberry Ice Cream 0 60c Quart g : 1024-26 Chestnut St. Plume, Wtotrt M, M ntfTJteTtttlt-3fiygrFflf5rrr ffrmSgT Diamond Ring i fMttk, SiSKTT3&.y lUney. which c.n ,(" IZkZrJlWF gsHi&S onlr be attained jtt HHlIAUijUf PSfelwS' threueh the prac- ff tMaJlU( Jy tlcn of tho m. ia reflected V Vf iiKjJ3?Jk. frX ia a beautifully mounted solitaire at yd r! WMgfATg $150.00 ' sSm PLEASURE AND PROFIT By JOHN BARTRAM Bring yonr problems of gardening to the Rrenlng Ledger for notation. In ndilltion to prnctlcnl nrtlclen, timely lo Him l,An. lit a.IIIam llt ... j either out of liU own experience n n amnu-scnie Knruenrr or (lirntmh con ultntlon with authorities, qneatlonn of renders. Address John llurlrnm, llre Ing Ledger, I'hltndetphln. cannot bo dono with tho popples on Re count of their tender, fleshy roots. Either California popples (Eschscholtzla) or standard popples. In a scarlet or crimson variety, may be uted. If the former, select Mandarin or Crimson King variety. Cannas can stnnd from 12 to 18 Inches apart for mnss effect, though somo gar deners put them as far apart ns two feet. Salvia should bo plnnted as near ns four Inches if a very close effect Is sought, but six to nine Inches Is near enough In a format design. Coleus, to mako a continuous border should be plnnted three or four Inches apart April 1-10 is early enough for cannas (roots); April 15-20 (plants); scarlet Bnge, April IC-S0. For a small bod of, say, 4 by 4 feet, featuring red and yellow Mowers, I would advlso a central row of genista, which grows to 4 feet (three of them will be onough nnd they will cost about a quar ter each), on each sldo, n foot from tho o 7 A . - "' V J VeX s Av A. A. Ao A A ' V- X' . . - -T-.to -r- PLAN NO. 2 Less expensive design for bed featuring scarlet sage. A, can nas; B, scarlet sage. mlddlo row as depcrlbed ; altcrnato gal lalrdla and dlctamnus frnxlnella nt Inter vals of a foot (four of thorn at IE or 20 cents each), nnd for a border, Tom Thumb or somo other dwarf nasturtiums, planted from seed, tho seeds at 3-Inch Intervals and tho rows 6 Inches apart. Tho genista, dlctamnus and gallalrdla are perennials and will como up year after year If cov ered with coarso manuro and straw in tho wintor. Tho nasturtiums must bo replant ed nnnunlly. This bed Is easy in design, labor nnd cost, but will mako an nt tractlvo effect, and will provldo plenty of flowers for cutting. Nasturtiums, calendula (Improved kinds of marigold), popples, both standnrd and California (cschscholtla), petunias, zinnias nnd nasturtiums aro all easy and sure growers from seed plnnted In tho open border nbout April 5 to 15, nnd tho crowd ed seedlings thinned out to 1 or two inches apart. Coat Hanger de Luxe A dainty little coat hanger for tho kid dles' wardrobo will do much toward In culcating n iovo for tidiness in tho young mind. Tho particular hanger noticed In a shop recently was made of wood, only whero tha wire hook Is placed, a quaint Colonial lady's head Is to be seen. She wears a poko bonnet, and hor outstretched arms form the hanger proper. A clover girl, could mako these nt homo. Tailored Suits Whlto broadcloth, Jersoy cloth, duvc tyne, falllo silk or novelty silk may be used on tho collar of tho dark coat suit. Shawl collars aro seen ugaln; somo of tho models havo a plain shawl collar at tho front and a rippling Prcmct capo across the shoulders at tho back. Jackets aro Just a shado longer than hip length. They must Mare, of course. Plaits nro fashionable, too. Somo of them havo facings of white. Fast Black Stockings A little bit of vinegar added to the water in which black stockings nro washed will keep them V fast black. This Is a good thing to know In these days of doubtful dyes. these i ' NAM Hanan & Son 1 BMWT M I V i -ry wrtiicu dim LReadv in Sixtv Minutes Don't aecopf IX 4 In t- mt-nner sure tvt-rl nronrt Neu TKovgWt polks Jtvy; hot L dorvt; .sue. How they fool "themselves et-sv- French Mayonnaise Do you know tho correct way to mako mayonnaise? Here Is tho reclpo as glvsn by an old French wornn, whose mayon naise has mada her famous. Directions must bo followed qulto literally, of courao, to Insure success. Ono thing to be re membered is this tho failure of moat mayonnalso to "mayonnaise" Is duo to varying temperatures of tha Ingredients. Thin should not bo. Don't uso ono In gredient right from the Ico-chest and tho other from tho pantry. Tako them all out beforehnnd, If ybu want them wnrm, or put them all In tho Icebox If you prefer them cold, But let them, by nil means, bo of common temperature, Tako tho yolk of a fresh egg nnd put It In a bowl. Add n bit of sweet oil, drop by drop. When you hnvo dropped nbout n tnblcspoonful, having worked it thor oughly Into tho egg yolk, add a fow drops of lemon Juice, blending theso Ingredients alt tho time. Tho mlxturo will Boon be gin to thicken, but kcop on stirring, Now, drop by drop, ndd mora oil. Have nn other spoon ready, and Into this put your lemon juice, which must bo worked into tho contents of tho bowl, Keep this up until you havo added about 2 gills of oil and tho Julco of half a lemon. When tha egg starts to curdlo add a little salt, but , do not add until tha mayonnalso Is maatA One-Piece Dress If you find your material for tho strti frock Is becoming scarce, why not adal tho goods you have to tho fashionable twl material frock? Mako n circular Mound as wldo as your material will allow anl Join this to your other goods at tho knees. Pockets of tho silk on sorgo, or scrgo oni silk, or whatever tho combination happens to be, nro smart, J The bodlco may feature many styles.! You can uso a cleop roumintlon or Barges laid on to tha upper part of silk In Wnllal of-Troy design. A peplum Is chic, toofl ospccinlly on tho very slender flguro. De- coming variations of tills general design for "Mappers" aro to bo seen In any largo store . Ostrich Trimming Tho rago for ostrich trimmings of all kinds is very much In cvldenco this spring. Ona notices It in tho millinery, neckwear and novelty departments par ticularly. Wldo ribbons aro edged on ono or on both sides with an Inch-wide band of ostrich. Hat brims, crowns or nny other part which strikes tho creator's fanoy may bo trimmed with curling feathers. Tho uncut ostrich Is smart, too, Boas of tills In shades of mauve, taupo and black and white aro worn with silk coat suits. Kvon tho handbags of Mowercd and striped silks show touches of ostrich feathers on the bottom. Spring Silhouette Havo you got a beehlvo silhouette? Mnybo you havo and don't know It. Worse still, maybe you haven't! Tho beehlvo silhouette Is really the saroo ns tho Span ish skirt that slcek-Mtted nrtlclo which fits tightly to tho knees and then flares out In a full and very abrupt ruftla. Any skirt which Is cut full and not gored may be mada Into a beehlvo. Just mako a very short petticoat which ex tends about Ave Inches below tho hips, ending with a little hem. Into this hem slip a slight wiring of fcatherbono and weight it. It Is tho foundation for tha fnshlonablo afternoon or evening frock. Hot Water bottle Hints Tho proper way to All a hot-wator bot tle Is given by tho trained nurse who knows. This Is what sho hays: FlrBt of all, heat tho water until It is almost ready to boll, fill tho bottle about one-third full, no more. Before you put in the stopper, lay the bag qulto lint on a tnbla or bath room bowl and double It over on Itself. ft MUSAAMM 1 - VJI , nfv .frTi This will immediately force out nil the -l excess Hteatn, which renders tho bag hard and uncomfortable. Early Spring Boots With Matched Hosiery 'In spite of the scarcity of colored kid, we are able to sup ply our customers with a fair quantity of these popular boots, in lace or button. Hltrh crade hosiery to match colors, Pearl Gray Kid Ivory Kid White Kid 1518 9 Chestnut St. e)l , M J : That' about nil the tlmo you need allow If you dcr your own dry cleaning at homo with. Putnam Dry-Clesner, tho preparation that Is to gasoline what eoap is to water. Any article of wearing apparel can be easily cleaned and freshened that way nnd ready to wear in an hour's time, It laves several days delay and seven-eighths of the cost entailed in sendingltputtothcdrycleanlngestabllshment, Putnam Dry-Cleaner (a a powerful cleanlnjagent specially prepared for homo use. JVill not injure the most delicate fabrics, or cauto wrinkling, shrinking, change of color or shape, Fuji directions with every bottle. Your Druggist sella Putnam Dry-Cleaner lie and 50 bottles. If ho csn't supply you, writo us wo will send bottle, postpaid, for 25c, Monroe Drug Co,, Qulncy, 111 substitutes demand tho genuine. PUTNAM DRY-CLEANER L-
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