ISllii EVENING LEDGER PnTLADELPHTA, THURSDAY, APRIL 0, 1916 10 li I w PERSONAM t Witt. NOT be responsible for RnyiJetun Ten contracted by, myself- Thomas Allen Caopo. 60 W Cheltennve ) UNCLAIMED TELEGRAMS WrjirRiw Union Tnt.nonArit co,. ivn chitnut st.- state Forwarding nnd Rhlp Pin Co.. 8. Stanley Ellis Mr. IMJIIJ. Fclf,,Mrs. W F. j'al.dw n. ? SfflTJl'i Miss Carrie Horn Emit Mnlherde. Wallace 11 Peterson. Ml" Jessie Hendre, Geo. Moy er W. W. Washburne. H Ocheltree, Geo. L. Jiostr. C. I... Turner, Mrs Bates. D. M. firwtan. Frank C Slmms, It. I) Galleger. Norman Bnjter Jit. I. I'iyth. Chs. Jnin sey, Simon August I.. Crookshank, vm, J. FOOTAtf TRLlWfJl'cO.. HIS B. Tenn .,. Alexander Dlatsnbo, rLP WANTED FEMALE Help Wanted Arts Received Too I,nteior 1 Ciaasldcnllon Will he round on Page g t I cAshiers blaiiner's require the services ok bright cash- llfnS. THOSE! HAVING HAD EX- phrienoh with national. cash Registf.r preferred. . apply superintendent's office. 833 market st. CASHIERS nlauner's requlro tho services of bright cashiers, those having had rxporlenco Willi National Caali Register preferred Ap Ply Snperlntendenfa Otnee. 831 Market 1 . CHAMBERMAID Nind wnltress, white, Trotes tnnt: family ones assist with small wash: West Phlla, Meet emplnser Thursday. 11 o'clock. Tloom SOT, 008 Cheatnut at. CltAMnERWORK nnd waiting Experienced, rood refs.t no washing, wages Iflt on Main Line Call at jd. Central, Frldas. 11 a m CHAMBERMAID and wnltress, tlrst class: Protestant; ref. required D 120. l,od off. CHAMBERMAID and laundress, cnpnblo wotn t an. with reference. Overbrook0030. CIltLDNURSE. Protestant, care of one child Meet emplojer 13 o'clock Thursilay. lloom 203. 008 Chestnut at. COAT HANDS to make nltcratlona on high grade coats. Apply Alteration Itoom, OP PKNHEIM. COLLINS & CO., Chestnut and iin sis. COMBING JIOOM HELP. Apply Carl Grub nau4 Bona. 2d and Erie. . COOK, chambermaid and waitress Two whlto girls for small family: Merlon Station, Pa. Meet employer. Foom 203, COS Chestnut st , Thursday. 11 o'clock. COOK Wanted, good plain cook. Protestant, on gentleman's farm. 40 miles out, 0 In fam ily. Addrev giving reference nnd wages slred. Mrs. W. w. Montgomery, Box 0. . adnor. Pa. COOK, colored, wanted, must know how to bakas no washing, to go up Jersey 10 mllea from Camden; wages 17 a -neck. Apply , 130 Market at. , COOK wanted to do good plain conking nnd downstairs work: no washing, small family: suburbs Call 1720 Sansorn at COOK Chambernnid nnd waitress: whlto; suburbs: good wares 11 307. Ledger Office. COOK Young woman for plain cooking; two In. family. 222 S 3Hth st. DRESSMAKER wanted. Apply M. Silverman A Son, northwest c-nrner 0th nnd South. DRESSMAKER wishes neat sowers 4 days a week. 832 North 41st. DRESSMAKER 2127 N. lUth. ' Apprentlco wanted. Apply dressmakers Expert waist, sleeves and skirt finish ers, from tho most fashionable, estab lishments only: also vacancies for neat soung girls as apprentices In dress making. Apply, preferably beforo 10 a. m., French Dressmaking Shop, 3d floor. Market st. sTitAwimiDan & clothier FITT1NO and alteration hands, experienced, on suits and dresses. I,ousol s. 1318 Chestnut st.. second floor. Q1RL. white, wanted fo- -hnmberwork and watting In small family .i Overbrook: city reference. Phono Ovcrhrnolc 4373 QJRL. whlCo. wanted. German preferred, for ccrnral housework: no washing, referenco. i M, Vermont ava.. Atlantic city. GIRL Protestant, for cooking and downstairs work: reference. O 138. Ledger Central. GIRLS WANTED who can sew. Wm. II. Cmblck & Sons 1020 Cheatnut st. GIRL!) of all ages wanted: easy work: good pay. The A Schoenhut Company, Adams pnd Sepylva sts. HOSIERY manufacturer oders permanent posi tion supply regular customers at mill prices In Philadelphia nnd vicinity, all or spare time; J30 to 1100 a month. Parker Co . J7.I3 N. 12th st. . jjtQJJHFKEIIPnR Young woman, white, re- nttfa. fro.Ti country preferred cunablo taking full charge, smaU adult family stato age, salary, references, etc D 20 1, Ledger Otflco. HOUSEKEEPER (working) comp . op. 321 Real Estate Tr Itldg and Chestnut. HOUSEKEEPER (working) Protestant, refer- ences. cooil wages phone 072 Chestnut Hill HOUSEKEEPER (working) Sm ill family, for suburbs. H 231, ledger Office. HOUSEWORK Whlto girl for general house work: gooj cook, referenco, sleep home, two In fnmll:', wages 10. Apply 402O chest- rut at. HOUSEWORK White or colored, must answer phone. Meet employer Room 203, t.0S Chest nut st.. Thursday. 12 o'clock. HOUSEWORK Capable girl for W. Phlla : small family: no wash. H 311. ledger Office. HOUSEWORK (general) Exp whlto girl. ref. req.. German pref Phone cnwd 38 J INFANT NURSE wanted, experienced, with reference, Inquire 243 S 17th St.. before 12 or telephone Locust 2717 W. INSPrCTRKSSES HLAI'NRR'R UEQl'IRE THE SERVICES OF IlltlriHT AND INTELLIGENT 1NSPECTRESSES: THOSE HAVINO HAD DEPARTSIENT STORE EXPERIENCE PRE FERRED APPLY SUPERIN TENDENT'S OFFICE. 833 MARKET. LAUNDRESS white, first class preference re quired. D 110, Ledger Ofllce LAUNDRV HELP Experienced feeders and folders In mingle room, also girls aver HI ears to learn. 13 paid while learning: steady work. Penna. Laundry Co., 319 N. 3.'d st. LAUNDRY Experienced markers nnd sorters: also blight young girls tn learn; $3 per week paid while learning. 1020 Vine. XiAVNDRT Mangls room help: learners taken: paid while learning. 1029 Vine. LEARNERS TO 8EI.L SHIRT WAISTS AND DRESSES A largo store Is wllllnr to teach young wom en to sell in the ready-to-wear departments; must b well educated and of good appear ance; salary 110 a week to begin with, rapid romotlon for merit; address In confidence. I 207, Ledger Office. MAID, white, capable for cook and gen house work, ref required. Call Sat. 10 to 13 a. m, Mrs Whiting, 133 8- 1Mb. St.. Phlla. MILLINERS' SERVICES RE QUIRED RT BLAUNER'S AP PLY SUPERINTENDENT'S OF FICE. 833 MARKET ST, MILLIE AND HER mjoHjgj Z'ZTZ (J I rHERe,Y0UN6FeL0"eKTV N?S7TOnT.ANGr:c y cffSsbsTTrie? -frS-5 7 H Ave YOU 60T A PeRMITj '&Hrh2?- ' hj ( IIJCJ.MTI6&J T0H0LPAPARACTc J IzzZpT) . x 1 )wot kino o' mq ire Does ' Q9o - T "t iuuiiiiiiiiii mi., j TrrT m r n ijni t - f L T " ' i ' tt ,! . ..n., mjjimacr1 ' ,J" 'inim'sriiisniiiiiroMinnsiTini-rii-raiiiin-irnir-r-in- m mi rrn ''r"ipiiiit .1 HEM? WANTED BEMAIiE ConHntird from FreccAlno Column MILLINERS HLAUNERS nKQUIRU THE SERVICES OF IMPROVERS AND HELPERS IN THEIR MII.LINKHT DE PARTMENT. APPLY SUPERINTF.ND ENT'S OFFICE. 833 MARKET ST. MOTHER'S HELPER, capable, refined, joun woman, to assist Wltn cniinrcn ana sewinn. Apply KOSO Oicrbrnok ave. Ph. Oierb'k fl30. NURSE for two children, f nnd o: must lw competent: good references; Protestant. mono 7 (.'nestnut 11111 NURSERY GOVERNESS for 2 children: boy. 0: girl. 3: Protestnnt preferred! references necessary, enliry 30 per month. 8 ledger i Rranch. ?t28i (lermnntow n ae. PANTRY WOMAN, thoroughly exp : good on salads; good position. Meet emplojer 2 30 p.m. Friday. RoomSOSLjlOS Chestnutst. PIEC'ERS nnd feeders, etp , In eplnnlng dort : steady work. 3. A II. Allen, 4080 Sheldon st.. Germantnwn. SALESLADIES wanted. M. Silverman Son. northwest corner Oth and South. PA!,nm-our.v millinery SALESLADIES' SERVICES RE QUIRED I1Y Ilt.AUNER'S AP PLY SUPERINTEVDENT'S OF FICE, 833 MARKET ST. SALESWOMEN W A I 1 T fl SALESLADIES' SERVICES nE OUIItED 11Y IlLAUNER'S. AP PLY SUPERINTENDENT'S OF FICE. 833 MARKET ST. SALESWOMEN HKRVirrt REOFlRfD m- m,u.NERS in tht: waist de partment APPLY SI'PEltl.N'TE.N'D. E.VT'S OFFICE. 833 .MARKET ST. SALESWOMEN SFRVICES tin. QUIRED nv RLAt'NER'S IN THE SUIT DEPARTMENT. APPLY SI' PEltlNrnNDENT'S OFFICE, S33 MARKET Si. SALESWOMEN SERVICES RE QUIRED HY IlLAUNER'S IN MILLI NERY DEPART MENT. APPLY SU PERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, 8.13 MARKET ST. SALESWOMEN SERVICES RE QUIRED HY Rl.AlJNER'S IN COAT DEPARTMENT. AP PLY SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE. 8J3 .MARKET. SALESWOMEN, experienced, In high-class women's outer gartnentn speililty shop. Lnusol's. 111H Chestnut st . second floor. SHOES Learners In picking room. 7th floor, in N 12th st bOPRANO on Sundiy clonings for mission choir. 73 cents each service. Address O 3"t, Ledger Central STENOGRAPHER Experienced wanted for stenography and nunu lady offico work. H joh ranger nrnce WANTED A rellnhlo. white, Protestnnt joung woman to tnkn enro of baby 0 months, nnd assist with light housework: reference required nccommoilitlons oxi client: carfnro refunded for Interview In morning. Trolley stntlnn 17 H Moorestown, N J. Mrs. T. U l) Perkins FORKING housekeeper for family of three; Morlon Station. Pi II 302. ledger Office TWO GIRLS, cook nnd chnmbermnld, waiting. laundry, small adult family, suburbs. Box Hi. Glenslde Pn General THE SPIRELLA COMPANY has n splendid opening for n good business woman: will bo trained, sell by appointment only: part time, no rnmnssers ucd Apply by letter, giving telephone lull Chestnut st. WOMEN WANTED AS GOVERNMENT CLERKS $70 month: Philadelphia examina tions coming snmple questions free. Frank lin Institute Dept 7lrf N . Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTED MALE BOOKKEEPER Wanted a good bookkeeper, with knowledge of cost keeping, wanted bj large corporation M Hi7. Ledger CcntrnI BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, experience,! tn u stock broker s offlcu. replies confidential. G 330 Ledger Central BOY. 10 or over, wanted In pattern room. Ap pl MhHckamaxon Mills. Allegheny ave. nnd Hjincock st BOYS, between 14 and HI jears. In toy factory. Hedge st below Orthodox st . Frnnkford BOYS, over 10. for filling cans; If quick nnd capiblo. can make 18. $10 nnd S12 per week Apply Paint Works. 4th und Venango sts. nOYS wnnled HI or oer. to work in will pnper faitory. Apply at once. Becker, Smith &. Page. Water st and fcnvder ao BOYS wanted. 14 cars nnd over. Alfred Wolstenhnlme & Son, 24th and Allegheny. BOY for delivery: must bo neat and havo good reference ono living In North Phlla. pre ferred llagedorn's. 107-Hri H I.ltrt st BOY In steel merchant's ofdce, to assist hill clerk and make himself useful Address, stating age experience, salary exacted, Gi ll- Ledger Central BOY 10 liars. Catholic, for irrnnds und iifnie work, J4 per week to start: good rhamo for advancement. l 205. Ledger Of flie. BOY, bright, 10 years, fair penman for general office work P 82'), Ledge r Ofllce BOY WANTED, over 10 Keen-Edgo Manu facturlng Company, 130 N 12th. BOYS over HI wanted In laundry, to make themselves generally useful, wages S3 to start lii.-i vine BOYS, over 111 years, for errands nnd office work. E F. Houghton i. Co., 240 W. Somer set st . Phlla BOYS, over 10. for stoik rooms, for errands and for soda fountains ,r-,int- II I'ViWa lion -u . i uuu.,.,1. - - ...i"i ww. K.i-g.nm. BOYS WANTED KEYSTONE LEATHER CO-! 1UTH AND MICKLE S.T3 . CAMDEN. N. J BUSHELMEN wanted. Wm. II. Umblclc Sons, 1020 Chestnut st. ERRAND BOY. 10 jears or over, wanted by WnOieHUI VIWlll (twuav, hibi ,u DIUri, 9i per week. Addrets P 828. Ledger Ofllce. ERRAND BOY wanted, elegant opportunity for advancement SI SILVERMAN U SonT iuhand bouth, N W cor FARMER married man, vvlth children for eigner preferred, general farming und truck ing, to work under owner's directions. Rob tl N. Merrltt bnow Hill. Md iTAROENER A. comiwtent gardener Protes tant, must thoroughly underatand the grow ing of (lowers and vegetables and rare of greenhouse and lawns, can atao make use of a good farmer: private place: references rrom im cimwuicr iciuircu. u iji. i.eq ua, GARDENER wanted, single, white. I'rotes. tant; care of lawn flowers, vegetables, poul try, stock, etc (33 per month and board, steady position: statu age and experience. D 131. Ledger Office. MILLIONS HELP WANTED MALE Conf'nvnf from mctAitio Column GORDON PRESS TEEDBRS WANTED. Apply at 18 North nth st . Phlla. JOB PRESS FEEDERS wnnled Arply Thomas Johnson Lawrence nnd Clearfield sts.. Phlla. LABORERS wanted at Tsgert-Allen fertilizer works, South Delaware and Werenroo nves , Phlla. Seo superintendent nt works LABORERS wnnted. Apply, Phllfi. Check Of fice, Atlantlo Ref. Co., 3141 Passyunk five. MACHINISTS Wanted at onca First class athe Iforltontal boring mill and chucking latho hand AMERICAN ENGINEERING COMPANY Arnmlngo nvo. and Cumberland st. MACHINISTS wnnted Apply Cfano Depart ment. Mles-Bement-rond Co., Meadow and Mifflin sts. MAN to make forms and ninko ready on Onllv cutting nnd creasing Ftr,";, teiIn,Si.g Piper boxes Address P 8 10LedgerOfflce. MEN WANTED to hnndl; 'nbor. wages !lc. per hour. Wm M Llojd Co., Pier 00. North Wharves,footof Susquehnnnn. nve SiEN"VANTED; MIDDLE-AGED. KEYSTONE I'liATUER CO llUh-MlekJeCamdnJj J RUNNER wanted Tor monotype casting ma chine one who knows how to mako changes: nls.) two newspaper nd men who underitnnd make-up: mu( he hust 'ers union Amjly nt nne News Printing. Co . Patcrsnn N J. 5ulALE.ST.TE--loy wnnted. .must II vn In flerm-intown. stato age. etc 1" 0a2. Lodger central REELERH nnd tnl.ters exp..ln spinning ilept.J steady work. Apply to J. & It. Allen. I0S0 Sheldon st. Oermnnlown. SALiTSMAN" now calling on nntomohllo nnd molortruek owners ono f a,l"J11nB,!!1,Mr,,.r'; ence wllh nils p'eferrcd. Call 1133 Real Estnto Trust Building. SALESitAN. MperleniTil, to sell Industrial stock. O 143, ledger Central. SAW FILER experienced bind ro-saw filer. 48'hour-per-vccl schedule rhrstcal examination ncccssiry. Apply VICTOR TALKING MACHINE CO. Application Office, 35 Cooper at., Camden, New Jcrocy. SALESMEN, EXPERIENCED, FOR MEN'S Cl'i THING MEN'S HATS FOR REGULAR IT'S! I IONS. ALSO FOR EXTRA -WORK ON SATUR DAYS APPLY AT IIUHEAU OF EM PLOYMENT. I'n FLOOR SIRAWIlRIDtli: &. CLOTHIER. SALESMEN WANTED Two hlBh-rlaBs realty. Insurance or stock silesinen for new attrac tive prnroslton. miiko Sloo to IBOO weekly; product In greit dennnd for munitions; strlctlv commission, no advances, for live, successful salesmen only. Apply 0 to 12. Thursday morning, to J. I Mather, Room 1410. Bellevue-Htrntford. SALESMEN Wo want flvo salesmen to repre h, nt us In tho sale of a new device for re tail stores In eastern Pennsjlviinl i, wo wnnt men with bnckbono and initiative, between 2", nnd 43 suirs old, who can llninco them selves until lomnilsslons start, men of this stamp assured of prolltnble returns For In- tervlew address G 440, Ledger Central SALESMEN Traveling men cam Hrrn profits selling advertising pencils ns n sldo linn, business men In iverv plicoou visit want our goods For terms und simple address Nat, Pencil Co . 2d s. Anlsts Phlla jPn. SALESMEN now cilling on phvslclnns can miterially add to their Income with a spo iitity wanted by all thoso owning motor cars; no samples to carry. M 730. Lcdgor Central. MIOES 12th .(iirners In packing room. 31S N. bODA W n'lt DISPENSER to tnko charge of fount iln Two men unler him. G 340, Ledger Central. faOLlOlTOHS- Cuthollc. $-l tn, $r. dally. Wo show ou how 111. 029 Chestnut. SPECIAL EDITION MAN, used to hlgh-grndo magazine work onlv j big money proposition. (8 132. Lcdf-er Central. MOCK SALESMAN Wnntid n llvo stock pnlesmin to place strs-l: for u higli-grado proposition. O 237. I.eilger Central. TRIMMER WANTED HIGH GRADE AITTO MOIIII.U BODY 'MtlMMER FOR HANGING HACK'S CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, TARRYTOW.V. N. Y. WANTED llxrerlenceil clothing salesmen. Perry i. Co., ICth and Chcelnut sts. Wood-worklns Machine Hands. I)oubl-hcad alolders. Sticker Hands. . Jointer Atachlne Hands, Double-end Mitre Saw) era. 4S,hOUr-per-week schedule. Plijslcal examination necessary. Apply VICTOR TAIKINO MACHINE CO Aplicatlon Ofllce. 33 Cooper at., Camden. N. J. WANTED Man. experienced, to drlva team, grain and luled hay business, call after 9 . in.. 11. llildler I Co . 2230 Germantown WANTED Young man, strong and active, to vvorV In feed store Call after u a m.. H llildler &Co . 2239 Germumown ave WATCHMAN Blauner's requlro the services of jx watchman act utomed to department atom work, must coino well recommended Apply superintendent's offico. 831 Market st! YOUNO MAN wanTed who his had machine shop and foundry experience, competent to handle about 2U0 men and particularly er. fectlva in produrtlon work, technical grad uate Is preferred, pructlcally nn ubsistatit to president, but tho lob requires a modern upto-dato hustler with full miehanlbSl knowledge Answer, giving age, references and where, emploied n 1 of which will be held strhtly cuntldentlai. Address M 9"7 ljed ger-Ofni t " YOUNO MAN. 10 or 2') leais of age, with some experience, os iftics assistant with largo nierc.iiitllo house, salary in. p i l.ed.icr Office. YOUNG MAN. with 2 or 3 ears' experlencTln the grocery business; reference. aARRETT jmOlHERS,'7tiundWa.liiut sts" YOUNO MN wanted for office work, 10 to 18 fears of uge. chance for advancement. Tub Works. Oak Lane. Philadelphia (Copyright. 1910.) HELP WANTED MALE Continued from Prtctdlno Column YOUNO MEN to leirn threading: paid while learning. Apply John Bromley & Sons. Le high nvo., below Front GENTLEMAN !n rag nnd piper makers' sup plies business, to tnko charge of.buvlng and selling; stato age. experience, and salary ex- . pected O 8 IS. Ledger Central. General SPECIAIj , AUTOMOllHiH . Instruction given, day and nlghl, hy expert mechmlca at the oldest nnd original Auto School Repairing In nil Its branches. Tim ing, wiring and 00 road lessons at n very small cost Oil NORTH nROAD ST F TETZ. FOREMAN. EXPERIENCED IN DRAWN PRESS AND TOOL WORK: 121. ....... OTHER POSITIONS OPEN IOR IIIOH GRADE MEN. BUSINESS SERVICE COM PANY. 1301 LAND TITLE BUILDING. EARN 123 weekly nt homo mtnufncturlng lighting specialty: whole or spare tlmei no selling. Write Dept. 21, 8AYRLS CO , Toledo SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER Knowledge of stenography: 34 years' exp.i efficient, r O'S. LedCent BOOKKEEPER, clerk. 3 years' experience: om Jjtlousi accurate: tlo. O lfil. Ledger Cent. BOOKKEEPER or assistant. 4 '4 ears' exp I capable on details. F 254. Ledger CohtraL CHAMBERMAID wishes position, city or coun- trv, goou references. 11 nun. i.euger cuiice. CLERK Experienced In general office work: knowledge of bookkeeping ami stenography. ini i. i.eq ger cjcnirai CLERK Young; Indv desires posltloni willing, cnpnnie 1'nono rioga aol'l J. COOK or housekeeper Capiblo bcotch Prot.i w nges $ln, reference 11 30"i. Led. Ofllce. COOK Competent whlto Protestnnt wnmm wishes position. G 441. Ledger ccnirai COOK Swedish Protestant: ung girl: small fnmlv It 2311 Ledger Office. DEMONSTRATOR Storo or window, rltv or outside: experienced. Q 44, Ledger Central. 'DRESSMAKER, colored: first-class work, homo or by day. 1331 French st . Phlla. Pa. DRESSMAKER desires few moro engagements; txperlenccd. referonco 2019Arch st EMPLOYER'S TIME IS SAVED hy taking advantage of the frro service to Ledger help wnnlid advertisers ...... Miss Dean in 'he foinim rclal Reglstrv llureiu nt Lid i ntrnl .has records of vouiig lady iipi i fr all kinds of i fnco work nnd can c i submit several quail lied uppllcints mil, l Tell .Miss limn what vnll Want. Walnut or MmIii30(I0 GOVERNESS or companion Southern Vjuiib Inly desires position best of refs furnished Address L A M .Jlox 471 lllrnilnghim A hi. GOVERNESS, N Ger. des-cngageni't lit once. Ad care of Mrs W. S Ellis Jinn Miwr.Fu. INSTITUTION, jnung woman good illselpll n. wjshe pos 0 eirs' exp P kji. Led orr INVALID companion homo or travel ImiT exp : ndiptalile, clover senniatress (hnspllablo trained nurse), highest test 1 It'.' Oxford si SEAMSTRESS wishes position willing to help . with other light jlutles G 2., I, l.idgi r (ent SECRETARY-SrENOGRAPHER Capiblo. In telligent, 4 jears' business and extcutlvo ex perience, exceptionally well qniliriid for ro- BponslbTopqslllonFJ119tIdgir Cenlrnl , SECRETARY, stenographer, bookkeeper. Imsl ness woman of wldo experience; oducntlnnnl anil commercial work F. 241). Ledger Cent. bTENOOHAPHER and bookkeeper Young business woman, thoroughly experienced nnd tinusuillv well qualified for responsible or sei retnrinl pos , highest refs F 111 Led t en. STENOGRAPHER expert, experienced In all lines, desires morning or part tlmo position or desk room for publlo work: central loca tion 1 ,l.'3 l-cnger centra. fiTENOGRAPHER desires secretarial position: n yenrs' experience: capable. 1' 33(1, Ledger Central, STENOGRAPHER. 3 rnrs' experience: capa able, accurate; $10. O 441, Ledger CcntraL STENOGRAPHER, high school training: 3 venrs experience. 1 3'7. Ledger Central. hTENOGRAPIIER nnd "ofnee assistant: compe tent, experienced G 17. LedgerCintrnl. IE veil EH of i lilldren's songs, dnnres. reeltn tlons, seeks engagement. G CO, Ledger Cent. SOUNG COLORED GIRL wishes pos'n of any kind J711 Fltzvvotor. Phono l)lck"n. 3I2IJV. YOUNG WOMAN, colored, wants position In npirtmenta. over half-time. 117 N. SSth. ' MEET MRS MEAD Mnmger of tho . HOUSEHOLD REGISTRY BUREAU Sho keeps n record of every applicant for domestic work, and can usually plaio ou In touch quickly vvlth an cxpsilemed nurse, gov crnesH. cook. ennmberm ltd waltnss and girls nnd women for general housework. This efficient tlmo and worry saving scrv- lco Is frco to Ledger advertisers. Call at Washington Building. COS chestnut st. Tako clevuturs to 2d floor, or phone Mra Mead. Walnut or Main .1000. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AI1ILITY. MANAGERIAL Duke Munnn. son uf Doitor Munjon, 11 jears' experience hniuiiin? liclp anil sales men buying advertising space nnd mer chandise writing advertisements desires tw lllnn. Address I'll Arch st Philadelphia ACCOUNTANT, credit and office mimger. 11 Sears' exp : successful, accurate and efli lent, references, minimum salary. $.13. I PHI Ledger Central ACCOUNTANT lookkeeper and general office man. 12 scars' exterlence, desires position, reference l IS. Lodger Ofllce. ACCOUNTANT, competent bookkeeper desires pos. with reliablo concern G 23S, Led Cent. ATTORNEY, soung. with own ofllce. can glvo services and considerable tlmo to real ts tate. Insurance collec , making searches for liens, etc.. or nns' other business F 'lilt L C. BOOKKEEPER, experienced, wishes to connect with reliable Arm best ref . honest "und re M ibc:ngo 3iL ni irrled 1) 122. Led Off. BOOKKEEPER, 28 10 sears' experience, com Itetcnt nnd accurate wishes to mako change. G jyt .LcdgerciitraLL BUTLER or valel Young Jupmosn wishes po sition AtOjlTI S 10th st CIIAUFFEUR MECHANIC English, married, ago 211. abstainer 12 spars' experience in workshops und prlvnte service nny mike ctrs. have toured pr.uttcitlls nil Europe and Eastern States of Amerii t, excellent nt erences from American und Enllsh i mploy irs, country preferred Fdward Stendman, laid Mcl'arren st , Phlla IhJI. JMogaJ I01.W CHAUFi'EFRS Two friends single, wish po sitions as llrst and seiond ihuulfeura, good meihaniis, careful ilrlvtrs. or one as chauf feur and ono butler. Aircricun und French man CIIAUFFEUR. thoroughly reliable, aged 30, married, practical shop und road exp . de sires situation Phone Dickinson 3U0J W. CHAUFFEUR--Oeod all round man good ref , willing, obliging, ." sears' experience with automobiles II 313. I-edger Ofllce CHAUFFEUR single while wishes position. 10 sears' cxpi rlence excellent references Box !8d.l laverford Pa CHAUFFEUR mechanic. English, HI jenrs' exp consclent'H driver excel ref. Dig. UI80 CHAUFFEUR wis ref 20211 Wharli wishes position city, suburbs, on st , Phono Dick 1800 W CHAUFFEUR gardener or coachman, flrst llranch Ledger. 20th i. South. class ret, u. CLERICAL or sales position desired by soung . .aa.M nvtl (i 1 S.7 Tariff,. Pnnlral lllUll . J. -.,- - ... .. i.,.m.. COACHMAN, gardener, exp neslres irond nn. .imn Mipnnv cuuiui I urui . steady ebplosment, reliable, willing worker, references. D 117. Ledger Ofllce COACHMAN, slngie. vvunts position, tako euro uutos and lawn, 10 sears' experience, excel lent reference O 240 Ledger Central CONCRBfE INSPECTOR Position as Inspec tor, has engineering experience Ihos. a Reed 57 W. Pomona, st Phone ELECTRICAL ENOR., practical, his services O 10J ledger Central ut any iinic ur y.e INSPECTOR Wanted, position as Inspector. concrete or other building operations Thos. O Heed. 57 West Pomona c Phone. MAN. wife "and daughter wish positions, man good uli-round, wife good cook, daughter hamberwork and waiting, beat reference. U 11H Ledger Office MAN AND WIFE. Scotch experienced rook und steward, wants positions together, golf club preferred; reference. F 140, Led Cent. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE Continued rom Pmeitlno Column MAN AND WIFE (white) wish situations will do entire work of small family, references J)J23 I.edgerOfnco . MAN AND WIFE, no children! mm chauffeur and coachmm. wife laundress! best refer- . ence. H 221, ledger Offlce PHYSICIAN wishes snmo honest work lhat ran bo done in his ofOce Address 13, Branch ledger, till I Germantown nve. PRIVATE SECRETARY Young man. ngo 30. experienced correspondent, stenographer nnd management: English, Gcrmin, French O . 241. ledger Central SAf.ESMAN, ablo nnd energetic, desires posi tion, traveling or local, wllh leputabli" minu fncturlng or commercial house: Hi jears' ex perience: strong personality: hank nnd com merclal references. F4jjjLedger Central. SALESMAN, experienced nnd correspondent, college graduate, 23, wishes new connec tlon. modernto salars. F 340. Ledger Cent. YOUNO MAN. 30 jears old, strictly temper nnce, wishes light work, with n chnnco of advancement: emnlosed 13 sears with, tho last firm. In tho leather business Paul II. Ritchie. 1313 Earl St.. Philadelphia "YOUNO MAN, 23. well educated aggresslvo nnd a hnrd worker, desires opimrtunlty; saliry secondary until ability is proven ex perienced in collections, -correspondence, credits, advertising, ofTtco work, etc j best references O 247. Lcdgor Central TtOUNG MAN. 23 3 venrs' business experi ence, factory and offico work, high school educntlon, now emplosed. desires position , with future tl 317, Ledger Central TOUNO MAN, good knowledge of stenography nnd clerical work, desires position O 135, ledger Central J.OUN'0 MAN experienced clerk and book keeper, operates tjTowrlter, desires position vvlth ndvnncement F 1138, Ledger Centra I YOUNG MAN. 23 well educated slight knowl edge of rlvll engineering, wishes ofrice or salon connection F rilO,I.edger Central YOUNG MAN in. knowledge of stenogrnphv, desires clerlcil position; best of references, . ( 311 Ledger Centrnl AN ELECTRICIAN having hid more than 20 jears' r-xporlonro In contracting nnd tho wholesaling nnd retailing of electrlml sup Piles nnd machlnors Is dcBlrous nf associat ing with some ilrm wheret there Is a chnnco for trained commercial and executive nblllty along practical lines No objection to travel Ing for portion nf tho time M PJ8. I-d Of. COMPETENT PHYSICIAN desires position with corporation ospeolnlls" exp wllh eyo and surg emergencies bojit rof tl 20 J.ed Cen. JAPANESE, Al butler, or bnrhelor'a place, cn tlro charge H u. Ledger Office EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS KANE 311 S lnih st . wishes situ ntlons for llrst class joung cooks, chamlier tnalds, waitresses laundresses, clilldnurscs, maids, while couples butlers, second men. housemen housework girls, etc Also, wanted nt once, help for all cnpniltles malo nnd female, for first-class private families. Spruce 3101. MISS ROSE DOUGHERTY, 1313 W (llrnrd nv. Wanted, rooks chamberm ds ihlldnurses, first class waitresses, butler nnd cook, first class, girl for reneral housework Ftrst ilass help wants position Wanted, cook for Catholic reetorv. N1CHOLI.S 1020 Bnlnbrldge e . wnnts 2d men. cooks, $0 to fti first-class waitresses, chambermaid-waitress, nurses, housemaids, couples. Phono Locust 21.10. WANTED At Miss MoCnrths's nfTloo 2107 Christian, cooks chnmbremaids. waitresses, nurses, housework girls Prot. nnd Cntli ; all nationalities Locust 13')3 AUTOMODILES For Sate BLICK Ford Studeluiker, Ht'pmobllo tour ing nnd Ford nmdst.r, bargains. Motor SirvlcoCo, Ltd . 2S North th st, CADILLAC, 1012. TOURING, looks llko new. L. S. BOWERS CO 217 ti HltOAD ST. COLE DisriuiitnoitN CADILLAC, Hill louring ar, overhauled nnd repainted full i iiulpment. price Smvi AUTO s M ES coupon TION 1 I J N llron I st DODGE, tut." 5 passenger touring: In excel lent condition new tires, also two extras. Iiilll Li dgi r Ci ntrnl III IISON1 Rebuilt and gu iranleed. ph letnn and ro nlsiers elettrlc lUhts nnd Rturtors GOMEItY SCHW HT 2..l North llro id st LOZIER, 1III2. Lnkewood model self stnrter and i Icctrle lights lots of speed, nbundanco nf power prlco $70 LOCOMOIIILE. Jill Mnrket st. Locust ISO. II A JKNKS 'Mgr Exchanco Car Dept. PACKARD 3 ton van bodv JSnn VIM Delivers. i inel body Al rnndlllim 110 I. ONEM. 210 North llronl st VELIE. 5 passenger, electric lights nnd start er. lirst elass cnndltlon 1310 Wagner nve FOR SALE 1914 Packarn slimier 3S-h p . In very good condition, newls' recovered top. rioentlv overhauled, tires In splondM condi tion, will sell reasonably Apply R. H. Page. 10(12 West End Trust lllds SCIIOBER 3.111 MARKET ALL PARTS SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN' HI USED CARS CORSON AUTO EXCHANGE 23S V HI1Q V.D Wllllled WANTED Olel rirs for junk, best prices- cnll tins where. Tioga 3131 31110 N Fnlrhlll st HIGHEST prices niid for olil broken outns 20J3 Orthodox I for old worn-out and AUTOS wanted for parts l'hll i Co 8J1 N 13th st PirklllH Auto Parts tVUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES TO HIRE (open dav nnd night), brnnd-now 5-piss touring ear with robes, $1 2i hr., also brand new 7 puss limousine si r,n hr.. yvedellns funojnls Poplar 1017 1715Jllrard FULTON '.Alt veil: DID FEI.TON NH lllltAltD AVE. PHONE IIEI.'MONT 1101 TO HIRE three and five ton truck by hour, day week rcasonible Park 407 Tioga "700 AUTO PAINTING FULLY EQUIPPED unto painting shop will rinlnt or ri varnish uns mike nun hints third ess time and cost than nns Hliup In Phlla . highest grade vvork guar Ph Tioga 2702 Geo w Purvis. 1321 Alrdrlo st , near Bro id and Erie AUTO REPAIRING CYLINDERS REIIOHBD new pistons and rings furnished weldings anil bruilng H It. Underwuod S. Co . 1023 Hamilton st . Phlla, ?M'ni.DOMUTER TROUBLES T Sio HILLY at his pew Inratlon. tilo N I1ROAD bT. AU'IO SUPPLIES SLIP COVERS TOPS RE COVERED RE-UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING 40TH ST AUTO 'IOP CO 40TI I AND CI lANCELl.Olt STS PARTS to build or repair any car Phlla Auto Parts Co 823 N lit Hi st Park 1118 Open Sunday BEARINGS New Departure service- Ma. The Gwilllam Co 1314 Arch st Ph Walnut 3197, Hue .1 3002 TIRES slightly used, ail sizes sour own tirleefl. 82.1-23 N 13th st Park 1 (18 Open Sunday. AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 4000 miles Compare prices. GRIM'K. 230 N Broad st BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $13 000 TO INVEST with btrviees in anything that will pas. five omu idea as to nature in confidence, references exchanged U 151. Ledger Central. 15000 NEEDED In Incorporated manufacturing company, will pay salary of I2 a wo-k with interest best security will tie given, tan use either of Hie man or salesman. D 129. Led ger Office PICTURE THEATRE J130O crowded nightly 10c udmlsslon, modern, splendid business location worth fJ'iOO legitimate sscrltke. BARIttST. 201 N. Broad MONTY i BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Con I tit Keel rom Precrrtlno Column 1 13 000 COMMISSION can bo madej wllhtnO diss everything lieing favnrabla for tho sale of $125 000 of 7 per cent stock: pur chasers receiving freo lots to tho extent of 21 per cent of the purchase of stock which Is secured bv properts of unlimited value In one. of tho most popular seashore resorts on the coast O 317. Ij lger Central NEW Idea, fnndsientally sound practical nnd legitimate: cftmpany formed nnd operat ing, excellent, refined nasoeiates, want gen tlemen In good standing with $23 noo to buy half Interest M 811, ledger central HAVE YOU MONEY TO INVEST? For business expansion I need nddltional capital assets over JIO.000: profits over $10" weekls I will pay J" weekly profit on each $1000 Invested without serv.: this Is over 21 per cent. Interest O 38 Ledger Central, Business places sold, have bijers No fees. ARTHUR J. LEUPOLD J2loulh n.'d 2JS(JicstnutsL BFSINlfss MAN wllh t.1000 can secure excel lent account special lino shoes , , CI 211 ledger Central . 15 A MONTH secures Interest In growing or chard, will be producing before paid for. HARRY DARI.LNGTuN 1120 Chestnut St. vvHST Indies nnd So Amer Spanish speaking salesman accountant lesvlng shortl. How ran I represent sou? G 2,2. Iilger Central. ACTIVE "pXltTNER with about $5000. In profllnhle growing mfg business: principals nnls. Answer P 11 Ledger Offlro WANTED nulldlng sultnbio for enrage, to hold no cars: stato full particulars. Scull, 1)024 Richmond st. RESTAURANT, central, fcedlag lino peoplo n day cheap Heffeinnger. I7Q'), Arch , APART HOUSE, 40 "rooms, 15-room house; monthly pnsments lleffeirUerIOjAj-eii. MULTIORAPHING business for snle. best equlp'nt, excel clientele Iy.OaS.eilJent Honied WANTED Small manufacturing plane one In operation or equippeel To rerelve attention Rlvn detnllfl D 202 Ledger Office BUSINESS PERSONALS FULL DRESS SUITS Cutnwavs, Tuxedos nnd back Suits To hire nnd mndo to order. NEUBAUEll, THE TAIIOR, 1121 Walnut. Ken pnone vvnmui zuio.; faUPEHFLtroUR HAIR removed by electroly sis. tho onlv nerm't wnv , Evebrows nrched, MISS SMITH. 102 Keith Tlientrej Illdg. Miss Hoppe. hnlrdies'r, facial mas'ge.. man- leur'g. form Mint Arcade, with Miss Smith. DIAMONDS"BOUOHT Bank reference. Aprnlsement. Prt HARRY W. SMITH. 717 SANSOM STREET. CARPET CLEANING CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE 20TII ST. AUOVE CHESTNUT Bell Phono. Locust 10CO. WEST PHILA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. WEST PHILA. 3e PER YARD WEST PHILA 3870 72 LANCASTER AVE HOVER CO . REAL CARPET BEATING. 3309 N 12th No tumblers used Phono Tioga 3200 DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY LEARN DRESSMAKING nnd designing nt tho largest and best equipped school In tho city. for home use or business THE McHOWELL DRESSMAKING SCHOOL '107 Denrkla Bldg 11th nnd Market sts POTTGR SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKING DAILY AND EVENING SFSSIONS 1I3LGIRARD AVE POFLAROTM THE OLDEST s-wlng hi boo I In Phll.i . se'W for vnurself mill others while learning diy nnd evening ci isscs Ibiclce nhelmer. 1317 N 11th DRESSMAKING Inuabt from nny pattern, morn aiul aft. s ssions Senel for cir. Colum bian Dressmaking School. 1730 Columbl l ave FOR SALE BILLIARD POOL, romblnntlon second-bonil bought sold rented exchanged, repairing, suppllin l.ufn Keifer American innnnfac tun r 120 lilrird uve1 Phone Kens 2315, BILLIARD pool tables new. second band bowl, lug alievs. cii, pisincntH Rosatto Burrs. .Street Co. 222 S. Mil St.. phone. nl.BJSL BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES Also bowling nllevs. ensv pasments BRUN8-WICK-IIALKlI COLLENDER CO . 1002 Arch CASH REGISTERS bought sold Icised. exchanged repaired rcplated Supplies. New nnel factory rebuilt New total adders, ns low as 30 Call nnd see our 1910 models Registers sold nnel leased by us nn e.isv pnvments. nnd fuliv guaranteed. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER Co. 730 CHESTNUT STREET DESKS, filing cnblnels, safes, telephone booths nnd office furniture nnd fixtures of every de scription, useel but in fine condition, and erv ehenp, freo delivery nnvwhere . HUGHES 11TII AND HUTTONWOOD DESKS Inrgo nssortmint. also household fur niture Dullng Central Sieond hnnd Furnl turo Company. HOI poo 01 I Cillowhlll at HONEY Delicious extracted hones', direct from lieekeeper $1 M per gallon (12 lbs ), $1 per 'j gallon, iblherenl lis' parcel post, satlsfuetlon guironte. d or money refunded L KHostotter R J 1j Lancnstcrl SAFES, fireproof, i losing out sllghtlv useel. nil sizes Si, blgjinrgulns 210 NFourth. VICTROLA rceords April list just" received? 1IELLAK 1129 Chestnut 1000 Feet of Office Partitions AT VERY LOW PRICES. Painted Glazed Erected AT YOUR PLACE Weiss Manufacturing Co. 110 N 12th st Phonos Pop 109O. RlceJSSIV FINE VIOLIN evcellent tone, w Itli two good bows and lenther case, veil! sell outllt cheap. M 918, Ofllce HEATING MAKIN-KEI.SEY HEALTH HEAT Is better anel cheaper than steuin or hot-water Pure fresh nlr with normal moisture. MAKIN KEI.SEY II N lsth st Phlla. INSTRUCTION HOC PRIVATE LESSONS In Spanish nt sour home. Write Prof, Gil- berto 190S N 11th. AUTHORSHIP. " JOURNM.ISM ENGLISH. Lessons after 2 p in Wrltir 910 Spruce st MACHINERY AND TOOLS SHAFTING SAFETY SPLIT COLLARS AND X.OLUM tiuiiK, rs und pllliivv blocks with Iln lflied ball und sm ki t Is urines lire tho lst for all iftiuftiiu liurpnsia SHAFTING AND MACHINE WORKS 113 North Second. JAMES, lOCOM & bON COMPLETE POWEIt PLVNTS designed and erected, now and used power plant ma chinery In Block Power Equipment Co., engineers. 1218 Chestnut st. POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dsnamus inotois, boilers, steam and oil en bines, pumps, air compressors FRANK UlbOMBY Inc 127 N Id st. DVNAMOS, mutcirs and michtnery bought, sold nnd rented armatures repaired Muln 91 Market 3001 Yeursley Co 221 N 'Id st CONCREn: MIXER. In splendid condition: r tuiile feel butch hopper, no use for it. will sell lit burBuln. Adelrisi L 318, Lodger Off. ROAD ROLLER 10 ton three wheel macadam "Iroquois", tested out on road, Immediate deUvery L F Sesferl's Sons, 4J7 N 3dst- 2, 4 II 8 10 HORSE bus engines so k. w. direct connecti d gc neratnrs nnd engines, mo tors etc NUT1ALL. 1748 North 5th MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PIANOS AND PLAYER PIANOS HEPPE'S UITOWN SIORES COR bill AND IHOMPbON STS $33 CHICKKHINO UPRIGHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT 838 N (ITII PRIVATE family must sell this weel. plaser Piano, little used finest 88 note musio rolls Call today and tomorrow, lull N Franklin, HAS A FOLLOWING THRUST UPON HIM MUSK Continue ANNIVEll - hlppI -We are h,M At nor tTofnewte Rlnrea . . Tbomnson sis . vrbero tho srrent TienTtsj bust- ness was founded by .Mr C, J Heppe In 1801 It Is now tho oldest piano store In Philadelphia, j-ct the most modern nnd pro gressive north of Chestnut street . ,. Over 12,000 squire feet nre devoted to ths retailing of hlgh-grndo pianos and vlclrolna, the Inrgo volume of sales provVs that the Heppa policies, nnd standards draw patronage even to 8lh nnd Thompson sts. from thu uttermost pirts of Philadelphia. The April sale Includes' . 300 new pianos nt prices from 25 to 30 per cent lower than tho prices In stores with n sliding scalo of prices . 3 plnser-plnnos, slightly, used, nt ISO to JI00 below original prices, beginning nt $350 in upright pianos by nil tho prominent makers, taken ns part pnsment on pianola plmos , vlx, Chlckcrlng, lister, lllnslus, Schomncker, etc. nt 173, $83. $00, $110. etc. 23 upright Pianos, Heppe made, with three sounding boards, reduced from $30 to $100 below regular prices 3 self.plaser attachments for pianos will fit nny plnno nt $13. $50, $73, etc. Sevcrnl phonographs, slightly used, at half price. Terms $," monthly nnd upward. Call or vvrlto for largo Illustrated cata logues HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES COR OTH AND THOMPSON STS., Philadelphia, Pa. OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, eld stsle jewelry, teeth plates bought for cash. Est 1S70 J L Clark, refiner. 807 8ansom. CASH PAID IOR DIAMONDS, PRECIOUS stones, gold silver, platinum, false tooth. Phlla Smelting & Ref Co , 128 S, 11th St. ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS LET US ESTIMATE to coat your roof and guarantee It 10 jears AMERICAN ROOFING CO.. 153S Rldgo ave. STORAGE GUARANTEE STORAGE COMPANY Phlla . Inc. ESTARLISiIED 1872 Packing. Moving, Shipping, Storing ALL WORK DONE BY AUTO VANS Moving nny distance Storing separata rooms Let us estimate Work guaranteed. Ml 7-1 9 IIROWN ST. Phono Poplar 2164. CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE S0TH ST. AHOVE CHESTNUT PACKINO. MOVINO. SHIPPING Rugs, Cnrpets cleaned, scoured, stored. Bell. Locust 1000 Phones Key., Race 4160. PENN STORAGE AND VAN CO. 2130 MARKET ST. TIDELITY FIREPROOr WAREIIOUSE3 1811-1819 MARKET ST. ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE Storage. moving pnrklng. shipping, enrpot cleaning. . I'll i Baring 732 for estimate. Mnrket etc 37th. McCANN'S STORAGE HOUSE. 1748 N. 11th ft., moving, packing, shipping; auto vans. Both phones Let us estlmnto. FIREPROOF. Mothproof, Concrete Warehouse. 3IHIO rooms $t n month Estimates free. N. Phlla. Slnrogo Co . 202 I Lehigh. Tlo.7230. STORAGE Moving hv nuto vans, packing, shipping Levin Bros, 2018 Rldgo nvo. Phone Poplar 0021. WANTED ANTIQUE china, furniture, old glass, bromes, pictures embroidery. Orlentnl goods, old silver. Sheffield pewter nnd Chinese curios. -JLry'OSSEL. Will call. 1120 Pine. Wal.g02J ANTIQUE FURNITURE false teeth, feather beds, broken Jewelry gold sliver, diamonds , bought 711 WalnutJtValnut 7020 Est. 1B6B. BROKEN JEWELRY rnlso teeth pistols, coins Coin I ooks1, with prices I piy mailed 15c, T P. Boss (Peoplo'n Slore) J! 00 S 11th Wal. 4488. C.ST OFF CLOTHING On nccodnt of tho big demand we havo had for rnst off clothing we nro compelled to pay the very. best possible prices for these goods In order to replenish our stock, Be foro selling sour clothes, shoes etc , it will pay sou to get our prices Wo call anywhere at any time. Call vvrlto or phono Poplar 0342. COOPER 1010 Glrard nve . CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED Speelal high prices paid for men's clothes Full Dress nnd Tuxedo Suits Write call or phono Wal 0801 Schult7, 211 N Oth CAST-OFF CLOTHING Wo buv sour old clothing and pay moro than other dealers for clothing, hats, shoes, etc. Pure .108 Callowhlll st Send postal. CAST-OFF CLOTHING Highest prices paid for ladles' nnd mea's clothing, hats, shoes. etc.: phoncPop 3891 Blacker. 1219 Poplar, FUlfNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION MODERN AND ANTIQUE Desks, office furniture nil kinds of stors fixtures partitions stocks of merchandise, etc Hell JVnlnut 1801 Key , Raco 3545 D. THE PATTEN CO 1127 Arch, at. FURNITURE pianos, carpets, antiques, entire or p irt houses bought for onsh no matter how large J Bernstein, 1314 Hidden ave. GOLD silver platinum diamonds bought l57 Chnmbley Rellner, 719 Sansom st. Will call. OLD GOLD Cash raid for old gold, silver, anllquo clocks will call Bell phone. Locust 1219 ROOERS. 27 S. 17th st VICTROLAS WANTED Highest prices paid for slightly used talk-" Ing machines all calls promptly attended to. Address I. 308 Ledger Ofllce ENTIRE furnishings of vour home or apart ment bought Turner. 2228 Natrono st. ROOMS FOR RENT BROAD, N. 1018 Communicating front rooms sitting room, electric light, porch. CHESTNUT 2007 WELL FURNISHED ROO.MS PmtMANENT OR TRANSIENT. CHESTNUT. J90I Very deslrablo second Onnr suite Phone Locust 731 CHESTNUT st". 2010 One or two rooms, with e,r ciiiiuui i,i.. to mm,,. CHESTNUT. 3701 Beautiful rtuiniR ful furni.s.tuT 1 CHRISTIAN ST.. 2218 Nicely turn' Willi Or Wllllinil mmiu. ,,.n.c GIRARD AVE W. 1313 Furn and unfurn. communicating rooms. Apply after 4, LOCUST. 1501 VERY NEAT 8INOLB . ROOM. $10JM,RMON1H . LYCOM1NO ST. 1318 Beautiful 2d-story front, splendid location for refined gentleman. OXFORD ST . 1401 Large room, adjoining bath, unfurnished -. WALNUT. 4107 Cheerful rooms furnished, single or en suite, board opt Preston 0170. 13TII N 130T Nicely furnished rooms, parlor for professional men, reasonable. 15TH. "S ,2309-RqOMS. SUITABLE FOR men OmpiOSeil III moy. wte-emn , ,..-r. .. HUH ST S. 120 Nicely furnished airy rOumS eilll ncilHIH) e.11,1 nri-nttj 10TII. N.. 2123 Private family will rent 2d story front room Diamond 2381 w. 111T1I N. 1101 Two rooms furn hkgp., $3; single room, furnished. $1.50 up. BOTH. N 113 DeslrableTrront room: fine loca tion, all conveniences: phone. OWNER will rent 2d-floor room reasonable to lads emplosed, 3 minutes to 40th st. "L." Baring 13')3 R. OWNER will rent bachelor apt , 2 rooms, bath fireplace 2022 Spruce. Loc. 1B03 J. BOARDING CHESTNUT ST . cor. 20th (The Margrave) Vacancies, perm or transient, sup board. SPRUCE, 1020 FurnlJhed or unfurnished rooms, prlv baths, electric light, hot-water heat, excellent service, phone: table board i faPRUCE. 1221.20 Furnished rooms: private baths, table board Walnut 7171 W, SPRUCE ST.. 102830 2d floor suite, private bath, cholia JubleJjoardJValnut 7255 W SPRUCE. 1011) Double, single rooms; spring rules: week or day, elevator,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers