EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TENTHS!)! 14 i APRIL G, 1916 FINANCIAL NEWS LONG POSITION TAKEN IN MARKET; RAILS BOUGHT IN LARGE BLOCKS Defeat of La Follette in Wisconsin Primaries Regarded With Much Importance in High Financial Circles. Great Pressure of Money for Investment High Points in Today's Financial News Understood that extra dividend wilt be declared on International Nickel at directors' meeting May 1. Dividend of 12 1-2 per cent, declared by Deutsche Bank of Berlin for the pear 1015, againit 10 per cent. in. l91i. IngersolURand Company declared SO per cent, in cash and 20 per tent, in stock on the common shares. Bar silver liiahcr in New York and London. Many favotabte railroad earnings. Another new top mark for Buffalo and Susquehanna common. Work started by Board of Super' (visors of San Francisco on plan to purchase by the city all sttcct railway I lines. i m;w tomKi April t i Tlicro nrc two Incentive? for tnltlnR a Ions position 111 the stuck market todaj-. Tho most Important in the minds at conservative Ititorrsti wits tlio defeat of L.i Folletto In the Wisconsin primaries jestcrday. Till polllcal iloxclopmiMit vmi regarded In IiIrIi circles with far more Importance- than was nttnclied to II by ! tho speculative element and was reflected by the pnrclino of some l.irRe blocks of railroad stocks. C. D. Xlarncy R. Co. were about the heaviest lmvcrs of St. Paul, Atchison nnd Heading, but there were many buying orders In other stocks at prico limits, which will increase tho supply and penult put chase? at con cessions. As far as Wall street Is concerned, nothing Is In the speculative field to iti- , dlcate that tho traders and commission house clients comprehend that this Is a presidential car and that developments from day to day until the conven tions arc held mean more to the mass of ccurltles than any points on special ties or stories of Increased war orders. The mniket Is rlRht for n favotablo Influ ence from tho pre-campalRn actions. Money Is comlnR back to this city In larpe volume and bankers arc already prcsslnR available funds at concessions without llndiiiR borrow cim. How Riiat the pressure for investment Is may be mcnsuicd by the fact that the $75,000,000 Can adian Government bonds, placed at subscription less than two weeks iro, arc already selling at substantial premiums. The last note Issue, that of tho Ginco Steamship Company, which was offered a couple of das iro, was snapped up as soon ns it appeared. In tho specialties the feature was the advance In Industrial Alcohol to 17014. Tho Marine Issues had a Held of their own. There was persistent buying of both classes of stock at advnnclnR prices throughout the day, but the reasons for ac cumulating the preferred and common stocks weio dhectly opposite. Purchasers of tho preferred stock were based on an Idea that the tcorganliullon plan, pub lished jesterday, settled all the dlffcienccs between the secuilty holders. It can bo stated positively, however, that the common sockholders and tho bondholders' committees express positive opposition to this plan. New York Stock Sales pf Talk of Extra Dividend for International Nickel NEW YORK, April C A substantial extra dividend In addition to the regular quarterly payment of B per cent, will, It Is understood, bo declared on tho com mon stock by the International Nickel directors at their meeting Mnv 1. For tho 191G fiscal yenr the International Nickel has so far paid tlneo quarterly divi dends of C per cent, each, or 15 per cent., and an extra dividend of 10 per cent. In stock, which is selling nt about 220. was equivalent to over 20 per cent, nt least In other words, International Nickel common shareholders have received so far for the last fiscal year the equivalent of 35 per cent, in dividends. , Deutsche Bank of Berlin Declares Larger Dividend NEW YORK. April 6. At tho hoard meeting of the Deutsche Hank of Betlln a dividend of 12U, per cent, for the year 1015 was declined, against 10 per cent. ior uii ncsiues, i2.ioo.ooo marks were carried forward to new account The open reserves of the bank, which has a capacity of 250.000 000 marks, now raise to 180.000,000 marks nnd the deposits reach a figure of 2.500,000.000 marks Tho 1 quotation of the shares Is 215 per cent. Benin Work on Plan to Buy Frisco Street Railway Sjstcm SAN rHANCISCO, April 6. Tho Hoard of Supcrvlsots today began work on a plan for the puichase by the city of the entire street railway system. This action is being taken in response to a declaration by .Tcse W Llltenthal, president of tho United Railroads, that his company is prepared to consider suih an offer. Mr. Lillenthai said that to bo a success n railroad company must have a monopoly and not, as at present, compete with city-owned lines. -MARINE COMMON IN GREAT DEMAND Moderate Trading in Hall Sig nal in Curb Market to Acquire Control NEW YORK, April 6 Outside of trad lng In Marine common undeposited stock, which sold at 20 to 22"-.,, there was virtually nothing of Importance In the curb market throughout the day There were the usual variations of prlco within recently fixed limits on both Cuba Cane Sugar and Mldvale Steel Cuba Cnna Sugar ranged from 65 v, to 66, and Mldvate Steel swung fractionally around 66. There was moderate trading in the Hall Signal, with tho bulng consisting of accumulation for the purpose of ac. quiring control, but most of tho floating stock had already been absorbed before the price crossed 16 Some of the big stocks remained active and strong, with Keneflck Zinc moving up only 1 point. Anaconda has taken up the Butto Cop per and Zinc treasury stock and paid for It under the option agreement, and ex tension and Improvements on that prop erty are making rapid progress Atlantic Oulf and West Indies ranged nbove 33. There was nothing exciting about tho trading In Aetna Explosives, which Is In supply, and traded off from 2." to ;i4 The New York City 4 Us, to foe subscribed for on April IS, were traded In at 102 " and 202i, Holly Sugar advanced from Hl,i to 49, 11 probably on manipulative orders. INDUSTRIALS. D,1 Asked American Marconi au js Amerlcan-ftrltlsh Tobacco Is 2H Aetna Explosives -J1H ' AJax Rubher Inc w 1 ll'i 711 1, AU Oulf & VV I 8 8 3J4 3iiJ do pref 4t -I '1 Canadian Car Fay tlj mi do prjif 8 j HH Cuua Cane Suear inW ovs, 1 Curtlas Aeroplane in nil j j-twYrow Motor car U4 111 DrtXES-Seabunr J3d u Rmerion FhonosTapn 12 t:u Klstnlohr si mi : do pref 8H 101 Ha.keTl Ilarker Car ... -I.'" 4JH Hendee MfB i'V ( Inter Mer Marine 21 a. do pref 711 771, Katbodlon Ilronze pfd SU 30 Manhattan Transit iVx 3M Maxim Munition SU hi? Mldiale Steel CHlJ lull! otu Elevator :..:;::: m4 us Peerless Motor , 211 jnii Poole En & Much 120 lj Standard Motors 811 M. H B Kresge w 1 . , 12 ij j, sj I Submarine lloat v t c ctfs 311 am; Trlanxle Film v t ctfs . , 31. 3'1 uiiii 4 1 v' tiua iiik ..... x ym 1 ,4 U 8 Light & Heat 34 ai U 8 LJaht Heat pref 4 al White Motors w 1, 50(4 soar World Film Hi iJ STANDARD OIL SUBSIDIARIES Prairie ripe .. . , 220 223 'Illinois . . 17H Ull LHtanaard yil of calllornla., 2 IS 211 Standard Oil of New Jersey. . ..512 51.1 -Qianoara un at new vorx . . 200 212 OTHER OIL faTOCKS. 5, Cbalnwra Oil ,,..,,..,.,, 5 8 Heustoq Oil ,,. IT la Sapulpa ,..,,.., 11U ll Mldnest Reflnlnc ,. .,.,......., 03H OilS Inter Pet ...I:... lag 13 ? MINING STOCKS ! Atlanta . 13H 14 j Cerro. , 3H 31V, b J)utt c & z v etfs , uli a f IluttNY 1 3 s u First National Capper ,. 0 OK f. JoldlleId Mercer J3 J5 U llefla lllnltut 4 4 ' Hom Bound S 0 J Ira Butler ... 6 07 f Jumbo Extension . . . , . . . TO 60 f Kennecott Copper IT 17H' t lIcKlnley-Darraib 41 48 NlElsaliuc Mlnea Co T.i Tn Ban Toy IT. 18., St Jog.t-ua 15s H Ken Zinc ,..... 14 13H -WtMl End Con T TT " Ceiro 8a I IB,, 110. C A O. S . U74 U7i f W -Fcit 4V 03 lOag ' Big Ingersoll-Hand Dividend NEW YORK, April Ingersoil-Rand Company has declared a dividend on the common utoclc of 30 jir cent lo cash and .9 vtr cent stocJ. payable April 2S to feoc vS rewd April ih (" New York Bond Sales Jtnoo 1 1K111 Tumi 4ll",llil JIIIIIHI "Olio njtioii .'"1111 limn 20H) 14IIIHI 2MIKI 1 IMMI SIMIil JIMIII -llll III mini IIHIII limn JIIUO 77000 .111(111 .lllllll r.iiuoii I'.'IIIIIXI 171X1011 Jllllll lllllll IIHIII lllllll ..11(111 lllllll lllllll "lllllll lllllll llllll) .'lllllll 111(10 4lll III Jllllll .11111 mini) 21)1111 "lllllll 4701111 lllllll Klllll 111(10 30(11) 3000 innii 11000 2U0IH) 204000 llllll) .1000 .10111) 1000 IO0O 11)00 .1000 anno 11)01 1 IlllOO 10(1(1 22001) 2000 snoo 1000 10OO 4000 1000 2101)0 20000 3000 3001) 2H00O 301 II) 1I0OO 15(100 1000 7000 1001) 1000 6000 101)0 1000 1000 3000 1000 1000 3000 4 OOO l.'OOO ftllOO 3000 JOOO 1000 .10(H) 13000 115HO 2000 r.noo .1000 1000 10(11) 3000 4000 UHM 1000 0000 1 thill 104 111.' J 112 J "J3 Ill's 114 '5 111 lllil'n . IU' niS mil, Is hT1! Ul's II s 1.IH im' 11 m II", 'a 117' Ut 10l) no 7S', . 74'i . 71', lOIVa . 20 UP, .10J . 90 . 81 Wlf 'a Alaska Cold cv Os do ret f pd Amer Acr dtb 5a Ani.lo 1 r la Amcr lei ilt -la do cm I'ss Atthiunn ten 4s do adj la Atch Truna H I, 4a All C Lino Ijh Unit & Ohio la do res jifla . do -Is . do tv 4 fct a II SO I L EftW V 11 tit L O Sun .IN llroak It Tr An nils tin lllin V El 1st sta .la 107 l C O rcii ta. . 711 C C O 4 St L 4a 81 h Cent Leather Is; Si lol'i Cent Ohio 4iis... IUS Cent I'ac 1st la., mi1. Can Clott w I 5s 1021 li''S do 1112(1 1)7 , Ull JU.1I . . . , Chill Copper 7s . Chi Alton 3s Chi lit VWst 4a C II & Q joint 4s do Ken la do III 3a ... do III 4 Chi Mws .la C VI 4 St 1 iv 5s ..lUTti do c 4 'as . . UlO. C .11 i I' K 4s . 110', Chinese rita .Is 71 Clvo Sh Lino 4Hs ,1111 Col & outli 4V)H . 84", uei o. iiuu cunv .is .107? UU 13 llllll Den & R u rfd 5s Detroit United 4 Ha Dla See Corn .Is Erie ropy 4a Ser A (len Clec deb 3s Hud & Man In 3s III Mteel deb 4 '-ill inuiun t meet us . HI Central 4s 1032 do 1013 Inter Mer M rt 4V4s 01) S Japan new O 8 4Ha KO', Loula i Nash 4s . 04 H Manhattan 4a ... 02 Lox A Ee 3s .101 Vlex Pet Co (Is ser C 11U Minn St 1. 4a 1121, Mo Kan & T 1st 4s TIH Mobile & Ohio N da lll'I Mo Pac ro Ss 1017 02 Mont Power 5s . . 011 Nassau Elec 4s . 711 N V Air Brake iv lis 101U N Y C t. Hud 4s 9'! N Y Cent (la ml, N Y Clt 4s 1017 SB's N Y City 4s 1018 00'i N Y City 4'is 10(10 102S dn lDllI . liutl N Y Gas II P -is SI'I T X !.... ,nl N Y Tel aen dUs Norf & VV rvt 4V iior rsc prior -ts Nor Pac l.en 3s Dnt Pow ,1s Ore Short I. ref 4s Ore bht L 1st Us Venn 4Hs 1021 1'ub SKJSi Read aen 4s Hep Ir 4 H Bs .. Rock Isl rfd 4s . Hock Isl os St I. Hwn 1st 4s HI I' II I II It,! San A it Ar P 1st 4a IH Seab A L adj Bs . Hills oeau A l tua -is 1' Mh Hell As Km'. Kth Pac rfd 4s KlS South Rwy gen 4a 70VI Tenn C & Ir 1st 3s 101 S Third Aw adj 3s hi Toklo 3s Tol Peo & IV 4a . U 8 Steel Ss sf U S .Steel rre Ss U b Gov rea 2s I'nioa Baa- a: P Ss. 8! Union Pac cv 4s ,, 03- Un Rws S F Ss .,74 Va lis Drown Bros.. SI Va, Car Chra Ua , 1D2H Va Rwy Bs, . ., D8H West lid 1st 4s ..73 West Shore rex Ss.. 8OV1 West Shore 4s . ., 01S Low 1114 102 102 i ll"i" 1074 lll4 Wl, 111 , 112', mt 12 'i HI. IMI W 87', 111'. 101 107 711 81H KU S "Iff o4 07 S T 1.114 41 os'. Ill's 81"; IH'i !I7', 107', lUOi lio'i 74 101 84 4 107'i 100'i r,u4 78 4 7I'4 714 104 H 211 Ill's ioj1! 00 81 i 0'l, !ISI 80 4 01S 02 101 1111 1124 71 Va 114 "J II' Oll'i Close 104 1U2 H12 J, Hits H2 1(17 14', hll', III 112', HMIts 112, 111 IIII4 87 4 I'l'a I'll 111 "II 81 H 101 J, HI", till', 111", 07 S 07 i 111 II 72 II8'4 s'TS 111', 117 '-i 107'j liio. mi', 71 101 si 4 1117 4 '., 78ti 74 'I 714 104Vi . Ill's 102 4 on 81 s, 004 DOS 804 01s 02 101 1111 1124 71 4 114'. i III!', TIlS 704 invi loi'I 044 oi'i Ill's Ill's OH ' Ull '. TO 4 S84 1224 8ii" 04 03 IO14 014 . no'! 118 i . 4114 TII4 2?S : 28 UUiS HO ', 110 102?, 102 4 81 70 4 OS'i viti 111! HIS 01 108 4 1024 02 044 urn, 04 V 4AS 7HV. H134 044 (In 4 02 lio'i TO fl 1014 82 78 4 5(1 1044 111 o4 7?H 31 102 V. 08 4 71 804 014 oa', 1024 1024 81 70 , 08', 122 4 1134 (til 114 03 11184 102 4 02 04 4 00 4 118 4 4114 7(1 4 1034 (114 (id 4 02 1004 1104 704 1014 78 4 r.n 10lt in 88 Tt fit. SI I02S 894 014 DIVIDENDS DECLARED John J. Felln t Co. quarterly of It, per cent on preferred stock, pal able April 13 to stock of record April 1 Brooklyn City Railroad Company, rtcular quarterly of 2 per cent , payable. April 15 to stock of record today. Books close today and reopen April IT Moaona-aheU Valley Traction Company, res ular quarterly of 1 per nt on Its common stock, payable April IS to stock of record April 12. 1 Real Estate Trust Company, regular semi annual 2 per cent on preferred stock, payable May 1 to stock of record April 13. Cluett Peabody a: Co.. reaular auflrtrlv 4 per cent on the common stock, payable May 1 to stock of record April 10 First National Bank regular quarterly of 3H per tent payable April 13 to stockholders VI record at ths- close o business April 13 Tb Meixnanta I'uloo Trust Company ttr mar quarterly of 1 per cent payable April Z4 to stockholder of record at ctosa of bust WM 00 thj-t day I t.n Aiiarri? ExprcM . Al.uki J (ioM M Ahika tlold Minos AllH-Chilmors Mfe AIIH-Chal Mfg pf Am licet SugM' Am Cm Am Can pf Am Cir & Fily . m Coal Prod pf Am Kxprp. Am llldo & I.plhcr Am Hide & I. pf Am Ice hccutlllcs . Am t.lnvoil . . Am I.lnstrd pf Am Locomotive Am I.oeoninllvn Am '111 A lief Am Smelt pf II Am Sucir lief Am Tel A I ihle Am Tel A. Itl Am lolncro Am Woolen Am Wfltlna V pf Am 7lnr 1, A Sm Atnrondi lop M Aoelil(d Oil Alfh lop A S F Atrh lop A S V pf All tonit line Ildl I lii-o kl Halt A Ohio Hilt A Ohio pf lltown shoe Ilrooklyn Hap 1 r lllltle A MlperlOt llilttetlrk to t al I'etrolrum ( al Petroleum pf ( anaillin I'vrlflc t'aie .11 If M pf ( mlMl Leillior Cent A S A Tel Chandler Motor t hes A Ohio C hllo ( upper . . . Chlno (opiier . ... t hi Hrcit West Chi Mil A M 1 t hi M A M I' pf thl A Northwe'tern Col I'iu'I A Iron Com 0 T Kee Co ! Continental Can Corn i'roduet' Itef lorn I'roil llef pf. Cruelble Steel Diere A Co pf Denver A fllo (Ir pf I)i troll IMUon Distil Sf torpn . Dome. Mines Krle . . . Krlo 1st pf Ted Mln A m (len C hetnli ,il pf (leneril Motors (iimnl Motors pf (lOoUrlch II K (.nodrlih II 1' pf (ireene-Cinanea . . lireat Northern pf (i N efs for ore prop (iURRenhelm Kvpln , Illinois Central Int llirv .N J Int Con (or v t c sli Int Con (.orpn pf Int l'vper Int I'apt'r pf int Con Cop Int Nkkel v t rfs int M I pf e of dp Int M M pf c of Up , Jewel Tei . .. Jewel Tei pf Kan C llj Southern . Kan Cltj Siiitli pf Kt lip spk lire Kellj Tb Tlie pf Kennecott (upper Kln.-s (OKI, A V Laek 'led Co I.aclede dai Lehlu'Ii Waller Ias Hublier lire I oose-W ills Jd pf . Markai Cos Mickay Cos pf .. Mavwell Motcrs.. Max Motors 1st pf . Max Motors ad pf .. Mixlcan Petroleum Minn St V A S h M Miami Copper Mo Kan A Texas . Missouri Pailfle Nat Ilkcult pf Nat L'nam A b Co Nat l.tad Co Nat U-ad Co pf Nev Con Cop . . New York AlrUrako N N H A II N( York Dock N Y C A II 11 Norfolk A Western . Northern Pacific . . . Paelfie Mall Pacific Tel A Tel I'eniisvlvanli It It . Peoples Gas Chi Philadelphia Co Pitts Coal Co N J . Pittsburgh ''to'1 Pf Pnsiert b Car Co . Pullman Co Hy btccl Sps Co lias Con Copper . .. Iteaillnk' Hepulillc Iron A Hepuhlle I A S pf Hock IsUhiI Itock Isl.mil pf St L A S F 1st pf St 1. A s F 2d Pf St Louis Southwest St I. Southwest pf sears Ko A Co . . Shat Ariz Cop . . . Sloss-Shef S A I . South 1'orto It Sus . fcoutheni 1'aclfle . .. Southern H) . .. Standard Mllllnc Studebaker Co Tenn Copper Texas Co Texas Co rights . ... Texas I'aclflc . . Third Avenue lobacco Trod pf ... Union Bag A i'aper Union Dae X I' pf . Union raeiflc Union I'aclflc pf . United Fruit U S Ind Alcohol . V b Ind Alcohol pf UbCIl'lK. Un His Inr Cc pf U S Hubber V S Steel Corpn . U S Stool Corpn pf . UbSmlUM.. . U S S It A M pf . Utah Securities Utah Copper .. Va-Caro Chem Va-Caro Chem pf Wabash Wabash pf A Wabash pf B . . . . West E A M Western Slaryland West Union Tel Willys Overland . . Willys O pf s r f p . WooUorth F V.. . Quoted ex dividend, it close HlKh 1I4? tit WH MM Mi . 77 7, Wi 112 rw'r 70 not ii7 127M la') 104 1(1 .-2S . US', . 1 40' , ill's 102'4 Ixiw Close 113' U 204 77M 7dll( OiM 2h"j 2ti 474 M)'( 11)24 10 204 2)', 774 7,1 01 112 0')' 11 10' 204 2')'f 77' ( 7.1 (ll'f 112. !)'ri 117 127'i 120 10 i2'i 2S4 2.1'i I.Vi 7l)'i HI .11 2S' 21 40' i ro'i 101'i 1014 V)I ltd 07 121', HKl'j i04 II)', S'i'i hOij . (,S 101', 101 101 101 110'$ 112 SOW 1104 !) 107 iVl'j inu 1)24 W)' OS nun 1024 lot 101 ,v 10')' j Oil's 12s 1117 oO'-i 1S4 S')4 sou 07 '1 1014 101 110 S04 1104 r.')'. IJS 107 i'O'j IS' 02 Wl!! i,7H 1014 101 111) 1074 10S4 1074 107)4 H7S 701, i7 S.)'j Oi'i 2S 214 't 024 . 224 . TiHd 12'. . 014 l.m 127 . W's . 10 . 24 204 D-i4 . 1)1 itt 11)' 1 1112 s M) 1 . .17 iV2 20 nr IV) .no 77', IK". .1224' IPS , 2H If) "14 704 A7 SVa U14 2S4 21 ;.2', ss 70J, 57 S7 01 2S'i 214 ,VI4 lfiSS lOVi K.S M't Sj'i SV, (ll'4 l'i fll'2 I.W'i til) 014 Dili 024 oirj 124 O.V. 110 127 III 40 S4 2t4 i) !)-)4 014' 20' i IJ24 I') 2mH :i7ii ,24 1UJ. till IfiO 111! 704 110 104 1224 224 101 1104 1124 1104 174 I7ii 10' 714 72' 114 4S IS4 l')4 111. SO'f 0:14 2S4 2t's 024 KlS s;,4 ill) MH 024' 224 ni'i t24 0'.'. 1204 12,'l's lo1. 10 si 21 01' j UVi 014 204 1:124 1:124 IS4 IS4 l.)8 014' 024 22' I ?"l'i I2'i t)"i 1204 1214 111. 10 M4 204 Of a 024 014 204 ;i7 fij'f Ill's 11". 100 no 774 llfiJs 104 1224' l.i'.' 214 101 .1 ll'j . IS . Is'. . IS4 10; . 714 01 112 20 01 oil's ,"4 01 111 204' til If 744 104 iS 1204 120 1 '71 ( 1014 77)j 114 I7'i is', IS4 2(0, 714 ss 111 204 014 71 )'; ."4 ah 10J4' 10:. 77' 774 fit 704 osv, 7.14 SO fil ..1 "')! 074 7:t Mis 0' ,V2)i fil 7')-4 (,S 7.14 So's ,')7 .174 11W 113'S ill's 11S4 11S4 US' 3s4 ao 1 I Ms IV 1204 12o 14 2u4 074 11,1 17SJ 117 (.14 104 10-14 1234' 1114 2.14 :i.i H .iS'f I'f 12.1 071 11.1 174 140 , 0,14' . li lOoli 12.1 11.14 214 ii'i'i J ' i :i7 fi24 104 110 H.O 111) 7S4 no 104 1224 II 224' 10.1 1124 17j 7.1 114' IS IS4' 104 214 774 KS lit 204 014 71 004 (17 120 1 7 1014 774 ra ,11 704 074 7.14 KM .17 1124' 11S4' US', I 14' 12,1 2,14 07' llfi 17) 07,4 lid 174 llfi'i 117 014 01' 104 104 10,14 10J4 12.1 12.J ll.-iU 11.14 2.1 23 31 3.1 4 ?7h .1014 10.W 10JI3 10 1H ID! 2S 00 .11)1 102 10 21 KM .114 100 ' ! l'i if!. i'))3 I7s .104 .10 210 OS), 204 0,1)3 114 27)j ODIi .10 j 1024 304 214 S04 .114 109 ( -' m Hj 17 42 170 3G4 50 215 J'i 204 05 444 141 2715 27)3 004 09)i iU4 fi'J'2 1024 1024 304 304 21 S.11f .114 100 H a 44 34 104 12 170 30 ,10 211 084 204 0) 214 S3) 3 Ilia 100 s j m 3)3 17 12 170 30 H ,1'J 211 llsJS 204 03 11.". 11.14 1124' 1124' 02 0.1), o;j' oi'i 1004 100 IS S4 02 1054' 04 28 184 02JI 101)4 OVJ 2U 107h 107).' 11H lS!i SJ, 02 10.14 OK 284 Ms 02) 10i)i (14 20 1314 Utti 13 lh 1314 S2)( b.i S3 W 140)i 1484 US', 1704 107 107. HO 100' 148 1004' 10SV, 214 204 ,124 854 117 004 214 30 334 So), 117 Uii S2 444 214 30 sa. 85)f 1104 60 524 174 814 41, 32)i 17H 82 414 1UH 1094 109 134 154 154 40)3 4U)i 2S4 2S)a 05 GO 324 33 004 004 40).' 28 034 324 004' 110 214 30 034 834 1104 72 524 17), 82 114 1094 15), 40). 2s 054 3d 904 23M 2373 2JSU 237 1014 1044 1014' 1044 1244 121). 1234' U'3!i RAILROAD EARNINGS CHICAGO OKBAT VVESTEll.V 10111 Intreatd Fourth week Krbruar 1831 RI3 110 1)71 From July t ll.l-'l 330 7111.37s llOHILK AND OHIO Fourth week February 1314.433 137 210 From July 1. 8,077. H2 439 020 CINCINNATI. NEW ORLEANS AND TEXAS PACIFIC Fourth week March 3U7.Ht) 181 S2R From July t . 8.100.307 1.031,017 DENVER AND RIO URANDE Februiry cross U.731.H3!) 131)3,111 Net Sat.207 2a.4ll4 Elsht monlhs' Brass 10 1)71.11(1 1.030,313 Net .. . . U.072.I18 l,T8J 47l ST LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN Fetruary gross EUbt months1 Net . . . gross J SO. 49(1 42,731 SKI im 717,310 1 022,4 32 liiu.doa S.2UO 742 2 0U8 283 SOUTHERN RAILWAY Fourth veelc ilsrct.. I2.0BS.428 From July 1 . ... 31.7U! 084 4.LAUAMA GREAT SOUTHEftN f 203.326 139.811 4 090 488 (113 Oil CHICAGO INDIANAPOLIS 4 LOI ISVILLB Fourth week ilsrch 1228 226 Month . .. 874 til from July t ... 0,671 518 Fourth week IHrcb l-iu w, . 1277 81-0 4.437.601 ! 30.284 WHEAT ENDS EASY; PRESSURE IN JULY Export Demand Not Large. More Rains in Southwest. Crop Advices Better miv iii.i.t vv r.vTiiiu (IIIC Villi, ,irll I) The wmllifr tore tnt for 10 Imnri follow si Illinois 1 nlr Innlelit. unrmcr nett I rhl n Inrrp.nlnir rlnitillnfi nnil rlli'K Irinprriilnre. Willi shnners snulli nnil Vtl4niirl Inrrniilnir elonillness ullli ruin In tr Innlelit nnil Irlilm. olnnlt rl lne IrniiirriH'ircs. , VVI((inln I nlr nnil Hiirnier Innmhlt f ridiir imrtli rlnnih nnil unrmrr, ruin Vllnneo(n Inrrpnslnc rlnmllnfs 1 1 ts Unlit mln or iiioh lntf Innlshl nr I rl 1I11M mirmrr tnnlalit nnil rnt nnil sonlh tnnlii Dnkotn rrnlmlils rnln nr snn II ml niumrr tnnlshli I rldni purlli ilniiih. .... NrlirniKu Rnln nr i,now nnil unrnipr InnUlili Irliln nnMllril, tllh rnln on-t. Kiiii,'!', llnln tonlshl, unrnier rnitl I rlil 11 iinsrtllril. with mln rust. CIIICACIO April fi The vvlienl rrnrkot tml.iy vv.ti fr-verlih nnd Irrpstllni follow hip a firm otnrl. nnil flnlilint r-.i CoV oritur rnlllcd frlccs nliovo tlio tircvloiii cloi slinrtlv bpforn tlio end lint thr ninr lirt linked IniovniRV nnd did nut liuld l.r.nlliiK cnnimWKloti Iioiispi pro on lioth ildpi tlirniiKlioiil the pp(loti nnd Ihero mh nnslilernl)p prcxiurp 1111 July nl tlniii Tlicro ih Miino ll(iililntlnti over tho (lovpriitnpnt reiiort, vv Iilrli villi bo liliido public nt 10 it 111 totiiiirniu TIip ilcinntiil for pi(irt nun not InrKe TIip Sniilliwi "l rcoplipd innrp ruins mill orot) mlvlcp frntn that section vioro bpttpr. nllbnllgli lepnrtB front tlio sofl ilntpr ttlirnt SlntPK I'liiilliiliPil lo "Itott Itcniv lostos Itl nrrooKP The vipiitltcr In tlio NorthvvPKt ttiiw "Id nnd prilitifr In Hint (.pptlntt ttdw dpln.inl A illfp.lti'lt ft (Hit Hi Louis did tlt.it n viltpnl thptp vina two ttcoks l.iti stnlcniPtttH Unit tlio plant bad boon Injured nilKbt l' proninture Tito fdilo Stiitp crop lopnrt for April wn bulllili pliilttK tbe condition tbero nt onlv ((! iikiiIii'I 71 n month nRo, S8 n vear nifo and 102 litut llllv ltooiip on fnriilM tlterp wore 22 per cent, nitnliiM 12 per (.ent In 0ir Tho iipvvi from KnnnH fIiowoiI ftirtltor Imprnveiuont There as preituto on the market nt I.liorpool liecaiio of laiBei nrrlvali It mm Imllrntnl that tompoiaturoa In Northern llttiila were tlxltiR, and the belief prevniled that linvlKiitlon uriittd bo ronpenoil Hhnrtly NiKiitl.itlons ttero tltjdor way fot shlptncntH of Ktrtln bv way of AtcltniiRel l.nrRor MilptncittR from ArKcntlna iveie preillited for tlio vieck. the total beliiR put at 1.200,000 Imshelf. Corn ttirnod llrntor. follnnlnc lioavl nesx, after 11 display of Ktoadlnesi oarlv. The ihar.iUi'i of the liuvlnir w.ih Kood Thoro note reprntH that farmeiH in Nibtank.1 vi ire t-vllliiB tnoro fieely. Advices fifim ArReutlna vieie bttlllslt, the oron of tli.it cnuuti v beliu? iilllolnlly extltmitod nt Kll.riOO.OOil busheN The mnrltet nt Liverpool viai firm. Tindlnc In nntH was not larpc The innrket, nftei rcieillnir, rallied There vins (.(Hue pipxHtue on May by 11 l.irRu upccu l.itor w tin boURltt July lnillnjr futures rmiptil ns followi vvnoai- Sales in Philadelphia Hlsh Low Clot"" rhito 31 Am Mllllnc 7s "? 7". 12 Am ttw .1-.j ar.U 3-.U 7 ilo prof li't't irn'k Ml', III TIulT S t o 4S II 48. i 10 ilo prof Ml' Mi' r.M' -- N 40 J II llrlll 42. 12 42. J 400 Cftl IVt 21' 21' 21' , 70 Cnm Iron 4i 4V 4,1 04 r.toi stnr 02 01 14 ill' JI Dint Poo III' till 4'l'i J loo Uon Whnlt 111 .HI Kl hi 7V ilo prof 72 711 72 Ji loo Interliom ions 17 17 17. Ji H Ins Co N Am 2V'4 21' 2.1' 100 Lnko un Cnrii ln'l lll'I Ui'i ! 10 LohlRh Nn 7S' 71'1 7B' .'i 22" L V Tr 22 Ji 22 J, 22. J. Ill .li. prof I l'4j I I 41 , - J . .11 Mlnohtll r,7"(i .17' r,7 4 ' lmio viinmi cm is' .in, in' ; 1 .North 1 mt si kh. ss, V U .121 Noi Cons 17' 17j I7'i Vi 2(17 IVnnn It It .17 i ,17 .17 .' 1 1 Snlt Vir-i lol'i 7ol 101 I 21 Pn stool prof 111 UR I'M. 2111 I'hlll Co 4'i It 44 4 .lit . ilo lum prof I l'i n't n' . 1177 t'llllil lili 1 27 274 27S ' 11 r it r tr ptfs n', imu ih'j . (I I'lilln Trnr 7il Til's "(l' 'i 1,1 Hhi t'nm 24. 21. 21. . Inn Iti'iiilltiK mi' in's Ml' - H I'll Inn llol 4 4j, J . inn Ton Vila 11 ' (It 11 .1(1 I'll Trno n( lift 4a's 21 V II Imp vhU shU ks'i ' 2.(1 1! 8 Hticl MN KlS ?1S , .11)1 VV Ir SI II . 101 loji 4 s mo vi j 1 111J4 !- 111J4 ; I2ti VV Crump A M 11 J, si s' i 00 Vork H PM ,ius ,tnN an's 's tmsMii Not 11l(h Iiw Cloco 1 hue J(!0il A (I ft 111 n.Ul-i 1'1't ,01's , loon lint I.11 let ft" lol'i lol'i lin'i N III110 1:1 t IVo ir l N2 M si . innii Km lil 1st ,1-1 lis lis IW 's innii I, Ir 1st li tIJ'l tUli IU'i .lllllll dn CI Is Hi 101 's I Ill's 1'11's llllll) I'lKOI'tH 111 102 1112. 102. ' lllllll I'hlll to l fis Ill's til i III' 1001) iln 1st .Is 1011 till '4 l"l. 1 4 'l 12(10 I'hlll C.loi 4s Sl, M'j SI', lllllll On ,1s llll 101 I'M. 'jnnti ttoml r m 11 Is lil'i ill's l'l , lliiiiii I n Hi Un ,1s 71 7 1 71 i nun vvoiiiiiih r.s im tm mi liiiinil Vnrk lt 1st . ml ''l'i H'I "i Local Bid and Asked Yrfl'itm'H Opon Hlch l,nu. Clno rlni, Mnv ... 1 1S'4 1 III' 1 17', 1 IS 1 1S .llllv 1 171. 1 17N 1 III 1 1H 1 17 ".opt 1 114 1 ITS 1 l.Ta 1 1IM1 lli Corn (nou loiIorj) Ma . . 7.14 7(1 7l's "TSV, 47.1N. lull . 7114 7(1 7I' 7ll, 7l," Sopt . 70 70S 7,14 ti(ls "', lints Mn . 114 11 It's ll'i 114 .lull . I.l II H4 "4 l'i 114 Mnt . It's It'l 104 !! II Lard Mn 11 .17 11 17 11 IS "11 17 11 17 Julv . ill) 1171) 111.0 '11117 lllill Sept . II h7 II S2 Ml S7 11 SO llllis Mn 12 22 12 22 12 11 '12 20 tl2 20 .llllv .. 12 II 12 III 12 12 tU 10 12.17 brpt . 12 12 12 12 12 All 12 Ti2 1'orl. Vt in 21 12 21 21) 2 I 07 t2 1 20 "2 I 12 Jul. 22 llll 22 II2 22 SU ' 112 '22 DO Mild tAskiil Financial Briefs Tho State Troamiry ban leceived $134, 000 from ltOKister of Wills Shcelinn for htnto tax on Inheritances The amount of Intel nal revenue taxes collected in tlio Philadelphia district in Match was JilT.'.l'JS Announcement Is in.ulo that the Sipulpa ltellnlnic Compan 11 HI (j.ill tho remainder of Its preferred btoik outstandlufr. amount I11K to about $2'i. 11(H), May 1, at $0 per share The prefencd stockholders, how ever, villi be ulven the opportunity of converting their stock into common, sharo for share, between .May 1 and 20. A meeting of the directors of the Kene flclt JJInc Corporation has been called for April 18 to tako action on tlio dividend Gross cirnlncs for Kebru.iry of tlio Re public Hallway and Licht and subsidiaries amounted to J310.45D, an Increase of $77,221 over those of tho corresponding mouth of last ve.ir Net receipts viem $130,211, an Increase of $12,148 The Havana lllectrle Hallway and Light nnd Power Company reports gross earn ings of $189,543 duilng rchruary, an In crease of $45,130 over tho conespondlng month of last jenr. Net earnings umount to $311,770, an Increase of $43,301. Northern Ohio Traction nnd Light Com pany has Increased Its order for 25 cars to 40 cars, of which 15 villi bo steel Inter urban cars and 25 steel city cars Kach car will bo lit ted with four motors i; J. Iloscnbaum. Paul Liftman. P. F .Salomon, Jor ti V,' Hammond and Samuel II Glnsburg have been elected members of tho Consolidated Stock Kxcbnngc. A statement showing tho financial con dition of Gaston, Williams & "W'lgmore, Inc, was issued today It shows that on February 29 last the net surplus assets, over and abovo all current liabilities, amounted to $16,511,342. The pales of the Jewel Tea Company, Inc, for the four weeks ended March J5 were $861,565, against $51,111 In tho same period In 1915, an Increase of $313,163. For the 12 weeks ended March 25 tho sales totaled $2,199,032, compared with $1,620,1G9 In 1915, an increase of $878,863. The New York subtreasury gained $711,000 from banks on "Wednesday, mak ing cash gain since Friday of $6,170,000 The Victoria OH has purchased control for cash, of 1000 acres of proved oil leases in Iirexton County, V Va Contracts for immediate drilling have been made The Stock List Committee of the Phila delphia Stock Exchange rules that deliv eries for bales of Harrison llros ic Co preferred and common stocks, made on April 7, except for cash, and thereafter until announced right to subscribe, shall be accompanied by a due bill calling for the warrant, if Issued by the company on April H, under the proposed btock allot ment to be voted upon by the stockholders of the compan on April It Shipments from the Westinghouse Ulec trlcal and Manufacturing Company, Pitts burgh, in March amounted to SOI cars, a new high record The largest previous month was less than 700 The White Motor Company has received a contract for 51 of the United States Gov ernment trucks ordered Wednesday for Mexican service. The Mexican Petroleum Company today authorized the statement that it has Just closed a contract with a large American steamship company for a total of more than 10,000,000 barrels of oil. Deliveries will run over a five-year period and under the contract they are to be begun not later than August 1 next, at the rate of at least 100.000 barrels a month, reaching 200 000 barrels a month by January 19 IS. and continuing at that rate thereafter. Tinlni " V.estrri!n s Hid Asked Hid AxU.il llnl.liiln Hit 4 H' 107 1".4 In prof Id'' I'm 4 Hurt & hub-i i c 111, !;,, j; ;; M pnf 1t'4 i"'4 Mi "I .1 (I llrlll 11. II. IJ '! Illoe Htnrnno . ill 4 '-'4 'H's -. (Ion Asplnlt . . . Hit .'I'l4 TI 2'i's In Ptof . 714 724 714 .2 KMslnlie Tol II 114 1.1 '4 It iln t o II 114 I l'i It do Pfd . 1114 70 'in '4 70. Lnko sun fort i'i4 m 1", I'j! LohlRh .Nnl . T.I 4 TVs, T.'i , i l-ohli.il Vnl 774 Ts. TT4 ". I.0I1IRI1 vnl Tr . . 22 '4 22"i j.-i --; iln pfd . II 114 I l'i 1 14 IVnnsjIinnln .ITS 1T4 .174 li'i 1'hllii lllntrli 2T4 27N 274 27'i I'lilln Co.. ll'i ll'i II -fl'i In ,1 1 or 1 Hit prof .l'i In. ilo 11 per (ont. prof II 114 I1J4 It's l'hltii It r t i .. ls'4 1;4 isl, is4 Itoiidlni: ,. . . si, s-,4 si, si riiiiiipih lid l"is 14 4s, 1 '"i Tiinnnilll Villi 14 ll'i '1 i 'IS I'nlmi 'Inn U4 4 1'. ll'i 114 C (1 I SS4 ssN, ss', SS4 1' S Stool si', S1 SI'i s-.v, Vnrk Itwj 114 12. 114 1l In pf.l Bit 4 S'l'i .I'l'i :i'i4 Win Criinni to. s.l si si 4 si LOCAL iMINING STOCKS TONOI'AH STOCKS. Ill I Axkoil. Urn Mullet- HI l"l vim Niitiuirn " .I'.' .Vlllllll) .JI Vll-tnili CMitmlun 21 21 .Vlonliinu " U Nnrtliorii hinr is H rntmiinli ltolinont Ini I.1 in Toiinpiili Cxtoiislon 's '! Tniiiiiuli Mining 4 'I. It m 11c llnln , " .JJ Wist Cnd 7tt .71 COI.Ui'ini.U .STOCKS. Ailnntn II .HI I II IK' Hull nl ."I llmith IK .211 Illlllilog ' ."J C. O IJ "I ."I Ciimliln.itliin I'rnitlon 0, .lis Dliiinf. Ull "1 nl !.iIk I .'"I rinrinco 12 til (nlilllold Cotisnllilntoil 7s so linlillloM .VIiiki r IT, .HI .Innii (i CMcnuInn I' .SJ Koiattns II .1 Oro 'I ."' Mind K'-n 'I .Oil bllier Tick 07 .OS MISCCI.I.ANCOCS. VaWi Aztec 01 .02 Klmlierly 'I .'U Noiniln Illll 17 .111 Arizona I'n nO .! .Niwul.i W'omlvr 1.1)0 1.03 NEW YORK COFKEn IMAHKET MIVV AOItK April (1 - 1 Im , olTco Illnrliot op-ned llnnor this morning nnd tlrst prkes wore .1 tn I points higher with hiiIch of 4.101) 1, ins on tho tall. Todni ' Oponlns Vos Cloio. Mnroh 'SOI M ".!)(' H ill April Hindis 12 Vlny 8 22 N 1KWS 111 Jutiu HJJWSL'I lull S.31 S2lUnS,2S Aiisust s mm Kit r-.ploinlior 8:n8.40 s.-m H. 11 () tolier 8.41) s I7(s is .Nmunbor KUdSIl llinmln Slims 17 Junuirj (.1iii'S12 IVtirtniry h.51i' S 17 Hid. Steel Shafting Hiiihcr PITTSBl'HOII. April 6 Several lead ing makers of cold rolled steel bhaftlng nro now quoting at 20 per cent off tho list, or $5 a ton abovo tho previously pre vailing minimum price. German Dank Statement IinitLIX, April 0 Tho weekly state inent of tho Imperial Hank of Germany shows: Gold reserve, 2,460,000.000 marks, Increase 513,000 marks; commercial prper and treasury bills, 8,112,000,000 marks, Incrcaso 2.214,000,000 marks, circulation and bnnklng notes, 6,988,000,. 000 marks. Incrcaso 614,000,000 marks private deposits, 4,357.000.000 marks, In crtaso 1,614,000,000 marks 20 DIVIDEND lias been declared by tho Barnett Oil & Gas Co. to stockholders of record April lOtn. Particulars JtreTnueat Devt. f. Stock nctlirlr truilfiln onN. Y. Curb, E. H Iniost 27 W Hllum-ttTriV4Aik City Oooklet I'ust, 1'resent and Futurs of Independent uus, - on request, 4 lSlmJXiJEj sOntMurllfsST UNION PASSENGER RAILWAY STOCK Dlildrnd -ruurantred by terms at Iruse hi I'lilln. Traction to. J ease usslcnril ta Union Trurtlon ( o. anil acutn usslsueu 10 I'nlU. Il.int.l r....,.lLi J PRICE T0 YIEUT5Js95 rr&PETRY IV1ELLO Member N. . & l'lilla. Block Kirhunfes 336 f OVIVIKltt'lVL TItUST iiun.ni.Nr. AUTO OWNERS Your automobile Insurance Is DEX) ()1 IlllrUI) euiense. 1 can save sou money. lrenresent only sound rnmtiunl-. ls-iwlll Dar soil to nttc me to proie these slaieiutntsj HARRIJTTTA i"en8irPanto lilag. INVEST IN MORTGAGES AT 5.4 , Recommended by I BEN T. WELCH S 1328 Chestnut Sti '" DIHECTOHY OF ACCODNTANTB Certlnsa fublls AccaanUats LXVVUKNCB U. WiOWN CO. X15 IUI-VL iMTXIH 1UVHC UUUJ)Ba 1 NORTHWESTERN RAILR( UNI VERS AL GAINg Large Expansion for Year Expect Many Equipment Orders Place High for Buffalo and Susquel Gains In revenue In February wero universal on tlio rnllroadi of the- North vveit, nil showing llbernl Incrensei over a year npo, ni well ni for the Ilicnl year to date Some of the larse carriers of that section, It Is believed, will thin jenr show the tnrircst expansion In revenues on record The Burlington showed the InrRest pains In frross nnd net revenues In Tebrunry of nny of the Northwestern roads. Its uross linvitiR expanded more than $1,700,000 nnd its net about Sl.jOO.OOO. ns compared with the same month Inst jear Next In line was tho St Paul, with nn lncrcne In irross of more than JI, 200,000 nnd n limit $600,000 In the net The ritlcnfro nnd Northwestern and tho Northern Pacific also made lame In creases In both Items and the cross of tho Orcnt Northern rcllectcd Improve ment, but oporntlnr; expenses were raised to such nn extent ns to brltiR nbout n fill II 11 IT off In net More Ibnn six limes ns many locmno tiles nnd mer four times ns mnnv freight cars have been ordered by the rnllunjs of the t'nlted Rtntes In tlio tlrst three months of 1016 ns were ordered during the sarno period of Inst jear. according to a com pilation published by the Hallway Abo r!n7etto This comparison shows orders for 11.17 locomotives for this period In 1016, ns FOREIGN EXCHANGE XtJiV YOltt-r, April 6 Tho market for forelRh exchange In the first hour of busi ness today failed lo show nny lncrnscd ac tivity Tho fcaturcH Included n further ndvniico In .Scandinavian cxchnnRc nnd relchsmarliH Sterling held nbout steady, vi Idle Trench exchange continued heavy. Quotations were' Demand sterling, 170 7-lfi, cables. 4 70 lfi-lfi5i4 77 i franc (allies, tins', 1 checks. 0 98; relchs miirkH, 72 nnd 72 '4 ; lire cnblcs, fi B81; ; ihecks, (150; Swiss cables, B 19 ; checks, filO'4: Vienna, 12,15 nnd 12 38; Stock holm 20 70 nnd 20 80 ; pesetas, ID. 35 nnd 1!)40; guilders, 42,8 and 42'i; rubles, ,11.40 nnd .11 50 The feature of the inld-afternoon mar ket was further weakness In Trench cx th.inge. At 5 0815 for cables nnd 5 00' for cheiks this class Is lower than at nny time for n nunibct of necks The ex treme low record was 0 05 In 1015 With out quotable mil antes from the early hlBh level, Scandinavian exchange retained itrength The strength of this exchange, ns well as of Siiedlslt nnd S11K4 exchange. Is due to speciul trans ictlons with tier m.inv. those countries being nbout tlio sole sources of supply to tho Teutonic na tions nt the present time Itekhsmnrks shaded , to 72'. nnd 72 5-1(1 The opening Ilgures were 72V8 nnd 72'4 Ster ling held steady at I 7fi 7-lGfi 4 76 for duiiand and 1 77 for cables BANK CLEARINGS Hank clriirlniTH tmlii-, compared with corre sponding il t Inst tun cirs mill nil', inn. SIO Ull 111) JIS.-.W.IIR JSO.litH Odli 11,4X04711 J7.1I! lit "1 Mill .117 Neil Vnrk IliO JJll.II III ,1 IS.J(.'I HIS "xT-Min i'lil chiiiiKi) . iis.jjiiini ,vi nil mil nii.sii nin 1(1 Kill 171 14 JSl.1,11 lL'.MlO.ll ,0 Phllnill llustun ht I.uuH RATES FOR MONEY Now Vnrk l'hiladolphl;i HoBton .... t'htrllBO I'll II 1U .1 .1'4 3 ,m4 Time J'iUfVi 3 t 4 t (if l '4 4 W41, Commirrtnl nnrvr. H to (1 months, rhllndel- plila. J tif.l'-a per tent NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS Nl'.VV YUilK. April II - lltTTKIt Mnrkct Hlluhtb nuririirkiit I'rltes shudo loner Ile- PlptM KS'iii pin toiKes. Ixtrn crenmer ,tnV4(a' 37e., hlKhcr siorlnc. linisi, state ilnlrv, aim "11 'a i linltntlnn crenmeri SS'sirflOc. IltidS Vlnrliit (Inner im hUh Kr-idvs lto celiits, "7 S"i1 cises Kxtrn Mrsts, 2Jft4C . llrxtM. SliiL'Jisc. iililte i),kh. -'M'iile,. bronn ri,Bn 1'4(( Itli . iiilxml rnlnrs, JJ(U-3Hc, re frlBirntor licst, -J" (!1.'.l. Tax Exempt in Pennsylvania WE OWN AND OFFER? Reading Co. Gen.4's, Jan. 1997 Beech Creek R.R. 5's, July 1936 N. Y. Cent.&H.R.R.R. 4's, May 1934 Penna.R.R.Gen. 4,2,s,June 1965 Penna.R.R.Cohs.42's,Aug. 1960 Allegheny ValleyjRy 1st 4's, Marchy!94p rurtlcurnrii tfri nppllcatlirl A. 6. Lqach & Co. IIS SOUTH FOUKTII STREET Iloll 'rhono Lombard !!37 New lork Chlrnco Ilostnn London against 181 fo were ordered 191G and 801.1 In IS nengcr cars were plaMcriod( ns ngnlnst G06 for 191 As Indicating the continued activity In tho huvlng of equipment, despite the hlnh prices for material for the week ending March .11 there were orders for 128 los comotlves, 4250 freight cars nnd 100 pas senger cars, having a total value of at least $10,000,000 There were also orders for 154.000 tons of rails worth nt least $1,500,000 or total purchases for the week of $14,550,000 On the Philadelphia Slock nxchange to day Tramp stock nttractcd the most at tention, that Issue ndvanclng 2 14 points on sales of 179 shnres There vvn9 no news to account lor the ndvnnce, but there wns n reiteration of the report hcnrtl vestcrday that new interests viere after the company Part of the ndvnnce was lost In the nftcrnoon Aside from this upward move, thnnges wero mostly downunrd ntthough tho losses were, for tho most part, only frac tional Tnltcd Itnlluass Investment Bs, which were strong yesterday In response to the declnrntlon of nil increnscd divi dend by the Philadelphia Companj 11 oro oft n half before noon Buffnlo nnd Sus (liichnnna, reached a new top nt 48, up 4) points since Saturtlny COTTON STARTS SLOW, HUT LATER BECOMES ACTIVfl Pricci Work About C to 7 Points 04 July Abovo Lnst Night's Close Stiff YOItl', April G Business was) almost nt u standstill on tho cnll In ttiri Cotton llxchnngc this morning, there being one transaction each In July, December, January nnd March, with only a four each In May and October Late In the morning the mnrket wad more active The firmness of the lato ca bles from Liverpool nnd bullish spot nd vices from Savnnnnli seemed to be fol lowed by covering nnd prices vvorkeel about G to 7 points abovo last night's clos Ing Ilgures on July nnd later deliveries May vias relatively easy, but sold 2 to a points abovo last night's close, nnd tho market showed n generally steady tono during the noon hour l.nreer exnnrtn nro exnoctod from AN lantlc ports In the nenr future Locat warehouse stocks have shown a decrenao recent!, and it Is supposed the cotton 13 being taken out partly for shipment nbioad, and Savannah today reported clearances of ,1i04 bales The receipts of cotton nt the port for tlio day were estimated at 14,000 Dales, compared with 23,4(iG bales last week, 31, 0G7 bales last car und 12,370 bales in 1914. Yes rinse Open llluh Low Lnst. Vlurch 1.' IT IJ 4.1 IJ .--. 12 41 li' :.5 jiny . 11 N4 11 kj 11 ni 11 so ii.na Julj . 11 nn 111111 Ull linn t" nt OitnlMT l-'H 1-' 1" 1-'"H 12 1 15 Derembrr IJ I" 12 'U 1- 44 IJ 811 12.4S January 12 .1(1 IJ 3". 12 4S 1 J U " -IR bput .... 1-00 .., 12.0B Liverpool Cotton IsIVnilPOOU April G Spot cotton to day vins In moder.ito deminil, at n dccllno of 1 point on tlio basis of 7 57(1 for mid upland The snles nggregited 7000 bales, Including 0000 bales American The Im ports were 9000 bales, all American Tlio market for futures closed firm at a. not ndvancc of SfflO points BAK SILVER LONDON, April (1 Hnr siller tndny wa Hinted nt 20 7-lt'l . nn ndvnnce of l-lild. ('immerctnl tmr sllicr unn quoted tn Now York totlny at Ul'4 cents, un Increusn o( H cent r7a7 --ACO. PUBLIC SE1WICE SECURITIES Public Service Securities arc a lien on the success of communities. G, Our Public Service Securities ara excellent examples or conservative in vestments yielding a high, return, G, From them you not only get a large yield, tut the assurance oi safety that comes only with obligations or highly successful Public Service Companies. G, "Wenowhave fourdifferent Bonds that yield 1st 5 -2nd 5'2 -3rJ 67c-4tti GVtfo C They are vell seasoned and hav been issued by companies with unim peachable records. CI, We recommend them for invest ment, and will hand you complete data. Baker Aylirvg -. Co. Land Title Bldg" Philadelphia. FOUNDED 1792 im insurance Company. op North America Announces the opening of an UPTOWN OFFICE Room 211-12 Real Estate Trust Building Corner Broad and Chestnut Streets Fire, Tornado, Marine, Automobile, Parcels Post, Tourist, Floater, Perpetual, Insurance. BENJAMIN RUSH, President. JOHN O. PLATT, Vice-President SHELDON CATLIN, , 2nd Vice-President OFFICERS: yf S J T, HOUARP WRIGHT. Jjf I Tctary-Treasun? I GALLOWAY C. MORRIS. Assistant Secrets JOHNKREMER, f Assistant S&rctary, DIRECTORS: -wl H EDWARD II. COATES, JOHN STORY JENKS, EDWARD HOPKINSON, GEORGE H. McFADDEN, VILLIAM D. WINSOR, HENRY W. BIDDLE, C. HARTMAN KUHN, ARTHUR E. NEWBOLD, CHARLES PLATT, JR. CHARLES S. W. PACKARD, J. PERCY KKATING, G. COLESBERRY PURVES; BAYARD-iENRY, JOHN W. PEPPER, EDWARD S. BUCKLEY, JR., WILLIAM T. ELLIOTT, WILLIAM P. GEST, . -fll THOMAS S. GATES, jffLSl BENJAMIN RUSH, M' WILLIAM S. GODFREYt ilH Assets over $20,000,000 ssWsjHslJ tm fejjl r
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