- ,i C.i g s i"M n r L? ton j, ft ft f i 6 .JUSSIAN ARMIES rKlNG STRIDES TOWARD BAGDAD One Force Crosses Frontier While Another Is Rap- idly Hearing Mosul WIKS TRY tfO RECOVER Mhriy Troops Being Sent to Ar menia From Smyrna and Apia Minor Km&Sd, March 15. It is learned frbm a Turkish source that General Ismail Itakkl has been appointed Turkish Minister of War, succeeding Envcr Pasha. The Turkish Legation now admits that It has rccchcd "un I'btactal'neW to the effe'et that Enver Pasha has died from wounds inflicted by an assassin. nOJtEJ, March IB Tho Kusnlan nrmy has atmont crossed tho frontier In tho Urctlon qf SaRdnd, according to Infor mation from a rcllnWo Bource. Another Russian nrmy Is rapidly nearlnff Mooul, on tho Tigris. Tho army which occupied Hrzcrum han Been divided Into threo columns. One Js marchlriB toward Trcblroml, another tqward Erzlnpin, on tho Uupharcs, 100 miles southwest of Erzorum, and a third on Kharput, Another force which landed at Inn, en tho Black Sen, han arrived before Treblzond. Tho envelopment which Is to take placo probably has nlrcady bcmtii. AH of theo nrmlos have been consider ably strengthened, and supplied with abundances of (runs, larco masses of Cos sacks and many aeroplanes. ATHENS, March IB. According to ' Constantinople Information, tho Turkish OoV6rnmont In Its endeavor to hold up tho Russian1 advance has ordered all aallnblc Ottoman forces' Bent to the Russian frontier. Th6'Bi"?ater portlon'of tho Turkish army Xrom Thrace, Smyrna, tho coast of tho Sea ,of Marmora and from Asia Minor, Is be- Inc' sent to Armenia ( . A statement received thero says that on account of fears that tho Turkish army at Dltlls, on Lako Van, Is bclriR cut off from Jj- A'a Minor and Mesopotamia, tho Turk- i r JsH. Goverhment Is contemplating tho with- '' draWnl of the liagdad army and sending , It to Asia Minor. 'RUSSIANS CLAIM PROGRESS IN ATTACKS ON RIGA FRONT h?' ffiilContinuo to . Force, Back Turks in 12.j7i. . ' j iS VV, '., Caucasus .SKRX.dkD'fiM,' j'firch ID. Itenowed artll- nprry qJStfT'fT on tho nlga sector of tho eastern front la reported by tho Itusilnti nr Ofljda Irt a statement Issued yestcr 1 day. 'The statement follows: Therq tos been heavy fighting "A Wpthwest of, Lalto Bablt, on tho Itlga ok Jf'ronp, (Prt -a uectpr of thH front ono fij'it$"'oii? detachments entered an cn- tj. y'orhyif rerlep, boyohcttcd tho occupants y.r,,and;?tyrjitt Without loss. " .Y sSotRoas of "tho village of Podka- ' "inlenTind on the mlddlo'Strypa sector ifC OaJtein; our- patrols eontlnuo tlielr opcraltoha with success against en- " "Vriiy pbsti and havo mado further y gprolcs-j. Jtn, tho Caucasus our troops con tinue? to forgo back tho Turks. J thi lerman statement says: "Vi On' the, Dncister nnd on tho Bess . " 'irb.tan front .Russian attacks hao 2f vwjrswJ?'. '-p'PearyVrge8 "Two-Ocean Navy" NEW YOJtK-March' 15 A "two-ocean 'navy," ono formed of battle cruisers of 1 (ho largest, swirtest, most heavily armed typo, was urged by Rear Admiral Robert K Peary In hla speech at tho Sphinx Club dinner In the "Waldorf-Astoria last night. Bulgaria to Raise New Loan AMSTERDAM, March 15. A now 6 per ceo. war loan Is shortly to be Issued by tho Bulgarian Government, according to the Deutsch Tagezcltung. sona. Business . "'.. vva- & r? The War Today French troops, by un effective counter-attack, have captured sev eral enemy trenches on Hill 2G5, northeast of Verdun, the Paris Wnr Office announced this after noon. French troops hold Bcthincourt, Dcnd Man Hill and tho Cumiercs Wood, says tho statement, reveal ing that the French have lost Cor beaux Woods, Austria declared war on Portu gal, Italians resumed the offensive on the Isonzo on a largo scnlo with notable successes on tho Sabotino slopes, between San Michelc and San Martlno del Carso and east ward of Monfalcone. The Itussians have almost crossed the frontier in the direc tion of Bngdad. Advices fiom Constantinople say tho Turkish Government hns or dered all nvnilnblc forces sent to tho Russian frontier. Amsterdam dfsna'tchos said Ger many would not abandon or modify U-boat warfare on armed merchantmen. U-BOAT WARFARE WILL NOT BE DROPPED, SAYS REPORT FROM BERLIN No Postponement of Attacks on Ai'med Merchantmen, Ac cording to Denial Sent to Amsterdam PEACE RUMORS SPURNED AMSTERDAM. Mnrch IB An oltlclat statement telegraphed from Berlin today make absolute denial of fresh rumors that Germany plans to abandon or post pono tho now submarine war on armed merchantmen. Chancellor von Bpthmann-IIollueg as surcd Itclchstag leaders at tstordny's conference that ho would not undertake discussion of pcaco terms at the present session of tho Reichstag, according to Berlin advices today Notwithstanding thli statement. It Is rumored Doctor LIcbknecht, militant So cialist, will attempt to Interpellate tho Government rcgatdlng peace. BERLIN, March 15. Chancollor von Bcthmann-IIollueg faces a revolt In tho Reichstag on tho submarlno Issue, mem bers of tho von Tirpltz party showing bitter h63tlllty over tho concessions granted to tho United States. Doctor on Bethmann-Hollvvcg, tho Imperial Chancol lor. has returned from the General Head quarters His return la In connection with tho Illness of Admiral on Tirpltz, the Minister of Marino, which, the nowspapers say, has ere itcd an unusual sensation. j Tho Committee on Foreign Affairs of the German Tcdcrnl States Is to meet to day under tho presidency of tho Bavarian I'rcmier. Neither tho Chancellor nor Prussia Is represented on this cJmmlttce, which meets occasionally as a rort of con trol board of foreign affairs of Germany. It Is known that tho Chancellor will deal chlctly with tho marlno question and German-American relations, and tho ex planation likely to bo a clear exposi tion of his determined policy of opposi tion to ruthless submarlno warfaro on England, regardless of consequences. This meeting Is awaited with tho keen est Interest by both the champions of tho Von Tirpltz policy and the supporters of tho Chancellor's' compromlso In respect to submarine warfaro. Tito Centre parties, as woll as tho National Liberals, aro known to bo In fdvor of an unfettered submarlno campaign. . That a determined effort will bo mado by tho Von Tirpltz faction tp make tho question an Issuo In tho Reichstag Is Indi cated, among other things, by an open dec laration by Krnest Bassermann, tho leader of tho National Liberal party. Ho says- 'The fact must bo clearly expressed there that our nation is unwilling to allow tho weapons of submarlno wurfaro to bo wrested from Its hands by America. Our experience and power In tho futuro aro at stake In this frightful war. Wo Bhall win It If with ruthless war energy wo employ all tho means at our disposal. Consideration of feeling and sentimentality Jiao today no Justification" Tho Tagllche Rundschau says It sin cerely hopes that Hcrr Bassermann will Introduce a resolution to this effect In the Reichstag In tho name of all tho civic parties. A store, like a friend, is known by its habits and traits of character. We want our stores to be known f or J their good habits, their good traits of character. Some people say that our stores are alive, that they have Person' ality. That's because we give good ser vice and practice the Golden Rule. We have just come here, and we want to make friends. 31 Departments Nothing Over 25c W.T. Grant Company 25c Department Store 920 Market St. EVENING EEDQBB PHIEADEEPHIA', WEDNESDAY, MARCH UNARIDOTTAMnCA E' ATTACCATA E PRESA DALLA BRIGATA REGM Un Irresistibilo Asaalto Baionetta Annienta la Re sistenza Austriaca nella Zona di San Martino TOBLACH BOMBARDATA ROMA, 15 Marzo. It generate Cadorna tia rlpreso In Brando t'offenslva sullrt. fronto dell'Isonro o la battagtla dl Gorilla, cho eta stata sospesa per dlvcrsa mcsl durante t'lnver no, o' stata rlaccesa con grando lolcnza. II Mlnlstero deltn Guerra ha sospesa II senlzlo tclegraflco dalla fronte, annun clando pcro' cho la sospenslono sara molto brevo ed o' stata resa necessarla dalto eslgcnzo mllltarl La linttnglla, cho si annunela. dl grandl proporrlonl o vlolontlsslma, ' ancora nlla sua fase Inlzlatc, ma lntanto progrcssl pono stall fnttl dallo forro ltnllrtno c dl nntevnlo lmnortnn7a atiehe, cd II tavoro dcll'artlgllorla dl Cadorna o' stato dl una ntrnnriUnnrln forjia lllstrilttrice lntanto '" " lerl sera II Mlnlstero dclla Guerra puo-ii bllcavn II scguonte comunlcato ulTlclalo: inrmata cho opero' gla' contro Erze "Nella Vnl Lignrlni (vallo dcllAdlgc) , , . ,,i..n i ,Pn -nin ,, ri, l'nrtlgllerla nemlca si o' mostrata altlva nella zona dl Rovcreto, dannegglando luoghl nbltntl La nostra artlgllerla ha dlsierso gruppl dl operal mllltarl nemlcl tra Sovn o Levico, nella Val Sugan-v (vallo del Hrenta). ha dlstrutto opere di dlfcsa del ncmlco sulle nlturo dl Vnl Cordovolo o nella zona dclla conca dl Cortina, ha bom bardato colonno dl vettovagllamcnto nello vlclnanzo della vallo del Rlcnz o dl Landro ed ha bombardato l.i stnztono dl Toblnch. "Lungo la fronto dcll'Isonm lo plogglo torrenzlall o la nebbln hanno nncora ostncolato l'opora della nostrn artlgllerla ed hanno leso plu' nccentuata rim Nonostanto nrutlcablllta' del tcrrcno. questo la nostrn funtcrla ha rlpreso con succossn I suol nttncchl contro lo poslzlont ncmlche, spcclalmonto sul flanchl del Sabotino. tra San Mlcholo o San Mar tlno del Carso p nd est dl Monfalcone. t T. .i . i -iii"hu. I rlsultatl plu' lmportantl sono btatl nttcnutl nella zona dl San Martlno dove, dopo una vlolcnto preparazlono dl artlgll erla, la brlgata Rcglna. st lauclo' ad un attacco alia baionetta o conqulsto' una forto ridotta fneendono prlglonlerl coloro cho la occupavano. Ncllo stcsso tempo sulla loro-slnlstra altro unlta nostre nt taccavano o dlotruggovano lo Unco ncmlcho nollo vlclnanzo dclla chlcsa dl San Mar tlno. "A sud est dl San Martlno nol abblamo conqulstnto la poslzlone detta Dente del Crovlgllo, cho o' II ccntro della dlfcsa ncmlco. "In complcsso nol abblamo fatto 51 prlglonlerl, dl cul clnquo ufllclall, cd abblamo prcso at nemlco duo mltragll ntrlcl." II comunlcato ufTlclalr nustrlaco con ferma In sostanza quatito dlco ncl suo rapporto 11 generalo Cadorna, dlcondo pcro' cho tuttl gll nttacchl dcg'l ttnllanl sono statl rcsplntl con gravl perfllto Notlzlo glunto oggl dalla fronto dlcono cho t'offenslva itallana sull'Isouzo continua con crcscenta vlolcnzn, tnnto cho gll uus- FILM ADVERTISING FOR Local Merchants Wo will manufactyro, to order, guaranteolng porfect workmnnBhlp, a TWENTY (20) FOOT CARTOON MOTION PJCTUR10, adapted to your particular line of business, that you can exhibit for effective advertising In nearby thoatres, window displays, entertainments, lodgo meetings, etc, for $7.50 Duplicate copies at a consider able reduction Scenarios or sug gestions furnished upon request free of charge Investigate tho possibilities of our service. DALY & COGILL Specialists 11 N. 13th St., Phila., Pa. Boll Phone, Walnut 3D16 triad hanno dovuto abbandohar parecchlo po8tzlonl avanzate. Tra division! nustrl ncho cho crano stato deetlnato alta fronto frnncse per alutaro I tedeschl opet-antl nella zonit dl Verdun hnnno rlcevuto Arrilnn ril rlmnnero ncl Tlroloj IO Atesso comunlcato austrlaco dlco che gll Ifallanl operarono setto nttachl successlvl nella sola zona dl San Martina del Carso, ap- i I punto dovo la Brlgata Rcglna conqulstav.a 1 lerl l'altro la ridotta dl cul parla II rap alla i porto di Cadorna. Un totegramma da Londra dlco cho nella Camera del Comunl It scgretarlo dl Stato sir Edward Grey, rlspondendo ad analoga lntcrrogaziono, rlfluto' dl rlvelaro a quail condlzlonl l'ltalla aVeva accettnto dl flrmaro II Patto" dl Londra Impcgnan dosl n non concludcra separatamento la naco con ('Austria ed 1 suol alleatl. Sir Groy disss cha non era nell'lnteresso del pubbllco fare quests rlvelazionl In questo momento. Coma o' noto l'ltalla nderl nell'autun no scorso nl Patto dl Londra a cul poco dopo ndcrlva nncho II Glappone. II mlnlstro d'Austrla n. Llsbona ha chlesto nl governo portogheso I suol pas saportl, o si aspetta cho lo stato dl guerra sin tra brevo dlchlarato ancho tra II Por tognllo o l'Austrla, como cslsto tra II Portogallo o la Ocrmanla. I Rt'SSI VI3RSO BAGDAD. Informnzlonl glunto qui od attlnto a fotite iiuiordvolo dlcotio cho lo forzo russo opcrantl dalla Persia hanno quasi pas sato la frontlera turco-perslana a nord est dl Bagdad sulla r trad a cho porta a questn Importanto cltta'. Nol tempo me deslmo un'nltra armala russa b! avvlclna ut'nuiiw uumiiu x.mn Au-3,b .i,i,-, tnani mil Tiri mnrcla conlro Trci,lsonda, un'altra verso ,., ...ii'mifrnti.. nl mm tor7n mi Knrput. Un'altrn colonnn cho sbarco" ad Inl, sulla costa dot Mnr Nero, o' gla' glunta davantl a Trcblsonda, o probabll monto la manovra nvvlluppnnto contro lo forzo turcho e' gla' stnta InMata. Re contomento tutto questo nrmate russo sono stnto rlnforzato o rlfornlto nbbondnnte. mcuto dl cnnnonl o dl munlzlnnl, dl ncro planl o dl numerosl o grandl repartl dl cavallerla cosacca. A Berllno si sento l'nllarmo circa l'nt tegiamento delta Rumanln, spccialmcnte per It fatto cho 1 gonornll Avercscu, Co- ! teKCU I,rcsan Bono slntl ln 1ucsii glornl noniimiu uuniiiiiuuuii uujiu kiu uimuiu the formano l'cscrclto rumeno In tempo dl guerra. I tro gcnernll dovono assumero I comandl In data del 14 Aprllo prosslmo venturo. Nel tempo mcdeslmo lo notlzlo ; , BlunBono ,,ala Dobrugla dlcono dl ;'"...? ..,... .,n ,. mmtn.i ., S, 4 &B&BNtBUBSBKHHtBKBS3BBBKBBBB&X tasmm!FEB2BBEBBB8BnEBBBBUBBEXBN&BttSBKnBUKBFaB?iV ITJlOPMBm. ' '!,W!wTgggafffWTH"BW!Wae,MB'aiB,lfWltWWWrt In quella reglona, cd a Berllno si tema serlamento un conflltto bulgaro-rumeno, lntanto ralllvlto' del pattltl lnlventlsU In Rumania va aumentando ed ", P0,p0,10 nttendo anslosamento lo notlzlo dellft lotta cho. si combatto n Verdun, applaudcndo nd ognl succosso per quanto piccolo uei franccsl. I tedeschl hanno nttaccato dl nuovo to llneo francesl ad ovest dclla Mosa, cioo a nord-ovest dl Verdun cd hanno avuto successo ln duo puntl, tra la poslzlone dl Lo Mort Hommo o quella dl Bethlncourt. Pero' o' da notare cho dlotro questo posl zlonl avanrato francesl sorgo una eerie ai colllno In Bemlcerchlo, dell'nltezza media dl mlllo plcdl, da cul l'artlgllcrla frnnccso puo' far strago delle colonno tedesche cho fossero lanclato nlt'nssaUo. Perclo I crltlcl francesl attendono con flducla 11 rlsultato dl qucsta tcrza battaglla attorno alia fortezza dl Verdun. JEWS HEME PLAN REGIMEN! Jacob D. Lit Elected Colonel o Pro posed Organization Plans for tho organization of a Jewish regiment In Philadelphia, In accordance with the country's general program of preparedness, wero formulated last night at a mooting held at tho homo of Isador Stern, 538 Spruce street. Among tlloso present wero Joseph D. L:t, A J Drexel Blddlo, organlrer of tho Droxcl Blddlo Military Corps, and Lowls Carson, son Tho regiment will be recruited from tho city's Hebrew population, many cf tho young men having a strong dcslro for military training Recruiting headquar ters will bo established ln tho oftlces of tho Jewish Morning Journal, 6th nnd Pino Btrcets. At last nlght'B meeting .Tncob D. Lit was unanimously elected col onel of tho proposed organization, which position ho ncccptcd. Tho services of Mr. Blddlo havo been requested In view of his expcrlcnco ns an organlzor nnd drlllmastcr. At the noxt mooting of tho Organization Commlttco provision will bo mado for tho equipment nnd drilling of tho recruits. Tho regiment wll bo known ns tho "Maccabeans." Sharon Hill to Raise "Cop's" Pay IlurgcsB James 13. Farrcll, of Sharon Hill, has npproved an ordlnanco providing for an Incrcaso of tho salary of tho bor ough policeman. Hercnftcr ho will ro celvo J65 per month nnd fees amounting to GO cents each for tho supervision of opening of streets, erection of poles, etc. A Powerful Motor Electrically Started Electrically Lighted Absolutely Complete Unusually Large Tires H 15, 1016. Victim of burns Dies Mrs. Mary Grabensleln, of 420 Button wood street, died at tha Roosevelt Hospital lata last night ns tha result of bunts bus talned when her clothing caught fire whllo preparing luncheon at her homo yester day. She was 40 years old. 50c a Week Will Buy Either of These Beautiful Piccet. wWwwW V A ; fill MaJmL raft wi 'w&WssfitfM wiSslSSJp mm SSS Vtb sMwWwUm fir ap""i zpj ?rl1-75DTabregl$ia SOeaWaek) BsAJL SOe a Week ) JLfjl nnd chitfoniers to match, at proportionately low prices. i . . . m Roadster $595 Model 75, f.o.b. Tolid Here is the car that all America has waited fori Here is the car that all America is buying faster than we can produce. You've got to have a car. But you don 't have to pay a large price. Nob do you have to be satisfied with a small, uncom fortable car which keeps you in a state of mental dissatisfaction and physical discomfort. The $615 Overland solves the problem. Scats five comfortably no crowding or jam ming. Cantilever rear springs Soft, deep upholstery built up over long spiral springs And four-inch tires. These features make it ride easier than many of the big high-priced cars. It has a powerful and snappy en bloc motor1 Is electrically started and electrically lighted Has electric control buttons on steering column And all the very latest touches of up-to-date- ness and refinement. It is light and economical, but with good etyle, beautiful finish and phenomenal riding comfort. Only $61$. And that's complete. Nothing extra to buy. You've got to have a car. Order this Over land. Overland Motor Company, Distributor8 323-5-7 N. Broad St., Phila. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ' BELL PHONE WALNUT 4891 The Willys-Overland Company; Toledo, Ohio UitUU.g.A,1 KJa- Tl.Hk).l-. k "Z r, ":"::r ""i.re wny. tlon In Camden to operau "tl theatres, etc., with a capital of ISom1! Incorporators aro M W. tIa. !y'Ikl Jeffries and T. W. Taylor "Ww! if I cM !' I Exquisite Mahogany Bedroom Pieces DresoingjC! fa 7 Tnkl vieiita Perfoct spoclmons of tho famous Adam poriod. Theso oxqulslto pieces aro rare opportunities. Indeed, at our special prices. Thtfy aro beautifully carved In mahogany nnd per fectly finished. Tho stylish triplicate mirror of tho dresser is particularly neautnui. tjomo in tomorrow, by all moans, and boo theso wonderful values for yourself. Wo havo bads 722-724 Market St. Everything with lt M r ' f&S? ' wnmnjw' .-' v
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