EVEffTOG- EEDaEB-PHlUABEEPHIA WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3 5, 1916, 17 JCHTER GIVES LATEST DOPE ON ATHLETICS NEWS FROM PHILLIES' TRAINING, CAM; H ... .n i M...H iSEBTlC ROOKIES IMPROVE 1 UNDER TUTELAGE OP MACK I,.nrs and Crowell Show Remarkable Speed 'Uncorking Fast Pitching Other Notes nv CHANDLER D. IlICHTER fjACKSONV Athteilcrf bat- 6 rfS continued today. Man wwnawMf out thIg eic.ua,nB Catcher n' B jJST. ,...t his hand ycsieruiijr. ...- ST i before 10 o'clock and will lETUrte'l..bi- ...J i,nlns to CO down. Y U.r Mitt complained about, but Kttat'h. boy, will feel bet. rSJa W oi: tw0 Ir l y , been a wonderful Improve. MWt .L man In the squad despite EfJflnP of lamo arms. When tho r f.T. i,.id only four days nco ujtnico - . - , , iP cr..1 "VT nltehcrfc Dolly Iw thy '?" ,i in such nn ex. & of th. hurlcra show up Elr6eont.'nnuea3Cta0tnh.S present rate && can absorb his teach frt. -mencst" looking bunch of pitch i...SX ever brought Into tho South Jff AMtlca will bo In fine shapo to Xito Sn No ono expects tho "-; to' enter tho championship raco SCup th" IWO. but there will bo ujDurnuH i,.,,n n tho iunlor clr- JSVthtv aro countlns upon tho weak W.W..i, .nff tn fatten their bat- ivtrages. .t. im hv Hnundcr tjftler accident of minor Importance fSMiKk . ,i,pn Tom Shcehan h2?Wl on' tho shoulder with a Rround 'S which bourfdc.1 badly. Tom's arm KJeM Tlamo for two days, but the '5mm had apparently disappeared as .' .,mW tin In Rood shape, until UWVx., .- i,n..n.1.r with his shoulder. Extent of his Injury Is a badTnusclo ,jo. ... Mm Vlltck n few r Trainer Caitlo says that It amounts ... " i ItV, lm n irnnil thine feSS:; hid been Working too hard! L idowfet member of tho squad to show JJJb b -Chler Slyers, tho Ilalelgh re- litors has thrown row fast halls, and MiSX nt hum-lntr him. This tnnky I Surfer, who held WnshliiBton to ono Stud Itruck out 11 men In his major EWukcs him at least thrqo weeks be She Is able to cut loose, and Mack Is Swing him all tho tlmo ho wants. Con fflij rfroat conlldenco In Myers" JuclR Snrnd will allow him to condition ffjjick ays Myers Is colnc to bo a crcat iMH -and that ne is a smart yuuuKBiui Ztttis llttlo schooling. Tho lanky lad Sods one very much of Cy YounR In fcdil expression ami uima imu """ jm. Manaeer Mack commented onthls pSrinl added: "Don't I wish ho would mkIcp Into as pood a pitcher as either." RSthers Warm Up ?fiM.. .. nmcrnm wnn fnllnvvod totlav. Itli the pltchors warmlnc ip to tho tattnera nrst. xnen iney iouiv luiua udilEK to Ira Thomas from tho mound t.k tr1r Btftmrllnt linhlnfl nffprlni? RU1T. IUUI iwi bm..... ' - f. . Htlonj. After that tho youngsters wero Weed to field bunts, throw to basis, hit fcnxoej and run nbout tho park chasing IfJKabors and Crowe.ll continue to show jreal epeeo. ina rest ot tuo oquiiu ia nui. .l.n. a ,... nlthnr nf ttlPRA rlc?ht- If iialerj In batting prnctlce, but It Is llkoly . IfOO ITgUiaia Wll Vn blbuw uv..t... .. JBIirt 1031 pail pilGIllIlK. "f "lu ! "a rtfuurs arrive mo pucners snouiu ibvo llrir cure balls breaklne eood and tho Hit are likely to seo moro than thoy ca.ro M able to whip tho ball nbout today Irttheut pain and Manager Mack exptcta kba to show his truo form soon Mack xm, Connie having spent a week In armiEgnam last summer to size up me Wshmsn. Speaking of Irishmen reminds Wk1... II 111 1.- IIA.f. .!... h .v UiAV UlCrd Will UQ ItlllU CIIU1IUU IUI 6,IrUh-Dutch game hero on St. Patrick's vri, ior lae very goou reason mi ono JiM And enough Dutch to form any- SMzager Mack has agreed to have his war icam piay wreo games wun inu FIRST MACKMAN INJURED Bill Myers, one of Connie Mack's young catchers, had two fingcr3 on his right hand badly split yes terday in Jacksonville during a rookie game at Barr's Field. local South Atlantic League team prior to tho series with iho Dodgers and Braves. Tho exact dates havo not been announced yet. Jacksonville also will entertain tho Yanlgans while tho regulars aro nt Miami, Palm Beach and Daytona. Ira Thomas Bush, Wyckoft and Schang agrco that Rubo Dressier will como back In great shapo this season. Manager Mack admits that tho south paw looks good, but refuses to commit himself. The Rubo disappointed Connie last year nfter Mack had predicted a nnnA nuiiRnn nnil tnn mnnh faith Will not bo placed in him Ho surely has been! coming along at a rapid clip, if iircasicr comes through tho pitching problem may bo solved, early,. In tho season. Norman Sclby, better known as Kid McCoy, hvorked out at tho Jacksonville ball park yesterday. Tho famous heavy weight has Just returned from Cuba. Ha exnectcd to return to tno ring at tno uaijcv.ii;u iw tutu... . ..... ...n - ..... ace. cxpenso of some local scconci-rato Doxer, JJQatcher Bill Murphy, who has bocn but tho police refused to permit tho bout, rippled mare .than any of tho pitchers, advising tho Kid to go to the "Old Man's Ml ,M tn whin fhn nnil nlinilt tndaV Xlnmn TInmpJ Ira Thomas, umpiring In the prnctlce ,.. f.t. U.....U .. A V.I ...ll ta to ahow his truo form soon Mack Bam'CS (a not maklng much of a hit with fcxutj Murphy strongly, desplto tho fact tno vetcrans wi10 insist that Ira Is glv Ikat bcth Perkins nnd Mevcra havo been i.. .t.M i. ..,.., nr i, irnhn ncAnalnr lug them the worst of it. Jraipytng the limelight. arul -Vyckoff appear to get tho worst of fltophy la one of Mack's own pick- overy closo play and they kid Thomas un set Connie havlnir sDent a week In itu mercifully. Patterson Beats Wilson With Cue In the twelfth game of tne Claa B amateur pocket billiard tournament, played at Alllnger'a Academy laBt nleht. Patteryon gave an ex hibition of good, nervy pocket billiards and perfect safety playing which defeated Wllnon and cauaed him to lose hla llrtt gamo alnce the tournament etarted. I NEWS PROM THE BOWLING ALLEYS Seek hu an average of SIS so far In the ma rouna o tne uuaKer city league. ITlranla RAtlroad tnnm xvnn tha Beo- eta from Keyvtona by 1018 to 1U1S m wwinJWce contributed 160. 230 and 225 n&oIvftoU lUllroad team1 total. i 31 Vlr4fttw nva ThnnanlunnU T?t)11 wi wa by 089 to B3U In tba flnal , totaled 603 for Creacent agalnat Wl. J"fl recorded a. 223 score for Key- 'SSPhJ1 Uberty Dell, torpled over 20t. ?XU&B. Mf th. Dl.k m -. jm a jt,--r-7 ,r w. 8UIHII BQUHQ, buuwcu euuu g" tottUng 170, 228 and 204. . of Tlora, got 228 In hla flrat game. maaViaul ntt 4T ! mmni -j " wuh aj m iia iovuhm .waiapolo. . tvB. Hnrtr V.. r i i v WI fill XOM Urnr-lr willlner aA nln. 4n I Baroa4ra aat ntehtT " i L defeat la the Drug League ti In?.' . '! 'n the nrit game w ynoluale Drug Comoany aulnl wa 1th tin. " '" inuni KnocKfta aown j W of the number of new tenpln en- tbualaats can be gained by following the scorea rolled tn the leagues launched thla season. Station 8 aquod leads the American Ice Com pany teams by ft single game as a result of this week's contests on Terminal Alleys. Sta tion 8 team beat Station 0 two Burma, while Main Office lost the odd game to Btatlon 4. Switchboard managed to outrol! Stores In two gameB In thla week's matches. The west ern Klectrlo League leaders won the first game by four pins. The local chapter of the Atlantic Coast Association In staging Its city championships may make the classes 170 a game and up ward, 1BI) to 170. and under 150. Btngles. doubles and five-man team tourneys will giro the bowlers a chance to show their prowess without taking long out-of-town trips. It is possible local contestants In the National Association tourney, which begins next Sat urday In New York, will be decided tonhtbt. Th extension of entries will close tomorrow night. Not one of tho many bowlers who competed for Western Electrlo. American Ice Company or United uas Improvement Company teams registered a score of 200 In this week's mutches. Many local bowlers are understood to prefer cash prises Instead of merchandise as a reward for their season's high scorea and averages. "Doc" Ilauck ahowed hla skill with 160 and then counts of 207 and 218. for Nationals against Philadelphia Wholesale Drug Com pany on Casino Alleys last night. BORRELL VICTOR OVER M'CARRON IN TERRIFIC MIX Advantage Too Slight to Decide Middleweight Title of Pennsylvania SLAMBANG THROUGHOUT Who Is tho middleweight chnmplon of Pennsylvania? This problem wns duo to bo Bolved last night, but tho question Is as much muddled today as It was previous to tho match between Joo Worrell nnd Jack McCarron, nt tho Palace qlub. Nor rlstown. After a hard-fought, vicious, 1B round sot-to, Dorrell vacated tho ring with an almost unmcnsurahlo ndvantngo over tho Allentown Irishman, Tho margin of victory wns so scant tho Kensington middleweight could not ho recognized ns tho State's champion on tho strength of this contest. McCarron nnd Qorrcll aro two of the best-matched boxers In tho country. Iast night's bout was their third meeting, each resulting In closo clnBhes. First they met In six rounds here, then Tnmaqua was the scono of a 10-round mix, followed by their lfi-round scrap last night. Whllo McCar ron seemed to bo tho stronger at tho fin ish laBt night, It was probable that thf men could havo continued for flvo or 10 moro round? with neither showing a de cisive ndvantnge. Six Rounds for Borrell A rcsumo of tho bout, round by round, gives Borrell tho belter of six rounds, viz.: third, fourth sixth, 10th, 11th and 14th, whllo McCnrron earned honors for tho fifth, eighth, 12th nnd lGth. nnd tho first, second, seventh, ninth and 13th were oven. Whllo each landed sovernl gocd punches on tho Jaw, neither connected with a blow aufllclcntly steamed to stagger his man. Tho contest resulted In ono of those un usual affairs, whon tho boxer who wns moro damaged roturncd tho victor. When hostilities ceased Borrell sported a badly bruised right eyo, which was cut and nlmost closed, whllo he nlso suffered a deep cut on the bridgo of his nose. IIH lips wero nlso split. McCarron, on tho other hand, did not havo a mark ns tes timony for his tcrrlflo moleo. Much Difference in Opinions It was this sort of a contest that makes boxing so popular tho difference of opin ions ns to tho result of tho match. Whllo somo of tho spectators figured Borrell a winner, others believed McCarron de served tho decision, nnd there wns an equal number v. ho dcclnred n draw would hurt nclther's rcputntlon Whllo pushing his way exltward after tho match, Adam Ryan, who handled Bor rell nnd who Is considered ono of tho lead ing Judges of boxers In tho country, voiced his opinion as follows: "It was tho hardest fought match I over saw. Both McCarron and Borrell tried their utmost to scoro a finishing punch, but ns they did most of their work nt closo quarters thoy wero unablo to cross a punch on tho Jnw hard enough to provo a haymaker. It would bo fair to both men not to give any doclBlon." No Boxing Just Slam-Banp; To get back to fight From, tho opening gong until tho final bolt Borrell and Mc Carron gave a brilliant exhibition of how not to box. Neither dopended on science, but workod on the theory of trying to wear tho other down with body bunches. Thoy Bwnppcd punches Incessantly. What llttlo time wns spent In fighting from tho dlstanco proved that Borrell excelled with a left hook to tho head, whllo Mao used n loft Jab to better advantage It was a straight left by McCarron that raised tho lump on Borrcll's eye In tho sev enth round, nnd in the succeeding period Mac's southpaw also out Joo's noso. Mc Carron proved his toughness by going through the mill unscathed, even though Joo found lodgment on Jnck's face with punches that would havo bruised tho ord inary boxer'a features. All In all, the match was a humdinger, a terrlflo mix from bell to bell in each round, but tho bout did not become spec tacular until the latter sessions. And tho ono big question, "Who is Pennsyl vania's middleweight champion?" Btlll re mains unsolved. To All Boy Baseball Teams: HERE is an exceptional op portunity to get $1.25 Baseballs FREE for your games this season. THOUSANDS OF BRAND NEW BASEBALLS EXACT LY LIKE THOSE USED IN THE BIG LEAGUE GAMES will be given away in the next few months. Any nine can win these valuable prizes if each member will give a few minutes of his time NOW. FIRST-CLASS FIELDERS' GLOVES also will be given away in the same manner. START NOW and have your baseballs, etc, by the opening of the season. Challenges will soon be coming in, and every team should be ready with the RIGHT KIND of a ball and gloves that will hold the ball and take the sting out of it, too. Apply at Room 230, PUBLIC LEDGER BUILDING. Onf-of-toton nne ihould ad' drett Room 230 by mall. Evening Ledger Decisions of Ring Bouts Last Night N'OnniSTOlVN Joo norrell shaded Jnrk Mr enrron, woi U'Donneu . won iinnting, Walter nelly qnil in tne ronrtn. NITIV YOntt lark Dillon iVfentrtl flnn- hoat Htnith. Ilor Milne knocked nut Illllr onng norman sinppeii first, Jfrnnkle llnlr ron from .Foe to Kid Terns Vonnr Norman stopped inrna in inn iirnr. rrnnuiff in dhnrtfil rreddr neeno, nmiin in inc Hrrona, onnr ilneen In th POTTRVIf.f.R . Jn Ifflrniin slopped Terrr Martin In the rttenth. HAI.TIMOnr Jno McOttrn won decMon over toting llermnn Miller. 1I0STON N niter llutler drew with rrnnkl Mack. ATI.ANTA l'nl Moore nnd Jimmy Tap pa drew. PIIILLY PLAYERS FOR QUINCY Johnny Castlo Signs Local Stars for Threo I League Club Johnny Castle, of this city nnd former Phllly outfielder, will leave today for Qutncy, 111., whero he will mnnnge tho team In tho Three I League. Castlo nlso piloted tho Qulncy club through n suc cessful season In 1915. Jimmy Sharpe, formor Wilmington second bnscmnn, who played good ball with the Upland and Brill's clubs In tho Delawnro County League, will bo with qulncy. Chnrlcs Young, of Riverside, N. J., who pitched for tho Baltlmoro Fed erals last year and wound up lato In September with tho Thermolds of Tren ton, nlso will wenr a Qulncy uniform. Inflolder Danncr, of tho Ilumford, Vt., club, who was with tho Athletics tho latter part of last season, has been turned over to Manager Cactlo by Connie Mnck. Castlo Intends to uso him nt shortstop. Evnns, a lad from Newark, will play third baso. Buck Boyle, former Allentown Trl stato first baseman, is to piny tho Initial bng. PHIL REGULARS AGAIN CAPTURE ROOKIE BATTLE Heavy Artillery Feature of 9-5 Victory Scored in First Full Fray CAPTAIN LUDERUS HERO Noire Dame Outshoots Ynlc nJiSPX'J '"V'VIrid. March IB Notro S,n71.0..',05ta,e'1 nle In the Intercollcplnto rifle InrwnhVm 2i.p"rt '" C,E,,t eon,",' hav' ht. prrrnnsBtma, Fia., March ic. General Pat Moran's regular forces still retain their Intrenched position on Coffco Pot Bayou. A ilank movement by n band of Guerrillas, led by Captain Hddy Burns, was repulsed with slight loss yestcrdny afternoon, tho enemy falling victims to tho unerring flro of the Kntlonal Lcaguo pen nant defenders Tho statistics of tho frny were !) tn B The engagement was witnessed by BOO of the villagers who, while preserving a strictly neutral attitude, could not restrain tholr enthusiasm whenever n rally from cither sldo was repulsed by the other. Tho rebels started their nttack against Ben Tincup, who was performing picket duty on the llttlo hillock In front of tho homo base, but tho Cherokco warrior held his ground and repelled tho Invaders with slight damage, Bugcy outgeneraling him by obtaining a pass nnd c-nvnrllng It Into a count when Good shnt a "dumdum" bul let Into tho trenches In left Acid. Tho reply of Moran's marines wns fcoble, McQulllcn retiring tho regulars without harm. Tho next dash of tho outlaws was turned back without trouble, and following up their ndvantnge tho regulars started a sortie, which later developed Into n rout. I.udcrus, tho eolorhenrer fell In his tracks, popping to Good, but Whlttod mado a slnglo drle to centr Afr. , SNAPPY SCRAPS ABOUT SCRAPPERS .1 ..l.i.TX 'Mndo In rhllddelifliln" bor will appear In tho first iihow of the home talent eer"; planned by Fred Doub ns nt the. DquRlM Clab tonlKht.. lloter n fUthter "' !" lR?.iTSvSJ.D In9ln Is for the of tonlnhfs vrlna-up, when rreelon Urown n- aenvors to dot jonnny junyo p earn. Iil(a In ntnglnK all riiUadolphle. bor purpose of dcvcloplnrT new tftieni. Two Philadelphia boxer nr spefetlnA wertj wnrd. today They are Hobby eyJ!,?Ii"iA,Jl1 Jo Hirst. Tho former.ls bound forCleveland. where ho Is a bin rrtjd.and. hn Prohnblr wm hook up In boute with CI Uelaner, Malt LfflJSs nnil Johnny Ktlbane. Jtnnsae City Is inrei destination. Cllbson sold " rk after Henny .mamm. nibson broueht both Coffey ami Ujonnrd to the .front, nnd Jim now eees thnft the little fellow out- uomc mm in tne marxer ot . Jim Coffey ! Jinlous ttllly nrfnrn h. ft,mn,l tn Ktftf TO I.eonnrd'R win over Siun Iloti Olant I determined toVkot bnck Into tra a tiki cCTr ularlty, Tho. (nlrot. month For the th rd time In less than ft e!." If O. Sansom, of this city, and Charley Col line will moetiun tjie Btate. , They will flaeh nv nlnbt. Kid nww, nn""e ill nppear In tho eeml'wlth nt Columbia Frldii' ni" nuiFt imttle. narry imson. I . .. . M OT1,,I tl.lf.n nhntlnm tho winner of thrl Jack McCarron-Jno 'ajorroll , match in .N'orrlstotm met runni. lx-neh Croon itoeen't hav" to wnrrr. The retired New York ll-thtieotRht U ealfl Mi have n II. It of .100,000 llnvlna a roll Af thnt alro doesn't nlwns prevent worry, flt rnuet lw moro pleaeant worrylrut over how to keep, one than haw to got one Mttlo Italy fUtht fans nlways ha nn Idol, no matter how many boxers coinol nnd bo. Joo orlm. Ulllv Willis, Freddy Corbott. Tom mr Howell and l'at Ilredley hawi Uieked In Idotlsm of tho Italian rlmr fallowerii. ,Nojv Frnnklo Willie Is tho "big noise" In Little Italy. Funny whnt ehnnoea somo rryrsonfl will' lake to not their Mtn" before tho publlo. Tort Lewis, tho HnKllsh wolterwht. haa novor noon Je"" Wlllnrd In rlnjr coropctJtlon, Btlll be picks tlin clinmplon to bo an easy winner over Frank Mornri. lie l not tnktng- eucb a bltr cnance in mm oviiihwik ., uv&hih done lias been once. that Moruh's If Jem eat f;m ran; pet Into eod self 111 . lxrut with Uenn will !T toilet a return bout neif iy i A and bis tT)Anaifort .Charleif Bwrnehari 'llf eS- ariiiinewlll be of the.bett prfler, . eonylnoi Swlnohert that llttla , brkn,r. od enooiB B mn.iism.ifsfi it with the flever Greek Olympic Games Canceled ATHr.N8. Mnrch IB. The Paii-IIellenle Olympian irernes have. been canclel owtn t. VII Ul IUB to the mnblllnttlert of Oreekvann; oh r I A tvn-rrlh nrnecji S KLAXON ! knocked sky hlsli more than Willie Monro will enow try hi? first bout of a wrles In New Tork at tti Pioneer Sportlnir f'liiii the latter part of the. month. .It is prob nlil'J , the ? entire Family of lJlRhtlnir Sloores will ntiDcnr on tho mo card at a Gotham Club tho enrly part of AprJJ After restlns up for two weeks, Jimmy vfiirnhv will ret down to, serious trnlnlnn nexl weeh ? Il" will work out In Lakewood. N J.. S EOS UHDER-HOdD' f If 1 "rwea 1 m miM.i t Regular Klaxon nnltli, alt black. MaybolnttallotltiUher ouUldo or undar the hood. Kliton Note Klaxcn Outllt ilaton Permenenl Guartnlee Gaul, D err 8iSfi Barer Co, OISTRIDUTORB 2.7 N. BROAD ST. i jrcflasj b I I i I T iiiimmiiiiuiimiimmii Having Purchased the Entire Stock of SMITH & MASON MERCHANT TAILORS 1221 Walnut Street, Philadelphia We are celebrating the opening of our New Branch Store by offering these suitings which formerly sold at $30, $35, $40, for v allies iLxtraoroiiiary in Spring Tailoring- We carry the Largest Stock of Woolens for Tailoring in Philadelphia. 1000 styles to choose from. We do the Biggest Busi ness in Philadelphia. These very goods, which usually are sold at $30, $35, $40, now H 1 .80 11 This stock consists of Blues, Herringbones, Grays, Browns, Black and Fancy Mixtures. Heavy Weights, Light Weights. Your choice of any price fabric in the house. , It Will Pay You to See Them ( The Fit ) We Guarantee The Cloth Establl. The Workmanship ) blished 40 Years rgi VVllf5 1 JZ'mZ&'i Aea) PETER MOR AN & CO. MERCHANT TAILORS 9th and ArchSts. 11th and Chestnut Sts. OPEN MONDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 O'CLOCK JiHt HmMmStM I Bill f A nil MimMB HhIHIb I II BiliU irljMflflij J II 1 1 M ! l wiM 111 1 In B 455' I I I MmE11imipM 1 lllifi i " v f" tp.ir i L uq o J f H '(VXt 7iiiitiHnHiiiiifiiiwnnmiHfiHiiiijiHiinH ii PETEY--They'd Better Write the Show Over if Peters Going to Be the Hero VffiU. M COMNBR WX TWE Nabw-& Fmeuo gajv. is By C. A. VOJGHT ' I r II J-' . I r, . . Av4l. eTT" y 1 ' ZrZZT -vwA-f Nvhv iu TrHrrfiwr D5Monst?a"Tiwc oym A MtfsTwY toRcar To cer A sort op a W Act The mero is swovw ( ? os aihcctic, J , , HWR CUT W eT NOf evCMW- I && j CO&TUMe DO I I IVJ TrJE VIMDOW OF A OfcUtf J HKACTm "Bp-T& FOR. -n S. "SrM Aoutxa Pfiea-seo. i'u. zwvevi wavb ifPT, " I wbab 'STot X F'm TVe. Hcr?oMe. pl nlfl TovrTWme w MAVBeCi I fZ- mauhl ? V V msstutf w ees-PO T3 t i -t 1 it i ,.a 3 A T Ti I o m j ill il iff l 1 'I . It HI t 4 J M ; 5 1 $ ? il m t i :l i ii (i " Ml 1 m r al i 4 li 1 i I ? No SEe ctADV&NeSTtePAYt ! I VJf?l i TTLje.-r c. , u. v 'k -"i-ry "?'w "ty ' Jweiie.TveV4Cor (fWf M fj ,i IMjm , . - -E r r. , U ."M ,.rn . .7i. ,. Ii,..kiI1.i.iJbmCi ..,.. ,,dGmWcM&mm, r,,,.-!,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers