w f fiVENIflq J.EBa.BB-PHILADEIiHTX FRIDAY, MAROH 10 1916' FINANCIAL NEWS MEXICAN INTERVENTION DOMINATED STOCK MARKET IN DAY'S TRADING Advances Violent as Group After Group Became Active and Strong Supplies "Were Scarce Covering of Shorts a Factor t High Points in Todays Financial News United States Steel Corporation reported record unfitted orders, the total being 8,568.199 tons, as of February 29, an increase of tA6,199 tons over the end of January, The increase was much larger than ex pected. New York banks lost $$,611,227 on movements of money during last week. tNew Haven temporarily lifted embargoes, except upon soft coal. Foreign exchange steady. Alleged bucket shops raided vi Pitts burgh and other western Pennsylvania cities. New York Stock Sales NEW YOIUC, Maxell 10. The Mexican Intervention, resulting from the bandit outrage, dominated tho stock market throughout tho day. At first somo of the traders fntsely read bearish portent In this armed Intervention and sold Mexican Petroleum, Qrccnc Cananea and American Smelting at concessions, but the losses then sustained wore quickly rccovored, and later group after group of stocks bocamo nctlvo and strong, and violent advances wero recorded in many issues. Most banking Interest was centred in the movements of Southern Pacific, becauso of tho assumption that that system's Mexican lines and plants may now bo turned into rovonuo producers and bo flee from the embarrassment Which has provontcd their development for so many years. Mexican Petroleum, after soiling as low as 100, mndo a five-point gain, and Groeno-Cnnanca was helped by promises from official sources of doubling the dividend rate at tho April meeting. Pool activities were on a lnrgor scale than for many weeks patt, and advances were easily established In tho rloBcly controlled Issues, which wero made tho chief subject of concentrated pool buy ing. Scarcity of stocks was again commented on, supplies being senrco oven on advances, and. this fact caused Increased nervousness In the bear ranks. Covering of shorts had much to do with tho upturns In such stocks us American Zinc, Cruclblo Steel nnd Baldwin Locomotive. Tho greatest strength for tho day was shown in tho final trading, although the upward movement did not extend at any time to the general list. Last close. ltlRh. Low. Clone. Adamj Kxprrss 140 MOW 140 HOW Alaska J Cold M flf 10 0W 10 Alaska (lolil Mines.... 20! 21U 20W 21 Allls-Chalmrrs Mfe.... 30 3H 30 3W, Am Ae Chemical 08 08 08 08 Am Aft Chemical pf. . . 08 08j 0715 07M Am licet Sugar BOW CO 08 00 Am Can 00 Otll G01f COX Am Can pf 11W 111? II US MHf Am Car & Fdy r,0!' 70H 08W 70 Am Coal Products 103W lfllU 101U Mitt .m cotton on i2!i OT'i m'i mn Am Ktprcss 120tt 128H 127 127U Am tlldo fi I. pf JOH 40tt 40 40 Am Tee Securities 20tt 29tt 20)4 20)4 Am Mneci! 21M 21tt 21 21)4 Am Llnseol pf Mi 40 304 40 Am Ixicomollvo 7().'J 73)4 70'a 73)5 Am Locomotive pf.... 102 102)4 102 l'n2 Am Malt Corpn pf.... :).-!. 35)4 35)4 3.V4 Am Smelt A Kef 101 103) , lOOtt 103)4 Am Smelt pf A 03 03! 03tt 03I Am Steel Ton nd rles... fii 53 fi0)j 53 Am Sugar lief 100 100 108tt 100 Am Sugar Kef pf 117tt HOtt 110JJ HCtt New York Banks Lost $3,511,227 on Movements of Money Tho known movements of money for tho week ended with tho close of business yesterday indicate a loss In cash by tho Now York banks of $3,511.22". They galnod net by direct express from tho country J2.12S.77a, hut lost $5,035,000 to tho Subtreasury. Tho figures of tho last-mentioned Institution include $40,000 transferred to San Francisco. The banks received gross this week $6,737,836, against $8,869,640 last week and $6,805,903 tho weok before. This week's ship ments were $4,614,053, ngalnst only $2,620,666 last week nnd $3,681,625 the weok before Am Tel & Tel Am Tob pf new Am Woolen Am Woolen pf Am Zinc I, & Sm.... Anaconda Cop M.... Atch Top & S V A ten Top ft S V pf All Coast Une Paid Loco Works 1054 uait & Ohio S75 Ilatopll.is Mining 2)i DeHiMi'm Slecl 481 Brooklyn Hap Tr 85)5 Bullo fi Superior.... 101 Cal Petroleum 24)5 Cal Petroleum pf fi;m 127tt 12S)5 12Ktt 128)f 107)4 107 lUOtt 107 03tt 5-1! ( mt 102 80 87 Canadian Pacific. Cao J I Tr M pf, Central Leather Chandler Motor.... Ches & Ohio Chile Copper. Clilno Copper ChlcaRO CI I West.. Chicago tit West pf Chi Mil & St P.... Chi Mil A St P pf. C C C & St L pf am it i ,t p.ic Oluett Pea & Co... Ol l"ucl .1 Iron.... Comp T Hcc Co .. Continental Can Consolidated Gas... Corn Products Her. s; . 87'f 102,'i 103 .1011S lOt'4 .110 110 88 2'f 480 85 00 25!i 5ltt MM 00 87 80'4 M2' 101 '4 110 105M S7U 2)4 ISO 8.5 DP, 24tt 53 ....1115)5 100)4 1MH 85 . .')!b . 02 . OPf . 23 . 57tt 12), . 35' i 03M .120)a 70) i 17 70 43'H I04 82'i 85 54)j 02tt 01'4 23 50' i 13 35tt 03' 85 02! f 1)2 COtt 22' ( 12'i 35' 113 64 lOdtt h7tt hOti 10.1 10114 110 100? i 87U 2' 480 : 07 21tt 53 104!j 85 M 02 Oltt 22,'i 65'i 13 35),' 03' i FRENCH BONDS RISE AS VERDUN BATTLE RAGES Notably Case in1 Three Per Cent. Rentes General Market Quiet Sates in Philadelphia Net lllgh. Low. Close. che. 100 Amer Smelt.. losj KKji 102 J K ion Am I.oc 734 MJ Mff 10 Am, C A Fdy. r,ni oni WJK . Hii iiaMw Loco. ..Ins Iris 1"S 8 I SS llutte Sup. PS (Uji J8 4? MCil Petrol.... 2li Hk iy , in crue siee n. k.i -r - COLLATERAL DIMINISHES 12!Pi 120)4 120) j 73 17! 70 44!.' 40 88 73 1054 70 43', 1(1 81 73 17 70 44)4 40 fidJS .133H I33!( 13.3J4 133'( 23 i 23)4 No Plan Arranged for Dealing in Americans According to those who are familiar with the situation, the London cable tatlng that J. P. Morgan has arranged with the Urltlsh financial authorities a plan for dealing with the Amerlcansccurltles collected by tho Hritlsh Treasury Is without foundation.' No siicSrerrangement has been made by Mr. Morgan, although it Is bolloved In llnanclaraifeYles that this nbasn of ti,n f.'.rni,, n ...i' WJSl mm situation has been discussed by in London about a month ago. tho British authorities since his nrrlvnl Financial Briefs .Directors of tho Uethleham Steel Cor poration met in New York today and rend tho annual report, which was ap proved for the year ending December 31, 1916. Tho report will bo made public within tho next two weeks. Tbo 11th annual meeting of tho stockholders will bo held April 4. Clearings through tho banks at tho prin cipal cities In the United States continuo in largo volume the total this week, ac cording to Dun's Review, amounting to $4,018,679,825. an increase of 61. U per cent, compared with $2,481,926,638 of tho somo week last year, and of 42.1 per cent., S3 contrasted with tho 2.828,312,211 re ported for the corresponding week of 1914. New York Bond Sales No action wns taken on tho common dividend nt the meeting In New York today of tho directors of tho Sloss-Shef-fleld Steel and Iron Company. The pre ferred dividend was declared at the reg ular quarterly rate of 194 per cent. The Bank of England today earmarked 160,000 for Argentlno and 50,000 for Egypt. There was shipped to South America 200,000 and to tho United States 40,000. Application has been made to the New York Stock Exchange for the. listing of $80,000,000 capital stock of the Chevrolet Motorcar Company, and $3,600,000 first mortgage 30-year 5 per cent, bonds, series B. due 1944, of the Atlantic and Charlotte Air Line Railway Company. George DeB. Kelm, vice president of Chandler & Co., Inc., has returned to Ills office after a month's vacation In Florida and Cuba. Ono block of $100,000 Anglo-French 6s sold at 94 on the New York Exchange today, under last night's closing price. Although the American Smelting and Refining Company has not changed its quotation of 6.60c a pound, New York, for lead, some of the outside dealers haro further put up their quotations which now range from 7c to 7.25c a pound. It Is re ported that sales have been made by the mailer Interests nt above 7.10c a pound, but no confirmation can bo obtained. William A. Law, president of the First National Bank of Philadelphia, will de liver an address before tho New York Forum on March 15 on "Cotton as an Klo ment in Banking." During a three weeks' trip through the South Mr. Law made a study of the problem of financing tho cot ton staple. Application will be made to list Otto Eisenlohr & Bros., Inc., on tho Philadel phia and New York Stock Exchanges. J. C. Neff, vice president of the Fidelity Trust Company, is spending a vacation Jn North Carolina. He will be absent until the end of the month. John J. Henderson, of Newburger, Hen derson & Loeb, has returned from a trip to New Orleans and Texas. Sales for February of the J. W. Wool worth Company were $5,346,971, a gain of $832,068. Two months show gain of 14.14 per cent. Orders have been received by the Bald win Locomotive Works for the following locomotives: Ona 0-6-0 type for Lacka wanna Iron and Steel Company, one 0-6-0 type for Quit States Steel Company : three Mikado type for Fort (Smith and Western Railroad, pne 2-6-2 type for Rapid City, Black Hills and Western Railroad; one 2-63 typo for Barfleld Lumber Company, ona 2-6-3 type for A. E. Bell. New York banks lost to the Subtreas ury yesterday $907,000 and since Friday last $5,635,000. "!!"!'" Albany & Kus 3'iB. Olio Alaska llolil cv Hh. 0"0 ilci r r pil in,!!!!i An"'r ABr llcb 5a-- luuni) Amer cm cm :,,.. r.lU'UIIO Anuln.Fr I. -.u 5H!!!! Anwr T''1. UV! i'iiiiioiiT, Illnh. 87j lll.i'.t: lie iiiiti li" h I "n I.OW. CloHP. tlll'll) Arnifttii ,'n Jlj.u UTiUII Ati'JllHon ucn ! ! -"on Atrli Trim s 1, Is .limn li.ilt & Ohio 3'is 2(100 ilu Ih " 2.IOIMI ,I rv. 4IJ lllilllll l,i ,-,.s -IMlllll Iloth Steel 1st ,-a lllilllll ,li, rIM .-.u .-null urok n T imu r.iiiui Huso Term m.is r,'n r.uoii cvnt 111 th 1st ,-,h. .wnni int l'.ic 1st 4. !H II., Ill !i:i lit. till Vi ma "4 tic 101 1(11 I'll: M"4 103 !a lot HH i !l7!a IH llU? II131 II IN 111 ll.'l Ill's llllJ4 in ni, lil.'ITi lull, 101 llll'i on v hi "4 ld.1 'a Hi-' in lniDi 114 !l. 111 ll.'l 1 Hll'i mis 1113 ) mt) mi SSI 1(11', !Hi Mi Com Products Kef pf. 08" i 100 ururllile nipcI 82 MS Crucible steel pr in'; t l.!fi Culian-Ain Sucar 'Ml L'O.j Deere A, Co if 0," 01) s Del Lack ,1- West L'lS IMS Denver .1 Itlo (Ir pf.. lfl ifiJi Diamond Match itKlf 10j DIMM Sec Corpn 18 -lSJii Dome Mines 'jr, I'-IW Krle 117 :J7'4 Kile 1st pf aiJi fljij Kcd Mln & Sm pf ,j.'t Gen Chemical 310 General Elcrtrlr General Motors. Goodrich II K Granby Conol Grccne-Cananea Great Northern pf. ... Gt Nor cfs for ore pf. uuccenhelm Kxpln 170 .fiOJi . 7L . 02U flO.'f .121?.' . r.m 1 ::i 00 1 ll.'i" 201'j 01!i 21S 1."')$ 10.) 17?,' 2 US ai' oiu :uo 170 170 ti Int ARrlcuItural 21) ion r'hlf, '," N J C''B "'11TU li?'! 117$ iffif! !.t'" il'P 7n 130 Va 1311 13(1 L'(llll) ChPN & Ohln I4... IIS !) - .11(111 ,'hi.U A. ,11. I.. .-... Iil.l. ...... .:.T.. --.--- v..... .v .viiii. nn, , .111., n lllllll (,'hl 01 Went 4n 7" Ml(ll) fhl : Nwn 3',aB h2 2JIHW cnl li A: y joint -Is. n.' r.nno urn u & (5 ion js i.-iJ 10011 Chi M & ml' cv 3B I ITS Mllll) C M & St P cv 4ls.llll T I Chi llwy ,-im 7,. 78 ! 11)00 Corn I'rml r,n 11131.. lis nonn Din K.ur Corii fls. 72 300(1 Krlo gen Is... Tl anon Krlo nrlor la . xl r.onn den ijiok ,-13 nu'J lr.nilii Great Nor 1st !iii- nil") Hud & .Man rM .Is.. T.l'Z 2IHKI Imllaiia Mtl r,s nriU 3311(111 IntiTb Met I'jH 73 Tllllll Interb It T ref rs.. IW BIUUH Inter M M 4jm et ih Uiun intL-rnl Stm I' ct r.s "4 201)11 .In 1.1 n tww O ri -I'.iM 711'j 51101111 Japan His Ami 30011 Kan City Tor 1st Is. NS's lllllll I..iele.Ie (las 1st r.s.llinj r.Ollo l.ls & M T Ts il-7 lllllll l.orlllarrt 7s 127 401)11 Minn Nt I S S M 4s. 1I3T4 lllllll Mo Kan & T ns ... nil (1(1(1(1 Mont Power rs 11- 12(10(1 Nut Enam ft stu Ss. !)79 3(10(1(1 N V C & llud l.H .. 112 2111111 N V C ft llud t'as. Ul, HWVi lltt 'a 72 82 USNi 03 i 10(14 7NI.4 1IH Tip 7 I7 84 S 1(11 '4 (III '-J t:j 73 ( llli? iik 74 7117. Ml HSH 101 12IS4 127 lista no liiii I'TS UN 113 10T'.a inn '4 TH',4 IIM 72 i 74 fi H'l Kill, till i 73 '4 111.1'i 73 Hi O'.l B IIS 71 TIlTi fill'.a 88la 11)1 'a 127 127 113 Ti 5(1 1)7 IITJ4 1U a4 I tl-t " L ji.iii. .i fijj. us 11 1 ..- iiiiw 1 1 lai lllllll N Y City 4.4s l!lll().l02'i 11)33 102 3 JIMIU N Y City 44 1011.-,. 1117 'I 1II7'1 1117't 10110 N Y C lls Nov r.7.1llllJ lllrtrf 1 Hl! jiiiuii j v 11. in 11 s p .is. in., Va in.-.?, iii.-,w 2IIIIII N Y Itwy ref 4s .... 7T'S 7T 7T 3!)()()l) N Y Itwy adj r.l ... Ill ll; (, 11(1011 N Y Ttt Een man.. Mil! milt 1 11 it lllllll N Y W C It 11 lias 78 'J T8'J 78 'J BUOO Norf West In ... IIMi? A3iJ ,3Vr ifllll. K... 1. 1 ... ..... ..... ..li.. nur no prior -IS... li.l '..j lia'a 1000 Oro Itwy i Nuv 3s. H2li l'2'I Onl) Tnr.Hi. T11I .-.a Hint li.r.1 join, i-fnii,t gen ct l,5H..llljls loon Headlns sen 4s rir. IISI3 1000 Itep Ir It 8 3s..." , ii'ilj lllilllll Hock Island rfil 4s. (ill1, IKIllll Hollth Hell 5n IIHI'J 30(11) .South I'.io 4s 8Hla 33(1011 South Pac lv Is 87 70011 tin c-v rrt f ti 3h IhmT 1,11 &: 78000 South Itwy een 4a... T2'5 T2 102, US', I'll '4 mis 10(17. 8lli ia i 10110 Third Avo now 4s. 3001) Tokio r.s ROOK Tri-Clty 3s lnoon u H Itubber (Is... U 11)011 U 8 Stwl 3s f... 1111KI tn itwys K F Is 82 . TS'i .inn'., .10.1 .ins 42T. ir.l 70(10 Va Cor Clmi 1st Rs. 1000 Wabash 2d 3s Illltj 1000 West Shore Is 02 li 82 tH'a Kill'. l(tt' tin 0!l" 03 Hi 1)21, lllll'i 1(12(5 118 tlll'I IlilU 1001. 8111, 87 82 ' 7814 iiioi; 103 10 Pi 42'. 0!) DOS 0211 Int Acrlcultural nf, Int Con Cor v t c sh. Int Con Corpn pf. . Inip Con Cop Int M M cof dp.... Int M M pf c of dp. Int Nickel v t cfs.... Jewel Tea Co Inc. . .. Jewel Tea Co Inc pf. .100 Kan City Southern 2o'i Kelly Sprlnufd Tiro Co GO1 Kcnnecott Copper.... .WJj Klncs Co E I, & P...120 Lack Steel Co Lehlch Valley I.ee Kulilier & Tiro. Manhat Kiev old. .. .luiiuauan nnirt t.0.. ,),) Maxwell Motors (il Maxwell Motors 1st pfStU Ma.tell Motors 2d pf -JO Mexican rctroleum...,102 105)a 100 mcx peiroleum pr 101 100 Mo Kan & Texas 3Ji l's Mo Kan & Texas pf. . 11 107 ' Miami Copper 3(1)4" liOlf Mnntana Toner 77 77Jf Nat Cloak & Suit pf.-lllU 110 Nat Enam A. S Co 20 2(1'$ .Nal Lead Co C8)a 0Ss 01 17 71 iO)' 17 1 0U lOli 77 78)f 51 ..130 .VIH 310 I70!s 170 73)!i 02 02' j 121' 115 i 21'. 2(1',' 01?4' 17 73,'g 10 17? i 7i)f 17) i 72H 100)S 100 25 2.1 70 m 120' i 78Ji 78) i 51 1,'iO'i 02) i 01 85 111 01 50, 121lj 1 13).' 21 HHS SSlf 17 73! i mi 17)S 00 inj,' m .'3)4 100 SI't Ho). 20 iTi 01! i 218 15! 105 18 21!i 37 52'f 5IH 310 170 170 72? i 01 By YVES GUYOT Kx-Mlnlster (if t'ulilie World, Mdllor t.'Aseneo neonomliiuo of l'lnnnclore. Rpertat Cabtr to tlvrnltia l.eitgrr I'Altlrl, Mnreh 0. Ono of tho most In teresting tlilnKS nt proaont, when the Cler mnns nro mnldtiB hiicIi desporntc nttetniits nR0ln.1t Verdun, Is that while the lmtllo lirts lieen BOlnB on French Qovcrnnicnt bonds hnvo been Rolnp tin, nnd hnvc ninlntnlned their ndvnncc. This Is tiotntily tho enso In rcgnrrl to !t per cent, rentes, which have advanced from 61, 00 francs to 62.40. Tho Roneral ninrkct Is very qulot. and the tondency IrrcRillar but confidence Is absolute and, despite tho illftla'iiltlos of ex chmiRC, which effect International com merce. If one examines tho best barometer, which Is tho statement of tho Bunk of Franco, one finds only encournRlnR slRns. Its Rold stocks havo Bono down slightly In tho last week, but this Is because of cold shipments to reRUlato cxchaiiRC. Collateral held by tho bank diminishes steadily, nlthouRli tho moratorium has not been raised, which Is to say commercial and Industrial Iiouscm aro gradually re cstabllslilMR their position and poyliiR their debts. There will soon be a desire for more paper to come In for discount, as this will show the Improvement In busi ness, and this Is particularly dcslrnblo from tho point of view of the country's forclKU commcice. ill, 'i:n nn 'nn. . r... . ii.,u il" 100 Klee Stor O.lH "3H 0 Jf 43 Ins Co N Am 2.IJ4 231 2j it 20 Kenn Copn.. Mil mi., PJ,. -r jj 30.1 Lake Hup Corp 11. 1"?. 1' f ei ijih v. ?Hlt 7H 78 I 15 8 lolla ,. . . .-t.M) l.h Vn .I Ilo r .....13 30 Mex Ilrnl..,lllls l.lll I'Kima It H....3T' 10 Ta Salt JltR.lnl. till 1'hll.i i'n .... 12'! IIM) Phlla nice ... 27J!i tin c u t tr rtrs. ii'? 11 Trniiii Tract. ,i'i linv 21 '4 101 '1 1(11 42 2T 10. iSI fill liny roni. 101' !1W II lOlf 50!a 17 73' i 1GU 17J, 00U JO). 71!a 100 25 70 50) i mn 50 1293-i 120)i 77! 1' 77J4' VA 1 1. v.m 02 OO.'i bl!a 154 .N"cv Con Cop New York Air li... S Y N 11 &H N Y C & H It Norfolk & Western. North American Northern 1'aclflc Old Dominion Co.... Orit Silver Mln Faeiflc Mall Pacific Coast l'enn Itallroad Peoples fias Chi I'llts Coal Co N J... 'J'M 4 Mi 30 7fi!f 110 25? ( 08 15JJ 51 130)i 02 005S S-1H 10 105W 00)3 l)a lOJii 30i 77 no 20 G8 15JS unit 05i 104 1(1 ..M5)f UV4 H5 .. 00 CO 05' ..104?.' 10-14 103'i 104K -.117 118H 117 118 .. cm can oo.'i oo 112'f 113 112 113 .. 72H 73'f 72!i 73)4' .. 7)f 7)f 7 ,i .. 24H 20V6 25)i 25)a ..03 55 55 55 .. 5074 57 5G! 57 loi.u 10m louj 10m !SJ 2.s'i 2SW 28?4 FOKEIGN EXCHANGE NEW YOUK. March 10. A steady to firm tono prevailed in nearly nil depart ments in tho foreign exchange market, with some slight advances. Hates in the mrly trading were: Demand sterling. J.76 3-10: cables, 4.76i; 60 days, -I.7.J; 30 days, 4.70; franca demand, 5.00 Vj cables, G.89?4 ; guilders checks, 4215 ; cables, 42li j relchsmarks checks, 72?i j cables, 72 7-16 j lire checks, 6.70; cables, fl.ooii; Swiss checks, 5.23,4 ; cables, 5.22 ?4 ; Austrian kronen checks, 12.58; Stockholm checks, S8.35; Copenhagen, 28.05; pesetas checks, 19.3; rubles checks, 31. In tho afternoon sterling developed Etrength, with demand quoted at 4.78 ',. This la the highest figure In several days past. Cables wero quoted at 4.76 41) 4,76 15-16, ur u shade under the recent high. Francs were somewhat better at 5.89 for cables and 5.90 ft for checks. Itelchsmarks, at 72 7-1672H, showed a gain of 3-16 from the low record. Vienna at 12.60 was up 5 points from the low record. Late in the afternoon the market showed a strong undertone. Business was on a moderate ccale. Quotations: Demand sterling, 4.76 5-16; cables. 4.76 15-16 if 4.77; franc cables. 6.89U ; checks, 5.90; relchsmarks. 72 7-16071H; Vi enna, 12,66. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Barrett Company, formerly- American Coal Pro4ucU Company, rceular quarterly of IK pat cnt. on preferred, payable April 1 to slock ul record March 23, and 1 per cent. on comro&n. payablo April 15 to stock of record April 10. Jvaiyji Overland, Company, rcsulartr of IK - st. oil preferred, payable April 1 to t-k sX rt-cprJ Alarcb SI. It.iKJiu.-er Cold Jllncn. Limited, regular uwn-ihly et t par cent., payable March 24 to buldws et record Slarrn IT. BrtertdU Stl Company, regular quarterly ol 1 per cent, on preferred and quarterly of IV) per Cant, on conunoo, payable April I. Mokt dasa JJjfcq i'l an4 reopen April 1, Goudseav Tire and Kubber Comnany. rea- nlajr Ausrterly of I ixf -cent on preferred. imysix Apru -4. JlBfU 2. c'jB( vxaaa mmjmar. resxiiar 4 cuu. at BffHBea aaa uaul mu. pajapie . 4ft Time, 243 aH4 4 4H 4 4Vi Pblladeb and Booka. kyM Starch 20 and itwK Aorft J. mmmt at 1 mr wet. mi Sm i tM05r st iMMTlf RATES FOR JIONEY New York SC4'ai; Fblladelpbla auSi Boaton ..,..,. 3 Chicago 8H4 CoramercUl paper, 3 to U months, V"i4i nvt per cni, BANK CLEARINGS Hank clearloas today compared with corrs ipondlnir day laat two yeare: 1010. 101S. 1914 Philada. ..J33.7IH.8iU 23.551,002 t2a.uSS.8T3 Boston ..31.070.288 2o,lS,T3S 1'8 823 853 New York. 408,381.314 295.373.565 201) 452 510 St. UUl . I4.388.3d2 13.SUU.1C7 18.425 200 Chicago .. 65,702.848 61.473.718 ST iM B3 GOVERNMENT BONDS GO 2a rtf latered 1030 , . . . 2a coupon 1U30 3a reatetered 1U18 1 3a ooupuji ltilK I 4a reglatwajj t2B til IttgMSiii'::;::::::::1!! Bid. Aaked. 102 K 03 Pitts C0.1I N J pf i()21j 10-' 102 102 ruts c C & St 1 78 78 78 78 r C C & St L pf DO U0 00 00 Pressed S Car Co O'AH W S3 5.r.lj Pullin.in Co 1G2J-J 102'i 1G2! 1G2J4 Qulckiilver pf OH OH OH OH Ity Steel So Co .wr .11 MK .10 ltay con Copper 2-tH 2-HS 24 H neauins 84H 81H S-1H !1M 8-1H .r.2H 111H bliat Ariz Con Sloss-Shef S & 1.... South P It Sue pf, Southern Pacllle. .., Skiutliern It.v Southern Iiy pf. Henuulle Iron & S.... fi2JS fi2f S'Jl Itepubllc I & S pf niH 111J, 111!,' 01 "mh iv o v l pi. o O'i i!4 ii'i .. 377 118H 37 37H .. oii S7 50H 57 ..112 100H lOOti 103 .. 97H 19.H 07H OOJi . . 205 21 2(Hj 21 . . fi!) f,0 SsJi 5!) Standard SHIUns pf... 80'5 80 80 80 Mudebaker Co HlH 142H 140H 140H Tcnn Copper 57 .17 57 57 Teias Co 207 103H 100 102 Texas Pacific 7 7!f 7H 7H Tobacco Prod pf 108 10SH 108 10SH United Cigar Stores... )J$ 0a OH UH United Clsar S pf ijt jo ji y. Union Pacific 132H 132H 132 132 Union Pacific pf K2H 83H 82H SliH u & inu Alcohol H05 IfilH lSOM 1IH . VJH 21 1!M 20H . 4UH 4WJ -10 40H .111 114 . 14H 15 . iOH 30 . 50H 52H . S3!f MM V S Sleel Corpn d'...11iU llfifl 11(114 UMi Utah Securities 17H 1SH 17H IbH nan laupcr cvi'i Vulcan Dellnnlns 0 Wabash pf A 43H Wabash pf 11 2fiH Wells Fargo Kip 125 West K& M (Mi Western Maryland.... 27H West Union Tel 00 Wheel A h K 2d pf . . . 4 i Willys Overland 230 Woolvrorth V W 121 'quoted ex dividend. .T?.'.S! '."',"' 33,400 har, romparrd utth 714.20( hnre jctrrduyi tliu fur thle wtek, 2.05H.000 kbtirri eaine period last ueU, 2,. 830,700 kliurrit. - US C I P & F USCII'SFpl., United Fruit United Itys InT Co, U'n Hys Inv Co pf . . U S Itubber U S Steel Corpn. 113H 14H 30 50)5 83H 14314 15 30 52 0.1; i KS a3 83 7 7 7 43H 4SH 43H 20H 20H 20H 125H 125H 125S4 (WW 04H 05H 27H 27 27 b0 b05 8JH 4 4 1 229.H 223H 229H 121)5 121h 121)5 LONDON STOCK MARKET LONDON. March 10. Increased oonfl. dence was shown on the Stock Exchange today, as the result of the news from the various theatres of war. Securities gen erally displayed firmness. Qllt-edsred Issues were harder. An an nouncement by the Bank of England that 414 Per cent, war loan scrip shortly would be exchangeable for bearer bonds was unexpected. The action was looked upon as use lessly troublesome, since it is virtually certain that tho bulk of the flotation will be, converted Into the.next issue. The feeling in Americana was cheer ful, although dealings were small. United States Steel received support on expecta tions of favorable tonnage and earning statements. Good revenues caused firmness In Grand Trunks. The home railway group was steady. British lines today disbursed n.OQO.QOQ in dividends. In sympathy with Paris. th Foreign Department wat Steady but featureless. Buying by Johan nesburg resulted in gtrer.m In soma Kaf fir stocks. N. Y. CURB STOCKS MOVED UPWARD Bettor Feeling in Trading, With Specialties in Heavy De mand Bonds Dull NHW YOniC, March 10. There wns a decidedly better feelliiK In the trading on the curb today, with sharp upward move ments In many of the specialties. The speculation at times wan brisk and, al though considerable realizing developed In many Instances, the upward movement generally followed small reactions. Theio was nn especially heavy demand for Cuba Citno Sugar, which moved up nenrly a point further. Tohacco Products ndvanced n point. Saxon Motors moved up nearly 2 points. Submarine Boat developed sudden strength on what looked to ho marked orders, and at one tlmo showed a gain of l'.fci Mldvale Steel moved within narrow limits, while tho rights wero offered freely nt concessions. l.ynu Phonograph, after an advance of li, reacted slightly on realizing. World l'llm was itilet but slightly higher. Oil stocks wero comparatively qulot, with tho exception of 'Wayland Oil nnd Gas, which moved up to n new high mark at an advance of "A. Standard Oil subsi diaries wero quiet, with a fair Inquiry for Crescent Pipe Lino. Ulttto Copper and JCInc continued tho feature on heavy purchases on the an nouncement of tho favorablo condition nt tho mines.' Copper shares wero generally firm but quiet. There was a better in quiry for Nlckerson nt nn Improvement of ; Bingham .Mining developed moro nctivity nt an advance of '. Bonds wero dull and about unchanged, INIIUST11IAI.H. 111,1. AsVuil Amcncnn-uruiRn .uib . . . Atlantic Qulf & W I S S do pref Amorlran Marconi AJax ltuhbfr Inc w 1 Canadian Car & Foundry prnr la "O ill's .... 47 .. 3"i ll!li (13 . . . . M ....1411 .... .17 .... 47 14'J .... m; . . . . 411 . ... 2(1 .... 17 or, :::: .... 1UV, . ... (! .... .11 . . . . Oil ::::i2 .... i.-ii .... 85 3lt'J 3i ChovrolPt Motor Cnr Cuban Cane Husar CurtlH Aeroplane DrlgfrH'Seabury l?mernon Hankell & nnrkfr Car HonrleA Manufacturing Inter Mt Marino do prtf Knthoilion Bronze pfd Manhattan Transit, Maxim Munition Mllvnl" ritrol Otla Dlovatur Otto Htacnlohr w 1 do pr Pcerleni Motor Poole i;ns & Much St Josonh Lead Stand Motor) Submarine lit v t c ctfa . . . TrMnsle 1'Ilm v t ctfa United Protlt Kharlnu ...... U S I.lnht tt Heat I' .4 I.lBht & Heat prof 4 U Whlto Motors w 1 47 World Film 1'S STANDARD OIL SUHSIOIAIUES, Illlnol 1R2 Ohio Oil L'3I 8 o of California ass H O of New Jersey nit H O of New York 21U OTIIEfl OIL STOCKS. Itarnctt Oil ltVS Cosden Oil 22 Chalmers Oil (I Houston Oil 17H Midwest nellnlner Ol Supulpa. 13V5 MININO STOCKS. Atlnnta 17 liraaen Lopper llutte atHvt ctfa Hutte St New York First National Copper (loMReld Mrrxer I lecla. Mining 1 lowe Hound Jim Duller Jumbo Kxtenslim Magma Copper ex dlv .... McKluley-Darruuh Mlnea of America Nlplsslns Mines Co .Han Toy . . . .......... Wuat Kud Consolidated . . . West End Intension liONDS 2erro de Pusco 0s llrlo 4b Mldrala B s .to M 40 :ii 7(U or, HH 14(1 r7tt .13 143 i IS 03 H on r.il lot 2M IL'H 1M.4 4K 1W 183 230 't!0 1117 21(1 12 22 U H in (13 13i IS aH no UT 12 3 3'1 i ll'.i 12 , 13 4?. 4U oh ni 811 SK 87 Ml IT'.i 17H 30, 44 J4 2K 11(4 11 H 71 73 ;17 120 un oimI LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAK STOCKS. Did Jim Hutler b MacNamara OS Midway . , 14 Mlzpah Extension 17 Montana .23 Northern Star II Tonopah llelmont 4,, Tonopah Extension 4'M Tonopah Mining . 6 Uescua Kula 20 West End 72 GOLDFIELD STOCKS. Atlanta 17 Illua Dull 03 Hooth 31 Bulldog ,,., ,01 C O D ; 03 Combination Fraction Oil IllamondfleM U II 02 Daisy Ol Florence ...:: 40. Ooldfleld Consolidated 80 OoldtWld Werner 12 Jumbo Extension , 80 Kowanas Ill Oro ,. .04 Sand Kn ,0.1 Sliver Pick ou MISCELLANEOUS. Falrv Axteo 01 Klmberly . ., 01 Novada Hill 17 Arizona Un 40 lS'Vda Wonder l.jo RAILROAD EARNINGS MISSOUIH PACIFIC. 19113. January gross 52.313,303 Net 27S.222- Seven months' gross. 18.Z33.0S8 Net 3.CQ0.SSI Recreate. HOOKINa VALLBY. January w fl?,-S5A Nt ....;.! 182.022 Stven mootlu' grosi. 4,310.774 Vt ,,. - l.89,83S Asked .M .00 .10 .10 .25 .13 4U 6'.','J U .18 .04 .32 .03 .Ot .118 .03 .Oft .42 .1)0 .13 .88 .17 .03 .00 .07 .03 .03 .20 .30 1.78 Inc. 1225.1173 21.010 143.814 728,048 iU.B28 ss.oes 370.214 L'11.1 Itwullnrr too Ho I'nrinc ,. inn Mo Hallway . (ISO Tun Mel . . . ", Ton Mln . . . ll.'l Un True ... .317 1 O I ..... 111.-..-, U H Steel . . 1(1 W J A Sou. 7H f 70 U 7IJ4 0 5 27IU? mi ! 2031 115 13 s 11(1 H4 J4 llll'i 20J ' 00 s nil' 14s -ir 20 j 1 j 1 4.1 ' no n Total unles, t)J88 oluirri, enmiinreil llh 10, 10.1 hnre eleriluri tlmi fur thli y".,'..",1.,', 238 Kliures) nnmp period lint iirck, (10,031 liiirri. lIU.NII.x. Itlltli. Lmy. n;i;i .!'.! 'Illlll Aim ,1 4. L L'llllll llnlil (. In! .-... 1 11.1 4 to: 40IIII fn Tr N J ns. 102 102 2IHI0 liar 111 Hi 1(12 102 looo I.,h N Imp li. Hi. US., tniiii l.,'h V kcii 4n H3W .Witt noon Va t!en 4',4n.l02',(i 102. Hioii Phil Co con ."in 113 '.J H3'.i iniio un it r,n..i(ii nn illllMl Phil Eire Is HI 84 lllllll do f, ll)4'5 llll'i looo Htnml (Iiib ni on, noI iiiiiu wrisiiii uo us us 12 dlvtdenil. Ill(ren8',. CloS. 03 'i 10111 102 102 118, Il.Tl 102 113 H illl 81 HUH IHI14 Decrease Net chge. "l. !l tit Tolnl mIpi, .tJO.OOO, compared with SDl.flOO rirrdiji thun fur thli eck, 8113,0001 mini! pcrlnd ln.it Heck, 8 107,300. Local Bid and Asked Huff & Hui t c. .. . rlo pref Ilrlll J (I Halilwln (-'ainbrla Stcei . . j;icu Ktorngo (ten Aiphalt do prrf Keystone Tel do tr ctfs do prof Lako Sun Corp Lehbrh Nnv Lehlflh Val Lehigh Vnl Tran . . . do pref Penniylvnnla I'hlln Electric Phlla Co do 5 per cent. pref. do 0 per rent. pref. P It T t n Heading Tonopah Ilel Tonopah Mill tTnlon Trac UUI U S Steel Today's Hid ABlied 4(1 , in, . 37 .1011 . HI . (13 1, i . 31 . "O . IH'i . lilj . HHi . in4 . 7.1 '$ 43 37 274 Sh 10 M . 13 no?; HI York Itwy 10 '4 do pfil 3d iii Wm Cramp t c 7.1 42 (10 107 1. HH. Ill 3.1 7014 1 I 14 no 10 ft 711 7s ( Js 27J4 1214 311 14 . HI 14 8l. y n 41 no HlH tt 3( HO Yesterday's I lid 40'4 Ml 37 1 11.1 81 !i:iu 7U'4 13J4 13 Vt IIH4 Klji 7.1 '4 2?V4 4.1 nn .iii14 1HW 84 li Pi. (1 43 8.11 I0j4 .10(4 Anked 42 Illl n'i.i'4 Hi!. in 3.1 71 1 1 14 illl 11 7H 78 4 434 30 II in4 ". .,ri no H4 104 37 M) LOCAL VUSIXESS GOOD: COLLECTIONS IMPROVED Cotton and Yarn Trade More Active. Iron and Steel Trade Busy Cotton and ynrn dealers Mill report their business in a very satisfactory state, nay It. O. Dun & Co. While sales dropped off to some extent durltiR tho previous week, business has again becomo more active and a Rood volume Is reported. Buying; to somo extent haR fallen off In the hosiery line and somo grades of carpets, but tho Unit goods lino Is very active. Tho -wool market Is still stronp;. Most of tho mills aro well supplied with raw material for present needs, but n they anticipate u good future volume of busi ness, aro still continuing to buy, as they are looking for higher prices. Collections show a little Improvement In certain sections, but ns a wholo aro only fair. Tho Iron nnd steel market continues to bo very busy and cxtenslvo purchases wore reported during the past week by local consumers, covering deliveries, ex tending Into next year. Tho demand Is brisk in all lines, and difficulty Is re ported in ohtalnlpg material for consump tion. Mills are operating at full capacity and In many cases with increased output. Tho demand for pig Iron continues heavy. Tho electrical trado reports a satisfac tory volume of business In household specialties, with considerable Inquiry on building operation work and somo good contracts In hand In connection there with. Tho stovo trade Is reasonably well employed In Rtnplo goods. The anthracite coal situation Is only fairly favorable and demand, according to thoso consulted, Is not what it should be. Millinery houses report a moderate trado, purchases being In small amounts. Increased activity Is shown In ull branches of the building and contracting line, and as the woather conditions Improve It is believed tho general conditions In this line will bo much better than for some years past. An Investment Involving $4,875 We have selected five bonds ranging in price from 864 to 102 which in our opinion meet the requirements of true invest ment. The purchaser of these five bonds would get an income averaging about 5.33. Full details regarding this care fully prepared and diversified investment offering will be sent on request for Circular Letter No. 346. WiIliamP.Bonbright&Co.,Inc. MORRIS WISTAR STROUD, Jr. Manager 437 Chestnut St., Philadelphia New Tork Boston Detroit London TarU William P. Oontrlcht ft Co. Bonbrlght 4k Co. 5fEl Vtjl.TTS f niw ni 1 1 1 8 I ZlA H R f V -sSlMili kl Harrisburg Light & Power Co. Lst&Rfdg. 5'o Bonds Due August, 1952 Trice on Application I sss i J, K. itlce, Jr & Co. Buy & Sell Aeouan Weber Piano & Pianola Victor Talking Machine Inqumes Invited J. K. RICE, Jr. & CO. Phones 001 to 4010 John. 30 Wall St.. N. Y. PntECTOBV OF ACCOCNTANTH CtrtUUd 1'uliUj AccoontauU ,.,. AWitENCIS B. HKOWH & CO. iih BEii, estatb mmxuwtmHm, CUT IN RATES DID NOT AFFECT PHILA. ELECTRIC STOCK ADVERSE Instead the Issue Moved Up in Trading on Local M 1 change Today No United Gas Improve- 8 ment Company Melon j wna stronB and tho. trading in l(,.i i.M war quite iarKe. Baldwin sold un ? VS5. Shares of tho United Qaa TmiW Comnany Bold down 4 befor? P?ytttW spite tho coort o-trnlnw of lh f0"' ' in tho last fiscal year. hleh mn$ nounced late etrtav .wJ.ciL. W Inrj earnings of 14.40 per cent ho stock, compared with 14.22 rr U tho previous j-ear, ' cea'-:i For somo tlmo past rumors W... i.m current In the Street that a J,l,.S bo cut by tho company In the ?.WH J"oi .to the 'sloc&J "v "l HUC" action, however 1.,V have to bo announced 60 days befJI T- Stock of the Phlladclplila Electric Company was ncfi adversely nffected by tho agreement between tho company and tho State Public Service Commission to Klve cheaper electric rates, and Instead It moved up a half on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange today, and tho bulk of the trading In any of tho distinctly local Issues was In that stock. It would naturally havo been expected that the company's stock would case off on 'Change In view of tho fact that the earnings will bo cut down about $1,250,000 per year, that being tho estimate of tho saving to tho consumers predicted by ex ports. Tho loss of tho company Is Bald to bo slightly moro than 12 per cent Tho now rates aro effective on April 1. lleforo tho close moro than 2300 shares of tho stock had changed hands. Elsewhere in tho local market condi tions woro nlllet, the activity shown In the trading yesterday not being carried over to todny. Prlco movements, for tho most part, wero Irregular. Following tho lend In Wall street, United States steel n.,i ..""' onu' date of tho annual meeting, .ft"" linn tinw nYttlfAfl Mt .ir . .. ""a Uffii meeting being May 1. nothir.- .n .PH. kind will occur nt this tlmo. int..lT In close toucli with the comn .;r,rt fairs said todav Hint f,.mJ.?A has been contemplated, nor has lh. - ln. any moro capital T S.'E. "" urae, COTTON PRICES WENT OFF AFTER EARLY STEADINESS Somo Selling for Wall Street and (. Liverpool NEW TOItK, Jtarch 10. I3uslnoss was fairly active on tho Cotton Exchange nt tho opening this morning. Tho tono was steady, March and May being down 1 point, with later months 2 to .1 points higher. The buying was scattered, but was especially good In October, one prom inent Interest taking R000 hnles. The actual source of tho demand could not bo ascertained, however. Thero wns Fomo selling for Wall street account, mid Liverpool was thought to he a purchaser of December. After tho call tho room traders brought pressure on tho market nnd prices declined 5 to 6 points from tho start. Liverpool reported advances of 1 to G points, ns against gains of 7 to 10 points looked for, hut this had no Influence ou tho local situation. It wns bolloved on the floor later in tho morning that largo buying by ono prominent trader of October was for tho account of a well-known Wall street houso which was a seller late on Thurs day. Thero was no evidence of continued cov ering by the Important operator who was credited with taking 15,000 hales for July In the last half-hour on Thursday. Tho greater part of the cotton on this trans action wns supplied by spot Interests. NEW YORK COPPER MAntrt NEW TOItK, March lO.-Dcalln, '3 largo, but prlco changes were within J( narrow range. Sales nn -w..,Wa V 21,000 bags. "" TS5f.t8 T"!Mi 's.in SiJar i h hi IMV?.M M,,.h ., SRW ... r.iii dpTll Jlny Juno .'lily 8.111 AUKUSt tB.ar. September ft.m "ctolier 8.H()8.23 November H.ao December . . , . , h.uh .Tnnuary fR..l,l February T8.I0 Hid. tOffercil. Yes. close. Open. IIIkIi. Low. Cloe. Mnrcll .... 11.71 11. 72 11.72 11. 1", It.lir, .liny 11. im 11. no 11.04 u..sn ii.rs July lll.OH 12.1(1 12.12 11.911 12,nil October ... 12.21 12.2(1 12.27 12.lr 12.111 December. . 12.42 12.14 12. If. 12.33 12.3H January... 12.411 12.no 12..10 12.4(1 12.4." Spot 11.00 11.00 Liverpool Cotton LIVEItPOoli, March 10. Spot cotton was dull today at an advance of 5 points, on tho basis of 7.81d. for mid-upland. The sales wero 4000 bales, Including 3000 bales Amerlcnn. Tho imports wero l'J, 000 bales, Including 2000 bales Ameri can. Tho market for futures closed steady at a net mlvanco of 3 points to a decline of ', point. Liverpool Cotton Statistics LIVERPOOL, March 10. Following are the weekly cotton statistics, figures In bales: Imports, 1G3.000 : Americans. 128, 000 ; stock, 92G.000 ; American, 66,000. Forwarded, 91,000 ; Americans, 70,000 ; ex ports, G150. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS n'"V.ll K.20SM1 8.23M, N-289.:j 8.37.Jl CHICAGO. Mnreh in. ltntlsn.-i nou. Market l.nirnasc. hlirher. iiiV.4' !M butchers. HMO'itHO; Rood heavy. TififioT.. rouKli heavy, Sli.4nl..r,n. Ileht. Jo sjoSj? piss, i7.n.-,(fn: bulk. Jn.70ifhi.or,. ,u-3il'.M' . CATTI.Il. necelma, 13,(100. Market slrnirf L,,i '.' .' w -', iwwn UIHlnuers, J3.7SB JO.IinWH.IlUi calves, jowu.as. ' . n iiririi'. ueceipts, iu. Mark.t .1.1 ti'lau "eaMn- "Btt.7Si imW 7 Commercial bar silver In N'ew Tork u ciunted today nt (l(l4c, uncharted 1 Har silver wns quoted In London todar t 27 pence. A 1 West Penn Power Co. First Mortgage 5 Bonds Due March. 1913 Replacement value of propertr esti mated to bo larccly In excess of bond Issuo. Net curnlnKH about 21i times bond Intcroit. rmcu to YiKi.u aiiout 5.23 Free of Pcnna. State Tax DKSfitifTivn cikcui.au on iikiui:.st Harper & Turner Investment Bankers STUCK r.XCIIANdi: IIUII.UINO I'hllailelnlilu The Zinc Concentrating Company Capital $3,000,000 Par Value $10 Full Paid and Non-Assessable The Zinc Concentrating Company has purchased and owns all the patents, rights and contracts relating to the "Campbell System of Magnetic Separation of Zinc, Iron Sulphide Ores." This process has been developed by actual use commercially until today it is admitted by scientists and metallurgists to be one of the most important develop ments in the treatment of zinc, iron-sulphide ores, ranking, in relation to those ores, with the oil flotation process. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS L. N. GODFREY, - - President and Director Treasurer, L. N. Godfrey Lumber Co., Iloston, Mass. AUGUSTUS T. CLARK - Treasurer and Director Treasurer, Tho American Circular Loom Co., Boston, Mass. D. L. GOFF, Director President, D, Ooff & Sons, Pawtucket, It. I. -" President, Royal Wcnvlnsr Co., Pawtucket. It, I. JAMES B. ETHERINGTON, - - Director President ot tho Campbell Magnetic Zlno Co. M. B. RYAN irector Capitalist, Drldgeport, Conn. The affairs of the Company aro in the hnnds of Voting Trustees which will insure tho continuance of the above management. Tho Zinc Concentrating Company owns fundamental patents covering the Etherington-Singer Non-Oxidizing Roaster and the Campbell Zinc-Iron Separator. These patents control tho "Camp bell System," which is the only "ono giving satisfactory results to the producers of zinc-iron sulphide ores. This process is producing the highest known recovery of metallic values at the lowest operat ing costs. In order to furnish the Company with additional capital required, by increasing business we have purchased a large block of its stock, a considerable portion of which has already been placed with our customers and the friends of the management. We offer the unsold portion at $3.75 per share (Par Value $ 1 0.) Applications to list this stock on the New York' and Boston ; Curb Markets will be made by the Company, Prospectus and detailed information can bq had upon applica- lion to j C. R. BERGMANN & COMPANY INVESTMENT SECURITIES 66 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY Telephones, Rector g Home Owners 9 OpPOrtUnitv! r-THB UOimiS PLAN of Loans and vtuikuuitv, Investments Is the Ideal means ot rais ing funds to pay taxes, mortgage Interest or to repairs. Loans made at business men's rates. Repayment easy. Oyer 900,00O In loans, averaging 10o, already paid out. Supervised by State Banking Department Details on request. PENNSYLVANIA LOAN COMPANY 1507 Arch Street lOVia J. KOLB, Prea. UOWABD B. UBHRY, Y. J?rW. ft. f,EQ UVNTt V. pre od Trta. s fi W 3 ssmsvss
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