i. s-.,5jn,-ir w .EVENING EBaER-PHILABELPTTTA. THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 101G. ? Kl ' -3 i 1 i 1 0tm THE BOOZE; .u.iotrio Was Not on a SSi-Ho Was Merely Film- iw the Photoplny Editor w ! .......... ..fniiv" ot tho Trl- l.Cniln' compile M MO- isf" -..miently. when lie Finn in u i "IS ?th? odd nrc In favor of one Mi Mrlnk In which the liar fix ffij Suon?IH mingle with the &w4,r?h , neweit Keystone, which .Kkle l '"recln ,.., f real Uowery mfSSZiMt .of 12;ncl. wall ta the "' .V. Mhfr S tho sunns ruuiu. d- "tatKw "Fnlt-" ,8, 8ccltlnf !W i .LJnthTnrt. Mabel Normami. WJ Tl nrlsotier in an Inner room. Kid .wUPr'f"ei;,nUElat had recruited !ETih. EMt slri0 ' exnct ,!,yl'eM" I ffX-tho dUe nnd It vv ns In ft flBht nft..e.d-et'Arbuck.e Irfiewesson ?' J,ir. As tho d s- dM ".7,. ,. a! before superior force lSrJS Toter the bar after htm '"' .- itn brass rail nnu 1110 mniioB ML went We un .hnlvos lio- S KVbottles Classes and all uA tt Dr, ptonned grinding rI11f" emerged from tho wreck ho llI.e seratch. "It was nil or ""u . VM the bulky director aB he ...r.M filming of other scenes In fer'lll shortly appear In "Man rf His Ansel" anD;iuitnnio nun .(! Tallteferro Is featured In a new fotro feature, ''HorurQ.ii. x . .. msanay Is mill promising ''Charlie b&lA Burlesque on Carmen wen, rriiUent Samuel S Hutchinson, of the inuican rum wmiwiu, "-.. ' - Wjjj the mm rigniH m um & Family" stories. Tho talcs aro Iwtba pen of B M nowr. 'Chip of tho r W' Is a most popular fiction hero ...........I ritv and the film world In niinl Ttere chocked on Saturday, Fcb nirrJI when tho sad news was convoyed Ml dunes i"")' ............ "- ...wMv fctlon picture actor and ono ot tho best bem had died that morning In his bunwl'ow In Hollywood He bail only been trilac for a few days! In fact, within Ho hyi M been at work at Unlvorsal City. H li survived by his widow. Junes Marcus, who was tho gluttonous wuant father In ' Tho Serpent," tho ro nst Fox picture, In his latest picture fita Booa ana ilea, is a nig western Mboy and ranchman. Marcus can al- ojs ao rougn pans exccngiuiy. Villi ValH, the English actress, who np- jots' In "Her Debt of Honor," on Friday iTtalnj". t 'He uiodo incaire, is now a lember of tno uonan iicvoio or iiu, Uco Is one of the latest productions on Jrojdway. Root Hoffman, who npnears as co-atar rtli Arthur Hoops In "The Devil's Trayer book," Is a frequent lsltor to this city. TUs Kiting production will bo at the Gur Stu on Friday. Th Frankford management baa secured n Triangle plays for Friday, with OTara Collier, In "Better Late Thnn irtr, tho Keystone, nnd Bessie Bnrrls- Alt. Walter Kdwards nnd aupportlnc cast la the play "Honor's Choice." "Camllle," ns played by Clara Kimball Icons, la a new type, and whilo following iht heoiine of the book ns much as nossl- Bile, the modern bits Introduced aro within l.BcMolns, This feature will bo at tho Cedar iKon Saturday, Huel Dawn, who has desorted musical DMy lor tne motion mcturo field, will I nen at the Tioga on Saturday In "Mv Ail Incos " Hirbert Efflnger, manager of tho Leader Ilatre. lias Just slcned conlrart.s for tim krectlon of a large photoplay theatre at anrown avenue and Vennngo street. MORE 'DOPE" INDICTMENTS ITiree Women and a Man Held Under .Anti-Narcotic Law -Three women nnd n. mnn wam in.itnfri ki tho Federal Grand .lurv nin . n. illy dealing In habit-forming drugs in "o oi me Harrison nntl-narcotlc net. TTO others, n mnn nn. n . .... . . . I ' ...... ,v l,l,ll, WITH Wictea for lulng drugs In their posses ion. The &ll07ri flAnlAfu nA Cn.lin n M.DeB3le Roberts nnd Loulso Snngc I Micnael Taylor, who was arrested n few Si.!iJi'tconseluence of thB death of : WBHe Oibbs, a pugilist, from an over Wof opium, taken In a saloon near.lOth IJMRaco etrcets, was Indicted for having Tope In his possession Annie Barber also Indicted for a similar offonsa. , AID BABIES' HOSPITAL Hundreds of; Children Attend Forrest Theatre Performance Hundreds of little girls and boys were --.i wnicn packed the For fta. trf thls a"ernoon at the per &CwtU,en ror tne benen' of the B.m!!. "sPtal f Philadelphia and the lSS D'P"sary, 609 Addison Btreet. li tJ! "'re'ses who are appearing' w lie leading play houses in this city ?2g ,0 ""He the affair a success. " urtaln went up at 1:45 p. m. At SS:1?9. .moro than 11600 worth of WnfJ. nsoW A group of young 0W Mid flowers between the acts. Oriental Export Trado at Standstill foti rtoth. .t"?.". trade trom Chinese Pitaadm Unite,d Stntes ls virtually at te .& Blnd ."t,Ie hP8 t obtaining ftTbifc!!18.'8 held out for Ameri- ttla.r . '" cnsuiar reports from K.,'8 t0 Washington, made pub. Stow5r . ' shlpa to rhove Kr,l..n?lt,?n-. Freight rates for trans. WtMa al.?.a"u aclvanced 'our t'"es wharJS 'nlh'the consuls report, nnd whn.. tu'""" report, nnu Saj and " ana "turehouses at Hong M h eruChJne89 Prts n-e piled ? ltH merchandise awaltlntr exnort. litMladelphians Placed on Probation to PhM,'r5U,n?. men' members of well-to. Court k.ih.lCaden Count' c-lm-lotoiiir, f".er the had pleaded guilty &aUCamdinVK,Uf1 at ,,0 la" "h MKUati iS en bU8lness man. The de. tSh andvV n8t,n ,he ne'shborhood iki w Sd,Walnut street8- 8all they a,oa ATf at the tlrae a"J for A$?rnr Bu,Ier jggOfUSAMD COLSEQEB ORATORY Mind Training SWSlU atVSP 0M2." 1"ue.di? Confluence SSS? iS&?ncenrt!9n iuiurgv4 A4 ln wrlt or Cult - --' 9 IKFP COLLEGE CL,Uut St. STAGE SOCIETY ACTS WELL IN NEWEST SILL Five Playlets, AH But One of Which Arc Very Well Done The seventh production of the Stiw Society Is chiefly notable for Its Rood nnllhff Vnim at... n .. .., ..- ttiwrs itiui .,i me mu piiiyieia nau an ensemble ns welt ns Individual plnylwr ' wnicn wna lien niRli iierrcct The nearest thlnff to the typical amateur Ineipablllty, which usually creeps into the minor roles, was mipplled by tho otherwise talented player who Insisted on Imagining that "hand" Is pronounced "hond " ahd Ihit "stontllnff," "domned ' and "understond" aro the Btnire rqulalents of much more common expressions Tho Rood actlnr applied to four differ ent pieces One, "Impudence " translated by lioninmlti r ntazer from the original of Haoul Aurcnhehner, Is a fairly amusing but not too crjstnl clear comedy of a ito celvlnc husband, who putB the lover Into a fool's enp while the lover In turn looks asknnee at tho too wlllltiK wife In "Tho Guest' the Society has very cleverly adapted ono of Ixml Dunsanv's grim little nl to tho stnBe by omlttlnR all but , ,inIoKUC. u shows a ,npr wnU,nB for the RUest who will come with the cof fee Death James Montgomery Flaps has contributed n little sketch which appeared In his "t Should Say So" department In a monthly mitRnzlnc. It acquaints us with tho suburbanite who takes his cook to Delmonlco'fl every S.iturdav nlplit to keep her working tho rest of tho week The hi'lk of the entertainment at thn Little Theatre last night was Svngp'H "nidcrs to the Sea," that most poignant of p!aH which the Irish Plnvers brought us n fow soasoiiH back, tt calls for somo unusually good noting to match the power nnd color of Un speech It got such not ing last night from Miss IJaer, Miss Ken nedy nnd SIlss Dade. Tho fifth play on tho program. "Passion I'olson and Petrifaction," by Hernard Shaw, vuiH so badly acted that It became clear tli.it of all tho pieces of the oc nlng this burlesque sketch needed tho best I.nrge anil preposterous events, such ns trying to sac a poisoned lotei by feeding him on plaster, only to find blm turned to a p'atuc, need large and preposterously serious acting They didn't get It last night, though they did get n dcllcloUBly ludicrous setting by II Devltt Welsh. K. M. Sons of America Camp No IMtl at a reirnt mooting, unant mnunli t1optd tho foltouln? reinlutlnn In nn pffnrt to innino the prcflcrvntlon of Momorlnl Iliy nnd WttflhliiKlon's lllrthdny ni school holl-ilas-fi: "Ilesohiil Tluit thn nbnllllnn of Wnahlnu ton's Illrthil i nnd Moninrlnl IJny ns school hnli;iH fuM tcml lo leftsrn tho rexerence wlitth our children now hold for tho memori of our Immnrtnl Wnshliictnn nnd tho nlor nnd pntrlotlsm of thoic brie nr-n uho foimht to uphold the honor of thr nntlon; and, bo It furtlipr "ItcKoheil Thnt we, representing Cnmp L"in rntrlollo Amcrlcnns nro un iltcrably opposed to tho nliolltlon of those dns ns school holl dnvi " This enmp is one of tho moro nceresho of tho lornl Sons of Amorlci cnmp-i, nnd meoto Thurli ocnlnKi In l'nrk Aenuo Hull, mis Columbia memie Junior Mechanics At n moetlnK of tho lVik-rntlnn of Councils of tho .lunlor Order of United Amerlein Mpchiinlott, with President Hhenrer In tho chair, nn election was held of officers for tho current cnr, with tho following result: Prei Ident. 1 homia 13. Clemens of "W'nshlnKton Council No 1, lio president, lllllott S Bhoe, of Itrldesbunr Council No la.'i, secretory, Wllllsm II Murphy, of Hurry Clay Council No 7. treasurer l'nnk Mirnder. of Ken slncton Council No 5 President Clemens nnde tho following appointments Urother Kimble, of No r, an chnpliln. Hrother Dr. J Hunter Hmlth of No fi ns deputy to Wash InRton Council, Ilrother Hlllolt S hhoe. of No. l.l.", ns domitj to Harrv Claj , Urother Oeorpo C Schneider, of No 7. as deputy to Ken slnRton Council, nnd Hrother Charles K Hrlnffhursl nB deputy to Hrhlesburs Council. Good Templars Qunlier City IxmIko, No II rttcntly held wlmt Ans known ns u nostul inrd nleht nnd nmons other cards rocehid was ono from n new army lodire In Heverlnic Mouth, UnKlnnd. A subsequent letter from this lodso speaks of tho ndvanco of tempornnco sentiment and of lite In tho camp nnd not nk of the changing character of tho membership, ns many uro )ealnR for tho, front, while new recruits come In to tnko their placei. a I effflsSEauiEskff msxjffissr C- KlXil VKWi&r fraflP? iSMm THE following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLKY Hook lit 'ompun, which ls u guurnntee uf curb slionliigs of the thirst product)-". All pictures reviewed before exhibition. Ask for the theatre In our locality oMulntng pictures through the MTANLEV llooklnc Company. Til linn 1-th. Morris & PnBsyunli Ave AIHAftlRRA Mat Dally nt 2, Evgs T0 HLnMlllUIVn vaudeville . Parnni't Pictures. T-. T J In "TENNESSEE'S Fannie Ward i-aiidneiv ARCADIA CHESTNUT PELOW 10TII BESSIE E- RRISCALE in "THE GOLDEN CLAW" inni f r B2D AND THOMPSON APOLLU MATINEE DAIL1 MOLLIE KING in 'A WOMAN'S POWEll" BLUEBIRD !SC- N0I,T" im0AD BT METRO PttESENTS Valli Valli in 'Her Debt of Honor r-sr T-"TUT D ABOVE MARKET BELMONT mou , 30 a b, toe cDA.fn CEDAR "5AKS Francis X Hushman and I!ecrl llajne in "MAN AND HIS SOUL" FATRMOUNT 20T" ITlitAHD AVE JESSE L. IASKY Offers Geroldine Farrar in "Temptation" FRANKFORD FnANAVNnun Francis X Hushman and Peerly llano In "PENNINGTON'S CHOICE" 56TH ST. """ K?1S Pauline Frederick in 'The Spider' GERMANTOWN 8SMTO?V1?5 METRO PICTURE Mme. Petrova in The Soul Market ri nm? both & market 2:"-''-e- LLUlJlli 15,000 KIMIIALL OROAN MARY PICKFORD in THE FOUNDL1NQ" rTi KZT AVENUE THEATnE GlKAKLf TTJI AND OIRARD AVE r. 1 J n- In "THELURB OF camunu j-mccocheart's desi IRE" HALLROOM DANCINU CONTEaT Vareai norinem oermant'n aves. KITTY GORDON in "AS IN A I.OOKINO GLASS" IRIS THEATRE 3"8 S!0 VALESKA SURATT in THB IMMIQRANT" JEFFERSON S0T BlTNRDElS8UP,,m PATHS GOLD ROOSTER PLAY Pearl White in "Hazel Kirke" LAFAYETTE mi KEN8T1& AVE. MARGUERITE SNOW in A lORNfcR IN COTTON I I?ArPI? FORTY-FIRST AND lE.JLE. LANCASTER WENUH Marguerite Snow ,0 "?S5SSn- Sltra ' Th tflrano I aae uf Mary P4S" MERGER OF COURTS URGED BY FORESTERS THe Consolidation of Weaker Courts of Foresters of Amer ica Favored as an Eco nomic Measure The Deputv Orand Chief IlnnRcrs' As sociation of Philadelphia nnd lcln!ty, composed of 160 p;nt chief rangers, rep rcsentlnp; a corresponds number of courts, ullt bold Its quarterly meeting nett Wednesday cenlnK In the Parkway Building Ilrond nnd Cherry streets Oram! Chief Hanger L. V Pilot has requested exory deputy to attend Orand lecturer Wllllnm .1 Clancy ulll preside The discussion of questions concerning tho general welfare of the order give to this meeting a peculiar degree of Interest nnd Importance. After the consideration of current questions nunltlng disposition, tho meeting will be devoted to a discus Bloti of one of the most Important ques tions now confronting tho organization the nmalgnmntlon or union of smaller courts Into a lesser number of strong -vigorous courts Thnt such action Is desir able l-t goner-illy conceded, not onlv for the jnlrpose of strengthening the ucaker courts, but nlso ns n matter of protection to the Orand Court which perhaps would bo cnllcd upon to enre for tho members or help tho weaker courts should they not thrive This, necessitating nn Increased per capita ta, would bo a burden upon all members A critical examination Into tho Issue has been made nnd tentative plans formulated In a series of four exhaustno articles coerlnir tho question Renerally. These outlines will bo considered sepnrntelv one nt each session This meeting will Lonslder n rienernl formula presented by I II C It C V Ilrndley, pro ldlntx for the nmnlRimntlon Into two bodies nf several existing local cotirts, therein Insur ing the results south! rit-tirrn conclusively attesting the need of such a course will ho presented nnd ultimate good provin. tho whole s heme being based on conciliator:, not drnstlc, methods After the suggestions nro more full deliberated. It Is likely such tcntutlve plans will bo moro fully developed and n vital Issue solved by their adoption Court nobln Hood No 11. Inst week held n iire-t,enten gala night. In Itr hall at 2iHh nnd Federal atrects Aside from its -in years, time has not dimmed Its outhful spirits nor lessened Its aetlvlti In Forestry The high esteem It Is held in was manifested bv the Inrge delegations from every court In South Philadelphia who marched In pirnde to Its hall led bv the bands nf Courts Columbia. Pouthwark Menno, PnBsyunk Pontine Amer ican llacle Pennsslvnnln nnd St. Albans. A program nf nro excellence was provided Tho scheduled talent was augmented after theatre closings by professionals from various play houses A double bill was rendered, one nn each floor nf tho hall, to nccommodato tho large nRsemblage The grand executive council, past grand officers and Influential members of tho fra ternity were present as guests Tlefreshments were served ntl participating Urothers Powell, Flanlgan. Hopple. Mejorn and Thompson were painstaking In their attentions for the comfort of tho visiting contingents of followers of tho noble stag Tho Woodohoppers felled the trees to make tho paths through the forest clear to "Llttlo John's" Cabin Court Bertram, No 237, meeting ot 4S2R Woodland nvenuo, within n short distance nf tho lohn n.irtnm llotanlcnl Oardens Is eon atnnlh) kept In mind of the deeds done by the man after whom It Is named Tho meetings aro alwns Interesting. I'. C. R. C. J. Kelly has added n "Heading Clrclo Hour." nt which n weekly summon of articles pertaining to fraternities are read and discussed, and tho splendid accounts of facts nnd detnlls ap pearing aeri'weekly In tho KvrNfvo Irnnrn availed of for the purpose The fraternal press contribution: In the more dlreit Issues are ills sccted. so that more platitudes by assertions are mado to show proof or nro discarded as tnluolcss Tho fenturo has met with great success nnd tends to demonstrate to the hear era that frntcrnal work requires deeds, not The social recreations abound with good things The "Show Itcsults" Committee, en gaged In securing new membors, ls progressing favorably with Its assigned tnsk Thu "jour home nnd mine" contingent, who labor among tne stay-at-homes, bringing many such to realize their duty to attend tho meetings moro regularly Tho tournament coterie provides a weekly games contest to while away dull caro In tho monotony of life's cares. Every Thursday thcro Is much to Instruct, amuse and enter tain tho nttendnnts. whether members or visitors. . The gnmes competition teams In South Philadelphia courts have stnrted a now Indoor tournam it, to piny two sorles beforo the PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESENTATIO Bodm Gmpomu LIBERTY nnoAD AND COLUMDIA GEORGE BEBAN in "THE PAWN OF FATE" Logan Auditorium Brfiffi". GEORGE BEBAN in "THE PAWN OF FATE" I OPI IQT B2D AND LOCUST LiUlU J 1 Mall) i30 anJ 3.30 -inc. Eves U.30, H, 0:30, loc Bessie Barriscale '" "T"gwv.DCN Market St. Theatre sa3 "U World Film Corp 1'LAIIA KIMRALI. YOUNIT in uiu XKL.L.UW rAsai'unt" Seo ' OIIAFT" every Thursday HRPHFr IM OERMANTOWN AND sivrncuivi chelten aves. BILLIE BURKE in p e o a Y ' ORTPIMT "SO WOODLAND AVE. VIVliilll 1 Dally Mat, 2. Evr . 0:30 to 11. PARAMOUNT PICTURE Marguerite Clark in 'Still Waters' PAI AiT 12H MAHKET BTREET r.rt.Ltt.VC jo a M to 11:15 P. M CHARLOTTE WALKER in "THE TRAIL OF THB LONESOME TINE" PARK" RIDfJlj AVE ft DAUPHIN ST. rjtn. Matinee 2,15 Egs U.30 to 11 "PtnVinra " Featuring Arthur Maude -illLJCia, nmi Conetanie Crawley A MUTUAL MASTERPIECE DB LUXE PRINCESS 101S MARKET STREET "THB QIRL AND THE OAME" THE FOUR NARRATIVES" "IN ARCADIA" I7TAT TO GERMANTOWN AVE. I11-.H AT TULPEHOCKTN ST ROBERT EDESON in "FOR A WOMAN'S FAIR NAME" DPrriUT 103 MARKET BTREET JKEAjCJN l uvuAX rotax orqan BARBARA TENNANT in "THE PRICE OF MALICE" Rr T D V MARKET STREET U D I RELOW 7TH BTnEBT FANNIE WARD in "TENNESSEE'S PARDNER" SHERWOOD Ta'lt'imorb METRO J'KISaiJNTH Olga Petrova In "WHAT WILL PEOPLE BAYr SAVOY "iySKgCT BSSANAY PICTURES Marguerite Clayton '" 'VZlr nr. IQQ A 1TTII VENANQO 8T8. DUSTIN FARNUM in THE VIRQINIAN" py Request VlfTORIA MARKET ST 'V'u ., ", AliOVE NINTH Trlanale Presents Lillian Olsh In Daphne and tint PIratea '" Seventh Episode ' The Strange Case of Mry Page " "A Confession," STANLEY OONTINUOUB MARKBT ABOVE tQTH MAE MURRAY and WALLACB BEIp la TO HAVE AND TO KOlD 11:15 A M to it.u p u advent of the outdoor sports progtnmi sched uled for the spring, nnd summer. ,VV," i1 comprises Court Tont ac. No. lt nobln Hood No. lis Columbia. No 8(1. and .American Kagte No HI Corps n comprises Pennsyi nnln. No fl7. Vesper, No 00: Wharton . MJ 2(11 nnd nobert .Morris No 258 r" ,n tercel, la manifested and n large ;,'"?,"? ihe attracted The gnmes nre called aft" inj regulsr meetings Trochlea Rre V ,,lm winning court In each series . . ."" .i. f n.i. feature nods the l ds another social event weekly io cm... ." e participating courts and Increases tne in rest of the general membership "JP'Lnorl lercsi oi mo general inemoersmp -- ,,, tlons where like contests are In vogue repori Slmllne Ieu1la IVs.t.l IMntlnC. NO "- .? champion In the series Just closed, with " Hobln Hood No 1 1 a close competitor. Court Tohn Hav No .1l8whlch meet; .Wed nesdaj evenings In the hall. P" 0S50n street Is receiving candidates nt each ""'9" a result largelj due to an attractive " of social events planned to Increase attendance and stimulate Interest. Among the effctj foremost in this aggressive action are Jirotners Klrlss. boughert) Itcnil and Mollneaux. , Past Orand Chief Hanger Albert F. bank Is doing good work In tho campaign .J9r,.11nh ills business calling takes him Into n"?: tlons most requiring visitations, nnil "." ablo to meet the active members nnd center with them. Like nil past grand chief rangers, his work Is voluntary, as expenses are noi allowed any such officials nnd the work they uo must bo of their own volition nnd at personal outlay of time and money. , Court St Albans. No M. Is adding ; to Its roster of members, with an encouraging degree of regularity nnd Its sessions are Marked with many god features to war rant the good attendance and sustained" in terest The tourt has Its own minstrels, choral club, orchestra and dramatic associations, wiiu talented members In each so that pur buna nnce of entertainment, varied and pleasing. Is alvvavs at the command of tho I-ntortain-ment Committee . . . , . Tho forum Is another popular feature, whij n embraces n brl'f address upon n selected ton';:' followed by n free d. bale by tnoso prisent PATRIOTIC AMERICANS District MeetinES nnd Clnss Initiations Evidence Council Activity Last Friday oxenlng n clnss of 100 candidate, tho third since .Tnnunry 1. was Initiated ns members of West Hud Coun cil, No 280, by Stato Councilor Shenemnn, State Council Secretary Ford and others The spacious hall ot No 280 was filled with members and Mulling brethren from councils of Pennsylvania nnd Now Jersey Tho greatest degree of enthusiasm was shown by both inombers nnd candidates Addresses were mado by Stato Vice Coun cilor Miller, of AUontown: Stato Coun cilor Shencman, Stato Council Secretary Ford, deputies and olllcera of nrlous dis tricts. A district meeting will bo held next Monday evening, nt Frankfort! Council. No 170. jiti Frankford avenue, nt which delegations will lie present from the many councils of tne ais trlct. Deputy Stnte Councilor Vj ltpn. who suggested the meeting. Is greatly Interested, in tho work of the respective councils. In addl tlon to Stato Councilor Hhenemnn and State Council Secretary lord, ulmost nil tno deputies will bo present District Deputy State Councilor nito.ii M Baldwin, ot Diligent Council No . ar ranging for n monster cIibs Initiation to bo shortly held In the council chamber of ' Dll'fcenl Council. No 4 Candidates will bo furnished by Diligent Council. Jlesiui; I ounc 11. No. in and C.rnco Council. Nu rtJl A special staff will do tho work In anlmprisslva m inner. An ofllclal visitation was made and n. class Initiation held at Crcsson Counill. No. ins. last Monday evening. A largo class of candl I lies was present to Imvj. ,nf erred upon them the beautiful degrees of this great Amer ican fraternity. A largo class Initiation was held lant Ttiey. day evening by llalletzln Councl . No 5 Ml State Councilor Shoneman and State Council Secretary Ford assisted in the work ant nd dressed a largo number ot members Order of Moose Philadelphia Lodge. No B . ho member ship has reached n total of lft.lioo tho largest known membershp of nny alnglo lodge of any fraternal order, wilt close Its charter llnal y on March 15 An ettort s being mado to round out 20 000 members before tho charter Is closed, nnd to this end special appeals have been made to nil members The regulnr semimonthly meeting will bo held Sunday afternoon next In the North Ilrond street hail Sunday. Slarch 2d. will bo tho date for tho annual election of officers nnd nn that date the meeting will lie called for 11 a. m. and will adjourn promptly ut noon, when tho polls for tho election will bo opened, and will remain open until 0 p. m. Ladles' nights this month will b. held In the new Moose Hall tomorrow evening and on Wednesday, Mnrch 22. On the latter evening "A Nlsht In Ireland" will be the entertain ment provided for members and their ladles. CF.NTRAr, Chestnut St. Op. House g!?.,' "PROHIBITION" Five Reels and a Prologue WEST PHILADELPHIA flRAlMn B2D nd MARKET STB. 'J"rtl,'-' MAT DAILT, 2 P. M . Bo. 'Tom Martin, a Man,' 3-reel Selig 'War of Wealth 3 -reel Biogrnph OVERBROOK 83D onaF0rRAJEAnvB rrr Denman Thompson's "OLD HOMESTEAD" C.ARDF1M BOi & LANBDOWNE AVE. VXttKUJ-iVsJ MAT. 2 EVO. 0:80. JACKIE SAUNDERS In "The Shrine of Happiness" Added "The Strange Caeo ot Mary Page." EUREKA 40T" BrAnKET sra JSS' Marie Doro ln "TS?,D Keiatone "Perils of the Park" Triangle IMPERIAL Theatre S1, EQUITAT1LE PRESENTS MARGUERITE LESLIE in "THE QUE8TION" BROADWAY B2D oreenway ltVJrtUyytl Adults lOo; Children Se FREDERICK PERRY In "THE FAMILY STAIN" "RED CIRCLE." Chapter IX NORTH Broad Street Casino ""JJn""0" MATINEE 2. 30, EVENING 7 AND 0, HENRY B. WALTHALL in "THE AVENOINQ CONSCIENCE." Comedies PFNTI IR Y ERtE AVE MARSHALL E,n 1 Uft I MATINEE DAILY MARY BOLAND in 'The Price of Happiness' in 5 acts SOUTH PI A 7 A DROAD AND PORTER 1 Urtrt STREETS Ralph Kellard & Lois Meredith in "The Precious Packet" in 5 acts NOKTHWKST StlRnilofinnnn THEATRE 17TH & ouBquenanna susquehanna ave MUTUAL MIONON ANDERSON In "THE WOMAN IN POLITICS" , FIVE PARTS NORTH EVHT STRAND ,8T,t AND alRAnD AVR HELEN WARE in THE PRICE Charles Chaplin '" 2-reeI request comedy '5 KENSINGTON lUMRfl FRONT BT AND d U IU U U OIRATtD AVENUE J.7Hff,RPM CLAW." No 3 n o part, "Tho Wlnnlnc of Miss Construde 3 Parts ... 'CHILLS AND CHICKENS" "Ml'3CLK3 AND MERRIMBNT" i ''gg-;'--' JTM ' n i Tsottn No HSi Weekly Program Appr Evtry Moods y lo Motion Picture Chart ; RED MEN HOLD DISTRICT MEETINGS Tribes Gather Around Council Fires Seeking Recruits ns Fra ternal Year Nenrs nn End The district tneetlnp; held in the wlBunm of Tribe No US, of Chester, Friday even ItiR, vnn nne nf the InrReflt iathcrltiBf nf thnt clmrncter eior held In I)elnnre Count. Delegation!) nttended from nil the trlbrn In that section of the State The past d.ichem'i degree was conferred upon n number of pimt olllcerH nnd nn eldenco of the cnthuilnstlc Interest mnnlfented wns found In tho fnct tint ln response to n cull (10 members present pledged theni schea openly to capture nt lenst ono pale face for their respective tribes beforo tlio else of tho present mouth Deputy Charles Cullls presided nnd In troduced the seernl speakers Anions; thoeo vWio cave short talks were Past Sachem Heorixe Stauss, Deputy William Urimth, of Qlcn Itlddle, Deputj John Con nolly, of Prunkford; Grand Junior Snp;a more T r' Ileswlclt nnd tlrcat Sachem S. II Walker. Tuesdaj eienlna- flmrkninnon Tribe, No td. relebrntrd Ub anniversary by un eniojnblo entertnlnment nivnn In the vvlawam, flernuin tnun nvenuo belovv (tlrnrd avenue The pipe of praie was smoked and corn nnd venison served Anionjt the speakers were tlreit .lunlor Siunmorc T C llesulck and P II H John E I'oore t Tonlaht Cotunlanlers Tribe w (II, of Hnr rlslmrK one of the best tribes In the Rtnte, will relebrnte Its tinth annlversTr,v The boird of Rrent rhlefs will intend nnd add to thu dlrnlty ami ihuraetrr nf the festal ntraslon An elnborate nrocrtim Ims been provided and nmm dlstliiKutshed members of the fraternity have promised to be present The anniversary program will be tarried ovir until tomorrow iiluht. when a "ladles' Nlsht" will lie held which will lm lutle n compllmentnrv theatre parti follow id bv n dinner nnd the distribu tion of appropriate souvenirs Last nlaht Chippewa Tribe admitted seven candldites In Its vvlewam, U.M South (loth street Tho work was capably performed by Tfoga Trlbo desreo team Tuesda evenlnn Uimmls Tribe Nn mil, of Reading celebrated Its nnnlversnr with an entertainment, which minuted nn nudlemn thut filled the wigwam to Its cnpnclty. Orml Prophet Charles I: Pass, I' (I. s riuvrlrs Davis nnd Ureal Sachem H II Walker nil delivered entertnlnluc addresses dealing with tho Order of Red Men and Us benevolent principles . The degree team of Mlnonk Tribe, No. -151. trailed to Sipana Tribe. No. -H1K, on last Thursdaj's sleep nnd conferred the adoption degree on four palefaces In excellent form Hnihom Charles Itelss Senior Sanninorn Wil liam Cope. Junior Huunmore John Estello nnd Prophet Hurry Oilman led the team In tho floor work nnd eveaitod tholr pnrts Ihiwlrsslv After the cercmmi) tho Siipnna brothers showed their usual hospitality by furnishing corn and venison. The meeting on Krldnv's sleep was well at tended Thero are no palefaces waiting for ndoptlon at present, but tho brothers aro nil on the trail nnd expect to enpture more pale faces beforo the end of tho present term Absnraka Tribe. No 10J, of West Phila delphia will hold a paekngo pnrtj on March -4. Members are urgul to turn out and give this tribe all tho assistance possible as this tribe liiulh needs It homo action will be taken In this direction at the next meeting of the Deputy Orent Hnchems' Association Naomi Tribe. No. -170. adopted 11 p-ilefnces last month nnd tho membership contest prom ises to jleld nn even lnrger number of candi dates for the current month. Hrother Temple Kind Is leading the mem bership contest, having proposed 10 candidates slnco Jnnunry 1, The trlbo will glvo a smoker plays are produced un der the supervision of one of the very great directors Griffith, Ince, or Sennett. In each find at least lovely woman Some of these are listed below: VF on Its 10th anniversary. Tuesday. March 31. A (rood program has been arranged, by the. entertainment Committee and it genuine surjr prise Is promlseil vvhlch their friends guessing ft iseit wnicn nss tne memoere iiu guessing ns to the nature of the program. The Dakota association will hold Its rrular monthlv meeting Trl lay March IT. with Lo gan Trlbo. Hroad nnd Catharine streets A large attendance Is nntlclpated lliislness of much Importance vvll be transacted and the reports of the concert ball nnd package party will be read The memWrs of the Dakota Mnrchlnsr club should attend this meeting. .T.h, P'huty Orent Hnchems Association of Phllndelphli and Vlelnlty held Its regular monthlv business meeting In tho office of the Irene Council. I1M North 11th street. Monday evening with President Charles K . Wleland In the ehnlr, The deputies arrnnged for tne raising up of their respective tribes The tlrent Sachem read his latest speaking leaf, entitled "The I.nst.Cnll " nnd rlted his many trips through tho length and breadth nf this Brett Kevslono Htnte during this Inst Brett sun in the Interest of Rrdmanshlp Ills stirring appeal to the deputy great sachems to go bnik to their tribes and make ono more last determined effort to Increase -heir mem bcrshlp and do their full duty brought forth great npplatise , The allied tribes nf West Philadelphia will hold a big nrs-n ftieetlng at Turkahoo Hall, 251 South not It street Tucsdav evening next A ft1?, ,nf, ? Wl "" K'vcn to the tribe of West rhlladelpbla having the largest number of members present Also a similar prlre will be given the tribe having the most palefares present Ureal Prophet Charles K Pass, and Ure.it Haehem Snmuol 11 Walker will talk to the palefaces Great Harhem Wnlker. through the courtesy nf Hrother Charles Hell, C of 11 ", ?V .dn hns nrrnngod to havo Wlllard s Mlnslrel Troupe perform nt this meotlng. to gether with tho famous Hepannn Hand tii1..':'?"''' ,rani of the nllled tribes of West I Mllndeiiihla hns nrgnnlzed a chiefs' degree team ti o ft William Musgrove. No SJO, de greo mnBter Each member hns been given hl part to stud with Instructions to halo It memorized for the meeting tonight In the wigwam of Hapanna Tribe No 403 Mijssnssolt Tribe, No 144. expects to wind Jin the term with n splendid Increase In mem bership and nuances They cxpei t the appli cation of three or four more palefaces within n short period, llreat Keeper nf Wnmpum Joseph Piirrar Is busy Iralllnw with the other i.-!!?!1,! , ''." .!" various wigwams nnd ho Is ft... u nl..,ho . welcome ho Is receiving throughout tho city and Htate Mingo Tribe No 121 has had a specially prosperous term nnd the meetings have been well nttended and marked by an exceptional ilegrei. of enthusiasm nnd Interest on tho part or both chiefs and warriors To add to tho amusements alrendy provided, the tribe has purchased a pool table for the uso of Its members. As the term nenrs Its end. Past Snchem Havldgn Is busy arranging a team and drill ing the members for tho rnlslng-up ceremonies which will Inaugurate a new tirm The tenm will raise up chiefs on tho sleeps ot the 4th and 11th of plant moon. A district meeting will be held In the vvlg wnm of i'oncmnh Tribe No L'lii. tomorrow evening, under tho direction of Deputy John Dunn Membi rs of nil Imnl tribes nro cordlall invited to attend and assist In mak ing the meeting a big success Home time slnco a movement was stnrted In Hnklmn Tribe No l. to rnlso funds to ern t u sultablo monument In honor of t'luirlen Allen Hinlth n sailor who lost his life at Vera Cruz A committee to further tho pioloct was appointed and efforts are be ing made to secure the nctlve (n-oicrntlon of the Allied t'rnternnl Assoi latlons nt Kensing ton so that a more Imposing monument may bo erected. Tho officers of this association are Chairman I M Hhnw , vbe chairman, PtuI Daltry, secretarj. A H Sharp. Jr. treasurer lames Pitts Pnrontn Tribe, No 111 will have a strenuous tlmo during tho iourse of tho next nve or six suns. As usual, there was ulnrge attend nnce at tho last sleep nttrtttcil bj the pro gressive spirit of tho present suhem, Hrother j JI D White Several nppllrntlonn were recoiled nnd there will be a lurger numb.. r to take the chiefs' degree on tomorrow's sleep Tho committee on the 0th anniversary an nounces that the dato has been changed to ."" .(.! .M.l. ..., nt I.a !... ..... April -i. II win io wie mill ui mo committee io nniM nun .., ".. ... ,,.u ucfli mm nas ever been given. I'ast Sachems Dougherty, Orecnbaltsh and Canioro nre In , charge nnd nil who attend will be well repaid. I'aconta Tribe win no ruiseu in pumio mis term nnd Invitations will be extended to members nnd their friends to attend The committee, con sisting of Past Hnchems Nicholson. Camero Where Billie Berke Is Lovely in Pajamas! In "Peggy," the first film play of Billie Burke, the Triangle Film Corporation is keeping up the furious quality pace it set last autumn. And quality, as TRUNGLE understands the word, means nothing technical; it means charm the indefinable something that makes you glad you went. Sometimes it is the wonder of photography. Sometimes the tense interest of an unusual story. Again great pictures of great scenes, where thous ands of men and horses play on a stage that covers miles of mountain and plain. In "Peggy," "quality" is the charm of Billie Burke herself Whether bounding gaily about her bedroom in pajamas or shocking Sunday Scotland in a rakish white speedster or acting princess in a fairy story, fo"r the kiddies. Go and see "Peggy," and take the youngsters, and your sweetheart whether she's your wife yet or not. "Peggy" is only one TRIANGLE play. There are two new ones, and two new TRIANGLE KEYSTONE comedies every week. And until all tastes are the same, you will like some better than others. So far, most people seem to like most of them Which is, after all, the great test. All TRIANGLE you will one very star. Bessie Uarriscale Dorothy Gish Mae Marsh Mabel Normand Lillian Gish Seena Owen Jane Grey Enid Matkey Norma Talmadge Fay Tmcher Mae Busch " Constance Talmadge Louise Glaum Truly Shattuck mmm m S HV MUj SliUJwi1"' c Donohue, will arrann lot an tnle-rnbls program i hsVthi,t?4?iw:,.V:n of iMi for.tho next .terra ?e.vr.SL-ii!.? inn members feel that with A hV iJ 2i?!!c?,.eh"nM 'h present officers will Jr ihS'lifS1" ."ber term and continue to the past. " efficient manner as in 1T't T'te. -No.-..I-h.en Saturday. March IS?' JWJ, :"" ?a.l VoM.Wv'lr.S".r, to SrM xcmJ,,l"l',allon ot the work of ths chiefs' IK5'?9'... At the. last meeting of this Irlha i:'.'.i""". ""KB upirirniinn nr tnmruri an an honoKri.or.w,lm,,.,m J"",h Pnrrnr iva Short tnm delivered an Instructlv mJe mn!i.fn'm" Association held Its reg. hirt rmr,,h.'nyi.T,ll,e " 8lurday' sleep and irihe. p BSSLlt'W STfA'nt fl:om m" than 40 irlifci nf ri,,-hcIi.V r ni""l'. In 'Plrltfd talk, whv ..eh -M-ohJ;c"!i,1.f ,hl" noclstlon and me?tlne lllnlhhrUri' 'i "Pr'"en,d ut lh" meeungs ilrother P H utiles mnite a hrt.f "nterest y,Meh Wft" """""' "vltha much Shandakln Trllie Nn fil7. Is about elosln. t, r-i r; " " iv PBi ""n" cincr with thn clonltur of Worm Moon wilt 8hnnrtklS with n run o,n h.th k... -., it.. dally The trlbo has ably come forward nd supported the present Clrent Haehem Hamy?1 fi, ,-,, i '"l,, "tiiuiericniiy ana nnan- bringing many new pilifaws to the tr be. .vnoiner valuable asset s lh Plf and ,rum i- .t"'' eomposeii of members of Shan dy kn Tribe This tribe will raise the Chiefs ?L Wrtf.i"!!''". Sils "n the Sleep ot fciiu 1 UUH M lUlll .tlllDTl ODD FELLOWS Followers of "Tho Trlplo Links" Re. port Membership Gnins ns Term Nenrs End ComtiiR especially from Chester, n lame delegation nf members of Upland Lodge, Xo IM, visited tho Homo for Orphans Sunday afternoon nnd supervised tlio re llBlons services of tho day. Addresses wore delivered by Charles U D nichard son. pivsldcnt of the borne ; Dr J. Lin wood Isenbere. superintendent of th Chester public schools nnd Robert Love, chairman of tho Committee on Kducntlon. Jluslcnl features included solos by Miss Jfary Tuson and T S Gsbers nnd selec tions by the orplmns' quartet Cale Ionia Lodge. No 700 had charge ot the religious services held Sunday afternoon In tho Odl Peliows' Home 17th nnd Tioga streets The sermon wns preached by the ley Frank O II Clonk pistor of Kmmanuel Reformed l.plscopnl Church and addresses were delivered bj Robert .Montgomery, Orand Warden of the Orand Lodge, and Thomaa Slpps President of the Home Music was fur nished bv a riunrtet i ninnosed of Miss Flor ence MrfJonnlil, Miss Hlsie Majors, the Rev, Trnnk ) II Clonk and John Whllloy, ao lompinled by Miss Cntherlno Totten At the Rebekah Homo Sundnv afternoon the religious services were In chnrgo of the I3pU copal city Mission, nnd were conducted by the Rev John WWley Twelzes A brief nddress was mnde b vlrs Marj A Kngelman, presi dent of tho home ami congregational singing was led bj Mrs Mar livv Tho social night of Mills Lodge last week was attended by upwards of ,mu members nnd visitors An excellent entertnlnment wm provided, and the occasion proved ono of th most enjojnble events of tho season Tonight ntnrtn n busy month for the lodge, ns n diss of 3K candidates will ho duly in itiated and will receive their several degrees upon the following Thursday nights The degrei staff of the lodge will exemplify the work of the Initiator) nnd Beveral degrees. Clnelnnatus Lodg ire. No. 20(1 which meet MondKi evenings In tho hall at Ambler and rsorns sireeis. mm nwn imiuiuiiK cnnuiuaies with a degree of regularity, which will enablti the lodge to complete the term with a mem bership of over 400 The lodge recently hon- , ...... nt Itu I sl.run mamli... WHHnn. T 1 u'n' u.,v ". .......;.-.. ...:-.... ........... M. i caskey. uy a surprise supper unu visuaiion of a largo delegation of his fellow members on the "nth anniversary of his birth. Ilrother Caskey vvob Initiated Into tho lodge February II, 1HRJ two weeks after tho Institution of the lodge, nnd became n pnat grand April 3, 1803, I alvvnya having been n faithful nnd untiring worker. BUlle Butke, Twgle Ky-Beo 3 IliU'S TIBH U4taM IklUMl. TrrtTrirtiiitigiistsygititiriTrrTriTTgnpnrygi --sr M1HUIU BkflVlfsW
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