mumt "T WW if TL5r- "! "" r wMMm&T&r fiwf' -r'i"'i "Tp-ni" WJ s ffv- -anmap"- TWUPW? "&" ,SlWtJl EVBNINfi MDGEB-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBBTJAEY 16, 1916. 3 'IS 1 is nr W ir, IIUJ 3 m thf Islnl I EM ofl I n rttt tlly lo ft, WMtlj Mrt? VSUJ Chut, t PIN I t t CAMDEN VIADUCT, $20,000,000 PLAN, PLEA TO COUNCILS Bdard to Steer Gigantic Scheme Asked in Ordi nance Tomorrow jjEW JERSEY CO-OPERATES Designs Already Made for Great Connecting Link Be tween TWO OIUUS Illustration, on TIctorlM rne. Authorization of tho nppolntmcnt of tbo POOOOOOO Plillndelphln-Camdon BrlclRO Commission will bo naked In Councils to morrow In nn ordlnnnco Hint will bo re ported favorably by tlio Flnnnco Com mittee. ... kin ortptnnllv cnrrylnir nn appro- I nrl&tlon o'f 15,000, proposes n commission, !Vl,tlnB of Director of Wharves. Docks ink Ferries Webster, Director cr i-uniic Works Datcsmon anil Director of City Transit Twlnlnff. This board will co nrnto with n commission nlrendy nnmed ly Camden. Burlington nnd Gloucester riuntles nnd ono to bo appointed by I0"".--. i7il.lAr. of Now Jersey. Tho P Mil xvhlch will bo presented by Chairman f r.ftntv of tlio Finance Committee, more S UaillH-, Ml., minim li ly creates ine tuumi appropriation. JEttSEY COUNTIES TO AID. m, ihron New Jersey counties, accord- Inr to tho plans, would bear half tho estimated cost, 20,000,000, which Includes th tiurchaso of lines of properties cssen- tlal to tho erection of tho bridge on ono of the proposed sites. Money approprla lions are to follow tho report of tho com mission, It Is said, If Its report is favor- A great viaduct spanning tho Delawnro River has been tho dream of both cities for years. After several failures to push through tho project this occasion Is looltcd upon ns tho most favorablo for tho ful miment of tho vision of nn economic nnd military connecting link between Philadel phia's groat population nnd tho fertile Industrial nnd agricultural districts of New Jersey. Tho decision to present tho ordlnnnco with tho appropriation division stricken out was mado by tho Finance Committee on February 8 upon Select Councilman Charles Scper's suggestion. Fifteen thou sand dollars has been appropriated for preliminary plans nnd surveys by tho Boards of Freeholders of the tltreo Now .Jersey counties which wero appealed to by Dr. I. N. Grlscom, of Bth and Cooper jtreets, Camden, nnd othois. Doctor Grls com honded a movement introducing a bill In tho Inst Pennsylvania Legislature asking 15,000 appropriation, but It died In committee. Tho necessity nnd tho ndvnntnges of a bridge between Philadelphia nnd Camden havo been pointed out by the advocates of juch a structure. Tho resulting direct traffic communication between the two cities and their tributaries nnd tho prob ability of a great farmers' market at ono end, of tho structure havo been udvnnced as arguments by business men, who point to tho brldgo connection between Now York and Brooklyn ns an cxampla to bo followed. The military advantages of such a brldgo also has ben emphasized. A bridge to span tho Dolawaro has been designed by Walter Williams Shipley, an architect and engineer, who estlmnted the maximum cost of the structuro nt 124000,000. His plans arc fc a high-level, 'double-deck, cantilever steel bridge, over which trolley tracks, auto speedways, truck nnd dray deck nnd footwnys nro to" extend. Two columns of masonry, one at, tho Market street plsr-head lino nnd the other nt tho Cooper street, Camden, pler-licad line, would support tho bridge, which would bo 1970 feet lone between the piers. Approaches of a 3.2 por cent, grado from 6th street, this city, and from 6th cr 7th street, Camden, are planned. Tho drawings show that freo passage of ships beneath tho bridgo would be permitted, the bridgo being 160 feet nbove water. Tho contemplated width is 133 feet. Designs for n bridge, drawn three yenrs ajo, wero rejected by tho Government because tho supporting columns would have been placed In the bed of the river, obstructing navigation. Tho plans nt that time also wero for a Government appro priation. $5,000,000 FIRE LOSS IN CARGOES FOR ALLIES Continued from l'ogo One jat the scene of tho conflagration when 'It was nt Its height, described It ns tho iblffjest water-front fire ho hnd ever seen. 1 As soon ns the flames were controlled n, official Inquiry was begun. Ttf 1 OtiriiTrtWIA. , 4- W.J 1 . . imuiiiiiuiu, reu, w. r euenu inves 'tlgatlon of the Area aboard the Bteam ehlpa Bolton Cnstlo nnd Pacific will bo started this morning by New York De partment of Justice agents under Cap jtaln Offiey and by the neutrality squad M the customs service under Special Dep uty Lamb. COUNTRY CLUB NOMINATES Huntingdon Valley Organization to Re-elect John W. Pepper At the annual meeting of the Hunting don Valley Country Club, John W, Pep per, who has been tho president for a number of years, will bo re-eleced for an Pther year. ,mhlr Prominent Phlladelphlans who t'i be elected to official positions in e Country Club will be: Vice presidents, T, Stotesbury and George "W. Elklnsj jreaiurer, William A. Law; secretary, worge ii. Frailer; members of the board governors. Colonel John Grlbbel, Ed ward B. Smith, Alexander Van Rensse ffn'. ay Coke and J. Rutherford Mc Allister, nnd members of the committee on the admission of new members, J. S. "" H' ! Brown and Charles M. B. Cadwallader. The annual meeting, at which these nominations will be confirmed, will be new at the clubhouse on February !8. er the meeting and election the mem bra will be guests of Mr. Pepper at a What Shell Shock Is 'n'n a big shell explodes it creates a sudden nnd very great pressure in the surrounding air. This pressure causes SiVl shock." from which thousands of oidlers have suffered during this war. enough there Is not the slightest sign of J orulse or Injury In any way, yet men ""been completely Incapacitated for months after a big shell has burst near Sometimes, Indeed, tho sudden air pres re has been so terrific that men have ?. kled outright from It, although no wrtion of the shell has hit them. Others fcome temporarily deaf, dumb or blind. , .narly every case. Indeed, the eye "sat l affected and does not become nor- 'until months after. nere have been a number of cases, too, ere soldiers have lost their memory "" to shell shock, and are unable to ihT ze a"y ot 'heir friends, though rw nurma' in every other way uoctora have riot yet been able to ej- How the shock actually affects the "My tUau,h they state that the cure Is u mattei of time, the body slowly Hal '" "a1, as H w" - m o LOCATION OF PROPOSED BRIDGE OVER 5 "ii i ir 1 1 inn .. ? U l IfSni ni ni tc ! rSr tkj 1 -nw. k. Ill - .. 1 1 . . zt- I i?HCTw'mi 1." I I 9 LsL ROOT SOUNDS RATTLE CRY OF THE CAMPAIGN Cnntlniied from Vnnti Ono greatest demonstration camo -when ho re ferred to tho failure of tho American Government to assert Itself when Belgium was Invaded. In violating tho neutrality ot Belgium, Mr. Boot paid, Germany not only shocked nil liberty-loving Amcrlcnns, but broke her International lnw contract with tho United States Whether Middle West Republicans, par ticularly those with Inrgo German-American constituencies, will npprovo nny refer ence In tho Republican platform nt Chi cago to tho Belgium affair was a subject of great spcculntlon todny. In the prepared copy of his speech Mr. Root referred in friendly manner to Col onel Roosevelt ns ono of tho critics of tho Wilson Administration's foreign policy. Ho omitted this referenco to Roosevelt In his speech last night. REPUBLICANS' CHANCE. Mr. Root's opening words wero an nvownl of tho uppermost Importnnco of tho presidential cnmpalmi nnd of tho fnct thnt "for tho first tlmo In 20 yenrs wo enter tho field ns tho paity opposition." It was, however, to the diplomatic rec ord of tho Wilson Administration that tho former Secretary of State nddrcsscd himself at grcntcr length. "Wo have begun to renllze." ho snld, "that America Is no longer Isolated; thnt our nation can no longer live unto Itself nlono or stand aloof from the rest of mankind; thnt wo must play some pait In tho progress of civilization, rocosnlzo somo duties as correlative to our rights. For tho first tlmo within the memory of men now living tho International relations of tho United States, long deemed of tri lling1 consequence, nro recognized as vital." "How shnll wo piny our pnrt In tho world? Have selfish living nnd fnctionnl qunrretlng and easy prosperity obscured tho spiritual vision of our country? Havo wo still national Ideas? Will anybody Uvo for them? Would anybody dlo for them? Or nro wo nil for enso nnd com fort nnd wealth at any price?" THE MEXICAN POLICY. Concerning President Wilson's Mexican policy, Mr. Root said: "Ho Intervened In Mexico to aid ono faction In civil strifo against another. Ho undertook to pull down Hucrta and set Cnrranza up In his plnce. "And," ho added, "for tho death and outrage, the suffering nnd ruin ot our own brethron, tho hatred and contempt for our country, and tho dishonor of our namo In that land, tho Administration at Washington shares responsibility with tho Inhuman brutes w'th whom It mado common cause." THE WAR IN EUROPE. Referring to tho war In Europe, tho for mer Senator said In part: "A study of tho Administration's policy toward Europo since July, 1914, reveals three fundamental errors. First, tho lack of foresight to make timely pro vision for backing up American diplo macy by nctunl or assured military and naval force. Second, tho forfclturo of tlio world's respect for, our assertion of rights by pursuing tho policy of making threats and falling to mako them good. Third, a loss of tho moral forces of tho civilized world through falluro truly to Interpret to tho world the spirit of tho American dem ocracy In Its attitude toward tho terrible events which accompanied tho early stages of tho war. Finally tho President, not leading, but following, has shifted his ground, has re versed his position, and aBks the country to prepare against war. God grant that ho be not too late." THE LUSITANIA EPISODE. Rovlowlng nt length tho Lusltnnln epi sode, which ho described ns tho "very thing our Government hnd warned Ger many she must not do," but which, ho said, "Germany did of set purpose, and In the most contemptuous and shocking wny." Mr. Root continued: "The later correspondence has been con ducted by our State Department with dig nity, but It has been futile. An admission of liability for damages has been Becured, but the tlmo for real protection to Amer ican rights has long Blnco passed, and throughout tho world tho phrnso 'too proud to fight' became a byword of de rision nnd contempt for the Government of the United States. WRONG DONE IN BELGIUM. "The American people were entitled not merely to feel but to speak concerning the wrong done to Belgium. It was not like Interference In the internal affairs of Mexico or any other nation, for this was an International wrong. The law pro tecting Belgium which was violated was our law and the law of every other civi lized country. 'DANOEROUS POLICIES." "Such policies as I havo described are doubly dangerous In their effect upon foreign nations and In their effect at home. It Is a matter of universal ex perience that weak and apprehensive treatment of foreign nffairs Invites en croachments upon rights nnd leads to situations In which It Is difficult to' pre vent war, while a firm nnd frank policy at the outset prevents difficult situations from arising and tends most strongly to preserve peace. On the other hand. If a Government Is to be strong In Its dlplo macy Its own people must be ranged In Its support by leadership of opinion In n national cause worthy to awaken their patriotism and devotion. "Wo have not been following the path of peace. We have been blindly stumbling MILK LEO suiterera can get roller ny using- a Corliss Laced Stocking Lacea like a lesslng. Comfort able, porou.. llaht, tJj0I,?vr able, economical. BANITAHx can be boiled with op and water. No rubber to draw or rot. ilada to meaeure. IJ.JB each, or two for name limb, 13 on poatpald. Cull und be meaiurcd free, or write lor aelf-meaaure-ment Wank No. 10. For !. Ulcere, Vorlcoee Velne, Snellen !., Ankles Weakness, and other UtK Troublet. We uleo make non-elaitlo Abdomliial Delta to order. Hours V to S dally, except Sat urday 0 to 4. Peona.CorllssLlmb Specialty Co, 430 Heed lllda. I'hone -Wat. 991. 1811-13.13 Filbert St.. Fhlla. PAKOEL POST PRINTING pjrat-class work, good stock, at following prfi 1000 Envelopes (No. 0!i) 1-00 1HOO Business Cards , - 1000 Letter Heads..., J-J" 1000 Hill Beads i . J-fjJ lOOO Statements J-j 10OO Note Heads . .,.. ':" Mark copy plainly when orderlntr. Keystone Process Company l North Third St. ramden, N. J. - " 1..- . .,... uima ATI. SIZKA. &3JMJ lUUUlllVfi "v.M.w.i:,Vi-""r I 1,61 V SAVE JTKU3I a v I I i jwjtz juw co" AUfU JHM 6 -r- S S X1 J I ill II 1 3r&. I Tf J along tho rond that continued will lend to Inevitable war." UGPUIlTiICANS HERE SAY ROOT'S SPEECH IS CAMPAIGN KEYNOTE Stimrt, Cnrson, Grlbbel nntl Totld Call It Mastcrptcco Scnntor Root's Bpeech before tho New York Stnto Rcpubllcnn Convention In Cnr ncRlc Ilnll, Now York, Inst night, was looked upon In Philadelphia today as a stirring cnmpnlgn document. As former Governor Edwin S. Stunrt put It, "It will bo tho kcynoto of tho coming presidential campaign." Georgo W. Norrls, former Director of Public Works nnd a Democrat, made an swer to Mr. Root, but otltsldo of this slnglo Initnnco all tho comments praised tho address. In places like tho Union Lengue and the Manufacturers' Club, where tho best ele ments of tho Reptfhllcan strength nro rep resented, tho mldrcs.1 was tho general toplo of conversation, nnd admiration for tho speechmnkcr was ns often expressed ns wns ndmlrntlon for the speech. Nearly every ono placed him superlatively at tho head of tho country's public men. PRAISED BY STUART Governor Stuart was enthusiastic over the fine stnrt tho speech gnvo tho Rc publlcnn cnmpnlgn. "Of course," ho said, "tho speech ex pressed my sentiments, ns It did thoso of Rcpubllcnn partisans, -jut tho big thing Is thnt coming from a mnn like Senator Root, whom I consider, by rcn son of his native ability and wldo expe rience, tho most competent man In pub lic life todny, tlio speech last night will furnish tho keynoto for the Republican cnmpnlgn." Hnmpton L. Carson, ex-Attorney Gen eral of Pennsylvania, said: "Senator Root Is a man of most com manding nblllty, nnd anything coming fiom him commands attention." John Grtbocl's comment was equally admiring, Ho snld: "Scnntor Root's speech Is n very strong dellvcrnnco nnd clearcut stntcment of tho nctunl facts, and tho sooner tho country realizes tho situation as ho pictures It, tho better oft it will bo for tho coun try." Mr. Hampton Todd, ex-Attorney General of Pennsylvania: "Senator Root's speech Is a very tcm poroto statement of tho Republican point of view." NORRIS ASSAILS SPEECH. Georgo W. Norrls said: "Mr. Root's speech Is frnnkly stated to bo an Indictment an attempt to "bring tho Democratic party to the bar of public Judgment.' Framed as It Is, with all of Mr. Root's great skill, and Including long arguments on each point. It Is Impossible to answer In a few paragraphs. A casual rending of It, however, shows It is founded on assumptions, some of which nro ncccpted by a few nnd nil of which will bo denied by many. "Eor cxumplo, ho assumes there wns 'a steady clecrcaso In American production, in exports and In revenues, and a steady Increase In Imports and expenditures' during tho 18 months preceding tho war, ami that this was duo to 'Democratic control.' "As a matter ot fact, In so far as these facts oro truo ot nil, they wero duo prln clpnly to world-wldo conditions nnd to a limited oxtcnt to temporary unsettloment of business necessarily resulting from the tailft change. "Mr. Root further assumes our present prosperity Is wholly deu to the European war, whllo tho fact Is that thnt property exists In many lines of business not af fected by tho war, and may just ns well bo credited to tho sauo tariff under which we are now living. NO CREDIT GIVEN DEMOCRATS. "In his discussion of conditions likely to exist after the war, he assumes what most able economists deny, and gives no credit to tho Democratic party for tho efforts which It has already Inaugurated to meet those conditions whatever they may prove to be. "He criticises tho lack of timely provis ion for backing up American diplomacy by military nnd nnval force, Ignoring tho fact that neither tlmo nor public sentiment per mitted the Administration to act more promptly than they did. "As to Belgium, lie voicos with elo quence tho feeling which, undoubtedly, ani mates a largo part of the American peo ple, hut he again Ignores International dif ficulties In the way of n protest which nre fiecly recognized both in England nnd France, nnd even nmong the Belgians themselveB. He crltlses the President for having undertaken, as ho puts It, 'to pull down Huerta and set Cnrranza up In his place,' It would seem a little Inconsistent fa" him to urgo In the same address that wj should protest against murder and de struction In Belgium and give our assent nnd approval to tho rule In a neighboring country as a man who secured power solely by treachery and assassination." Fooled! He Dlt "Yes, I told father that white poker chip I dropped was a peppermint tablet." "Did he swallow It?" .1 tK5Hri.' taFL Turn Your Surplus Furniture Into Money DON'T let it stand in yourattic or storeroom to gather dust and decay with age. Sell it now, while it is in good condition. Hundreds of people may be needing the very furniture you have stored away. - Look o,ver your aged attic accumulations; sell what you don't need. A small carefully writ ten ad in the Ledgers' Classified columns will bring eager buyers. Phone r LEDGER OFFICE a. Walnut or Main 3000 DELAWARE SIVER TnMnnnnmol tm a qaseign-T-C MASKED WIDOW GIVES CHESTNUT ST. THRILL Continued from I'nitr One tho mnsk nnd her nttcntlvo brother socmed nnnoyed. Finally they permitted thorn solves to bo Interviewed, but It nppenred dlstnsteful to both. "Dorothy Kensington" woro a light, filmy wnlst nnd n close-fitting blue skirt. Thcro was not a Jewel In evidence. In somewhat distressed tones she ex plained that" she woro tho mask to avoid social nnnoynnces. "I belong to nn Amcrlcnn family of htgh social stnudlng In this country," she snld. "A few years ago when wo wero In Lon don I met a young English officer. Ho was poor but manly and although my father, who Is woll established In business In this country, objected, I married him. Wo wero happy until the grent wor started. Ho went to tlio front with his regiment. Sev ern! months ngo I received word that ho had fallen while fighting bravely at Ypres. I was heart-broken, yet I feared to let my parents hero know of tho trouble. I cabled my brother and ho Joined mo In London. Ho hnR ncted as my protector ever since liccauso ho is ot tho same independent spirit ns I. Wo will not nsk help of my people. "You wonder why I wenr the mnsk? Well, I cannot benr tho sneers of thoso who know mo when I was better situated. "I concluded, and my brother ngrecd with me, that tho mnsk would be the best thing to hide my Identity. I wnnt no nld from nny one. Of course, wo need funds; I would work ns a waitress or In n mill! In fnct, at nnythlng which would cnnble us to exist." Tho masked widow's brother, who watched her closely as she unfolded tho Btory, nodded his hend In approval. "I am ot tho same spirit," ho declared. "I would work as n strect-clenncr or n wnlter or In nny wny thnt will bring mo enough to cnt and a placo to sleep." Mr. Kensington could not remember the nnmo of tho church In which his sister was married, but declared that It wns of tho Protestant Eplscopnl faith. "My sister cannot tell nil," ho snld. "ns wo ennnot tnko nny risk which would dlsctoso her Identity." Tho loyal brother ndmltted that his widowed sister hnd considerable nblllty ns a singer. This stntement seemed to rovlvo the spirit of tho mnsked widow, nnd sho snld sho would bo glad to vol untocr at my muslcnl br affair which might bo given for charity. Sho Insisted, however, that sho would havo to wear tho mnsk on such nn occasion. Early this afternoon the pair suddenly decided to leave tho Adclphla. The brother rushed to tho clerk, paid the bill out of a big roll of notes and left tho hotel In n taxi. After a hurried trip through tho central section of tho city they cvontu ally landed nt tho Continental Hotel, whore they registered and were assigned to modest rooms. They wero traced there with much dif ficulty. The masked widow's brother said In n hoarse whisper, "Wo cannot talk nt the present moment." Tho woman denied sho wns nn actress or engaged In a curiosity advertising campaign. Tho man denied that ho was a press agent. BIG OPERATION FOR CAMDEN Real Estate Firm Will Build 75 Dwellings Sehwcnk & Knusel, real estate brokors, of Camden, so soon as weather conditions permit, will build 75 dwellings on Princess avenue, from Park boulevard to Walnut street. Both tildes of tho avenue are to bo used. Negotiations for the purchase of tho ground havo been completed nnd It Is un derstood tho price was moro thnn $20,000. Tlio houses nro to contnln six rooms nnd bath, comented cellars, heatera and porches. It Is tho aim of tho builders to offer them for rent nt about $16 a month As work Is to be started Just so soon ns tlio ground is in condition for excavating It Is expected they will be ready for occu pancy by May. Tho continuous demnnd for $16 mid $17 houses. In tho Parkslde sec tion, convinced Schwenk & Kausel ot the wisdom of nn operation of this magnitude. "West Philadelphia Night" in Darby Churches In Paschalvlllo, Klngsesslng, Clearvlew and other sections or south western Philadelphia observed "West Philadelphia Night" at tho Nlcholson Hcmluger evangelistic meetings In Darby Inst night. The Rev. William P. Nichol son preached the sermon, and startled his hearers with the stntement that "some of you men nnd women havo tried to be Christians for 30 years and have not yet reached true salvation." VICTOR or COLUMBIA RECORDS YOU'RE TIRED OF Bring them to us. We will ejchanie them for others or buy them. Keep your collection fresh In this way at small cost. Lares as sortment from which you can choose, lnclud. Ine Bed Seal. Call and Investigate. Everybody's JUSSi, age 100 N. 10th St. Juat nbove Arch. Open Evenings, TRINCERAMENTI NEMICI DISTRUTTI DA BATTER1E ITALIANS SULL'ISONZO I VolivoH Nemici Che Attacca- rono Sabato Milnno Volarono Assai Vicino al Confine Svlzzero alio Stelvio DUE FERITI A RIMINI ROMA, 1(! Febbralo. L'na mnggloro Intenslln' dcll'nzlone dl nrtlgllerla nulla fronte dctl'IsonJio e' so gn.tlnln oggl nel rnpporto del gencrnto Cn dorna. I.e batterle Itallano'hanno rlpreso a bombardaro vlolentcmcnto lo poBlzlonl nustrlnche. Kcco II teslo del rnpporto del gcnernlo Cndorna como c stnto pubbll cnto nuostn mattlna dnl Mlnlstero dclln Ouerra: "Nella zona dcll'alto Isonzo c' contln unta I'lntenza nzlono dl nrtlgllcrln. Nel scttnrl del monto Mrzll o del monto Vodll ed In nuello del Monte Nero, a nord dl Tolmlno, nol nbblnmo dlstrutto col nostro fuoco dl nrtlgllerla trlncce o gnllorlo sot terrnneo del ncmlco, "Nella zona del Podgora nlcunl nostrl ropartl linnno nttaccato lo poslzlonl nomloho con grnnato a niano. ".Hull'nltoplnno del Carso lo noslre hnt tcrlo hnnno dlstrutto una pnrto dello opero campnll (trlnrcrnmcnto) del ncmlco, dls perdendono lo truppo cho lo occupnvnno. "Alcunl nornpl.inl ncmlcl hnnno volnto sopra Ilrptitonlco, In Vnl d'Adlgc, o sopra I.atlsntm. mil Tngllnmcnto, I dnnnl cnu sntl dnllo bombo gcttntc da nucstl nero plnnl sono stntl IlevI o lo poche vlltlmo In grnn pnrto borghesl. I.'atlncco dcgll ncro plnnl nemici an Schlo fu nrregtnto dnl 1'ntrlvo dl una nostra siitiadrlglla dl nvlntorl. Nolle vlclnnno dl dorlzln un nvlntnro nostio attacco' un aeroplnno ncmlco mcttcndolo In fugn." ANCHB RIMINI ATTACCATA. Oil nvlntorl nustrlacl liauno bombardato dall'alto altro duo cltta' dell'Alta Holla. Nella glomata dl lunedl' bombardarono, como fu nnmtnclato lcrl, la clttadlna Imltistrinlo ill Schlo. dove si trovnno I graiull stablllmentl Rlssl per la tessitura rtolln Innn e die o' vlclna nt confine o dlstn una nulndlclna dl mlglla da Vlccnza o cinqunnta da Venezln. All'nlba dl lcrl alcunl neroplnnl nustrl ncl. paititl evldciitcincntp dnlln Imso dl Pola, volarono su Rlmlnl o bombnrdn rono dtiU'nllo nuello cltta' cho non ha al cuna opera dl fortlllcazlone. Attnccntl pcro" dnl cnimonl speclnll Itnllnul, sll neroplnnl ncmlcl volarono sublto n dl rczlono nord-est. Lo bombo gcttnto ilagll neroplnnl su Rlmlnl fecero pochl o llcvl dnnnl c ferlrono duo persone, borghesl, si Intcnde, Rlmlnl e' n breve dlstnnzn da Forll', sul Mnro Adrlntlco, ca e' una dello plu' clegnnntl stnzlonl bnlncnrl Hallnne, oltro ml nvcro pnrecchl mngnlflcl cdlflzll storlcl medloevall. Tolcgrnmml dn Glnovrn, Svlzzcrn. dl cono ehe dello squadrlgllo dl vellvoll cho bombnrdiirouo Ravenna o Milnno, una volo" assal vlclna nl confine svlzzero, glnccho" provenlva probnllmcnto da Rlva. Una dl qilcHte mncchlno tocco' quasi II terrltorlo svlzzero ncllo vlclnanzo del Passo dello Stolvlo. Needs a Diagram Allen Hnger, who got his shoulder blade Itnockfd out of place Inst week ono day when ho got out of tho buggy to un fasten the Una, which had gotten under tho end of tin? shaft, nnd tho horse be coming frightened, was In town Satur day nnd reported ns getting nlong fine. Altona (III.) Record. Guarantee Against Future Regrets When you buy a Player-Piano, see to it that you do not purchase a future regret. The famous LESTER PLAYER-PIANO is positive insurance against everything that might cause you to look backward with dissatisfaction. The reliability of its makers is insurance against disappointment. Its durability is insurance against deterioration. Its rich, full, mellow tone lasts. Its easy action lasts. Its superb finish lasts. Your satisfaction with it lasts. With all its superiority, it is as easy to own a Lester as one of the many inferior makes. Being sold direct, all "in-between" profits of agent and jobber are eliminated, The terms are easy and confidential, We will gladly show you how conveniently you can have a Lester Player. Your Old Piano Taken in Exchange at Full Value i3rS M F. A. NORTH CO. 1306 Chestnut St. WKST I'llILA. 303 South D3d Street KENSINGTON' 3244 KeusluKton Ave. OAMPtSrf 620 Ilroadnmy TIIKNTON 200 Bast State Street Allies Renew Pledge to Liberate Belgium HAVRE, Feb. 16. The Allies today formally renewed to Belgium the solemn pledge that they will never consent to peace until Bel gium's political and economical in dependence Is completely estab lished. The message was conveyed with some ceremony by the Ministers of the Allies to the Belgian Govern ment, established here. Tho En tente diplomats went to the For eign Office in n body to present the joint message from their Govern ments. Though Premier Asquith nnd French Ministers have reiterated at frequent intervals that the Al lies would consider no peace thnt failed to gunrantcc Belgium's res toration, today's formnl statement is thought to havo been mado as n direct nnswer to recent talk in Ger many of n pence between Germany nnd Belgium. JOHN C. GKADY STIUCKEN Retired Politician Taken to Hospital as Result of Apoplexy John C. Grndy. former Stnto Scnntor nnd Director of Whnrves, Docks nnd Fer ries In tho Royburn .mltnlnlstrntlon, wns stricken with apoplexy while rending a newspaper Inst Sunday nnd hns slnco been In the Mcdlco-Chlrurglcnl Hospital, where his condition Is considered serious. Ho Is GS yenrs old. His homo Is nt 1S10 ChCBtnut street. For many yenrs Senator Crndy wns n striking llguro In Pennsylvania politics. In 1S7B ho wns elected to tho Stato Senate, serving In Hint body for 23 yenrs, ono of tho longest periods of service on record. For 12 yenrs ho wns chnlrmnn of tho Judiciary (lenernl Committee, nnd for 14 yenrs he wns chnlrmnn of tho Finance Committee. His senatorial career was ended In 1001. Mr. Grndy Is a nntlvo ot Hastport, Me. Ho camo to this city In tho early COs. Ho was educnted In tho Centrnl High School nnd tho University of Penn sylvania Law School. Brick Throws Driver From Wagon A pleasant dny dream which liruce Thorton experienced while sleeping on the scat of his wngon wns rudely Inter rupted by an lco-covcrod brlclc. It Jarred the wagon, threw It out of Its course rfnd tumbled the sleeping driver to tho street. When he nwoko ho found himself sitting on the nsphnlt nnd tho wngon was still going, liven the horso didn't stop to sympathize. After stopping tho wngon a policeman bundled Thorton Into tho vehicle nnd drove to the West Philadel phia Homeopathic Hospital, There It wos found that his left leg wos fractured. Thorton lives nt 63th nnd Ludlow streets. DINING ROOM FURNITURE all styles, any finish, i n the Februnry Sale. SPECIAL Low Prices All ThU Month VICTORY CO. 15215-17 Market St.i 5v!2l Li iiiil i F. A. NORTH CO, 1300 Chestnut St. Philadelphia Please send me booklet and complete description of your Lcater 1'layer-riauoi also details of easy-payment plan without Interest or extras. Name , Address . ... Bve. Lai 2- 1 13 niTtniNO IS North 3th street SCHANTON- 020 Spruce Street AVILUES.UA HUB 170 South alula Street NOUHISTOWN 223 West Mala Street 4000 ATTEND JERSEY JITNEY BILL HEARING A s s c m b lymen Representing Street Railway Company Boldly Defend Client TRENTON, Feb. 16. The House Mu nicipal Corpornllons Committee today held n, hcnrlng on the Kates Jitney bill, which Is being fought by nearly 4000 drivers and owners of Jitneys In the Slnt. While tho gnltorles wero filled with bcr sons Interested In tho matter. Assembly mnn West, of Gloucester, chnlrmnn ot the committee, snld (hero was no desire to have tho bill rushed through the House. Assemblyman Kates, of Camden, father of tho measure, said ho did not care whether or not It affected tho I'ubllo Serv ice Street Railway. Ire Is the Introducer of tho measure. Tho hearing vaa the re suit of tho coming of 1600 Jltilcy men to the Stnto Houso two weeks ago nnd de manding the recommitting of the bill nnd tho allowing of a hcnrlng on 1L Tho uprising cnuscd tho return of the mensura to committee last Monday night. The Jitney men were represented by npenkci-B In tho persons of Georgo T. Cnssldy, of Jersey City, president of tho New Jersey Jltnoy Association; Charles P. Glllen, Commissioner of Pub lic Works of Ncwnik; Assemblymen Kulke, of Hudson, nnd Dadloy, of Pas saic; Paul J. O'Noll. president ot the Atlnntlc City Jitney Men's Association; Leo Wnshlngton, n Inwyer, of Atlnntlc City, nnd Dr. Underwood Corcornrl, also of that resort. Kx-Senntor Kdmund W. Wakelcc, of Bergen County, wns the main exponent of the virtues of tho measure. He Is counsel for tho Public Service Railway Company. There wero other representa tives of the samo trnctlon corporation who favored tho bill on the ground that tho Jitneys weio tnklng away their profits. Watch the chap who uses a REXINOL JHAVING STICK Sec how easily ho rubs up a thick, creamy lather, how smoothly the razor slips through it! Notice that he doesn't waste time sopping: on some afte'r shavinp; lotion. Most of all, watch his look of satisfaction as he runs his hand over his smooth, cool, comfortable face the gentle Rcsinol medication' has eliminated everjr trace of dryness, smarting or irritation. Sold by all good druggists. For trlal-Blze stick free, write to DepL -M, Reslnol, 'Baltimore, Md. Prescribed by physicians. In Hestnol Ointment, (or SO years In treatlnc skin aftectlons. J3 .W p i t ' i Vt'CTS i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers